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S12.E08: Picture Perfect


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Improve dance every week please! 

Kitty - loved that she noticed Gina's attitude. (disclaimer: I really dislike Gina; I think she must've kicked my puppy in previous life or something). 

I know Holly hasn't been literally called into the office; but I guess she's not counting being told to tone-up during her rookie TC as well? I remember her crying after the squad announcement and saying she lost 8 lbs. (disclaimer: I love Holly). 

KaShara is so fun to watch; she really is the life of the party. 

Edited by Spooky
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I have a hard time hating Gina because she and I are a lot alike. When we excel as something and are focused in competition, everything else is a tunnel. I'd have a very hard time bonding with 45 girls knowing that 9 were gonna disappear by the end. It would be far more natural for me to wait, see if I made it and who else did, and then start to bond.

Otherwise, I'm very excited to see next week's episode :)

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2 minutes ago, Teresa said:

When Gina said "girls are sometimes jealous of me..." she lost me. I hope she proves me wrong because I hate being judged on superficial things too, but she hasn't won me over yet. Kelli's advice to her was spot on. She needs lessons from Kashara on being friendly and approachable. 


And OH DAYUM!!! Next week some vets get talked to about the contract! Finally! Should be interesting to see how that plays out. Guessing it's Jenna and Holly. But I hope we find out the Erica stuff too. 

When Kelly said "What part of our contract do your not understand?" we saw a glimpse of red hair. Must be Holly

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Gina came off terriblly in the office. Anytime a girl goes straight to other people being "jealous," it's a red flag. So glad that Kitty brought attention to her attitude, and good to know that those of us who caught a whiff of her attitude in the last episode were not off the mark. She needs to be brought down a peg. 

I actually liked the guest choreographer, and the improv party looked super fun. 

Nice to see more of Keyra and Taryn this episode. I had no idea that Keyra had tried out 4 times. Anyone know how old she is? 

After a slow start, I feel like the show has really picked up. I've enjoyed the last few episodes. 

Lauren is really likeable and relatable IMO. I find myself smiling when she's on screen.

Next week looks like a must-watch episode!

  • Love 18
1 minute ago, Jess14 said:

Gina came off terriblly in the office. Anytime a girl goes straight to other people being "jealous," it's a red flag. So glad that Kitty brought attention to her attitude, and good to know that those of us who caught a whiff of her attitude in the last episode were not off the mark. She needs to be brought down a peg. 

I actually liked the guest choreographer, and the improv party looked super fun. 

Nice to see more of Keyra and Taryn this episode. I had no idea that Keyra had tried out 4 times. Anyone know how old she is? 

After a slow start, I feel like the show has really picked up. I've enjoyed the last few episodes. 

Lauren is really likeable and relatable IMO. I find myself smiling when she's on screen.

Next week looks like a must-watch episode!

This. Gina strikes me as one of those "I don't like being friends with other girls" type. Like completely unaware that maybe she's the problem. Other girls are jealous or drama. 

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The childish part of me is dying to scream 'I TOLD YOU SO' to all the posts defending Gina last week. She immediately launches into a monologue about girls always being jealous of her because she's so great. I mean not even a millisecond of self reflection that maybe there could be another cause? Continues with how they all ask her for help... So many eye rolls.


Taryn's attitude about cheese irked me. Kelsey had an oyster. Kashara had shrimp. Follow their lead, girl! p.s. Miranda I liked your flower eating too :) Oh & Lauren with her bread. So adorable


Keyra seems like such an authentic girl. Just very real and very talented. Excited that her and Cersten get to be on the team together.


I actually loved the respect K & J showed Holly about her dancing. Acknowledging that she's a stand out and they should say it more. Classy.


Looks like it doesn't last long though because that 'what part of our contract do you not understand' was a MAJOR bomb drop IMO. Excited they'll be addressing it on the show.

Edited by evasworld123
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14 minutes ago, ElenaFR said:

Four weeks and Gina can't tell you anything personal about her good teammates. Tonight solidified my impression of her. She comes across as shallow and self absorbed. 

Yeah, I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt last week, but she completely lost me this week. Between the other girls are jealous of me and not knowing anything about her teammates, I'm over her. Totally self absorbed and clueless as to how others feel.

  • Love 14

Keyra won my heart forever when she started her freestyle using the wall! Yes girl. Humor, spunk, spontaneity. Love her. 

Gina, please take all the seats. She did not acquit herself well during her talk with K&J. Look, I'm the type of person that will ask you to detail your entire family history within 5 minutes of meeting you and I know that's not how everyone rolls. But how have you spent 5 intense weeks with these girls and not learned a single personal thing about the one you say you are closest to? Come on now.

Edited by veronicamers
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I really was thinking “she should be proud of her training. She’s worked hard.” But HONESTLY, you’re spending at least 20 hours a week with these girls... you should know SOMETHING about the girls you’re closest to. 

2 minutes ago, veronicamers said:

Keyra won my heart forever when she started her freestyle using the wall! Yes girl. Humor, spunk, spontaneity. Love her. 

I loved her backstory. Nobody had to die or be gravely injured in order for her to find the courage to go for DCC. Just talent and confidence. Go Keyra! 

Edited by tajalexander
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"Don't be afraid to touch yourself!" 

Anyone else's mind go straight to the gutter on that one? 


I haven't been a fan of the abundance of guest choreographers so far this season but I really liked Nick. Maybe because he didn't teach them a new dance but instead just had fun with them


We can see Erica is there but still sitting out. We haven't seen her dance yet in any episodes.


Loved when Kitty called out Gina for being a full of herself!! We're not so crazy on this forum after all! We just call it like we see it ?


It is funny how they nitpicked Alexandria's eyelashes. Sometimes it seems like they gloss over major issues but then make such a big deal about little ones. I guess I just don't see what was wrong with her eyelashes. I thought they looked fine


KaShara eating that shrimp ?? omg love her




That was so painful watching her in the office. Paris Hilton wannabe needs to get over herself. All I could think of was Gretchen Weiners in Mean Girls... "I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me..." 

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Y'ALL the teaser for next week! Looks like we will finally be getting some answers.

Ugh I know it may be an unpopular opinion, but I just think Holly seems so pleasant when we get to see her in a one-on-one conversation. She doesn't seem snooty or fake (even though I can admit she can sometimes come across this way at times).

Lauren is my all-time favorite TCC. How can you not love her?

I liked that Kelsey was brave and tried the oyster even though she seemed unsure! Not sure I would have been able to convince myself to do the same.

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, FutureDCC said:

Ugh I know it may be an unpopular opinion, but I just think Holly seems so pleasant when we get to see her in a one-on-one conversation. She doesn't seem snooty or fake (even though I can admit she can sometimes come across this way at times).


I totally know what you mean. On the show, I adore her. But in real life on her social media she just comes across so different, not in a good way. 

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Geez.  You ladies HATE Gina!  I didn't see a problem last week.  She said a few comments that I thought were self confident - all good with me.  I'm still not convinced she's a bad apple but the "maybe they're jealous" comment was a little ugly.  No one is jealous of her.  Maybe jealous of Lacey (a girl who is a fabulous dancer AND has a stunning figure and face) but ... Gina seems like she's got an average face and body, though she's a great dancer.

Kerya has a lovely attitude and spunky fun personality, but her tummy bothers me.  

I don't miss Brianna nor will Celinda.

Edited by ReneeK
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I must be the only one that thought that dance party scene was extremely awkward.

I just imagine being in this high pressure situation like that, where you are trying to perform your best and please these extremely judgemental people - who can literally fire you, or the girl next to you in a couple hours - and here they want you dance around all crazy and "have fun" - while they sit and judge you deciding your fate?   I just don't think I could really let lose in such a situation (not until I knew I made the team) and it would just be another one of those situations where I'd be doing what I think they *want* me to do.   I just thought it was awkward.

Gina is clearly conceited, seems spoiled, and I don't think she's very attractive facially (and her belly button is weird and her calves are kind of thick), but I don't think it's fair to judge someone on what they know personally about the other girls on the squad.   You can be a good teammate w/o being close to your teammates socially.   And just cause she doesn't know Tara's family situation, doesn't mean she thinks she's above everyone else dance-wise.  I still think she's a problem, but I think the line of questioning Kelli was using at the end there wasn't getting at the real issue.  

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I think several of the rookie candidates did not look very good at cameos.  In fact, I really can't remember one that looked outstanding (usually there is always at least one or two that look amazing, but didn't notice anyone like that this year?).

I assume Kalyssa looked good, but she really wasn't featured - or did I miss it? - eta, on the rewatch I noticed they did feature her and she did look good.

Poor Alexandria - they keep calling her in for frivolous stuff.  First she's dancing hip hop w/ her hair in her face, now they don't like her eyelash extensions.   Like goodness - were these things really call into the office worthy?  Just tell her you don't like them and give her a card.  Alexandria seems so smart and refined to me, yet her biggest corrections from DCC are about hair and eyelashes.

Taryn doesn't seem very bright to me. 

Edited by MyFavShows
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Alexandria is just not looking her best. Her hair color makes her look muddy, and the eye lashes are just bad. I thought she was a lot prettier at auditions. Not sure what's going on

She has a lot of bags/wrinkles under her eyes which she covers with tons of concealer.  It's stood out to me since I first saw her and it makes her look not as fresh as everyone else.  

Ahh that food looked so delicious but I would be so afraid I'd pop a button on my itty bitty DCC shorts!

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I don’t think Kelli was asking Gina the right questions during their meeting.  Why did not just ask, “I’ve heard that you feel you are better than the other training camp candidates so much so that it is getting back to me.” I love Kelli but sometimes the way she and Judy communicate is so odd.  Judy hasn’t had a conversation with Taryn about her kicks and they are in the 5th week of training camp?  WTF? 

And why does Holly cry when told that she looks a little big?  They were very nice to her and phrased it to her in a nice way.  

This episode was too quick.

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