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Slightly confused by the return of Tony/Andre....wasn't that all wrapped up pretty well?  Aren't they both played out?


Man, there are a lot of doubles on this show...Gina/Hope, Mar/Samantha, Kristin/Susan/Penelope/their brother, Tony/Andre...

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I will have to see this TJ Hoban guy in motion first, but right now I see a combo of the Eric character and overly sculpted Ben. We'll see. Why trade out Paul Telfer for another beefcake anyway? I think I am more lamenting the fact of what his leaving means more than anything. It means Dan wins and I bet gets to save Nicole from him. Gross.

I am unreasonably excited about A Martinez. Always had great affection for him as an actor.

Don't know how to feel about Thaoo, mainly because the Dimera family is not only on the decline but pretty much defunct and ineffectual if you ask me. Does it really need bolstering? Plus, I came to the show late so I don't have the emotional connection with him so all I see is bain de soleil tan and hair dye with Grecian forumla in galaxy black. I will say that he is a decent actor if a bit hammy sometimes.

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I don't want to get your hopes up, but, the actor who plays Jack is following people on Days on tweeter, plus, Kate Mansi who plays Abigail sent out an interesting tweet that screams that Jack is back....It was cryptic, but, my Jack love is inferring that he is indeed back...A Martinez will be playing Rafe and Gabi's father  and he might be Paige's dad....Little Arianna is connected to everybody on the show...lol...She is a Horton, Brady, Hernandez and Kiriakis....

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Paul Telfer departs....


With the new head writer storylines beginning in August, including the returns of many veterans to the "Days" canvas, Paul Telfer (Xander) will be exiting the show. Melissa Archer (Serena)'s exit was already previously announced. Look for Serena and Xander's storylines to wrap up in August.

Finally! This SL has been stupid from the start.

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The caption with the picture said something about Will manipulating a situation with Sonny and Paul.


Also?  Will's shirt is hilariously hideous.  Is that purple leopard print?

Edited by TeeVee329
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 But why is Paul in Will’s home, holding Will’s daughter, and why is Sonny allowing him to cross that boundary. All three guys come off all looking shitty. Sonny comes off dishonest, very passive and just like a simpleton, Will is manipulative and insecure & Paul comes off phoney, desperate & self-centered. This triangle has done nothing but damage all parties involved....Tomsell truly suck and Ken Corday is even worst for allowing it to happen in the first place....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Theresa has what a lot of women would die for. A biological baby and NOT ONE stretch mark!! You go girl!!


I had 3 babies and not one stretch mark. When I was about 8 mos. pregnant with my youngest, and at my appointment, my OB/GYN stroked my stomach (which kind of weirded me out, because he was cute, and sort of a friend of a friend). I asked him what he was doing and he said, "I don't get it. How do you have no stretch marks?" I told him I was never too skinny or too taut, and didn't wear bikinis too often, that was my only guess. It was the strangest thing, though.


If the rumors are true and Paul Telfer is out as Xander, then Ken Corday is truly an idiot..Paul Telfer is just so yummy! : I cannot get over that butt! Such a shame if they kill or write him off. What are they thinking letting that perfect specimen of pure sexiness slip thru their fingers?! Of course this is the show that expected us to believe that Philip & Nathan would choose Melanie over Stephanie... 


OMG. This is the stupidest thing, ever. What bothers me is that they killed him off as day player Damon and then said, "No, wait. He's a hottie, we'll bring him back as a Kiriakis." Well, no, that stuff doesn't bother me. It's the letting him go that bothers me. Stupid stupid stupid.


I hope Higley brings Xander back and have him be the father of Nicole's miracle baby....It would piss off Victor and Ari would be wonderful as an expectant mother with a high-risk pregnancy...I would love it if Eric proposes to be the baby's father as they slowly work their way back to each other...I can see Marlena having a problem with that....




Model/actor TJ Hoban begins filming next week (starts airing in October). Role being kept under wraps. This is shortly after Sonny leaves. Great eye candy!




Hello, salty goodness.


Apprentice, I've been hoping for Jack, too, but I can't figure out how they could bring him back from an elevator shaft fall/funeral. I know this is Days we're talking about, but that seemed like a pretty definitive end. But if Jack was back, I would be in 7th heaven. 


They've brought everyone back. How did Carly not soil herself and/or die of dehydration, while locked in a coffin. It's soap magic.


Paul Telfer departs....


With the new head writer storylines beginning in August, including the returns of many veterans to the "Days" canvas, Paul Telfer (Xander) will be exiting the show. Melissa Archer (Serena)'s exit was already previously announced. Look for Serena and Xander's storylines to wrap up in August.


Well, Melissa Archer and her gd elephant needed to leave six months ago, but it's a shame Paul has to go with her (also a bad decision).






Hit him again, Sparkle. Hit him, again.

Edited by General Days
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Why is Sparkle in Will's house, holding his daughter and hitting him...Sparkle has some nerve....The spoilers say that Will will find him holding Ari and they will argue and I guess Will will goad him into a fight...Sparkle should not be there and why is Sonny allowing him to even hold Ari..He comes off passive and weak...Tomsell has really destroyed Will as a rootable character....


Probably because Will is disgusting, and Sonny deserves better. Sparkle doesn't have nerve, he has love (and sparkle). 

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Why is Sparkle in Will's house, holding his daughter and hitting him...Sparkle has some nerve....The spoilers say that Will will find him holding Ari and they will argue and I guess Will will goad him into a fight...


I think the hideousness of Will's shirt gives Paul a violent seizure.


Given all Will has done to Paul (using his laughable journalism skills to dig up dirt on him, blackmailing his mother, talking shit about him to his bio dad), Will more than deserves this.

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He should not be there holding his daughter, playing with her..Why Sonny allow it to happen is beyond me...I really wish they would stop trying to turn Will into Sami. It's completely messing with the semi-decent dynamic his character had as the child of long-time screwups Sami & Lucas. Will was supposed to be *better* than them because he had to grow up with their B.S. it's so unappealing having him behave like a poor man's sami and have no self-awareness of it. Plus, he lacks the charm that Sami had when she was scheming....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Ha, I knew we'd lose you over that one, Slayer : )


I can't abide it! Woe is me, that I must put up with more hemming and hawing and whining and judging from stupid, insipid Eric the Grey when I could have a brooding, Dan-hating Kiriakis with a chip on his shoulder who is crazy about Nicole. Why always me?

Edited by slayer2
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Patch and Bo look pretty good in that photo, but they must be kind of ancient.  The actor that played Patch was on Y and R as Tucker McCall (I liked his character so of course they got rid of him).  I am guessing Patch is in his 60s (the actor) and maybe Bo is late 50s?  They look good, and no obvious botox.

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They look awesome. I can't believe I'm this excited about this show! Lots of fun vintage clips over in that Yahoo article, too: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/days-of-our-lives-first-look-patch-bo-119056867415.html


Check the outfits! And a younger Hope with a lot more skin on her bones : ) 

Indeed Lastwaltz, that is what is keeping me with this show...The upcoming returns are wonderful...I am cautiously optimistic about the future and I hope Higley who is Pro Wilson will fix them as a couple and as individuals. She is bringing Tony back, whom she loved. If she brings back Jack and get rid of Doctor Tan..She has to fix Jennifer, just like Will she was sacrificed at the altar of a newbie....I will be forever in her debt.. I will proudly drink the Higley koolaid...She has alot of stuff to do to turn the show around...tomsell has done alot of damage to the show...I have no doubt in my mind that she got Freddie back on the show...I also want Philip, Stefanie, Anna, Austin, Carrie and their baby back as well.

Edited by Apprentice79
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Exactly....The cast is really excited based on their tweeter, so I am cautiously optimistic....I have a feeling that Ken Corday has been neutralised by the higher-ups because he hates the vets and thinks that the fans have to be retrain into liking what he likes..If the montage at the Daytime Emmys is an indication of what is to come..Then I say bring it on!  

Edited by Apprentice79
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Patsy Pease, Kimberly Donovan, will be back for a 5 episode stint. She's excited about this. Theresa is now staying at the Kiriakis Mansion and Kimberly feels that she needs to protect her daughter. Remember that Kimberly has a long and difficult history with Victor. She said that the scenes between Victor, JA and herself were long over due. She talked about how much she enjoys working with John Aniston. She also enjoyed working with Eric Martsolf. She felt that she had to be on her very best with him as he is a "powerhouse".

She has not been asked to return for the 50th but if she can fit it into her schedule, she would love to come back.

Pick up SOD!

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There are rumors that Paige is going to be pregnant for JJ and that she will be the daughter of A Martinez's character who will also be Rafe's and Gabi's dad...That means little Ari will gain another relative..This baby is related to the whole town...lol..

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He should not be there holding his daughter, playing with her..Why Sonny allow it to happen is beyond me...I really wish they would stop trying to turn Will into Sami. It's completely messing with the semi-decent dynamic his character had as the child of long-time screwups Sami & Lucas. Will was supposed to be *better* than them because he had to grow up with their B.S. it's so unappealing having him behave like a poor man's sami and have no self-awareness of it. Plus, he lacks the charm that Sami had when she was scheming....

The thing is, Sparkle never did anything to Will. He's not the one who was married and hid it. I don't think Guy Wilson can pull off a "better than Lumi," so I think TIIC have decided to make him really suck, and he sure is doing that.

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Patch and Bo look pretty good in that photo, but they must be kind of ancient.  The actor that played Patch was on Y and R as Tucker McCall (I liked his character so of course they got rid of him).  I am guessing Patch is in his 60s (the actor) and maybe Bo is late 50s?  They look good, and no obvious botox.


Stephen Nichols is 64 and Peter Reckell is 60.

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I would be so excited if Jack is back - just keep him the hell away from Jennifer (stick a fork in them because they are done).


It's funny, my mom and dad and I were just talking about Jack this weekend. My mom reminded my dad and I (Jack is our favorite character) that he died. My response: he's died twice before and came back, we didn't see his body and he recovered from having his organs harvested and donated - an elevator fall is nothing.


Loved the pictures of the Johnson family and Steve and Bo - that is the Days I loved in the 80's and 90's. Woo hoo!

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Thank Ghu, the secret is finally out.  Unless this is another dream.  Please, let it be real.




OK!!  I think I might like this version of Paige.  She packs a mean punch.  Did you not love the group shot when she lands on JJ?  Maggie with those friggn' hands over the lower portion of her face, as usual.  Why doesn't she just get new dentures if she's so afraid of them falling out?  Abigail and Jenn looking so SHOCKED that Paige is smacking him - I mean, who the hell does Paige think she is, anyway?  If there is any slapping/slugging to be done, it's done by Jenn and/or Abigail, not some Paige-come-lately.  And Daniel with his usual bored if-it's-not-about-me-I-don't-care look.  And poor Kayla thinking, I get put on screen for THIS??


Good times, folks GOOD TIMES!

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Xander just came on, he's leaving already? They could have kept him, he's a Kiriakas and get rid of Daniel.


Are we really all that surprised?  He is gorgeous but his acting presence is lacking.  His first role required only a few lines per scene.  He was acceptable, but in addition to his weak communication skills, he has minimal charisma.  DOOL has hired model types for years.  This one was a misfire.

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So glad they aren't dragging this out over the summer.


Paige's face at the end was a bit strange. Hopefully she brings it at the end.


Looks like a Paige finds out using that over used soap trope of eavesdropping. She decides to take a nap at her mom's place. Eve comes in, doesn't know she is there. JJ shows up to argue over the whole drug set up and blurts out how sorry he is he ever slept with her. Paige, of course, overhears. 


I read that Jen throws a b-day party for Paige which explains all the balloons and such at her house. I wonder if Jen even bothered to invite Paige's friends or mom, even though I know those 2 hate each other. 


I pray that no one winds up knocked up by JJ. 

Edited by islandgal140
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Spoilers for the week of 5/25


Days is pre-empted on 5/25 for Memorial Day


Tuesday May 26:

Theresa realizes Kimberly has given her the perfect opportunity to come between Melanie and Brady.

Melanie gives Brady an answer to his proposal.

Rafe and Chad are both eager to get their hands on Will’s research on Clyde.


Wednesday May 27:

Serena realizes Nicole may be in grave danger.

Theresa gives Melanie a devastating ultimatum.
Kimberly and Brady battle for Theresa and Tate’s future.


Thursday May 28:

Kate is livid when Victor forces her to work with someone unexpected.

Brady rips into Theresa after he learns what she’s done.
Adrienne and Lucas prepare to take their relationship public.


Friday May 29:

Eve and JJ clash as they blame each other for Paige getting hurt.

Paige lashes out at Jennifer for her deception.



So glad that Jen doesn't get away with her part on all these sheninagans.


Oh, here we go - Nicole is in grave danger! Enter Super Dan in his dusty cape.


Really not happy with Theresa's direction, but not at all surprised.

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With A Martinez being on board, I see his character being.....


1. Rafe & Gabi's father.

2. Paige's father by lying to Eve about who he really is (the Larsen last name)

3. Both. How? He could have been leading a double life. Married and had children with 2 different women! A little out there....but possible :)

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That is what I believe as well..Will Dario be back? I miss the original Arianna.....It would have  been cool for her to meet her niece..Arianna is related to everybody in town either through blood and marriage.....

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So glad they aren't dragging this out over the summer.......I pray that no one winds up knocked up by JJ. 


Nah, I vote for both of them getting preggers.

What really annoys me is all the clunky jewelry that JJ is wearing.  Bracelets, rings, chains.  I guess they are going for "hip" and instead hitting "white trash".

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Now that Kristin is seemingly gone for a while, I'm done with the show until she comes back.  Does anyone know what will be up with Stefano, Chad and Tony in the meantime? Is Stefano going to continue his revenge plot against Marlena in June...or can I tune this crazy show out? 

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One of the spoiler sites (http://www.dayscafe.com/sneakpeek.html) advises that "Hope's granddaughter comes home a teenager", so perhaps they are not SORASing Ciara afterall.


edit to add:  I see this was already mentioned upthread. At the time it didn't click that "Claire" was Hope's granddaughter.  So now, the granddaughter will be older than her daughter, unless they are in fact, SORASing Ciara as well.

Edited by buffynut
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