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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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12 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

I've had a theory for a few years now that Jared might suffer from Bipolar Disorder. Watching that first video made me very sad.

Jared was so wired, Jensen seemed kind of concerned I thought.  At least we know Jared is getting therapy. He's spoken about it openly.  

43 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

Jared was so wired, Jensen seemed kind of concerned I thought.  At least we know Jared is getting therapy. He's spoken about it openly.  

Actually, I think Jensen went into "Dad" mode when he saw someone gave Jared a Red Bull (WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!).  I love the guy. And I think he's handling things VERY well given the pressure he puts on himself.  I'm grateful he shares his (Jared's) challenges with us.  

I also remember Jared apparently doing the same thing for Jensen at the beginning of S11 (I think).  They rent the guns and some other production rented his beloved pearl handled 1911.  And Jensen was just 'off' because of this and apparently wanted it back.  And in a rare moment, he made a fuss.  According to Jared (and Jensen concurred), he went up to Jensen and said "Are you okay now?  Do you need a nap?"  To which Jensen apparently said "Yes I do!"  (in jest I presume).  So, I think the boys look out for each other.  Which is quite lovely.  And honestly, if he needed to skip a con, people would be sad but they'd support him.  

Edited by SueB
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I think Jared burns himself out every once in a while.  I'm sure it's a combination of things...shooting schedule, cons, traveling, and just his personality.  He needs to learn to take a break when things start to get to him so he doesn't end up like he did a few years ago.  There's no shame in saying "I need a break".  

The reality is, even though their schedule is tough, they have it pretty good.  They've have the good fortune to be working with a cast and crew that they've worked with for years, and it is like an extended family.  I know from my own experience that working with people you like and get along with is so much easier than the alternative.  They at least don't have that tension to deal with.  And they are compensated pretty well for what they do, so I can't feel too bad for them.  I work hard too, as do most of us, and we won't ever be paid at the level these guys are.  They can afford to travel when they want, and pay to have their families come to them, if need be.  Their hours may be long, but they're not on call all the time, so a lot of the fatigue comes from just the boredom of waiting around for their next scene.

I think it's hard for them to walk away from the show because they've gotten accustomed to the financial freedom it gives them.  And the chances of them ever finding another acting job like this one are slim.  I can see them just riding this out for as long as they can.

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Oh my word. I seriously thought - before reading the caption - that that was a recent pic. 

I was thinking about this just the other day, rewatching last week's episode. I think Jared has changed so much as he's aged. Enough that to me, he really doesn't look like the same person. And I don't mean that at all in a bad way. But Jensen? Pretty much no difference. Can you tell he's older? Sure, if you look hard. Otherwise, not so much.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! to the only "brother" I've ever had and better than I could have ever asked for! @JensenAckles

From Gino, Jensen's brother in law.

Jensen's reply. 


Well now I'm blushing. (Although it could be the whiskey). Love ya bro.

Jensen went on a tweet storm last night

His reply to Misha's two tweets (model one) and Ron Howard one


Aaaaand there it is.


Yes. Ummm Happy Birthday Ron Howard

To Tim


Thanks for the song today you handsome devil. You're a man among men. #spnfamily

Jensen's reply to Marks's tweet about his daughter was born on Jensen's birthday is really sweet


Bieber, Thicke, Howard....step aside. I share my birthday with this one.

To Ruth


Thanks Ruthie...nuthin but (heart emoji)

To the fandom


Thanks for all the birthday wishes today, folks. As my Gran would say..."my cup runneth over". Cheers!

It looks like Misha, Jared, Jensen and Clif all went out for a steak dinner.



Tim Boddington‏ @timwboddington 19h19 hours ago

Happy bday big dawg... @JensenAckles STEAK it is... table for four @jarpad @mishacollins @bodyguard4JandJ


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The Women of Letter's Podcast** is an EPIC podcast this time.  In addition to 4 episodes, it also covers some movies and Vegas Con.  But it also has a few soundbites from Davy Perez regarding Stuck in the Middle.  Attached is a link and start times for various moments:

note, this is cued at the star of Regarding Dean conversation.

Full Podcast:
0:00-11:00 "Logan" Movie Review
11:00-27:00 Visit to Harry Potter World by Amy + Batman Lego movie
27:00- 40:00 Regarding Dean
40:00-1:11:00 Stuck in the Middle (With You)
  - 41:14: Perez: J2 interaction and fun
  - 49:47: Perez: The Colt (ambiguous semi-hint sorta spoiler here)
  - 56:05: Perez: Supernatural employment of an "open mythology"
  - 1:00:00: Perez: Cas' Death Bed speech
  - 1:10:20: Perez: Meeting w/ Speight prior to episode
1:11:00 - 1:22:00  Family Feud.... which bleeds into
1:22:00-2:06:00 The Raid
2:06:00-2:59:57  VegasCon

** The Women of Letters Podcast is done by two Australians, Jules from Superwiki fame and Amy from SweetOnDean.  They are generally positive about the show and don't always agree on everything but have a delightful time discussing scenes in depth.

Placed in this thread because 1) Social Media, and 2) Davy Perez interview.  The whiff of future potential topic is insufficient for a spoiler IMO but be warned it's there. 



I assume Jared must have been off set that day haha! And I'm not being sarcastic or anything. I highly doubt a newbie would deliberately try and start drama by excluding a lead for the sake of it. 

It's always nice to hear that pretty much everyone who has been on the show speaks of it favourably :)

P.S: Jensen looks like he deaged back to season 1 Dean :o 

Edited by Wayward Son
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On 3/1/2017 at 3:03 PM, bethy said:

Oh my word. I seriously thought - before reading the caption - that that was a recent pic. 

I was thinking about this just the other day, rewatching last week's episode. I think Jared has changed so much as he's aged. Enough that to me, he really doesn't look like the same person. And I don't mean that at all in a bad way. But Jensen? Pretty much no difference. Can you tell he's older? Sure, if you look hard. Otherwise, not so much.

I think this too re Jared! I just watched a few early episodes and I hardly see any of now-Jared in that baby face. He doesn't even blush like that anymore. 

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Someone on tumblr did a comparison of young Colin Ford to younger Jared to older Jared. The young Colin Ford looks more like the younger Jared than younger Jared looks like older Jared.


Ed: Maybe it's partly the difference between bangs and no-bangs forehead.

Edited by auntvi
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2 hours ago, auntvi said:

Someone on tumblr did a comparison of young Colin Ford to younger Jared to older Jared. The young Colin Ford looks more like the younger Jared than younger Jared looks like older Jared.


Ed: Maybe it's partly the difference between bangs and no-bangs forehead.

That's awesome! 

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Was I the ONLY one who was like "be CAREFUL with her head??".  Sorry, all the Mom in me could see was that child's head was less than 5 inches from a side dresser.  Dad's.  

Watched again, I think he eyeballed it and he's dropping her to the right of the dresser, it's the camera angle that fools me.  I'll need to watch again so I can adore the adorableness this time. 

Edited by SueB
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31 minutes ago, SueB said:

Was I the ONLY one who was like "be CAREFUL with her head??".  Sorry, all the Mom in me could see was that child's head was less than 5 inches from a side dresser.  Dad's.  

Watched again, I think he eyeballed it and he's dropping her to the right of the dresser, it's the camera angle that fools me.  I'll need to watch again so I can adore the adorableness this time. 

Yeah, he had it under control the whole way. 

He looks like such a fun dad. Like he seems so giving of himself. He laughs openly with his child. He is helping her build confidence in herself with her cute little "okay, I can get back up" .

Gah it's all too much! LOL

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, SueB said:

Was I the ONLY one who was like "be CAREFUL with her head??".  Sorry, all the Mom in me could see was that child's head was less than 5 inches from a side dresser.  Dad's.

Nah, he's totally got her landing in the soft spot on the bed.  He's controlling her landing, so it's cute.  Watch she lands in the same spot both times.  These are the times that will be cherish moments for her.

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