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TDS 3.0: Season Three Talk

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Trump using hookers as well as the pee business is completely believable to me. Like Comey, I'm shocked I would ever say that about a U.S. President.

Although the Starbucks story is shameful, I got a big laugh out of Trevor ridiculing the idea of bicycle cops showing up, esp when the perp has to sit on a tandem bike and help peddle.

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I don't think even the most fervent Trump supporters would deny that Trump with hookers isn't out of the realm of possibility. I get that Fox's mandate to effectively deny reality, and the current campaign is to discredit Comey, though I think the latter tactic smacks more of desperation because he's got nothing to lose, but that was just a dumb comment on her part. It's just sloppy. I would think they would just ignore those statements and try to hammer home that Comey was politically motivated or something. Or try to work in that if Trump was with hookers it isn't anyone's business because he a private citizen at the time. 

I just don't like bad cons. 

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I thought Trevor calling out James Comey for calling Drumpf bad names while professing his love for his country was rather dumb. Given the shabby way Drumpf treated him, Comey's certainly within his right to go after him like that, especially now that he's a private citizen. Of course, Trevor would have been better off questioning Comey's love for America after he reopened the Hillary Clinton email investigation a week and a half before the election, which managed to budge the presidency, slightly and questionably, to Drumpf. Something, no matter how much disinfectant he tries to put on himself, should leave a bad stench on Comey for the rest of his life.

If there's one thing Starbucks is known for, besides their overpriced drinks, is their willingness to let people come in and hang around their store for as long as they want. Even to use their washrooms. So the recent arrests of two African American men in Philadelphia for doing what they've always allowed people to do before, should shame Starbucks to their marrows. Especially with TDS portraying Dolce as a black 911 responder dealing with people calling about African Americans making them nervous, which was fucking hilarious.

Jeanine Pierro is a goddamn waste of oxygen.

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As much as I enjoy Hannity tripping all over the place, like the loud woman, he's sloppy. He said one thing on the radio and another on tv. I'm surprised either he or the network didn't tell him to just prepare a statement. And really, I wouldn't have said anything beyond - I talked to Cohen for roughly X hours last year for legal advice about real estate. That's it. Because either he paid him $10, which means he actually did retain him technically, or he just chit chatted about real estate, which means all of that can be disclosed. 

I got a kick out of Dershowitz trolling him so much. And this is again why Fox is the instrument of their own undoing. Hannity wouldn't just own it and shut up. "Yeah, I should have. Honestly it didn't even cross my mind until now, but I get it. My bad." Mea culpa is just so anathema to them and they're conditioned to just hammer hammer hammer at the narrative that they're just all malfunctioning. 

Ingraham is such a reprehensible person too - "Ha. Glad you're getting burned now and not me losing sponsored like there's a whole in my boat." 

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2 hours ago, ganesh said:

What was up with the interview with Thandie Newton? Trevor was trying to ask some insightful questions and she kept going on about what?

I liked the interview. It was a little uncomfortable because she wasn't just going along with whatever Trevor said, but I respected her not giving up her POV. 

I liked Trevor saying that Puerto Rico went from an Act of God to an Act of Pablo.

Again, I'm surprised at how much I've turned around on Ronnie. I didn't like how he started out, but he's changed and honed his 'act.' He always cracks me up now.

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I'm shocked...SHOCKED...that Drumpf lied about his wealth. But Trevor is right that it isn't going to make a difference. And the reason is because of the following segment. Racism. Those white people think that what they're doing isn't racism and it's no big deal? Fuck yeah they are and it IS a big deal, and they need to be called out on their blatant racism loudly and as many times as possible.

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11 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

I'm shocked...SHOCKED...that Drumpf lied about his wealth. But Trevor is right that it isn't going to make a difference. And the reason is because of the following segment. Racism. Those white people think that what they're doing isn't racism and it's no big deal? Fuck yeah they are and it IS a big deal, and they need to be called out on their blatant racism loudly and as many times as possible.

We are talking about Mr. Bone Spurs Trump. I don't think truth was ever in his vocabulary then as it is now. He tells one thing and says another. 

I could not believe my eyes Monday night with the story about the porch people. I was like WTF! that is My local news channel Fox 19 with Tricia Mackie in Cincinnati (I live right across the river in KY) now I don't watch this news channel.because it is a.fox/Sinclair station, but I had heard absolutely nothing about this story until I saw in on TDS. I am embarrassed and angered that this shit happens close to my home, but that more is not being done to call out these despicable people. I don't believe other news mentioned especially it till TDS did.

OHIO and this area went Trump. And man it is lonely sometimes to be a little blue dot in a big red area, .but Roy, I will proudly follow your lead. I have seen these people,  I am going to personally call them out on their shit and get on with my day ( and even tho I don't have your TV access, I will spread the word best I can)

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The guest was doing OK until he went with the "both sides are on their own team and want the other to fail." That's just not true. I'm glad Trevor pushed back with "why should we sit down and listen to actual Nazis?" The response of "Well people shouldn't call people they don't agree with Nazis either," isn't an argument. 

I'm over this "tribalism" argument.

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Why do I continue to be shocked by anything Trump says. That clip of him in the oval office with the Macrons. "This is where I speak to your husband. I'll show you." I just... What... Why.... I know that early on in his administration he was impressed with his phone -- which is a head-shaker in itself -- but to show the French President your phone is just another indication (as if we needed any more) of how ignorant he is of what things of true interest and import are in the Oval Office. I did love Trevor comparing Macron's reaction to that of a person indulging a child showing him his playroom.

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@Victor the Crab . . .  aren't "couch tumors" the term for hemorrhoids for people who binge subscription TV? Very nice phrase. And yeah, that was funny. I know that I should be ashamed that I don't seek out news like that until Trevor gets to it, but it's like wearing special glasses during an eclipse. Any other method, I risk burning my brain out.

On 4/20/2018 at 11:25 AM, 2727 said:

So Ronny Chieng is the new Lewis Black now, with the angry yelling? I love them both in any case.

Isn't Ronny a correspondent, or is he just in-studio? I don't think anybody can capture Lewis' intensity, though.

Trevor was a pro with Thandie Newton. If I'm there, all of the time would been spent on variations of, "How do you hear that HBO viewers are qualified to give you a thorough medical exam, because they've become that intimate with your naked body?"

30 minutes ago, Victor the Crab said:

I don't know which was funnier. Drumpf's non stop verbal shitting on live TV, or the couch tumors of Fox and Friends just sitting there with their mouths open at the sheer stupidity of Drumpf's verbal shitting.

It's amazing how obtuse Trump is in constantly implicating himself. Just get him to admit he ordered the code red. 

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I have to laugh because my comments yesterday about Michelle mirrored Trevor's segment. I think Trevor could have gone much harder though. I did like that he opened with 'comedy isn't just jokes' because the clips were hammering on the "it's not funny" narrative. Wasn't meant to be! Some obviously were jokes, but calling Sanders a white, female uncle Tom isn't really a joke. Still comedy though. 

But I was glad they showed all the clips with everyone bending over backwards to explain the president was "only joking" and especially with the Sanders clip at the end. Snowflakes indeed. 

While Trevor pointed out the historical nature of the Korean leaders meeting, and it is remarkable, there's no way North Korea is giving up their nukes. I think this is a huge con job to make Trump look a fool and he's walking right into it. 

Edited by ganesh
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I'm curious what's going to happen with the Koreas. I knew that someone had suggested Trump should get a Nobel Peace Prize, but I didn't know it was the S Korean leader. Talk about kissing up to Our Dear Leader. And I don't mean Kim.

The WHCD really needs to go away. Journalists and pols should not be cozying up to each other, esp since this administration has called them the enemy of the people.

I admit I couldn't watch Wolf's performance because I find it hard to watch roasts, even if I agree with the jokes. But I did read it and thought it was pretty damn funny. The only joke I didn't like was the abortion one. And although she spoke a lot of truths, they were also jokes. She herself said she's writing jokes.

I don't see how anyone can take that "smokey eye" joke as a slam against Sanders' appearance. When I first heard the accusation that Wolf had made fun of her looks, I thought it was referring to the joke about the softball teams. But I've not read anyone else having that read on it.

Love the clips of all the times -- well, not ALL the times, but a sampling -- that Trump insulted a woman's looks. Then Sanders saying to the press that they should get a sense of humor was the perfect capper.

Oh, and Paul Ryan's claim that he fired the chaplain because lawmakers' spiritual needs weren't being met is transparently bogus. 

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28 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I knew that someone had suggested Trump should get a Nobel Peace Prize, but I didn't know it was the S Korean leader.

He's an anti-nuclear nut across the board anyway, so I take it with a grain of salt. I'm highly skeptical of the effect of Trump's bloviating versus China's influence. Notice how China hasn't said a thing about this? And it's occurring in their back yard. Everyone seems to think that 'denuclearize' means the same thing to Kim as it does to Moon or Trump. Not so fast. 

31 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

Oh, and Paul Ryan's claim that he fired the chaplain because lawmakers' spiritual needs weren't being met is transparently bogus. 

I didn't see the clip until now, but I'm finding a chaplain praying for tax reform to be an egregious violation of church and state. Not to mention having a religious figure on the floor of congress. I know that's not the point, but I was put off. 

3 hours ago, ganesh said:

I have to laugh because my comments yesterday about Michelle mirrored Trevor's segment. I think Trevor could have gone much harder though. I did like that he opened with 'comedy isn't just jokes' because the clips were hammering on the "it's not funny" narrative. Wasn't meant to be! Some obviously were jokes, but calling Sanders a white, female uncle Tom isn't really a joke. Still comedy though. 

But I was glad they showed all the clips with everyone bending over backwards to explain the president was "only joking" and especially with the Sanders clip at the end. Snowflakes indeed. 

While Trevor pointed out the historical nature of the Korean leaders meeting, and it is remarkable, there's no way North Korea is giving up their nukes. I think this is a huge con job to make Trump look a fool and he's walking right into it. 

Could you IMAGINE?!  I never even thought of this....you, Ganesh are an evil genius.  

Didn’t know the Nobel “push” was prompted by talks between the Koreas. Has anyone considered they’re doing that to shut him up?

Nice “takedown” on Michelle Wolf by Trevor. She deserved to be fired after leaving. I’m sure she’ll swing by to promote her series. Didn’t know she worked on Seth Meyers’ show until I saw a clip of him giving her love.

That piece on the 27th amendment was entertaining. I loved the flashback. 

Does anyone think that Trump's team aren't behind the leak? The strategy is so obvious. I don't think he had anything to do with it, but still. 

The Mueller team had to have anticipated this. I figure they're laying the groundwork for a subpoena so they can ask the real questions. Or because the questions are fairly tepid on face value, he's goading Trump to sit down for the interview. 

The fall of Hannity can't come soon enough. 

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5 hours ago, ganesh said:

That piece on the 27th amendment was entertaining. I loved the flashback. 

Does anyone think that Trump's team aren't behind the leak? The strategy is so obvious. I don't think he had anything to do with it, but still. 

The Mueller team had to have anticipated this. I figure they're laying the groundwork for a subpoena so they can ask the real questions. Or because the questions are fairly tepid on face value, he's goading Trump to sit down for the interview. 

The fall of Hannity can't come soon enough. 

Yes - only because it wasn't Mueller's actual list.  It was someone who took notes and then typed up their own list, with errors.  

So if Rudy is "so new" and "still learning", why is he on every single news show on television as the voice of Trump's legal team? I get the first time. He went on tv and he screwed up. But he won't stay off tv and he's just so inept. 

I thought it was very astute of Trevor to point out that they haven't gotten the "facts" right because they can't figure out what story gets Trump off the hook. And then everything else will be fake news. 

I hate to tell them though, if you're going with, "it's not a campaign violation because Trump paid women off all the time," *this* time it was done three weeks before the election. The other times aren't really relevant in that context. 

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