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TDS 3.0: Season Three Talk

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I'm not even American, and I cringed at that clip. Oh my God, what was going through those poor vets' minds, I wonder?

My mother watched TDS for the first time with me last night. She likes Stephen Colbert, so I was hoping she'd like Trevor Noah. She laughed until she cried.

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I wish someone had said, "no, *they* don't call her that. Just you do. No one thinks it's funny." The codetalkers looked like they had no idea what he was rambling about. Good point in catching that they were standing under Jackson's portrait. I'm surprised no staffer caught that ahead of time. Of course, they probably did, but didn't care to make the president look better. 

Can't anyone make this blowhard stay on script? This was a boilerplate ceremony. Just say the speech and smile. I think what it is, is that he can't grasp context. 

I was having a hard time getting around to what the guest's point was about infidelity. I got the point that men get away with it and there's a double burden on the women. I didn't understand what she meant by 'criminal' though. Then she went on a tangent and she lost me because she was talking about the spouse being bedridden and the caretaker having a 4 year affair. I felt like Trevor should have asked if the singular definition of marriage needs to be revisited. 

I also like Trevor's remark that Trump isn't aware other people can actually lie, re: Moore denied the accusations - "well, he said he didn't do it." I think it's more that he just has a weak grip on reality. 

Edited by ganesh
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I was more invested in the piece on the tax legislation. I loved Trevor pointing out (and showing clips of) all the Republicans who were tearing their hair out over deficits during Obama's presidency - who are now complacent about projected trillion dollar deficits because of this impending tax plan. Then, of course, I laughed my ass off when Trevor illustrated the way Republicans always end up dong the very thing they rail against by suggesting it would turn out Republicans were secretly black. Accompanied by a picture of Mitch McConnell in a big afro. 

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Trevor was hardly to first the catch the portrait of Andrew Jackson. 

Yes, Trump making fun of Elizabeth Warren was bad, but he was hardly the first. Scott Brown started that mess when he ran against her for the senate in 2012. And he was supposedly a moderate. I never could understand why he took the low brow road he did. It didn't work all that well in Massachusetts. He also made fun of her going to Harvard and being educated. I would never make fun of major brand/business/cultural icon of the place I was running to represent. 

I don't follow Miss Universe and Trumps owns it, but congrats to Miss South Africa.

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Ugh with Rick Mulvaney and the CFPB. Forget about Russia, to me this is the real crime of this administration, putting all these foxes in charge of the chicken coops.

Still haven't warmed up to Gina Yashere - I just don't think she's very funny. The correspondents on this show continue to be its greatest weakness IMO, with the possible exception of Michelle Wolf.

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6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Still haven't warmed up to Gina Yashere - I just don't think she's very funny. The correspondents on this show continue to be its greatest weakness IMO, with the possible exception of Michelle Wolf.

I quite liked Gina last night. Her entire take on Prince Harry marrying an African American actress was rather amusing IMO. Particularily her reaction to the audience groaning over her Kennedy joke.

Matt Lauer loses his job because of years of harassing women. Of course IMO, he should have been fired for his most monstrous example of harassing a woman. His hit job on Hillary Clinton in last years one on one presidential interviews for NBC, the fucking asshole!

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I realize that Trevor is trying to show "both sides," but Trump is "woke" for calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas? Seriously? So to use his same analogy, if it were revealed that Trevor is not black, it would be "woke" to start calling him Sambo? I mean, I don't think Warren should have called herself Native American if she's not, but it's hardly comparable to the overt racism Trump exhibited in front to those war heroes.

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Holy shit. I was seeing all shades of red during tonight's episode. That . . . thing gets me so mad. And then Hasan showed the clip of the little dog slamming his/her little doggie face into a glass door, and I lost it. On my hands and knees,laughing so hard. And then rewinding it again. I think we all need that right now.

To the Parliament member in tonight's MoZ: he's all three. He's all three, and then some. We're not ready to come back to the Empire, but we aren't ruling it out.

ETA for those who missed it:

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I have to admit that that tweet of Trump's about firing Flynn because he lied to the FBI didn't quite sound like Trump. It sounds like a team tweet or coached tweet. It's a bit too coherent for just Trump, though it bears his signature exclamation mark. I can imagine Trump wanting to tweet out something but having his lawyer stand there telling him what to say. What I don't understand is the lawyer saying he tweeted it -- Whether or not that's true, how would that happen? Would he have to tweet using Trump's phone? I can't imagine T handing his phone over to someone.

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I thought it just meant that the lawyer either dictated for him or just wrote it down for Trump to copy. 

The fact that they're criminals is of course terrible, but it galls me how BAD they are at it and how they still have supporters. 

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I hadn't seen that clip of Trump before. I felt bad for laughing because I wondered if this was a medical issue. However, it does sound like a denture issue. Maybe he just got new ones. I know when you lose weight you need to get refitted, but I wonder if that's required when you gain weight, as Trump has. 

Why was Pence with him? Did he have anything to say? Was he just there because he's a Christian? It looked strange having him stand there.

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I thought he had a cough drop in his mouth. If he really has dentures, everyone should mention it all the time. He'll go ballistic. 

The Russians wanting to compete in the Olympics should just say they're from Robonia. There's already an anthem.

Nice album cover there, for the guest. Anyone that only needs a guitar and a microphone is impressive.

Edited by ganesh
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It's appalling and sadly predictable that someone would tweet the n word to a news anchor or anyone. 

The guest was great. I've never seen her before. Her advice was so spot on about 'having fun'. I say that to the students all the time - if you're super into talking about your work - people are going to be into it too. 

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Trevor was so into Tiffany! His infectious enthusiasm may have even convinced me to buy her damned book, even though the Audible versions are ridiculously expensive. Come to think of it, the last narrated book I bought specifically to hear it in the author's voice was Trevor's. (Totally worth it, btw.)

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Tiffany Haddish had a similar effect on Colbert recently. She's a total delight and I don't blame either of them for being giddy in her presence. She also hosted SNL recently and brought the same "happiness offensive" to her monologue. I don't know how many times I'll have to see her do an interview before I get bored with it, but it hasn't happened yet.

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6 hours ago, charmed1 said:

Tiffany named Trevor as her man crush Monday. I'm shipping.

Oh, me too. They looked like they were really digging each other during the interview. Are they both single?

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I think Trevor has a girlfriend. 

Souza was fun. I love his work and he’s proven himself funny on social media but he was funny with Trevor too. “How do you know I didn’t [turn to look at the Bin Laden raid]?” had me cackling along with Trevor. And that photo of Jacob Philadelphia always gets me. 

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It was nice seeing Souza on the show. I keep meaning to buy his book. The photos make me feel good, and I NEED that these days. 

I liked Ronnie Chang's segment. His bit about the Dubai "flying lawnmowers" was hysterical. "We couldn't catch them. They just kept driving!"

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3 hours ago, ganesh said:

The crack about just getting a real dog killed me.

I was thinking the same thing right before he said it!

I guess robot dogs are less work to take care of, but still-- real dogs are way better.

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I lolled over Trevor describing the lame bomb attempt at the Port Authority bus terminal because you'd have to think it was all true. Especially the masturbator part.

Pete Souza was a great guest. I hope the trolling pictures he posts makes Drumph's blood pressure rise to dangerous levels.

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Trevor's DMX impression was on the nail. 

I didn't feel like the microsoft guy was really answering Trevor's questions. When Trevor was asking about why not hire more Americans, and then the guy was saying how there isn't broadband in rural areas, I felt like saying, yes, and those people are voting against the people who want to help them get more educational opportunities and think higher education is "bad for America." They can only hire who they can hire and large swaths of the country aren't interested.

I cannot get enough of the CNN clip.

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I loved Ronnie's segment on e-coins. My sister has invested in them, and she's so excited about it. Of course she's doing very well, but I'm afraid of a bubble.

Niecy's new movie has such a unique premise, I'm looking forward to it. I loved her in Getting On.

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I think it's likely the ecoins will bust like they were talking about. Unregulated markets have a high risk. Ronnie is really nailing the 'incredulity' type schtick. It's working well for him, and he's been really good this week in both his segments. 

Niecy Nash is always good in everything she's in. She was in Masters of Sex in a smallish supporting role and she knock it out. I loved her advice about being told no means you're asking the question wrong. That happened to me this week and I did the same thing.

I cannot get enough of the Robin Roberts clip. 

Edited by ganesh
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You know, I am good with the presidents minted on the coins today, and yet I'd be "down" with using coins with Shiba Inus on that. And, apparently, it's easy to make your own currency. Thanks for the heads-up, Ronny!!

When does TDS return?

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Just watched the Yearly Show. I found Michael to be much funnier when he plays the super-"woke" (deliberate quotes) white guy who's hella annoying and clueless. That's a good angle for him, and it's different enough from Jordan's schtick that he doesn't seem like a poor imitation anymore. I hope he continues with that persona.

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Yeah, Michael's jumping in to mainsplain during the rap was actually the first time I really enjoyed him.

And Dulce looked effing AMAZING in that little black dress on stage at the year-end show. I often cringe when fashion commentators patronizingly compliment a larger lady who's wearing a muumuu with some sparkle or fringe on the red carpet when you know it just doesn't look all that great. Dulce didn't "look good for a big girl" - her hair and dress were on point and she looked straight up sexy.

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I take Trevor's point about its Trump didn't want to win, then why would he collude? I think it's flawed though. Trump is a cowardly bully and I think had he lost, he would have "poisoned the well" on the way out and disparaged Clinton on a way that would have left congress frothing to block anything. 

I also think there were people on the team that did want to win for their own personal gain, cf. Ivanka, but I think Bannon clearly benefited from winning too. 

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I'm having a hard time seeing Ashley Graham as "big" or "plus size." I think the correct term is "hot". 

I was a little disappointed in the interview though. She doesn't speak much beyond platitudes. Believe in yourself. Don't take no the an answer. Yeah, Ashley but you also need some latent talent too. I don't doubt she works hard but I was hoping for more insight. 

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