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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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I have never lived in a neighborhood, although I love people. I couldn't imagine leaving that farm and living with neighbors so close by.  I need my space, and I'm sure Amy and Matt feel the same way.

Caryn definitely plays the part of the "other woman".   She has that down quite well.  She's good at it.  Too bad Matt is too dumb to  see it.  Of course she  sounds better than Amy.  The other woman gets the fun times, she doesn't have to wash his socks, clean his toilets or listen to him complain about bills, aches and bratty kids.  It won't last, once real life sets in and Caryn will be the one who has to listen to Matt's complaining and helping him take care of his health needs, she'll be looking for her next sugar daddy.  At least that's what I see....lol

Amy and Chris do not need to marry.  I know many, many people, especially older people that have good relationships for YEARS, without living together or needing that marriage license.   Have fun, keep your monies separate, and don't worry about anything else.  

The babies are adorable!  I hope Auj lives through her long nightmare as a mother.   Little Ember is such a cutie!

Edited by watcherwoman
  • Love 6

I honestly think the farm would be a difficult sale. It’s a lot of property with a lot of upkeep. Depending on what new owners plan to do, there would be a lot of demo work on the property. The kitchen in the big house would need remodeling, possibly the light switches. There’s a pool, pools need constant maintenance. There are a lot of structures that really aren’t up to code. For a family home, its really a lot - there’s actually two homes on the property, three if the office building masquerading as a barn is counted. It’s almost too big for a family but without the tv show factor its small for a real working farm.

There is also the owner factor. Frankly, I think Matt and Amy would be extremely difficult to work with.

  • Love 3

I really dont consider this a farm...one thing....trucked in pumpkins and a lot of foolish buildings....I am used to real farms...start to grow something....neither of those boys would be able to live on a real farm....which means real work.  If they sell the show is over..done..kaput… Amy should have said to Matt if you want to change the divorce agreement  get a lawyer and bring it pal.....stand up,,,,then pickup a newspaper and throw it at those two lazy ass kids and tell them to get a job and support themselves and families.....leave go home change the locks and get a big dog......rules....unless you call stay away...…….quit interrupting her life..

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, seahag50 said:

I really dont consider this a farm...one thing....trucked in pumpkins and a lot of foolish buildings....I am used to real farms...start to grow something....neither of those boys would be able to live on a real farm....which means real work.  If they sell the show is over..done..kaput… Amy should have said to Matt if you want to change the divorce agreement  get a lawyer and bring it pal.....stand up,,,,then pickup a newspaper and throw it at those two lazy ass kids and tell them to get a job and support themselves and families.....leave go home change the locks and get a big dog......rules....unless you call stay away...…….quit interrupting her life..

seahag50, that's awesome!!  A "heart" isn't enough! 

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

There is also the owner factor. Frankly, I think Matt and Amy would be extremely difficult to work with.

Developer - Developer - Developer     Change the zoning and build some high-rise apartments with businesses on the lower level.   Even Matt won't exasperate a cunning developer.  HEY!  Matt can become a state senator and make some law that will earn him a lotta moola if he sells the farm.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I honestly think the farm would be a difficult sale. It’s a lot of property with a lot of upkeep. Depending on what new owners plan to do, there would be a lot of demo work on the property. The kitchen in the big house would need remodeling, possibly the light switches. There’s a pool, pools need constant maintenance. There are a lot of structures that really aren’t up to code. For a family home, its really a lot - there’s actually two homes on the property, three if the office building masquerading as a barn is counted. It’s almost too big for a family but without the tv show factor its small for a real working farm.

There is also the owner factor. Frankly, I think Matt and Amy would be extremely difficult to work with.

Is the master bathroom custom designed for their height? I can't remember what the Roloff other rooms in the house look like - other than the kitchen and that bedroom/bonus room that Amy and her friend painted.

I am thinking how Terra Jole and her husband re-did their bathroom in the house they bought and chose fixtures that made sense for them.

yeah - Matt and Amy both would be a drag on the seller side of a real estate transaction. One would keep talking about the good old days and how her kids had so much fun, the other would be talking about adding/expanding attractions ...

  • Love 1
On 6/14/2018 at 11:38 AM, Rap541 said:

Yeah, because Matt owns half and has no say in the sale and unlike Amy, can't demand a sale of the property at any time without Amy's approval.

It doesn't work that way in a 50/50 property. Amy can't just toss her head and say "I want to sell so fuck you all!" - a sale of the property would have to be agreed to by both Matt and Amy. 

Yup. Life happens and sometimes things don't work out as planned. If the twins want a financial situation that they are in complete control of, they should build one on their own. If they want to rely on inheriting a business from their parents, then they will have to assume the risk factor that they may not actually get the business. Not sure why Zach and Jeremy Roloff are owed a stable business and financial position from their parents. They're adults now. If Amy isn't interested in being nailed down into a decision, they will need to decide whether they want to continue to tie themselves to a property they may not get. 

They are not owed a thing. That includes the reality that they are not owed a firm moving decision by their mother. If she wants to dither on the point until she dies, they are still not owed anything. 

Seriously, this is an excuse that Matt is coddling them over, that they have to LIVE on the farm in order to work on the farm. Matt needs to be a man and say "If you want to learn how to run the farm, here is the work schedule. You're both men, and I am tired of dealing with little boys. If you don't come to work, you don't get paid, if the work isn't done well, you will have consequences."

This "omg we need to live on the farm to learn" nonsense is silly - they lived there until ages 22 and 24 and they don't know a fucking thing. 

I want an episode where Amy does say "I want to sell so fuck you all!". That would be epic. 

  • Love 9

I wonder sometimes just how much money the boys and their wives and babies make per episode.  The boys have grown up on the show and if that money was invested correctly they could have quite a little nest egg.

I'm not so sure the wives, Audrey and Tori, love doing the show and showing their all BUT the checks keep rolling in.

I would be quite interested to know if they have financial planners and great savings. 

They might be lazy but smart.

Most reality show people do not work.  The show is their work.  I'm guessing TLC foots the bills for most of the farm upkeep.  Matt rides around like he's doing something but all he's doing is...riding around.  lol

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Amy has no interest in moving anywhere, while Matt is the one who really has no issue with selling the family home. 

...just as Amy had no interest in divorcing in a hurry, and Matt had to rush it through because ... why, exactly? My guess is Caryn told him she wasn't waiting forever, and being with an average-size woman is clearly a boost to his already outsize ego, so he wasn't about to risk letting her go.

My 6-month-old grandson is all about immediate gratification. If you're spooning peas into his mouth and wait a few seconds before loading up the next spoonful, he gets upset because he wants to eat RIGHT NOW.  Something obviously happened in the course of Matt's development to have prevented him from progressing past that stage. He's always been attracted to the next big thing, as evidenced by his inability to finish projects. Seeing something through isn't nearly as much run for him as the adrenaline rush that comes from the new-and-shiny. 

Amy's more careful and, IMHO, much more of a grown-up. No one's perfect, but I see any and all of Amy's most disagreeable character traits exhibited in reaction to Matt. That's why I've never clearly understood the Amy-hate; you leave Amy to her own devices, and she really just kind of does her thing. 

  • Love 16
7 hours ago, gunderda said:

But does his title matter if they have 50/50 ownership?  Because I thought that's what they had so neither one could push over the other. 

His title does matter. They are each shareholders. The President/CEO reports to the shareholders, but ultimately, that can occur after the fact. Case in point. At my first job, my company was owned by two guys. They had 50/50 ownership, but one was President/CEO and the other was more of a silent partner. The silent partner had contributed all of the money. The President then proceeded to spend millions of dollars of company money on items that then disappeared. The silent partner was left with the option to sue his own company, which he would have to pay for his own lawyer and the lawyer for the company, or to just let it go and refuse to put more money in. In many cases, when conducting business for the company, no one will question the President having the authority to enter into transactions. Although the President isn't supposed to do things without Board approval, there's not really a mechanism to stop him.


Thanks to the person who reminded me that they are shareholders. I've been working on limited liability companies and joint venture documents where they are partnership agreements and my brain got stuck on partners instead of shareholders.


I thought it was made clear early in the season that Caryn is not to STAY on the farm.  Meaning, no overnights. Matt pretty much confirmed that last night too, when talking about how they each have their own house.

I don't see how Caryn owning her own home (which makes sense since she has a family of her own with children) turned into "Caryn is forbidden to stay on the farm at night".

What episode did this get stated? That Caryn is forbidden to spend nights? Because I find it hard to believe it wasn't discussed as a "Mean Amy won't let Matt have his hunny spend the night even as she spreads her legs for her motorcycle man" issue.


Matt's flipping houses now!  Stay tuned.  ?

Hehe - his flip took how long?

  • Love 2
On 6/15/2018 at 11:17 AM, Rap541 said:

To be honest, thats not entirely what Amy said. 

In the scene where she was walking with Chris, she pretty stated she did not want to leave the farm because she considered it her home. 

"I don't really want to leave the farm. I mean, I raised my kids here. This was a wonderful place to be able to do that. There's a lot of memories here, related around kids and family. I would love for that to continue, to the grandkids and having my kids come over, so we'll see what happens but I look forward to spending more time and moments with them here on the farm."

This was a calm, not angry comment. If Chris should watch the show to catch Amy's opinions and thoughts, then maybe Matt and the boys - if they are genuinely unclear about Amy's position to where they feel they can't make decisions - should watch this scene where Amy says she doesn't want to leave the farm. She said it pretty clearly and articulated why.

In the scene you're referencing, Matt was attempting to get Amy to verbally commit, on camera, to changing the divorce agreement from a 50/50 split to something that benefited him far more.  When she refused, he rolled his eyes at her, and then had a confessional where he noted publically how awful it was that Amy wouldn't tell him her plans - and also articulated that he didn't want to invest in the property with a new house if there was any chance that he would die and Amy would get ownership of his nice improvement. Matt will only build a new house on the property if he gets full ownership.

Amy in a confessional also clearly states she likes living in the big house and she plans on staying. She actually said she would like to stay there until she dies but the only concern was Matt pushing her. This was like the final scene of the episode. 

In the first office scene, when Amy said "we keep it or we sell it" iit was in response to Matt's question of "What are your plans, we're trying to figure out to keep it or not keep it". This is also after a confessional where *Matt* says he wants to keep the farm but that he also wants to sell the farm, liquidate it, because he considers it a burden. Matt then asks Amy what her long term plans are - and she refused to answer because she was on the spot. Matt then puts it in terms of how if she has any desire to leave, he would need to organize a way to buy her out and would then move into the big house, that he would not need to build his planned custom home if Amy was thinking of moving because he could have the big house in a buy out.

Amy says she's not into a buy out.

Matt rolls his eyes at her (not making this up) and demands "why are you not into a buyout?" - This is a very confrontational scene.

Amy says "Is mom staying in the house hampering everyone?"

So, "I'm only staying if Matt stays" isn't really what was said and by watching the episode, its really very clear that Amy has no interest in moving anywhere, while Matt is the one who really has no issue with selling the family home. 

IN this scene Amy clearly says "I'm not planning on moving unless we are selling the farm completely". She's made her plans completely clear so the endless dithering of "how can we plan if we don't know Amy's plans" is just that, three grown men having the vapors. 

I totally agree!!!! Awesome post 

  • Love 6

I found the answer to my own question. In the video where Matt presents the house to the public - he says he bought the property a year ago. He was carrying the mortgage for a year while he flipped the house. I assume he's walking in slow motion in the video to represent the LENGTHY and SLOW amount of time it took him to flip the house. 

This is an advertisement to not flip houses with Matt. I hope Caryn paid attention.

  • Love 6
On 6/13/2018 at 9:04 PM, kicksave said:

Spot on! Caryn is going after Matt’s money...absoloutely! The sucking up and flattery is so obvious on her part! You’d think she was sitting across the table from Bradley Cooper or Brad Pitt. 

But, I thought she was bringing her own money to the table for the AZ house.

Some random observations, after catching up on the thread. Not defending any of these people, as they all chose to put themselves on TV.

The fact that Jeremy's dishwasher sprung a leak and the remodel had to be redone is not necessarily a result of anything he did or didn't do. My son had the hose burst on his refrigerator, which ruined the pergo floor in the kitchen. He was able to collect the insurance money and replace the floor in the entire common living space because he did the work himself. 

Could the clause that says Caryn's younger kid can't be at the farm stem from her ex not wanting the child to be involved in filming that might be happening while there? 

Why is everyone quick to suggest that Chris and Amy should should move in together, off the farm, but no one is suggesting the same for Matt and Caryn? Kind of a double standard, no? I'm content to let them work out their relationships on their own timetable, but then again, they did chose to put themselves out there on TV, so I guess they did ask for it. 

Edited by salvame
  • Love 1
48 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

How many think Chris would be attracted to Amy if she was a divorcee living out in suburbia.  To me same as Matt and Caryn.  Neither are attractive people but both have money and a reality show!

I don't think it's fair to say that neither Matt or Amy are attractive. They are little people which effects their body. I think that their faces are attractive. That's why both Jeremy and Jacob are very good looking men.Those two sons don't have great personalities and they don't groom themselves well, but they are handsome, in my opinion. 

  • Love 5

Amy will never agree to a buyout to Matt (or gift the big house to Jeremy)...the big house represents memories and future happiness watching her grandchildren grow and play there...her feelings on the subject are about being "left out".  Left out of watching the grandchildren making memories on the farm....the big house is home to all her 4 children...they aren't going to want to come visit their mom and spend any real time at her condo in Portland.... the farm and the big house are the focal point of their reality show... Amy will feel as if she is being squeezed out of her family and her main source of income.

So listen up Matt and Jeremy and Zach... instead of brainstorming ideas to kick Amy off the farm to accommodate your selfish future plans...accept it and make plans that include her...and that means you Jeremy....build your own dam home. Maybe instead of galavanting to every tropical island on this side of the globe and having a professional photographer document your every waking moment, save that money and take a business course and make an offer to your parents.

  • Love 16

I think no matter what decision they come to, Matt and Amy are going to be fine financially. They’ve made a good deal of money, thanks to the show and as long as they don’t blow it, it’ll last their remaining years. 

Jer is another story. The show’s eventually going to wrap up. We’ve seen that JerBear and Podge aren’t savers and I think reality will smack them in the face. She’ll probably get a nice inheritance from her parents, one day. But, that’ll disappear quickly. They’ll always feel the need to keep up with the Joneses, unfortunately.

I think Tori will go back to teaching and Zach will still putter around with coaching. They’ll have a nice, simple life. We don’t see them throwing money around, so I think they’ll be a-ok. 

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, salvame said:

Could the clause that says Caryn's younger kid can't be at the farm stem from her ex not wanting the child to be involved in filming that might be happening while there? 

Both kids were banned from being filmed without both parents signing off on it, but only the youngest was banned from the farm. I actually suspect that it may have stemmed from the series of accidents that had occurred at the farm and were being litigated at the same time as the divorce. While they may not have been national news, they would have been in the news there. He may have felt that, on top of any suspicions he had about what Caryn may or may not have been doing with Matt, that the farm was too dangerous for his child to be at. The trebuchet accident had only occurred in 2006 and Matt had rebuilt and reopened around that time. This is also about the time when pictures and video emerged of Jeremy & Mueller saying and doing questionable things, including cat throwing. Given the Roloffs' rather blase attitude about it and the child being around 14 and male, if I remember correctly, there are other reasons that Caryn's ex-husband may not have wanted his kid there.


In the latest commercial, when Tori says "shop's closed," part of me just wonders just how self-righteous Auj gets every time she sees it. Because as she posts over and over again, one should never say no to one's partner. Instead, Tori's openly saying no.

  • Love 6

I think both Amy and Matt would be fine as long as they don't do dumb things like pour money into a bread business that seems barely profitable if at all, or invest in flips that take close to a year to complete.

Jeremy, according to rumor, is fairly tight with money. I'm curious if he paid for his pricy fake degree, or if his parents did. If they did, then Jer is likely flush with cash. I mean, he does have a house. On the other hand, these two have expensive tastes. On the third hand, I have noticed again and again that Jer and Auj are totally ok with putting their hands out for free stuff, regardless of need. So they are likely ok.

Zach and Tory seem pretty practical. 

As for Auj being self righteous,  yeah, I will just say... we'll see. It's been clear that Jer wants a boy. And per her own stated philosophy, if Jeremy wants her popping kids out Duggar style, her role as a wife is to spread her legs and say "yes sir!"

  • Love 3
32 minutes ago, Former Nun said:
1 hour ago, MegD said:

Instead, Tori's openly saying no.

...until she can have a dog.   It's all about the negotiating.

Well, yes. But Auj has preached ad nauseum about how one should never refuse one's husband's advances. Just lay back and recite your wedding vows. There is no negotiations allowed because you are there to please your husband.

  • Love 1

Why do I think that Auj would fit in the Duggar family perfectly?

Not until she had some helper daughters old enough to work. And honestly I think Auj isn't willing to commit to crapping out kids ten years straight just so the eldest ones can feed the newest baby for her. 

I also think Auj is not interested in wearing thrift store finds and wearing used shoes. 


Jeremy threw a cat? Fuck that noise. That little shit. Why isn't PETA trolling him and his brainless Instagram account?

Honestly? Because his fans thought he was good looking so pretty people can get away with shit. The excuse thrown around was that *20 year old* Jeremy wanted to test whether cats land on their feet with buddy Mueller, and you know, the brain doesn't fully form until twenty five so Jeremy's not at fault since he had a baby brain at age 20 and you don't blame *babies* for doing dumb things and Jeremy was just a BOY when he was 20 years old and throwing the cat around....

  • Love 3

Amy doesn't need to marry Chris. Amy doesn't need to marry anyone. She is well past childbearing years is financially stable and owns a seemingly successful business and there's the show. Why would she bother to get married? She 'd have to get a prenup and I would imagine that Matt would stick his big boss into that negotiation because of the business. Amy doesn't have any archaic religious beliefs about sexual relationships only being appropriate for married people since she is already having sex with Chris. She should just enjoy herself and not get hung up on the semantics. 

  • Love 10
29 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

Amy doesn't need to marry Chris. Amy doesn't need to marry anyone. She is well past childbearing years is financially stable and owns a seemingly successful business and there's the show. Why would she bother to get married? She 'd have to get a prenup and I would imagine that Matt would stick his big boss into that negotiation because of the business. Amy doesn't have any archaic religious beliefs about sexual relationships only being appropriate for married people since she is already having sex with Chris. She should just enjoy herself and not get hung up on the semantics. 

Also, I think Amy is an introvert, so she probably enjoys the time she has by herself.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, MegD said:

Well, yes. But Auj has preached ad nauseum about how one should never refuse one's husband's advances. Just lay back and recite your wedding vows. There is no negotiations allowed because you are there to please your husband.

Hold up... so Auj is of the same membership as the Duggars & Bates -?  I still remember Michelle telling Jill and/or Jessa about how only they are able to give their husbands that special gift ..

My take on why Amy doesn’t want to be bought out is that she knows Matt would never pay full market value.  He seems like the type who would lowball any offer, and doubly so if he can get one over on Amy.

But if it really has nothing to do with the price and she is just being spiteful, all Matt would need to do is get a third party to buy it then resell it to him.

I don’t believe for a minute that Matt’s problem with the double wide is that it isn’t modified for little people.   Presumably Zach made some modifications to his house, Amy had some done in the big house.  He could do the same in the DW.  Most of the renovations would be kitchen and bathroom, the rest is lowering light switches.  It could be done, the real problem is that the DW isn’t grand enough for him.

The Little Caesar’s product placement was over the top.  A lingering shot of the logo on the box and Jeremy mentioning it.  Didn’t happen when he and Auj went to the drive thru.

Karen has a very round face and chipmunk cheeks.  Reminds me of a younger Roseanne Barr.

  • Love 6
On 6/15/2018 at 7:38 AM, zenme said:

That sounds like heaven, and I think Chris appreciated the farm on his walk with Amy. It seemed like he'd like Amy to keep it and learn to live peaceably alongside Matt.  I'm wondering if Amy's comments about Matt are what keeps him from going further with Amy. 

Well, I think so.  Recall the first time that he and Amy went away together and he told her that he was wary of her going off on him, like he has seen her do before with someone else?  I thought it was telling that Amy knew exactly what he was talking about. She didn't say, what do you mean, why would you say that or anything like that. She obviously knew.  I think it bothered her, but, she just stayed calm. 

AND, when she told her girlfriends about what he said, they weren't surprised or confused either.  They didn't seem that shocked.  lol  They tried to sound supportive of Amy, but, they didn't say that he was crazy for feeling that way.  It seemed they all got it.  HOWEVER, when Amy celebrated her birthday, Chris seemed very fond of her and didn't seem to be walking on eggshells.  He seemed pretty affectionate towards Amy and even choked up when addressing his feelings about her.  So, I'm not sure if he still thinks that Amy could blow and bite his head off.  I suppose time will tell.  I think that a part of him must wonder what she would be like if they ever split up, after getting married.  Would she treat him, the way she treats Matt? He has to consider it. I don't think Amy thinks of things like that though.  

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:
On 6/15/2018 at 6:38 AM, zenme said:

That sounds like heaven, and I think Chris appreciated the farm on his walk with Amy. It seemed like he'd like Amy to keep it and learn to live peaceably alongside Matt.  I'm wondering if Amy's comments about Matt are what keeps him from going further with Amy. 

Well, I think so.  Recall the first time that he and Amy went away together and he told her that he was wary of her going off on him, like he has seen her do before with someone else? 

Correct me if I'm wrong, Zenme, but I think you were referring more to the possibility that Chris could be concerned that Amy still has feelings for Matt, or is not "over" the dissolution of her marriage -- not that he fears Amy would "go off" on him. I remember the earlier conversation here about the concern, actual or imagined, that Amy's some frightening harpy with no control over her emotions -- and I'm among those who don't buy it. As I mentioned earlier, Amy's fine when left to her own devices. She reacts to Matt's manipulation or idiot behavior, and people cry foul.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Literata said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, Zenme, but I think you were referring more to the possibility that Chris could be concerned that Amy still has feelings for Matt, or is not "over" the dissolution of her marriage -- not that he fears Amy would "go off" on him. I remember the earlier conversation here about the concern, actual or imagined, that Amy's some frightening harpy with no control over her emotions -- and I'm among those who don't buy it. As I mentioned earlier, Amy's fine when left to her own devices. She reacts to Matt's manipulation or idiot behavior, and people cry foul.

I definitely don't think Chris is worried about warm feelings Amy could have for Matt. I think he's mentioned seeing a glimpse of Amy's shrew side. I think he's very wary. He's been a bachelor for decades. There's a reason for that, and I believe he's very protective of himself. It seemed he'd like to see Amy enjoy a somewhat peaceable relationship with Matt, and I think he NEEDS to see that in order to have the deeper commitment that Amy clearly wants. 

  • Love 3

Well, I think the "Amy is a ragefilled psycho who loses her temper over nothing and reacts completely inappropriately as her family cowers and tries desperately to not provoke her" narrative just isn't true.  No one is so afraid of Amy that they avoid unpleasant topics. People who are afraid of Amy's shocking and violent temper wouldn't demand she nexplain her plans for the home, sneer and roll their eyes and say "You're not listening!" the way Matt does with open disgust. That man is not cringing in terror. Matt also routinely assigns Caryn the role of being with Amy in uncomfortable awkward situations and expresses NO fear that Caryn will be the victim of Amy's violent and shocking temper.

Sorry, but I am just not seeing Matt Roloff backing away or in any way displaying fear of his ex. Same with the kids.

And I don't see Amy having inappropriate anger. Apparently she should be smiling with joy as Matt tells her he wants her to spend her money on his house, and she should be joy filled that he wants to change the divorce agreement to favor him. She has a right to be angry about that, and when she was angry, she wasn't screaming or throwing things and wielding a knife. She raised her voice and was sharp toned.

Now, I do think Chris has every right to protect himself in a relationship where Amy's ex is still a part of her life. If Amy is constantly fighting with Matt over the house, or whatever decisions Matt wants to make about the farm, that makes for an uncomfortable living situation for Chris, and he's right to be wary. He has a right to be happy as well and quite honestly considering I think Amy would have accepted a marriage proposal in days from Chris, that Chris is taking it slow and not moving in tells me he's probably not after Amy's money.

  • Love 9

If Matt's a flipper of houses then why doesn't he modify the dw?

Because then he would have nothing to bitch about as he wouldn't be able to whine "The DW isn't especially modified for me and I am in constant miserable agony every moment because I need a house that is modified for me!"

I've pointed out previously that the DW could have modified rather quickly and was shouted down that manufactured homes somehow can't be modified. I don't really buy that but some people have argued it when I have pointed out how a remodel would solve the problem.

Matt has been living in the DW since November of 2013. It's clearly not killing him as he insists on living there despite the proven fact that he has the money to buy other homes. And despite it being shown again and again that Amy doesn't want to move. Seriously, if it's not clear, if Matt really can't make a decision because he JUST DOESN'T KNOW what Amy intends, maybe he should watch this last episode where Amy calmly outlined that she wasn't interested in leaving the farm. It's right there. On camera. If Matt still doesn't know what Amy thinks, to where he's still throwing up his hands and declaring he has no idea what Amy's plans are... then he's just being a vicious little whiny bitch. Does it need to be tattooed on his ass for him to get it through his head that Amy isn't planning on moving?

No one but a masochist lives in the physical misery Matt claims. And if he can't figure out Amy's plans, then he's a fucking idiot. 

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, zenme said:

I think he's mentioned seeing a glimpse of Amy's shrew side. I think he's very wary. He's been a bachelor for decades.

If a man is waiting for the perfect woman..

One with no faults, human emotions or various moods 

He can count on being single for decades to come.

Edited by artisto

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