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S02.E16: Dream Variations and Oprah & the Cast of Queen Sugar Discuss the Finale

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I am glad I didn’t watch this travesty in its entirety.  Darla should have taken Blue and gone back to her parents, anything to get away from Sorry Black Man, Ralph Angel.

And who the hell would name a kid blue anyway?  Why not name him Pilot Inspektor?

Edited by Neurochick
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I was proud of Charley for essentially telling Remy to kick rocks. I'm glad that she found her spine. Remy is too shortsighted and small time for her. Beyond that, he doesn't see her. She'd always have to prove herself to him, and who has time for that? Really, what'd he expect her to do? If she didn't come up with something, she'd end up declaring bankruptcy. And he can miss me with this community shit. As Charley said, where was the community when she needed them? They all bailed on her. Didn't give her a chance, nothing. So it is what it is.

I still hate this Blue isn't RA's child storyline. Hopefully Kofi and Bianca get emmy nominations out of this because it's well deserved, but that's it. I like how he said that he was listening when she asked him to hear her out, but then he interrupts her.

Good for Hollywood and Vi. Hopefully they make it down the aisle.

Edited by Sheenieb
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So RA did all that driving around looking for Darla only to yell at her? Damn me for thinking RA actually listened to Darla’s sponsor, had some remorse and showed he cared for Darla and went to all those drug and prostitute places to make sure she didn’t fall off the wagon.

Darla is giving up her son to the Bordelons? Temporarily I know but that will affect Blue badly. A better cliffhanger finale would’ve been Darla taking Blue and stay with her parents for a while. It looks like her family has money so that could help her in court when the Bordelons contested.

I understand Charley’s frustration at the farmers. Not sure about her doing business with Landry but she was pushed up against a wall. I don’t know how far she will go but I won’t be shocked if Charley winds up in bed with Boudreaux or the black sheep Landry.

As for Remy, just bye. Even before the breakup, he was feeling Nova a little too much and she him. Those looks they shared. Remy really didn't know Charley and was probably infatuated with what Ernest had said about her.

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11 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

I was proud of Charley for essentially telling Remy to kick rocks. I'm glad that she found her spine. Remy is too shortsighted and small time for her. Beyond that, he doesn't see her. She'd always have to prove herself to him, and who has time for that? Really, what'd her expect her to do? If she didn't come up with something, she'd end up declaring bankruptcy. And he can miss me with this community shit. As Charley said, where was the community when she needed them? They all bailed on her. Didn't give her a chance, nothing. So it is what it is.


That was part of my frustration with the farmers that started bailing in the previous episode. Charley was treated unfairly by the farmers and bent over backwards to show they can do business with her and they bailed after having Charley go through so many loops for them. I get some of the farmers were scared because Landry owned the land but I didn’t like how Charley was treated by them because she's not like them. As for the farmers who own their land but back out of doing business with Charley because of lies by the Landrys, I feel they were ready to bail on Charley at the whisper of anything because they never trusted her. The lady told RA she trusted him but not Charley, a proven successful business woman. SMH

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I feel like I came away with more questions than answers this episode. I need to watch it again.

I wonder how much money Hollywood is going to get? I guess this was a settlement from that fire/explosion on the oil rig?

Just how many farmers walked away from the Queen Sugar Mill? It seems kinda loosey-goosey for business--- people just stopping by & telling RA or whoever in hushed tones that they won't be using QS. Nothing in writing. It seems too easy for them to back out & leave Charley high & dry. Also, help me understand what exactly is so wrong with Charley working with that other mill? I feel like I'm missing something.

When are RA & Darla going to have a conversation with Blue? I get that he's 4, but one minute they're telling him they're getting married & will live happily ever after. The next they are taking turns disappearing without explanation.

So many questions...

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I loved the story of how Blue got his name--inspired by his Aunt Violet and rhymes with True. I mean, it its truest essence, all names are made up. It's only a matter of who (the power structures, I suppose) decides which of those made up names (Elizabeth, Percy, Jonathan...vs. Keisha, Tia, Jamelle) are "acceptable" or "unacceptable." Blue is just as valid a name as Bryan/Brian.

And hearing that background on his name, I can't understand WHYYYYY they haven't moved toward getting a DNA test. I could understand in the first few days the shock of it all--they all needed to process what they'd learned--but I'm thinking that season three needs to explore this option. 

Also, I'm hoping that on season three they DO NOT explore anything between Nova and Remy, lawd! The shriek that I let out when he put his hand over Nova's and they embraced for far too long. No, siree. If Remy thinks that Vi would've eaten him alive it seems that he hasn't properly met Nova lol. 

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40 minutes ago, vixenbynight said:

Because deep down, they just didn't trust Charley. 

Pretty much. I think they still view Charley as an interloper who's come in, swooping in with her money and her siditty ways into this rural community. I kept wanting Charley to just call a big confab with all of the farmers. Like, "Come to Queen Sugar tomorrow at 2 p.m. to see for yourself." However, none of that would have mattered because, like you said, they didn't trust her and would have still found a way to think that she was pulling something on them. 

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1 hour ago, Mozelle said:


Also, I'm hoping that on season three they DO NOT explore anything between Nova and Remy, lawd! The shriek that I let out when he put his hand over Nova's and they embraced for far too long. No, siree. If Remy thinks that Vi would've eaten him alive it seems that he hasn't properly met Nova lol. 

Remy also wants to settle down and have kids. He won't be getting that with Nova. Definitely not with Vi unless they adopt. 


4 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

I feel like I came away with more questions than answers this episode. I need to watch it again.

I wonder how much money Hollywood is going to get? I guess this was a settlement from that fire/explosion on the oil rig?

Just how many farmers walked away from the Queen Sugar Mill? It seems kinda loosey-goosey for business--- people just stopping by & telling RA or whoever in hushed tones that they won't be using QS. Nothing in writing. It seems too easy for them to back out & leave Charley high & dry. Also, help me understand what exactly is so wrong with Charley working with that other mill? I feel like I'm missing something.

When are RA & Darla going to have a conversation with Blue? I get that he's 4, but one minute they're telling him they're getting married & will live happily ever after. The next they are taking turns disappearing without explanation.

So many questions...

Again the writing is inconsistent. Charley had said she took 40% of Bordeaux business and now has next to nothing in a couple days? Since there was only one mill before Charley I get why Bordeaux never had the farmers sign a contract. Charley probably never had them sign a contract since the farmers were reluctant to sign with her already and a contract might hinder them doing business with her. 

The Boudreaux and Landry are related and their family own the Borderlons during slavery. When the Landrys fell on hard times during the Great Depression, the Bordelon bought land from them. When the Landrys got back on their feet, they wanted the land back. The Borderlon refused to sell the land so the Landry illegally used the law, lynch and murdered members of the Borderlon family. The family still wants that land so yeah it would hard to work with them after what their family has and continue to do to the Borderlons. 

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Since the cast discussion was added to the finale thread, can we speak on the viewer who thanked Oprah and Ava for not "emasculating Black men"?

I'll be honest and go there, I tend to side eye any one who says that because it comes across as homophobic. It may be unfair of me to think that since I wasn't sure where he was going with it, but I haven't heard a good argument yet whenever anyone brings up emasculation. In my experience, it veers into Hotep proselytizing. 

I'd like to see an unedited panel because there wasn't much discussion about the finale. I wanted to hear from Bianca what she thought about the Bordelons' freezing her out and whether she thought that Blue's possible conception was sexual assault. 

Dawn Lyen Gardner saying that women were going to hate her for letting Remy go was a no for me. Not this woman. I'm proud that she stood her ground. I prefer 'Michael Corleone-ish' Charley over 'begging for Remy's love' Charley. 

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I haven't watched the Oprah special but I did watch the finale this morning before leaving for work.

Ralph Angel had me yelling at my TV. He spends all that time trying to find Darla and then when he does, he barely allows her to speak. It was so annoying to have him ask her questions, say she needs to explain why she lied then keep talking over and interrupting her. UGH. I get that Darla feels guilty for not being honest about Blue - which Ralph Angel wouldn't even let her explain that there's a chance she may have been assaulted - but I'm tired of her taking everyone else's contempt so meekly. I am happy that TPTB didn't have her go back to using. I halfway expected TPTB to go that route. The scene was well-acted but I wanted Darla to tell Ralph Angel to shut up and let her speak so badly.

Happy for Vi and Hollywood.

Ooo boy, Remy. I originally liked him with Charley cause Davis is a dog and Remy seemed to appreciate her. I'm over that now. Davis is still a dog, but Remy is just... disappointing. That he didn't trust her and was still trying to mold Charley to be a certain way just had me shaking my head. I was glad Charley spoke up for herself. She shouldn't need to constantly prove herself to him. That said, Charley needs to watch out for Jacob. There was one moment in one of their scenes that I thought they were about to have some hate sex. Charley is strong but she needs to be careful.

I am side-eyeing Nova. I'm am Samuel L Jackson side-eyeing that moment between Remy and Nova. I don't want to see that happen at all, especially as I'm still not over Nova telling Calvin why they can't be together. What a mess. 

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The saddest thing about the farmers turning on Charley was how much of an effort that she made to prove herself trustworthy to them.

This is a woman whose central flaw is an incessant need for control, in all aspects of her life, yet since moving back to St. Joe's she's constantly proved herself highly receptive to constructive criticism.

When Remy condescendingly lectured her about "living among the people?" She moved herself & her son into her mill. When the farmers teased her about her bourgie manner? She threw on some jeans and helped with the whitefish infestation. When the Sugar Cane Society put an immediate kibosh on her choice for Princess? She threw her own festival to honor black farmers.

Yet, even with all of that, it's still not enough for them to trust her genuine commitment to their shared success.

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1 hour ago, Sheenieb said:

Since the cast discussion was added to the finale thread, can we speak on the viewer who thanked Oprah and Ava for not "emasculating Black men"?

I'll be honest and go there, I tend to side eye any one who says that because it comes across as homophobic. It may be unfair of me to think that since I wasn't sure where he was going with it, but I haven't heard a good argument yet whenever anyone brings up emasculation. In my experience, it veers into Hotep proselytizing. 

I'd like to see an unedited panel because there wasn't much discussion about the finale. I wanted to hear from Bianca what she thought about the Bordelons' freezing her out and whether she thought that Blue's possible conception was sexual assault. 

Dawn Lyen Gardner saying that women were going to hate her for letting Remy go was a no for me. Not this woman. I'm proud that she stood her ground. I prefer 'Michael Corleone-ish' Charley over 'begging for Remy's love' Charley. 

I'll have to find the cast discussion. Whoever was kind enough to make the episode available via Firestick did not see fit to include that finale discussion. That said, I'll agree that I can't stand when someone talks about the so-called emasculation of Black men. Like, what does that even mean? 

1 minute ago, Dee said:

The saddest thing about the farmers turning on Charley was how much of an effort that she made to prove herself trustworthy to them.

This is a woman whose central flaw is an incessant need for control, in all aspects of her life, yet since moving back to St. Joe's she's constantly proved herself highly receptive to constructive criticism.

When Remy condescendingly lectured her about "living among the people?" She moved herself & her son into her mill. When the farmers teased her about her bourgie manner? She threw on some jeans and helped with the whitefish infestation. When the Sugar Cane Society put an immediate kibosh on her choice for Princess? She threw her own festival to honor black farmers.

Yet, even with all of that, it's still not enough for them to trust her genuine commitment to their shared success.

I mean, I can sort of see it for a bit. I don't know how much time has passed between the two seasons (i.e., is it only one year since Ernest died and Charley returned? A year and a half?), but relatively speaking it hasn't been that long in these farmers' lives. She really is still an unknown to them and as excited as they were for milling with a black mill, there's also some fear and uncertainty of dealing with an unknown quantity. Human nature is so very often folks making the decision to deal with the devil they know and such. Unfortunately for Charley and Queen Sugar, the farmers ultimately chose to deal with the devil they knew.

I'm very curious to see how this unholy alliance with the Boudreauxes  will play out because in a way, while Charley is thinking long game, I can see how the farmers will react once they learn of her going in with the family she initially swore up and down she was fighting. The farmers didn't trust her enough to stay; I can't see how they'll suddenly develop trust after this move of hers. 

Edited by Mozelle
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11 hours ago, izabella said:

I don't understand why the farmers just believed the Landrys.  Why didn't they drive over to the mill to see for themselves if the equipment was working?

Maybe that was the message, but somehow I doubt it, that here is the black woman again, going to bat for her community and the black male farmer and still they don't have her back.  It's the same old story, is why they didn't go to see for themselves. But I don't know with Ava, I'm not sure that was the point, but it should have been because that was my take away.

Oh, and they better not be going anywhere with Remy and Nova, don't like that nonsense at all. Sisters need to stay clear of each others SO's and/or ex's, hell even some guy you know your sister has a thing for and she's told you, yep, you stay away from him too. This is concept that men have down much better than women, there are other fish in the sea, and if there aren't enough, be fucking alone, if it means stabbing your very own sister in the back. Shit, where's Calvin, that man takes her breath away and bye Ava with that she feels like she's in prison, just bye. I'd rather she come to her senses and get with the man who you can clearly see her literally have trouble breathing when she lays eyes on him. Because as we can see, as a black woman you sacrifice all  you want for the community, but when you need them, they're quick to turn their back on you or judge you by a harsher standard.  Stop it Ava, stop it.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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I'll be honest and go there, I tend to side eye any one who says that because it comes across as homophobic. It may be unfair of me to think that since I wasn't sure where he was going with it, but I haven't heard a good argument yet whenever anyone brings up emasculation. In my experience, it veers into Hotep proselytizing. 

I always think it means for the most part any man who can't walk around feeling like Ralph Kramden from the Honeymooners. Any man who can't take his"rightful entitled" place in his home and in society as they did back in the 50's. If they don't feel the way men felt back then, and of course it's because of we women, then they pull out that term. But I could be wrong, that's just my personal interpretation which is a big reason why we have the president we have right now in office, it was a man thing and quite a number of women who don't mind living in the 50's who put him there as well and not all of them were white, no way.  

Edited by Keepitmoving
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The audacity of privilege. That's 2017 in a nutshell.

Nova. Step away from your sister's boyfriend. Don't go there.

"You on some Godfather shit?" Sure Fredo, uh, Ralph Angel.

With all this build up, Charley's big 3D chess maneuver against the Landrys and Boudreaux better be spectacular.

Cardi B. Seriously? But that was heartbreaking when RA was going around to all the drug and prostitution dens. It's probably the first time I ever felt sad for him.

Oh FFS! GET A DNA TEST! I'm guessing they're going soap opera with it and Blue will need a kidney or blood transfusion and then they'll find out Blue actually is a Bordelon.

This Boudreaux guy apparently wants Charley to be his backdoor woman. Oh Charley, don't do it unless you're prepared to take that game to the mat. Literally.

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Lawd.  It took about 2 months to catch up with ya'll.  Lol.   These episode threads though!  Everytime I started to post, I was like, nope, no need, she d'un already typed your thought bubble B. 

All caught up.   And thus:

3 hours ago, Mozelle said:

I loved the story of how Blue got his name--inspired by his Aunt Violet and rhymes with True. I mean, it its truest essence, all names are made up. It's only a matter of who (the power structures, I suppose) decides which of those made up names (Elizabeth, Percy, Jonathan...vs. Keisha, Tia, Jamelle) are "acceptable" or "unacceptable." Blue is just as valid a name as Bryan/Brian.

And hearing that background on his name, I can't understand WHYYYYY they haven't moved toward getting a DNA test. I could understand in the first few days the shock of it all--they all needed to process what they'd learned--but I'm thinking that season three needs to explore this option. 

Also, I'm hoping that on season three they DO NOT explore anything between Nova and Remy, lawd! The shriek that I let out when he put his hand over Nova's and they embraced for far too long. No, siree. If Remy thinks that Vi would've eaten him alive it seems that he hasn't properly met Nova lol. 

Ma'am?   Gone need you to get all the way out my brain.    There were a few posts I scanned so I'm not sure if it's been asked but why the hell did RA tell his family Blue wasn't his, when what Darla said was she wasn't sure he's his.   That's waaaaaaaay n' the fuck not the same thing.  At all.   And I get they're pissed but everybody's reacting as though it's a foregone conclusion.   Qtip swab notwithstanding, why is she, herself acting like it's definitive?  I mean I dropped my neck hollering at the tv for her like:  um, ya'll know this might still be ya'lls baby right?  Oh, ok den.  Like I said, I'm finna get my charger.  



Gal? You hiding in my clothes closet?    I didn't really mean to put this on her but I said Nova, break the suction, break the suction!  Get your sister's man up offa you, now!  (ya'll remember how quickly she told RA to go get that raggedy ass invalid will on yellow paper?) lol.  I wanna see it....NOW! 

And Remy?: youse an ole damn dirty buzzard



He might be a good man.   But he's still a man.  



15 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

I'll have to find the cast discussion. Whoever was kind enough to make the episode available via Firestick did not see fit to include that finale discussion. That said, I'll agree that I can't stand when someone talks about the so-called emasculation of Black men. Like, what does that even mean

I mean, I can sort of see it for a bit. I don't know how much time has passed between the two seasons (i.e., is it only one year since Ernest died and Charley returned? A year and a half?), but relatively speaking it hasn't been that long in these farmers' lives. She really is still an unknown to them and as excited as they were for milling with a black mill, there's also some fear and uncertainty of dealing with an unknown quantity. Human nature is so very often folks making the decision to deal with the devil they know and such. Unfortunately for Charley and Queen Sugar, the farmers ultimately chose to deal with the devil they knew.

I'm very curious to see how this unholy alliance with the Boudreauxes  will play out because in a way, while Charley is thinking long game, I can see how the farmers will react once they learn of her going in with the family she initially swore up and down she was fighting. The farmers didn't trust her enough to stay; I can't see how they'll suddenly develop trust after this move of hers. 

Can you call me when we figure Firestick out?  I still can't break my cable addiction and it's affecting my checking account in the following ways...

I would also like to be included in this meeting whenever it's called to order.     {{mumbles}}  this is that bullshit.   Too independent, too needy, she take charge all the time, she don't speak up often enough, I cheated because she think spaghetti is a Sunday meal.  Now. LOOK, we are either built to run empires and watch you stay in your feelings or pump our own gas, but shit, pick a lane, we will not do both.   


Episode tribe-highlight:   

Remy coming over to Nova's.  He steps through the door and looks at Hollywood.  .

Hollywood:  Bu-reh!

Remy:  Bruuh! 


I promise I rewound that like 4 times for no good reason.  

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5 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The audacity of privilege. That's 2017 in a nutshell.

Nova. Step away from your sister's boyfriend. Don't go there.

"You on some Godfather shit?" Sure Fredo, uh, Ralph Angel.

With all this build up, Charley's big 3D chess maneuver against the Landrys and Boudreaux better be spectacular.

Cardi B. Seriously? But that was heartbreaking when RA was going around to all the drug and prostitution dens. It's probably the first time I ever felt sad for him.

Oh FFS! GET A DNA TEST! I'm guessing they're going soap opera with it and Blue will need a kidney or blood transfusion and then they'll find out Blue actually is a Bordelon.

This Boudreaux guy apparently wants Charley to be his backdoor woman. Oh Charley, don't do it unless you're prepared to take that game to the mat. Literally.

when you just trying to watch tv and here comes woke.org   Yessssss to all!


Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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13 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

And hearing that background on his name, I can't understand WHYYYYY they haven't moved toward getting a DNA test. I could understand in the first few days the shock of it all--they all needed to process what they'd learned--but I'm thinking that season three needs to explore this option. 

Oh lord don't get me started. Is Ava serious with this? Really? No DNA test? It matters, blood matters even if it's just for medical reasons. It sure as hell is NOT the only thing that matters, but it matters. 

And boy oh boy, is Blue the most precious child. Oh Darla, why couldn't you just come out with what you were thinking back then. Wait did she? I don't think she did. Did she fully explain what exactly she was afraid of. She remembers what was in her mind at the time. What was it that she was scared of exactly in that exact  moment when she told RA she was pregnant, but couldn't come out with the rest of the sentence and say, but the baby might not be yours?

Those drug/prostitution houses were so sad, so sad, ugh. I was so happy when he found her at the pool, so happy. You go Darla and continue getting your strength back, you were going places, competitive, smart before it all crumbled. I did love when he said God Bless You to her, and he meant it, it was heartfelt. But he can't trust her and he sure as hell needs to continue working on his own ass. He  has no business being anyone's husband and she shouldn't be anyone's wife right now. But I hope she doesn't disappear for long out of her son's life.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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4 hours ago, Mozelle said:

I loved the story of how Blue got his name--inspired by his Aunt Violet and rhymes with True. I mean, it its truest essence, all names are made up. It's only a matter of who (the power structures, I suppose) decides which of those made up names (Elizabeth, Percy, Jonathan...vs. Keisha, Tia, Jamelle) are "acceptable" or "unacceptable." Blue is just as valid a name as Bryan/Brian.

It sounds very touching when you summarize it here.  I'll admit, I couldn't appreciate that scene during the show because I it just added to my intense anger at RA.  Of course he was the one who picked out Blue's name.  Everything has to be RA's way or the big whiny highway.

And like many of you have already pointed out, it's ridiculous that the letters D, N, and A have not yet dropped from anyone's lips.

I'd seriously consider bailing on next season, but I want to see how Charley's business plans play out.

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2 hours ago, Keepitmoving said:

Oh Darla, why couldn't you just come out with what you were thinking back then. Wait did she? I don't think she did. Did she fully explain what exactly she was afraid of. She remembers what was in her mind at the time. What was it that she was scared of exactly in that exact  moment when she told RA she was pregnant, but couldn't come out with the rest of the sentence and say, but the baby might not be yours?

Ralph Angel kept interrupting and talking over her. I was waiting for her to talk what happened and her feelings/choices, but she ended up being run down to the point where she was just apologizing instead of explaining. I got frustrated watching her give up trying to speak her piece about what happened years ago. 

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2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:






He might be a good man.   But he's still a man.  





LOL, look at Aunt Esther, I use to love her, loved her facial expressions,  Remy you "sucker."

But seriously, they just cannot with Remy and Nova, they can't. Why on earth do we need to go there? There's just no reason that I can see.

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16 hours ago, Dee said:

The Bordelons get to keep Blue while Darla slinks away in shame after being snarled at by Ralph Angel and Nova? Whatever, Ava.

Seriously, I used to like Ava, but I realized she's just another one of those "male identified" women.  Too male identified for me.  I mean RA is an asshole and everybody in the audience is like, "he's a hero."  I guess the bar for men, black men, has fallen very low if people think RA is man of the year.

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Re: the DNA test, I read an interview with Ava after the cliffhanger reveal, where she claimed this twist had been planned all along when they cast RA, Darla and Blue, because the idea that two people with skin tones like RA and Darla could produce someone that looks like Blue and nobody would question it was interesting to her. Something about how love blinds people to what's right in front of them. So, the fact that there's no DNA test has me wondering if the characters are thinking along the same lines. Now that the possibility has finally been voiced, they can all see it now. Ridiculous, if you ask me.

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46 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Seriously, I used to like Ava, but I realized she's just another one of those "male identified" women.  Too male identified for me.  I mean RA is an asshole and everybody in the audience is like, "he's a hero."  I guess the bar for men, black men, has fallen very low if people think RA is man of the year.

Who's calling Ralph Angel a hero, though? Most of us here are like *eye roll* OK, RA. Whatever, whatever. After I watch each episode, I go on Twitter to try and engage with the hashtags for the show (#QueenSugar and #GimmeSugar), and I'm not seeing folks calling RA anyone's hero or thinking he's man of the year.* Like, at all. And like here, a lot of people are all, CAN Y'ALL GET A DNA TEST, PLEASE?! lol

Also, the bar for many of these men is under the ground. I don't know if the problem is how dare this black man named Ralph Angel be entitled or what, but it's not as though that's unique or special to black men...given what we've been seeing with the Landrys/Boudreaux crew. White men hella entitled, too, now (*she types as she recalls the history of the world*). What this season and last has shown me is that patriarchy is addictive and insidious, full stop.

3 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Can you call me when we figure Firestick out?  I still can't break my cable addiction and it's affecting my checking account in the following ways...

I would also like to be included in this meeting whenever it's called to order.     {{mumbles}}  this is that bullshit.   Too independent, too needy, she take charge all the time, she don't speak up often enough, I cheated because she think spaghetti is a Sunday meal.  Now. LOOK, we are either built to run empires and watch you stay in your feelings or pump our own gas, but shit, pick a lane, we will not do both.   


Episode tribe-highlight:   

Remy coming over to Nova's.  He steps through the door and looks at Hollywood.  .

Hollywood:  Bu-reh!

Remy:  Bruuh! 


I promise I rewound that like 4 times for no good reason.  

I loved that moment! I don't know; those little moments between black men make me smile. Just like when I see Vi and Nova interacting with each other. These short hands mean so much. The way they were clowning Roberta had me dying, too. 

As for whichever fool ass asked about not "emasculating" RA--chile lol. This is why the jig is all the way out in the Milky Way Galaxy. That dude who asked the question is probably some hotep who simultaneously believes that women are after him for his coins son wants a woman to work and contribute financially to the household while he calls all the shots...because "traditional" roles or whatever. Who got time?!

*This is not to be confused with the number of folks crushing on Kofi or being appreciative of his acting.

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6 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

Again the writing is inconsistent. Charley had said she took 40% of Bordeaux business and now has next to nothing in a couple days? Since there was only one mill before Charley I get why Bordeaux never had the farmers sign a contract. Charley probably never had them sign a contract since the farmers were reluctant to sign with her already and a contract might hinder them doing business with her. 

Charley did have them sign contracts. That was the reason Darla had to leave during the The Big Fight over the will - because a new farmer wanted to sign with Queen Sugar, and Charley asked Darla to do the paperwork.

TBH, this episode made me want to stop watching this show. I thought Nova was WAAAAY out of line to block Darla from entering the house. IIRC, Ralph Angel did not kick Darla out. She left on her own. It's better if she goes in when he's not there b/c she didn't know if he was ready to talk to her or not. There's no reason to believe she would do anything wrong while in the house. Nova should have stayed out of it. I was pleased to see that RA was so concerned with Darla. He seemed surprised that Charley had fired her, and I got the sense that he didn't want that. He knew what it meant for her sobriety.

Nova and Remy, um ok, whatever.

Why is Hollywood even getting a settlement? I know he was present during the accident, but he's not injured nor is he unable to work. I could see getting something like lost wages, but why is he getting such a huge payout?

Charley's frustration with the farmers abandoning her, after all she's done, was more than valid. It's a shame that they fell so easily for the rumors. "That's why we can't have anything," as the saying goes. That being said, whatever Charley's trying to cook up with Jacob Boudreaux sounds like a horrible idea. Despite her confidence, she doesn't know what she's doing because she doesn't know whom she's dealing with. She was super-confident about Queen Sugar, too, but it fell apart because she didn't truly understand the circumstances or how far the Landrys would go. You can't play chess when you and your opponent are following different rules.

Only two good things happened in this episode: Charley FINALLY dropped Remy, and RA had that very sweet conversation with Blue at the end of the episode.

I know this show is Ava's baby, but the writing in this episode had me scratching my head.


8 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

*This is not to be confused with the number of folks crushing on Kofi or being appreciative of his acting.

I saw Kofi's "Thank you" message to the fans on Facebook, and I have new appreciation for his acting. He sounded nothing like RA, which took me aback for a moment.

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OK, now onto Remy, he doesn't trust Charley. Why? Based on that convo. it's because he claims he truly doesn't know her, OK, because other than that, Charley has done absolutely nothing to him nor anyone else for him to flat out say he doesn't trust her.  Bye Remy, and like a broken record, Ava, please keep him away from Nova.  I have no desire whatsoever to see Nova screw up the relationship she's built so far with her one and only sister for Remy, nope, no thank you.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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I'm SO glad Charley and Remy are over. Bye, Remy, with your controlling ass.  Like I said previously, he fell in love with a weakened version of Charley. He can't stand who Charley really is. He doesn't want a woman who can think and handle her business herself. He wants a woman who will let him lead the way and let him make all the decisions.  Even if he tried it, he couldn't hang with Nova more than 5 seconds either. The Bordelon sisters aren't about that life.

Even if Charley fucks this up, I love seeing her in boss mode. Also, all that fucking drama with Remy and she STILL hasn't gotten laid post-Davis. I hope next year is all about Charley handling her business and random hookups. She's really been shit on by almost everybody this year, and I'm ready to see her let loose and enjoy herself.

Nova's ass would have been on the floor had she stood in the way of me getting my things, from my place of residence that I hadn't completely moved out of yet.  Or she would be in there fetching for my things---either way I wouldn't be leaving without my shit.

I've had enough of meek Darla--she needs to go back on home, remember who the fuck she is and where she comes from, and come back next season bougie as hell with a hot man in tow....and go for joint, if not full, custody of Blu. The Bordelons deserve that for the way they've been treating her.

When Hollywood found out he was rich and then immediately proposed to Vi, I was so nervous that one of them was going to fall out due to some medical event during the whole episode. I was just waiting for that soap trope to occur.

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This season was really weird.

Micah played heavily in the first half, only to then, virtually disappear during the second.

Davis "redemption arc" was useless. What was the point of keeping him around if all he was gonna do is moon over Charley?

Queen Sugar needs to fire their current writers and start from scratch.

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16 hours ago, Mozelle said:

I loved the story of how Blue got his name--inspired by his Aunt Violet and rhymes with True. I mean, it its truest essence, all names are made up. It's only a matter of who (the power structures, I suppose) decides which of those made up names (Elizabeth, Percy, Jonathan...vs. Keisha, Tia, Jamelle) are "acceptable" or "unacceptable." Blue is just as valid a name as Bryan/Brian.

That was really nice, and it makes sense. Really, why is Blue such a bad name? It isn't common, but it fits, and its clearly not something they named him just to be "cool" or "unique" or something. Of course, RA named him. RA gets every damn thing he wants. Because he is an entitled asshole. I do feel bad for him and his feelings about Blue, but the dude is a lazy asshole. I just want to start muting his scenes so I can appreciate his hotness without dealing with his bullshit. 

Glad that Charlie and Remy are done. Remy was always on Charlie about being "with the people" or whatever, but I think he really just thinks he knows best, and he wants a woman who agrees that he knows best, and that sure has hell isn't Charlie. Its too bad she at least didn't have time to get her groove back. And I am sick to DEATH of everyone acting like she is some kind of boushi asshole or has no clue what she`s doing. She has bent over backwards trying to win their trust and get Queen Sugar running, and she just gets shit from everyone. 

I feel bad for Darla, and I hope this meekness ends soon. I get what she did was wrong (mostly in lying and then bringing it up now for no reason), but not so wrong that she gets kicked out of the family, her job, and losses her son. Even if she did lie, she has still spent years working towards her sobriety, and has become a better more responsible person since then. RA gets endless second chances, so why not Darla? Because she isn't blood? Well, she was about to marry RA and is the mother of their beloved nephew, isn't that good enough for some understanding? I was so happy to see her not at those crack houses or hooker areas (wow, those places are so many kinds of depressing, it was kind of like that scene in Breaking Bad where Walt finds Jessie in this nasty shooting gallery and it looks like the 6th level of Hell), I hope she keeps it up! 

I hope Vi and Hollywood actually make it to the altar. "Brueh" "Brrreuh" 

For the love of all that is holy, GET A DNA TEST! 

Its been a weird season, but I have liked quite a lot of it. Hopefully next season they can work on some of the things I wasn't a fan of (like RA being a dick, and everyone being an asshole to Charlie for no reason, and maybe give Micah some time when he isn't miserable) and double down on the better aspects. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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9 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I'm SO glad Charley and Remy are over. Bye, Remy, with your controlling ass.  Like I said previously, he fell in love with a weakened version of Charley. He can't stand who Charley really is. He doesn't want a woman who can think and handle her business herself. He wants a woman who will let him lead the way and let him make all the decisions.  Even if he tried it, he couldn't hang with Nova more than 5 seconds either. The Bordelon sisters aren't about that life.

Even if Charley fucks this up, I love seeing her in boss mode. Also, all that fucking drama with Remy and she STILL hasn't gotten laid post-Davis. I hope next year is all about Charley handling her business and random hookups. She's really been shit on by almost everybody this year, and I'm ready to see her let loose and enjoy herself.

Nova's ass would have been on the floor had she stood in the way of me getting my things, from my place of residence that I hadn't completely moved out of yet.  Or she would be in there fetching for my things---either way I wouldn't be leaving without my shit.

I've had enough of meek Darla--she needs to go back on home, remember who the fuck she is and where she comes from, and come back next season bougie as hell with a hot man in tow....and go for joint, if not full, custody of Blu. The Bordelons deserve that for the way they've been treating her.

When Hollywood found out he was rich and then immediately proposed to Vi, I was so nervous that one of them was going to fall out due to some medical event during the whole episode. I was just waiting for that soap trope to occur.

I'm still amazed by this! The way Nova has been about her love of activism, and how she has a very specific approach to it (so much so that she will not let love or lust get in the way) coupled with Remy joking (???) that he knew he couldn't handle Aunt Vi (because of her strong ways, I guess), I can't even see how they would be possible. He couldn't even deal with the way that Charley chose to work through the mill issue, all, "Well, you need to think about the community this way and not that way..." He wouldn't be able to deal with Nova. 

Damn. Now, that I've written that out, I can totally see the writers justifying Nova and Remy as being the ones to click since they're both about the community, and they're about the community in these ways that aren't shiny and brand-conscious or whatever. *sigh* Dammit. 

Mark my words. That's probably how the writers will spin this mess. 

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On 11/16/2017 at 6:44 AM, Arcadiasw said:

Again the writing is inconsistent. Charley had said she took 40% of Bordeaux business and now has next to nothing in a couple days? Since there was only one mill before Charley I get why Bordeaux never had the farmers sign a contract. Charley probably never had them sign a contract since the farmers were reluctant to sign with her already and a contract might hinder them doing business with her. 

In the scene where she was on the phone all the time, talking to the farmers who were pulling out, she said something along the lines of there were penalties for breaking the contract with her. Which also tells me that given the penalties, and the lesser amount they get from the Landry/Boudreauxs, they're really selling themselves short. 

23 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:

Ooo boy, Remy. I originally liked him with Charley cause Davis is a dog and Remy seemed to appreciate her. I'm over that now. Davis is still a dog, but Remy is just... disappointing. That he didn't trust her and was still trying to mold Charley to be a certain way just had me shaking my head. I was glad Charley spoke up for herself. She shouldn't need to constantly prove herself to him. 

Amen. I said, out loud, "there you go" when Charley started speaking up. I'd been waiting for that this entire half-season.

22 hours ago, Dee said:

The saddest thing about the farmers turning on Charley was how much of an effort that she made to prove herself trustworthy to them.

This is a woman whose central flaw is an incessant need for control, in all aspects of her life, yet since moving back to St. Joe's she's constantly proved herself highly receptive to constructive criticism.

When Remy condescendingly lectured her about "living among the people?" She moved herself & her son into her mill. When the farmers teased her about her bourgie manner? She threw on some jeans and helped with the whitefish infestation. When the Sugar Cane Society put an immediate kibosh on her choice for Princess? She threw her own festival to honor black farmers.

Yet, even with all of that, it's still not enough for them to trust her genuine commitment to their shared success.

Not only that, even if her game with the Landry/Boudreauxs is successful (and I believe it will be), I think that will make them not trust her even more, even when it ultimately ends up well for them.

21 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


You said it better than I would. I was baffled that with all that dialogue, there was not one word said about the fact that odds were even that Blue IS RA's son. 

17 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

Charley's frustration with the farmers abandoning her, after all she's done, was more than valid. It's a shame that they fell so easily for the rumors. "That's why we can't have anything," as the saying goes. That being said, whatever Charley's trying to cook up with Jacob Boudreaux sounds like a horrible idea. Despite her confidence, she doesn't know what she's doing because she doesn't know whom she's dealing with. She was super-confident about Queen Sugar, too, but it fell apart because she didn't truly understand the circumstances or how far the Landrys would go. You can't play chess when you and your opponent are following different rules.

You're right about following different rules, but I think Charley's are the rules that they'll never see coming. They are the ones, in my opinion, who don't know who they're dealing with. They're using an outdated, racist, playbook. They might give her some grudging credit at this point, but I doubt they have any true respect for her abilities. Which sets them up to be blindsided.

I have a vague inkling of what Charley's doing. The specifics escape me, but from what she said, it seems like she's setting up a divide and conquer scheme. It's the tactic the rich have used for eons to control the poor and stay in power. I kind of like the idea of her doing it TO the rich.  

I found the swimming pool scene, for all the irritations, exceptionally moving. While I don't care for RA, Kofi just killed it, acting wise.

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Sorry, but I don't feel outraged on behalf of Darla at all. I wish her well and don't want her to disappear from her son's life, but...  no, no,  don't lie about paternity, women do that shit all the time and it is royally fucked up. This was a horrible thing to do to a father and his family l , horrible. RA's reaction was totally justified and so was the rest of the family's. And no Ava, Blue's complextion wasn't enough for his "true" paternity to be staring me in the face because genectics is a tricky thing, it's not about mixing paint in a damn can to get this particular shade or that partucular shade. The only thing I disagreed with is, I didn't think that Charley had a legal right to take her job away because she was a good worker and the reasons  for firing had not a damn thing to do with her work performance. She might have had a case in court. At least give her time to find a new job. Darla hasn't been living at the farm that long, her son was not in that house, so I don't blame Nova for telling her to come back when RA was there. 

There is no indication for me that Darla was raped. Sorry, but how do we know that the guy she was with at the party wasn't as high as she was, which would mean he couldn't give consent either. So, it's just a case of getting high and laid together at a part, so high, maybe neither of you even knew one another's names.

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On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 4:53 PM, Mozelle said:

Who's calling Ralph Angel a hero, though? Most of us here are like *eye roll* OK, RA. Whatever, whatever. After I watch each episode, I go on Twitter to try and engage with the hashtags for the show (#QueenSugar and #GimmeSugar), and I'm not seeing folks calling RA anyone's hero or thinking he's man of the year.* Like, at all. And like here, a lot of people are all, CAN Y'ALL GET A DNA TEST, PLEASE?! lol

Also, the bar for many of these men is under the ground. I don't know if the problem is how dare this black man named Ralph Angel be entitled or what, but it's not as though that's unique or special to black men...given what we've been seeing with the Landrys/Boudreaux crew. White men hella entitled, too, now (*she types as she recalls the history of the world*). What this season and last has shown me is that patriarchy is addictive and insidious, full stop.

Don’t think he’s being called a hero but people on QS Facebook have been giving RA a pass. At my job, none of the women will criticize RA. Even when I point out his faults and mention things he’s done wrong, they make excuses for him and slam Nova, Charley and Darla instead.

I didn’t care much for the special since it was more about Ava’s new project and Oprah’s movie and less about the cast and the season finale. It was a waste to invite the entire cast and have most of them not speak.


On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 5:06 PM, mrsbagnet said:

Charley did have them sign contracts. That was the reason Darla had to leave during the The Big Fight over the will - because a new farmer wanted to sign with Queen Sugar, and Charley asked Darla to do the paperwork.

TBH, this episode made me want to stop watching this show. I thought Nova was WAAAAY out of line to block Darla from entering the house. IIRC, Ralph Angel did not kick Darla out. She left on her own. It's better if she goes in when he's not there b/c she didn't know if he was ready to talk to her or not. There's no reason to believe she would do anything wrong while in the house. Nova should have stayed out of it. I was pleased to see that RA was so concerned with Darla. He seemed surprised that Charley had fired her, and I got the sense that he didn't want that. He knew what it meant for her sobriety.

Nova and Remy, um ok, whatever.

Only two good things happened in this episode: Charley FINALLY dropped Remy, and RA had that very sweet conversation with Blue at the end of the episode.

I know this show is Ava's baby, but the writing in this episode had me scratching my head.


Oops. You’re right. Thanks for the correction. I forgot about that. Those farmers really shot themselves in the foot going back to the status quo and not working with Charley. When everything comes out about Charley doing business with Jacob, they will crucify her and never realize or admit it was them backing out of working with Charley that caused her to work with Jacob.

TPBT is making Nova that woman you don’t trust around your guy. It’s worse “the moment” happened before Remy and Charley broke up.

Even if Nova didn’t trust Darla, why couldn’t she just stand at the door and watch Darla get her things instead of forbidding her to come in the house? Being with her parents and staying clean, I hope Darla comes back with more confidence in herself and as everyone has said, get a DNA test.  Even Ava has to write that in so we know for sure Blue is RA child or not. 

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The farmers who dropped Charley to mill with the B-Ls can just miss me about Charlie doing business wirh the B-Ls.  If they hadn't been so eager to crawl back to da Massa, she wouldn't be doing the deal.

What Charlie spotted was a fracture between the Bs and the Ls --  so she will have the Bs mill fighting against the Ls mill.  As Penguin noted on Gotham, it's a MUCH better tactic to have your enemies fight each other.

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So I guess I'm just crazy that I thought it was a big deal for Darla to say "you may not be the father" and then have RA tell his family "Blue's not my son and she's been lying about it all these years."  I was sure that distinction would come into play at some point--hopefully with RA's sisters slapping themselves that they might've been JUST A LITTLE HASTY kicking Darla so fast to the curb.

But I guess it's not a factor after all and Darla's damned for all time because she didn't reveal her anguished secret sooner.

I want to tell her:  Okay then, Darla, say goodbye to the self-righteous Bordelons and their spoiled whiny man-child Ralph Anger; pack up your son and head for your parents' house.  You're seriously due for a soft place to land, girlfriend.

But Darla's self-esteem is so far below zero, I guess screaming alone in her car, where no one will hear, is the best she can do?  Feels like all she deserves?


I watched the aftershow and I was amazed at all the women in the audience going ga-ga over "sensitive" Ralph Angel.   I still just want to slap him.

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On 11/16/2017 at 2:49 PM, Chick2Chic said:

Ralph Angel kept interrupting and talking over her. I was waiting for her to talk what happened and her feelings/choices, but she ended up being run down to the point where she was just apologizing instead of explaining. I got frustrated watching her give up trying to speak her piece about what happened years ago. 

She was like, "Let me explain," and he said OK, and then she started talking about how she was at a party with boys, high, and he was like "I don't want to hear it!" And I was like, "Boy, then why did you ask?" I really wanted her to take Blue and go stay with her parents'; RA's paternity might be a question (and I agree that they need to just go to the drugstore, buy a test, and be done with it) but her maternity is not. 

I hope they don't go there with Remy and Nova. It's tacky to date two sisters and Remy has said he wants kids, and Nova has said she does not. It would be dumb. I was glad that Charley stood up for herself - I, too, am tired of her having to prove herself to Remy over and over.

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She was like, "Let me explain," and he said OK, and then she started talking about how she was at a party with boys, high, and he was like "I don't want to hear it!" And I was like, "Boy, then why did you ask?" I really wanted her to take Blue and go stay with her parents'; RA's paternity might be a question (and I agree that they need to just go to the drugstore, buy a test, and be done with it) but her maternity is not. 

Well, my perspective is like RA, because she had already told him about the guy at the party when she first broke the news to him that he's not or might not be Blue's father. So I'm with RA, I wanted  her to this time, get the point woman. I don't want to hear about the guy again either, you already said you were high at a party and hooked up with him, let's cut to chase and tell me right now, why you lied? Why is it that I along with RA can see at least two times in their history where she was sober enough to come clean instead of waiting to a point where RA, their son, his family all felt a sense of healing and moving forward in a healthy manner, for it all to be lie and  her to THEN spring this shit on all of them?  Nope, once again, no way is Darla getting the poor Darla sentiment from me, and I've been solely on her side and pissed at RA from the start of this damn show, but no, no, I don't play around with this kind of lie. I get what went down and how she got pregnant, she was sick, she still is, but her illness does not absolve her of the choices she's made that have hurt and basically destroyed people's lives. Yes, a lie about paternity is on that level for me and I'm not even walking in the shoes of a man/father, but it is that huge IMO. Doesn't mean RA is some kind of hero, or not still as spoiled and entitled as he's always been, but nope, this is on Darla.  Technically, RA is his father in a court of law. At least if Darla was a gold digger, and she's not, and she wanted to hit him up for a  child support until that kid was 18, she'd win, because he's been the father on record and in action for all of Blue's life, so she just can't take Blue and go live with her parents.  And speaking of gold diggers/meal ticket female scammers, Darla isn't one of them which is why I don't dislike or hate her, but I will call her on her shit. This never had nothing to do with making a fool out of RA, that was never where her heart was which is where many women's hearts are when they pull this shit. But Darla does love him, but she's just so weak as is he, which is another reason why they don't work.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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On 11/18/2017 at 4:04 PM, Arcadiasw said:

Don’t think he’s being called a hero but people on QS Facebook have been giving RA a pass. At my job, none of the women will criticize RA. Even when I point out his faults and mention things he’s done wrong, they make excuses for him and slam Nova, Charley and Darla instead.

Oh, OK. It never occurred to me that there were Facebook conversations as well. 

What I'm thinking is that those folks are going up for RA because it's been so few and far between that we've seen in popular culture complex black men. Like, Look how he loves this little boy so, as opposed to other father-son portrayals we've seen where dad is disdainful or mocking toward his son (e.g., Cliff Huxtable toward Theo; Dre Johnson toward Junior; Lucius Lyon toward his sons). 

So it's likely that they're ignoring RA's other trash behavior because ZOMG LOOK HOW MUCH HE LOVES BLUE!!!

Edited by Mozelle
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It's difficult to blame them when the show itself is the exact same way.

Having Violet say stuff, uncontested, like "Blue made up for all the wrong Ralph Angel did in the past" & conveniently writing Blue as unfailingly naive, when he's otherwise perceptive, virtually begs viewers to absolve Rah of his trash behavior.

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On 11/18/2017 at 8:18 AM, Keepitmoving said:

Sorry, but I don't feel outraged on behalf of Darla at all. I wish her well and don't want her to disappear from her son's life, but...  no, no,  don't lie about paternity, women do that shit all the time and it is royally fucked up. This was a horrible thing to do to a father and his family l , horrible. RA's reaction was totally justified and so was the rest of the family's. And no Ava, Blue's complextion wasn't enough for his "true" paternity to be staring me in the face because genectics is a tricky thing, it's not about mixing paint in a damn can to get this particular shade or that partucular shade. The only thing I disagreed with is, I didn't think that Charley had a legal right to take her job away because she was a good worker and the reasons  for firing had not a damn thing to do with her work performance. She might have had a case in court. At least give her time to find a new job. Darla hasn't been living at the farm that long, her son was not in that house, so I don't blame Nova for telling her to come back when RA was there. 

There is no indication for me that Darla was raped. Sorry, but how do we know that the guy she was with at the party wasn't as high as she was, which would mean he couldn't give consent either. So, it's just a case of getting high and laid together at a part, so high, maybe neither of you even knew one another's names.

Ok.  I understand how you got here.  I do.  But I also feel like the tiniest of distinctions should be made between women who lie about paternity with certainty and those who do it truly having no idea.   To be clear, I wholeheartedly believe in full disclosure either way.    The result may be the same, but are the intentions?   


There were a ton of unsheathed klansmen and supremacists marching in Charlottesville who got their asses and pink slips handed to them the Monday after that rally.  Now that was on a weekend, in their spare time, having nothing to do with their jobs.   I think if you can argue that a morality violation so egregious as to potentially impact the employers' ability to trust the employee has been committed or is against the employer's mission or purpose, you've established grounds for dismissal.  That's if the structure of employment/state law even requires there to be cause.  


Because this isn't the way erection works.   The categories and quantities of alcohol and/or substance which would be effective enough as to put a man into a mind altering state cause blood vessels to constrict, decreasing the flow and depressing/repressing the nervous system.    I won't say it's impossible, but if you know a dude who can physically beat biology like that? girl hang onto him, he's a keeper.  I guess.  lol.   


Darla said that at that party she was out of it to the extent that she doesn't remember how many there were.   Intoxication excludes consent by definition.    She was not only raped, if her account is to be believed, she was gang raped. 


23 hours ago, Keepitmoving said:

Technically, RA is his father in a court of law. At least if Darla was a gold digger, and she's not, and she wanted to hit him up for a  child support until that kid was 18, she'd win, because he's been the father on record and in action for all of Blue's life, so she just can't take Blue and go live with her parents.

If you were never married, a child support motion has to be accompanied by dna test results before it's granted.   But I'm applesnoranging right now, there are two separate issues.  If he's Blue's father, no she can't just take him, they'd have to squabble about custody and get permissions to live further out than 25 miles away from each other and all that.  If he isn't, her being a non incarcerated, non abusive, available biological parent supersedes his being the father on record.   Blood is thicker than cane.   You might be too young to remember this but shoutout to Elian Gonzalez.


On 11/17/2017 at 9:47 AM, Mozelle said:

I'm still amazed by this! The way Nova has been about her love of activism, and how she has a very specific approach to it (so much so that she will not let love or lust get in the way) coupled with Remy joking (???) that he knew he couldn't handle Aunt Vi (because of her strong ways, I guess), I can't even see how they would be possible. He couldn't even deal with the way that Charley chose to work through the mill issue, all, "Well, you need to think about the community this way and not that way..." He wouldn't be able to deal with Nova. 

Damn. Now, that I've written that out, I can totally see the writers justifying Nova and Remy as being the ones to click since they're both about the community, and they're about the community in these ways that aren't shiny and brand-conscious or whatever. *sigh* Dammit. 

Mark my words. That's probably how the writers will spin this mess. 


I won't have it I tell you! 

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On 11/18/2017 at 5:18 AM, Keepitmoving said:

I didn't think that Charley had a legal right to take her job away because she was a good worker and the reasons  for firing had not a damn thing to do with her work performance. She might have had a case in court.

It depends on whether Louisiana is a "right to fire work" state or not (which it is).  That means that Charley can fire Darla for any reasion at all ("You're breathing the same air as me -- you're fired!" and Darla would have no legal recourse (except if she was fired for being part of a "protected class").

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10 hours ago, jhlipton said:

It depends on whether Louisiana is a "right to fire work" state or not (which it is).  That means that Charley can fire Darla for any reasion at all ("You're breathing the same air as me -- you're fired!" and Darla would have no legal recourse (except if she was fired for being part of a "protected class").

babe I think the term you're thinking of is called at-will employment.  (at will)

Same result though lol, Louisiana don't give a damn bout your lil ole rights.   

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7 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

babe I think the term you're thinking of is called at-will employment.  (at will)

Same result though lol, Louisiana don't give a damn bout your lil ole rights.   

You're right, but the "right to work" means that those pesky unions can't interfere with unjust firings.  The two abhorrent laws work together.

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