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S06.E03: Next of Kin

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Will be rewatching that soon.  Soooo much to love.  

Quick question...did Oliver just ask Felicity to move in with him?

I mean, I watched but I'm confused.  

Not confused as to what happened when they faded to black, though.  ;D

Edited by BkWurm1
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Loved all the Olicity scenes, they are so adorkable. 

Loved the John/Oliver scene.

Loved the William/Felicity/Oliver scene.

Loved the final scene team scene with the crossbow.

Liked the Onyx/Diggle fight scene

Really liked Onyx

Liked FBI Lady and her standard issue clue board.


I now hate Dinah, congrats show, she can die with Curtis.

Really hate that final drug scene. Boooo!

Hate that lame ass pose Dinah did with the truck.

Hate that dumb ass slow mo jump just to circle up and talk...lame!

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2 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Yeah yeah stuff happened and then OLIVER AND FELICITY KISSED! and then blah blah some other stuff happened too. 

Since I completely forgot about the show as I was watching Will and Grace instead, this is the post I needed to see.  Next week, I need to remember to watch this show live. 

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Best episode of the season so far?

Even though as much as I liked Onyx, it was more about Diggle than her.

Loved the Oliver/Diggle scene. Liked that Felicity and Diggle talked, but hated that Dinah was hanging around like an "I know the truth and you don't" cloud.

Again too many Dinah/Diggle scenes.

LOVED Olicity in this episode. So adorable. SA & EBR's chemistry remains insane and the show should really take advantage of it considering how many shows would probably kill for their main couple to have chemistry like that. If only they hadn't cut away after that kiss... But yay key!

Felicity has made me like William. (Does help that William as a character is getting better.) I'll happily take more Felicity/William and Oliver/Felicity/William scenes.

As for Diggle... I thought that it might go that route, with him taking drugs for the nerve problem, but I really hoped they wouldn't do that. So of course they did. 

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Having Felicity tutor William, and everything's starting to get smoothed over with Oliver and William?  They're going to put in a William has a crush on Felicity storyline.

Diggle, you butthead.  I do wonder if this is going to be their Snowbirds Don't Fly, crossed with them taking on the opioid crisis.

I love the fact that Rene calls all his friends "Hoss", it's like Mick with the nicknames, it's how you know he's cool with you.

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1 minute ago, mtlchick said:

Since I completely forgot about the show as I was watching Will and Grace instead, this is the post I needed to see.  Next week, I need to remember to watch this show live. 

Might wanna rethink that after you see the promo for next week. Lol.

But, anyway, this episode had a lot of really great stuff in it and is definitely re-watch material. It's the first episode this season that I truly enjoyed. I don't like that they might be doing a drug addiction plot with Diggle, though, but the last scene did seriously surprise me so kudos to the Arrow team on keeping that under wraps, at least.

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I feel like I need to watch this episode again because I'm not sure how I feel about it? I was kinda bored to start but it did get better. I did find myself wondering when we'd see Oliver next, haha. 

LOVED all of the Olicity scenes. Felicity was so awkward and cute because she didn't know where they stood and then that all just fell away at the end. That last scene was perfect. I wish they didn't cut away from that kiss so quickly though. LOL.

And as much as I think the kid actor is pretty bad, that Felicity/William scene was really lovely. Oliver watching them with heart eyes was even better.

Edited by Guest
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That was a really good episode, but it just reinforced how much better this show is when it focuses on Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity. Everything involving them tonight (in their varying pairings) was great. And I groaned every time Dinah, Curtis, or Rene came along to ruin it. By far, though, the worst of the three is Dinah. A lot of it is the writing, but JH's performance doesn't help matters. She's so busy trying to be tough that she hasn't infused Dinah with any warmth or humanity at all. I didn't mind her at all last season, but this season I'm completely over her.

If I didn't know the show wanted to do a

totally ill-advised Black Lives Matter

episode, I'd be worried that it was going to use Diggle's storyline as a metaphor for opioid addiction. Topical! I think I'd rather that than the alternative, TBH.

The Queen family is adorable. I've been warming up to William and Oliver's scenes, but unsurprisingly, Felicity makes everything better.

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Diggle, Diggle, Diggle.   Either the GA suit makes the person who wears it stupid or it's the time you have spent hang around Dinah.   Or you know, both. 

He could ask Curtis for help, or Oliver and his magic teas, or Felicity, or STAR labs.  Make better choices Diggle!   That said I hope they handle his better than LL's addiction story - DR is certainly much, much more equip to play it out when it comes to acting talent and skill. 

This episode was everything that is great about Oliver/Felicity.  And this is the most I have ever liked William.  The Thea mention was nice too. 

Dinah can die anytime now.  Painfully.  I now officially miss the flashbacks if the trade-off is getting more team jr. league.   Who would have thought there was a way to make me miss the flashbacks?  Originally I just hated the screaming - but now I hate her anytime she opens her month.  And anytime she is breathing. 

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3 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Arrghhhhhhhhhh @LeighAn they totally had sex!!!!! Probably on the couch!!!!!

And he looked like he was going to cry when he said his live was better with her in it!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! 


My only complaint is they didn't use the take where Emily has her arms wrapped around his shoulder like in the promo photos :( But otherwise they were adorable and totally cut away to this ??happening ;)

Edited by LeighAn
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Just now, insomniadreams88 said:

Oh, and I have to say how much I love that Oliver gift wrapped the key to his apartment. 

And the cute Felicity inspired key chain. Oliver you lovable sappy dork!

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Probably the best of the season so far! 

We got some super cute Oliver/Felicity scenes, Oliver and Diggle BFF scene, AND it made me like William! All he had to do was bring Olicity together instead of breaking them up like last time. Really, this episode just reinforces why this show is at its best without the extra newbies. Oliver/Dig/Felicity are a big trio, and everything the newbies can do, they can do better anyway, so whats their point? Its not even that I hate the idea of anyone besides them joining Team Arrow. I loved Roy and Thea, Sara, Quentin, and even Laurel grew on me. Or the characters who just show up and help out sometimes like Ray, Nyssa, or Lyla. But they all had connections to the main characters, and I felt they had reasons to be around. While Rene isn't so bad now, Dinah and Curtis are just annoying as hell this season, and I still have no clue what they're even doing here, or what they bring to the table. 

The Felicity inspired key-chain was adorable. Oh Oliver, you sappy secret nerd. 

But then, we get more pointless lying from Diggle. What, did he take truthful lessons from the crew at Star Labs? Come on Dig, your better than this! Although I will say, a lot of the fight scenes were better shot and choreographed this week. Except for the excessive slow motion jumping. It looked like they were all on trampolines shooting YouTube video's. 

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21 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Will be rewatching that soon.  Soooo much to love.  

Quick question...did Oliver just ask Felicity to move in with him?

I mean, I watched but I'm confused.  

Not confused as to what happened when they faded to black, though.  ;D

I do think he asked her to move in with him. This now frees up the loft to be the new workplace for her business.

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5 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Omg words cannot express how much I loved that keychain and the fact that he went looking for a keychain that looks like her!!!!!

He's so smitten!!!!!!

And the fact that he knows Felicity is totally the quirky key chain type while he's probably the sensible name tag or leather key chain type. Bless.

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29 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I have little use for Curtis at this point but he cured Felicity's paralysis, why wouldn't Dig ask him for help? At least before whatever sketchy drug he was using?

Because then there wouldn’t be enough soap opera melodrama. 

Honestly though, who cares what the hell else happened. Oliver and Felicity were adorable, and he went keychain shopping for her, and then they kissed!

Edited by Hiveminder
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This episode proves why Olicity is the top ship of DCTV, one that I truly believe will be remembered. 

I'm so happy they're back together and we will never have to see them part ever again :')

Edited by WindofChange
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7 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

This episode proves why Olicity will be the top ship of DCTV, one that I truly believe will be remembered. 

I'm so happy they're back together and we will never have to see them part ever again :')

We’d better never see them part ever again. If they break Olicity up again they might as well just cancel Arrow and turn its time slot into an hour long Sarah MacLaughlin abused animals commercial because that’s how depressed I’ll be. 

Edited by Hiveminder
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13 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

I do think he asked her to move in with him. This now frees up the loft to be the new workplace for her business.

I was so conditioned to assume the key was just a first gesture to starting their relationship back up but everything in that scene screamed he was asking her to move in full time.  Which is huge.  I assumed it was key, date, crossover SPOILER that we are all spoiled over and then move in.  But I love this soooo much more.  If it's true.  I've been conditioned not to assume.   

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3 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

We’d better never see them part ever again. If they break Olicity up again they might as well just cancel Arrow and turn its time slot into an hour long Sarah MacLaughlin abused animals commercial because that’s how depressed I’ll be. 

"In the arms of an angel." ?

Edited by EmilyBettFan
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I also thought this episode started off slow but got stronger as it went on.  I'd venture to say it was the strongest one to date so far and I do like Diggle as the Arrow.  His limo fight with that chick at the end was really awesome.

This show has ripped off a lot of stuff from Batman so is Diggle taking Venom like Batman did?

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I enjoyed the episode. If it wasn't for Rene and Dinah acting like assholes all ep, I'd say it was really good. love the Diggle stuff, not sure how I feel about him self medicating, but I guess they gotta get that drama in.

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13 minutes ago, EmilyBettFan said:

"In the arms of an angel." ?


Stop it. That’s mean. 


1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I loved that scene. Especially since Diggle was so grumpy. 

Who can blame him? That truck driver has truly atrocious taste in music. 

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"We caught the bad guy, Diggle's settling into his role, Oliver's being a good father. Nothing can go wrong!" Smash cut to "EVERYTHING GETS FUCKED UP," scored to "Temptation Sensation."

Great episode. William wasn't annoying (though I wouldn't put it past the writers to have him crush on Felicity by March). Rene wasn't too annoying even when he was using "Hoss" like punctuation. We had a good villain in Onyx; the biggest disappointment is that she didn't let the boys be boys. Great shot of Team Arrow making unneccesary leaps (I was half-expecting Curtis to trip and fall on his unprotected head). And it looked like Diggle was at least settled with the tremor. Then he got the back alley drugs. When this gets revealed, the second biggest outrage would be that the team could have scored him less risky stuff with their connections. Oh, and Thea got a mention. She would be a cool aunt. But at least there's Felicity.

BTW, I have know about quadratic equations. That's the one where you have two solutions for ax(squared)+bx)+c=0. There's also a long formula for when the numbers are complicated, but I don't know that offhand.

Smooth move letting the people of Star City decide about the vigilantes. Smart from Oliver, but I'm thinking the fecal will hit the fan before long.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this ep! I'm so happy to be having fun again. All the Olicity scenes were aces and gave ME hearteyes for these two idiots. Also, pardon my crassness, but they totally went to the Bone Zone in that last scene, and I don't think it was the first time since last season's finale. That's my head canon, at least. I maintain my opinion that Myson is not a good actor, but EBR and SA make him tolerable. If I can't get a better actor, I'll take that. 

I really liked Digg as leader, and look at Oliver giving pep talks now. I'm so proud of both of them. 

The rest of the team is a big meh for me, and Dinah can feel free to fork right off. 

I also enjoyed Onyx as a villain. I was genuinely bummed when she killed those two truck drivers. Feel free to bring her back, Show!

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