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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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3 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

Does anyone remember what happened to L & B Records?

After the wire incident between Brenda and Sonny, Sonny sold his shares in the business to Edward. I think it lasted on the show for as long as original Lois was still on the show. At one point, Ned got ownership over it and nuLois came around to work with him to get other acts including their daughter Brook. It hasn't been heard from since.

Or at least that is why I think happened. It has been more than ten years since it was last mentioned on the show.

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Didn't Kevin have some kind of hysterical breakdown in the mid-1990's where he thought he was Ryan and he started stalking Felicia? Eve would reference this on Port Charles by calling him Dr. Psycho.

And then on Port Charles, he had two psycho characters that thought he was their relative and kidnapped him? One being a curly-haired doctor that had previously been thought to be normal and this wound up being her swan song.

It's gotta be weird for Jon to be playing a character he hasn't played in 23 years.

I still kind of chuckled at a comment on a Youtube video about how at least Felicia got the attractive stalker with Ryan, while Anna got stuck with ugly Fasion. LOL.

Edited by methodwriter85
1 hour ago, methodwriter85 said:


And then on Port Charles, he had two psycho characters that thought he was their relative and kidnapped him? One being a curly-haired doctor that had previously been thought to be normal and this wound up being her swan song.


That wasn't Julie, was it? I know she was considered a bad girl, but one of the last things she did when she was dying was bring Christina back to Lucy when she and Kevin got married (not to be confused with Kristina, Sonny & Alexis' daughter, who was born nearly a full year after that happened). 

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   I have found several clips on youtube about the body in croton..but...I can't find the one where sonny said it is his first job  and he is told take care of the problem with the shovel and he  looked and the body was in the trunk....I can't find this conversation and can't remember who he said it to


Chamberlin is Ryan and Kevin's mother's maiden name.  I believe, IIRC, dad Victor Collins took Kevin away when they were young and left Ryan with the mother, hence the two different last names.

This was from @TeeVee329 in the episode thread and it made me think of a question I wondered. Kevin was abused the one time at four years old because their mom thought he was Ryan, and Kevin/Ryan's dad took Young! Kevin away. Was it ever explained or mentioned why Dad Collins took only Kevin and left Ryan, the one that was being molested, with the mom?

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

This was from @TeeVee329 in the episode thread and it made me think of a question I wondered. Kevin was abused the one time at four years old because their mom thought he was Ryan, and Kevin/Ryan's dad took Young! Kevin away. Was it ever explained or mentioned why Dad Collins took only Kevin and left Ryan, the one that was being molested, with the mom?

IIRC it was because Victor was afraid to hesitate in any way - he was afraid if he waited and also tried to take Ryan, he’d lose both of his sons, so he took Kevin and ran and then lived with the guilt. 

If you think about it, Victor Collins is kind of a weird character.  There's this gothic backstory - and he was like a spy, or something? - but my memories of the character are him just being this kinda bumbling goofball.  But that might be because I more associate the actor with playing Chancellor Arnold on "Beverly Hills, 90210".

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1 hour ago, JeezumCrow said:

IIRC it was because Victor was afraid to hesitate in any way - he was afraid if he waited and also tried to take Ryan, he’d lose both of his sons, so he took Kevin and ran and then lived with the guilt. 

As did Kevin, I'm sure. Feel guilty, I mean, or at least once he got older and realized what had happened.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, LexieLily said:

As did Kevin, I'm sure. Feel guilty, I mean, or at least once he got older and realized what had happened.

Oh, yes, definitely. Why did his mother choose Ryan to abuse and not him, why was he saved but not Ryan - such a layered story in contrast to the Franco abuse story, so many missed opportunities to explore more of Kevin as a character (since so many didn’t watch or don’t remember PC) instead of the lump of info we got: “I was abused, too, let’s talk more about Franco.”

10 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

If you think about it, Victor Collins is kind of a weird character.  There's this gothic backstory - and he was like a spy, or something? - but my memories of the character are him just being this kinda bumbling goofball.  But that might be because I more associate the actor with playing Chancellor Arnold on "Beverly Hills, 90210".

He was a former spy and also, I think, a mathematician. He was incredibly intelligent and eccentric - I think he and Mary took accordion lessons after they were married, or something similarly quirky, and he was full of obscure knowledge. Since he was so finding Lucy, he also played a part in a few of her schemes - one time they even got arrested and I want to say that the police thought he was potentially her pimp, but don’t have the episodes bookmarked so I can’t be certain of specifics, although I do clearly remember him in disguise. Victor was also mentally ill, though, and I believe practically catatonic when he was introduced on Port Charles - even though I watched again it fairly recently, I can’t remember specifics, but he was very heavily medicated at some points, and there were a couple scares regarding his mental faculties before they settled him down with Mary Scanlon. 

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37 minutes ago, JeezumCrow said:

He [Victor] was incredibly intelligent and eccentric - I think he and Mary took accordion lessons after they were married, or something similarly quirky, and he was full of obscure knowledge.

My most vivid memory of Victor is from the beginning of "Secrets"  - maybe because I loved that "book", gawd it was great - when he thought the bright light was aliens and there was something about his watch stopping or him and Frank out there with a metal detector or something.  So that's probably why my enduring memory of him is as this eccentric goofball.

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I adored PC (until the last six months or so when it was overrun by vampire killers -- looking at you, Rafe). KeMo and Caleb McMichaelEaston had such amazing chemistry. Loved Eve, loved the Scanlon brothers, and lusted for Ian Thornhart. Getting the special wheelchair for the one doctor that allowed him to "stand" and perform surgery. Karen Wexler. Dr. Angie. Sigmund. In a way, it was sort of a precursor to Grey's. Now that SoapNet is a distant memory, does anyone know where you can view PC these days? TIA.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, TheMediaHo said:

I adored PC (until the last six months or so when it was overrun by vampire killers -- looking at you, Rafe). KeMo and Caleb McMichaelEaston had such amazing chemistry. Loved Eve, loved the Scanlon brothers, and lusted for Ian Thornhart. Getting the special wheelchair for the one doctor that allowed him to "stand" and perform surgery. Karen Wexler. Dr. Angie. Sigmund. In a way, it was sort of a precursor to Grey's. Now that SoapNet is a distant memory, does anyone know where you can view PC these days? TIA.

I’ve been watching on YouTube. For the first few years, I found individual episodes; the story arcs are available in playlists. If you search “Port Charles” and episode dates (first episode June 1, 1997) you can find them!


Preteen me loved Rafe; even rewatching, I still do. But I’m post-angels at the moment (“Surrender,” specifically) and most of these episodes are really tedious to get through - Tess is awful, Elizabeth’s voice is annoying, Ian is a vampire sleeping with Lucy, Kevin was in a psych ward and is still acting bizarre, and I think Chris is on once a month. They never should have doubled down on the vampires. The early years (with the General Homicide murders, Serena’s blindness, Greg Cooper, the Scanlon family, DL-56, vying for Chief Resident, Matt & Ellen’s relationship, I could go on for ages) were my gateway drug to GH. PC will always have my heart. 

Edited by JeezumCrow

The one thing I like about Friz, which gives me quasi-(quasi!)-solidarity with the Friz people, is that he's so all about her. He's not secretly pining for Ava or Nina or Lulu, and settling for Liz. He's not lying to her about being in love with her, and then telling Scott and everyone else that he doesn't remember his feelings for her because Helena. He's not sleeping with her sister. He's not sleeping with his drug dealer. He's not putting her a distant second to some stupid obsession with a family member, not holding anyone hostage in their house while force-feeding Liz dangerous drugs. He's not staying with her because of a baby. He's not staying with her because she's keeping a sekrit. She wasn't a rebound chick for him to park with until his "real" relationship reasserted itself. And he doesn't have some overbearing friend trashing Liz at every turn and trying to break them up. (Liesl got a few digs in, but he firmly shut it down, and she doesn't care that much anyway. Give that a little thought. The psycho supervillainness of the show is more mature and boundary-appropriate than the root-for heroine.) 

He honest-to-God fell hard for her, and it happened on screen, and she eventually reciprocated, and he's been completely devoted ever since.

Sometimes the devotion takes unhealthy turns, when he goes overboard trying to fix things for her or loses his grip at any hint of problems between them, but I'm convinced he's really into her. And it's nice to see. For her part, she hasn't screwed it up either. She's been acting like an adult in this relationship.  

I also think the actors look good (post his haircut) and have some chemistry. There's that.   


@Asp Burger

The main reason for this is, as I feel, is because Frank Valenti is so heavily invested in Roger Hogworth and making Franco happening, probably his greatest ego trip, work. When JFP and Guza were in charge, they didn't give a shit about Greg Vaughn (considering how easily they dumped his ass once Jonathan Jackson expressed interest in returning). I always deeply resented the Lucky on drugs storyline because the entire point of that storyline was to trash Lucky to make Jason look better. It was never about Lucky struggling with a very real problem in the USA: prescription drug addicition. Remember, when Lucky was played by Jonathan Jackson during the first go around of LL2, he was pretty much perfect boyfriend. 

I also hate Friz because this could have easily been Quiz. Substitute AJ for Franco, and I truly believe it would have had a ton more depth, with the added bonus of AJ not being a murderer or someone that kidnapped her newborn fresh from the womb. 

  • Love 4

And Jason coming back from the "dead" to see Liz, Jake and Michael in healthy, loving relationships with AJ is so much more compelling, and so much soapier than anything FV & RC/JP/SA/CvE have done with Franco. What are we on? Franco's third? fourth? redemption/excuse story that contradicts/undermines the previous stories? 

I wouldn't wish Liz's relationship with Franco on anyone (real or fictional) and the idea that this is the best that Liz can do is incredibly depressing

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

And Jason coming back from the "dead" to see Liz, Jake and Michael in healthy, loving relationships with AJ is so much more compelling, and so much soapier than anything FV & RC/JP/SA/CvE have done with Franco. What are we on? Franco's third? fourth? redemption/excuse story that contradicts/undermines the previous stories? 

I wouldn't wish Liz's relationship with Franco on anyone (real or fictional) and the idea that this is the best that Liz can do is incredibly depressing

It’s sad that the best Liz can do is basically having her in a relationship that’s reciprocal. A very low bar, but GH has handled all her relationships so badly that Franco is seen as great just because he loves her, too, and there’s significantly less lying involved. Then again, it’s becoming less and less a soapy relationship. Again, that’s GH for you. Un-soap like.

As a longtime viewer who will be unbiased for a moment, it still sucks how the Jason story as a whole (since 2012-now) was handled. I understand a lot of things had to be taken into consideration (like actor availability, untalented EPs and HWs, recasts, unengaged actors, pairings with shoddy chemistry, the obsession with newbies like Sabrina), but still. It ultimately sucks because there was so much potential to have a really fucking good soap story. On paper. Jason, Sam, Patrick, Robin, Liz, Lucky, Nik, AJ....the options were endless here. Sam and Patrick should have started sooner and it could have helped both characters not look really stupid and unfeeling, I would have revisited Robin and Jason and have them held captive together instead of Robin “saving him”, I would have tied Liz to AJ in order for AJ to raise Jake, ugh. Such a waste.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

It’s sad that the best Liz can do is basically having her in a relationship that’s reciprocal. A very low bar, but GH has handled all her relationships so badly that Franco is seen as great just because he loves her, too, and there’s significantly less lying involved. Then again, it’s becoming less and less a soapy relationship. Again, that’s GH for you. Un-soap like.

As a longtime viewer who will be unbiased for a moment, it still sucks how the Jason story as a whole (since 2012-now) was handled. I understand a lot of things had to be taken into consideration (like actor availability, untalented EPs and HWs, recasts, unengaged actors, pairings with shoddy chemistry, the obsession with newbies like Sabrina), but still. It ultimately sucks because there was so much potential to have a really fucking good soap story. On paper. Jason, Sam, Patrick, Robin, Liz, Lucky, Nik, AJ....the options were endless here. Sam and Patrick should have started sooner and it could have helped both characters not look really stupid and unfeeling, I would have revisited Robin and Jason and have them held captive together instead of Robin “saving him”, I would have tied Liz to AJ in order for AJ to raise Jake, ugh. Such a waste.

Greg Vaughan as Lucky could have been a leading man and a hero on any halfway decent show that wasn’t intent on glorifying MB and especially SB as the gangster killers they really were. 


It’s not Greg Vaughan’s fault the deck was stacked against him before he even arrived and Guza and Geary hated him solely because he wasn’t JJ. Personally, I’m one of the few who doesn’t worship at the altar of Jonathan Jackson and thought that Greg Vaughan was a much better screen partner for Rebecca Herbst (another unpopular opinion, but I’ve never seen anything particularly special about her, just another daytime actress) than JJ ever was.


Second: I wonder whether TG ever realized how much better the story could've been if he hadn't insisted on an awful retcon.

No, I don't think he ever thought that deeply about it. It's too bad Guza didn't just say "okay this guy is Robert's son, Luke takes him under his wing", because then I doubt it would have even occurred to Geary to make him a random son of Luke's. I think probably the reaction of that audience made Geary that much more stubborn. 

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I dunno, I think he believed that there were diehard Luke/Holly fans out there who would be thrilled by the idea of them having a kid together. I don't think his ego allowed him to believe otherwise. Early on, it looked like they were working on a Casablanca-style triangle with Luke as Bogart who got the girl. 

That story actually did a much better job of the story TIIC were failing to tell with Drew/Sam/Jason

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I dunno, I think he believed that there were diehard Luke/Holly fans out there who would be thrilled by the idea of them having a kid together. I don't think his ego allowed him to believe otherwise. Early on, it looked like they were working on a Casablanca-style triangle with Luke as Bogart who got the girl. 

That story actually did a much better job of the story TIIC were failing to tell with Drew/Sam/Jason

I think if JJ had already been back he wouldn't have cared - but then if JJ were back they probably would have not even bothered bringing NP on. Thankfully JJ came back when he did because otherwise who knows how out of control the Ethan/Luke stuff would have gotten. I liked how the Tracy/Ethan relationship progressed after JJ came back too, because they both felt like second best in Luke's life. (Nice scene - when Ethan says he should marry Tracy in Vegas, for some sort of stupid von Luke scheme and Luke says "this is your mother!" and Ethan and Tracy start cracking up. Ugh I am being nostalgic for Ethan scenes what is happening to meeeee.)

I know that a lot of people wanted GV/JY to be imposters, but I thought when JJ came back they did a great job of making Lucky's past actions make sense.

And I was just randomly remembered this because I mentioned Tracy, I really liked the scene where Luke told Lucky he and Tracy were getting married. Lucky's response was "well I still am a Luke and Laura shipper Tony but okay." I wish Lucky and Tracy had had a bit more scenes together, it could have been an interesting dynamic. 

They had so many great scenes with Lucky when JJ came back. It's too bad they didn't actually manage to conjure up a decent story when he returned.

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My nostalgia has diminished a bit since everyone was talking in this scene and then when Nathan spoke I could not hear one word he said. But this scene has a bunch of other decent stuff:

Tracy: You got me arrested, and I hate you!

The way JE says is hilarious.

I totally forgot Alexis marched in her glasses and pajamas. Hee. And then saying "that's it?!" when she finds out Luke called her just because Tracy got arrested.

Alexis leaning her head on Nikolas' shoulder.

I think Tyler's delivery of "Wyndawhaa" is a little too Franco2.0-esque, but the way Jane Elliot has to keep from laughing is hilarious.

Edited by ulkis
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I liked this bit of characterization for Lucky re: the difference between him and Luke when it came to Helena:


Helena: Oh, run along, little boy. I'm having a private conversation with the mother of my great-grandchild.

Elizabeth: It wasn't a conversation. Helena has ordered me to leave my job.

Helena: But it was for your own protection, my dear.

Elizabeth: I don't need your protection. And I'm telling you, if you disrupt my life in any way, I'm gonna have you arrested for stalking.

Lucky: And I'll gladly serve the warrant.

Elizabeth: Just stay away from me.

Helena: Poor, silly you. Oh, still letting her pull you around by your heartstrings.

Lucky: Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm like my dad. Sparring with you isn't a thrill for me. I don't find you charming or amusing. I think you're sick and you're dangerous and you should be put out of your misery, something I'd be happy to do if you push me. You harm one person who matters to me, and I will show you one of 2 things, the inside of a prison cell or a coffin.

  • Love 8
On 9/8/2016 at 7:02 AM, jsbt said:

Thanks for reminding me of that Carly/Jason fight over Alcazar, ulkis, I remember that sick shit. It made me want to put my head through the wall. I have never despised Jason more than that scene and I'm angry again now. This is why I will never miss Steve Burton. He always seemed like he got off on that shit. I know, that's insane, I don't care!

In light of Sarah Brown's recent tweets, I don't know how insane that is. And the scenes referenced were with Tamara Braun, but there was some of that dynamic too with Sarah's Carly. It had to be pretty damn exhausting at times to play the crazy woman whose lover and ex-lover got scenes all the time self-righteously speechifying at her, telling her how out of control she was and how she was a mess and her plans always exploded in her face, etc etc.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, ulkis said:

In light of Sarah Brown's recent tweets, I don't know how insane that is. And the scenes referenced were with Tamara Braun, but there was some of that dynamic too with Sarah's Carly. It had to be pretty damn exhausting at times to play the crazy woman whose lover and ex-lover got scenes all the time self-righteously speechifying at her, telling her how out of control she was and how she was a mess and her plans always exploded in her face, etc etc.

Kind of on the same topic, but kind of not, but it was interesting how they kept Carly and Sonny together through so many years and I've forever wondered why they became this epic, "we belong together and we'll always get back together" pairing. What happened along the way to make this happen through every regime?

8 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Kind of on the same topic, but kind of not, but it was interesting how they kept Carly and Sonny together through so many years and I've forever wondered why they became this epic, "we belong together and we'll always get back together" pairing. What happened along the way to make this happen through every regime?

I think they were pretty much done as can be under Guza/Wolf. I mean, look at how they were writing Sonny. He got new love interest after new love interest instead of going back to the Carly, and they could have, easily. They weren't keeping Carjax together for Laura Wright/Ingo Rademacher or because of a massive fanbase. And then Canco failed hard (or Ron wanted to put Nina/Franco together, whichever one it was) and Ron threw Sonny/Carly together again. 

Same with Jason/Liz. I was shocked when Ron went there again. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I think they were pretty much done as can be under Guza/Wolf. I mean, look at how they were writing Sonny. He got new love interest after new love interest instead of going back to the Carly, and they could have, easily. They weren't keeping Carjax together for Laura Wright/Ingo Rademacher or because of a massive fanbase. And then Canco failed hard (or Ron wanted to put Nina/Franco together, whichever one it was) and Ron threw Sonny/Carly together again. 

Same with Jason/Liz. I was shocked when Ron went there again. 

While I agree that there was a block of time they were "done", it never felt final. At least in my eyes. It seemed like they would go there again, eventually, because that's what precedence had been set. 

I wasn't shocked Ron went there with Jason and Liz bc he and Frank gave off this vibe like they couldn't care less about Jason and/or JaSam. They wanted McBam so badly.

4 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

While I agree that there was a block of time they were "done", it never felt final. At least in my eyes. It seemed like they would go there again, eventually, because that's what precedence had been set. 

For me it felt pretty done, despite the annual screw. Maybe it was because of the chemistry between MB and LW.

I just thought they would give Jason someone else, not go to Liz. :shakes fist:

16 minutes ago, ulkis said:

For me it felt pretty done, despite the annual screw. Maybe it was because of the chemistry between MB and LW.

I just thought they would give Jason someone else, not go to Liz. :shakes fist:

I never saw that much chemistry between MB and LW to begin with. That doesn’t mean they didn’t work hard in their scenes, though. I actually think they’ve done a good job with some of the material in the past.

Once Jason was recast, I knew they’d place him with someone familiar. And Liz was the only one they could do that with while Sam was in another relationship to keep them separated. I do think they wanted to recast Robin at a certain point, though, to play that angle, but smarter people prevailed, I guess. Regardless, I don’t know why they won’t pair Jason with someone new now. Why OGJaSam has to be revisited (eventually? Nothing is happening and it’s been a year) in the face of everything backstage, etc, I don’t know. Guza would never, lol. SBu would have had his way by now, whatever that is.

20 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I never saw that much chemistry between MB and LW to begin with. That doesn’t mean they didn’t work hard in their scenes, though. I actually think they’ve done a good job with some of the material in the past.

Once Jason was recast, I knew they’d place him with someone familiar. And Liz was the only one they could do that with while Sam was in another relationship to keep them separated. I do think they wanted to recast Robin at a certain point, though, to play that angle, but smarter people prevailed, I guess. Regardless, I don’t know why they won’t pair Jason with someone new now. Why OGJaSam has to be revisited (eventually? Nothing is happening and it’s been a year) in the face of everything backstage, etc, I don’t know. Guza would never, lol. SBu would have had his way by now, whatever that is.

Didn't SB not want to go back to Jasam last time around?

I don't get why they can't even have Jason seeing someone tentatively instead of waiting for Sam to give him a Barbie-arm style hug. Perhaps the a lady at his favorite hitman suply store flirting with him, something.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Didn't SB not want to go back to Jasam last time around?

I don't get why they can't even have Jason seeing someone tentatively instead of waiting for Sam give him a Barbie-arm style hug. Perhaps the a lady at his favorite hitman suply store flirting with him, something.

LMAOO. Barbie-arm. I’m crying. Yeah, people joke about Jason being asexual but dude was still kissing women and/or having sex. It’s WEIRD that the man has been celibate for like six years now. And it’s not because of some loyalty to Sam because that’s just not how it’s being written either.

The only way I see SBu “wanting JaSam” is possibly him knowing, “OK, that’s what the majority of my fans want, so I guess.” I don’t think he wants to work with KeMo like that, much like KeMo doesn’t want to work with him like that.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I never saw that much chemistry between MB and LW to begin with. That doesn’t mean they didn’t work hard in their scenes, though. I actually think they’ve done a good job with some of the material in the past

I think they worked really, really well together as exes. They don't work at all for me as a couple. I don't think they have any romantic chemistry.

My favorite Sonny/Carly pairings since LW was recast as Carly have been Carly/AJ and Sonny/Kate

On 9/15/2018 at 11:35 AM, Ambrosefolly said:

@Asp Burger

The main reason for this is, as I feel, is because Frank Valenti is so heavily invested in Roger Hogworth and making Franco happening, probably his greatest ego trip, work. When JFP and Guza were in charge, they didn't give a shit about Greg Vaughn (considering how easily they dumped his ass once Jonathan Jackson expressed interest in returning). I always deeply resented the Lucky on drugs storyline because the entire point of that storyline was to trash Lucky to make Jason look better. It was never about Lucky struggling with a very real problem in the USA: prescription drug addicition. Remember, when Lucky was played by Jonathan Jackson during the first go around of LL2, he was pretty much perfect boyfriend. 

I also hate Friz because this could have easily been Quiz. Substitute AJ for Franco, and I truly believe it would have had a ton more depth, with the added bonus of AJ not being a murderer or someone that kidnapped her newborn fresh from the womb. 

Yup,  I really liked the potential of Quiz.  I thought that Sean and Becky were good together as well.

  • Love 2
On 9/15/2018 at 11:03 PM, katie9918 said:

Greg Vaughan as Lucky could have been a leading man and a hero on any halfway decent show that wasn’t intent on glorifying MB and especially SB as the gangster killers they really were. 


It’s not Greg Vaughan’s fault the deck was stacked against him before he even arrived and Guza and Geary hated him solely because he wasn’t JJ. Personally, I’m one of the few who doesn’t worship at the altar of Jonathan Jackson and thought that Greg Vaughan was a much better screen partner for Rebecca Herbst (another unpopular opinion, but I’ve never seen anything particularly special about her, just another daytime actress) than JJ ever was.

Meh, GV got by on his looks.  JJ is considered acting royalty by many and I loathe him as well.  Both over-rated to me.  Make no mistake I also detest MB and Burton.  The best actors on the show for me have been Rick Hearst, Ingo R and the potential of Sean Kanan when he returned.  

See, to me, Jackson is one of the best actors to get started on soaps in the few decades I've been paying attention.  He deserves all the accolades he's had and more. He even raised the game of the people around him. 

Neither of the Lucky recasts ever worked for me, and I didn't think Jacob Young and Greg Vaughan were that great on the other soaps I've seen them in either (Young in his breakthrough role on B&B, Vaughan as Eric on DOOL). But they were all right on those shows. They were no better or worse than, say, the guy who plays Chase on GH. If they'd come to GH as some other character, I would not have minded them. They just never should have gotten anywhere near a legacy character created by such a special, distinctive actor. 

I imagine that fans of the Scott Clifton Dillon (I wasn't one, although SC was good) felt the same way when Dillon was recast with Robert Palmer Watkins. The recasting ignored everything that many people had liked. The show just threw in the towel and went the most obvious route. Yay, another ripped young himbo, and once in a while he says something about film.   

I make fun of Spinelli like everyone else does, but I think Bradford Anderson too has created a distinctive, offbeat character, and is a quirky talent. If he ever vacated that role once and for all and they filled it with some thirtysomething square-jawed hunk who looked and talked like everyone else, and said "I'm the Jackal" once in a blue moon just to remind us, what would be the point? 

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 6
11 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Kind of on the same topic, but kind of not, but it was interesting how they kept Carly and Sonny together through so many years and I've forever wondered why they became this epic, "we belong together and we'll always get back together" pairing. What happened along the way to make this happen through every regime?

Steve Burton not wanting Jason and Carly together and Vanessa Marcil not wanting to be on the show full time, that's what.

(In fairness, they DID have a very real fan base back in the day, and I suppose they were treated as a more real, non-settling couple when TB was Carly, but it certainly hasn't always been like that--you mostly get the very real sense that they would drop each other like hot potatoes should their REAL first choices ever come available and want them, without any real triangle involved. How romantic, only not.). 

10 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I never saw that much chemistry between MB and LW to begin with. That doesn’t mean they didn’t work hard in their scenes, though. I actually think they’ve done a good job with some of the material in the past.


They have the most chemistry as friendly exes and co-parents. Nothing more. I almost enjoy it until I remember how awful they are. 

Edited by UYI
  • Love 1
11 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Kind of on the same topic, but kind of not, but it was interesting how they kept Carly and Sonny together through so many years and I've forever wondered why they became this epic, "we belong together and we'll always get back together" pairing. What happened along the way to make this happen through every regime?

No Vanessa Marcil?  If they ever lured her back for good, all this "Sonny and Carly BELONG TOGETHER because THEY GET EACH OTHER and ARE DESTINED FOR NOW AND ALWAYS" stuff would be extremely over.

Edited by TeeVee329
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