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S30.E16: The Sinister Six

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So since Jordan seems to be fine enough, can the show take two seconds to tell us how his jumper is?  Because it sure seemed like he did something even more serious to his leg than Jordan did.

Camila, still trash.  I’m disappointed in you for now, Cara.

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I kind of lost interest a bit once I saw Camila was going to the final. I’m over her. Glad Tony didn’t get in. 

Seems like a few of them had harsh landings.

Edited by Marley
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Well, I can not fault Cara being scared about skydiving, cause that is a legitimate fear. Plus, Jordan and his tandem partner get injured...yeah fuck that.


As much as I hate Camila, she fucking knows how to strategize for competitions like this one. 


Kailah, Kailah, Kailah...you acted very cocky and when it came time to rock it individually, you failed.

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If he couldn't compete, he should sue MTV for hiring such a shitty skydiving company.

Why would they choose to land in a rocky terrain?

Wait until the winners find out that federal and state taxes take 1/3 to 1/2 of the gross winnings.

Most of them have won prize money so they should know after taxes it won't be anywhere near $450k, though maybe they were told to play up for the cameras.

Even if they got the full amount, most of them are under 40 so that money won't let them quit working or anything like that.  It would be a nice start to a nest egg, unless there's some kind of retirement plan for MTV reality show cast members that we don't know about.

The worst idea is to take that money and think of not getting a job, because sooner or later, they're going to have to transition to a boring job like everyone else.  Sure they could keep coming on Challenges but odds of winning often enough to make a nice living is pretty low.

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At least the end is in sight. I am resigned to a Camila win, because she sucks so hard. She should have been out on her butt after what she said to Leroy, but here we are. The guys are okay; each one stands to get closer to GOAT status with a win. I can live with any of them. Cara Maria is bearable to me, and I'd be okay with Tori getting the first rookie win in five years. But it's gonna be Camila because of course it's gonna be Camila.

Disappointing mission, though the simplicity was nice. At least Tony lost, so he'll have to at least consider getting a job to support his daughters. If he does another Challenge, that would give the mothers time to move and not leave forwarding addresses. Sucks to see the Barbie Beast come up short yet again, especially since an injury might keep her off the show. I know, Jenna can be exasperating, but she isn't as grimy as her contemporaries.

Wait, so Cara Maria has never jumped out of a plane before in her various stints? BMP is slipping. She was probably cheerful afterward. "I lived! And I never had to do it again! And the guy talking epic shit about me got injured! Crap, is it my birthday??"

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Kind of sad Camillias in the finale. I know the theme of this season is dirty players but Camilla is an awful human being that goes beyond being a “evil challenge player” but I digress. So over CM so if she wins I’ll be mad too.

eta: also adding the skydiving thing and how the patch was all rocky road and Camilla and  CM ended up in a different location. I think that since this is season 30, mtv has stopped putting a lot of money into this show. The challenges that they complete in aren’t as advanced or interesting anymore, even the elimination rounds are mostly just rehashes of things they’ve Done in the past . And the final challenges mostly consist of them doing a long walk/run somewhere with a puzzle. Compare these new challenges to the ones of the yore, which to me had more money put into them.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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11 hours ago, Zima said:

Ugh. Why does Camila have to be good at these? 

I kind of hope Tori wins.

I so appreciate that a woman finally stated that CT is not the ideal partner in these finals.  Sure he can carry anything, but he always gasses out - it's his fault he and Diem didn't get the win in that exes season.  Does he still smoke?

Unfortunately Camilla is good at these things because she's smart.  Compare her to the dimbulb twins in the last challenge.  They just dangled there like morons, too stupid to even copy her technique.

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CM going all cheerleader when Camila won and made it to the finals... not a good look.  I know they have an alliance, but Camila sucks. 

And on that subject... I know it is old news but it still pisses me off that Camila is even still here.  They kicked Nelson off for "consistently disruptive behavior." I know he hit someone, but that was not the cited justification for his removal.  Camila has been far more disruptive and dangerous. The night she went on her racist tirade she was brandishing weights to use as weapons.  She hits someone with one of those... she could actually kill someone. Plus, it goes without saying, that there should be no place for her in the MTV world (or anywhere really) after the racist crap that came out of her mouth.  The fact that MTV lets it slide and will continue to bring her back makes me sick. Let's hope she loses the final due to her own f*ck up so we don't have to hear her endlessly bitch about being dragged down by a partner. 

I would love to see Derek or CT win.  I am team Tori on the girl's side despite my multiple seasons of rooting for CM. 

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Kailah and Jenna's performances in that challenge were almost as bad as Tony's. Not a good look ladies. The Challenge needs a legit 'Fresh Meat' season again. Or bring back 'Road Rules' and recruit some real competitors. Tori,Hunter,Smashley, and Nelson are the only decent new era Challenge competitors, and none of them are that good. 


CT just isn't made for finals in altitude. Jordan or Derrick will probably win, and Jordan seems to be featured more heavily. Not sure if they do winner's edits like on 'Survivor', but Jordan is definitely getting one. 

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CT did just win the Invasion season. It's not like he's completely over the hill.

It's weird that Hunter was allowed to compete. I know in previous seasons they've sent injured people home for seemingly less than that. He already said his hand could be permanently affected. And of course the elimination he injured it in was stupidly dangerous to begin with. Who makes people run into a door blindly like that?

If Jordan was unable to compete because of that landing, there's got to be some legal flexibility for him. I know MTV makes everyone sign their lives away, but that's an injury that's the fault of the "professional" he was tied to.

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14 hours ago, scrb said:

Wait until the winners find out that federal and state taxes take 1/3 to 1/2 of the gross winnings.

CT and CM have won challenges before, and Camila, Jordan and Tori have issues, but they don't seem like they're ignorant of the IRS.  I don't know about Derrick.

14 hours ago, scrb said:

Even if they got the full amount, most of them are under 40 so that money won't let them quit working or anything like that.  It would be a nice start to a nest egg

I was thinking down payment on a house!

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I find it much less exciting when second and third place are given next to nothing.  I especially hate it for Derrick, who really came back for nothing if he doesn't win first.  It doesn't seem like much of an incentive for the old school players to return.  They're likely not to win first, and second and third may not be worth leaving their children.

Didn't CT take a little break at some point?  Now he's showing up for every single challenge as well as the side shows involving professional athletes, etc.  Is he seeing his son less, or is it just worth being away so much because of the money?  Not judging him for it, but mothers get a lot of garbage about leaving their small children for these things.   And was there bad blood between CT and Derrick at some point?  He was rooting for Tony over Derrick.  

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32 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

And was there bad blood between CT and Derrick at some point?  He was rooting for Tony over Derrick.  

I think CT figures Tony would be easier to beat in a final.

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56 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I find it much less exciting when second and third place are given next to nothing.  I especially hate it for Derrick, who really came back for nothing if he doesn't win first.  It doesn't seem like much of an incentive for the old school players to return.  They're likely not to win first, and second and third may not be worth leaving their children.

Didn't CT take a little break at some point?  Now he's showing up for every single challenge as well as the side shows involving professional athletes, etc.  Is he seeing his son less, or is it just worth being away so much because of the money?  Not judging him for it, but mothers get a lot of garbage about leaving their small children for these things.   And was there bad blood between CT and Derrick at some point?  He was rooting for Tony over Derrick.  


I'm pretty sure the vets like CT and Johnny get a decent appearance fee(north of $50,000), and everyone Is payed for each week they are in the game(which was the strategy for Dario's lay low approach, to just collect as many weeks of  paychecks as possible).

Edited by ImpinAintEasy
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30 minutes ago, ImpinAintEasy said:


I'm pretty sure the vets like CT and Johnny get a decent appearance fee(north of $50,000), and everyone Is payed for each week they are in the game(which was the strategy for Dario's lay low approach, to just collect as many weeks of  paychecks as possible).

I hope so.  I know for the most part these people are just basic famewhores, but I truly dislike when the winnings are manipulated like this.  There are people I root for to win this money, and they kill it by reducing the vast majority of the money to one or two people.  Think of the season in which Johnny took all the winnings.  No fun for me.

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I guess I'm evil because I love the heartbreak on the losers' faces.  This time promises to be extra schadenfreude-tastic.  Just remember that nobody on a reality show "deserves" to win money.  We're not talking about coal miners being cheated out of their pensions here.

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I love how they spent a decent amount of time having the cast talk about how a million dollars is life changing money.  It's like "OK, you guys heard the part about getting 'your share' of the million, and know that nobody is winning a full million, right?"  And I loved their crestfallen faces when he announced that the people in third would get $15,000 each.  (Yeah, I'm evil.) 

I think this episode pretty much confirmed our "Jordan and CM are pretending to be paired as rivals" theory.  Other than Jordan laughing to the camera about CM's freak out over sky diving, they were getting along pretty well this episode.  


TJ said they'd be running parts of the final as pairs and part as individuals.  I wonder if they're all stuck with the partner they had for this first leg for any other legs that have them running with partners, or if each one will be like this one - the first person to a specific point gets to pick their partner when the members of the opposite sex start hitting that point.  I think it would be more interesting to have them run with different partners for different legs.  It would mix it up in terms of making it harder to determine who is winning, and it would be a little more fair to everyone to have a shot at picking their partner on any given leg.   


I'm always entertained when we have moments of "CT is just freaky fucking strong," like his performance carrying the rocks last night.  He may have issues with running at high altitudes, but he certainly does a good job at countering that issue with his insane strength, whenever there's a chance to do so.  I think my favorite in this category, aside from Johnny Bananas Backpack, which will always be my favorite Challenge moment, period, was the time, several seasons ago, when the other guys put that ceramic swan in one of the beds in the girls' room.  It took like six of them, huffing and puffing to drag that thing to the room.  When the girl whose bed it was in wanted it out, CT walks in there, hefts it up with one arm "where do you want it?" One of the guys' talking head was something to the effect of "you want to know why nobody wants to face him?"  

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50 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I love how they spent a decent amount of time having the cast talk about how a million dollars is life changing money.  It's like "OK, you guys heard the part about getting 'your share' of the million, and know that nobody is winning a full million, right?"  And I loved their crestfallen faces when he announced that the people in third would get $15,000 each.  (Yeah, I'm evil.) 

I think this episode pretty much confirmed our "Jordan and CM are pretending to be paired as rivals" theory.  Other than Jordan laughing to the camera about CM's freak out over sky diving, they were getting along pretty well this episode.  


TJ said they'd be running parts of the final as pairs and part as individuals.  I wonder if they're all stuck with the partner they had for this first leg for any other legs that have them running with partners, or if each one will be like this one - the first person to a specific point gets to pick their partner when the members of the opposite sex start hitting that point.  I think it would be more interesting to have them run with different partners for different legs.  It would mix it up in terms of making it harder to determine who is winning, and it would be a little more fair to everyone to have a shot at picking their partner on any given leg.   


I'm always entertained when we have moments of "CT is just freaky fucking strong," like his performance carrying the rocks last night.  He may have issues with running at high altitudes, but he certainly does a good job at countering that issue with his insane strength, whenever there's a chance to do so.  I think my favorite in this category, aside from Johnny Bananas Backpack, which will always be my favorite Challenge moment, period, was the time, several seasons ago, when the other guys put that ceramic swan in one of the beds in the girls' room.  It took like six of them, huffing and puffing to drag that thing to the room.  When the girl whose bed it was in wanted it out, CT walks in there, hefts it up with one arm "where do you want it?" One of the guys' talking head was something to the effect of "you want to know why nobody wants to face him?"  

Haha. I was just telling my sister about that swan thing. It was funny to see so many of them take it to his bed and then CT moving it by himself. His sheer strength is beyond impressive.

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I'm happy for Derrick making it to the final, but I wish Jenna had made it over Camila. However, both Jenna and Kailah performed poorly and seemed like they just gave up. For all the planning Kailah did to get to the final, she hardly performed well enough to actually earn a spot there.


Jordan has become more annoying to me than Johnny Bananas, but I'm glad he was ok after the landing accident.


Kudos to Cara for facing her fear and skydiving because I know I would never be able to do it.


I'm hoping for a Cara/CT win!

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Looking at the Twitter of the guy behind StopBeingPolite.com as he commented on the episode in "real time." My favorite tweets:


If one of the males sabotages Camila I will start a go fund me to ensure he gets his $450,000... no taxes.


Why is @CaraMariaMTV crying? If you don't like heights, stay home. Camila will jump without a parachute.

He also looked things up and determined that Camila was the only one of the six to have jumped out of an airplane, at least during a Challenge.

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I didn’t pay attention to the swan incident at the time and I’m sad because I can’t find it on You Tube.

I know CT was a real shit when he was younger but he’s redeemed himself by far, IMO, and as long as he does these stupid shows, I will root for him.

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

I didn’t pay attention to the swan incident at the time and I’m sad because I can’t find it on You Tube.

I know CT was a real shit when he was younger but he’s redeemed himself by far, IMO, and as long as he does these stupid shows, I will root for him.

Here you go (it starts around the 2:30 mark, right after the opening credits): Rivals Episode 2

I think the talking head about it I'm remembering was in a reunion show, but this is the actual incident itself. 

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Thank you!  I think I vaguely remember the part front the clip show where Evan was aghast at CT’s strength but this was funny too “well that went horribly awry.  What do we have that’s heavier?”

Man this show with their arbitrary rules on people getting bounced, where sometimes there’s a replacement, and sometimes there isn’t.

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Great post, KerleyQ!  It also shows how weak today's cast is in relation to the past.  Kenny, Evan, Evelyn, Laurel, et al were better competitors and more interesting people than many who inhabit the Challenge today.  This also reminds me that I have watched the Challenge (and the Real World) for a very long time!  (over 15 years!).  Hell, I still remember Johnny and Paula from their hurricane interrupted Real World season in 2003!

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46 minutes ago, crookedjackson44 said:

Great post, KerleyQ!  It also shows how weak today's cast is in relation to the past.  Kenny, Evan, Evelyn, Laurel, et al were better competitors and more interesting people than many who inhabit the Challenge today.  This also reminds me that I have watched the Challenge (and the Real World) for a very long time!  (over 15 years!).  Hell, I still remember Johnny and Paula from their hurricane interrupted Real World season in 2003!

I think Battle Of The Seasons was the last time BMP tried to infuse a lot of fresh blood. What did we end up with? Right . . . Frank and Zach winning, and Johnny bitching about how the series isn't shit without him. And he's been on every season since, because he is obviously the main draw. Having one rookie in the finale isn't that bad, and there's only one person among the sextet I cannot fucking stand. Seriously, I'm hoping that a few vets call it a "career." I'm concerned CT might relapse, and I fear returnees like Derrick and Darrell would get sucked in. Also Veronica, who had not been that irrelevant since The Ruins.

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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Here you go (it starts around the 2:30 mark, right after the opening credits): Rivals Episode 2

I think the talking head about it I'm remembering was in a reunion show, but this is the actual incident itself. 

Thanks so much for sharing that post. It really reminded me of how much I miss some challengers. 

CT is a beast but he did remind us all this entire season of his "dad bod". A "dad bod" that looked mighty fine to me! I'd climb him like an oak tree. 

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23 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I love how they spent a decent amount of time having the cast talk about how a million dollars is life changing money.  It's like "OK, you guys heard the part about getting 'your share' of the million, and know that nobody is winning a full million, right?"  And I loved their crestfallen faces when he announced that the people in third would get $15,000 each.  (Yeah, I'm evil.) 

I think this episode pretty much confirmed our "Jordan and CM are pretending to be paired as rivals" theory.  Other than Jordan laughing to the camera about CM's freak out over sky diving, they were getting along pretty well this episode.  



Am I the only one who thought Cara's comment that he looked good wasn't only talking about his partnering abilities?



I'm always entertained when we have moments of "CT is just freaky fucking strong," like his performance carrying the rocks last night.  He may have issues with running at high altitudes, but he certainly does a good job at countering that issue with his insane strength, whenever there's a chance to do so.  I think my favorite in this category, aside from Johnny Bananas Backpack, which will always be my favorite Challenge moment, period, was the time, several seasons ago, when the other guys put that ceramic swan in one of the beds in the girls' room.  It took like six of them, huffing and puffing to drag that thing to the room.  When the girl whose bed it was in wanted it out, CT walks in there, hefts it up with one arm "where do you want it?" One of the guys' talking head was something to the effect of "you want to know why nobody wants to face him?" 

Yes, and I really liked Tori was right there beside him, not just coasting on his strength.  I want to see her in the future, and I don't usually take to new people.  I also like Jenna and Kailah but they just aren't smart enough without a leader.  They were also incredibly disappointing in that final challenge.  But Jenna often chokes in that last comp, and they were probably both intimidated by Camilla's track record.

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On 11/1/2017 at 1:25 AM, scrb said:

Even if they got the full amount, most of them are under 40 so that money won't let them quit working or anything like that.  It would be a nice start to a nest egg, unless there's some kind of retirement plan for MTV reality show cast members that we don't know about.

None of them are even 40, except TJ. Veronica is the oldest at 39. Next is Darrel who turned 37 yesterday. Most everyone left is early 30s or much younger.

On 11/1/2017 at 7:15 PM, lilabennet said:

Just remember that nobody on a reality show "deserves" to win money.  We're not talking about coal miners being cheated out of their pensions here.

THIS!!! Someone please alert Camilla to this fact.

On 11/2/2017 at 5:47 PM, crookedjackson44 said:

Kenny, Evan, Evelyn, Laurel, et al were better competitors and more interesting people than many who inhabit the Challenge today.  This also reminds me that I have watched the Challenge (and the Real World) for a very long time!  (over 15 years!).  Hell, I still remember Johnny and Paula from their hurricane interrupted Real World season in 2003!

I've been watching The Challenge since the beginning and...those are not the people I would choose as "interesting" but I get your general point. There were a lot less famewhores in the past. I don't remember Evan being a good competitor, however. I remember him getting by due to his allegiance with Kenny, John and others. He sucks and I think he's one of the most annoying people to ever be on this show, even more so than John. Also not down with the sexual assault.

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10 hours ago, Rebecca said:

None of them are even 40, except TJ. Veronica is the oldest at 39. Next is Darrel who turned 37 yesterday. Most everyone left is early 30s or much younger.

THIS!!! Someone please alert Camilla to this fact.

I've been watching The Challenge since the beginning and...those are not the people I would choose as "interesting" but I get your general point. There were a lot less famewhores in the past. I don't remember Evan being a good competitor, however. I remember him getting by due to his allegiance with Kenny, John and others. He sucks and I think he's one of the most annoying people to ever be on this show, even more so than John. Also not down with the sexual assault.

Evan WAS a good competitor until Rivals, when he packed on a ton of weight. Evelyn said it perfectly in a talking head. She was like (and I'm not quoting directly because I can't remember exactly what she said), "You can't put Evan up against CT! Evan is fat! CT will eat him alive!" 


I agree about the sexual assault stuff.


Wow, is Veronica really only 39? I definitely would have thought she was older. 

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