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S05.E21: Farther On

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Who are you random girl on the tour bus. At first I thought she was Gunners hometown fling but she only has eyes for Avery. I love Avery but damn does every woman comes into his orbit wants to bone him. And back off home girl with your unsolicited relationship advice. So Gunner still thinks he and Scarlett are a thing. Great we still aren't done with these two. At least Juliette and Avery have a functioning relationship if not a bit one sided in some areas. Gunner and Scarlett are at the point of being unhealthy. 

Poor Rayna is going to lose her record label because a bunch of "artists" don't want to "sell out." The only person on that label that can stand on their own is Juliette. And go figure she is the only one that thinks Maddie is a dumbass for not doing it. What other label is going to want the on again off again Ex's or a girl who is known to be difficult to work with. Do they really think big labels aren't going to make them do the same thing with even less care and concern they are getting know. Is the failure that Zack was talking about the furniture commercial S&G did because even if Scarlett didn't break down in tears it would be unusable. Let's watch a woman build a crib knowing that she suffered a miscarriage. They should have stuck with a table. 

How does highway 65 only have like 5 artists. Didn't they buy Luke Wheeler's label did he only have will on his payroll. I know they needed to write out the actor but at least pretend there is more going on at this label then we see.

Oh Deacon going on a nature walk. Looks like Daphne spotted the hug between Deacon and Jessie wonder what kind of teenage shenanigans this is going to bring out.

Thoughts on the preview

Juliette stole a song not a baby get over Jaymes/Clayborn family. If this is there version of a Perry/swift feud just stop it's all stupid. Juliette has done way worse and this is what she chooses to cry over.

Zack I hate you but I want you to burn this label to the ground and rub their smug sanctimonious faces in it.

Were Scarlett and Gunner in this I didn't notice because i just don't give a damn anymore about them. Same old same old with this two. 

  • Love 3

Yeah. Look. It's not really great that maddies song was changed but.. it's a commercial. And for two seconds at the most and for two seconds.

Also when can the song drama be over? And yes the real life Katy Taylor drama is just as ridiculous as this story, in real life it's about backup dancers and on this show it's about a song.. that's not even that great anyway. Also to quote Glen from last week "how many songs can a person have about water" because damn.. she's singing already about tidal waves and then Maddie was going to have a song right after about water rising?

What was the point of Summer Roberts singing? Just to have Rachel Bilson sing? I feel like the song choice was supposed to mean something too? 

Yes, please. Close down Highway 65. Get rid of Zach and his odd mood swings. This show wasn't supposed to be about the labels and Deacon doesn't need to ride a desk 24-7. But if they all go broke, then can Will, Avery, and Gunnar move into the mansion with Deacon? I'd watch the hell out of that show.

There is no reality on Earth where "Tidal Wave" would be a hit. I'm sick of that annoying song and the stolen song drama. And a better plotline would have been for Juliette to waltz in, take over the commercial, sing "Black Mascara Tears" and save everything. 

Jessie drives a Subaru. I now like her.

  • Love 9

Really everyone with the "selling out" because of branding? Please get over yourselves. Juliette would be picked up by another label despite the gospel album tanking. The rest of you, good luck!

Of course Juliette, the smart one is the only one who thinks Maddie was being dumb. I'm with the other poster who wanted Jules to come in and do the commercial and that be it.  Yes she was wrong and she knows it. She apologized. Also it was a song FOR Maddie, it wasn't her song yet. Semantics I know. This has just gone on too long and it's continuing if the preview tells anything. 

Hey woman on the tour bus we haven't seen before hitting on Avery. Nice to meet you I guess. Glad he shut that down. I'm so happy Javery is starting to communicate better. That last scene was good. 

I was excited when Rachel Bilson got cast but I'm not sure what they are doing with Alyssa. Kaitlin Doubleday as Jessie clearly has a role as the new woman in Deacons life but Alyssa is just floundering right now. I was hoping she was for Gunnar but they've barely interacted. 

The preview: Oh Zack, I'm chuckling at him making them suffer. 

Seriously in rooting for Zach to light some matches and pour gasoline on highway 65 and I hilariously think that this wasn't the writers intention.

I was excited for Rachel to be cast too but I don't get the point of her character either. In promos they made it seem like she had a big role of some kind, but she's only been In a few episodes as a nonsensical character. And I still stand by my earlier comment that her singing was real random unless it's going.. somewhere? They had Maddie watch as if that song/moment was supposed to mean something.

  • Love 1

... ... I kinda gave Jessie the stink eye too during the hug. I mean, it was a whole set about Rayna, and seemed like a family moment.

Can Deacon's back up singer with the black fringe jacket be a character. He looked fun. Maybe he and Will could have some fun.

Glad Avery remains comitted to his marriage. I do believe he would attract a ton of attention. I mean, he certainly does around here! giggle.gif

PS. I really don't need to hear Rachel Bilson sing again. 

Edited by TVbitch
  • Love 2

Yeah.  I think I'm supposed to respect the artists bonding together and not selling out.  But holy hell did they misjudge how they decided to play this--or at least how it plays with me.  What Zach is asking might not feel comfortable for many of the artists, except perhaps Juliette, but what he's doing is incredible for their careers.  They get money.  They get exposure.  People who don't listen to country will be humming their songs. Their artistry will not be judged by a few song lyrics changed in a commercial.  It will be judged by the original version on the albums. So far, it looks like when it comes to albums, the artists have been able to maintain their artistic integrity.

So if they wanted me to cheer the artiste, they needed to have Zach make demands far more unreasonable than those he has been making. 

I also can't maintain dislike for Juliette when it comes to this song situation.  For one, it is not a story line worth the number of episodes dedicated to it so far.  Two, Juliette rerouted the song.  It was never in Maddie's possession.  Three---someone wants to change words to Maddie's song and she throws a hissy fit.  So I'm supposed to be upset that she wasn't given the chance to look over a song she had nothing to do with?  Why am I to believe she would have recorded it?

Just because Juliette's the obvious diva doesn't mean the others don't come off as whiny entitled babies.  Where will they go when Highway 65 folds? 

Not that it matters.  I'm sure some miracle will happen and it'll be saved.

ETA:  Alyssa sings and takes  off her glasses all sexy like? Oy.

Edited by Irlandesa
  • Love 1

Is Hayden Panettiere on the way out? They give her very little to do apart from phone Avery plus the song theft non-story. Is she ill or has she fallen out with the producers? Maybe she has agreed to minimal scenes pending departure? It looks like she has a big ding dong with Deacon next week.

This has become the Deacon show, which I don't mind, but I liked him best with Rayna and I think Chip Esten was at his best with Connie Britton. While I don't mind Deacon having a new squeeze, and it seems real to me that he would eventually meet someone else, it's not believable that he would develop an intense friendship with a random woman within a few months. But this is telly.  Though I don't think I will be invested or watching for much longer.

  • Love 2

I can somewhat understand the artists' reactions to demands to change their lyrics. But I think they're forgetting it's for a commercial, not their music video. Of course, the demanded change was awful (clearly these people are not songwriters), but if they'd just discussed it I'm sure they could have come to a compromise to include the mascara or whatever. Also, Deacon is a dumbass for apparently not reading the contracts he signs. "Oh, that's not how you pitched it!". Because clearly Zach made millions by being such an upstanding and honest guy...

The whole "that's not what Rayna/mom wanted for the label" was annoying too. Did they all forget that it was Rayne who "sold out" first by changing the lyrics to a song she and Deacon wrote ages ago for that shampoo/perfume/whatever commercial she did before she and Deacon got together? He threw a hissy-fit back then too when she asked him if he was okay with it, but that was mostly due to their relationship at the time and eventually he was like "okay, change it whatever you want, I'm fine with it".

Also, I don't know why anyone would want Maddie in their commercial. I was expecting the producer guy to keep yelling at her because despite his directions, her facial expressions barely seemed to change? She just looked bored, no passion or emotion whatsoever.

They should drop Summer Roberts whose name I keep forgetting. She's awful at her job. Also, why was Maddie's agent not with her but the record label's PR person? And how inappropriate was her behavior at that afterparty? First just ditching the client who's demanding changes after chugging down some kind of cocktail to rush off to 'help' her artist by chanting her name to encourage her to sing and then be like, 'oh no her throat's sore' and to go up to the stage, drink another cocktail and sing a song herself? 

I'm also annoyed with Deacon and his new girl. She was being totally out of line kidnapping him like that, even if it was what he needed. She could have just talked to him and suggested they go away for a moment to let him catch his breath. I guess that's just TV drama. But Deacon should withdraw from Highway 65 and get Bucky to take his place, because he sucks at the job. So tired and whatnot, even though Rayna did all that, recorded new music and even toured and he's exhausted from just sitting at a desk all day and to escape he's gonna help his new girl record music using their $$$ and space, while she's not even signed to the label. Just get them together already or postpone the whole relationship. It's so cliche.

  • Love 2

So it looks like I'm the only one who liked this episode. And considering the minimal (but awesome) screentime Gunnar had, I was surprised how much I liked it.

I'm not ready for Deacon to be with someone else because I just don't think it's realistic that he'd move on from Rayna this quickly, but I like his friendship with Jessie. I think it's good for him to have someone who wasn't as close to Rayna and has more of an outsider perspective on the situation. Their scenes last night were emotionally effecting for me, which is the first time that's happened in a non-Gunnar scene in a while. 

It would have been nice if we'd seen random chick for a while before she started giving Avery relationship advice, but I get that we were supposed to infer that they've gotten to know each other on tour. The advice may have come because she wanted to jump him, but it wasn't any less accurate. Avery and Juliette have a decidedly unhealthy relationship and have for a long time. I was so glad when he decided to tour despite her objections. (I just wish we could have seen more than 3 minutes of it.)

I must comment on the preview for next week. I will happily suffer through all of the "stolen song" nonsense in order to get the scene of Gunnar telling Scarlett how she really is. They've played this season like everything is his fault and it's so not. I just pray it doesn't end in a reconciliation for them. I'm so beyond done with them as a couple. 

I'm more undecided on whether I would give up Highway 65 to get rid of Zach, but the answer is probably yes. I loathe him and every second of screentime he takes up from actual characters on this show.

  • Love 14

I have a prediction for the next ep. I'm probably wrong, but what if Juliette bails out Highway 65. She in the doghouse about the song, and she's extremely rich. Maybe this is a way for her to make things right? Anyway, I am just so tired of the imbalance in the character's storylines and the lack of focus on music. Sure, Avery is on the road touring, but there's never any talk about writing music, working on songs, picking a single. It's all just surface stuff. Why couldn't Avery and Gunnar play together around that fire or somethiing like they used to do? The random chick was just random. And why can't Juliette get on her plane and have a couple of visits with Avery?

Most useless character: Alyssa. That whole karaoke thing was time spent away from Avery and Gunnar. Total waste of time.

Most annoying character: Zach. I hope he goes away fast.

Most missed character: Bucky. Where was he during Maddie's commercial shoot, protecting his artist?! This show has something against managers. They are never around anymore. It's weird.

  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, Efzee said:


The whole "that's not what Rayna/mom wanted for the label" was annoying too. Did they all forget that it was Rayne who "sold out" first by changing the lyrics to a song she and Deacon wrote ages ago for that shampoo/perfume/whatever commercial she did before she and Deacon got together? He threw a hissy-fit back then too when she asked him if he was okay with it, but that was mostly due to their relationship at the time and eventually he was like "okay, change it whatever you want, I'm fine with it".


I figured that was where they were going with it since Rayna's commercial was for a makeup company too.  Instead it had to be another story about whiny ass Maddie and her artistic integrity.


I'm on Team "Burn this Shit to the Ground, Zack" after this episode. Maddie's a kid so she gets a pass but how do the rest of these supposed professionals not get how business works? Do they think Highway 65 has a money tree out back?

  • Love 4

Why does Zach sound so frantic about Highway 65?  He is far more of a drama queen than anyone (except Maddie, of course).  For the amount of money he is supposed to have, Highway 65 should be a tax write off for him instead he acts like he bet his last $100 on a commercial.  I don't usually have much patience for the emotional/dramatic artist crap which is portrayed on the show, but I'm fine with Maddie not wanting to change  her lyrics, especially to the stupid line they suggested.  If you don't want the song as is, come up with your own damn jingle.  Just because Zach doesn't have an emotional connection to his code and sold out for multiple zeros on a check, doesn't mean that everyone wants to or needs to do that.  I think that Zach is a sociopath who manipulates people into needing him, so he can shut them down.  Remember the boyfriend he cut off over the phone with Will listening?  He's doing that same thing with Highway 65.

How ironic is it that in a meeting between Deacon and Zach, the coder is the one who lost his temper?  Zach is flailing about the room issuing ultimatums and Deacon calmly tells him we're doing what we think is right, you should do that too. 

  • Love 12

Good grief. I loathe artistic integrity storylines. These people want to make a comfortable living as musicians but they don't want to actually have to do anything for the money other than the music they'd want to do anyway. Sorry, get a day job then and play at bars and release your own music and live in a modest apartment. Or accept that you're going to have to deal with some bullshit. Then make enough to put yourself in a position where you CAN say no. Why are TV writers so attached to this trope? Is it that hard for them to realize the bulk of the viewership is working stiffs who don't have dream jobs and have to do crap they hate doing regularly, and it's due to pragmatism and not some inability to stand up for what's right?

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Data Cat said:

So it looks like I'm the only one who liked this episode. And considering the minimal (but awesome) screentime Gunnar had, I was surprised how much I liked it.

I'm not ready for Deacon to be with someone else because I just don't think it's realistic that he'd move on from Rayna this quickly, but I like his friendship with Jessie. I think it's good for him to have someone who wasn't as close to Rayna and has more of an outsider perspective on the situation. Their scenes last night were emotionally effecting for me, which is the first time that's happened in a non-Gunnar scene in a while. 

It would have been nice if we'd seen random chick for a while before she started giving Avery relationship advice, but I get that we were supposed to infer that they've gotten to know each other on tour. The advice may have come because she wanted to jump him, but it wasn't any less accurate. Avery and Juliette have a decidedly unhealthy relationship and have for a long time. I was so glad when he decided to tour despite her objections. (I just wish we could have seen more than 3 minutes of it.)

I must comment on the preview for next week. I will happily suffer through all of the "stolen song" nonsense in order to get the scene of Gunnar telling Scarlett how she really is. They've played this season like everything is his fault and it's so not. I just pray it doesn't end in a reconciliation for them. I'm so beyond done with them as a couple. 

I'm more undecided on whether I would give up Highway 65 to get rid of Zach, but the answer is probably yes. I loathe him and every second of screentime he takes up from actual characters on this show.

Nope, I'm with you. I actually think the episodes have been getting better as we move along. 

  • Love 8

uhhhhh....... why were all the members of the band and the tour staff in general so wild and playful?? Are we 5? I didn't get the constant shoving and hitting like a middle school playground type of situation. unless everyone was drunk all the time? I dunno.

Deacon with Jessie is cool to me. Deacon on the screen 80% of the episode is not. He is not interesting or cute enough. Sorry. And don't get me started on the teenage girls. As a grown person, who I think the show targets....why would I be invested in characters like maddie and daphne?? No. I don't care. Unless they're singing or in a scene with another character of interest, I'm fast forwarding every time.

It annoys me that Avery is repeatedly giving away information about his marriage to these randoms chicks. Your wife is a major celebrity. How do you know these ppl are not gonna have your business all over the blogs? Quite immature. That's not very believable. The writers dropped the ball there I think. Also, married ppl have their own individuality but they are not independent. If independence is what you wanted then why get married? Juliette was always very independent and then Avery came along, begged and pleaded for her to let him be there for her and help her. The girl had/has issues. And yes, he very good for her but I think they both allowed her to become very reliant on him, and now it's up to them both to find the right balance. That doesn't require talking to every random stranger about it. And I don't understand why everyone acts like Avery is the only one bringing something to the relationship. Don't get me wrong, I love the character but he can be a bit self righteous at times.  They're like each other's best friend and confidant. The more I think about it, the more I realize that this "problem" of co-dependence is being somewhat blown out of proportion. The writers could have gone with a more interesting angle for this second half of the season.  I have to mention again that Juliette is a major celebrity and that's not a life that most of us would understand. A strong support system is the only way to avoid what happened to her before with not being able to handle the demands and the stress and consequently turning to alcohol and drugs to cope. She also needs a good therapist. Anyways, I hope they finally get it sorted because together, they are the most interesting characters on the show...the right balance of drama and humor.....always a pleasure to watch. 

Scarlette should spend 95% of her screen time singing. Her character is super irritating. She acts as if Gunnar is the one with all the issues meanwhile she was the one loosing sleep at night not knowing who her baby daddy was. Only to have the actual baby daddy run back to his old life, leaving her high and dry after she disrupted her relationship with Gunnar for whatever fleeting connection they had *insert eye roll*.  She only wants Gunnar when she can't have him. He should have slept with all the chicks he could on the road if that's what he wanted to do, and continue to pay her dust. She's the one who's dazed and confused. I'm convinced she lives for the drama. 

There's a slightly annoying quality about Jessie but I can't quite put my finger on it. Something about the tone of her voice maybe? I like her for now. Jessie is not the best singer but thankfully she sings better than Rayna..... Did I mention that I'm not missing Rayna? Something never really clicked for me with her. Maybe it's because I really loved the music of Nashville when it first started and she is definitely a non singer. That bugged me. Especially since she was this decorated and lauded country music star.... #i$ch where? not with those vocals. 

Zach... he seems to have some underlying mental/emotional issues. He should get that checked out. Soon.

I like Will. Where is he this season anyway? Seems like he was an extra in this episode. Poor thing. These writers and producers are the worst. Good luck with those ratings. 

I feel like the Finale is gonna be trash. Not sure why this 'stolen song' story is being drawn out. Seems very juvenile. It was in poor taste for Juliette not to give Maddie the song and see if she was interested. And I get that Maddie reacted the way she did....being a teenager and all. But none of this was illegal and Juliette got the writers permission to record the song. It also was less of a big deal for me as a viewer because the song does not go with Maddie's style of singing at all. What was that guy thinking writing that for her? Anyways this type of thing happens in the industry all the time.  It was shady but good Lord, can we move on. If you don't wanna speak to her then don't. For Deacon to drop her from the label for that is dumbest thing I've ever seen. This is why his business is sinking because he has no idea what business is all about. Juliette is rich... good luck to those other struggling artist. Lol. And to you Deacon..... I seem to recall that the ginormous house you guys live is tied up in collateral for the business. No?

I'm really disappointed in this season. 

  • Love 1
28 minutes ago, gesundheit said:

Who does Chris Carmack have to do to get some damn screen time on this show?

I know! I was watching the kitchen scene where Gunnar was on the tablet computer. He kept talking and asking questions while Will, who was right there in the room, had nothing to say! It was bizarre. I kept wondering why don't they give Will a couple of those lines? Why does Gunnar have to hog them all?

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Data Cat said:

So it looks like I'm the only one who liked this episode. And considering the minimal (but awesome) screentime Gunnar had, I was surprised how much I liked it.

I'm not ready for Deacon to be with someone else because I just don't think it's realistic that he'd move on from Rayna this quickly, but I like his friendship with Jessie. I think it's good for him to have someone who wasn't as close to Rayna and has more of an outsider perspective on the situation. Their scenes last night were emotionally effecting for me, which is the first time that's happened in a non-Gunnar scene in a while. 

It would have been nice if we'd seen random chick for a while before she started giving Avery relationship advice, but I get that we were supposed to infer that they've gotten to know each other on tour. The advice may have come because she wanted to jump him, but it wasn't any less accurate. Avery and Juliette have a decidedly unhealthy relationship and have for a long time. I was so glad when he decided to tour despite her objections. (I just wish we could have seen more than 3 minutes of it.)

I must comment on the preview for next week. I will happily suffer through all of the "stolen song" nonsense in order to get the scene of Gunnar telling Scarlett how she really is. They've played this season like everything is his fault and it's so not. I just pray it doesn't end in a reconciliation for them. I'm so beyond done with them as a couple. 

I'm more undecided on whether I would give up Highway 65 to get rid of Zach, but the answer is probably yes. I loathe him and every second of screentime he takes up from actual characters on this show.

I'm with you too.  I also agree with the person who said the episodes are getting better.

I didn't have a problem at all with how Maddie felt about her song and I didn't think she was being "bratty" about it, which I read somewhere else.  She actually kind of hung with it through a lot of crap.  All the water and being cold and the dress.  She didn't throw a fit and she actually conducted herself pretty well at the party she really didn't want to go to.  I did think, when Deacon acknowledged that he knew exactly how she felt about having a line changed, that he might compare it to his experience, but since it was Rayna who wanted to change the line, I think that's why he didn't.

Can I also say that I loved that Daphne called Deacon "Dad"?  I get that Teddy's her real father and all that, but I'm assuming there was some off-screen agreement between the dads that the girls would stay with Deacon and I like that Daphne's comfortable enough to consider him a dad too.  I don't think it takes away from any feelings she has for Teddy.  But I'm thinking she's the one who's going to be protective of her mom's memory and not want Deacon to move on just yet.

I think Deacon needs more time before he moves on to another romantic relationship.  I don't know that he's really properly grieved, with everything he has to juggle right now.  I would love for him to say to Jessie that he's not ready, which I think he sort of did in the car.  But I like Jessie and I could see them - slowly - developing a relationship.  At least that's what I'd like to see.  But I get that it's television, so it might not happen that way.

  • Love 10

I don't know why this show, about people trying to be successful musicians, is filled with characters who act like they don't want to be successful or famous?!?! We have Scarlett who is an eternal shrinking violet, the rest of the Highway 65 gang, who don't seem to understand how marketing works, and Maddy, who is following Scarlett in the grand tradition of "film set related meltdowns thanks to auteur British directors" every other episode. I think I'm supposed to be with the artists on the whole artistic integrity thing, but...its just a song Maddy. Yeah it sounds stupid, but changing a few lyrics is a thing people do all the time. To be able to make a living as an artist, you have to be able to pay your bills. Granted, I always thought that Rayna becoming a record exec with no business experience was a bad idea, but at least she had some understanding of the business side of Nashville. No one else seems to.

That being said, I did actually like this episode, probably because we got to spend more time on Deacon and his grieving process, and Chip Esten is just killing it every week, both with the songs and with his performance. The poor guy is clearly running himself ragged, running a company, being in the public eye, raising two teenaged girls, and trying to deal with his huge loss, and he really needs to take some time for himself, or he could backslide or just start to come apart. I hope that he and Jessie just stay friends for awhile, I like that he has someone in his life who didn't know him when he was with Rayna, and can give him some perspective. I don't think they should turn romantic for awhile though, its still way too soon.

Remember when Will was on this show? Those were good times. Its like as soon as he become more confident with his sexuality and officially came out, the show totally ran out of ideas for him. Is he ok with throwing away his sweet beer commercial, that would get him tons of publicity and national success? I don't know, he didn't get any lines when they were discussing dumping their whole marketing strategy because Maddy didn't want to change her song!

Speaking of, I actually don't fully blame Maddy for getting angry at changing her song. It was a crappy day and she was clearly tired and over it already, that probably was just the straw that broke the camels back. Granted, I don't think her song is that great (not as good as they're making it out to be) anyway, and in the real world, her people would have told her to just change the damn song, but I don't think she was acting super bratty.

Thank God Avery didn't cheat with that random band woman! Back off, lady. Avery is obviously married, and throwing yourself at him isn't cool. Juliette really is coming off as a pain though, it makes me continue to feel bad for Avery and how hard he tries to be a good husband, despite his wife apparently only calling him to complain to him about everything. They did seem to be making progress at the end though, with Avery telling her that she should just trust her own choices, and Juliette thanks Avery for being so awesome. I love Juliette/Avery, but not when its a one way street.

  • Love 13
59 minutes ago, piratewench said:

I think Deacon needs more time before he moves on to another romantic relationship.  I don't know that he's really properly grieved, with everything he has to juggle right now. 

I agree with all of your post Piratewench, except I don't see anything between Deacon and Jessie right now except for friendship.  I know Twitter and Facebook and we on this forum are all saying it's too early for Deacon to get romantically involved with anyone, but I don't actually see anything on the screen except two people supporting each other through hard times.  Obviously, a romance is where the show wants to take them, but other than a couple times where the camera lingered too long on Jessie, I feel like the romance is all in our heads.  Of course, now that I've written that, they'll fall in bed together next week or something! ; )

In real life situation like this, it would probably take years and years for someone to move on.  But I want new viewers for this show, and no one wants to watch Chip Easten barely holding it together week after week.  Even though he is killing it and us.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, seewillrun said:

I agree with all of your post Piratewench, except I don't see anything between Deacon and Jessie right now except for friendship.  I know Twitter and Facebook and we on this forum are all saying it's too early for Deacon to get romantically involved with anyone, but I don't actually see anything on the screen except two people supporting each other through hard times.  Obviously, a romance is where the show wants to take them, but other than a couple times where the camera lingered too long on Jessie, I feel like the romance is all in our heads.  Of course, now that I've written that, they'll fall in bed together next week or something! ; )

In real life situation like this, it would probably take years and years for someone to move on.  But I want new viewers for this show, and no one wants to watch Chip Easten barely holding it together week after week.  Even though he is killing it and us.

That would totally be my preference.  I just don't think he's ready.  I like the idea of a friendship and it would be my hope that's where they'd go.

I think Zack is coming across as someone with a mental problem. If he is a super wealthy guy, why is he so invested in Highway 65? I would think he would have hired some kind of manager to run things and bailed if he wasn't getting an investment back. Sorry, but I have no idea who Alyssa is in real life and cannot stand the character. Again, why is she singing, why is she advising Maddie when she is not her manager. Her position should be to set up things on social media and look for opportunities, not manage anyone's career. I agree the artists need to pay bills but many artists make it my performing  and selling concert tickets and albums. If Maddie was good enough to get an AMA award and assuming her family is not hurting for money, I can see why she wouldn't  want her first hit song changed into a mascara jingle. And FWIW, I wouldn't be interested in downloading a song that I heard in a mascara commercial unless the song was in its original state. I'm sure running a record company is hard, and it seems like the artists are agreeing to some things, but why should they listen to a 22 year old (or however old Alyssa is supposed to be?) In the end, I like the storylines about the music business, and do not want to see them making commercials. I liked Will's commercial ok but enough.

I really like how Deacon's story is played out and even though I think his relationship with Jessie is kind of rom-com, she seems to be OK. And I agree the girl going after Avery was annoying but I'm sure there is someone like that on every road trip. Juliette needs something else to do. And Will. We need more Will. if the whole  story was about Deacon, Gunnar, Will and Avery it would be ok with me. 

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, notcreative enough said:

How does highway 65 only have like 5 artists. Didn't they buy Luke Wheeler's label did he only have will on his payroll. I know they needed to write out the actor but at least pretend there is more going on at this label then we see.


Its like the writers forgot the storylines they created a few episodes ago.  Its the same thing with Teddy.  He was supposed to get out of prison but we haven't heard any mention of him since. I guess we are supposed to assume he is out and sees his daughters off screen?  Ot when Daphne had major depression for all of two episodes.  It drives me crazy.

That being said, I enjoyed this episode and I think it was because Scarlett hardly had any screen time!    

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, piratewench said:

Can I also say that I loved that Daphne called Deacon "Dad"?  I get that Teddy's her real father and all that

That's funny you mentioned that because it's a HUGE pet peeve of mine. My stepdad has been in my life since I was 12. I would never call him dad. I buy him Father's Day cards, but that's not the same thing. :-)

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Data Cat said:

That's funny you mentioned that because it's a HUGE pet peeve of mine. My stepdad has been in my life since I was 12. I would never call him dad. I buy him Father's Day cards, but that's not the same thing. :-)

Why is it a pet peeve?  Is it that you can't call more than one man Dad?  I'm just curious.  I'll admit I only had one dad in my life, but I can't imagine why it wouldn't be a good thing to have more than one person in your life that you feel that kind of love for.  She sure doesn't have to call him that, but I think it shows the kind of love she has for him that she does.

But it's just me.  I'm still going to love it.  :-)

Edited by piratewench
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20 hours ago, slasherboy said:

Am I the only one who doesn't like Maddie's singing.  Like, at all?  Poo.

I don't like it either. I usually can't understand what her lyrics are. I didn't used to feel that way, so I think she must have changed something about her singing style. 

18 hours ago, Bwill3133 said:

Really everyone with the "selling out" because of branding? Please get over yourselves. Juliette would be picked up by another label despite the gospel album tanking. The rest of you, good luck!

Of course Juliette, the smart one is the only one who thinks Maddie was being dumb. I'm with the other poster who wanted Jules to come in and do the commercial and that be it.  Yes she was wrong and she knows it. She apologized. Also it was a song FOR Maddie, it wasn't her song yet. Semantics I know. This has just gone on too long and it's continuing if the preview tells anything. 

Hey woman on the tour bus we haven't seen before hitting on Avery. Nice to meet you I guess. Glad he shut that down. I'm so happy Javery is starting to communicate better. That last scene was good. 

I was excited when Rachel Bilson got cast but I'm not sure what they are doing with Alyssa. Kaitlin Doubleday as Jessie clearly has a role as the new woman in Deacons life but Alyssa is just floundering right now. I was hoping she was for Gunnar but they've barely interacted. 

The preview: Oh Zack, I'm chuckling at him making them suffer. 

I did get where Maddie was coming from. If she was an established artist it would seem like less of a big deal, but it is her first hit song and she doesn't want it to become associated with the commercial. But then she and Deacon shouldn't have agreed to a contract like that. Did Deacon really just not read it because Zach said it was a partnership?  

But once that was revealed, it does seem crazy to tank the entire business and multiple people's careers over it. Like Deacon said, sometimes you have to be an adult.

1 hour ago, piratewench said:

Why is it a pet peeve?  Is it that you can't call more than one man Dad?  I'll admit I only had one dad in my life, but I can't imagine why it wouldn't be a good thing to have more than one person in your life that you feel that kind of love for.  She sure doesn't have to call him that, but I think it shows the kind of love she has for him that she does.

But it's just me.  I'm still going to love it.  :-)

It bothers me too.  Not sure why. I guess to me you should only call one man Dad, unless you were raised by two fathers. It is great that she has that kind of love for Deacon, but it seems like a slight to Teddy. Also, it seems like the show is trying to make us forget about Teddy, which just annoys me from a continuity perspective. How many more months in jail did he have? It wasn't that many and they had a time jump during the mid-season break.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, piratewench said:

Why is it a pet peeve?  Is it that you can't call more than one man Dad?  I'll admit I only had one dad in my life, but I can't imagine why it wouldn't be a good thing to have more than one person in your life that you feel that kind of love for.  She sure doesn't have to call him that, but I think it shows the kind of love she has for him that she does.

But it's just me.  I'm still going to love it.  :-)

I think a lot of it has to do with Teddy not being there. It makes it feel like they're trying to erase him. I'm far from Teddy's biggest fan nor do I think he was a saint of a father (*cough*blackmail*cough*), but he's still Daphne's father and Deacon just isn't. Anyway, not trying to argue. Just a difference of opinion. 

3 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

It bothers me too.  Not sure why.

I know why it bothers me.  A lot of it is related to the fact that Deacon and Rayna only got married about a year ago.  Earlier this year, Daphne was struggling with where she fit in with the family and her relationship to Deacon.  Rayna had to convince her to let him love her like a daughter. It's nice that she opened up to that but to a point where she'd call him dad even though he is neither her biological father or the man who raised her most of her life?  Not buying it.  It feels very plot-based and yeah, that leads me to thinking it's Teddy erasure.

  • Love 1
26 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

I know why it bothers me.  A lot of it is related to the fact that Deacon and Rayna only got married about a year ago.  Earlier this year, Daphne was struggling with where she fit in with the family and her relationship to Deacon.  Rayna had to convince her to let him love her like a daughter. It's nice that she opened up to that but to a point where she'd call him dad even though he is neither her biological father or the man who raised her most of her life?  Not buying it.  It feels very plot-based and yeah, that leads me to thinking it's Teddy erasure.

This. Also the episode right after Raynas death when teddy was released for a furlough, Maddie started calling him Teddy as if that's who he has been her whole life. The show is really negating Teddys whole existence. That's why it bothers me.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, J-Man said:

Why were Alyssa and Zach at Deacon's Opry concert shortly after telling him they were through with him and the company?

I thought that was odd but then saw them looking at the crowd as they cheered and applauded Deacon, so figured that would be their "Aha!"-moment and finally understand what making music is really about for these artists... except that didn't happen, so I'm confused too.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Data Cat said:

I think a lot of it has to do with Teddy not being there. It makes it feel like they're trying to erase him. I'm far from Teddy's biggest fan nor do I think he was a saint of a father (*cough*blackmail*cough*), but he's still Daphne's father and Deacon just isn't. Anyway, not trying to argue. Just a difference of opinion. 

I appreciate your response.  I'm not arguing either, just wanted to understand.  As far as Teddy is concerned, I don't think we know whether or not Eric Close is even available or wants to come back or recur or whatever, so maybe it's just that, since Deacon sees Daphne as a daughter, she's responding to that.

I did see, however, that it was a moment a lot of viewers really liked, based on what I saw on Twitter.  So there are people on both sides, which is understandable.

On a completely different note, I was hoping Zach would "see the light" after the Opry show, but yeah, not so much, apparently.  I had kind of liked the character early on, thinking he was just this socially awkward nerd, but wow, what a nut job.  And he's going to protect Will, but not anyone else?  I'm sort of hoping to see Juliette come to the rescue.  Her comment in the preview about "what can I do to fix this?" makes me think she might be the one to save the day.

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Aren't there lots of other people who work at Highway 65 too? So they're all going to lose their jobs too because Maddie wouldn't change a line - which was in her contract. Good going, artistes.

A more adult solution would have been for Maddie, or maybe her minder Alyssa or apparently nonexistent manager, to say, "I'm not comfortable with that new lyric, but I'm open to making a change - let's come up with something we can both live with." 

To shut down the company, ruin these artists' progress, and lose all these jobs all because of Maddie's "principles" is ridiculous. It reminds me of plots in later seasons of 90210, where main characters (usually David) would often lose opportunities because of someone else's holier-than-thou morals (usually Donna).

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Moxie Cat said:

Aren't there lots of other people who work at Highway 65 too? So they're all going to lose their jobs too because Maddie wouldn't change a line - which was in her contract. Good going, artistes.

A more adult solution would have been for Maddie, or maybe her minder Alyssa or apparently nonexistent manager, to say, "I'm not comfortable with that new lyric, but I'm open to making a change - let's come up with something we can both live with." 

To shut down the company, ruin these artists' progress, and lose all these jobs all because of Maddie's "principles" is ridiculous. It reminds me of plots in later seasons of 90210, where main characters (usually David) would often lose opportunities because of someone else's holier-than-thou morals (usually Donna).

I totally agree. The lyric they proposed was stupid, and I don't blame Maddie for not wanting to sing it, but why not compromise? No one ever offered an alternative. Why not just keep the lyrics and then have Maddie do a voice over like: "I use mascara 24 whenever I ___, blah, blah, blah."

  • Love 4

I think it's kind of unfair to blame Maddie for the possible downfall of Highway 65.  The lyric thing may have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but I think the core of it is that Rayna didn't have a very sustainable business model in the first place and then Zach came in and, with his money, wanted to run things.  He didn't try that as much with Rayna - although the British director Scarlett hooked up with was his idea and he got Rayna to stay out of it.  Zach is at the root of this and he showed his true colors with his petulant tantrums with Deacon.

  • Love 9
On ‎8‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 1:14 AM, WhosThatGirl said:

Seriously in rooting for Zach to light some matches and pour gasoline on highway 65 and I hilariously think that this wasn't the writers intention.

I was excited for Rachel to be cast too but I don't get the point of her character either. In promos they made it seem like she had a big role of some kind, but she's only been In a few episodes as a nonsensical character. And I still stand by my earlier comment that her singing was real random unless it's going.. somewhere? They had Maddie watch as if that song/moment was supposed to mean something.

On a show where the characters who sing don't sing enough, it seems very significant that this character sang.  Please don't have her character be the voice that's going to save the label.  She will be an instant hit and eclipse Maddie and Juliette.

36 minutes ago, piratewench said:

Zach is at the root of this and he showed his true colors with his petulant tantrums with Deacon.

I felt like I understood Zach's frustration.  I work with people who are super philosophical and analytical.  We could get together to plan a picnic and while creating a signup sheet with different categories and types of things to bring, we can end up in a ten minute discussion whether cheese belongs in the "appetizer" category or "dessert" category.  So we end up stuck on step one instead of getting shit done.

H65 was struggling with Rayna.  They needed Zach's money.  Zach didn't have to strong arm as much with Rayna around because, as much as she was there for the artists, Rayna could also be practical.  Zach was the money man and Rayna was the person who could better deal with both commerce and artistry.  I wonder if it's because she was actually a successful artist.  Juliette and Luke Wheeler are probably the other two most successful artists at Highway 65 and they both seem to understand the artistry vs. commerce balance as well. Technically Maddie was the final straw but that's because every other artist on the label, all of whom seem to be just getting off the ground commercially, are shown to struggle with it.  Even Deacon was exasperating when Rayna was writing her album before she died.  Will, after being with Zach, probably understands it a bit better but not enough to bridge the gap. 

Technically, Zach pulling out will lead to the label folding but making H65 profitable has always been his goal and the music business is not such that simply putting out albums can really do that--especially given the types of artists we've seen H65 have.  But without Zach, the label would have likely folded sooner.  If not before Rayna died, definitely after.

5 hours ago, piratewench said:

I did see, however, that it was a moment a lot of viewers really liked, based on what I saw on Twitter.  So there are people on both sides, which is understandable.

Very understandable. Teddy's not around and the show has become very Deacon POV centric.

  • Love 1
On 8/4/2017 at 7:03 AM, rachel1496 said:

I'm on Team "Burn this Shit to the Ground, Zack" after this episode. Maddie's a kid so she gets a pass but how do the rest of these supposed professionals not get how business works? Do they think Highway 65 has a money tree out back?

I thought it was strange that "Mr. Budweiser" Will sat there mute during the meeting -- seemed he enjoyed his commercial shoot and the positive attention that came with it. It worked exactly as designed in his case -- seems he would have have something to say about that, but he said nothing.

I also found it random that this is the first and only episode that showed how "busy" Deacon is and overwhelmed with work. Huh? In previous episodes he was mostly Mr. Mom and part-time manager/producer to Jessie, with a few scattered drop-ins & convos w/Zack at the office. Since when did his "work" become such a burden? Since this pop-up storyline about letting Hwy65 go? That could have been built up a bit better vs. being dropped into the same episode. It was weird.

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