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Maybe Will was switched at birth, and Sami/Lucas' real son will put in an appearance at some point.  Will's article won't just hurt Sami.  Will is throwing several other people under the bus in the process, being unethical, and committing illegal behavior while doing it.  If this was going to be a "look Will is more like Sami, Kate, and Lucas than we realized" it could be interesting, but I don't believe that will happen.  I think this is just another plot point for why Sami leaves Salem.



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I like the idea that one of the commenters in that Fairman link suggested, that James de Paiva be cast as Peter Blake.  Though I doubt Melissa Reeves would go for that.


She can get over it. Or they can bring back the original actor who played Peter and see what happens. It would be great if she quit and they decided not to recast Jen.

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Spoiler for next week is that as a result of Will's article Abby's affair with EJ comes to the surface. KM says that her character feels betrayed, confused, and embarrassed and brings on a whole new level of hurt because she thought that Abby had the whole situation under control. She's not the only one hurt by the affair being made public as Will is too because somehow Abby's name is mentioned in the article. GW says that Will never meant for Abby's name to be placed in the article but someone put her name in it behind his back and even though he tried to protect Abby the opposite happens. Will tries to fix things for Abby but it's too late as the damage has been done. KM says that it will take her some time to forgive Will and GW says that it blows up his relationship with Abby and Will is devastated because of it.


I really hope that Sami is the one that adds Abby's name in the article. It serves Will right for trying to blindside his mother and even Abby in the process of writing this article. I guess Sami won't learn this "lesson" he's apparently trying to teach her. I'm so happy that the article backfires on him. Serves him right. IDK how Will can be devastated over Abby being mad at him, he did it like a true moron. I'm not even gonna put much stock into what KM says cause she'll probably get mad for all of what 1 day which is like 3 days of watching for us.

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Also for that spoilers: Kate is upset over the article too as Will puts in there what she and Sami did and Kate realizes that Will is his mother's son but Will doesn't back down from Kate but also doesn't like the fact that he upset his grandmother, but he's disgusted by what they did cause Will has principles and he knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote the article. Sonny also won't be a fan of the article as Sonny thinks that Will is impulsive and emotional and unethical cause his article is going to hurt too many people. Sami feels blindsided and betrayed and confronts her son and makes it clear to him that she's never been so deeply hurt by anyone in her family until now.


OK why writers didn't have Sonny act this way at first since he's the first person to read the article is beyond me. I guess Sonny is gonna wait for everybody's reaction though. 


As far as Will having principles LMAO.

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I'm not getting my hopes up over Will and Sonny's fight.  I think he's using the "it hurts too many people" not because he suddenly takes a stand but to justify meddling in Will's career in both getting him the job and trying to stop the article.  At best we'll get him pointing out that Will didn't really have everything under control because Abby was outed.


By next Friday, Sonny is getting on Sami's case and Sami is turning to EJ for help, after EJ defends Abby again, because she has no one else, So we have that to look forward to.


but he's disgusted by what they did cause Will has principles


What principles?



GW says that Will never meant for Abby's name to be placed in the article but someone put her name in it behind his back and even though he tried to protect Abby the opposite happens.


Will is a dumb piece of shit. Even if Sami (or whoever) hadn't given the editor Abby's name, why would he expect Sami to keep quite after is article is published? Sami doesn't care about protecting Abby so the first time someone asked her who the mistress was she would have gladly given them the name. Sami needs to write her own article spinning herself as the devastated wife who has been betrayed by her husband, someone she thought was her friend, and now her own son.

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Will's unflattering article has put Sami on the defensive. So, in this particular context, I do think it makes sense that she would reveal Abigail's name -- it would accomplish the tangential task of hurting  Abigail, but it primarily  also helps Sami defend herself and deflect the news towards EJ and Abby to protect what's going on with her company (however such a thing works on Days of Our Lives). If some crappy article was written about me, and someone asked me to comment, I don't see why I should let the burden fall on me to let the crappy article about my life run so that the mistress can feel better about herself.


Didn't Will study for some time at Berkley or something? Why is he so dumb as to how journalism works??

Edited by bantering
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While it probably is Sami that gives the editor Abby's name, it's ridiculous for anyone to think that Abby wouldn't have been named otherwise.  Any journalist worth their salt would have found out the name of the mistress and published it.  Will's a moron to think that she wouldn't have been exposed because he just wrote The Young Lady or whatever.  Do these people live in a bubble?  Since when do the people who cheat with someone relatively famous and well-connected not get exposed as well?


I'm glad that Will gets burned - he deserves it for being so fucking stupid and awful.

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Kate realizes that Will is his mother's son

Great, but what really needs to happen is that SAMI realizes that Will is his mother's son. Not because I dislike Sami and want to see her squirm (though I do), but because it would be a fantastic story to explore, and AS is much more enjoyable (to me) when she's in a lower key. I think it's a story that AS can pull off, and one that could serve as a catalyst for some growth and introspection on Sami's part. I'd rather her leave town in peace than all ragey and disgraced.


Side note: I never used to do spoilers, but this show is moving so damned slowly, that I check now and then to see if there's anything upcoming that I need to look out for. Sad.

I feel Sami always had a better grasp on who she was when she was younger though. Like, if she set out to get revenge on someone, she'd acknowledge that it was revenge and go with it. Whereas Will seems in denial about what he's doing -- like he thinks he's helping people or some such nonsense. Sami may not be the most introspective person, but I don't think she was as clueless as Will about what her activities were about. (Also, when Marlena had the affair with John, she was angry enough to concoct schemes, but even she never outed her mother and John publicly because she knew what effect that would have on everybody. Whether that's because her love for Roman overrided everything else, I'm not sure, but she never exposed them when she could have....instead she held it in, and clearly her issues manifested in other ways...)


I tend to think everybody on this show is about revenge in one capacity or as another -- but Sami seems to be the only person who actually uses the word. Then everyone gets scared that she has the audacity to have that word in her vocabulary.


Whatever Marlena was doing with that sex tape in the church seemed as much about revenge on Kristen as protecting Brady, but since she never used that as a word, everyone seemed to let that stupidity go.


Jennifer also seems intent on getting revenge on people (i.e Teresa, Eve, Nicole), but since she never uses the word everybody thinks she's super-nice. Yeah, she's nice compared to Sami, but in the real word, I don't think Jennifer would be seen as a person without revenge tendencies.

Edited by bantering
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Side note: I never used to do spoilers, but this show is moving so damned slowly, that I check now and then to see if there's anything upcoming that I need to look out for. Sad.

The funny thing about the spoilers is that most of the time we've all predicted EXACTLY the way the show goes.  I go into Spoilers to read something that was speculated on by one or more of us months ago.  So I don't see them as Spoilers so much as verification of our predictions.  I wish I would read something that would really surprise me like Daniel fails at surgery or the new man in town picks Nicole over Jennifer or Hope.

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Apparently, the boring twit slaps Sami the week of August 25th, when she can't take anymore. Next week, Sami turns to EJ for help. TPTB are trying so hard to make Abby a victim.  I've read spec that Abby is kidnapped by Clyde.


 I think they had EJ cheat just so we could cheer for Sami's revenge (she's justified) , but her going after Abby would cause the whole town to turn on her thus causing her to turn towards EJ and reconcile when she burns enough bridges.  They are making it so Sami has no reason to want to stay in Salem, and even giving her a reason to turn her back on Will.


I have a bipolar relationship with this storyline.  One part of me is annoyed that Sami will likely take EJ back, another part wants to rub Abby's face in the fact that she did not succeed in breaking EJami up.  I am ready for a break from EJami, but part of me will be sad to see more of Abby in their place.  One part thinks Will is disloyal and deserves what he gets, but that Sami will cross the line as well if she rags on Sonny and damages Will's marriage in the process.  Will has to realise that his mother means business, but I like that Sami always has Will's back,even when he doesn't deserve it.


All in all, I think this story has dragged and I'm ready for it to be over. Apparently the week of 25 August is a big week for Wilson, and I hope it leads to some angst and a break-up.  When Will was supposed to get a new job, I thought that spoiler was dumb, but I like how the writers have woven it into the EJabby affair story.  It's one of the more organic things in a story where it doesn't make sense for Will to side with Abby over his mother.


I think the story will end with EJami vs the World.

I think the story will end with EJami vs the World.



This is another thing I hate about this SL.  It's so obvious the writers are isolating Sami so she will end up back with EJ.  What this SL has really shown is that Sami was right all those years she picked Rafe and Lucas over EJ, didn't want to be with EJ, and told EJ he didn't love her he just wanted to possess and control her.


I've read one spoiler that says Sami realizes she needs EJ, and another one that says Sami changes her tactics with EJ.  I keep hoping this means Sami is just playing EJ again, and she still plans on ditching him.

They always have to let Abby come out on top even though she is the one who hurt Sami. This whole story is just there to prove that EJami are 'terrible' people who deserve to be together. They just wanted to pit Sami and EJ against each other, like old school EJami and have them end with a bout of angry sex as a HEA. The thing is, EJ siding with Kristen shud have been enough. I only say so because there was no need to prop KM/Abby through the story. Even on twitter, KM tagged Casey Diederick in a tweet about Chad and not the new guy. Odd. It's so weird how nuChad and nuBen hardly get any mentions from KM, but she's still waxing on about Abby's feelings for EJ. EJami are obviously the talking point where Abby is concerned.

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Spoilers for August 25th week: Abby slaps Sami on Monday. On Tuesday, Abby warns Sami that she has a means to destroy her (what could this be? The Hitman that Abby also knew about? What bargaining power could Abby possibly have? It's so ridiculous that they think Abby has the stones to go after Sami. Should have been Nicole). Thursday Abby and Ben get locked in a storage room (shouldn't take her too long to get her kit off then. Let's see if she learnt her lesson about sex in enclosed spaces) and on Friday Julie learns about EJ and Abby's affair (come on Julie, redeem yourself to me and give Scabby Doo some hell for choosing to ride EJ's dick instead of worrying about your precious Nick).

I'm increasingly confused. And kind of annoyed and frustrated and tempted to delete this show from my TiFaux, but mostly confused. In theory, I understand and even support the idea of trying to make this more nuanced and 'grey' than the typical 'mistress = pure evil', 'cheated upon woman = flawless saint' stuff, but for me this storyline isn't nuanced and intriguingly grey: it's just this maddening bizarro world reversal whereby the mistress is the flawless saint and the cheated upon woman is depicted as evil and loathed by all. And I get that Sami's history comes into this---she's done terrible things in the past, and I can understand why some would decline to sympathize with her. But for nearly *everyone* in town to rally around Abby as the paragon of perfection, vilify Sami and then with EJ---well, I neither know nor care what they're doing with EJ, though I agree with those who are getting the sinking feeling that this is setting up an EJami 'us against the world!' reunion. If the ultimate goal was to make Sami ostracized by Salem to set the stage for her departure, there are roughly 18 zillion more logical (and entertaining!) ways to do it other than making her the victim of her fiance's adultery! There's just so much about this that fails to make any sense to me. 

Edited by mstaken
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I don't watch every day anymore, I watch on the weekend and fast-forward past the Abby scenes. Potential angst for Will and Sonny and Sami is keeping me hanging on. If the show is not careful, they risk alienating the pro-Sami viewers once AS leaves. Abby is not like Marlena or Carrie, whose indiscretions the audience can forgive. She has also chased after taken men before. I think Sami enlists EJ's help because she didn't tell the editor Abby's name or because Will's marriage is in trouble because of what she told Sonny. I don't think Sami would deliberately hurt Will I'm really turned off of Abby and I hope Sami slaps her always open mouth closed. I will continue to hope for the show to tank further in the ratings with KM as lead..

I don't watch every day anymore, I watch on the weekend and fast-forward past the Abby scenes. Potential angst for Will and Sonny and Sami is keeping me hanging on. If the show is not careful, they risk alienating the pro-Sami viewers once AS leaves. Abby is not like Marlena or Carrie, whose indiscretions the audience can forgive. She has also chased after taken men before. I think Sami enlists EJ's help because she didn't tell the editor Abby's name or because Will's marriage is in trouble because of what she told Sonny. I don't think Sami would deliberately hurt Will I'm really turned off of Abby and I hope Sami slaps her always open mouth closed. I will continue to hope for the show to tank further in the ratings with KM as lead..

Sami should file charges. I think Abby will try to make a play for EJ and he will come in and say hell no. Maybe Abby or nuChad tries to kill Sami and EJ steps in front of a bullet for Sami. Though at this point I wouldn't mind if EJ fakes his death to get out of the tax evasion charges so he and Sami can rub Abby's face in their HEA.

Maybe they can send Abby a video like Kristen did for Brady and then she can get sent to an asylum.

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If Clyde kidnaps Abby I will be cheering for Clyde.

But then I think of "The Ransom of Red Chief" and think that he'll be wanting to get rid of her as soon as he hears her talk.

I want Abby to die. I haven't hated a character this much since Taylor. Just worthless and Will isn't far behind. Sonny and the actor who plays him, deserve better. Edited by slayer2
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Where is that gun Kate gave Sami? I just can't with this bullshit. On what planet would Abby have the nerve to threaten Sami. Are we supposed to take this seriously?

Yeah, it's really fucked up. I want to see a conference call with Carrie, Austin and Sami where they have a bitchfest about this little idiot. Jack should come back from the dead just to drag both Jen and Abby to hell because as long as they're both here I'm living in it.


I really hope Chad comes back with a bad attitude and decides to turn to cougars instead of this little idiot. Maybe Chad can bang the bitchy out of Jennifer, let's see how hypocritical both Jen and Abby can be after THAT happens. Or maybe Abby can hook it up with Dan after she gets kidnapped or shot or whatever it is they have in store for her. Maybe then Jen will finally believe her daughter is a selfish asshole. We know how well Ms.Devereaux deals with sharing her men.

Edited by slayer2

I might have to give up on soaps all together once AS leaves because it's absolutely ridiculous that a mistress is painted as some saint. I never seen anything so ridiculous in my life. Is this what the writers want to do to AS' character because she decided to leave? She's given them years and this is how they want to write her out being vilified so they can prop Abby. AS deserves better than this whether you like Sami or not. I gave up on Y&R and now I'm gonna stop watching DOOL cause it's gotten too stupid and writers just don't seem to care anymore.

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What did Sami threaten Will with? Will mentioned something about that, but because Sami was so reserved I can't remember her making a threat. I know she said he would regret what he did, but I just thought that was a general (duh) conclusion anybody would logically come to.


I'm pretty sure she just threatened him that someday he was going to regret writing the article and throwing the unconditional love Sami had for him in her face.  You could argue that she wouldn't participate in conspiracy to commit murder the next time Will needed help, but honestly I didn't think she even went that far as they were just examples of her love.  So yes, Sami's big threat to Will is that someday he would realize he's a dumbass.


I guarantee you Will wouldn't be half as mad at Sonny abut how he got the job if Abby's name didn't get leaked.  This is total deflection by Will.  Same thing as the "mixed messages" rant today.

Edited by ParadoxLost

I still don't think so.  KdP seemed to specifically deny that would happen in her interview - and expressed repugnance at the idea of it.

Of course it is a soap trope.


But NO.  Please, no.....


It's a total soap trope, yes, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened. If it does, it's honestly hard for me to be too outraged. I can see Eve thinking that it would be a means of getting Paige to go to Stanford but I just don't see that happening at this point. Maybe when the contract comes up for Girl Who Plays Paige and they need a good reason for her to go to school. As it stands right now, it would all be kind of pointless.


As for defending Eve for it. Why? This is Salem. I understand that Eve is one of the Worst People Ever according to the Holy Order of Salem (most of whom have no room to talk) but that sort of thing is generally going to make me side with the Bad Person just out of sheer contrary-ness. Besides, sleeping with your daughter's boyfriend in Salem seems rather banal. It seems on par with walking on the grass when there's a 'Keep Off the Grass' sign posted. Or spitting on the sidewalk. It's hardly the worst thing ever.


And in Salem, even really, truly awful crimes are generally shrugged off as no biggie.


That's if it happens in the next week or so. Again, I'd be surprised if they went to that well this soon. That's one they need to lead up to.

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No way will Eve sleep with JJ next week.  Not that I have a problem with it because 1) I'm a short timer and 2) Jen is his Mom and if this ever happens someone will need to tell me to watch so I can wallow in the glorious fallout of it after AS goes.


I tend to think this is more likely to be Eve seeing signs that JJ is his father's son and waxing nostalgic about Jack.  Now I just wish the younger actors had the charisma of their soap parents so that could actually be true.

I'm pretty sure she just threatened him that someday he was going to regret writing the article and throwing the unconditional love Sami had for him in her face. You could argue that she wouldn't participate in conspiracy to commit murder the next time Will needed help, but honestly I didn't think she even went that far as they were just examples of her love. So yes, Sami's big threat to Will is that someday he would realize he's a dumbass.

I guarantee you Will wouldn't be half as mad at Sonny abut how he got the job if Abby's name didn't get leaked. This is total deflection by Will. Same thing as the "mixed messages" rant today.

Bwah! I wouldn't even say she threatened that he would realize he was a dumbass, it was more like a gentle notification, like when my phone tells me: "Excuse me, there's a message for you." Will is an ungrateful little shit, I can only pray somebody loses it on him, if I were Sami I'd just disown him. Okay, you hate your mother so much, I'm no longer your mother (since you're acting like it anyway) carry on, dipshit. Edited by slayer2
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New spoilers say Abby and Ben are going to get hot and heavy in the store room they get locked in.  A bed is just too vanilla for Miss Deveraux.

And Will and Sonny are going to have a huge fight next week too. GW plays it down in SOD, but I have a feeling he didn't want to give too much away.  It doesn't look like they are going to get over this one in 2 minutes.  I love how everyone has moved on from Sami and is shitting on Will.  Even JJ and Jen are dissing him.  I have to say as a WilSon fan I'm enjoying it.  Yet still Abby D escapes censure even though she proclaims she's not a victim.

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