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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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I liked the baby Lucas story a lot.  After all these years, I remember the scene of Robert taking baby Lucas from a crying Bobbie.  Poor Bobbie was devastated, even though she knew she'd done wrong and had to accept it ... and Robert looked like he absolutely hated having to take the baby from Bobbie's arms, even though it was his job.


I also remember Frisco's suspension and the tension between him and Robert over that.       


Of course, then Robert had to figure out if he was Lucas' dad (since he'd dated Cheryl at the right time for that to possibly be the case), and Anna and pre-teen Robin were super nosy about it, and Robert got pissed at both of them for being annoying, which eventually led to Robert and Anna's epic argument (that really wasn't about anything but escalated into a complete shitstorm when Robert lost his head and called Anna an old hag -- big mistake)  ... which led her Valentine's Day Massacre revenge.  Hee!  

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Wikipedia lists her first airdate as September 28th, 1996, and that Guza left in October 1996, so I think you're right. And yet, her page still lists Culliton and Harris as creating her. Weird. 


Here's a list of the show's EPs and HWs and how long their tenures were, in case you're curious. Guza REALLY kept going back and forth between GH and other shows for awhile, didn't he?




Also, because Maxie has been discussed quite a bit in the episode thread lately, here she is finding out that BJ is dead/she has her heart in July of 1994:



And, because I'm an evil bitch who wants to make cry today, here's Bobbie and BJ last scene together before the bus crash in May of 1994:


Edited by UYI
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This is based on the discussion earlier about Lucy in the main thread. One of the best examples, IMO, of what Lucy can be at her best and how far she has come as a character. And of course, it's a nice excuse to show an old clip of Alan. :)



I really think this side of Lucy is probably very similar to what Lynn Herring herself is like in real life. I've never heard a bad word about her; all of her cast mates, past and present, seem to LOVE her. 

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Do I remember correctly that Tony performed, or at least assisted on, the organ harvesting and/or transplant? I seem to remember a heartbreaking scene where he said he had to cut the heart out of his own daughter.


He wanted to but Monica wouldn't let him but he snuck into the operating room when they removed BJ's heart and stayed with her as they placed the heart into Maxie in the next OR over. He watched through the window. 

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Luke & Laura appear on the show of one the biggest celebrity GH fans, Roseanne!


That joke about Jason's shirt still being on is funny, given how much SBu avoided that later on.




And after this clip is over, you can watch Luke and Laura's reunion in '83. STILL gives me chills, the good kind, as does seeing Original Stavros--who gives me the scary chills.

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LH has said in one of the mags the annivesary one that her fav stories were BJs death the red dress marrying alan and carrying serena for scott and dominquie.


I remember a scene where Lucy went to the hospital with a red rose to present to Alan on their anniversary. And he goes 'a red rose for a red dress!' It was so utterly charming. This was when she was really trying to be a better person and was getting involved with Kevin. I loved them so... and I liked that she could have decent relationships with her ex-husbands when the actual marriages weren't so great.

  • Love 6

I loved that Roseanne cameo so much. I still remember it.


I don't know if it was in the same episode, but I do remember Roseanne watching GH and her friend at work goes "why are you watching this trash? ... The Guiding Light is on!"  Still cracks me up to this day.   Even though this was back when GH was still good and I was not a GL watcher.  



This might be more appropriate in the history thread, but I'm genuinely curious: as far as the 2000s go, which HW tenure was worse? Guza and Pratt together, or Guza alone (as in after Pratt left, not when Guza was there in the 90s before McTavish)? I know it's basically picking the lesser of two evils, but I swear I've heard defenders and detractors for both stints.


To be honest, I don't really know exactly when the HW's tenures began and ended.  I feel like Guza did a lot of terrible crap (killing so many Q's, killing Georgie, the first half of the 2000s which was all Sonny / Carly, all the time, deifying Jason, creating Franco and really all the sexual violence that seemed to be directed at Sam over the years, etc.). 

But he also did some stuff that, in retrospect at least, was interesting and good or could have been with just a little bit of tweaking.  For instance the Patrick / Robin relationship -- a very popular new pairing, though I wished the writers had been on Robin's "side" more of the time.   Lulu and Dante as a cute couple.   He resurrected Robert, at least, although I hated the execution of that story.  Noah coming back as an alcoholic and Patrick giving him part of a liver was also a great story ... again, with some poor execution as well as some very good scenes. 

Guza was definitely a mixed bag, but the show became somewhat more watchable in the mid- to late 2000s (for me, at least).   Maybe that was after Pratt left, I don't know.   If Guza hadn't killed so many Qs, had allowed more characters to openly and rightfully disdain Sonny, had backed off of the Jason worship, had balanced out the screen time so the good stories and good-person/non-mob characters got way more screen time ... I think the show would have been just fine. 

He had many good ideas, and there was a lot of heartwarming stuff over the years (see Lulu and Dante, Robin getting her miracle baby) ... but he'd already screwed up by driving away fans who were tired of Sonny / Carly /Jason, and he was still too wedded to the mob stories and trying to be "edgy" and "dark" way too much of the time. 

I will say this -- as much as Guza infuriated the crap out of me (and I spent large chunks of his reign not watching), the characters were still mostly recognizable, and the laws of logic, time, space and physics still applied.   Now, not so much.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 8

Thanks, SlovakPrincess. I knew you had said before that you had certain amounts of time where you weren't watching, but you saying you ALMOST miss Guza made me think of the question for anyone who had watched both tenures closely. Because, really, I've heard so many people say how bad Sonny/Carly/Jason/SWSNBN were during the Guza/Pratt years, but then you look at all the bad things Guza did alone, and I'm left wondering which tenure is worse, because it looks like it's difficult to tell. 


I feel like the first half of the 2000s just had to have been worse -- with SWSNBN, and AJ almost being murdered in a hospital bed by a disturbed Chucky-doll version of Michael (and then really / not really being murdered by someone else, I assume), and Brenda coming back to life only to be on trial for murder and then left at the alter by Jax.  Also, I understand Carly no. 3 was a flipping disaster.  And I might be in the minority on this one, but Ric, Mr. Panic Room, will always be disgusting to me - that story was nasty and he belongs in a padded room.


And didn't child Michael hallucinate a creepy little girl / imaginary friend for a while?


Oh my God, I watched a total of maybe 10 episodes from that 4-year period, but it's all coming back to me now.  Or maybe I just remember reading about it and shaking my head in confusion.  The horror!  LOL.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I definitely think 2005-2011 was better than 2000-2005 GH. The latter half drove me away in 2007 with all the Spinelli shit, but I came back when JJ returned and it was pretty decent for a while.


But yeah, I think Dillon and Georgie were probably the brightest spot of the early 00s. Otherwise, it was soooo much redheaded Michael, Courtney/Jason/Carly/Sonny, Nem (who could have been a decent couple, if not for the silly prince/princess writing). I remember thinking Liz/Ric had chemistry but Guza didn't really take them seriously as a couple. People talk about how early Jasam was good too but I had so little interest in Jason I didn't pay attention.


late 2005 had the return of Robin and Patrick's debut, and it started returning to the hospital a bit more, and although Jason was still #1 that was the start of fallible Sonny. Also SORASed Lulu, who was a really awesome character her first year (she was popular and so Guza decided the best thing to do was make her Carly's protege . . . thanks for that, Bob.). I enjoyed the return of Robert, Holly, and Anna that year even though a lot of it was b.s. (Holly blackmailing everyone). The Sam/Jason/Liz/Ric stuff was actually pretty compelling for a while. Like I said, I didn't watch much in 2007-8 but the end of that year had the excellent Laura return. 2006's stint was good too. I still get chills thinking about the moment where Laura sees grown Lulu for the first time and realizes how much time has passed. Oh, and I thought both Robin and Patrick's two weddings were really good. It was a really great moment when Robin started going into labor at the first wedding and the officiator yelled, "is there a doctor in the house?" and several people stood up, semi-reluctantly.

  • Love 4

There was some real warmth and humor during Guza's tenure, even though there was also some unrelenting grimness. And while Guza killed off way too many people, there was often very good followthrough, at least in the immediate aftermath. I'm thinking especially of Emily's death—IMO, BH did some of her best work ever when Liz found out Emily had been killed and stayed with her body.


Ron barely gives anyone a chance to react to anything, let alone a death. He races on to the next plot point.

  • Love 6

There was some real warmth and humor during Guza's tenure, even though there was also some unrelenting grimness. And while Guza killed off way too many people, there was often very good followthrough, at least in the immediate aftermath. I'm thinking especially of Emily's death—IMO, BH did some of her best work ever when Liz found out Emily had been killed and stayed with her body.


Ron barely gives anyone a chance to react to anything, let alone a death. He races on to the next plot point.


I said this when Guza was writing, overall the storylines were shit but there were a lot of good moments. We still get some now but they are much fewer and far between and also, the scenes we did get were much longer. Now scenes seem to be a minute, tops.


It was frustrating, because Guza could be good when he wanted to be, but he was just obsessed with Jason (and Sonny, and the mob). I'm not sure that Ron could be good even if he wanted to be, not at this point.

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I said this when Guza was writing, overall the storylines were shit but there were a lot of good moments. We still get some now...


You're more generous than I am. I see no really good moments now. Everything is so fast with the depth of a puddle and it makes it impossible to care about much of anything since no beats or real moments are allowed to breathe and play out.

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As we've discussed before, Ron can write very good one-off episodes, like when Edward died or the 50th anniversary show. When he's focused on a single event, he does a good job tying characters into it. But those kinds of episodes don't happen often, so instead we're stuck with the mess the show is now.

  • Love 4

There was some real warmth and humor during Guza's tenure, even though there was also some unrelenting grimness. And while Guza killed off way too many people, there was often very good followthrough, at least in the immediate aftermath. I'm thinking especially of Emily's death—IMO, BH did some of her best work ever when Liz found out Emily had been killed and stayed with her body.


ITA, and I loved Tyler's work during that story, too.  I remember that his insistence that "She's just resting" really got to me.


I just remembered this for the first time today--I haven't seen it in years--and wondered if it was still up somewhere. It was.


This is from ABC's Super Soap Weekend in Orlando in I think 2006, when Genie came back for the 25th anniversary. There was a Q&A question about why the song "Fascination" was picked for the scene at Wyndham's, and apparently it was not only a favorite of Gloria Monty, they also didn't have to pay much for it because it was an old song (shades of Frank's business model? I kid! I kid!). Anyway, the song then comes over the PA system, and the crowd urges for them to dance--and they DO. I guess even Tony can only do so much to fight the L&L legacy. Pretty amazing to watch. 


Is that LW next to them?


Edited by UYI
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As we've discussed before, Ron can write very good one-off episodes, like when Edward died or the 50th anniversary show. When he's focused on a single event, he does a good job tying characters into it. But those kinds of episodes don't happen often, so instead we're stuck with the mess the show is now.


Also, he undoes everything he ever does, so there's no point to following what passes for a story.  I personally thought the HalloWedding and the downfall of Sonny Corinthos - the story that ended with him going off to prison and then later losing baby A.J. - was great stuff, Emmy-worthy.  (Especially Chad Duell's performance).  But now here we are and, for the flimisest of reasons, RC has decided to a complete 180 in the blink of an eye and BAM - months worth of story undone, just like that.  It made me wonder why I ever watched in the first place.

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At this point, I don't think RC has done one story worth keeping (I loved AJ's return but he was pointlessly murdered) I'd be perfectly happy to see it all wiped out in a coma dream



Y'all know how much I despise the man, but I would say the other story worth keeping is Robin's reunion with Robert, Anna, Emma, and yes, Patrick, for the tear-filled dialogue alone, before Sabrina could be heard wailing in the background.

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I am always going to hate everything about Luke/Ethan.



Me too. And that's part of the reason why I liked Ethan and Holly going on cons together, even though they're jerks for, you know, conning people.


But so much of the Ethan/Luke relationship was all rah rah we just met each other but we're instantly bonded and you're the child I've always wanted and who is just like me cause you're just like me and you're a man woohoo so I like that Ethan is also doing the conning stuff with his mom because Luke always treated it like it was a thing only they as men could share. I mean maybe I'm projecting. But it was all epitomized in this line for me (3/25/10 episode):


Sonny: Are you here to tell me that Ethan finally admitted he beat up my daughter?


Luke: He'll never do that, Sonny, because he's innocent. Now I'm stooping to a level here that I never thought I'd reach. I'm appealing to you as a father. A man knows his kids. On a cosmic level. He knows their core; their character. Not their daughters so much, because they're women and they remain a mystery. But a man knows his sons. Just like you know Michael and Morgan. I know Lucky. And I know Ethan. Now if Lulu had been beaten up the way Kristina was, you bet your life I'd want that son of a bitch to pay, and pay dearly. But you're looking in the wrong place for justice, man. Ethan didn't do this. I'm asking you... I'm begging you, Sonny. Talk to Kristina again. Get her to tell you what really happened to her.


I'm gonna give whoever wrote that episode the benefit of the doubt and say it sounds like it might have been a Tony Geary "improvement". 


But like, seriously? Luke knew Ethan more - Ethan, who he knew for a fucking year at this point - more than his daughter because they're a mystery?? So it's why I like Ethan going on adventures/cons with Holly, because they've managed to connect on that level even though Holly is woman who is a mystery because she used to like, bleed and stuff once a month eek.

  • Love 4

Y'all know how much I despise the man, but I would say the other story worth keeping is Robin's reunion with Robert, Anna, Emma, and yes, Patrick, for the tear-filled dialogue alone, before Sabrina could be heard wailing in the background.

You're absolutely right! I just forgot he did that because of Robin's current...situation

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Me too. And that's part of the reason why I liked Ethan and Holly going on cons together, even though they're jerks for, you know, conning people.

But so much of the Ethan/Luke relationship was all rah rah we just met each other but we're instantly bonded and you're the child I've always wanted and who is just like me cause you're just like me and you're a man woohoo so I like that Ethan is also doing the conning stuff with his mom because Luke always treated it like it was a thing only they as men could share.


But like, seriously? Luke knew Ethan more - Ethan, who he knew for a fucking year at this point - more than his daughter because they're a mystery?? So it's why I like Ethan going on adventures/cons with Holly, because they've managed to connect on that level even though Holly is woman who is a mystery because she used to like, bleed and stuff once a month eek.

Just snipped for space. I must've missed that scene

Holy. Shit. And also, Ew.

Ew. I'm so glad he's leaving. That's so gross and dumb and what an obnoxious slap in the face to JMB's Lulu, who did a phenomenal job playing Luke's kid. Lucky belonged to Luke and Laura but Lulu was her father's daughter all the way through - she had MUCH more of Luke in her than Ethan ever had

  • Love 4

Right, can someone remind me of the timeline on Robert and Holly's romance vs. Ethan's conception? I know the original story about the art scam in Argentina while Luke was with Laura and Lucky, and a wounded Luke running into Holly in Singapore, but I don't know where Holly's backstory and timeline fits into the Ethan retcon.


I also have no idea how Ron, who is often as anal about this stuff as I am, could let stuff like "Hong Kong" and some random weekend of torrid passion slip through the net. Part of it is that he's in NY and not on-set, I suppose, but honestly, HWs have not been physically on-set on many, many great shows in many eras of daytime. Someone on-set, either FV or others, should have caught all that shit, to say nothing of Holly "not knowing" about Laura and Lucky which is demonstrably false, or the Bill Eckert snafu. It's a huge fail.

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Luke's always favored his boy kids over Lulu. Even brand new kid Ethan. Lucky>Ethan>Lulu


I'm not so certain this is sons > daughters.  AG used to run his mouth in interviews.  Years before Ethan, AG was telling interviewers that Luke slept with prostitutes through his whole marriage to Laura.  This started, I think, around the time they had the Stefan/Laura/Luke triangle.  So not a huge surprise when Luke slept with a prostitute after the fire.  Not a surprise that Luke had a kid that wasn't Laura's.  They had been holding AG's preferences for the character for a long time and caved


Back to my point.  I recall one interview where he said Luke thought Lulu was tainted by Cassadine blood when Nik revealed he was Laura's kid to save baby Lulu.  .I think there was even an article where AG said he played Luke as doubting Lulu's paternity when she was a baby.  They cast baby Lulu to look more like Nik than Lucky, Luke, and Laura.  I was always waiting for AG's interviews to make it to screen which they luckily never did.  SORASed to blond, crisis averted.  But, with the way AG portrays his version of Luke no matter what is on the page, I've been assuming all this time that AG sees Luke as not being as close to Lulu because the Cassadine doubts he had when she was young.

You would know better than me, but I don't recall Lulu lusting for adventure at any point during their relationship.  I mean, I guess there was dumb shit like the bordello tour, but that falls more under "apologizing for Luke" than "lusting for an adrenaline high".  Dante was talking about it like it was a problem they constantly faced in their relationship, but not really, right?


There was also (and I don't blame you for blocking any of these things out, heh) the time she took it upon herself to follow Lucky to Ireland when he was undercover looking for the Balkan (that's how he met Siobhan), followed Dante out to L.A. when they were following Franco to that awful, awful Francophrenia (or was it Francophenia?), the whole thing where after Ronnie of the head of shoe polish took them hostage and she said she wanted more action in her life besides working at Crimson and that's how the whole boat thing started. Right before they got engaged she wanted to leave town to get away from Dante (they were having some sort of fight at the time) but Ethan stopped her. And it's all mixed in with her issues of her parents' break-up, basically she equates being a Spencer with having adventure and also kinda of abandoning your spouse/partner along the way. And there was her whole summer on the run with Johnny where I'm pretty sure - someone can correct me if I'm wrong, I wasn't paying attention all that much - she was equating her and Johnny with Luke and Laura and how they went on the run.


This kinda sums it up


Lulu: Um, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying.


Dante: I just think you really like being out here in the middle of nowhere, Ireland. I mean, we have no plumbing no heating, we got a busted up car. And you look really happy about it. I mean, you're running around here like frontier woman trying to make this deserted cottage into a temporary home. It just seems to me like something your mother would have done when she was on the run with Luke.


Lulu: Well, I guess I never really thought about it, but yeah, maybe I am trying to relive Spencer history.


Dante: But you never lived it.


Lulu: Technical. Okay. I guess I'm trying to embrace it. Is this a bad thing? Is that what you're...


Dante: No, no, not at all. You want to be outlaws? We can be outlaws. We can be like Bonnie and Clyde. Except for the robbing the banks, unless we really needed the money, of course. But I can get a fedora and like a zoot suit.


Lulu: Oh, whatever.


Dante: And you can get a sexy white dress that fits really tight.


Lulu: You know what, you want to make light of this, that's fine. It actually doesn't surprise me, because you didn't grow up listening to these irritating stories about your family's large life before you came along and killed the adventure. Not only was I not born in time to participate, but I was the main reason why my mom insisted on settling in a house that ate my father's soul. I don't know, but whatever. Maybe you're right. I'm here with my courageous cop boyfriend, and I'm helping my brother take down this infamous, notorious crime lord. What better time do I have to prove myself as a Spencer or live up to the legend of Luke and Laura?


Dante: That's just it. You can't.


Dante: You know, my nonna, she was chock full of age-old wisdom, but she had a saying. It was "comparison is the killer of joy."


Lulu: You're comparing me to your grandma? How the mighty have fallen.


Dante: Look, think about it, she's right. I mean, the minute you put yourself or what you have up against someone else, you feel completely inadequate, or your ego gets so blown out of proportion, especially when you compare yourself to other people's relationships. There's always going to be another couple out there who's better off or worse off than you are. And it's a false impression, because no one knows what really works or doesn't work in that relationship except for the people who are in it.


Lulu: I'm a little concerned, because that was insightful.


Dante: I'm actually trying to be serious.


Lulu: I know, I know. I know. You do make a good point. You know, my parents were telling these stories to a little girl. So obviously they're going to emphasize the romance and downplay the danger, or what it was like to live in constant fear.


Dante: I can't imagine how hard it would have been for them after living a life on the run to going back to an ordinary life. I mean, it's hell for me when I come off an undercover job. I mean, you live this heightened reality, and then you just crash down to mundane.


Lulu: Yeah, I'm convinced that's what did in their marriage. I mean, Dad was going into this adjustment reluctantly, and I just don't think it really took.


Dante: So you see what I'm getting at here?


Lulu: I have a feeling you're going to tell me.


Dante: Well, I'll give you a chance to guess it, and then if you're right, I won't have to tell you.


Lulu: [Laughs] That I should have a proper perspective, and we will live life on our own terms and I won't compare us to my parents.


Dante: And whatever they have, good and bad, is theirs. And we'll have whatever we make together.


Lulu: Well, all those cheesy pick-up lines, who would have thought deep down there would be so much wisdom?


Dante: Fools 'em every time.


and this 


Lulu: I love you. I love being married to you. But this is about me. I'm constantly measuring... my life against a history that I was never a part. And I grew up hearing all these stories, and it makes a part of me feel like love equals adventure. And you get a lot of excitement out of your job, and that's great. And being a detective is not just your job. It's who you are, and I'm not saying that the club is the same thing, but it's something that I care about.


There was that dumb shit Garin Wolf wrote that she couldn't handle the dangerrrrr of Dante being a cop, but that was brief and stupid and I'm sure a couple of people remember me grousing about that every damn day lol.

  • Love 9

Damn, reading that transcript really hammers home how good the dialogue used to be, and how shallow and superficial Ron and his dialogue writers are in comparison (not to mention that a scene like that would have been chopped up into 10 different parts had it even happened).  God, I hate feeling nostalgic for Guza.

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