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I hear what you're saying, cooksdelight! I see the show in a whole different light than most viewers do.

I'm sure it has not been easy for you all, as family, to watch sometimes. I am usually pretty skeptical about taking things at face value, but I think TLC did Daya a real disservice with their initial portrayal of her. Especially given that a child was involved. It was easy to see that Daya had a genuine connection and fondness for Cassidy once the powers-that-be made the decision to show it. She (Daya) really comes across as a lovely and genuine person now, and more so after you've been able to tell us a little more about her.

I know they want to make the show interesting and all, but I really think they should've been more fair with her early on.

Hey kids,

Yes, this show is my new addiction, too! I cannot look away from the freak show that is Dani and Mo. I think he is now the laughing stock of all the other beznessmen -- the scammer got scammed! And she is -- well, let's hope her daughters don't follow in her footsteps.


Someone else pointed out that Danielle is doing what many of the men are accused of doing: Buying a mate that they'd never get otherwise in the USA. That's probably the most interesting aspect of this to me and mainly why I watch it.


Also: If you are familiar with NPD - Narcissistic Personality Disorder - that may be what we are seeing with Danielle. Google will have some very interesting links on the subject, if you're interested. Whatever is causing it, her willful stupidity and very destructive behaviours are just jaw-dropping. And yes, I do think somebody needs to step in and help those kids. This one has just about gone too far, even for TLC.



Danny is a child and has no business getting married. To anyone. Amy will figure this out eventually, but then she'll be stuck with him - probably about the same time she meets an attractive adult male who knows how to treat a lady. That would be a show in itself.


Jason and Cassia, I think, are probably the biggest mismatch of all. He is another one just trying to buy a hot-looking partner that he'd otherwise never get. I'm sorry, but his dad comes across as some kind of clown-suit-wearing freak. He's not remotely normal and totally creeps me out.


Brett is another child-man trying to buy a hot partner. He sort of creeps me out. He is a very weak male and it's hard to say how long Daya will tolerate him if he doesn't earn her respect.


Justin and Evelin kind of grew on me. They actually met on an equal footing and she does seem sincere. I like them and think they might make it. He has exactly the right idea about protecting her from his rude and overbearing family. I'm on his side with this one.


And is it really such a big deal if they don't get married? Do the foreigners really get deported? About 10-15 years ago, my ex's brother got involved with a Filipina who came over here on a K-1 to marry a serviceman. She decided she didn't want to marry that one and ended up marrying the ex's brother instead and having a baby with him. She received an order for deportation, but just ignored it. Last I heard, she was still here.


The executive order just signed makes it sound like the immigration laws are going to be even more lax now. So, how will all that impact this show?

Can't wait for that reunion show!

  • Love 3

I'm sure it has not been easy for you all, as family, to watch sometimes. I am usually pretty skeptical about taking things at face value, but I think TLC did Daya a real disservice with their initial portrayal of her. Especially given that a child was involved. It was easy to see that Daya had a genuine connection and fondness for Cassidy once the powers-that-be made the decision to show it. She (Daya) really comes across as a lovely and genuine person now, and more so after you've been able to tell us a little more about her.

I know they want to make the show interesting and all, but I really think they should've been more fair with her early on.


It wasn’t really difficult at all to watch! We know the real Daya and we realized quickly the show wasn’t portraying them as they really are. Daya is a very religious person. She and Brett go to mass, attend Bible study classes together, they say grace before meals, etc. Daya is such a sweet person!! She always talks about God and her Catholic faith! But the producers would not allow any of this to be shown. I guess since they had Danny and Amy as the ‘religious couple”, a new image needed to be created. Don’t believe the other couples are exactly as they seem either.


Daya was given the bad girl image from the start. So how did this “other Daya” come out? Truth be told! The couples were led to believe that this show was going to be a romantic comedy show. They were encouraged to act certain ways because the funnier or meaner they were or more outrageous the expressions they gave, the funnier the show would be!


As I said in an earlier post, it’s Entertainment TV at its best! The more outrageous the couples, the better! It keeps everyone glued to their TV sets! It generates a lot of talk, builds ratings and oh, yes those negative comments, this forum included! But these are coming from people who judge Brett and Daya based only on what they’ve been given to see. It was quite disturbing to Daya in the beginning, but she has then realized the same thing as we did. The viewers didn’t know them. They’ve since developed thick skins, and often laugh at the negative comments. And they are now sort of enjoying their semi-celebrity status! Checked their FB pages. They’re loving it now!!


I’ve tried to post some positive comments on the 90 Day Fiance Facebook page, including a picture of them singing Christmas Carols at the nursing home I mentioned earlier. They are quickly pulled down by the Moderator. You know why of course.


Please try to view the last 2 episodes the way I do. Since you now know Daya a little better, please remember the show is for entertainment. I know better, but I still find myself booing some of the cast! That’s how much I like the show!! I see it for what it is. Entertainment.


Oh, and I’ll forgive the previous poster “okerry” for the comments made. Daya would have wanted me to do so.

  • Love 5

>>>Oh, and I’ll forgive the previous poster “okerry” for the comments made. Daya would have wanted me to do so.


Excuse me? I said nothing negative about Daya at all. I did relate a brief true story about another Filipina on a K1, an entirely different person from years ago. That had nothing to do with Daya, either.

>>>Oh, and I’ll forgive the previous poster “okerry” for the comments made. Daya would have wanted me to do so.


Excuse me? I said nothing negative about Daya at all. I did relate a brief true story about another Filipina on a K1, an entirely different person from years ago. That had nothing to do with Daya, either.


Relax. I'm sorry , just making a joke. A few of us were having a conversation about how Daya has been misjudged and I implied that the other couples may not be as they seem. That 's when you came in and gave your opinions. I was just kidding. Sorry again. No offense intended.

I noticed Jason's auctions photographs have Cassia's hands in them.


He may have 450-500 listings, but I added last month's sales to a paltry $500 for roughly 20 sales (IIRC), and that's not including what he paid for that crap.  It's probably negligible, though.  He can barely keep himself in sliced bread and baloney.

What is his store name? Or is it user name? On eBay?

For real? Didn't they check out what went down on the first season of 90 Day Fiance?


Maybe they didn’t even know there was a 1st season. Or maybe the appeal of being on TV was too great; being on what they thought would be a comedy show. They also get paid. I won’t reveal how much. Brett and Daya agree however, that it wasn’t worth it. It was a major disruption in what was supposed to be a wonderful time in their lives. And it was very stressful. Yes they have some "fame", but it wll fade quickly, just like the 1st seasons' cast.


The casting call has gone out already for the 3rd season show. As Brett said to me, “they don’t know what they’re getting themselves into!”

  • Love 2

I'm confused. I am sure both Daya and Brett are familiar with reality television and how much those shows love drama so it's hard for me to feel sympathetic that they feel they were misled. They really thought this was a comedy show? I find that hard to believe. Brett, in particular, could have easily found episodes of the first season and watched the show. I would give someone like Yamir a pass for not understanding what he was getting himself into because he seems far more removed from American culture, but Daya seems very much in tune with American culture. 

  • Love 1

Brett and Daya agree however, that it wasn’t worth it. It was a major disruption in what was supposed to be a wonderful time in their lives.

I agree with trimthatfat, this show was on once before, there were episodes online. Only a fool would agree to be on a show and sign a contract without first looking online to find out more about it. Another couple from the first season had regrets, their family did interviews. Anyone who went on this show without investigating first deserves whatever fallout comes after, in my opinion.

  • Love 3

  • Who knows who was on the trailer at the end of the last show saying (from what appeared to be the wedding reception) that the marriage was a disaster in the making?  Was that the sister or the former friend Angie? Apt as the comment may have been it seems a little harsh to make at someone's reception (if I saw that right).      

I'm gonna be "that guy"...


Does anyone else feel annoyed that Daya's relative is pumping her and Brett as being misunderstood and that they're really the most angelic, kind, and generous people ever?


Maybe a few posts to say something about the couple, but it's almost like every 5th post is bigtibuco1 going on and on about how nice they are in real life, and that they're the perfect couple... blah blah blah.


I don't really care if they were told one thing, and they were filmed acting in a way that doesn't reflect their true personalities... they agreed to it, and they're getting what they deserve for agreeing to TLC's terms - if that's even true.


They signed up for this.

  • Love 12

That damn commercial. Every time Danny says, "I'll have a wife in 3 hours" I keep thinking he's saying, "I'll have a wife and 3 daughters". Every time. And I think "next time it comes on, I'll know he's saying 3 hours." YOU CAN'T FOOL ME TLC!  Then, BOOM (™Jason), I fall for it all over again.


If they go on to have 3 daughters, you heard it here first.

  • Love 1

For real? Didn't they check out what went down on the first season of 90 Day Fiance?



Maybe they didn’t even know there was a 1st season. Or maybe the appeal of being on TV was too great; being on what they thought would be a comedy show. They also get paid. I won’t reveal how much. Brett and Daya agree however, that it wasn’t worth it. It was a major disruption in what was supposed to be a wonderful time in their lives. And it was very stressful. Yes they have some "fame", but it wll fade quickly, just like the 1st seasons' cast.


The casting call has gone out already for the 3rd season show. As Brett said to me, “they don’t know what they’re getting themselves into!”



I'm confused. I am sure both Daya and Brett are familiar with reality television and how much those shows love drama so it's hard for me to feel sympathetic that they feel they were misled. They really thought this was a comedy show? I find that hard to believe. Brett, in particular, could have easily found episodes of the first season and watched the show. I would give someone like Yamir a pass for not understanding what he was getting himself into because he seems far more removed from American culture, but Daya seems very much in tune with American culture. 

Yea, any adult in the US who owns a television should know enough about reality TV to know that they take liberties with the truth.


If anyone willingly misrepresents themselves for a paycheck, they shouldn't be too surprised that people react to that misrepresentation.

  • Love 1

Thanks for the previews!

It looks like Danielle is getting her hair curled with anal beads... The "Im Hitch, biatch" were a really funny throwback to Chapelle Show, I wonder if the woman who hugged Cassia is Jason's mom. Daya reminds me of Aziza in that during their TH's their accent is a bit stronger and they fumble with certain words. When its just Daya's candid scenes, as with Aziza's, you have to peel your ear for an accent. They sound like they both grew up in the states and then moved overseas as preteens or something.

As for pinay brides, from the servicemen I knew most of them with Pinay brides were Pinoys themselves, but the ones who weren't filipino the wives took great of their husbands, very loyal. I never saw them walking around with designer bags and screaming kids wrecking havoc at the exchange like some of our native daughters. The vast majority of them worked in support staff positions on base. They form a pretty close knit community and help one another and each others families; filipino husband, white husband, black husband whatever. That was just my experience though on the base I lived.

Edited by ChaChaSlide
  • Love 1

Well I am far behind in reading these threads because I have just come back from... NEW YORK CITY!!   I did not see any of our 90DF friends, and had no clue they were there anyway. I'd have probably shit my pants if I'd bumped into Dani and Mo in the street. Then asked if I could have a selfie with them and posted it on here to make you all jealous. And then gone into hiding for EVER after reading all your comments that Dani's much prettier, slimmer and more vivacious than me. But sadly, none of this happened.


My claim to fame in NYC came on Monday when I was having lunch with a friend and a couple of journalists interrupted us to try to get an interview with my friend (she'd just been on TV as she's one of Bill Cosby's victims - and yes, I believe every word she says about it). We had to sneak out the back of the restaurant through the kitchen, with the help of the manager.


Oh, and I saw Bob Tuschman of the Food Network in Chelsea Market.

  • Love 4

Oh yeah don't get me started over all the fawning.  Last time I saw he posted some stock photo with hands that he must have found in Google Images while looking for other flesh-colored body parts, and all the lonely ladies had to take time out of their busy days to comment on how excellent this photo was.  Congratulations to the unnamed photographer I guess!  I wouldn't be surprised if some of these obsequious commenters also send cash gifts, because that's the way to this man's heart, for sure.  They're all humping his leg on FB for chrissakes.  On the other hand, it's self-selection for women without dignity, aka his next marks.


They're suggesting that he skype his family like it's a stroke of genius.  Yeah, for sure he never thought of that.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 3

I heart Tuschman! What was he getting?



He was just walking through the market. I was at the end of the market, near the gelato place, and he walked through as if he'd just come in from the rear entrance on 10th Ave. The FN HQ is at Chelsea Market so he was probably just in the middle of his working day. He's tiny! He could be Danny's uncle, he's so little.

Edited by essexjan

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