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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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I had no intention of watching Agent Carter but now I'm intrigued..do I have to watch something else like Shield or some Marvel movie before, or is it not directly tied?
Also, all the discussions on this board provided the final push I needed to start with The Good Wife, even if the five/six season to catch up on kind of scare me :)
Be proud of yourselves!


ETA: Forgive the OT, when I posted this morning apparently I wasn't awake enough  to realize it wasn't the Small Talk thread :)

Edited by looptab

I had no intention of watching Agent Carter but now I'm intrigued..do I have to watch something else like Shield or some Marvel movie before, or is it not directly tied?


No need to watch Shield and I think they did a clever thing in the 2nd episode to demonstrate that she is so much more than Captain America's left behind girlfriend.

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I liked the fact they did it so you wouldn't even have had to see Captain America to understand and follow what was happening. They give you enough back story with the movie clips to let someone just tuning into Agent Carter to go right along while possibly encouraging them to see the movie. And it was a lot of fun too. Though I'm not really sure what purpose Jarvis really serves. Is he there to be Peggy's comic relief?

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Jarvis is her sidekick for now; that seems like enough. He serves the same purpose Diggle did at the beginning of S1, so we could get rid of Oliver's voiceovers. Jarvis is the only person who is in on her real mission; he's there so she has someone to play off of in those scenes, and confide in, and provide assistance when it would be impractical for Peggy to be everywhere at once. I loved Jarvis. I loved Sousa too, but that might just be due to my undying love for Enver Gjokaj.

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I loved the first two episodes of Agent Carter that aired last night!  While I think it would be helpful to watch Captain America: The First Avenger (the first CA movie) in order to fully appreciate Peggy's feelings of loss over Steve Rogers' "death", it's not necessary.  


Tuesday is going to be my fun TV night, with The Flash at 8, Agent Carter at 9 and Person of Interest at 10.  It'll be a much needed midweek break, since I don't see myself looking forward to Arrow any more - at least not for the foreseeable future.


Now I wish more than ever that they'd shorten Arrow's season to 13 episodes, tighten up the series to focus on Oliver and stop diluting the episodes with B plots involving other "superheroes", and give those other superheroes their own limited-run series.  Then the Atom series and BC series could sink or swim on their own.

Edited by tv echo
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Sousa is being so nice and well presented, I'm almost certain he'll drop the crutch and be revealed to be a Hydra agent an episode before the finale.


Also, I love Jarvis. It must be the accent. Still, would have been a blast if Jarvis was played by Paul Bethany, woulnd't it?


Peggy Carter rekindled my desire to wear red lipstick and curl my hair.

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I ordinarily wouldn't post Flash news here but, given the number of Spartacus actors that have appeared on Arrow...


‘The Flash’ Casts ‘Spartacus’ Star Liam McIntyre as Weather Wizard 2.0

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Peggy Carter is how women should be written. Strong but human, intelligent and resourceful and occasionally vulnerable. She feels real, in a way that so many TV women don't. Of course, it helps when you've got someone the calibre of Hayley Atwell playing her.


And she's a woman with a male sidekick. How refreshing.


But why on earth would anyone want to go back to Agent Beige Coulson after that?

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Ha, I guess The Flash didn't want Arrow to hog all the former Spartacus actors!  They even got the big guy himself! Or at least one of them (still sad that Andy Whitfield past away as young as he did.  Damn cancer.)


But, they still have ways to go.  Both Flash and Arrow need to keep at it!  Still need to find roles for Craig Parker, Viva Bianca, Dustin Clare, Peter Mensah, Jamie Murray, and the rest.  Or, bust out the big bucks and get John Hannah and Lucy Lawless!  Come on, shows!  Do it!

Edited by thuganomics85
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I'm really surprised that Agent Carter didn't have higher ratings.  It didn't do bad but nothing great.  (1.9 in the 18-49 and 6.7 million.)  It feels like a show that could grow from good word of mouth.  I know I'd recommend it to any and everyone. 


I watched it last night but others in my family only watched it today so I half rewatched it and on the second viewing, I liked the second episode even more than the first. 

Was hoping it would have spectacular ratings, word of mouth might work for it. Some of my co-workers were really egar to see it when I told them about it today...alas we live in Australia and count for nothing :)


ETA: Interesting to note was better than Shield's ratings this season.

Edited by Genki

Peggy Carter is how women should be written. Strong but human, intelligent and resourceful and occasionally vulnerable. She feels real, in a way that so many TV women don't. Of course, it helps when you've got someone the calibre of Hayley Atwell playing her.

I agree.  All too often, I see a supposedly "strong" woman depicted in a very one-dimensional way - as someone super bitchy, as someone who can fight, or as someone who insists on getting her own way all the time.

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I wasn't able to watch Agent Carter until last night, but I absolutely loved it. Peggy's always been my favorite female character in the MCU anyway, so it wasn't exactly a tough sell, but still. Hayley Atwell really impressed me, especially in how she was able to take on different personas. I'm looking forward to seeing where it's going, especially the hint that Howard might have an agenda he hasn't let Peggy in on yet. I think I have a new favorite show. :)

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Supergirl on Flash, fine. I'd love to see Barry meeting an Alien. She'd fit in with the other powered people on that show.


Arrow, no. That show is becoming less and less about Oliver's journey into becoming Green Arrow. Even Laurel who has done nothing at all for 3 seasons gets her unearned comic name before him. Adding all these other heroes who in reality are much more useful than him doesn't help him at all. Unless he plans on hanging up his hood and living a regular life. Then the show could still be called Arrow, I guess because the other heroes/villains shoot arrows, sometimes.

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I'll have to see how I feel about the Supergirl show before I can judge who I feel about crossovers. I do agree that she automatically works on Flash but they need to give me something else (her non hero persona) for her to work on Arrow. It would be too weird otherwise.

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Although this article is about The Flash, it does make several comparisons to Arrow (esp. check out #1 on both right and wrong lists)...


The Flash: 7 Things That Season 1 Has Done Right (And 3 It Hasn’t)
Laura Hurley CONTRIBUTOR   3 hours ago

Edited by tv echo

I guess Guggenheim doesn't have enough to do...


Justice League Member Vixen Coming to CW Seed
By Russ Burlingame  01/11/2015

Arrow's Marc Guggenheim will bring an animated series based on DC Comics' Vixen to The CW's online component, CW Seed, the network announced today at the Television Critics Association... The series expected to debut in the fall and will share a universe with The Flash and Arrow....
Edited by tv echo
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TVLine is claiming that the CW is "eying" an Atom spinoff.



Jesus Christ, that would be the worst show on television. Brandon Routh can barely hold down a convincing guest spot, let alone headline his own show. DC need to hire much better people, from top to bottom, if they ever want to be more than the laughing stock of the world of superhero fiction.

If everyone who is not a Ray fan shows support for an Atom series, maybe that will transition him off Arrow sooner rather than later.  I think they have plans for him through at least the early part of season four but after that who knows.

I would think they'd move him over to The Flash before the spinoff, it's the better rated show and allows them to fully explore the powers/special effects.

If everyone who is not a Ray fan shows support for an Atom series, maybe that will transition him off Arrow sooner rather than later.  I think they have plans for him through at least the early part of season four but after that who knows. 


But then it would just get cancelled after eight episodes and they'd bring him right back to Arrow. Brandon Routh would be more at home on Hannibal, I think. If he ever gets the chance to actually play a psychopath, he'll probably win an Oscar for it.

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I would think they'd move him over to The Flash before the spinoff, it's the better rated show and allows them to fully explore the powers/special effects.

Agreed, He'd be kind of pointless on Arrow with his superpowers, or rather he'd take care of all of bad guys on his own and make Oliver unnecessary.

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Agreed, He'd be kind of pointless on Arrow with his superpowers, or rather he'd take care of all of bad guys on his own and make Oliver unnecessary.

I agree that if he's on the show, it makes Oliver redundant...if he's going out as the Arrow.  Of course that plays right into my speculation about how the season will end. 

I've never seen this Ray guy (because I still haven't watched even 1 ep of Arrow s3 and most likely never will), but is he really popular in any circles? I mean, I know everyone here hates Laurel (and so do I), but there are at least some vocal fans of her out there... Is it the same with him? I've read the article and it felt weird, because at least with Barry, he was well-received on Arrow and Flash is a well-known superhero, compared to this Atom guy I've personally never heard about before this show. 


Also, if this show were to be launched, it would be 3 superheroes on air romantically involved with Felicity at some point, which is honestly hilarious. 

Edited by FurryFury
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I've never seen this Ray guy (because I still haven't watched even 1 ep of Arrow s3 and most likely never will), but is he really popular in any circles? 


He's really not. He played Superman in Superman Returns, and was okay, but that movie was a bit of a flop. He played Daniel Shaw in Chuck, and was there for the same reason he's on Arrow: A 'ship delaying tactic. He was so reviled (honestly, I still haven't forgiven them for the way that arc was written) that the show's ratings dropped even further than their usual precarious position, and the writers quickly adjusted their plans to get him out of the picture a half dozen episodes before they originally intended.


Other than that? He was in Scott Pilgrim for a few minutes, and was okay. I guess you could say he's a minor, not particularly well liked genre figure. Definitely doesn't have the geek cache of a John Barrowman or a Summer Glau.

Ray must be far more popular than I think if they're eyeing an Atom spinoff.

Or they're trying to hype Ray up

with his big arc coming while Oliver is conveniently dead

and it will be Birds Of Prey is so happening 2, Oops it isn't.


Ray off Arrow would be a step in the right direction for me, but it's wishful thinking I fear.

I just checked the Flash development. The development was OK'd in July, the backdoor pilot and Barry's turn on Arrow locked in September. Before January 29th, when the pilot was officially ordered, the CW executives had decided, based on the early cuts of Barry to change for a full-fledged pilot, not only a backdoor one.

The CW executives have had more than early cuts of Ray so far. So I'm not too optimistic.


@FurryFury I don't think that Ray is as unpopular as Laurel seems to be, but IIRC he was the second most disliked new character on Arrow in a poll on Spoiler TV, after DJ Douche. I think he's very popular with comic fans, and very unpopular with Felicity/Oliver fans. You do the math ;)

Edit: this is a personal impression on a general trend; not presuming on anyone's personal likes/dislikes.

Edited by Happy Harpy

@FurryFury I don't think that Ray is as unpopular as Laurel seems to be, but IIRC he was the second most disliked new character on Arrow in a poll on Spoiler TV, after DJ Douche. I think he's very popular with comic fans, and very unpopular with Felicity/Oliver fans. You do the math ;)


Brandon Routh is not popular with any comic book fans I've ever spoken to. Liking him is akin to saying that you thought George Clooney made a really good Batman. And as for fans liking the character? Well, any Atom fans will probably be less than impressed to see that the show seems to be turning him into a low budget Iron Man, because that's really not what the Atom is about.


This is the Ray Palmer from the comic books:



Edited by Danny Franks

I've never seen this Ray guy (because I still haven't watched even 1 ep of Arrow s3 and most likely never will), but is he really popular in any circles? I mean, I know everyone here hates Laurel (and so do I), but there are at least some vocal fans of her out there... Is it the same with him? I've read the article and it felt weird, because at least with Barry, he was well-received on Arrow and Flash is a well-known superhero, compared to this Atom guy I've personally never heard about before this show. 


Also, if this show were to be launched, it would be 3 superheroes on air romantically involved with Felicity at some point, which is honestly hilarious. 


Ray Palmer isn't completely disliked - I've definitely seen some comments from people who do like him. But I'm a little surprised that they're talking about a spin-off for him - they must be very preliminary plans. He hasn't even put on a suit yet. I think he'd be fine away from Felicity; he actually is generally pretty likable, but his behavior toward her is creepy and over the line. I think I'd like him in a role where he was sans love interest, or maybe with a different love interest with a fresh start where the writers have (hopefully) learned from the mistakes they've made with him. 

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Personally, without seeing the character, but having heard the gist of him, I'm not looking forward to this supposed spin-off, simply because it's yet another show about a white male superhero. Well, I know that most of the comic books are about such guys, but I'm just sick of TV shows and movies about them. Couldn't they spin off a girl? Sara was likely way more popular than this guy (although this would have probably interfered with their hard-on for Laurel, she has to be the only Canary after all - why yes, I don't watch the show but I'm still bitter). 


Anyway, The CW has just renewed 8 fall shows and there are 2 midseason ones that haven't even premiered yet, so I suspect any possible spin-off won't happen til the season after the next.

Edited by FurryFury
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I think Ray, even with his questionable behavior could be a very likable character if they gave him more rounded interactions and more focus on WHY he acts like he acts.  If he was the focus of his own show and it had the time to pay him the right kind of attention, I really think it could be fun but the mistakes they've made on Arrow might have IMO already ruined his shot for a spin off.  They might be able to fix him, I honestly think Routh could pull that manic energy and make Ray kind of crazy fun but they haven't managed to do it yet. 

  • Love 1

I think Ray, even with his questionable behavior could be a very likable character if they gave him more rounded interactions and more focus on WHY he acts like he acts.  If he was the focus of his own show and it had the time to pay him the right kind of attention, I really think it could be fun but the mistakes they've made on Arrow might have IMO already ruined his shot for a spin off.  They might be able to fix him, I honestly think Routh could pull that manic energy and make Ray kind of crazy fun but they haven't managed to do it yet. 


I actually like Ray apart from Felicity, so I agree. I really don't think they intended to make him so creepy, and apart from her with a do-over as a love interest (or no love interest at all), I could see the appeal if they made him tone down the crazy eyes. 


I probably wouldn't watch it though, haha.

Edited by apinknightmare

Brandon Routh is not popular with any comic book fans I've ever spoken to.

Oh, but I wasn't talking about BR, only of Ray, the character. And to my surprise and dismay -because I'm so not a fan, in case it wasn't obvious- on the general TV sites that I visit, I've seen a quite a bunch of people looking forward to Ray suiting up as the Atom. For example, I saw comments on the poll wondering why people didn't like him and accusing the "fangirls" "Oliciters" of "blind hate"...you know the drill. Many were self-proclaimed comic-book fans, IIRC.

Of course, I'm under the impression that some "fanboys" wouldn't mind a donkey playing a comic book character on Arrow, as long as said character has a superhero suit (*LOL* or *sobs*? I don't know what I should do).

So imo, Ray definitely has his fans and at least isn't as widely despised as others. Not yet, at least. Not sure if he's popular enough to carry a show. I definitely don't feel the same enthusiasm as I felt there was for Barry.

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I would watch an Atom spin off.  I have an idea of what it could be like in my head.  I think they would try for a mix of serious with screwball and if they found him someone to spark with, I would have a lot of fun watching.  It would be a question of both casting and writing though so it's a crapshoot. 

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