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You Have Failed This City!: Quotes from Arrow

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Suggestion for thread title:

"Slings and Arrows"- The Arrow Quotation Thread

Or a variation

"Slings and Arrows" (It ain't Shakespeare)-The Arrow Quotation Thread

As for a quote from the show, this one seemed appropriate:

"I didn't study Shakespeare at any of the four schools I dropped out of."

(Oliver to Felicity, season 1, episode 3)

Edited by BkWurm1
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Felicity: So what do you think? Hit her again?


Oliver: If we're not back in an hour, you sink the freighter and get yourself home.
Anatoly: I think maybe I prefer Bahamas.


Malcolm: Thea, it's called kevlar.


Malcolm: Kill you? Why? Because you shot me? I'm glad you did.
Thea: You're sick.
Malcolm: Perhaps. Not a year ago, your brother held a gun to my face as well.
Thea: Tommy?
Malcolm: He lacked the conviction, the strength to pull the trigger, but not you, Thea. You are made of iron. You are truly my daughter and I couldn't be more proud.
Thea: UGH.


Felicity: Gee, Sara, you could have called before you invited five, six, seven assassins down into our top secret lair.


Oliver: Do you know anyone hiring ex-billionaires with superior archery skills?

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Oliver Queen: It's not how I typically get my information.

Felicity Smoak: How do you typically do it?

Oliver Queen: I find the person. And then I put the fear of god into them until they talk. But we can try it your way.



Oliver: Ms. Smoak. Would you get my guest and I some coffee?
Felicity: You know, I would Mr. Queen, but it seems that someone has broken the coffeemaker. Violently.



Felicity: What were you thinking?
Oliver: What?
Felicity: Over 64 million woman over the age of consent in Russia and you sleep with her.
Oliver: So we're not doing the "What happens in Russia stays in Russia?"

Felicity: We're still in Russia.

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Felicity: [to Oliver] You look like something the cat dragged in. Not that there are cats in this building. Well, once a cat did get in, but a guard tazed it. It smelled like fur and static in here for a week.

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From S2E2 Identity, this whole scene is brilliant, but especially:

Oliver: "I need a Girl Wednesday."

Felicity: "It's 'Friday' and the answer is NO!"

Oliver: "We all need to have secret identities now. If I'm going to be 'Oliver Queen, CEO', then I can't very well travel down eighteen floors every time you and I need to discuss how we spend our nights!"

Felicity: "And I love spending the night with you." (Breath) "3...2...1...I worked *very* hard to get where I am, and it wasn't so I could fetch you coffee!"

Diggle: "Well, could be worse. My secret identity is his black driver."

Ramsey's deadpan delivery of the last line pretty much killed me.

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Oh gawd, the "black driver" line still cracks me up.  That and the Diggle line I posted are two of the best in the show, IMO.  (for similar types of great lines, check out Aldis Hodge's delivery in Leverage.)

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David Ramsey so often has just facial expressions as lines and he nails it every time. In particular the sports bottles line. His face just said "Oliver I am done with you." The same with when Moira returned to QC and Felicity immediately mentions her jail time, then Oliver walks away for Felicity to see this look of amusement on Diggle's face.

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Ohh! I'm not going to hurt you, Felicity.

How do you know my name? Because you know my name.

[stammering] Oliver, oh Wow.
Everything about you just became so unbelievably clear.
You're bleeding.
I don't need to be told that.

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Diggle:  You know, Oliver, I'm no expert at this but I don't think love is about changing or saving a person. I think it's about finding the person who's already the right fit. One day you will.


Oliver:  I think I burnt that bridge.  Napalmed it, actually.


Diggle:  The thing is you saved Frank Bertinelli, He'll be doing time for a while, justice is served.....  You opened up, took a risk with  your heart. The Oliver I met a few months ago would not have been able to do that. And when you meet the right person, you'll be ready for her.

       [cut to Felicity going into Walter's office]

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The Snark of Slade:


S1E13 Betrayal:


Slade: "To say you fight like a girl, would be a compliment."


Oliver: "So what's our next step?"

Slade: "Turning you into something that won't get us both killed."


Slade: "Have you considered a sword? I like swords."


S1E14 The Odyssey:


(When Oliver is failing miserably at hand-to-hand)

Slade: "I know Girl Scouts who have more fight in them."


Slade: "Li-an lu."

Oliver: "It's the name of the island. It's Mandarin for 'Purgatory'."

Slade: "Yes...wonderful."


(Manu's delivery of this last line is hilarious)


(Oliver is attempting to light a fire with a stick. After being asked for help, Slade lights the fire with a lighter)

Oliver: "Seriously? I've been working on that for two hours!"

Slade: "I know, I've been watching. Thank you for the entertainment."


Here's one the EPs should take heed of:

Slade: "If you think you can sleep with your girlfriend's sister and still make it right, you're dumber than I thought."


(When Oliver is asking about all the other guards at the airport)

Slade: "You worry about your one. I'll worry about my ten."


(When Slade has to kill Oliver's guard anyway)

Slade: "One job to do...and you managed to screw up even that."


(Slade hands Oliver a gun)

Slade: "Here, take this...and try not to shoot yourself by mistake."


(Oliver digs a bullet out of Slade's arm)

Slade: "I'm impressed...you didn't puke."

Oliver: "I swallowed it."


S1E15 Dodger

(Slade's wound has become infected)

Slade: "When you swing by the drugstore for antibiotics, do you want to get me a copy of Maxim...or Sports Illustrated?"


S1E16 Dead to Rights

(Oliver says that there must be another way off the Island)

Slade: "If we go into the forest, and gather as much bamboo as we can..."

Oliver: "Yeah?"

Slade: "...we could build ourselves a boat, like they did on Gilligan's Island."


(Oliver is trying to mend an aircraft radio)

Oliver: "My father used to be a pilot...he used to do his own maintenance."

Slade: "So you're hoping aircraft maintenance is genetic?"


Also from The Odyssey:

Felicity: "I'm guessing 'how' and 'why' are Oliver's least favourite questions."

Diggle: "Yeah, well, he's not too fond of 'when' and 'where' either."

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I'm really going to miss Slade. He was a hoot as a truth speaker.


Oliver: "My father used to be a pilot...he used to do his own maintenance."

So is that where Oliver learned to fly a plane?  I wonder when he got his pilot's license.

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"… as I like to call her, Oliver’s psycho ex-girlfriend hell-bent on revenge against her father." — Felicity describing Helena Bertinelli to Roy and Sara


Sarah: Ex-girlfriend?

Oliver: That's what you took from that sentence?

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From 2x04:


Felicity: Do you have any happy stories?




Felicity: Why couldn't you have been marooned on Aruba?


From 2x19:


Felicity (on Isabel): For the record, I hated her before we found out she was a supervillain. 

Edited by bettername2come
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Moira:But if any member of my family so much as gets a paper cut, I'll burn your entire world to ashes.


Moira:I'm truly sorry for what's happened to your family, Quentin. But could you kindly get the hell out of my house?

Edited by icandigit
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Oliver: You know us billionaire vigilantes, we do love our toys.
Barry: I was eleven. One night, something just came into our house like a tornado. A blur. Somewhere inside the blur, I saw a person. My dad went to fight it. I tried to get out when suddenly I was twenty blocks away from our house. Nobody believed me. They thought I was trying to cover for my father. But what I saw that night was real, as real as the man that ripped down that metal door with his bare hands. That’s why I look into cases like this. The one’s nobody believes are possible. Maybe if I can just make sense of one, I might be able to find out who really killed my mother and free my dad.

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"I don't want to talk. Which for me, I know, it a little unprecedented."


"The alcohol is not going to mix well with the three Benzos I took."


Oh Felicity, never change. I basically want to quote everything she said tonight.

Edited by KenyaJ
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Oliver: I'm so sorry. I thought I could be me and The Arrow. But I can't. Not now. Maybe not ever.
Felicity: Then say never. Stop dangling maybes. Say it's never going to work out between us, say you're never going to love me... say...



Oliver: Don't ask me to say I don't love you.





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I don't remember the exact words, but this one got a good laugh out of me :


Roy: "Yeah, every time I see a bowl of water, I want to slap it." [About remembering Oliver's training.]

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Oliver to Roy, "You did good over there."


Roy to Oliver, "I had a good teacher...a judgmental, occasionally temperamental one," said snickering.


Oliver looking stern with arms crossed.  "Those are the best kind."  Breaks into a grin.

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Oliver: Tracer Arrow Program.

Diggle:  You have Felicity monitoring remote from Central City?

Oliver: No, she told me an idiot could run it.

Diggle: I will try very hard not to take that personally.

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