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S06.E07: Thanksgiving

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39 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Felicity is so wrong on so many levels in this fight with Curtis. Felicity is the dumbass who had never even contemplated money until Curtis mentioned that he'd been coding.

She's wrong because she wanted to save someone who saved her as well as Curtis multiple times? I wouldn't consider that wrong. Curtis is the one who grated on my nerves because he couldn't see that Oliver's life was more important than this company though. Yeah this will complicate things with the angel investors but there are more important things in life. I actually sorta blame the angel investors for not putting in the contract what they can and can't spend the money on. 

39 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Then Felicity can't come up with her own ideas so she decides she wants to mass produce Curtis' device.

This was Felicity's idea in season 4 after her paralysis because she wanted to help people in her own way. But it's kind of funny how to you, Felicity is the bad guy for wanting to help millions of people... Curtis didn't even have the idea to mass produce nor did he have the means.

39 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

. And for sure, there has been a bad case of skill set creep between the two of them, but I find Felicity's actions to be really presumptuous and imperious in this start up.

Because this was her idea. She was the one who came up with the idea to do the start up, she's the one who asked Curtis to help, she's the one who drew up the incorporation papers, she's the one who pretty much did most of the heavy lifting for this start up to actually happen. And to be fair, we don't even know if they're equal partners in this venture or how the company is set up.

39 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I don't know if it's that as a woman of color, I see how obnoxious the optics are of having Felicity tell Curtis what he can and can't do with the thing he invented. 

Felicity never told Curtis what he could and couldn't do with his technology. And as a woman of color myself, I see that Felicity actually gave Curtis every opportunity to further develop his tech instead of letting him waste away at a Tech Village. So... how is she the bad guy here?

39 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I get that many folks like and find Felicity a much more useful character than Curtis. And for sure, there has been a bad case of skill set creep between the two of them

She's useful because she can hack things and use the computer in ways Curtis can't even dream of. And if Curtis can do what Felicity does then that makes him kind of a gary stu in the sense that he can do anything which the show should stay far away from. Curtis shouldn't be as skilled as Felciity is in hacking just as Felicity has been shown not to be as experienced as Curtis in engineering and developing new tech.

Edited by WindofChange
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38 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Felicity is so wrong on so many levels in this fight with Curtis. Felicity is the dumbass who had never even contemplated money until Curtis mentioned that he'd been coding. Then Felicity can't come up with her own ideas so she decides she wants to mass produce Curtis' device. Then she unilaterally uses their investment money to bail Oliver out of jail. If Oliver goes missing, as he is so wont to do, Felicity tanked the company. I get that many folks like and find Felicity a much more useful character than Curtis. And for sure, there has been a bad case of skill set creep between the two of them, but I find Felicity's actions to be really presumptuous and imperious in this start up. I don't know if it's that as a woman of color, I see how obnoxious the optics are of having Felicity tell Curtis what he can and can't do with the thing he invented. 

For a long time now Felicity has wanted to do something good (outside of Team Arrow) to help people and she just needed a push in the right direction, becoming inspired by her friend/team mate. Not sure how that makes her a dumbass but okay.

And I didn't see it as Felicity telling Curtis what he can and can't do with whatever he invented tbh. I actually think Curtis getting indignant about their start-up being about mass producing his product to be a real reach tbh. The writers trying to create conflict that just isn't there. Who sits on an invention and gets angry about their friend wanting to mass produce it? IDGI. As I said before, she's literally giving his work a platform to help millions. 

And while I agree that she shouldn't have unilaterally used their investment money, I just saw it as a desperate action to help save her boyfriend and one that will, inevitably, bite her in the ass at some point. We all make mistakes. 

I swear, she doesn't make mistakes and she's a Mary Sue. She does and you all call her a dumbass. She can't win with some of you, clearly, and never will.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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26 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Then she unilaterally uses their investment money to bail Oliver out of jail. If Oliver goes missing, as he is so wont to do, Felicity tanked the company.

The show went through the trouble of emphasizing that Oliver isn't going anywhere. First with Dinah offering to help Oliver escape and him refusing, then even the judge pointing out that he's not a flight risk because he's the mayor and sole guardian of a minor. How ridiculous would it be for Felicity to have means to keep Oliver out of jail and not use it? What exactly do you think would happen to someone suspected of being GA if he were stuck in prison for an extended amount of time?

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6 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I don't expect this at all but I'm wondering if Siren was brought back via Lazarus pit on E2 thus the blood lust.

Well, the LP were fouled and BS wasn’t dead, only shot so I don’t think this will end up being revealed.  

4 hours ago, Trisha said:

I actually felt it more in her scene with Quentin. And one point she paused and sauntered over to him and I yelled "You stay on your side of the table!"

Anyone else think that Felicity's comment about arrowing reporters was way harsh and OOC? The reporter's question was totally valid, too. They're not all Susan Williams, Felicity.

I'm guessing that since Watson said she thinks Roy was the Arrow at Oliver's urging: 

  Hide contents

that's how Roy comes back. She somehow finds him and tries to broker a deal: testify against Oliver in exchange for dropped charges and the chance to come out of hiding. Not that I think Roy would take it...

I did think Felicity seemed overly harsh about the reporter but perhaps the Susan Williams connection is why.  Leftover resentment.  I’m ok with that.  The meta version is MG hates people questioning him.

41 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Felicity is so wrong on so many levels in this fight with Curtis. Felicity is the dumbass who had never even contemplated money until Curtis mentioned that he'd been coding. Then Felicity can't come up with her own ideas so she decides she wants to mass produce Curtis' device. Then she unilaterally uses their investment money to bail Oliver out of jail. If Oliver goes missing, as he is so wont to do, Felicity tanked the company. I get that many folks like and find Felicity a much more useful character than Curtis. And for sure, there has been a bad case of skill set creep between the two of them, but I find Felicity's actions to be really presumptuous and imperious in this start up. I don't know if it's that as a woman of color, I see how obnoxious the optics are of having Felicity tell Curtis what he can and can't do with the thing he invented. 

Felicity is the one that suggested they go into business together instead of him working at a dead end coding job so not such a dumbass.  And as ifCurtis wouldn’t have insisted they use the money to bail out Oliver.  He’s not going to say no.  It’s tricky and could bite them in the ass later, but nothing we’ve learned about Curtis suggests he’d be mad about that.  

And most of the fight between her and Curtis wasn’t really about the company or him using their company’s prototype, it was that he did so recklessly in a way that endangered their friend and she’d been completely left out of the loop of not only knowing about Diggle’s problem, but not even being consulted about a solution (their company’s prototype) that actually made the problem worse.  Curtis getting huffy about it being his invention was just him deflecting the real issue, not doing the proper testing.

Then because Felicity was hurt and upset about the Diggle situation (but he’s hurt so she pulls her punches on him) she was extra upset with Curtis, her partner not bothering to tell her about John or his Ill thought out plan of using the prototype.   It wasn’t about Curtis using the tech, it was about her being shut out from knowing something important going on with Diggle and not getting the chance to be involved.   

Then they both delved into other issues they both really didn’t have problems with judging by the fact nothing changed at the end.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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54 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Felicity is so wrong on so many levels in this fight with Curtis. Felicity is the dumbass who had never even contemplated money until Curtis mentioned that he'd been coding. Then Felicity can't come up with her own ideas so she decides she wants to mass produce Curtis' device. Then she unilaterally uses their investment money to bail Oliver out of jail. If Oliver goes missing, as he is so wont to do, Felicity tanked the company. I get that many folks like and find Felicity a much more useful character than Curtis. And for sure, there has been a bad case of skill set creep between the two of them, but I find Felicity's actions to be really presumptuous and imperious in this start up. I don't know if it's that as a woman of color, I see how obnoxious the optics are of having Felicity tell Curtis what he can and can't do with the thing he invented. 

Yeah, I don't know what they are doing with this startup storyline. I think it might just exist to cause conflict between Curtis/Felicity rather than to give them something to do outside of Team Arrow. I just can't believe how little thought they put into their company that they started it without having any kind of purpose and then they are both running off doing things behind each other back. In no world would someone go register a company without even a cursory check in with their partner who would, you know, need to sign things? Also, they could have shown Felicity being like "Hey Curtis, I am going to embezzle money from our company for this really good reason we probably both agree with, just an FYI."

They really need to work on more consistently showing how their skills complement each other because right now they just step all over each other. At least they both apologized to each other at the end. 

At first I thought that Felicity was acting like that to setup a conversation about how she wasn't his boss anymore and they were equal partners. Maybe Felicity and Curtis need to be locked in a bunker to hash out their issues as well. 

Edited by leopardprint
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Its a very Arrow Thanksgiving! Filled with drama, arrests, potential terrorist attacks, and more MYSON, just in time for the holiday season! Honestly, I thought this was a decent enough episode. I was anywhere near as bored as I was the last few weeks, and while it was choppy, I thought there was enough here that was good to keep my interest. 

First of all, I love watching Oliver, Felicity, and William doing First Family style things, like taking photo ops and handing out food at charity events and stuff. I honestly cant believe that I am actually pretty into this William stuff, and seeing he and Oliver bond with Felicity being the cool step mom. Its honestly pretty adorable, although its certainly going to fall apart when William finds out that Oliver is lying to him. Because no one in this damn franchise can just TELL THE TRUTH and save us all a lot of pointless drama. 

Really, I dont think Curtis or Felicity came off super well in their argument. Felicity should have consulted with Curtis about coming up with their name, and Curtis should have told Felicity what he was up to with Diggle, and he shouldn't have been so passive aggressive about being angry with her about the name. He should have just told her he was pissed off instead of bringing it up in the middle of the mission. It was just a bad sequence of both of them, but I guess we can write it off as growing pains for a new company. Although, Curtis complaining about not being interrogated was still pretty embarrassing. Perspective, dude. 

What is the deal with FBI lady? Not that going after vigilantes isn't something the FBI wouldn't do, but why is she making this so personal? Why is she being so unpleasant and smug all the time? The only character trait she has is "angry black lady", and thats not particularly interesting. Also, why are they even spending so much time on hunting vigilantes anyway? Haven't they noticed the multiple meta criminals, aliens, super villains, and dark wizards running around? Not to mention all the usual crime that the regular FBI deals with, that actually affects actually people.  Shouldn't they be a little more focused on them?

Digs perfect life is going the Green Arrow? Really? Screw Lyla and his baby I guess, they're a horrible curse he hates being stuck with apparently. The scene between Oliver and Dig was well acted, but Diggle was acting pretty out of character. I guess I`ll write it off to withdrawals. Maybe next week during the crossover, Oliver can ask Sara if he can use her time ship to cure his arm and end this whole stupid subplot? Please? I did really like when Dig asked Oliver if he remembers when the Dominators created their fake lives in the last cross overs, and Oliver's expression was just like "Uhhh yeah Dig. Even in a life as weird as mine, the time a bunch of world conquering aliens kidnapped us and some of our friends and stuck us in brain draining pods to make us think we lived in an alternate universe on a space ship does kinda stand out". 

Oh great. All mystery of Cayden has been wiped out, and now we get another damn MYSON thing. Is everyone's whole identity just wrapped around their sons? Well, everyone except for Diggle. Still, Michael Emmerson is still working out awesomely.

Thea is back! Awfully convenient and rushed, but I am still glad to have her back. Also, I actually officially like Rene. Now that he has things to do besides being pissed off and has actually had some funny lines, he has become a lot more likable. Still not my favorite or anything, but he is miles beyond what he was last year.

Why is Piano Man stuck in my head now?

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This whole start up storyline has been handled terribly so far. It’s less Felicity finding a way to help people outside of TA or following her passion by starting her own company and more hairbrained idea started on a whim. I’m disappointed, but this is what Arrow does; come up with good ideas and kill them in execution. 

I agree that Felicity made some mistakes. I was under the impression (from the way only Felicity was shown trying to figure out a company name) that they agreed that she was in charge of that, but it would have been a good idea to run it by Curtis really quick before she filed the papers. And yes, she shouldn’t have posted Oliver’s bail without running it by Curtis, but what other option do they realistically have? They can’t leave Oliver in jail until his trial. That would be the dumbest thing ever. One: he needs to be mayoring. Two: Diggle’s out of commission, and the B team can not handle things on their own. Three: anyone suspected of being the GA in prison is going to be a huge target. Leaving your friend in that position when you have a way to help makes you the worst  

Curtis and Dig were the real dumbasses here, using an untested treatment and then going out into the field. Lyla should come and slap them both. 

Edited by Hiveminder
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I think both Felicity and Curtis did things badly.  Felicity filed the paperwork and named the company without checking either with Curtis first. She probably also got the funding without him having much input.  Felicity is definitely the Jobs here and I don't say that as a compliment.  On the other hand, Curtis behaved in a passive-aggressive way, not talking to her about what was bothering him and injecting Diggle with the nanites without telling her.  Using the funding to bail Oliver out was technically wrong but they'll get the money back most likely before they need it for their start-up.

What I really liked about the conflict was that they could resolve it and stay friends, and resolve it so fast.  I'm ready for this to be put to bed now.

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2 hours ago, leopardprint said:

It stuck out to me that Oliver seemed to over articulate "facility" during the speech at the food drive. I wonder if the actor kept saying "Felicity" instead. 

Isn’t Stephen Canadian? I’ve noticed how Oliver will pronounce certain words the European way, like “organization.” Americans pronounce it like “organeeezation,” whereas Oliver says “organ-eye-zation.”

It could just be him tripping over which way to pronounce it?

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One thing I enjoyed about this episode is how quickly Dig and Oliver kissed and made up. Considering they have been on the outs for weeks or months (depending on which part of the season they fell out), it made me feel mushy to see them basically resolve it with, I love you more. No, I love you more, by the time the episode wrapped. 

Plus, it’s consistent with how Oliver and Felicity resolved their disagreement in 604. They fought, made up and Oliver came to lend a helping hand. It was echoed perfectly with Dig in this episode. Are they actually, dare I say it, consciously going for consistent characterzation?

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24 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Isn’t Stephen Canadian? I’ve noticed how Oliver will pronounce certain words the European way, like “organization.” Americans pronounce it like “organeeezation,” whereas Oliver says “organ-eye-zation.”

It could just be him tripping over which way to pronounce it?

I've definitely heard the Canadian before so maybe that is it. 

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Wait... So Oliver finally makes his return as the GA. Doesn't get an action scene yet still manages to end up with his face hitting the floor... What? Thanks "Speed Weed"!

How does Oliver returning as GA NOT warant a cool action sequence?

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Just now, DeadZeus said:

Wait... So Oliver finally makes his return as the GA. Doesn't get an action scene yet still manages to end up with his face hitting the floor... What? Thanks "Speed Weed"!

How does Oliver returning as GA NOT warant a cool action sequence?

Does one of Oliver's patented shoot an arrow at the sky and swing on nothing super extra jumps count?

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Something that bugs me is Helix Dynamics working out of the loft, Felicity owns an office. They spend a huge chunk of their lives hanging out underneath it. It probably wouldn't work once there are employees but it should in the short term. And it would sort of  give a reason that everyone Oliver knows goes to his abandoned campaign office all the time.

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6 minutes ago, Chyromaniac said:

Oliver’s got Buddy Myson, Slade’s kid is Yerson, and I assume that Cayden’s (which - no one Emerson’s age should have one of those dopey “-aden” names) will be known as Hizson.

Yes but what is Slade's other kid's name? 

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17 minutes ago, Chyromaniac said:

Oliver’s got Buddy Myson, Slade’s kid is Yerson, and I assume that Cayden’s (which - no one Emerson’s age should have one of those dopey “-aden” names) will be known as Hizson.

LOLOLOL . This is great and 100% accurate. LOL

9 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

LostSon since his mother hid him and Slade didn't know of his existence.

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I do have to say it at least made sense for Cayden to say “my son” because if he had just used the son’s name, Oliver would have been like “who?” Whereas in Oliver and Slade’s cases, they were “Myson-ing” like crazy around people who know their sons’ names. 

Now, if Cayden continues with the “my son” even though he has to know the team would have looked into his story, then it would be ridiculous. 

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7 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I do have to say it at least made sense for Cayden to say “my son” because if he had just used the son’s name, Oliver would have been like “who?” Whereas in Oliver and Slade’s cases, they were “Myson-ing” like crazy around people who know their sons’ names. 

Now, if Cayden continues with the “my son” even though he has to know the team would have looked into his story, then it would be ridiculous. 

They need to institute a two "My son" maximum per episode and start fining for writing above the limit. 

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Whereson, since he's in hiding.

41 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:


As in, how did his wife manage to give birth to another child without him noticing? 

If she was pregnant when he left for Lian Yu and he didn't know, and he was there for at least three years so it's possible.

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So a few things I noticed on rewatch.

Why doesn’t the booking officer in SCPD seem to know that Dinah is the ranking Lieutenant?  She’s standing right there but he never looks at her.  Doesn’t even seem to know the answer to the question until she answers it.

Black Siren botches the expression Pah-tay-toe /Pah-tah-toe.  She says Pah-tay-toe – Pah-ta-ta.  Which is hilariously odd. 

So per the little convo between the DA and Oliver, the FBI gave their case to the local city since the acts he's charged with all happened in the city.   So that’s why the Star City DA is the prosecutor.  So Watson actually only gathered info, and it’s not a federal case.

Yeah, they call BS Laurel WAY too many times.  It’s not organic to how people would react to an evil twin.  The ones that actually knew Laurel would make it a point NOT to call her Laurel.  Makes no sense. 

Is this the second time BS has blown stuff up and then done the smirky smug evil strut away?  It’s weird how they are using her.  I guess I’m not complaining, just noting how extraneous she is to the narrative beyond flunky.  Though I suppose the way they are using her, as the face of Cayden James, it would mean they could easily accommodate ME’s schedule.  He barely has to interact with anyone.

I like that Felicity and Oliver are talking about stuff that others didn’t want the other to know.  They don’t keep secrets from each other. Which of course is why Diggle instead kept his condition from Felicity.  Last week I was proud of Diggle being completely open with the team but now I'm annoyed that not only did he keep Felicity in the dark on purpose but she never gets an apology from Diggle for leaving her in the dark.  Boo.  Bad Diggle.

I like that Quentin’s current issue with “Laurel” is he blames himself for the deaths she's caused since he let her go.  I hate though that part of Dinah’s speech about seeing the best in people they care about because she doesn’t bother to remind him that BS is not his Laurel.  I really hate that no one is reminding him of that anymore

I feel like there is a missing scene.  Oliver and Diggle have a fight.  We cut back to the Bunker and Felicity finds out Oliver has talked to Diggle, he tries to stop the concert, fails and then the same day he goes back and immediately apologizes for the fight?   It’s not terrible that Oliver comes to his own conclusions but the turn around time makes little sense and it would have fit the characters better if Oliver and Felicity had a chance to talk together about their respective issues with Diggle and Curtis.  It’s part of why the scenes felt so disjointed.

Also not a fan that Felicity and Oliver are sooo professional in the Bunker that you wouldn't have a clue they were even dating.  If Diggle and Dinah and Diggle and Curtis can have private little talks, Felicity and Oliver should be allowed as well. 

Something I realized about Diggle's speech about being the Green Arrow.  He said,  "You asking me to be the Green Arrow wasn’t selfish, it was giving me the one thing I never knew I wanted."   So per this, even after the dream world, Diggle didn’t realize he wanted to wear the hood until after he started wearing it for real.  So doesn’t’ that mean that in the dream world John didn’t feel it was his perfect life?  And since he only decides being the Green Arrow was what he really wants in the real life, a life that included his wife and child and not doing it on his own with only Felicity for back up, it’s clear to me that the dream world and the real dream he wants now don’t actually match up at all.  And again, he flat out says he only wanted to be the GA after he was the GA in the real life; it's not something he came to understand while in the fake life.  In the actual fake dream world, he was the one trying to insist that OLIVER'S dream life was perfect, not that Diggle had everything he wanted. 

So yeah, I blame his compromised opinions on his withdrawal. 

About Cayden James and his son.  He doesn't actually say his kid is dead.  He said, "You cost me something dear to me, someone dear to me." and therefore he's going to burn down the city (eventually)  And the team finds out that  Owen Post, whose birth certificate says Cayden is his dad even if he never lived with him, went missing two months after ARGUS grabbed James.  So CJ might be upset about TA causing a rift between them or something else that separated them, but he could very well be alive. 

I wish we knew exactly when Cayden was picked up or at least for how long he was in custody.  Alena didn't say in that earlier episode, did she?         

Edited by BkWurm1
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29 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Why doesn’t the booking officer in SCPD seem to know that Dinah is the ranking Lieutenant?  She’s standing right there but he never looks at her.  Doesn’t even seem to know the answer to the question until she answers it.

Maybe because Oliver doesn’t either? Doesn’t he call Dinah Detective at the food drive?

30 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I wish we knew exactly when Cayden was picked up or at least for how long he was in custody.  Alena didn't say in that earlier episode, did she?   

For some reason I think 8 months? I could be wrong. 

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For some reason I think 8 months? I could be wrong. 

Yeah, I think you're right.  In 6x04 when Alena came to ask Felicity for help, Felicity asked her at what point did Cayden James become bad and Alena responded with something like: "I don't know, at some point during his 8 months in Argus custody" and continued on about him being in a shipping container and how they broke him by withholding nutrition and sensory deprivation.

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Damn it show - don't waste Michael Emerson on another stupid myson plot. Do we need to set up a crowd-funding site to pay for therapy so that Berlanti & Co can sort out their Daddy issues? Even Sigmund himself would tell you to get over it at this point.

Well, at least Thea's back - I'd like to see agent angry-black-woman's* head explode when all of a sudden the Green Arrow shows up only half his former weight, white again and with boobs and nobody bats an eyelid. 'Totally the same dude - no idea what you're talking about agent Watson.'

* Could we get some nuance here? And by that I don't mean giving her a son who jumped from a roof while cosplaying as the Green Arrow!

Edited by MissLucas
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6 hours ago, johntfs said:

I'm kind of rooting for him to be Anarchy.

Is Anarchy dead? That seemed unclear to me. But that would be interesting. If they did go with Anarchy, and wanted to see the character with Emerson in flashbacks,  they might have a challenge as Alexander Calvert is a series regular on Supernatural now. Maybe he'll just be name dropped or they'll recast a younger actor for flashbacks.

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12 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

So whatever he's mad about happened in the first or second episode of S5? 

Correct, Curtis said the kid/teen/adult son was taken 2 months after Cayden was locked by ARGUS so that would put it right at the beginning of S5 

Edit to add that Anarky does make a good candidate since the last time we saw him was in 5x01 

Edited by Balaclava
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8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

So per the little convo between the DA and Oliver, the FBI gave their case to the local city since the acts he's charged with all happened in the city.   So that’s why the Star City DA is the prosecutor.  So Watson actually only gathered info, and it’s not a federal case.         

I don't know about the other writers, but Guggie should know that's not how any of this works. The feds prosecute federal crimes in federal court and DAs prosecute state crimes in state court. For jurisdictional reasons, state crimes can't be prosecuted in federal courts (and vice versa), so even though someone's conduct can simultaneously be both a federal crime and a state crime, they have to be tried separately in each court. So if the FBI has turned over its information to the DA to let the DA prosecute Oliver, that means the U.S. Attorney decided not to charge Oliver federally and he's only going to be charged with state crimes.  I'd happily buy that explanation, because it would mean no more one-note Agent Watson, hence her going back to Washington. But if that's what's happening, the set designers f'ed up by having Oliver's arraignment take place in a U.S. District Court courtroom (per the seal behind the judge), which could only happen if he was being charged federally.

I realize this a nitpick most people would never care about, but since I'm an attorney who works for the federal courts, this bugs me a lot, LOL. In Seasons 1 and 2, I used to mentally check out whenever Laurel was in court because they got all the legal stuff so, so wrong. It might be time to do that again.

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5 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

I don't know about the other writers, but Guggie should know that's not how any of this works. The feds prosecute federal crimes in federal court and DAs prosecute state crimes in state court. For jurisdictional reasons, state crimes can't be prosecuted in federal courts (and vice versa), so even though someone's conduct can simultaneously be both a federal crime and a state crime, they have to be tried separately in each court. So if the FBI has turned over its information to the DA to let the DA prosecute Oliver, that means the U.S. Attorney decided not to charge Oliver federally and he's only going to be charged with state crimes.  I'd happily buy that explanation, because it would mean no more one-note Agent Watson, hence her going back to Washington. But if that's what's happening, the set designers f'ed up by having Oliver's arraignment take place in a U.S. District Court courtroom (per the seal behind the judge), which could only happen if he was being charged federally.

I realize this a nitpick most people would never care about, but since I'm an attorney who works for the federal courts, this bugs me a lot, LOL. In Seasons 1 and 2, I used to mentally check out whenever Laurel was in court because they got all the legal stuff so, so wrong. It might be time to do that again.


I'm not an attorney, but I am a paralegal and this shit drives be batshit crazy. ????Soaps also are guilty of this. A few years ago, GH brought in a federal prosecutor to try the local moobster in STATE COURT for FEDERAL CRIMES.?????

Plus, anyone that has watched Law & Order would know this too since our ADAs are almost always fighting with the Feds over jurisdiction.

And I mentioned this in the live thread, but why does Oliver have a problem actually calling William to William? It’s alway MYson or Buddy. But sometimes when he’s referring to him, he’ll say William.

And I know I’m supposed to be on the kid’s side and applaud Oliver for giving up being the Green Arrow for him, but I’m not and I don’t. William acts as if the Green Arrow is some uber villain if Oliver wears the suit. But hey! It’s okay that “Mr. Diggle” is doing it now. He’s not five, where the nuances of understanding that Diggle is “sick” instead of explaining nerve damage, and he also has a family, would go over his head.

I like Diggle, but for me, Oliver sucks as Mayor, and I want him to wear the suit and see him on the salmon ladder again. I’m hoping after the crossover, that will be the case.

You're the adult and father here, Ollie. Just tell William you are the Green Arrow and can’t ask others to take his place.

FBI lady and William can just SUCK IT.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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This episode didn't keep my attention, much like the other episodes I watched this season.  I feel like the performances are low energy, but to be fair I have a hard time focusing because I do not enjoy Dinah and Curtis and found myself reading twitter during their scenes. Rene I kind of like at this point--he has an almost Roy-esque quality in his dynamic with the rest of the group--but overall I don't care about the three of them.

I think the reason that Dinah comes off as flirting is that she talks slower than everyone else.  She has pauses and a cadence that doesn't match the rapid fire of the rest of the actors, and it really makes it seem like she is trying to create moments that aren't there.  Another thing that's bugging me is Emily's delivery this season.  I know people have talked about the sound quality being off, but I saw some clips from season two and three, and she wasn't doing this thing where she drops her voice and talks rapidly through a clenched jaw all the time.  I love her, and I love Felicity, and in the past I've always loved Emily's acting, but it is making a some of her dialogue unintelligible and gives the character a weird tension, and the sound issues don't help.

Everyone has mentioned the jurisdictional issues, but the thing that throws me out of the story is the intellectual property issues in Curtis and Felicity's story.  The show made very clear that Curtis was specifically hired at Palmer Tech to invent stuff--he wasn't a janitor.  Therefore, even if PT doesn't monetize it, anything invented by him in their labs is owned by Palmer Tech. I know the show will hand wave because Curtis is the inventor, but this is the detail that drives me nuts, especially when Curtis and Felicity's conflict is centered on it.

The scenes I did enjoy were Cayden James and Black Siren--they did have the energy I missed in the rest of the show. I know I shouldn't be rooting for her because she's EVIL, but excluding the scenes where she's having scream offs with Dinah, I'm really enjoying Siren indescriminitely blowing shit up, and the the parent/toddler dynamic between her and Cayden were fun.  Oliver's conflict about being the Arrow versus being Oliver have been overdone at this point--I feel like it was at the heart of Oliver's conflict in seasons, 3. 4, and kind of 5.  I liked the fight scenes.

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Anyone notice the weird way Tinah walks when she's in costume? I noticed something off during the power walk with her, Oliver and Curtis but I couldn't pin it down until a friend said it was the way she was holding her shoulders/swinging her arms. And I remembered thinking the same thing earlier in the season when she was out with Digg and the rest of the boys with Felicity. I have to find GIFs because I'm not sure how to really explain it. It's a "look at me being a badass" walk ... which is weird when everybody else isn't doing it. It's like that damn side-by-side picture where everybody was just standing and she's posing. 

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5 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Anyone notice the weird way Tinah walks when she's in costume? I noticed something off during the power walk with her, Oliver and Curtis but I couldn't pin it down until a friend said it was the way she was holding her shoulders/swinging her arms. And I remembered thinking the same thing earlier in the season when she was out with Digg and the rest of the boys with Felicity. I have to find GIFs because I'm not sure how to really explain it. It's a "look at me being a badass" walk ... which is weird when everybody else isn't doing it. It's like that damn side-by-side picture where everybody was just standing and she's posing. 


And she looks ridiculous in all the crossover promo photos as well. I wonder if it's because she's not used to the oh so popular superheroine wedge boot yet? 

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20 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Everyone has mentioned the jurisdictional issues, but the thing that throws me out of the story is the intellectual property issues in Curtis and Felicity's story.  The show made very clear that Curtis was specifically hired at Palmer Tech to invent stuff--he wasn't a janitor.  Therefore, even if PT doesn't monetize it, anything invented by him in their labs is owned by Palmer Tech. I know the show will hand wave because Curtis is the inventor, but this is the detail that drives me nuts, especially when Curtis and Felicity's conflict is centered on it.

This right here, i was so pissed at Curtis when he told Felicity the spinal implant was his because it's not. Sure he invented it but since he was working at PT at the time that means it's PT property and by extension Felicity property too (or was) Curtis seemed so bitter when he was talking to Felicity that there was a moment i sort of expect him to tell her to take the implant off and give it back to him, toddler tantrum style :p 

Regardless, their argument was really dumb, between the loft dig and the name choice the entire premise of their argument seemed really juvenile on his part.

Can't decide what's worse Felicity/Curtis argument or both Oliver/Diggle convos, 

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I just wanna know what's so terrible about working out of Felicity's loft for a while? IDGI. Of all the things to be annoyed about. Does Curtis not realize that most start-ups take months to get office space? 

I do think they should take over Oliver's old mayoral campaign office above the bunker though. 

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