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On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 2:07 PM, OnceSane said:

"Pal Stewie".

To Stewie's surprise, he quickly befriends a boy his age, but is devastated when he realizes he isn't invited to his birthday party. Meanwhile, Peter and Lois attend a self-empowerment seminar.

  • I should have known it was a lost invitation to Hudson's party, thanks to Brian.
  • Where they going somewhere with alcoholic Lois and her "bush vodka"?

So it looks like the return of Evil Stewie wasn't a one time thing. I liked all the tiny stuff.

You know damn well Adam West would've been a water bear if he was still alive. Patrick Stewart was still great.

I loved that Brian hears Gilbert Gottfried when someone blows a dog whistle, and the weird wormhole with Prince and Alan Thicke. I even liked the weird cutaway with Jean-Claude van Damme.

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On ‎10‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 2:34 PM, OnceSane said:

"Big Trouble in Little Quahog"

After Brian teases Stewie for being small, Stewie invents a shrinking machine that results in both of them shrinking to a microscopic size.

I thought this could have been better but am not sure how I'd have done it. The argument about the "tiny" button and the tiny button was pretty funny, tho.

I love how the entire opening was just the intro to Peter's standup special, and how they kept giving everyone Netflix comedy specials (Cleveland's was my favorite). 

Ha, rip on The Orville. And here I though the gag was that everyone thought it was going to be a comedy but it wasn't, and not that Seth can't do Family Guy. It's for the best, he's had other things besides this show on his mind for years. Also loved the end with the American Dad shout out. Yeah...9:30 is the new Fox Sunday death slot.

Not wearing black jeans at a Rush concert is such an oddly specific stereotype, and that Mad Men cutaway was weird as hell, but I laughed at it. Speaking of which, I got a weird laugh out of Peter beating a brain-damaged Carter at Mario Kart. I also loved that weird Shaq cutaway. I hope that was actually him being indignant how everything can't be Superman.

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1 hour ago, Galileo908 said:

I love how the entire opening was just the intro to Peter's standup special, and how they kept giving everyone Netflix comedy specials (Cleveland's was my favorite). 

I actually watch tons of standup on Netflix while I'm doing chores, and it was spot on with the list. 

The adoption papers and the Rush joke killed me too. This actually had a lot of funny cutaways. 

"We don't need a show to talk about the show!" Tell AMC! I thought Alicia Keyes was her real name. 

The whole Hill Streets Blues was so stupid and I was just dying. 

The Orville previews look good!

Edited by ganesh
On ‎11‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 2:57 PM, OnceSane said:

"Regarding Carter"

Lois receives a surprising birthday present from her father, Carter Pewterschmidt, that leads to an unfortunate accident leaving him dependent on Lois and the Griffin's care.

This ep didn't seem very coherent to me, for some reason, but I laughed WAY more than I should at Trisha's joke several seconds later.

OK, I also laughed at Joe being giddy about hearing another cripple nearby.

What was the deal with the running jokes? Odd.

Wait, wasn't there a movie with this title?

20 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

Oh! Was it me or was there a part of this ep which stuttered when Lois and Peter said something about a company buying vines?

Vine is an app that lets you make 6 second videos and post them online. The stutter was the 6 second loop of that part of the show like a Vine would do. It plays over and over until you stop it.

Oh look, another episode full of Italian jokes. And another episode of Stewie loving a family member because they saved his life, this time it was Meg. Even when Stewie tries to help her out, it STILL manages to not go well for her.

Loved that whole bit with the Michelin Man. "That was silly, but it's still murder."

That Basic Instinct bit was...wow. That was all kinds of terrible.

The fast forward of the ending was clever, but it's just another sign that the writers just don't care about these stories.

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On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 1:22 PM, OnceSane said:

"Stand by Meg".

After Meg saves Stewie from a choking incident, Stewie makes it his personal mission to create a better life for Meg. Meanwhile, Chris is sent to a vocational school.

This ep wasn't particularly interesting, but I did laugh more than I should at the "zinger knocking your hat off" running gag and the bread sandwich bit ending with Stewie asking how someone at the closed store could answer the phone when Chris called them.

I always like it when shows insert characters in clips where they clearly weren't there. I can't believe they brought back Lacey Chabert for that one flashback, and then actually competing against Meg, that was actually great. Speaking of voice over cameos, I liked that they actually mentioned Josh Robert Thompson by name. He's the go-to guy for Morgan Freeman impressions.

I got a good laugh out of the NY Knicks cutaway, and the Oksana Baiul cutaway just seemed like classic Family Guy. I also liked that Goldeneye 64 bit. "This is what 1997 looked like" indeed.

  • Love 3

Nice to see Meg actually excel at something. Personally, she should have just let Peter rot in North Korea for the way he's treated her, but still nice that she was able to do a bad ass rescue.

Yeah Lois would apologize for the way they've treated her this week. How about the way they've treated her whole life?!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Galileo908 said:

and the Oksana Baiul cutaway just seemed like classic Family Guy.

So tasteless and perfect. I was all delighted because I thought it was Patrick Stewart voicing Gandalf and then lost it. She was on skates too.

The voice overs killed me too. 

A batman fight with gay words was probably better than Gandalf.

I would have just raced the race if I were Meg though. 

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On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 9:54 PM, OnceSane said:

"The Griffin Winter Games"

To the surprise of all the Griffins, Meg makes the U.S. Olympic team as a biathlete and competes in the Winter Olympics.

It had some good parts, but I thought they already mined the Korea jokes when they went looking for the last ep of the soap opera Quagmire was in. I loved that they brought in Lacey for the flashback and had her in the race. I wondered why it was so urgent that Meg rescue Peter, until he was arbitrariliy put in front of a firing squad. North Korea sucks, but I don;lt think they do that to  Americans.

17 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

I always like it when shows insert characters in clips where they clearly weren't there. I can't believe they brought back Lacey Chabert for that one flashback, and then actually competing against Meg, that was actually great. Speaking of voice over cameos, I liked that they actually mentioned Josh Robert Thompson by name. He's the go-to guy for Morgan Freeman impressions.

Dumb question, but did you see their names in the closing credits? I am sure Lacey's wasn't there.

Edited by Ubiquitous

Anyone else notice that Lois was all "WE'VE GOT TO SAVE YOUR FATHER MEG!!!" and then Meg was the only one of them who actually so much as showed up to try and save Peter? Apparently the rest of the family were hanging out at their hotel while Peter was facing a firing squad... which I wish I could say was a surprise to me.

What the hell? TWO episodes in a row where the writers don't treat Meg like she deserves to suffer for no reason? The last episode may have poked fun at her a bit but it's a pinprick compared to what they usually do.

Edited by immortalfrieza

I liked Stewie and Brian's plot. Scamming old rich people just won't get old. Stewie calling himself "The Count of Monty Hall" just seemed like classic Family Guy. Quagmire being the old rich husband of the heiress with the long name was a great twist. Speaking of, Seth MacFarlane probably fired whoever wrote out that ungodly long Heiress name. Seemed like a wasted opportunity to not end her name with ...of Ulm, but at least Monty Python got a shoutout in there.

I figured Herbert would lose interest when he found out Peter was a grown man, but wasn't prepared for him to literally EXPLODE. Becoming Baby Groot and running after the ice ream truck cracked me up. 

What the hell was the soul group singing in the yard? It was hilarious but out of nowhere. 

Count of Monty Hall. bwhahahahaha. I liked that Stewie figured out the scam on his own. 

One of the names in the long list was "Lannister". 

I'm 12 because the "pussies cock" joke killed me. 

Edited by ganesh
On ‎11‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 7:02 PM, OnceSane said:

"Con Heiress".

Stewie and Brian compete for the inheritance of a wealthy, older heiress. Meanwhile, Peter and Chris battle for Mr. Herbert's affection

Them identifying the old woman by her 2-minute long last name got old very fast (pun intended) but I liked the payoff when Tom Tucker announced her death and was like "screw it" when he started reading her name.


22 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Friends Of Distinction. They sang the "Grazing in the Grass" song that was played.


OHHHH! I recognized the song but didn't know the name!

2 hours ago, xander874 said:

I liked the Stewie/Brian plot, but it did seem a bit out of character for Brian to be so blatant a scam artist.

Nah, Brian's a dirtbag.

I love that song, Grazing in the Grass.

I like that they had "Stolen Monty Python" in the middle of the lady with the wrong name.  I'm not sure why, but IMO it was funny when Monty Python did it, but not here.  Maybe it's all in the delivery, or maybe Python had funnier names (Johann Gambolputty...).

RIP Carrie Fisher, er, Angela. It was touching, in a Family Guy way.

Heh, Simpsons had a take that against this show earlier, and now Mr. Burns and Smithers cameo in this one. The credits didn't have Harry Shearer, so who they got sounded almost exactly like him, it was pretty creepy. 

Billy on The Street is just as good in animated form. Of course Peter gets winded trying to keep up with him.

I liked that cutaway with Pawtucket Pat with all the mascots. 

1 minute ago, Spartan Girl said:

Wow. That eulogy Peter gave for Angela/Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful heartfelt things he's ever said.

Aaaaand of course he said it at the wrong funeral.

I love that there was a callback to it.

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On ‎12‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 12:22 PM, OnceSane said:

"Pawtucket Pete".

The Pawtucket Brewery hires new bosses, who decide to change the company's mascot. In an attempt to be crowned the new face of Pawtucket Ale, Peter and Brian go head-to-head.

Unfortunately, my viewing was impeded b/c my cable settings were changed (trying to get me to switch to X1, perhaps?), so the audio was muted and there was a disembodied voice cutting in and describing what was happening. Ugh. Anyhow, that was a funny yet heartfelt eulogy, even if performed at the wrong funeral, tho I don't know why they had her photo there. I hate the tired assembly line gag from I Love Lucy, but I loved the payoff later when Peter recognized Pawtucket Brewery's "Trucker" beer. "Eww!" and "HA!".

Edited by Ubiquitous
1 hour ago, Ubiquitous said:

Anyhow, that was a funny eulogy, even if performed at the wrong funeral, tho I don't know why they had her photo there.

I haven't fully watched the ep yet, but I saw the eulogy at the start and loved it in a heartfelt way. One thing Seth loves is his sci fi, and he clearly loves working with the sci fi actors (Star Trek and Star Wars). That eulogy, even with the Family Guy jokes, was probably one of the most heart felt things he's done on that show. 


As for the photo, IIRC  the setup of the eulogy had Peter setting up the photo before speaking, so that's why the photo was there. 

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