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13 hours ago, leighroda said:

I hated it I was a hostess at CPK, and there was a woman who always brought her dog, no vest, in a stroller... she knew we can't question a service dog, so every time someone would say "you have to sit on the patio if you have your dog" she just said it was for "emotional support". I know, I know, lots of people do legit have dogs that are emotional support therapy dogs, I'm not rolling my eyes at that... but I'm fairly confident this woman's pampered Pomeranian, who frequently barked at other customers is not one of them, but legally we weren't allowed to question or ask for proof.

You actually can legally ask two questions under the ADA: "is this a service dog trained for a disability?" And "what services has the dog been trained to provide?" Emotional support dogs do not count and their owners do not have the same rights as service dog owners. And you're right, if they bark (unless it's maybe one rogue mistake) they are not trained. Our dog never barks even at home unless commanded. 

You can't ask anything else (and contrary to popular belief, dogs are not required to have vests or papers on them, as that would not be realistic for people with certain disabilities to have on hand) or about the person's diagnosis, but if someone refuses to answer, it's not a service dog and you can ask them to leave. It's a pretty foolproof way to tell. Sorry if you already know about the ADA allowed questions, I just like to spread that info whenever I can because my husband and I use a much-needed service dog and the fake service dog thing that so many people do is a disgrace and hurts people who actually need one and have had it fully appropriately trained. 

Edited by Lm2162
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And yes, equine therapy is A REAL THING, not just riding a horse and liking it. I'm going to start watching my screensaver and telling people I'm undergoing hypnotherapy, writing in a diary and calling it self-led CBT, or taking baths and saying I use hydrotherapy. *eyeroll*

Edited by Lm2162
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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

You actually can legally ask two questions under the ADA: "is this a service dog trained for a disability?" And "what services has the dog been trained to provide?" Emotional support dogs do not count and their owners do not have the same rights as service dog owners. And you're right, if they bark (unless it's maybe one rogue mistake) they are not trained. Our dog never barks even at home unless commanded. 

You can't ask anything else (and contrary to popular belief, dogs are not required to have vests or papers on them, as that would not be realistic for people with certain disabilities to have on hand) or about the person's diagnosis, but if someone refuses to answer, it's not a service dog and you can ask them to leave. It's a pretty foolproof way to tell. Sorry if you already know about the ADA allowed questions, I just like to spread that info whenever I can because my husband and I use a much-needed service dog and the fake service dog thing that so many people do is a disgrace and hurts people who actually need one and have had it fully appropriately trained. 

Thanks! I didn't know. Thankfully I haven't worked there in years, I'm a RN now, I just worked there in nursing school. My guess is it was just easier for the company policy to say no questions than to risk someone asking wrong and bringing a law suit. I wish it wasn't an issue, if people would just respect the issue and not try to sneak their personal dogs in there wouldn't be a problem. I love dogs and I don't mind them being around where I eat (within sanitary reason obviously) if I could I'd bring my dog everywhere, but I respect others desire not to have dogs around.  

1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

And yes, equine therapy is A REAL THING, not just riding a horse and liking it. I'm going to start watching my screensaver and telling people I'm undergoing hypnotherapy, writing in a diary and calling it self-led CBT, or taking baths and saying I use hydrotherapy. *eyeroll*

I'm currently undergoing culinary therapy (eating lunch)

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On 7/13/2017 at 5:42 PM, Jennifersdc said:

I personally think Farrah is pretty hateful - which makes me laugh my ass off every time she mentions/or walks off for others "negativity". IMO - she's a Mean Girl. Was that way in HS (until the other Mean Girls kicked her out) and still is now (most grow out of it). Unfortunately her narcissism really kicked in with TM. Not a good combination. 

I got no issue with the porn. I actually give her credit for her hustle (could have been more tasteful) and making the most of her D-List fame while she has it in comparison.

I was annoyed with her with the first part of Dr. Drew cause she acts like this isn't her job, but an intrusion into her private life. Bitch please - you're getting very well paid for what you willingly signed (again and again) a legal contract for.

That's what bothers me about these bitches. Many of them seem to think sharing their private life is an horrible imposition - when it doesn't suit them or Dr. Drew asks his blue, cue-card mostly softball questions. I actually give Chelsea, Leah, Maci and Catelynn credit for having an understanding this is their JOB.

There are varying opinions on each of the girls and their situations. However, when there are facts, especially facts that cannot be discounted, it is hard for me to understand why Cate, Maci, Leah are the exception to the rule regarding contracts and sharing their private lives when they clearly have not been outspoken and candid about their actions and behaviors. They hide behind that judgment mentality where they believe it is permitted for them to point fingers about others while sitting there and remaining silent about their behaviors that are plainly and openly documented on the show and a lot more is documented on their own social media pages.

Farrah is not the only one who signed a contract. They all have. What makes it different for Farrah, I wonder? Maci out of all of these bitches is the one who has hidden a lot of her life from the cameras. She cries foul about always being asked about her ex-boyfriend, but who is it that makes him the center of her universe on the show? It is better to use Ryan as her foil to avert anyone to know what is going on in her life. Farrah can be hateful all she wants. IMO that has nothing to do with the rest of the cast. They don't get a complimentary pass because Farrah has anger issues. Amber has anger issues and can be very hateful and aggressive. She continues to badger and humiliate Gary any chance she gets. That DV abuser has never gone away. If we are going to compare people, at least it can be pointed out Farrah has never assaulted anyone. Deb assaulted her. Maci, Cate, and Amber were all mean-spirited towards Farrah for the actions of Simon. Maci and Cate cheered on Amber as she ran to Farrah to punch her in the face. That, to me, is what makes them mean girls.

The part I found Farrah being annoyed with was Drew admitting he was being asked to discuss Simon. Before that, Farrah was talking and answering his questions. Farrah also has something going on that the others don't have - she has businesses. Not once did Drew ever ask her about those jobs. MTV is not her only job.

Edited by SPLAIN
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On 7/10/2017 at 10:33 PM, Poohbear617 said:

I have always thought that Judge Judy should be the one who hosted this show. I would pay big money to see her handle Farrah,  Deborah, Amber , Maci and Matt.

Judge Judy has been mentioned as a host since the first reunion show of this series. This goes back to when we were all on the old TWoP board.

The problem with that idea is, the girls wouldn't agree with it because they know she would hand their asses on a silver platter. The other issue is, JJ wouldn't want to just go by reading cue cards which is all that the hosting job requires. The girls would have to be paid a helluva lot of money to even consider sitting in her presence. They love DD because he is a push-over. He also doesn't watch the show except for the teeny tiny clips he is given.

6 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Honestly, if someone on this show is a possible "badass" it's Farrah. She's also just an ass but they aren't always mutually exclusive.

She certainly has no filter.

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On 7/11/2017 at 9:15 PM, ginger90 said:

I actually don't blame Farrah for wanting to stick to questions about the show. That's what they were all there for. When she said that, I thought, you could have said that what, 10 minutes ago?

She *did* say that,  but when Dr Drew asked her about it, she scoffed, "yeah, that was my past and it was great."  She had a horrible attitude from the first moment 

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Being questioned by Dr Drew, who doesn't even watch the damn show, would piss me the hell off too. Also, he's just such a tool. 

Edited by Rebecca
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1 hour ago, teapot said:

She *did* say that,  but when Dr Drew asked her about it, she scoffed, "yeah, that was my past and it was great."  She had a horrible attitude from the first moment 

I wanted to be sure before I confirmed what I posted above so, I watched her segment again. Farrah did not have an attitude in the beginning. She answered DD's questions and it seemed to go well. After a while, he brought up Simon. That is when she wasn't having it, especially when he admitted he was being told to ask. That came off sounding like MTV was pushing it. Now, we all know the producers are all about pushing the drama. I get the feeling Farrah made it clear she wasn't going to talk about Simon. They knew that was the button they were going to push with her. I have lost count with how many times Amber said she didn't want to talk about something and then the subject was changed. Kail for sure has done the same thing. 

Agree @Rebecca. I am the first one to stand up and complain when these heifers don't respond to questions or deflect. That is one of my pet peeves with them on these reunion shows. My issue is, the way DD went about pushing it with Farrah and then turning to the audience like a high school kid, "Didn't she say that?" Grow the hell up DD. Since when do you even interact with the audience? 

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I loved when Farrah said something like, oh you need the whole crowd backing you up? to Drew, because that was very weird when he asked that. I have a feeling Farrah knew they were trying to piss her off or whatever by being all, oh, Simon isn't here, why not? He asked for $250,000...gee Farrah, what's up with that? I wish she would've screamed MONKEY. 

Edited by Rebecca
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4 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I loved when Farrah said something like, oh you need the whole crowd backing you up? to Drew, because that was very weird when he asked that. I have a feeling Farrah knew they were trying to piss her off or whatever by being all, oh, Simon isn't here, why not? He asked for $250,000...gee Farrah, what's up with that? I wish she would've screamed MONKEY. 

I will be Farrah's #1 fan if she ever does. That word has been so under used.

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4 hours ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

I will be Farrah's #1 fan if she ever does. That word has been so under used.

I know...it kind of makes me wish Amber was on TM2 because I feel like she would've used it herself by now if her own "co-star" had. I'm shocked Kailyn hasn't. Why hasn't Kailyn? I probably would. Is it because they like Leah (I probably wouldn't).

Edited by Rebecca
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I have a different impression of Dr. Drew talking to Debz and Dr. Douche Bag David.   As much of a quack as Drew is, he KNOWS Farrah isn't fucked up by accident.   I get the impression that he was REALLY pushing at Debz and Dr. Douche Bag by mentioning CPS regarding Farrah.  He knows that she's not crazy for no reason and their fucking bullshit about her is just that, bullshit.  Despite speaking to Sophia in the weirdest voice possible, we've never seen Farrah yell at Sophia nor abuse her in any way.  Does she say dumb shit to her or correct her responses to questions when asked? Yeah she does, but that's hardly abuse.  I think Dr. Drew has Deb's number and was pushing at her HARD because he knows it's Debz fault that she's fucked up.   Dr. Drew was 100% in Farrah's corner while he was talking to Debz and Dr. Douche.  He was calling bullshit on Debz bullshit claim that Farrah didn't experience abuse or trauma.  He kept talking over Debz's bullshit and bringing up the knives Debz pulled on Farrah and the smack we ALL saw on 16 and Pregnant,  The CPS bullshit was Dr. Drew being condescending and mocking those two fucktards.  One of the few times I thought Dr. Drew was awesome.

Farrah is keeping Sophia away from Debz because Debz is fucked up.  Sophia doesn't seen overly attached to Debz in the clips I've seen.   And Dr. Douche David was hilarious in his "In my professional experience..." Yeah, okay there Mr. Hair.  Settle down with that.  Dr. Drew wasn't having it and it was a happy moment for me watching that.

I feel bad for Farrah.  She is so damaged and defensive and wounded, I hope that someday she receives the help she needs to get well.  

Edited by Emmierose
because punctuation matters
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4 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I know...it kind of makes me wish Amber was on TM2 because I feel like she would've used it herself by now if her own "co-star" had. I'm shocked Kailyn hasn't. Why hasn't Kailyn? I probably would. Is it because they like Leah (I probably wouldn't).

Oh hell yeah! I'd use it in a heartbeat. Except I would have a big grin on my face everytime I said it.

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53 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I would always be screaming "monkey". Remember when Corey awesomely did it right after Leah said it that first time? And then told Miranda to? I miss Corey at the reunions. 

Yeah...I keep hoping he'll change his mind and make an appearance but not likely to happen.

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6 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

They all get paid very very well for very little work. Why isn't it mandatory that they all aren't the reunions? I sure don't get to pick and choose which tasks I want to do at work.

Eh. I think there is a difference when it comes to certain participants and especially given how they are treated. I think the moms are contracted for reunions, extras like parents and dads/boyfriends/new girlfriends probably aren't. But Corey has said going to the reunions is not easy to do and he doesn't like how he is treated and I respect him for that.

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

The fact Dr Drew even mentioned CPS, pissed me off. 

I do think he was trying to get them to see how stupid they were being when he said that. I don't believe he thinks at all that CPS needs to be involved with Farrah. 

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13 hours ago, Emmierose said:

I have a different impression of Dr. Drew talking to Debz and Dr. Douche Bag David.   As much of a quack as Drew is, he KNOWS Farrah isn't fucked up by accident.   I get the impression that he was REALLY pushing at Debz and Dr. Douche Bag by mentioning CPS regarding Farrah.  He knows that she's not crazy for no reason and their fucking bullshit about her is just that, bullshit.  Despite speaking to Sophia in the weirdest voice possible, we've never seen Farrah yell at Sophia nor abuse her in any way.  Does she say dumb shit to her or correct her responses to questions when asked? Yeah she does, but that's hardly abuse.  I think Dr. Drew has Deb's number and was pushing at her HARD because he knows it's Debz fault that she's fucked up.   Dr. Drew was 100% in Farrah's corner while he was talking to Debz and Dr. Douche.  He was calling bullshit on Debz bullshit claim that Farrah didn't experience abuse or trauma.  He kept talking over Debz's bullshit and bringing up the knives Debz pulled on Farrah and the smack we ALL saw on 16 and Pregnant,  The CPS bullshit was Dr. Drew being condescending and mocking those two fucktards.  One of the few times I thought Dr. Drew was awesome.

Farrah is keeping Sophia away from Debz because Debz is fucked up.  Sophia doesn't seen overly attached to Debz in the clips I've seen.   And Dr. Douche David was hilarious in his "In my professional experience..." Yeah, okay there Mr. Hair.  Settle down with that.  Dr. Drew wasn't having it and it was a happy moment for me watching that.

I feel bad for Farrah.  She is so damaged and defensive and wounded, I hope that someday she receives the help she needs to get well.  

Deb smacked Farrah's shoulder. 

I remember last season when Sophia was not feeling well at Easter and Farrah became upset about it. She needed Sophia to actively participate that day. Sophia became upset and grabbed a chair. 

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The problem with Debra imho (and it is because I have no medical insight, other then when I venture to webmd and click a few symptoms and am then told I have some disease you can only get from traveling to another country which I've never done but I digress ?) is that Debra has issues but according to her doctors she has been told she's fine and also what I've learned in the past year and a half recently is that you can't change people's views on things. People are pretty dead set in what they see or belief Even, Debra thinks her behavior is perfectly fine, so it's not going to change because she doesn't see fault and no one can change her viewpoint.

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On 7/15/2017 at 1:24 AM, Rebecca said:

Being questioned by Dr Drew, who doesn't even watch the damn show, would piss me the hell off too. Also, he's just such a tool. 

Exactly. If was anyone else but Drew, I might have found Farrah to be an insufferable ass. But, as it was, I enjoyed it. He deserves it. And it MTV ever feels like these girls aren't doing their "job", by not answering questions, they're more than welcome to refuse to pay or fire them. Truth is, MTV loved Farrah's segments at the reunion. Her refusal to answer caused so much drama, they may have preferred it to any juicy answers she might have given. 


1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

I remember last season when Sophia was not feeling well at Easter and Farrah became upset about it. She needed Sophia to actively participate that day. Sophia became upset and grabbed a chair. 

I remember that as well. I thought Farrah was borderline verbally abusive in that scene. She was being pretty nasty to Sophia. The fact that Farrah was raised by a lunatic doesn't negate her own asshattery. She could, at any point, recognize that she's fucked up from her childhood, get intensive therapy, and try to change. I don't really care for either Deb OR Farrah. But I can point out when I feel Farrah is right in a certain situation. 

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Remember this scene?


This was when Debra said her doctors told her she doesn't need therapy!  ok......

Yup. That's the scene I was referring to in my post. And I personally think almost everyone can benefit from therapy. There doesn't even have to be a problem going on in your life, sometimes it's nice to have an objective human being to give you insight on life. I don't think any doctor would discourage someone from therapy. But Debra's doctors apparently do.

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32 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yup. That's the scene I was referring to in my post. And I personally think almost everyone can benefit from therapy. There doesn't even have to be a problem going on in your life, sometimes it's nice to have an objective human being to give you insight on life. I don't think any doctor would discourage someone from therapy. But Debra's doctors apparently do.

She probably asked her doctor if she needed therapy and he/she replied, "I'm not in the position to say that you NEED it, but many people find it helpful." And she took that and ran with it. 

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8 minutes ago, leighroda said:

To be fair, we don't know if her doctors are really saying she doesn't need therapy, the woman is delusional on so many levels that they very well could have urged therapy.

For all we know, they might have said, "Debra, you don't need therapy. You need to be locked up in a psych ward and heavily medicated." And then she was like, "See! I told you I didn't need it!"

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8 minutes ago, leighroda said:

To be fair, we don't know if her doctors are really saying she doesn't need therapy, the woman is delusional on so many levels that they very well could have urged therapy.

I was just coming here to post this very same comment. 

Deb could be twisting or interpreting what is being told to her. Farrah has done the same. They both hear what they want to hear from their therapists. 

Now, a true good therapist would not say that one does not need therapy. That would be like a medical doctor saying one doesn't need to be seen by their physician since they are fit and healthy. The mental health is just as important as the physical health. A therapist offers their professional insight. It is up to the patient to figure out what is in their best interest. Deb sounds like she went to therapy, but wasn't open and honest. The therapist saw right through her and offered his/her insight on what Deb was willing to talk about. I am reminded of Chelsea who went to therapy and later dropped it because, according to Chelsea, the therapist was saying the same thing over and over and was saying pretty much what Randy was saying. People become resistant to hearing the truth. 

All of these people on this show, whether they themselves have issues or are dealing with someone else who has issues,  could benefit from mental health services. People endure trauma and find the need for therapy. Some people endure living with or dealing with people who are mentally ill or suffering from an addiction and find they need a therapist to help them better understand the situation. People see a therapist in conjunction with psychiatric services. There are vast reasons why one could benefit from therapy or why one is in therapy. Deb needs it for herself, and for sure on how to better deal with her daughter. But until she is willing to be open and honest, she won't get honest help. 

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17 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

They all get paid very very well for very little work. Why isn't it mandatory that they all aren't the reunions? I sure don't get to pick and choose which tasks I want to do at work.

They all don't get paid the same because not all of them are required to do what the main players do. 

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24 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

For all we know, they might have said, "Debra, you don't need therapy. You need to be locked up in a psych ward and heavily medicated." And then she was like, "See! I told you I didn't need it!"

Exactly, I think we were posting at the same time because I just saw yours right above mine after I hit submit. 

Also, any practitioner would most likely only be hearing Debras side of the story, while I think it would only take 7 minutes to recognize the crazy in Debra, they are hearing a sanitized version of everything, and we know she won't admit any wrong doing. My guess is the doctor probably doesn't watch teen mom.

@SPLAIN you are right, a therapist can only do so much if you aren't willing to be honest and do the work, so in that sense she doesn't need therapy, because she's unwilling to change, so what's the point.

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1 hour ago, SPLAIN said:

They all don't get paid the same because not all of them are required to do what the main players do. 

Anyone have any idea on the pay scale for each girl? Like, I wonder if Farrah's lawyer or manager negotiated a 400k per season deal and Amber is getting 300k, while Maci, the boring one, gets 'only' 225k. And if there is a pay difference did either one of the girls sign a contract to NOT share their salary with each other.

I hope I made sense.

ETA: I know they had similar salaries in the earlier season, but since OG came along I'm assuming it's been changed - plus, i'm sure Farrah demanded more than the other girls since she was rumored to be brought in to save a sinking show.

Edited by Calm81
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Speaking of therapy, I appreciate that Farrah said she has been in it for a long time. At least she's not saying she doesn't need it like so many of these people (Deb, you need therapy...is Dr David the one who said she didn't?!) I do think it has helped her somewhat. I don't know why I have so much positivity for Farrah.

@Calm81 I would also love to know all of their exact salaries! I would also assume Maci and Catelynn get less because they don't bring much...

Edited by Rebecca
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1 hour ago, Calm81 said:

Anyone have any idea on the pay scale for each girl? Like, I wonder if Farrah's lawyer or manager negotiated a 400k per season deal and Amber is getting 300k, while Maci, the boring one, gets 'only' 225k. And if there is a pay difference did either one of the girls sign a contract to NOT share their salary with each other.

I hope I made sense.

ETA: I know they had similar salaries in the earlier season, but since OG came along I'm assuming it's been changed - plus, i'm sure Farrah demanded more than the other girls since she was rumored to be brought in to save a sinking show.

They hate Farrah because she didn't negotiate with them as a team (ala Friends contract).

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Okay so realized I never mentioned my fave part of the Ask The Moms special, but it was when Amber was asked if she's doing a video of her own for Vivid and Amber was like "no! That is completely false and untrue! I am not doing a video like Farrah. Wrong information" and Nessa was like ".. okay then, Sarah(making up a name because I don't remember) you got wrong info, but thanks for your question" and Amber was like "thanks for her question? No it was wrong information" and Nessa kept being a host and being polite and thanking the girl for asking a question while Amber made bitchy eye roll faces. I laughed and laughed. Too bad it then became pandering questions to only inforce how great the moms are so I turned it off.

Ugh. Yeah I agree with everyone who responded to my post about Debra's issues with therapy. I wish I could love them all but I feel like they all happen so fast I can't keep up!! And I also think Dr. David probably tells her she doesn't need therapy either. 

Both parts of the reunion were kind of boring. I hated the set up this time around.

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9 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Okay so realized I never mentioned my fave part of the Ask The Moms special, but it was when Amber was asked if she's doing a video of her own for Vivid and Amber was like "no! That is completely false and untrue! I am not doing a video like Farrah. Wrong information" and Nessa was like ".. okay then, Sarah(making up a name because I don't remember) you got wrong info, but thanks for your question" and Amber was like "thanks for her question? No it was wrong information" and Nessa kept being a host and being polite and thanking the girl for asking a question while Amber made bitchy eye roll faces. I laughed and laughed. Too bad it then became pandering questions to only inforce how great the moms are so I turned it off.

But then, didn't Amber later say Vivid came to her FIRST, and she turned them down and Farrah took the offer second? Amber had a hard time keeping her story straight. But word to your other point - Nessa kept it polite and moving along and Amber continued to be her dumb ass self.

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Amber said a bunch of crap about how you can't believe everything you read and how the asker was deeply ignorant (does she think she sounds educated?), then complicated the story so much it became even less clear. Clearly she thought about doing porn but wasn't offered enough or Matt said no or something along those lines. 

Amber came off worse in that Ask the Moms special than she ever has. Which is saying something. She can't even have a neutral conversation, much less respond to what she perceives as the mildest of criticism. It *must* be only praise or victimization on her part or she threatens to kick someone's ass. 

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1 hour ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

But then, didn't Amber later say Vivid came to her FIRST, and she turned them down and Farrah took the offer second? Amber had a hard time keeping her story straight. But word to your other point - Nessa kept it polite and moving along and Amber continued to be her dumb ass self.

AND they did take a meeting!  why on earth would you take a meeting for something you had absolutely no desire to do???

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20 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Remember this scene?


This was when Debra said her doctors told her she doesn't need therapy!  ok......

Jesus Christ those boots!


On 7/16/2017 at 1:00 AM, DangerousMinds said:

They all get paid very very well for very little work. Why isn't it mandatory that they all aren't the reunions? I sure don't get to pick and choose which tasks I want to do at work.


I agree- they are paid WAY more than they should be paid for living their boring lives and laying around on the couch.  The side players (parents, boyfriends, etc.) are also paid a lot in comparison to a "normal" job.  Even if it is just $25,000 per person/per season, that's certainly not enough to live off of for the year, but it is a lot for allowing a camera crew to follow you around for a bit and answering some questions.  

Also, like Calm81 said above, I wonder if the main 4 girls are all paid the same, or if they all negotiate contracts individually.  

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4 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I agree- they are paid WAY more than they should be paid for living their boring lives and laying around on the couch.  The side players (parents, boyfriends, etc.) are also paid a lot in comparison to a "normal" job.  Even if it is just $25,000 per person/per season, that's certainly not enough to live off of for the year, but it is a lot for allowing a camera crew to follow you around for a bit and answering some questions.  


yes, because it's not all day every day, and it's probably only half the year, if that!  Plus the perks like comped meals and trips! Figure that into your average day-wager's salary and it's actually higher!!

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On 7/11/2017 at 7:56 AM, saratothej said:

Don't worry guys, Tyler cleared up his entitled comment on twitter: 

I think about her parents EVERYDAY when I walk past Carly's baby picture. I'm not saying I actually AM entitled...I just FEEL entitled


I understood what he meant when he said it.  Cate said they were being selfish... He said no, they weren't selfish... instead he felt entitled. Like he said on twitter, he didn't say he IS entitled, he said he felt it.  He was being honest.  I thought it was kind of refreshing for them to say they know they are selfish and have feelings of entitlement. 

On 7/11/2017 at 9:56 AM, poeticlicensed said:

I forgot about this. Who the fuck does he think he is?

He's smart, that's what.  He obviously doesn't have a contract to show up and he knows that if they really want him there they will pay him some money and it's not worth his time otherwise. 


And we all know that Farrah is taking some strides with her relationships... but the way she talks to people is still really really horrible.  Dr Drew was just honestly asking her about Simon not being there and their trip to where ever for her birthday and she got NASTY.  Like a passive aggressive nasty, which is almost worst than being an out right bitch.  

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2 hours ago, gunderda said:

I understood what he meant when he said it.  Cate said they were being selfish... He said no, they weren't selfish... instead he felt entitled. Like he said on twitter, he didn't say he IS entitled, he said he felt it.  He was being honest.  I thought it was kind of refreshing for them to say they know they are selfish and have feelings of entitlement. 

I think Tyler just wanted a bunch of people to jump to his defense and validate his feelings, which they did.  

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2 hours ago, teapot said:

yes, because it's not all day every day, and it's probably only half the year, if that!  Plus the perks like comped meals and trips! Figure that into your average day-wager's salary and it's actually higher!!

And it still is not worth it to have people up in your business. None of that is worth having cameras in my world for four weeks max a year. I like my privacy. I don't need the public's adulation. I do not have to worry about being scrutinized for my every move. 

20 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

I think Tyler just wanted a bunch of people to jump to his defense and validate his feelings, which they did.  

Right. Tyler knew damn well what he was saying and the reasons why. This is not the first time. He has said some terrible things like B&T should be thanking them for their gift.

Tyler and Cate are two crass people with no filter and no class.

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3 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

And it still is not worth it to have people up in your business. None of that is worth having cameras in my world for four weeks max a year. I like my privacy. I don't need the public's adulation. I do not have to worry about being scrutinized for my every move. 


right?  so many times I have said "THANK GOD I AM NOT FAMOUS!  WILL YOU LOOK AT MY HAIR/OUTFIT/SHOES today????"

strangely, most people are not troubled with thoughts such as that...

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On ‎7‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 6:33 PM, GreatKazu said:

Yes. I tweeted her about the fight on the reunion show. I didn't even tweet her. It was a direct message. I don't have photos on my Twitter page of myself or anyone. I rarely use it. She also called me a fucking whore, if I recall correctly. 

Get out of town!   Did you post screenshots anywhere?  I'm intrigued.  I'm usually one to take up for the fat shaming of Cate but if she's fat shaming others, then screw her. 

I finally watched part 2 over the weekend.  Deb is something else.  The fact that she kept repeating Farrah couldn't have possibly faced abuse because they had money was very, VERY telling.  Both her and "dr" santa make my skin crawl.  They are not good people.  Not that it makes Farrah any less insufferable, but it does explain her behavior a bit.

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 Dr Drew was just honestly asking her about Simon not being there and their trip to where ever for her birthday and she got NASTY.  Like a passive aggressive nasty, which is almost worst than being an out right bitch.  



I agreed with Farrah. It wasn't up to her to explain Simon not being there. And, the birthday trip (to Jamaica) wasn't on the show.

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5 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Amber said a bunch of crap about how you can't believe everything you read and how the asker was deeply ignorant (does she think she sounds educated?), then complicated the story so much it became even less clear. Clearly she thought about doing porn but wasn't offered enough or Matt said no or something along those lines. 

Amber came off worse in that Ask the Moms special than she ever has. Which is saying something. She can't even have a neutral conversation, much less respond to what she perceives as the mildest of criticism. It *must* be only praise or victimization on her part or she threatens to kick someone's ass. 

None of them came off well. But I thought Cate came off the worst in that special out of all of them.

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On ‎7‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 8:30 PM, Emmierose said:

I have a different impression of Dr. Drew talking to Debz and Dr. Douche Bag David.   As much of a quack as Drew is, he KNOWS Farrah isn't fucked up by accident.   I get the impression that he was REALLY pushing at Debz and Dr. Douche Bag by mentioning CPS regarding Farrah.  He knows that she's not crazy for no reason and their fucking bullshit about her is just that, bullshit.  Despite speaking to Sophia in the weirdest voice possible, we've never seen Farrah yell at Sophia nor abuse her in any way.  Does she say dumb shit to her or correct her responses to questions when asked? Yeah she does, but that's hardly abuse.  I think Dr. Drew has Deb's number and was pushing at her HARD because he knows it's Debz fault that she's fucked up.   Dr. Drew was 100% in Farrah's corner while he was talking to Debz and Dr. Douche.  He was calling bullshit on Debz bullshit claim that Farrah didn't experience abuse or trauma.  He kept talking over Debz's bullshit and bringing up the knives Debz pulled on Farrah and the smack we ALL saw on 16 and Pregnant,  The CPS bullshit was Dr. Drew being condescending and mocking those two fucktards.  One of the few times I thought Dr. Drew was awesome.

Farrah is keeping Sophia away from Debz because Debz is fucked up.  Sophia doesn't seen overly attached to Debz in the clips I've seen.   And Dr. Douche David was hilarious in his "In my professional experience..." Yeah, okay there Mr. Hair.  Settle down with that.  Dr. Drew wasn't having it and it was a happy moment for me watching that.

I feel bad for Farrah.  She is so damaged and defensive and wounded, I hope that someday she receives the help she needs to get well.  

I totally agree.  I was shocked at how hard he was going after Deb and her elderly sidekick.  He was getting angry, too.  I think he knows damn well there was abuse in that house and that Farrah is who she is because of it.  He actually had Farrah's back, even after how bratty and condescending she was during the first segment.  It actually made me like DD for a hot second.

On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 11:21 AM, WhosThatGirl said:

The problem with Debra imho (and it is because I have no medical insight, other then when I venture to webmd and click a few symptoms and am then told I have some disease you can only get from traveling to another country which I've never done but I digress ?) is that Debra has issues but according to her doctors she has been told she's fine and also what I've learned in the past year and a half recently is that you can't change people's views on things. People are pretty dead set in what they see or belief Even, Debra thinks her behavior is perfectly fine, so it's not going to change because she doesn't see fault and no one can change her viewpoint.

Sounds like a typical narcissist.

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Clearly she thought about doing porn but wasn't offered enough or Matt said no or something along those lines.

Amber was trying so hard to make the distinction that she was only in talks whereas Farrah actually made a porn tape. That is like saying you conspired to kill someone but shame on the person for actually going out to commit the murder.  

Agree that Matt was digging for more money and Vivid wasn't budging. I can't help but think Amber must have worried about Leah's face (tattoo) being shown on the tape. Do you all think she said, "I need to call my brother" during that meeting? 


Get out of town!   Did you post screenshots anywhere?  I'm intrigued.  I'm usually one to take up for the fat shaming of Cate but if she's fat shaming others, then screw her. 

I wish I had. Those were some gems. I ended up getting a new computer and I purged a lot of stuff from my hard drive. Yes, Cate has no issue with calling out people. I am not sure if it was on her Instagram or Twitter (or both?) where she resorted to all kinds of shaming of people. A lot of it wasn't warranted. It was in response to people being concerned about her health, remember her pregnancy when she was diabetic? Females had advised her to be careful about what she ate. Nope. Apparently, offering words of concern is considered being a "hatter". 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Amber was trying so hard to make the distinction that she was only in talks whereas Farrah actually made a porn tape. That is like saying you conspired to kill someone but shame on the person for actually going out to commit the murder.  

Agree that Matt was digging for more money and Vivid wasn't budging. I can't help but think Amber must have worried about Leah's face (tattoo) being shown on the tape. Do you all think she said, "I need to call my brother" during that meeting? 

I wish I had. Those were some gems. I ended up getting a new computer and I purged a lot of stuff from my hard drive. Yes, Cate has no issue with calling out people. I am not sure if it was on her Instagram or Twitter (or both?) where she resorted to all kinds of shaming of people. A lot of it wasn't warranted. It was in response to people being concerned about her health, remember her pregnancy when she was diabetic? Females had advised her to be careful about what she ate. Nope. Apparently, offering words of concern is considered being a "hatter". 

I loved it when they got all defensive about people criticizing them for leaving Nova with Butch.  Their excuse was Nova was only supposed to be there one night then Tyler's sister was supposed to pick her up but "flaked."  Then we find out because she was on a bender. So...you leave your two year old with your recently released drug addict father who has TOLD you he's struggling to stay clean because your junkie sister was supposed to take her the next day? Because we all know how easy going and mellow two year olds are.  They don't try your patience at ALL.  I call bullshit on their claims they didn't know about his sister, either.  Drug addiction is rampant in that family, they have to recognize the signs.  Where was April?  Or Tyler's mom?  When did they find out junkie sister flaked? Why weren't they on the phone immediately (or better yet, on a plane home) arranging for a responsible party to take care of her? If your only options for childcare for a week is various drug addict family members, you postpone your vacation or take the child with you.  God.

Edited by lezlers
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