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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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I realize this is an extreme minority position, but I'm not 100% against Niz.  My principal objections to it in the first go-round were 1) the extreme betrayal of Lucky, 2) the fact that Nik was going through his engorged tick phase right around that time.


With Lucky long-gone and Nik having found a better balance of "vitamins," I think it could work.  They're both among the better actors the show has, but neither has done "new" romance particularly well in decades.  I'd be okay with seeing them together at this point.

I think Niz could have worked under different circumstances and in another time. I will never understand Guza getting JJ to finally return and then deciding to do Niz and then that whole Siobhan mess. And I got the distinct impression that JJ was lured back with the promise to do L&L2.

I really want Guza to write a tell-all and explain what he was thinking when he lured back JJ, Sarah, and Vanessa, and then wrote actively terrible stories for them.

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Didn't Sam split those shares evenly between AJ and Tracy? That way she wouldn't have to be in the middle of future Q tug-of-wars. Or did she just split the proxy?


It's a mess either way.

It was the proxy that she gave Tracy and AJ back then.  She just gave both of them an equal voting right for that particular company vote.  As far as I know Sam still has her shares that she inherited as Jason's widow and controls Danny's shares as his mother.  Ironically Sam would be considered the "sole majority" stakeholder in ELQ, at least until Danny turns 18. 


That was another reason why she was so pissed at Nick for going after ELQ. 

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So if Sam still has Jasus' shares and voted with Michael, then how does Quarterbrain actually bring alive change anything?  


Maybe I need some brain pills, produced by the same company that makes toxic face cream, to figure this out . . . 


You have to start taking that stuff at 23, otherwise it doesn't work!

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Didn't Tracy give her shares to someone Fluke I think to save Luke ? I don't pay attention to most of the show so a lot goes over my head.

Tracy gave her and Alice's shares to Jerry Jax. Luke conned Skye out of her shares and gave them to Helena. Sloane blackmailed Brooklynn out of her shares and then gave them to Nik. And Ned gave his to RAPIST SERIAL KILLER who then sold them to Nik.

I don't remember if Lucy actually gave Nik her share(s)(?) or if she just voted with him.

All of those "transactions" would be invalidated by the Securities & Exchange Commission.

None of this changes the fact that Jasus bring revealed as alive changes nothing because Sam already voted his shares with Michael. Jasus being alive doesn't magically invalidate those already illegitimate transactions. Oh wait, it probably does. This is Port Chuckles; who needs the Federal Government when you have Jasus.

  • Love 1
None of this changes the fact that Jasus bring revealed as alive changes nothing because Sam already voted his shares with Michael. Jasus being alive doesn't magically invalidate those already illegitimate transactions. Oh wait, it probably does. This is Port Chuckles; who needs the Federal Government when you have Jasus.



Nik probably figures that if Jake regains his memories, and is restored to full St. Jasus glory, he will be able to foil all of Nik's evil plans without breaking a sweat.  Because he's St. Jasus.  

  • Love 5

What I'd like to know is what happened to lucys orginal stiock.Did she lose it in her bet with damien smith.orginally se got like 5 or 6 percent in her divorce settlement and then scott took half of it for representing her and then when scotty left town in 93 with serena he gave her the stock back.

So if Sam still has Jasus' shares and voted with Michael, then how does Quarterbrain actually bring alive change anything?

Maybe I need some brain pills, produced by the same company that makes toxic face cream, to figure this out . . .

Considering that the writers seemed to have rectonned it into Sam giving away her shares, it doesn't change anything. Maybe Nikolas thinks Jasus will warp time and space with his sheer magnificence, and that all of Port Charles will bow down when the Second Coming makes his return known to his loyal subjects.

Which is odd, because Jasus didn't really care about the Quartermaines or ELQ before Faison killed him.

  • Love 1

Considering that the writers seemed to have rectonned it into Sam giving away her shares, it doesn't change anything. Maybe Nikolas thinks Jasus will warp time and space with his sheer magnificence, and that all of Port Charles will bow down when the Second Coming makes his return known to his loyal subjects.

Which is odd, because Jasus didn't really care about the Quartermaines or ELQ before Faison killed him.


The only thing worse than a boring, convoluted story about corporate shares on a soap opera ... is when it's written by this band of merrily insane and continuity-allergic writers.

  • Love 1

Damn. I loved this scene. Hell, I loved Scrubs in general then. Makes what's on now even shittier after watching this.

I don't even let the stuff now ruin what I loved in the past. I'm like that with every show I watch. (I always end up liking failed ships, lol). It's just unfortunate they couldn't just divorce Scrubs from the start because that's more believable to me than Patrick not caring that he and his daughter haven't heard from her in nearly a year.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Okay, I'm curious: Did Robin actually ever find out about Anna and her past as a double agent? I always assumed she didn't know, but then I saw this scene again, where Robin finds out Robert is alive, and he mentions it to her in passing:



(Also, again, they were presumed dead in 1992, not 1991. I know Camilla More played Anna that last month, but UGH--you can get other timelines--for Jake's "death", of course--right, you can get this one right. It's not that hard!)


Anyway, who actually knows about it for sure? Robert, Sean Donely, Sean, possibly Holly? Does anyone else, including Robin?

Edited by UYI

2006 and 2007 are my bitches! <3


2007 was the year I was forced to mostly not watch due to Spinelli literally making me feel physical irritation with his babble whenever he showed up on screen. :shiver: I'm kinda glad in retrospect because, because of that, I missed the worst of the "shrewlu" years.


I hear the Metro Court hostage stuff was good though. 

Edited by ulkis

2006 was the best year of the 00s for GH, imo.

I loved 2006 for Sam/Jason&Sam it was a good year with angst and love for them though it all went downhill when Sam got shot but I loved the SOS and Liz getting pregnant and Sam getting a new family and her getting away from Jasus.

My one complaint was the way Alexis was treated during the SOS and the way she was treated by the characters and writers ugh me feeling hatred all over again.

Chunks of it were, but that's when Guza decided to kill off Alan. :-(

Than he gave SBu/Jason a whole scene with a dying Alan which was Emmy bait when we all know Jason didn't give two shits about Alan.

2007 was the year I was forced to mostly not watch due to Spinelli literally making me feel physical irritation with his babble whenever he showed up on screen. :shiver: I'm kinda glad in retrospect because, because of that, I missed the worst of the "shrewlu" years.


I hear the Metro Court hostage stuff was good though. 


Oh, no soap is perfect. I loved those years, but it's impossible to like everything, like Spinelli, or Alan dying, or Georgie dying, or even Emily dying (I know that's an unpopular opinion because people didn't exactly love NL, but I thought the character was important). I don't even know if I've ever liked everything on any show I've ever watched. I'm annoying like that.

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Oh, no soap is perfect. I loved those years, but it's impossible to like everything, like Spinelli, or Alan dying, or Georgie dying, or even Emily dying (I know that's an unpopular opinion because people didn't exactly love NL, but I thought the character was important). I don't even know if I've ever liked everything on any show I've ever watched. I'm annoying like that.


oh, me either, but I thought the bad outweighed the good that year. At least, as the year progressed. GH didn't get watchable for me until Patrick and robin's wedding, and even then I didn't tune in full time until JJ came back.


I remember tuning in again when Laura came back in 2008 and I literally thought that Olivia was a recast Kate. I was like, who is this woman? Is it Kate? It must be Kate. Weird! Hey, I was kinda right in a sense.


Also I remember checking in on the boards and seeing people talk about a Dante and I was like who the fuck is that, there's no character going by that name on screen. LITTLE DID I KNOW.

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2007 was the year of Kate and her 'bringing peace to The Middle East' bob.

I think 2008 was the best Scrubs year. Both their weddings were friggin adorable.

Watching that 2006 Scrubs scene makes me more than ever want t a retcon that [insert Legionof Doom member here] did something to Patrick to change his memory, emotions, and personality. If Hells had the access to put cameras in his house, she could have put some chemical in his cologne or something that he is using daily and has no idea has affected him.

  • Love 2

There was stuff I liked about those years, but after they killed Alan I had to walk away, or at least, when I occasionally watched, be much less invested. That broke my heart. That should never have happened and I wish they'd been able to undo it in these last few years as once was planned. I'd still want it for a finale. As Kimberly McCullough said, it was shameful and wrong.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

Okay, I'm curious: Did Robin actually ever find out about Anna and her past as a double agent? I always assumed she didn't know, but then I saw this scene again, where Robin finds out Robert is alive, and he mentions it to her in passing:


Anyway, who actually knows about it for sure? Robert, Sean Donely, Sean, possibly Holly? Does anyone else, including Robin?

As grateful as I was about Robert being resurrected, there was some shamefully sloppy writing in that story. It's unclear what Robin knows about Anna's past. In 2006, Robert just kind of blurts it out, Robin accuses him of lying about why he "played dead", and nobody mentions it again (Although I may well have missed a convo between Robin and Anna about this in later years.)

Robert and Sean absolutely know Anna was a double agent. Robert finally broke down in '85 and told Holly because he had to explain why he lied for so long about who Anna was. Frisco may have eventually found out the first time Faison showed up. Oh, and obviously fucking Faison knows. The last time this story was written carefully, that's who knew.

  • Love 2

What I loved about 2006 Scrubs was that the pairing took time to build a relationship and fall in love. Both of them fought falling in love with each other tooth and nail but when they finally did, it was beautiful.


I love this. One of my fav ILY scenes. When she says "You're my best friend." Sniff!

  • Love 4

Okay guys, a few more clips from 2013. I love that Emma saw Robin first and literally tore Patrick and Sabrina's hands apart.




And after Patrick talked to Sabrina and came back, I loved that Robin didn't cave in and go home with him.





Finally, Patrick gets his head out of his ass. Sadly, it didn't take long to find its way back there.


Edited by cmahorror
  • Love 2

Such a good episode!

It was.  That's one of the very first episodes I remember ever watching.  It was so tense and suspense just kept building.  The snowstorm, the lights being out, Monica delivering AJ early, Lesley (and Gail was it?) trying to concoct a home made baby incubator, Monica thinking she was going to die, and Rick and Alan on their way in the ambulance. 


And then Monica seemingly calling out for Rick, and Lesley telling her that he's on his way, and what Monica really wanted to say -- what she eventually did say -- was that the baby was Rick's. All because she thought she was dying and wanted Rick to know.


Damn, Lesley was gut punched in that episode.

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Lesley, Gail and the Qs maid at that time, Stella (she was way better than Alice, by the way!).

And Alice Grant, the 80s Alice who was Heathers disapproving mom, was also way better than current Alice.

(Have I mentioned I don't like Alice?)

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 2

I also loved 2006, but 2007 was when I quit for good after Alan, Georgie, and Emily.  I didn't return until Guza was gone.  I also miss Patrick a lot.


I wouldn't mind so much at the killing off of the older characters if it was done in a less horrible way. Do it with Alan surrounded by his family, not heart attack from the stress of a hostage situation. Freaking awful.

Hey all, I'm relatively new to GH and I've been watching old clips and have a question- I was watching the Pierce Dorman trial and they mentioned Monica and Ned slept together. Was that an actual story that happened onscreen? Or was it just some history retconned for the Dorman story?


Also on the off chance anyone knows where there's a clip of the ep where Luke tells Alexis she is Natasha I would love to see it. I've hunted Youtube high and low, however and can only find stuff around it.


I've been watching Karen and Jagger and the whole story with her struggling with being abused and falling in with Sonny seems really well done.


I still pretty much hate Luke and Laura. I feel like I need to say that every time I post! It's a release. :)

Edited by cleo

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