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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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It is not Sam's MO to get into cat fights. Notice who she does it with. Carly and Liz. They live for that stuff.


Which brings me to a point - did Sam ever have a catfight with Brenda? Because that stuff about how "at least it's not Robin or Liz" with Carly goes for Brenda by the power of a million.

Which brings me to a point - did Sam ever have a catfight with Brenda? Because that stuff about how "at least it's not Robin or Liz" with Carly goes for Brenda by the power of a million.


They were friendly. She was pretty chill about Brenda living at the PH the last time VM visited. Carly of course thought her insane for allowing such nonsense.

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Jason and Brenda was, at least at one point, a pairing I think Bob Guza deeply wanted, and at one point I wanted them too. I remember their plane crash in the '90s - I thought then as a teen that was a setup to consider putting them together, and I loved the idea, but it went nowhere. Then they brought it up much more seriously in 2002 and toyed with it but didn't pull the trigger. I think Guza saw it as a third rail, and he probably had too much pushback from Frons at the time (and maybe Steve Burton). I think it's something he was always fascinated with, but my suspicion is that by 2010 he was too immersed in all things Sonny/Jason/mob above all - his legacy, the world he created - vs. making Brenda and Jason a reality. Instead, he made it clear Brenda was always under even his skin, that none of the women in these men's lives could ever quite get her out, even Jason. That was my impression, anyway.


I always believed, and still do, that Jason and Sam was made into Guza's stop-gap bootleg version of Jason and Brenda. The setup was similar, the animosity, and Kelly Monaco was pitched as a Brenda-bot that year.

Edited by jsbt

I can't picture Jason and Brenda together at ALL. It just  . . . it just wouldn't work. Jason would have needed to change DRASTICALLY. Which would have been fine but I think what Guza liked about them (and the fans) was the opposites attract thing, and while it was fun when they played around with it, I can't imagine them, like, actually declaring their love for each other. Brenda would never tolerate being with a man who literally wore a black t-shirt every day. So yeah, what was fun about them was the opposites attract thing, but if they had actually gotten together, Jason would have had to change and then that angle would be lost.


They were friendly. She was pretty chill about Brenda living at the PH the last time VM visited. Carly of course thought her insane for allowing such nonsense.




She was a bit insecure about it, but yeah, she didn't have any meltdowns or anything. They didn't interact much, oddly enough.


I was actually enjoying Carly immensely during that period. She was so fun! And everyone hated her. The gossipfest where Robin and Brenda talked smack about her while Carly was listening was amazing haha. And then she tried to ruin the wedding and everyone forgot about it two seconds later, I am still saying "what the fuck was that" over that.

Edited by ulkis
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Here is the Brenda/Robin clip. My favorite part is when Brenda says "you know she thinks she owns Jason, right?" And Robin's just like, "trust me, I know."



fast forward to 5:30 for the conversation.


Carly is crying because she just found out about Michael's rape, not because she's sad they're talking about her. I guess we were supposed to feel kinda bad for Carly, but I was just clapping in glee that truth bombs were just flying out of Robin and Brenda's mouths left and right. And I don't even dislike Carly that much.

Edited by ulkis
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It is not Sam's MO to get into cat fights. Notice who she does it with. Carly and Liz. They live for that stuff.


My favorite part of that clip is actually where Robin laughs over Sam telling her about tearing Jake's apart with Carly a few months before. If anyone would appreciate that, it's her. 

Speaking of Jason & Brenda, here's Jason Q and Brenda kissing in high school--I think after Karen stood him up for Jagger at the Valentine's Day Dance? They would have never DREAMED of doing this once he became Jason Morgan, LOL!


Edited by UYI
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I really WANT to like Sam, so badly, but I just can never get into any of her stories.  Well, I guess I do like her ok, or at least don't mind her -- I didn't care for her when she slept with Ric to get back at Alexis, and her Jason-worship was always nauseating.  But, eh, she's miles better than most of the other characters at this point.  


I don't really mind Liz, either, but I have one moment of full-on Liz-hate: when she told Carly (after Carly's miscarriage) that Sonny was really suffering but Carly had only lost a "meal ticket."  Who does that?!  Damn, lady!  I can't stand Carly, but I can see why Carly will always hate her now (much like I think Carly should be allowed to punch Ric in the head every time she sees him).  


I think Brenda would go mental trying to put up with Jason the Borg's blank staring.  Although how she ever put up with Sonny is still beyond me.  The only people she ever worked with, for me, were Jagger and Jax.  But that clip with Jason in his letterman jacket - hee!  

So yeah, what was fun about them was the opposites attract thing,


It wasn't really opposites attract, though. Brenda and Jason legitimately drove each other absolutely nuts. That's what I loved about their marriage. There was no romance, and the show didn't try to make it "oh, they hate each other so much it must be love!" angle, either. It was a marriage of convenience and they both knew it, and it never went any further. 


I guess we were supposed to feel kinda bad for Carly, but I was just clapping in glee that truth bombs were just flying out of Robin and Brenda's mouths left and right.


I know. They weren't saying anything that wasn't true. Carly still is all of those things: wildly possessive about Jason, scared of being alone, holdly tightly to her sons because they're her connection Sonny. There's nothing cruel or unfair about any of that.


I thought LW did a great job with her reactions. Rolling her eyes, of course, but also showing a tiny bit that she knows it's all true but  too proud to admit it even to herself.

Edited by dubbel zout
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From the Backstage thread:


The only thing I want Robin fighting Sam for is who gets to punch him [Patrick] in the throat first. They can also fight over who gets the last hit as well.


Sabrina should also get a shot in as well, because he treated her terribly too.


That's one thing that says to me that Patrick is real protected pet in all these stories.  No matter how awfully he treats the women he gets involved with, they all forgive him and swoon over him.  I was honestly shocked that Sam didn't forgive him straight off, we had to wait a few days for the inevitable, "I'm so sorry I got angry with you for ENTIRELY LEGITIMATE REASONS, Patrick.  let's be [fuck]buddies again."  He really is getting to be just like Sonny - no one is allowed to stay mad at him, ever.




I always believed, and still do, that Jason and Sam was made into Guza's stop-gap bootleg version of Jason and Brenda. The setup was similar, the animosity, and Kelly Monaco was pitched as a Brenda-bot that year.


Now that you mention it, KeMo would have a pretty good choice as a Brenda recast.

Edited by yowsah1
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Yeah, that's Coop. Also known as the second in a line of disposable hunks (after Kindergarten Cop Jesse) Frons, JFP, etc. threw at Kirsten Storms because some of them clearly had decided Spinelli was not "hot" enough for their big NBC get. I never cared about that dude.


Seriously, Kirsten's intro story as the "new, hot" Maxie was absolutely unwatchable, like so much of the summer of 2005. She was forced in as was Jesse - insta-paired together - and she was an OTT sk___k, and it was just such a mess.


I'd forgotten that Sebastian Roche's intro shot makes him look like he is wearing a lopsided Halloween owl mask for a face.

Edited by jsbt
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Who in the heck is the guy between Maxie and spinelli? I know it's not Jesse, so I guess it's Cooper? I never saw him. How long was he on, 6 months?

That's Coop.  He was around just about a year.  He showed up as "Three," one of Jerry's goons for the MC hostage story in February 2007 and was killed by the Text Message Killer in 2008

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That's Coop.  He was around just about a year.  He showed up as "Three," one of Jerry's goons for the MC hostage story in February 2007 and was killed by the Text Message Killer in 2008

I still can't believe they gave him the last name 'Barrett' and then never once even addressed if he was or was not related to this same family as Brenda.

Ah, right, Danica Stewart. I believe she landed on Passions after the outcry over firing Robyn Richards happened and JFP was forced (?) to hire her back. (Of course, she was once again gone not long after and KSt took over, so maybe it was less about RR than her first replacement?)


Yeah, I think it was more about how horrible Danica Stewart was. Robyn Richards wasn't that good of an actress. I remember she ended up looking a lot like Genie Francis as well. Maybe they didn't want Maxie to look a lot like Laura Spencer as well.

I honestly don't really remember, but I remember a lot of people saying she wasn't that great. She was better than Danica Stewart, at any rate. I've never really been a fan of KStorms though either. I don't know if it was the only thing she could do at 21 or what but for whatever reason Guza took that recast as a licence to write Maxie as a total airhead.

Edited by ulkis

Lainey (worst psychiatrist ever) is in that intro. So it atomically hot Logan.


I still can't believe they gave him the last name 'Barrett' and then never once even addressed if he was or was not related to this same family as Brenda.


I know. It was SO stupid.


I didn't mind Coop, but he was pretty milquetoast.

Edited by dubbel zout
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He seemed kinda generic looking. Cute, but Jesse was definitely hotter.


Ah, and this is where different strokes come in. I thought Jason Gerhardt (Coop) was quite nice eye candy while Jesse, to me, sort of looked like a Monchichi, cute and cuddly, but something was off for me. But tomato, tomahto!  :-)

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Wasn't one or both of them - Jesse and Coop - Lucky's partner at the PCPD?  And that's what later sparked the Lucky/Maxie affair?


Jesse and Coop were both cops; it was Jesse who was Lucky's partner. As a matter of fact, GV's Lucky and Maxie first kissed at Jesse's grave, but that whole deal was a mess to whitewash Jason and Liz, anyway...

Oh lordy, it's all coming back to me, I think ... Jesse and Lucky were partners, so Maxie and Jesse bonded a little in their grief.  And Lucky maybe got hurt in that same shoot out and started getting hooked on the painkillers, which Maxie was only too happy to supply.


The writing for Maxie got a bit weird in that period ... like, she was mostly normal until Jesse died, and then suddenly she was a scheming drug pusher and was stealing DNA test results and contemplating blackmailing Jax over the baby Spencer lie (before she dumped that whole mess in Robin's lap to deal with ... one of the many reasons Maxie bugs me).


Although maybe Maxie was written like this from the beginning of her being an adult - I only started really paying attention again around the time Robin came back in late 2005.  

Oh lordy, it's all coming back to me, I think ... Jesse and Lucky were partners, so Maxie and Jesse bonded a little in their grief.  And Lucky maybe got hurt in that same shoot out and started getting hooked on the painkillers, which Maxie was only too happy to supply.


The writing for Maxie got a bit weird in that period ... like, she was mostly normal until Jesse died, and then suddenly she was a scheming drug pusher and was stealing DNA test results and contemplating blackmailing Jax over the baby Spencer lie (before she dumped that whole mess in Robin's lap to deal with ... one of the many reasons Maxie bugs me).


Although maybe Maxie was written like this from the beginning of her being an adult - I only started really paying attention again around the time Robin came back in late 2005.  


No, she was pretty much. Under Robyn Richards she was normal but with the first recast and then Kirsten they immediately played her as a ditzy sex bomb.

I think you're mixing it up with the carnival where Edward was driving? Dante actually saved the day there, he pushed Morgan out of the way. Jason did a walk of pain:



This is the carnival with Jesse and Maxie:




ugh, now I remember why I found Maxie SO annoying for so long.


(and here is the actually non-slo-mo Walk of Pain. It really is ridiculously long)


Edited by ulkis
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Only the first three and a half minutes are worth watching. I had a heck of a time trying to find just the scenes with Robin, Robert and Emma, but couldn't. I was going to post the full episode and tell y'all just the 3, 8 and 11 minute marks were the watchworthy ones, but I found this one....




MerryHappy Fucking Christmas!

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It's hard to believe that was last year! I was giddy over having a Scorpio family Christmas.



I know, right? My favorite lines were Robert calling Patrick "your idiot of a husband" and how he doesn't "butt in" but is just stating his "opinion" which is TRUTH! Tristan Rogers is just so fucking charming and AWESOMETACULAR.

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