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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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Sonny will break glassware when he finds out no one told him.




Or he'll end up choking on his own spit as he sputter/stammers/stutters his rage about Julian getting the best of him yet again. I'd be perfectly fine with that end for the monster personally, he deserves far worse.


I just don't want Julian to die, heh, and I don't trust Ron to not think of how "dramatic" that would be, yet another one of Sonny's enemies taken down while the greasy ass gets to live and gloat another day.


Though it would be a nice twist if he had banked it already just to see the looks on everyone's faces.

Edited by CPP83
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When has the last time Sam has seen her giant son?

That pic with Former Jason doesn't count. Nor does the Arrival of The Nina.

Can Danny get a damn birthday party, please?

Like, seriously. Birth, gets kidnapped. Spends time with Tea and Heather. Then learns he has cancer. Was this his 1st or 2nd birthday? Like, give him some cake and a bounce house like normal kids. Leave Danny alone.

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Like, seriously. Birth, gets kidnapped. Spends time with Tea and Heather. Then learns he has cancer. Was this his 1st or 2nd birthday? Like, give him some cake and a bounce house like normal kids. Leave Danny alone.




Before you know it he'll be following in Daddy's footsteps and riding his mini motorcycle off to preschool. My fear is that they are going to set up a Danny SORASing with a Jason return.

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So, let me get this straight. Patrick has no other choice but to divorce Robin, because she told him that this cryogenic research is more important than him and Emma (a bunch of bullshit he was very willing to swallow and digest), but Patrick cheating on Robin with his ex out of petty jealousy because Robin had gone to Africa, with his blessing, no less, is not grounds for a divorce. You know, breaking your marriage vows, adultery...


And Patrick having a hissy fit because Robin didn't get over it or forgive him in two weeks and he'd suffered long enough and already apologized, dammit, and Robin should take him back.


Do I have that right?


Fuck you, Patrick. And Ron, you douchetasticratbastardfuckwit.

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So, let me get this straight. Patrick has no other choice but to divorce Robin, because she told him that this cryogenic research is more important than him and Emma (a bunch of bullshit he was very willing to swallow and digest), but Patrick cheating on Robin with his ex out of petty jealousy because Robin had gone to Africa, with his blessing, no less, is not grounds for a divorce. You know, breaking your marriage vows, adultery...

And Patrick having a hissy fit because Robin didn't get over it or forgive him in two weeks and he'd suffered long enough and already apologized, dammit, and Robin should take him back.

Do I have that right?

Fuck you, Patrick. And Ron, you douchetasticratbastardfuckwit.


Don't forget to add his flirtations with Leila{?} or his disbelief that Lisa was terrorizing Robin. I will never forget how all of a sudden everybody needed conclusive proof before they judge Lisa so unfairly.


When the truth finally came out it was like "Huh, Lisa, really did terrorize you Robin. Sorry. Next topic".

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The best part about this wedding was, everyone, save for Lila and Tiff's family, CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!


@MSquared , I read somewhere that the laughing wasn't scripted. They are all actually laughing. I wish I could have seen Robin/Kimberly's face throughout all this. Hoo...I was laughing rewatching this whole thing again.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule

There have been beautiful weddings, stupid and bad weddings and funny weddings! I think I'll kick off this thread with the Funniest, laugh so hard your tummy aches, Hilarious wedding--that of one Sean Donnelly and Tiffany Hill...or should that be...Elsie Mae Crumholz?

I just watched this with clip and I laughed so hard tears came. THIS is GH... sad what's become of it. Can't somebody send tuis clip to RC? This is how you write comedy.

Did Jason and Sam marry at a Chinese restaurant or something? Jesus Christ, I hated them. If they play that fucking song again when he comes back I may stab myself in my eardrums. Talk about easy listening.


Yes, @jsbt . They did. So Steve would get to keep his black Tee on, as did Kelly.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I felt bad for Sam though. Jasam part 2 was basically Molly prodding them to get married, and Jason saying, "do you want to get married?" and Sam being passive-aggressive and replying, "I don't care" and him replying "I only care if you care." Same thing with a baby. "I don't care, whatever you want to do is fine" and Sam saying "then I don't care either." 


Both Lante and Jasam had such low-rent affairs, it was kinda depressing. Although at least Jasam got a reception. I like Lante's for what it was - DZ and JMB re-wrote the vows and did a lovely job with that and the acting - but when you have two characters related to most of the town between them all those people should have been there. Instead they got a bunch of extras to play Fake Falconeris, which would have been cuter, I think, if there had been actual Port Charles people there. Since there weren't it felt like a "hey, this makes up for none of their actual family being there, right?" gesture. No, no it did not.


My favorite Wedding(s) were

Scrubs Part 1 before Emma interupptus and the priest asking if t here was a doctor in the ho use.

Scrubs Part 2 When Robert showed up



Scrubs had the nicest wedding out of Jasam/Lante/Scrubs but even their wedding was pretty bare bones, although I LOVED Robin's dress and hair for the first aborted one. They shoulda saved that for the real wedding. Anyway, yeah, I think the last really good wedding of the aughts was probably Liz and Lucky's Wyndemere wedding. I suppose Nem had a nice wedding too, but I hated them. Carjax looked like they had a nice wedding? I wasn't really watching at the time.

I really liked Anna's pink dress - but all of the damn hats in that wedding? I wanted to burn them in a raging bonfire.

Somewhere in the middle of the Aztec Treasure storyline, Celia Q and her groom have a wedding that requires all the guests to wear period 1800s costumes for DAYS and ride around on an old-timey train. Talk about Bridezilla! All of Celia's friends should have shunned her for planning that shit. It's especially funny when Sean basically abducts Anna from the wedding - and she's stuck wearing a freaking hoop skirt for a while. Hee!

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I think I'll kick off this thread with the Funniest, laugh so hard your tummy aches, Hilarious wedding--that of one Sean Donnelly and Tiffany Hill...or should that be...Elsie Mae Crumholz?


This clip is priceless. But to make it even funnier, after you've watched it once and enjoyed all the crowd reactions, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE turn on the closed captioning and watch again. The captioning... there are no words. Well, there are a lot of words, but none of them are right. 

They've recast Danny, I haven't seen any pics as to whether they've cast littler kids or not.


The new Danny twins are maybe a year and a half older than previous Danny twins. I think they just wanted them to be verbal and to be able to follow basic directions. The pictures I saw were maybe a year old, but they have light blond hair and blue eyes. They were very smiley in the pictures I saw. If Danny is like Jason then he needs to be like pre-brain damaged Jason, since brain damage isn't an inherited trait.

Edited by TarHeelTeacher

I thought the other brother(?), Tony, was the reluctant one, the moony romantic who was in love with Alexandria Quartermaine. They both got frozen for their troubles when they unwisely took a stroll inside the weather machine or something. I vaguely remember Victor being the sort of sleazy playboy, the opportunist who had glommed onto Mikkos's scheme - but that's a take from someone who mostly watched it on YT or the old ABC soaps DVD. It makes sense to me that Victor would go after power now, regardless, with Helena, etc. out of the way.

Edited by jsbt


Doc could do better than Lucy, who does not have him as her first priority.

Lucy is a basket case. As a trained psychiatrist, Kevin wouldn't be with her unless he had his own deep problems--which he does. Apparently he had a twin and there were rivalries for Mommy and a hint or more of incest in  Kevin's upbringing. No wonder he is attracted to Lucy, who belongs with someone a lot stronger.

But they were my couple! My heart weeps for what RC has done to them. I might have disliked them being broken up on Port Charles, but I think that show did a better job with it than this show does, at least the first time it happened. Some say basket case, I say that in the 90s, after giving birth to Serena, she was someone with a lot of joie de vivre, not some crazy person. Before RC had Lucy believe in vampires, I would say between the two of them, Lucy was the more mentally stable one because she was less afraid of her dark side (for better of worse).


Just look!




Why do we call Micheal MyKill


Because the Stupid Little Shit smothered AJ with a pillow in the original storyline of AJ dying.  People complained so TPTB switched the killer to a lame psychiatrist named Dr. Asher Thomas, IIRC.  Also, MyKill liked to think he was a little mini-mobster (when he was just a kid) & treated some people accordingly.

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I, for one, hated that they rewrote the whole "Michael smothered his father to death" story line because I was hoping that might make Michael, somehow, disappear for a good while. They centered so much of the show around that damn kid back then, hell it started before his birth even and they still do even today and it grates. So many deserving Qs have been hacked to pieces over the years and this usurper raised by the greasy rat Sonny somehow ends up running the company and everyone doting on him, as usual...


There was always one thing I had hoped for with Michael and that was a rewrite of who his biological father was.

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I thought when AJ ran around town dressed as the guy from Scream, he told Micheal that he lived above Jakes and was Carly's neighbor and they had an affair. But Carly was also banging Tony and busted up Tony/Bobbie marriage. She tried to pass off Micheal as Tony's and then Jason's. He totally truth told everything like the meat hook, the drugging, the dumping in the alley.

So were Jason and AJ her neighbors at Jakes?

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