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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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That's because he actually loved Robin

I give up on trying to analyze Patrick, lol, who he loved or loves or what he's thinking. It would be way too much fanwank. As written, this show wants me to believe Patrick is perfectly fine in life, completely in love and happy with Sam, raising a perfect family together. It's so weak and snooze worthy.

No, I actually love it, lol. She chose to save Jason's life for his loved ones over her own happiness with Patrick. She would be OOC in the story if she left Jason to die.



She chose, after spending two years in captivity scared and alone wondering if she would ever see her family again, not to condemn someone to the exact same fate when there was something she could do to save them.  It's not about Jason, I think she would have made that choice for anyone.  And that's very Robin.


I agree with both of you.  She would absolutely risk her happiness and her life for someone she loves, but here's where Robin failed miserably - She felt SHE alone could save Jason and she refused to get anyone else involved.  In the first go-round where Victor threatened Robin, I can understand why she kept silent, but not the second time at the clinic.  Patrick figured out exactly what was going on and that Victor was threatening her and all that, and he wanted to reach out to Anna and Robert, and Robin refused.  Robin felt that only she can manage this mess, and it blew up in her face.  Robin is not better at this than two super spies in Anna and Robert, and she should have reached out to one of her parents or got them a message somehow.  Instead, she felt only she could manage this top secret endeavor and now she has nothing.  Robin should have taken Patrick's advice and gotten her parents involved once the entire operation had shifted to the clinic.  She didn't.  She still felt that she could manage the situation.  Robin's got an ego like everyone else, and she felt she could manage Victor, the goons, Jason's recovery, and still get back to see her family.  She's a doctor NOT the super spy, and so yes, a lot of this mess falls on her shoulders.  

I agree with both of you.  She would absolutely risk her happiness and her life for someone she loves, but here's where Robin failed miserably - She felt SHE alone could save Jason and she refused to get anyone else involved.  In the first go-round where Victor threatened Robin, I can understand why she kept silent, but not the second time at the clinic.  Patrick figured out exactly what was going on and that Victor was threatening her and all that, and he wanted to reach out to Anna and Robert, and Robin refused.  Robin felt that only she can manage this mess, and it blew up in her face.


You're talking about when Patrick found Robin at Crichton-Clark?  I remember this totally differently.  First off, this was AFTER Victor had caused Patrick and Emma's car accident and threatened to do more harm to her family if he crossed her.  I also don't remember, at that juncture, Patrick offering to get Anna and Robert involved.  And Patrick didn't know Victor caused the accident until two months later he confronted Faison (who was thought to be Fluke) and Faison relished telling him it was Victor and then awesomely blew up his spot to Sam. 

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 Patrick figured out exactly what was going on and that Victor was threatening her and all that, and he wanted to reach out to Anna and Robert, and Robin refused.  Robin felt that only she can manage this mess, and it blew up in her face.  Robin is not better at this than two super spies in Anna and Robert, and she should have reached out to one of her parents or got them a message somehow.

Patrick wondered aloud if Victor was threatening her, and said they could take action. While Robin does have a history of determined independence, I didn't get the sense at all that she thought could manage the mess - she just didn't want anyone else in danger. (Victor got Rafe - a kid who didn't know him - to follow Patrick's car and cause them to crash. I understand her fear that Victor could and would hire minions to go after Patrick, Emma, her parents, etc. Anna and Robert are trained spies, yes, but they're not expecting to be on the lookout for danger from anyone at any time in Port Charles). Victor had a conversation with Robin minutes (?) after Patrick and Sam fled, indicating he knew they had been there. He threatened her to make sure she was focused on the work and not on trying to get back to her family.  

I agree with both of you.  She would absolutely risk her happiness and her life for someone she loves, but here's where Robin failed miserably - She felt SHE alone could save Jason and she refused to get anyone else involved.  In the first go-round where Victor threatened Robin, I can understand why she kept silent, but not the second time at the clinic.  Patrick figured out exactly what was going on and that Victor was threatening her and all that, and he wanted to reach out to Anna and Robert, and Robin refused.  Robin felt that only she can manage this mess, and it blew up in her face.  Robin is not better at this than two super spies in Anna and Robert, and she should have reached out to one of her parents or got them a message somehow.  Instead, she felt only she could manage this top secret endeavor and now she has nothing.  Robin should have taken Patrick's advice and gotten her parents involved once the entire operation had shifted to the clinic.  She didn't.  She still felt that she could manage the situation.  Robin's got an ego like everyone else, and she felt she could manage Victor, the goons, Jason's recovery, and still get back to see her family.  She's a doctor NOT the super spy, and so yes, a lot of this mess falls on her shoulders.  



Lets face it. Ron couldn't get Kimberly to bow down and do his bidding so he took it out on Robin to make her dumb. he killed off AJ, and if he thought he could have gotten away with it, he would have done the same to her. This whole thing made NO SENSE . Bringing people actually back from the dead. FrankenRon says it all. He could have given her PTSD ? however you say it .Had her go away to get help, he had lots of options but ,Robin I will admit has a hero complex, and she will always bend over backwards for Jason. The way Jason and Sonny treated her for wanting to keep Carly from having control over Jason through Michael . Nickolas owes his son to Robin also. Trying to find REAONS  from anything Ron wrote is impossible.. Kim was willng to come back more often but the sixth grade mean girl and  his pack wanted it their way or the highway. TG came in and out whenever he pleased but Robin  and the fans get nothing but stupid Robin.

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In an interview with SOD, I believe before Ron was fired, he basically said "If people want Robin in the story badly enough, they'll accept a recast." So I'm convinced all the ridiculous dialogue and plot and/or the not caring about the character from others was done purposely to FORCE fans to accept one. Almost like, "Nothing about this story will change unless someone else is in the role."

Edited by HeatLifer
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Spinelli and Maxie's non-wedding





Mac passing out in relief that they weren't going to marry was hilarious, Kim McC/Robin looked soooo pretty, and Jason refusing to get up and make a speech was funny too. 




Now I remember why I was on the barge for so long. Jason even got the garter.? yuck.

I don't know why RC kept giving baby rabies to female characters that would normally put off having children or choosing not to have kids.


Maxie should have been focused on her career like she was when she first started working for Kate. I sort of don't hate Maxie working in Dillon's movie, because it means that Maxie is actually going to be working on screen.

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No, it wasn't funny. It was an insult to Mac's character.

Spinelli was the only character who should have passed out at realizing he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life marrying the destructive bitch Maxie (long before she passed his baby off as Dante and Lulu's before changing her mind for no real reason).

I HATED what they did to Mac for nearly a decade to prop Ditzy Destructive Maxie.

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It pisses me off that Felicia and Mac never, not once, got to interact with or even just hold their grandchild ON-SCREEN.  The worst!

There was that one random episode that ended with Felicia bringing Baby Georgie to the hospital, but I dont think it was ever followed up on. Like, Uncle Frank literally had Kristina come down to the studio to shoot one 45 second scene.

And then Mac & Flea appeared in that one episode for Dewq's funeral and I think John & Kristina had maybe two lines of dialogue each. Otherwise theyve been relegated to off-screen babysitters for Emma, Danny, and Baby Georgie.

There was that one random episode that ended with Felicia bringing Baby Georgie to the hospital, but I dont think it was ever followed up on. Like, Uncle Frank literally had Kristina come down to the studio to shoot one 45 second scene.


Yeah, but I don't think we saw Felicia with baby Georgie, IIRC.  She was babysitting off-screen and brought the baby to the hospital, but I think she was outside the room or something.  It was all about setting up a moment for Maxie and Spinelli, blargh.

It's a shame Spinelli didn't declare his independence from shallow ass Maxie by keeping the baby's name as Connie (to honor Maxie's other victims) or choosing something else altogether.

Something tells me sweetie Georgie would not appreciate having her name tied to yet another one of her sociopathic sister's scam jobs.

I really wish Mac and Flea would wash their hands of Maxie's ungrateful ass.

Yeah, but I don't think we saw Felicia with baby Georgie, IIRC.  She was babysitting off-screen and brought the baby to the hospital, but I think she was outside the room or something.  It was all about setting up a moment for Maxie and Spinelli, blargh.

The baby had the flu and was being examined in one of those curtained cubicles for emergency patients. Felicia wasn't holding baby Georgie, but she was just outside the curtain and then right inside, taking it all in while Maxie fretted. I only remember it because Lucas and Felicia actually interacted for a moment before he left the three of them alone with the baby. I was a little shocked that the writers remembered/acknowledged that Felicia and Lucas have been family since he was a tot.

This scene was from July 2014. Patrick tells Anna that he and Robin are divorcing. Anna says maybe they can work on their marriage. Patrick says there ain't no time for that. And besides, he's already asked Robin. My favorite quote: "I don't know if Robin and I are reparable. We've been through so much. Sometimes I feel like we're not even the same people anymore." And then he said that Sam is his bestie.

He knew three things at this point, 1) Robin was threatened to save Jason or else Victor would kill Jason, 2) Robin wanted to save Jason, 3) Robin couldn't come home for Shamwow because she was still working on Jason.

So how is it really even a discussion as to why Patrick wanted a divorce from the get-go? It was because of Jason! She wouldn't come home when he asked! Because of Jason!

The show using the clinic meet-up and Robin going to "Paris" was a cop-out to cover up what they initially wrote. It's not the reason Patrick was done with Robin. He was already all, "We can't be repaired!!"

Oh, Ron, you tried.

Ambrosefolly- I get that Guza was Jason-focused, but the two re-casts of Lucky were still not great guys or heroes. I recall the first post-JJ Lucky lying to Liz's face, then making out with and having sex with her sister. I wasn't watching teen Lulu closely, but I thought there was much talk about him treating her poorly because she wanted to have an abortion. The drug addiction made sense in terms of Lucky's dad issues and inherited DNA. Then during their second marriage, when Lucky got angry at Liz, he cheated with Sam and threw it in Liz's face. JJ's Lucky later asked Maxie, of all people, on a date to the park and hung out with her, knowing the woman has been toxic to him and the animosity between Liz and Maxie due to the affair. He (GV or JJ's Lucky) never asked Maxie to apologize for being such an utter bitch to Liz way before the ONS during the blackout. Maxie was nicer to Liz after Jake got hit, but as far as I know to this day she has never apologized to Liz for the affair or for being a drug supplier to Lucky.

Guza was so obviously slanted, that I almost can't take anything he did with the Luckys who weren't Jonathan Jackson as canon, because either Guza was pushing an agenda or a plot point. I found the demonization of Lucky so over the top, as well as the demonization of anyone not named Jason (and at times that included Sonny) to usually benefit Jason. You could see the constant polishing of Jason's halo in all of his storylines. One of the deviations I liked in RC's writing is when he tarnished that halo in regards to Sam's rape, McBain being beaten up and Danny being switched, because it was one of the first times the show acknowledge that Jason was anything less than perfect, but I don't think it made Jason look like a monster, just human.  I believe that is why he had Lucky be a jerk to Lulu about the abortion, because it has been canon that Lucky has never not been devoted to Lulu's wellbeing, and wouldn't be supportive of Lulu in whatever decision she made. Even if super Christian Jonathan Jackson had been playing the role at the time, I an sure he would demand (and would have gotten) a pro life stance soften for the storyline. Even with all that, I really felt his family dropped the ball on helping him. They had an intervention for Luke after her "ran over" Jake, who literally ran away from any type of help, but I don't think they dragged Lucky to any type of counseling or rehab during the GV years.


While I never wanted Lucky anywhere near Maxie after she became her drug pusher, I have come to accept that Lucky felt guilty for possibly taking advantage of Maxie since she was younger and always had a crush on him, which is why he never demanded anything from her. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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As ridiculous as the whole storyline was, at least Patrick gave a damn.

Honestly, I just want Patrick to be written consistently, even if it means he might hate Robin. Just let it make sense. Right now, I have absolutely no idea what his issues are. No wonder JT complains in pretty much every interview. One second, he's mad that Robin went to save Jason. The next second, he tells someone that she was threatened. Then he acts like he's pissed she went to Paris. Then he has no cares in the world and is SO HAPPY with Sam. My goodness. Pick a POV and stick with it!

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The baby had the flu and was being examined in one of those curtained cubicles for emergency patients. Felicia wasn't holding baby Georgie, but she was just outside the curtain and then right inside, taking it all in while Maxie fretted.


Hmmm, I guess I just remember the outside the curtain part.


But still, this was all about Maxie and Spinelli.  There should have been actual family scenes with Maxie, Felicia, and Mac with baby Georgie once Maxie had visitation rights.  I mean, did we even get to see their reaction to the baby being renamed Georgie?

Edited by TeeVee329

Lets face it. Ron couldn't get Kimberly to bow down and do his bidding so he took it out on Robin to make her dumb.


I'll be the first person to say that how Ron wrote Robin out was atrocious, and that he could extremely petty in his writing, but there is absolutely no evidence that he had any sort of a grudge against KMc.  I think that the way he wrote out Robin was his usual "create a cliffhanger and then don't resolve it until so much time has passed half the audience can't remember what exactly happened and the other half is past caring" mode of doing this.  And besides, he makes every character dumb.

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I think if anyone's built a grudge against Kimberly for not bowing to his schedule and his whims it's Frank. He has a history - well, they both do - of becoming spiteful towards vets who don't make GH their first and only priority. If it's true Kim was available over the last year or so and they said no thanks we're busy, and I bet it was, that is on them.


And if FV really thought Rebecca Budig could sell a Robin recast, I'm sorry, he's delusional. That would be impossible enough with anyone, but just saying "big soap vet" isn't gonna do it. They're completely different performers and Budig, while talented, hates playing a heroine and is bad at it. It reminds me of when he supposedly was after Sarah Brown to come be NuMarty at OLTL, back in 2007 when Susan Haskell was not yet available and not happy with Dena Higley's pitch. (Sarah said no so they ended up getting some chick from Sunset Beach!) I guess the thinking there was, again, 'sure, they're completely different but who's gonna say no to Sarah Brown?' Well, after a certain point these roles are not a simple matter of just casting another big soap star. Can anyone see Rebecca Budig just sittin' around with Jason Thompson and that little girl having breakfast? Talking with Anna about life? Reminiscing with Sonny about Stone and havin' the AIDS? Giving a speech at the Nurses Ball? It's ridiculous. She'd look terrified, like she was at gunpoint.

Edited by jsbt
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And if FV really thought Rebecca Budig could sell a Robin recast, I'm sorry, he's delusional.


I'm seriously starting to suspect that since Franco is STILL HERE.


Well, after a certain point these roles are not a simple matter of just casting another big soap star. Can anyone see Rebecca Budig just sittin' around with Jason Thompson and that little girl having breakfast? Talking with Anna about life? Reminiscing with Sonny about Stone and havin' the AIDS? Giving a speech at the Nurses Ball? It's ridiculous. She'd look terrified, like she was at gunpoint.


lol. All we would need is CamMat as ghost Stone to make the picture of absurdity complete.

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All I'll say about Ron/Frank vs. Kim is if they said, "Can you make some time to film the ending of this storyline?", she would say, "YES." There is no evidence to prove otherwise. THEY didn't want to end this story. And even now, they still don't want to end her particular story in November, because thanks to Ron, they have to deal with the Nik and Liz and Hayden and Samtrick parts of it all.

As far as Budig as Robin, just LOL. I'm assuming it would be similar to what the show has done to KeMo/Sam. Some actresses are best at being scheming, badass bitches. They're very similar in that way.

Edited by HeatLifer





Swimming from the Barge with my personalized life jacket that has LAURA APOLOGIST! And ROBIN APOLOGIST! Emblazoned in BIG and BOLD COLORS.


Patrick doesn't have a FUCKING LEG to stand on with respect to any anger when it comes to Robin choosing Jason over her family. Because she FUCKING didn't have a Fucking Choice.  Victor Fucking Threatened to kill her Fucking Family and Emma, if she didn't go back with him and Fucking Save Fucking Jaysus.  He came through on his threats when he got Fucking FakeLuke to get Fucking Rafe to hit the car that had Fucking Patrick driving and causing Sabrina to go into premature labor.


Why does everyone forget that was shown?  The fact that Fucking Carlivati and his hack writers, fucking kept changing the narrative and fucking retconning Robin's "choices" should not be taken as canon. Meaning, his Fucking Self forgot or his Fucking Self didn't fucking care, because he needed to come up with a reason for making it look like Robin left of her own free choice. Which she Fucking Did Not.  And that Fucking Patrick threatened to kill Victor if anything happened to Robin. So his now saying Robin chose to leave her family...chose Jason over her family, is Fucking BULLSHIT.


*Donning my life jacket and swimming back to the Barge*.

And don't forget, she ended up under the control of Helena after Victor died.

Its ironic that patrick bitching about Robin talking about Stone. I'm watching old PC eps and its like 1999 and apperantely scott has a picture of him and Dominquie by the phone and hes engaed to lucy at this point.Its a little weird lol.I mean the circmstances were a little differnt after all but hell patrick just gets bitchy about Robin talking about Stone lol.

One of my favorite interrupted weddings of all time:





Still love that Emma tore their hands apart so she could get to her mom. "Mommy's here" still brings tears to my eyes.


For pure fun, Jack stealing Jennifer away on a fire truck (Days) is still the best but for pure emotion...

Edited by cmahorror
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Its ironic that patrick bitching about Robin talking about Stone. I'm watching old PC eps and its like 1999 and apperantely scott has a picture of him and Dominquie by the phone and hes engaed to lucy at this point.Its a little weird lol.I mean the circmstances were a little differnt after all but hell patrick just gets bitchy about Robin talking about Stone lol.


Well, Lucy at least knew and loved Dominique, and was there for her when she was dying, even carrying her unborn child! So that might have kept her from being too jealous, if at all. 

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My biggest problem with Patrick's problem with Stone is that he seems to not have the same issues with Jason. Yes, Robin did have issues with letting Stone go but she didn't bring him up near as much as Sam brings up Jason. Not only that but I'm pretty sure that Robin didn't talk about Stone almost every time she and Patrick were going to have sex - Sam does that with Jason.


And, while Patrick never met Stone, he met Jason and hated him. He hated him so much that he resented Robin leaving to go save Jason's life. His complete and total patience with Sam constantly talking about Jason, especially in bed, is just ridiculous and completely out of character.


YMMV as always :)

Edited by cmahorror
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"You remember your daughter? The one who you left behind, you said you had to go help a friend."

"Obviously this is more important, right? More important than your husband when he needed you, when my son's brief life was ending. But, no, you had to give life to the almighty Jason Morgan."

"Me, Emma, your mother, we don't mean anything to you anymore. Jason's more important."


Edited by HeatLifer
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Well I think like another poster said its that Jason is "dead" and no real threat to his relationship with Sam.  As far as him reacting different to Jason and Stone, with both of them dead.  I think Patrick is a little more mature about these things than when he first got with Robin.


Also the fact that Sam and Jason were married and Danny is around.  The memory of Jason will be a part of their lives and Patrick realistically needs to find a way to be ok with that as long as he is with Sam and a guardian/future step-father to Danny.


Patrick has also been in Sam's shoes with having a "dead" spouse so I think that goes a long way with him being comfortable with Sam bringing up Jason a lot.  Even if he himself didn't like him.  It's almost like the Jason that was with Sam is a different Jason from the one that was with Robin, if that makes sense.

Edited by JBC344

While I understand Sam was married to Jason and Patrick may view that differently in whatever way, he still believes Robin left the family because Jason was more important. If he resents that choice, it would be human for him to resent Jason in terms of Sam, as well. Patrick being fine and dandy isn't him suddenly being mature, IMO. It's the character not being written in character. So much compelling material has been lost because this show wants to portray Sam and Patrick as this lovely unbreakable "We have no issues, we're perfect!" pair.

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I understand what is being said about Danny and Jason always being a part of their lives because he is the boy's father but there should also be a line drawn about when to discuss him. There are times and places for those things and talking about your late husband while you are lying in bed with your boyfriend night after night ain't it.


I guess it is a bit of a sensitive subject for me because I am also a widow with children and grandchildren. Will my late husband always be a part of my life - of course, we had a wonderful life together and I will always love him. Will I lie in bed with my new boyfriend and talk about him all the time - no. That is disrespectful to both men. They are called boundaries people - set them.


Throw in the fact that the audience knows something Sam doesn't - that Patrick never wanted Robin to try and save Jason. Patrick was perfectly happy with letting Jason die if it meant he got to keep his family at home with him. He was willing to sacrifice Sam and Danny's happiness for his and Emma's. At some point in time this should come out because it is a huge deal and should be a deal breaker for Sam, that is if she hasn't left Patrick from Jason at that point already. I really can't see her forgiving him for that.

Edited by cmahorror
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While I understand Sam was married to Jason and Patrick may view that differently in whatever way, he still believes Robin left the family because Jason was more important. If he resents that choice, it would be human for him to resent Jason in terms of Sam, as well. Patrick being fine and dandy isn't him suddenly being mature, IMO. It's the character not being written in character. So much compelling material has been lost because this show wants to portray Sam and Patrick as this lovely unbreakable "We have no issues, we're perfect!" pair.

But that is my point though in that it isn't a "choice" with Sam.  With Robin, Jason was an annoyance when he was alive, and a threat when he was "dead".  With his relationship to Sam, Jason isn't any of those things, he is just her dead husband who could be talked about in a fond way but doesn't have any real effect on their relationship.  This is what I meant in that Patrick can compartmentalize that Robin's Jason isn't the same person as Sam's Jason. 


For example, say Patrick is at the nurse's station and Elizabeth comes up and starts telling a story about Jason being a hero, now Patrick may roll his eyes and think "Jason was no hero".  Now two minutes later Monica comes up and tells him a story about how Jason honored her on Mother's Day before he died.  Now Patrick can listen to Monica's story and could probably relate to the parent/child dynamic and not have a negative response to Jason in that context.


Also Patrick's "comfort" with Sam talking about Jason probably has more to do with Sam than what he thinks of Jason's memory.


I do agree that there is a time and a place to bring up Jason's name and memories,  I was just trying to make the point that talking about a dead spouse is different than talking about an ex-boyfriend who is still in your life. 


Also, while Patrick may resent Jason because Robin chose to try and save him, he really has the issue with Robin.  Jason in this instant is not an "active" participant, and I think deep down Patrick realizes that.

he really has the issue with Robin.

We agree on this, for sure!

Then again, I wonder how this plays out when Robin is eventually freed. While the whole town is grateful for Jason's return, including Sam, will Patrick be the sole person ranting and raving about how Robin should have let him die and how it was her own fault she was a prisoner because she made her choice? That'll be interesting to see how the writers tackle that.

Edited by HeatLifer

This is my bias against Samtrick as I think they are - no matter what lip service is given - glorified fuck buddies and a snooze, but I think Patrick can handle the Jakeson talk with Sam BECAUSE he doesn't feel as deeply about the Samtrick relationship that he did/does with Robin. And let us remember the whole reason Patrick ever came to town was because Robin needed Patrick to save Jason. (Yawn. Wash, rinse, repeat.) So knowing that, maybe a part of him thought Robin would always place Jason first.



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We agree on this, for sure!

Then again, I wonder how this plays out when Robin is eventually freed. While the whole town is grateful for Jason's return, including Sam, will Patrick be the sole person ranting and raving about how Robin should have let him die and how it was her own fault she was a prisoner because she made her choice? That'll be interesting to see how the writers tackle that.

Easy, they won't. They will ignore or retcon it.

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Well, Lucy at least knew and loved Dominique, and was there for her when she was dying, even carrying her unborn child! So that might have kept her from being too jealous, if at all. 

Yeah Lucy wasn't jealous of Dom but that stil lkinda weirded me out though lol.

My biggest problem with Patrick's problem with Stone is that he seems to not have the same issues with Jason. Yes, Robin did have issues with letting Stone go but she didn't bring him up near as much as Sam brings up Jason. Not only that but I'm pretty sure that Robin didn't talk about Stone almost every time she and Patrick were going to have sex - Sam does that with Jason.


And, while Patrick never met Stone, he met Jason and hated him. He hated him so much that he resented Robin leaving to go save Jason's life. His complete and total patience with Sam constantly talking about Jason, especially in bed, is just ridiculous and completely out of character.


YMMV as always :)

IA I always found it weirdhow patrick was resentful and jealou of Stone compared to how hes fine with Sam talking about Jason constantly seems a little out of character.Not that the show has cared about characters being in character for over an decade.

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His complete and total patience with Sam constantly talking about Jason, especially in bed, is just ridiculous and completely out of character.


What annoys me the most about Sam constantly talking about Jason is that it's just to beat us over the head that she doesn't know he's alive and is Jake. Gasp! Otherwise, of course she's going to mention him now and then.

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Easy, they won't. They will ignore or retcon it.

Well, they essentially already have. Patrick never told Anna, Carly, Sam, or Liz that he's pissed Robin chose Jason over the family. He has everyone believing he just HAD to move on with his life because Robin abandoned them for her work. Even Anna, who heard with her own two ears that Robin felt she was broken and couldn't be a good mother to Emma because Emma needs stability, believes Patrick's sob story.

Guza was so obviously slanted, that I almost can't take anything he did with the Luckys who weren't Jonathan Jackson as canon, because either Guza was pushing an agenda or a plot point. I found the demonization of Lucky so over the top, as well as the demonization of anyone not named Jason (and at times that included Sonny) to usually benefit Jason.  Even with all that, I really felt his family dropped the ball on helping him. They had an intervention for Luke after her "ran over" Jake, who literally ran away from any type of help, but I don't think they dragged Lucky to any type of counseling or rehab during the GV years.


While I never wanted Lucky anywhere near Maxie after she became her drug pusher, I have come to accept that Lucky felt guilty for possibly taking advantage of Maxie since she was younger and always had a crush on him, which is why he never demanded anything from her. 

I agree with you that Guza was Mob-focused, it's just that the persistent need some viewers seem to have that Lucky was this terrific (close to perfect?) guy who was a victim of big bad Liz is ludicrous. Even JJ's Lucky was flawed.  I don't know if you ever got to see it, but he was really vicious to Laura after finding out that Luke had once raped her. He continued to be cold and nasty, despite the fact Laura had always been a loving mother to him. Lucky lashing out at Liz as he did after finding out about the Niz affair was not this completely OOC moment for him.


I was not surprised about the lack of intervention with Lucky, as it had been well-established that Laura was the heart of the family. Not Luke. Luke actually said he at one point (I think when Liz was in a coma) that he hoped Lucky wouldn't be in his situation - stuck with two kids he has no idea how to raise on his own (without Laura). And since Luke never thought of himself as someone with a problem; he definitey was not going to acknowledge/choose to address Lucky's addiction esp. if he would have to take 'blame' for it being 'genetic.' Heck, Luke blew off Laura's concern for Lucky back in the day about safety/sanitation when Lucky came home from camping with a newly pierced ear - that Luke did himself. Luke was annoyed she was mad that he didn't bother to consult her before doing it. It's also been well-established that once Genie left the show, Luke left the raising of Lulu up to Grandma Leslie. He took her ice-fishing.


The "intervention" with Luke was because he's an old guy/legacy character connected to many others. It was poorly done - just one example was Carly, his adversarial niece, was a part of it but his sister Bobbie, who loved him his whole life, was not.


I can understand Lucky feeling guilty about Maxie; he didn't have to demand anything from her so much as he should have told her look, quit disrespecting  my wife so much/loudly if for no other reason than that we have a son to think of. It was appalling that he allowed Maxie to behave the way she did at the L&L wedding on the Q property. I think she even wanted to be in a Spencer family pic because of her Pillowena scam.

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