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S14.E06: Come on Down to My Boat, Baby

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This was such a fragmented show for me.  I went into it expecting to like the guys' getaway on the boat and that just did not work for me.  I think I'll have to go back and watch them all build a deck again.  Oh, and did Deluca forget that Alex had beat the crap out of him, because they seemed awfully chummy with each other.  But, on the other hand, I was strangely entertained with the hypochondriac and the gun-toting vagina girl.  It was a crazy and very old-school Grey's story.  Oh, and someone mentioned last week how they originally thought the girl on the gurney was April and I can completely see how that would happen with a quick glance.  

I had to laugh about the bruhaha of Jo being up for Chief Resident.  Considering the only other resident in her year is Ben and he's going off to be a firefighter, I can't say that it speaks too much to her abilities.  Oh, and isn't she supposed to be specializing in Ortho?

I totally called both Amelia and Fish (sorry, can't remember his GA name) and Carina and Owen.  I can't say that either upsets me, excepts that I hate Carina and would really like her to get on the next boat back to Italy.  But, Owen hooking up with someone is not something I feel strongly about, so whatevs.

They really are trying to go there with this awful Maggie and Jackson thing.  No, it is not incest, although there is at least a whiff of it.  But the bigger problem is that it makes absolutely no sense for these two personalities to be remotely interested in each other.  I was actually feeling optimistic when Maggie said she wanted to date someone not at the hospital (and, really, everyone should take her advice).  I am not against her having a relationship, I'm just against her (or anyone) having a relationship that makes absolutely no sense.  

But, I will forgive a multitude of sins in this episode if only for the fact that it looks like Deluca is finally getting a story line.  

15 hours ago, lavenderrose said:

-The ladies swiping on Tinder scene was funny. April's line about not dating anyone that works in the hospital was funny and much needed, but this is Grey's.

I totally thought that was Maggie, but yeah...it makes more sense that April would say it.  No matter who said it, IT IS GOOD ADVICE!

Oh, and one last thing...this episode, once again, illustrated my point that all these characters (except Richard) are better when they are drunk.

Edited by Morksmate
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15 minutes ago, Morksmate said:

They really are trying to go there with this awful Maggie and Jackson thing.  No, it is not incest, although there is at least a whiff of it. 

Oh, and one last thing...this episode, once again, illustrated my point that all these characters (except Richard) are better when they are drunk.


(I don't know how to do quotes separately, I am sorry)

- There's consanguaneous incest which is always illegal, even if it's consensual. Some places allow first cousins to marry, blah blah blah. But there's also some other type of incest (I forget what it's called) that applies to step-siblings, which is what Jackson and Maggie are. Maybe there's some exceptions, like something such as "you have to have lived in the same house for so many years." or whatever. Who knows! But anyways, getting to the point, I don't think that's the 'whiff' even though there are some jurisdictions that will consider Jaggie incest. The whiff is Jackson referring to Maggie as his sister, the guys arguing what defines a sister, and then Jackson saying something about sleeping with Maggie after saying she was his sister? The guys are all repulsed; at least Alex, Ben, and Owen are. But they probably had that normal sibling dynamic with Amber, what's her name now?, and Megan. Still, it was an odd thing to say.

Holy fucking paragraph.


- I have to point out that Amelia gets pretty nasty when she is drunk, not just Webber.

(If I could figure out how to insert a horizontal line here I would)

This episode felt very disjointed. As others in here have already said, I didn't feel the guys bonding on the boat. I remember that one episode when Derek was working on the Dream House. He, Mark, and some other of the older men hung out, drank beer, and stuff. They really had fun, plus we had already been introduced to Mark/Derek's friendship. Now that was true bromance, I won't deny there were times I secretly shipped them together. But the guys hanging out on the boat? That was weird. And who the hell looked after their patients all day? Who was the lead doctor in their surgeries? I'm with April, they got to take a sick day to get (I'm assuming it was obvious to her) drunk? How lame.

How exactly did that girl get the whole gun up her vagina? I can see perhaps the barrel, but the handle as well? Damn. She could have perforated organs in getting it up there. I wonder if she'll ever be able to carry babies, wouldn't be surprised if her uterus is all messed up.

I am disappointed about the judge dying, but I knew it would happen since I read the posts in here before watching the episode.

I know others said they hated Amelia in the past and saw the tumor as a cop-put, but um... I'm beginning to really dislike Amelia now? I'm trying to pin-point when she was last like this. It would have to be before her selfish, bratty friend killed herself, driving Amelia to drugs and booze. By the way, her friend wasn't bratty and selfish because she killed herself. She had already given me a bad impression long before that, and then using suicide as an excuse? I just did not like her. Maybe the tumor was already impacting Amelia then because there's no way I would have been friends with that chick. #endrant

I liked Carina a little better this episode until she started speaking Italian and... gun-gina? Really? At first, I thought that chick's name was Georgina and that was her way of pronouncing it. But nope. Of course. Ugh, and Owen, really? And Owen, really? It seemed to me as if he might have been having second thoughts about ending things with Amelia at the beginning of the episode. And Amelia! God, like I said in the previous paragraph, I'm really beginning to not like her and that pisses me off. I hope this is just residual tumor making her behave this way.

Sorry to be the annoying hearing impaired nag (why aren't trailers captioned?) but can someone transcribe the trailer. God, I fucking hate asking that.

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2 minutes ago, kinnej5 said:

- I have to point out that Amelia gets pretty nasty when she is drunk, not just Webber.

Really?  I mean , I can see that (but that would just be HER TUMOR!), but the only time I can remember her sort of drunk was the dinner party episode with Penny, and maybe she wasn't even drunk there.  In any case, I'd add her to my exception with Richard.  It's probably best that the two addicts shouldn't get drunk--but a few drinks does improve pretty much everyone else.


4 minutes ago, kinnej5 said:

This episode felt very disjointed. As others in here have already said, I didn't feel the guys bonding on the boat. I remember that one episode when Derek was working on the Dream House. He, Mark, and some other of the older men hung out, drank beer, and stuff. They really had fun, plus we had already been introduced to Mark/Derek's friendship. Now that was true bromance, I won't deny there were times I secretly shipped them together. But the guys hanging out on the boat? That was weird. And who the hell looked after their patients all day? Who was the lead doctor in their surgeries? I'm with April, they got to take a sick day to get (I'm assuming it was obvious to her) drunk? How lame.

The deck episode is my favorite episode of this entire series.  I'm not huge on re-watching this show, but there are 3 or 4 episode that I will go back and watch, and the deck episode ("What Is It About Men") is number one on that list.  It might be that, because I loved that episode so much, that this one just didn't work.  And, yeah, doctor's just can't walk out of the hospital for a "sick" day.

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4 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

Ditto.  An article I wrote with my research fellow (now a professor) just got published this summer.  We submitted it at the beginning of the year, got reviewed, made revisions, and finally got published online this past summer.  STILL waiting for the print edition to come out so I can see my first article in hard copy form. 

Wow, congratulations.  That's awesome. May many more come.

Getting published in six or seven months seems fast to me but I guess on-line journals do it faster.  It used to take 12 months to two years but part of that is the reviewers not getting their work done on time.


JSA must be one of those predatory journals that you have to pay to get published.  No one she got published that fast.

Ooh, nice burn.

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1 hour ago, kinnej5 said:

But there's also some other type of incest (I forget what it's called) that applies to step-siblings, which is what Jackson and Maggie are.

But Jackson and Maggie are not step-siblings. Maggie is not legally Richard’s daughter, her adoptive parents are her parents, not Richard. 

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2 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

Thanks!  It's pretty awesome, especially having my name next to hers -- she's brilliant.  

LOL...had to edit my post. Typo...embarrassed.  Yes, authors make mistakes  ;)

Everyone does.  Happy fingers.  Again, congrats on your big professional milestone.  It's a biggie!

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I'm glad Jo's goin to file for divorce. Even though I don't like the character, I think it would make an interesting thread..

Boat storyline was weird and anticlimatic. Jackson's idea is just stupid. I hope it won't happen.

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50 minutes ago, lorbeer said:

Boat storyline was weird and anticlimatic. Jackson's idea is just stupid. I hope it won't happen.

I'm still not even clear what Jackson's idea is.  I mean, I know he wants Bailey to start an award that is just like the Harper Avery, but isn't.  And he doesn't want the award, he just wants to compete in it.  So, either he'll never win it (in which case he'll pout) or he will in it (in which case it will look shady--whether or not it actually is shady).

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Did anyone else think that Jackson came off like a real douche this episode? At first, he said he doesn’t want his inheritance, but then, flash forward a couple weeks and he is spending it on an expensive sports car and a spur-of-the-moment yacht purchase. Oh, and he suddenly wants to establish a surgical innovations endowment. Is it because he’s inspired to cure some poor child’s disease? No, it’s because he wants to win a contest. Not a good side of him at all this episode.

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I didn't pay attention to much of his scenes mainly because the Maggie stuff is just annoying. I hate that they really seem to be attempting to make this stick. I get they can't have he and April doing the same repetitive dance but I'm just not buying this sudden connection he and Maggie share. It seems like the umpteenth attempt to have her behave like an idiot because the writers think it's endearing. 

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1 hour ago, LaughingOne said:

Did anyone else think that Jackson came off like a real douche this episode? At first, he said he doesn’t want his inheritance, but then, flash forward a couple weeks and he is spending it on an expensive sports car and a spur-of-the-moment yacht purchase. Oh, and he suddenly wants to establish a surgical innovations endowment. Is it because he’s inspired to cure some poor child’s disease? No, it’s because he wants to win a contest. Not a good side of him at all this episode.

I thought so and it’s why I didn’t really care for Jackson this episode. He’s behaving like hes never had money. He’s never been this flamboyant with it. Now he alluded to not being happy when he told the guys he was “buying happiness” so if this is a pebble to something I can buy it. Otherwise these are rich boy problems that he needs to get over. I get it’s overwhelming but he’s being offtered choices, which I guess he may not understand cause he’s always been offered choices.

and I don’t understand the money for the competition either. I get that he resents never being competitive with his chosen profession, but this doesn’t seem the way to go. If he loses, will he accept it?

I was shocked about one thing. His first son died of OI, he has the kind of money that could make a real difference in research for OI...and that never crosses his mind. Maybe that will come later but the Jackson I’ve known to this point would have considered this. The Jackson I got last night was season 6/7 Jackson. 

I can not with Jackson and Maggie. If your concerned about a girl being your sister cause you want to sleep with her...I get the show wants to lampshade this incest thing but for me, a person whose never considered them incest, that was so gross to me. 

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1 hour ago, LaughingOne said:

Did anyone else think that Jackson came off like a real douche this episode? At first, he said he doesn’t want his inheritance, but then, flash forward a couple weeks and he is spending it on an expensive sports car and a spur-of-the-moment yacht purchase. Oh, and he suddenly wants to establish a surgical innovations endowment. Is it because he’s inspired to cure some poor child’s disease? No, it’s because he wants to win a contest. Not a good side of him at all this episode.

I felt that Jackson was...not Jackson in this episode.  I don't know what it was but none of his actions or reactions were what I felt Jackson would have done.  Plus, he was downright annoying.  This surprises me because, for the most part, this season is a vast improvement.  Yet, he seems to be sort of treading water, like Vernoff just doesn't know what to do with him.

25 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

I can not with Jackson and Maggie. If your concerned about a girl being your sister cause you want to sleep with her...I get the show wants to lampshade this incest thing but for me, a person whose never considered them incest, that was so gross to me. 

The thing is, the show is making this an incest thing.  Yeah, some of us quibble about whether or not it is incest, but the show could have just not taken that angle and it really would have been a non-issue.  Even better, they could have scrapped this whole Jackson/Maggie thing altogether.

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17 minutes ago, Morksmate said:


The thing is, the show is making this an incest thing.  Yeah, some of us quibble about whether or not it is incest, but the show could have just not taken that angle and it really would have been a non-issue.  Even better, they could have scrapped this whole Jackson/Maggie thing altogether.

I think their angle is to try and troll the audience who were so up in arms over that. Or to try and desensationalize it and let jaggies chemistry shine through? But this episode took it too far. Like I said, I have other reasons not to like them, but saying this girl was your sister and hen contemplate sleeping with them? The show went too far, even if now Jackson got that outsiders permission to sleep with her, it’s gross and I don’t think this stigma is going to go away now. They should have just left it alone.

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I agree Jackson isn't coming off as likable in general. But that could be intentional, as Jesse Williams has lost a good portion of his fanbase and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he doesn't last the season. Maybe the award he wants to establish will end up being named the Jackson Avery Memorial Award.

I see they're just doubling down on Carina having no actual character. But if they're going to continue with that, fine, then I'm relieved she's away from Arizona and on to Owen, who I don't care about. And who knows, maybe Carina can get Owen to lighten up. That's one of the reasons I like Owen with April (in their mentor/mentoree roles, not as anything else!), because he's not so damn scowly.

I don't think Sofia is going to be SORAS'd to full-on teenager, but even if they use the same actress she's still going to be a little older than she technically should be in show time, and if she's had a growth spurt IRL it could be especially jarring since we haven't seen her for over a year. I think that's the reason they're getting DeLuca out of AZ's house, even though DeLuca is about the last guy I would worry about around a minor girl. Speaking of DeLuca, first, it was completely bizarre/inappropriate to see him hanging out with Alex, and second, yay, he looks to finally be getting a storyline of his own!

AZ had the first half of the classic "That's not how this works! That's not how any of this works!" rant. I was hoping she'd finish it, but I guess the writers thought that'd be a little too on the nose. I loved the looks the docs gave each other when April commented about a bullet still in the chamber and the idiot girl was all "Wuh?" And word to April on the sense of not dating anyone from the hospital, though of course nobody (herself included) has or will follow that, I'm sure.

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10 minutes ago, Black Knight said:

I don't think Sofia is going to be SORAS'd to full-on teenager, but even if they use the same actress she's still going to be a little older than she technically should be in show time, and if she's had a growth spurt IRL it could be especially jarring since we haven't seen her for over a year. I think that's the reason they're getting DeLuca out of AZ's house, even though DeLuca is about the last guy I would worry about around a minor girl. Speaking of DeLuca, first, it was completely bizarre/inappropriate to see him hanging out with Alex, and second, yay, he looks to finally be getting a storyline of his own!

Wasn't Sofia SORAS'd a bit already.  The last time we saw here (I think it was the end of season 12), she already seemed much older than I thought she would be.  I can't remember what her age is in relation to Zola's, but I thought Zola was a few years older...and I think the actress they have playing Zola now is the right age, but the Sofia from back then was already too old.

Of course, with the weird year time jump...and back...who knows how old all of these kids are supposed to be?

An unrelated minor observation I did make during the episode:  One good thing about Amela's surgery is that she's now parting her hair on the side, which is much more flattering.  Parting her hair down the middle just made her face look more wide than it is.  I don't know if that is because she's trying to cover up the shaved spot of if the tumor was making her previous hair decisions, but it is a noticeable improvement.

Edited by Morksmate
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29 minutes ago, Morksmate said:

Wasn't Sofia SORAS'd a bit already.  The last time we saw here (I think it was the end of season 12), she already seemed much older than I thought she would be.  I can't remember what her age is in relation to Zola's, but I thought Zola was a few years older...and I think the actress they have playing Zola now is the right age, but the Sofia from back then was already too old.

Zola is at most three months older than Sofia. Zola was six months old when she was introduced in S7, in the episode in which both Callie and Arizona, and Derek and Meredith, were married. The previous episode, which featured Callie's recovery from her car accident, covered three months from Sofia's birth to when Callie was finally able to go home. The weddings in the next episode took place at some indeterminate time after that. Probably not that much afterwards, but I'd think Callie and Arizona would've needed a couple of months after Callie had returned home for their wedding plans, since the wedding wasn't a super-formal affair but wasn't a slapdash thing either. Speculation aside, what we know for sure was that Sofia was at least three months old in the episode six-month-old Zola was introduced.

Edited by Black Knight
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2 hours ago, moonorchid said:

I think their angle is to try and troll the audience who were so up in arms over that. Or to try and desensationalize it and let jaggies chemistry shine through? But this episode took it too far. Like I said, I have other reasons not to like them, but saying this girl was your sister and hen contemplate sleeping with them? The show went too far, even if now Jackson got that outsiders permission to sleep with her, it’s gross and I don’t think this stigma is going to go away now. They should have just left it alone.

They're probably trying to leverage the Game of Thrones buzz about incest, twincest, and other 'cests. 

Not terribly original, and truthfully, over before anyone cares.  I've yet to see ONE person on these boards who would think Maggie/Jackson would be something interesting to watch.

So someone, please (TPTB), explain to me in a 4 year-old's words why this would EVER be a good idea?

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On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 9:40 PM, LexieLily said:

Wasn't the entire plotline of Cristina's nomination that she couldn't win because she worked at Seattle Grace and was on the board with an Avery? Yeah, Jackson's name isn't on the paper, but an Avery still works there and is still on the board.

yes that's correct, the reason was given that it would look bad for the hospital if a board member won, so no bpard member would ever win

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On and off watching Greys, but  I watched this one and I felt sorry for the salmons.

On 3. 11. 2017 at 2:35 AM, moonorchid said:

I didn’t like it. Episode felt so blasé, and I said “ew”too many times. 

Jackson, if you call a woman you are thinking about sleeping with “sister”....it’s weird!!!!

beyond the fact that he’s going to hook up with Maggie and him and april act like the other doesn’t exist, I like that he’s trying to get back into surgery competively. 

Mers nom is so underwhelming to me. It doesn’t feel earned. We saw Cristina go through the steps, it was an injustice to us when she didn’t win. When mers wins hers...I’ll be like...ok. 

Amelia and Tom? Ew. Owen and carina? Ew.

carina...I am really bothered and grossed out by her. “What’s your specialty?” “Orgasms” if a male said that he’d be a freaking douchebag. And it’s not different with carina except that she’s a female and they are going to claim “cultural difference” which may be true but it still really bothers me cause the double standard is glaring.

I feel the same.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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What is Meredith´s Harper Avery nomination for? What achievement? 

I missed it.

Just like Moonorchid said, we saw all Crisitna´s steps which lead to her nomination. Meredith just gets in a journal and suddenly a nomination comes along. What for?

If she actually gets it and Cristina hasn´t, I mean like can this really happen???

Edited by Nobodysfan
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5 hours ago, skermac said:

yes that's correct, the reason was given that it would look bad for the hospital if a board member won, so no bpard member would ever win

The rule will not apply for Meredith, since she is the sun

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7 hours ago, Nobodysfan said:

What is Meredith´s Harper Avery nomination for? What achievement? 

I missed it.

Just like Moonorchid said, we saw all Crisitna´s steps which lead to her nomination. Meredith just gets in a journal and suddenly a nomination comes along. What for?

If she actually gets it and Cristina hasn´t, I mean like can this really happen???

Megan's "bleeding edge" abdomen replacement.   The one which she asked Jackson to remove his name from when she decided to publish it.  The one which Jo chickened out about putting her name on when she realized evil husband could find her, because she'd have to submit a photo. 

They're obviously doing the time warp in Seattle of late.  We'll see for certain when Sophia shows up.

Edited by Blonde Gator
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Did Maggie duck behind the desk because she didn't think the dude was good-looking enough?  If so, then she's as shallow as she is ditzy.  She looks ok but she isn't as pretty as she thinks she is, and  I couldn't believe she said out loud that she was pretty. That's something you'd want someone else to tell you.

Edited by Ohwell
added something
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8 hours ago, gator12 said:

The rule will not apply for Meredith, since she is the sun

Cristina couldn't win because she was from Harper Avery hospital and the case was, no one from the hospital could ever win BUT they can get nominated. So it isn't breaking any rules for the sun.. YET.

I guess they could use Grandpa Avery death and change the rules... like there isn't anyone to forbid that anymore.

Edited by lorbeer
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2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Did Maggie duck behind the desk because she didn't think the dude was good-looking enough?  If so, then she's as shallow as she is ditzy.  She looks ok but she isn't as pretty as she thinks she is, and  I couldn't believe she said out loud that she was pretty. That's something you'd want someone else to tell you.

I don't think it was because he wasn't good looking (he was an attractive man AND he looked like his profile picture which, at least back when I was in the dating scene, was rare).  I think she just freaked out.

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13 minutes ago, Morksmate said:

I don't think it was because he wasn't good looking (he was an attractive man AND he looked like his profile picture which, at least back when I was in the dating scene, was rare).  I think she just freaked out.

It’s very obvious she only got on tinder so she can distract herself from her attraction to Jackson...which this episode did such a poor job is making them less icky

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On 11/2/2017 at 11:15 PM, Blonde Gator said:

AAAAAAAAAAND.....as we expected, Sophia is coming back aged up as "5 minutes from being a teenager",

I think this was just a "time flies" comment, not meaning that Sofia is actually almost a teenager.

On 11/3/2017 at 8:37 PM, moonorchid said:

and let jaggies chemistry shine through?

But they don't have any chemistry...

On 11/3/2017 at 3:29 PM, kariyaki said:

Maggie is not legally Richard’s daughter,

Richard and Ellis are Maggie's biological parents.

I really hope they keep Greg Germann!

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59 minutes ago, marykat71702 said:

Richard and Ellis are Maggie's biological parents.

Yes, but Richard is not Jackson biological father.  Whether or not Richard is her legal father is rather moot.  There is no biological relation between Maggie and Jackson.  So, not incest.

Now, an argument can be made that it is *like* incest, but Maggie doesn't have a father/daughter relationship with Richard (well, at least not until they started floating the Jackson/Maggie idea...THEN they start making Maggie act like she's Richard's daughter!)

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31 minutes ago, Morksmate said:

Yes, but Richard is not Jackson biological father.  Whether or not Richard is her legal father is rather moot.  There is no biological relation between Maggie and Jackson.  So, not incest.

Now, an argument can be made that it is *like* incest, but Maggie doesn't have a father/daughter relationship with Richard (well, at least not until they started floating the Jackson/Maggie idea...THEN they start making Maggie act like she's Richard's daughter!)

Yes in all legal and technical terms maggie and Jackson are not incest. 

I was completely on board with this thought and had my own reasons for not liking them. But once Jackson said “having a sister is pretty cool” in relation to Maggie, that made things really gross. 

Gizzie was considered incest because of their sibling like bond, just as gross when t actually happened.

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On 11/3/2017 at 5:51 PM, lorbeer said:

I'm glad Jo's goin to file for divorce. Even though I don't like the character, I think it would make an interesting thread..

Am I the only one who immediately thought Shonda's gonna have the husband kill her to open up the way for Mer/Alex?

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2 hours ago, moonorchid said:

But once Jackson said “having a sister is pretty cool” in relation to Maggie, that made things really gross. 

ITA. Not a Jaggie fan, but I’ve never had a “gross, yuck, incest” moment with them UNTIL Jackson said that. Logical or not, in his mind at that moment, he’s trying to reconcile wanting to sleep with someone he’s thinking of as his sister. Ewwwwww. If the writers were trying to highlight that Jaggie is not incest, that scene was about the worst way they could’ve done it.

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That moment when Jackson referred to Maggie as his sister was so completely out of the blue that I had to rewind to make sure I heard him correctly.  It made and makes no fucking sense and is just as stupid as the idea of the two of them getting together when all the evidence proves they have no chemistry.

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1 hour ago, moonorchid said:

Yes in all legal and technical terms maggie and Jackson are not incest.

To me, Mark and Lexie were more incestuous that Maggie and Jackson. And the hospital's named after them. 

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3 hours ago, Pallas said:

To me, Mark and Lexie were more incestuous that Maggie and Jackson. And the hospital's named after them. 

At least mark and Lexie had nice chemistry. 

Its so cringy now when I think of Jackson and maggie and it’s just going to get worse. I have a lot of thoughts about why this show is pushing them and one of them is I think Jesse is being pushed as the “leading male” and maggie is def seen as a leading lady next to meredith, at least to the show. 

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9 hours ago, LaughingOne said:

ITA. Not a Jaggie fan, but I’ve never had a “gross, yuck, incest” moment with them UNTIL Jackson said that. Logical or not, in his mind at that moment, he’s trying to reconcile wanting to sleep with someone he’s thinking of as his sister. Ewwwwww. If the writers were trying to highlight that Jaggie is not incest, that scene was about the worst way they could’ve done it.

This is what is so freakin' confusing.  Last season, we had the beginning of Jackson and Maggie (which came out of nowhere and made no sense).  At that time, Jackson and Maggie thought of each other as colleagues and Maggie thought of Richard who, although she had his DNA, was a co-worker and, at best, a mentor.  Then they start this stupid Jackson and Maggie thing...THEN they start having Jackson thinking of Maggie as his "sister" (who we wants to sleep with) and Maggie recognizing Richard as a father figure and it just seems like they are trying to push INCEST down our throats, whereas before it really was nothing more than a bit of fan discussion.

1 hour ago, moonorchid said:

Its so cringy now when I think of Jackson and maggie and it’s just going to get worse. I have a lot of thoughts about why this show is pushing them and one of them is I think Jesse is being pushed as the “leading male” and maggie is def seen as a leading lady next to meredith, at least to the show. 

That's ridiculous--not you or your speculation (I have to admit it actually makes some sort of...not sense, but maybe flawed logic?), but it is ridiculous if the show actually goes that way.  I think trying to push Jesse as a leading man is..problematic.  Hasn't he made indications that he would like to leave the show at some point?  And, if they wanted Maggie as a co-lead with Meredith, there are plenty of ways to do it without having her sleep with her kind of/sort of brother with whom she shares neither DNA or chemistry.

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19 minutes ago, Morksmate said:


That's ridiculous--not you or your speculation (I have to admit it actually makes some sort of...not sense, but maybe flawed logic?), but it is ridiculous if the show actually goes that way.  I think trying to push Jesse as a leading man is..problematic.  Hasn't he made indications that he would like to leave the show at some point?  And, if they wanted Maggie as a co-lead with Meredith, there are plenty of ways to do it without having her sleep with her kind of/sort of brother with whom she shares neither DNA or chemistry.

I think he used to but I read an interview recently where he said he’d like to stay as long as they’d have them or something like that. He has child support payments to make right now and greys is super supportive of all their actors other projects. 

I feel like his increase in storylines is in reflection to his renewed commitment?

With maggie, I think they desperately want her to have a big love story and they want it with Jackson because he’s prob the more we’ll known make cast member. And honestly, they want the cool guy to fall for the awkward girl. 

Edited by moonorchid
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Eh, this episode was... alright? I didn't hate it or anything, but I actually found myself liking the previous one much more, which is weird.

I know that domestic abuse is an important issue that should be talked about more, I really do, but sorry, I just can't get behind Jo's horrendously retconned abusive husband story. It doesn't fit in her backstory and no matter what they keep saying, whenever I look at her I DON'T see an abuse survivor or fugitive. I really hope that storyline is resolved in a bubble episode, so I can skip it altogether.

Another thing I really don't care about is Jackon's premature midlife crisis or whatever he has going on for himself. He just came across as SO unlikeable and douchy in this episode that for the first time I actually thought I wouldn't mind having him gone. 

It's a shame the boat thing wasn't more fun. Like pretty much everyone else said, these guys have very little chemistry together and the whole thing felt so random and pointless. I guess what we took from it was that Ben is leaving (which we knew already) and we got to see De Luca without his shirt on. Yay.

If they do another round of "Arizona is dating a bisexual woman and feels insecure about that", I'm going to flip. And speaking of which, why can't they get her a love interest that works? I mean, Callie and Penny were a dreadful couple, but they were still much better together than Arizona's two previous relationships - and that says a lot about how awful they've been!

Edited by Joana
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22 hours ago, Morksmate said:

I don't think it was because he wasn't good looking (he was an attractive man AND he looked like his profile picture which, at least back when I was in the dating scene, was rare).  I think she just freaked out.

Maybe so, but I still think that if Shemar Moore had walked in she would have remained standing. ; )

The fact that she threw out that line about being pretty led me to think that, even though she saw his picture, he didn't meet up to her standards, looks-wise.   

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4 hours ago, moonorchid said:

With maggie, I think they desperately want her to have a big love story and they want it with Jackson because he’s prob the more we’ll known make cast member. And honestly, they want the cool guy to fall for the awkward girl. 

See, I kind of feel like they've already done that.  I sort of remember that time they all went to take their boards and someone came back no longer a virgin.  Oh wait....


2 hours ago, Joana said:

I know that domestic abuse is an important issue that should be talked about more, I really do, but sorry, I just can't get behind Jo's horrendously retconned abusive husband story. It doesn't fit in her backstory and no matter what they keep saying, whenever I look at her I DON'T see an abuse survivor or fugitive. I really hope that storyline is resolved in a bubble episode, so I can skip it altogether.

The whole Jo story line is really bothering me.  You're right...domestic violence is far too important for them to do a shoddy retcon to "work it in."  There are other things they could do with Jo and there are other ways to deal with domestic violence.  Plus, none of this really makes sense.  Did Jo legally change her name?  If so, I would think the husband could hunt her down (wouldn't there be records of that).  If she didn't, how did she get her job at the hospital or, depending when this took place, graduate from medical school.  And, if she did change her name, why would it matter if her name was on Meredith's paper?  The only way it would matter is if her husband knew she had taken another name and what that name would be.  (Yeah, I get the picture, but she could have had her name on the paper and NOT had her picture taken).   I would think anyone with a basic knowledge of google could look up "Jo Wilson" and find her in Seattle.  

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1 hour ago, Morksmate said:

See, I kind of feel like they've already done that.  I sort of remember that time they all went to take their boards and someone came back no longer a virgin.  Oh wait....

True! But Maggie is the april people like. Plus...I’m on the verge of getting political, but a guy like him with a girl who looks like maggie is more what I was getting at.

ive seen people praise and love maggie cause she represents a part of a community that is under represented at large and having a guy like Jackson that looks the way he does find that desiarable is huge, I can totally admit that much. I just don’t think they are going to garner the popularity Kelly and Jesse and Krista and co think they are going to get.

Edited by moonorchid
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By the time we met Jo she had already achieved the hardest step of being an abuse survivor, she left him.  Her self esteem would have improved tremendously from the moment that she had the courage to walk out. It makes sense that she doesn’t now  look like a victim.

I have always presumed that she went through a process similar to the witness protection program which provides untraceable anonymity. 

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15 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

That moment when Jackson referred to Maggie as his sister was so completely out of the blue that I had to rewind to make sure I heard him correctly.  It made and makes no fucking sense and is just as stupid as the idea of the two of them getting together when all the evidence proves they have no chemistry.

It's because his mom called Maggie his sister 2 episodes ago. 

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On 11/4/2017 at 1:37 PM, Ohwell said:

Did Maggie duck behind the desk because she didn't think the dude was good-looking enough?  If so, then she's as shallow as she is ditzy.  She looks ok but she isn't as pretty as she thinks she is, and  I couldn't believe she said out loud that she was pretty. That's something you'd want someone else to tell you.

LOL so now self confidence is a no-no? She can say that out loud because she is a beautiful, smart, and talented woman who has no issue with self-esteem. Maggie was raised to love herself unlike the rest of the characters (maybe except for April, but she's overshadowed by her sisters). Beauty is subjective blah blah but compared to the remaining cast members who are looking haggard from the toils that poor writing has put them through (including Jesse who is wearing the look of a dramatic divorce not so well tbh), I would definitely say that besides Jo, Maggie is the best looking there. Again, a scene meant to be humorous and relatable portrayed Maggie of course, was taken out of context. Surprise surprise. 

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On 11/3/2017 at 11:42 PM, Blonde Gator said:

They're probably trying to leverage the Game of Thrones buzz about incest, twincest, and other 'cests. 

Not terribly original, and truthfully, over before anyone cares.  I've yet to see ONE person on these boards who would think Maggie/Jackson would be something interesting to watch.

So someone, please (TPTB), explain to me in a 4 year-old's words why this would EVER be a good idea?

I, personally would love to see Maggie/Jackson. The story line could be a breath of fresh air for both characters. There's nothing incestuous about them being together and I don't think the writers are attempting to draw Game of Thrones like buzz. Game of Thrones has actual incest. Maggie doesn't claim Webber as a father, and he's barely a step-father to Jackson. They're two adults who met, became friends, and now possible romantic partners. 

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15 minutes ago, lavenderrose said:

LOL so now self confidence is a no-no? She can say that out loud because she is a beautiful, smart, and talented woman who has no issue with self-esteem. Maggie was raised to love herself unlike the rest of the characters (maybe except for April, but she's overshadowed by her sisters). Beauty is subjective blah blah but compared to the remaining cast members who are looking haggard from the toils that poor writing has put them through (including Jesse who is wearing the look of a dramatic divorce not so well tbh), I would definitely say that besides Jo, Maggie is the best looking there. Again, a scene meant to be humorous and relatable portrayed Maggie of course, was taken out of context. Surprise surprise. 

Cristina is famous for saying “I’m hot, I’m a hot person”...

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