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Current Squad 2017-2018: Media, Music, Videos & Show Group

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If she couldn't speak I assume she couldn't call 911 for herself.  Who finally did?  And after how long?  Wow, that's all too scary to even think about.

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Is that KaShara talking about her attention span?  She looks so cute and youthful there.  And she looks about 40 in her cameo photo. Still shaking my head about many of those this year.

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Random...I'm acquainted with the girl who wrote that article.

That Gif of Ashley Paige definitely makes it clear why she didn't make it back to camp. Looks pretty stiff. :(

And her shorts don't fit.
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I read the Bryan Broaddus post about the ego getting in the way, and I looked at the comments.  Most of the comments were as confused about what/who he meant as we all seem to be, but a couple mentioned someone else by name.  One fan tweeted back:  "If she was there, then no room for Helman.  Helman rarely tweets anything relevant about the team he works for.  Sad."  I'm guessing "she" might be Sydney.  Then someone else posted about this Helman guy, saying he was a "welcomed addition."  So my guess is that Sydney got bumped from this because of this Helman guy, who's some sportscaster/radio personality, and Bryan is sad because he likes Sydney.  As a DCC, she often tweeted reminders to listen to Bryan's show, Talking Cowboys, etc, even when she wasn't on an episode.  It makes sense, though, to hire an actual sports broadcaster of some professional repute over a former cheerleader, even if she knows the game and players and talks sensibly about sports.

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thanks for the link!! too bad the girls didn't have five minutes after to fix their hair again lol  THey still look great but definitely like they were working hard!! 


Poor Ashley Nicole, still has her knee wrapped :(  At least she got to perform in meet the team this year! 


Wonder how they decided who got to do solos?? I figured either show group girls or just the ones who got Barbies, but there is a picture of Kat doing hers! 

Edited by LaurenBrook
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thanks for the link!! too bad the girls didn't have five minutes after to fix their hair again lol THey still look great but definitely like they were working hard!!

Poor Ashley Nicole, still has her knee wrapped :( At least she got to perform in meet the team this year!

Wonder how they decided who got to do solos?? I figured either show group girls or just the ones who got Barbies, but there is a picture of Kat doing hers!

My guess is that Kat got picked because her solo was so different, being rhythmic gymnastics instead of just contemporary dance, and she is very good at that. Kind of mixes things up a little.

Even with 100 pictures, it's still not enough! I need more. I wish some good samaritan had recorded the full performance and posted it like someone did with the USO show several years back. Sigh.

Edited by Oranaiche
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I gave that article the side eye. I feel like they're trying so spin it like she's some high-powered, driven, business woman, but she comes across as not knowing much about what she's doing. Granted, this is a pretty superficial article, but it boils down to having two guys doing the heavy lifting for her in an industry that is rife with all sorts of scams and unproven health claims. There's no indication that she's done any homework to prepare herself for this, that she's the one actually leading this business, or that she's pursuing further education in either business or nutrition so she knows what the hell she's talking about. She seems very naive when it comes to business. If she was a little more savvy, she wouldn't be touting her contribution as "presenting herself well and being organized," instead, she'd be talking about how she runs the joint, what she personally is doing to build the business, and how she's a real go-getter.

Edited by sleepyjean
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Thunderstruck from the preseason game yesterday.

Thanks for posting this. Good for Megan C. being put in the very middle of the kick line. I mean, I know she's tall so she was going to be somewhere close to the middle, but the three in the middle are close to the same height so it could have been any of them really.


Loved Holly Marie's smile as she was walking off the field around 2:56. She looks like she is LOVING it. Too cute.

Edited by Oranaiche
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If you watched last week's episode and then you watch this..........what a difference! I wonder how much notice Emma got on getting ready to do a jump split:/

Edited -- read that completely wrong LOL. I'm sure the all stars still practice their jump splits. They do perform after all.

Edited by Oranaiche
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I wonder if Ashley will hang it up after this season since she seems to be injury prone.

I wonder too...it's too bad because she is beautiful and a great dancer but she seems to hurt her knee more than Nicole did!

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Lacey posted the new game day intro video on her IG!




Sorry if the link doesn't work.  If not, go to instagram.com/lace_munoz and it's the most recent clip.


Also saw this retweeted by Melissa...sorry! Probably already posted somewhere but it was new to me:




So all the Barbie girls did their solos PLUS Kat.  Must have been because it was so different!


ETA: Yeah, someone did post this before and I only noticed the picture gallery, not the article LOL my bad!!

Edited by LaurenBrook
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Looks like the same high school style dance routines the girls have been doing for years. The girls do look good, but the routines need to be updated, imo.


Absolutely. Isn't that the point of group leaders, captains, choreographers? No reason I should be seeing the same choreo from 5+ years ago. I mean, we get it, it's "tradition," but it treads the line between "tradition" and "boring."

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Absolutely. Isn't that the point of group leaders, captains, choreographers? No reason I should be seeing the same choreo from 5+ years ago. I mean, we get it, it's "tradition," but it treads the line between "tradition" and "boring."

The problem is a choreographer that can't choreograph. Plus since Show Group only performs at conventions anymore there's not really a reason to update.

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The problem is a choreographer that can't choreograph. Plus since Show Group only performs at conventions anymore there's not really a reason to update.


I disagree with that. No one wants to see the same stuff over and over again by different girls. It'd be refreshing to see something new.

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Do dance teams typically have different routines every year?  Also, that routine they were doing to "Fireball"...I think that's a relatively new song, was it a new routine as well, or was it a recycled routine done to different music?

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Yeah, I doubt that there aren't fans/people who watch their performances religiously to notice that they are all the same. They still should switch it up.

I only noticed cause I was watching a Camp DCC video on YouTube.  Then I was watching one from 2-3 years earlier, and it was the exact same routine to a different song.  Oh well..........again, no excuse for not knowing the dances when you go to training camp:)

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Do dance teams typically have different routines every year?  Also, that routine they were doing to "Fireball"...I think that's a relatively new song, was it a new routine as well, or was it a recycled routine done to different music?

Most teams have a mixture. One or two they've done since the dawn of time (usually the school fight song), some that last several years, but most - including the DCC - do rotate in a few new ones each year, or at least replace some of the outdated elements with fresher ones. To me, it looks like the DCC uses 85-90 recycled moves. They may rearrange combos or replace a couple of 4 counts, but you do see the same elements over and over. 

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Very true. If you look at their videos, you can see the same moves either recycled, sped up or slowed down. Songs may change, but there aren't many "new" moves. I guess it's the same with alot of dancing groups, but to me it's just more noticeable w/ the DCC..not sure if it's because we follow them heavily or what.

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If it's the same choreographers year after year, then we will see the same moves since each dancer has their own "style."  That's why I mentioned in another thread that they should pay some of their rock star alumni to make up routines  - ie: Michelle Keys, Justine, Mia, Sarah, Evan, Audrea, Shelly, etc.  They have a lot of talent to draw from.


There are also choreographers who have never been a DCC who could come up with routines.  The one from Stephanie the other night....that was different.

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