Suzysite July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 Quote I hate Paul. And I'm starting to hate Christmas, too. No I'm not the Grinch but the girl is putting out some kind of vicious mean girl vibes lately. I have watched every episode of this show since episode one, season one. If Paul wins I am out. Not merely because of my hatred but because it's so clearly rigged and that's not worth investing these hours of my time. Nor is it enjoyable. Grodner I hope you see this I agree x1000 with everything you said. Paul, the producer's darling, is beyond entitled and the point of ruining my summer fun show. If he wins this will be my last season. 5 Link to comment
Rachel RSL July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 I'm really not concerned at all about Paul getting to the end. I'll be impressed if he even makes it to jury. I suspect people are going along with him now because a) he has all the power this week and b) he has the P.O.P. Once his safety expires, I'll be very surprised if he sticks around much longer. It was telling how Cody describes himself and Paul as the only Alphas in the house. I've watched a lot of reality tv in my time and "alpha" is usually synonymous for "asshole" so...yep. I was really confused by Ramses. Was he trying to throw that Veto or not? I swear there were DRs from him where he said he was going for it and that he tried to throw it. 1 Link to comment
iMonrey July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 Another episode of The Paul Show. Paul explains everything to us in the DR. Paul narrates the Veto. Paul tells everyone what to do. Paul is suspicious of Ramses. Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul. Quote Sad, because this cast had great potential but Grodner shot her show in the foot with her decision to bring back Paul. It really is sad and I find myself wondering how this season would have played out had Paul not been a part of it. I have a feeling the dynamic would have been completely different. I feel sorry for Ramses - he doesn't seem like a particularly strong player so everyone is using him as a scapegoat. It's too bad, because he's the least objectionable "token gay" they've had in years. I still think Josh is a few cards short of a deck. His rant to Cody and Jessica included the accusation that had he not taken the Golden Apple they would have gotten rid of him. That's the exact same accusation he leveled at Meghan in Week 1. Is he going to keep pulling that out of the bag every time he decides someone slighted him? OK, I admit, I did kind of crack up at the large man falling asleep on the passengers on the plane. But I hope when Cody walks out of that house he tells Julie Chen "this is complete bullshit because the game was rigged for Paul from Day 1 and there's no reason for anyone else to try." It's going to be unbearable once the editors don't have Cody to work with anymore - it will just be Paul, and some other people. 6 Link to comment
Wouldofshouldof July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 13 hours ago, The Companion said: Ugh, the way Paul approached Ramses from the beginning was so obnoxious. The way he basically said in exchange for throwing the veto we will keep you safe had me rolling my eyes (hey Paul, if he wins veto he will be safe this week anyway). When Paul TH'd that he TOLD Ramses to throw it, I told him, "Yeah, you should have asked him." (I don't think he heard me, though.) 4 Link to comment
NorthstarATL July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 So when will the show officially just rename itself "Your Boy Paul" and be done with the pretense of being a game? Cody may be robotic, but he at least was honestly attempting to play a legit game and aim for a real target. Jessica is no prize, but she's not any worse than the other two showmancers who have opted to be accessories to guys in the game. That said, I am rooting for Alex, who has also been playing an actual game since day 1, and, even though a woman, has opted to play for herself instead of latching onto an available meathead. Correct me if I am wrong, but broken-foot XMAS magically, by "America's vote" gets to have someone replace her in a comp? Just like when Paul "randomly" chose a housemate for a "curse", and managed to miss ANY of the hamsters involved in a showmance? And, Josh, we at home are not BUYING your victim act. Cody and Jess may be wrong about a lot, but they have YOU pegged. I hope your female relatives are taking notes. 4 Link to comment
watch2much July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 poor Rameses. he should have just said he wasn't trying....he just kept accidentally picking the right answer randomly. Paul did it under 5 minutes....Paul is another bully picking on someone he knows he can do it to. 1 Link to comment
Michichick July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 23 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: As for all the anger directed towards Paul, is this a Paul issue or a veteran issue? Would people be just as pissed off if James was brought back as the fan favorite veteran player instead of Paul? I absolutely agree with you. There is plenty of time to boot Paul, the game is in the very early stages. I hate Paul and am unhappy that he's back, but I'd be even more upset if it were James. At least Paul tries to play. But overall, for me it's a veteran issue. I don't like when they mix vets and newbies. 3 Link to comment
Mumbles July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 Quote As for all the anger directed towards Paul, is this a Paul issue or a veteran issue? Would people be just as pissed off if James was brought back as the fan favorite veteran player instead of Paul? In general, I don't like veterans. They have a leg up on the rest of them that doesn't seem fair. But in this case, I think it is Paul that is driving me nuts. The arrogance. The screaming. The clear producer interference. I thought the vets returning last year was dumb but it didn't make me grit my teeth (and that Frank/Bridget stuff was just some creepy shit.) If Donny from few years ago made a return, I wouldn't mind watching him give it another shot. Nakomis, mother of the five-finger plan, would be fun to see too. (I know she was on all-stars but for far too short a time.) 4 Link to comment
Michichick July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 16 minutes ago, NorthstarATL said: Correct me if I am wrong, but broken-foot XMAS magically, by "America's vote" gets to have someone replace her in a comp? Just like when Paul "randomly" chose a housemate for a "curse", and managed to miss ANY of the hamsters involved in a showmance? Christmas won the ability to replace a player in a veto competition. She did not win the ability to have someone replace her. So what she won is actually pretty bad for someone with a broken foot, unless the veto she chooses is non-physical. 3 Link to comment
LoveLeigh July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 (edited) 6 hours ago, llewis823 said: Last night, I noticed Cody's edit to be a bit softer. They actually showed him smiling in the frog suit. They showed him being a tiny bit more human. Then, when Paul was "concerned" that Ramses might not actually throw the veto comp and when he called him out for walking in the HOH room and then just walking back out...then a little while later saying, "Maybe I can't trust him. Maybe we should vote him out this week instead of Cody". Hmmm....once Cody leaves, the show will be boring. TPTB know this too. I am wondering if this might just be yet another "fix" by TPTB to keep the show interesting - Ramses goes home instead of Cody and that ensures another week of more interesting tv. Paul is Grodner's puppet at this point. He has to be. They gave him a second chance. Grodner reads social media. If she feels viewers want Cody to stay for the drama, she will do damage control and influence Paul to get his minions to evict Ramses. The excuse will be that he did not throw the veto comp. Ramses adds nothing. But with Cody, there is a growing showmance and the potential for huge house wars. So let's see what happens tonight. Edited July 13, 2017 by DakotaLavender typos 1 Link to comment
NorthstarATL July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 20 minutes ago, Michichick said: Christmas won the ability to replace a player in a veto competition. She did not win the ability to have someone replace her. So what she won is actually pretty bad for someone with a broken foot, unless the veto she chooses is non-physical. Thanks. I assume the next HOH comp will involve everyone having to compete on one leg, however. Xmas: "I GOT this! But will they think I am too much of a threat if I won?" Link to comment
Adeejay July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 I am starting to smell a rat. Ramses’ curse was an actual punishment. However, Christmas’ curse to replace a player in a veto competition (clearly setup to stop Cody), seems like a reward. Noticed that Cody hugged Mark after he admitted voting for Jillian to be evicted, but went after the two minorities for “doing” the same thing. 1 Link to comment
Rachel RSL July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 10 minutes ago, Adeejay said: I am starting to smell a rat. Ramses’ curse was an actual punishment. However, Christmas’ curse to replace a player in a veto competition (clearly setup to stop Cody), seems like a reward. It was a reward. America voted to give Christmas the Temptation (to replace a player in the Veto competition of her choice). When she accepted the Temptation, that released the curse on Jessica, Jason and Cody. Link to comment
ProfCrash July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 Christmas was tempted, not cursed. So she was given a reward. She cursed Jason, Cody and Jessica to be toads for the week. Link to comment
LoveLeigh July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 (edited) 1 hour ago, icemiser69 said: I absolutely agree with you. There is plenty of time to boot Paul, the game is in the very early stages. For me, the issue is that it would have been interesting to see how this season played out without Paul even there. So whether he is booted now, soon, or makes it to jury is irrelevant because he influenced the total direction of the game with his presence. Grodner shoehorned in ONE returning HG and for what? Either stick in a few or none. Paul ruined what could have been a totally great season. Grodner: GET PAUL THE F OUT! Edited July 13, 2017 by DakotaLavender 4 Link to comment
Jeanne222 July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 I'm not so sure I like these prizes and punishments. Seems to throw the fun of the game off. Personally I think Rameses was hoping for a little power in the win. I think he tried to win but Paul beat him. He wanted to win and then have Paul and his minions come and plead with him to go along with their plan. I think he would have caved but felt like he mattered. It has to be hard to be a Rameses, Kevin, Alex and Jason and have to set back and watch all the action happen knowing only they will be used as pawns. Sigh... Link to comment
Christina July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 17 hours ago, docmatt said: How did it take 10 minutes to watch Paul finish the veto in 4 1/2? I noticed that Josh had to do the airplane food detour and Ramses didn't, but Ramses only beat him by four seconds. I knew Paul was going to win, because I think the entire thing has been fixed, but he beat them by two minutes? Nope, not buying it. I'm not watching the feeds, just checking in here, because it is every camera on Paul all the time. BBAD, all Paul. This episode, all Paul. He annoyed me last time, but this time I'm finding him unbearable, in part because there is no relief from him and in part because I don't think they are even trying to make it look like a legitimate competition, and I have no faith that he will ever be evicted, because AG will not let it happen. Paul is NOT "my boy" and I would appreciate it if he would quit yelling at me and preaching about how great he knows the game and insisting that everyone just follow him and they will make it to the end, you know, like Cody did. 2 Link to comment
ghoulina July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 2 hours ago, icemiser69 said: Cody screwed Cody. He can't blame Paul or Grodner for that. If Cody went with the original plan, instead of trying to backdoor Paul, everything would have been fine. Cody screwed over himself and his alliance. Pretty stupid thing to do this early in the game, when house guests barely know each other. Exactly. Cody is an idiot and supremely arrogant. He made his bed when he went against his alliance not once, but twice. And he's the one who basically STARTED that group! So if you want the protection of other people, you kind of have to....oh....I don't know....WORK with them! 5 Link to comment
The Companion July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 2 hours ago, Wouldofshouldof said: When Paul TH'd that he TOLD Ramses to throw it, I told him, "Yeah, you should have asked him." (I don't think he heard me, though.) Exactly! HE is so convinced that he has the house and that everyone loves him that he thinks he can just waltz into a room and tell someone to do something that may not be best for their game. If you don't do what he dictates, you are shady and you should go. Paul legitimately tried to argue that someone who was not gunning for him but may not have complied 100% with his instructions might be more of a threat than someone who is trying to get them out. 2 hours ago, icemiser69 said: Cody screwed Cody. He can't blame Paul or Grodner for that. If Cody went with the original plan, instead of trying to backdoor Paul, everything would have been fine. Cody screwed over himself and his alliance. Pretty stupid thing to do this early in the game, when house guests barely know each other. As for all the anger directed towards Paul, is this a Paul issue or a veteran issue? Would people be just as pissed off if James was brought back as the fan favorite veteran player instead of Paul? I absolutely agree with you. There is plenty of time to boot Paul, the game is in the very early stages. For me, it is Paul. I don't mind the veterans as much as a lot of people do. I dislike Paul, who is always "on" and trying to be oh so clever and cute, but who loses his mind whenever people don't do exactly what he wants them to do. I would really have liked to see how this group played out without Paul trying to dominate every last second of camera time. 3 Link to comment
HurricaneVal July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 (edited) Oh I don't know... If Paul didn't have immunity for three weeks, Cody's plan would have worked and he would have been lauded as a house hero. His alliance might have been a bit miffed at the plan not being appropriately communicated, but Cody was holding his cards close--if he'd told his alliance it would have gone back to Paul. If that @#$& "Ass Amulet of Ass (Paul) Protection" hadn't been in play, this all would have gone very, very differently. Where Cody really did screw up was where when Paul was no longer a viable candidate, he put up Christmas. That was the huge mistake. If he'd put up Ramses or Jason, then this all would have gone very, very differently. I hate Paul. I want him and his nasty banana beard gone, gone, gone. Edited July 13, 2017 by HurricaneVal spelling is impotent. 7 Link to comment
Nashville July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 6 hours ago, laurakaye said: What, exactly, is "slop?' I remember it looking more like oatmeal in previous seasons, but wow, it looked horrible when Cody and Jessica were eating it. The poster that said it looks like cat barf was spot-on. Either that or they scrape whatever's been burned onto the bottom on the pots and pans for the week and serve it up. Gross. Steel-rolled oats, whey powder, and some other odds and ends thrown in to up the grossness factor. Link to comment
Callaphera July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 2 hours ago, icemiser69 said: As for all the anger directed towards Paul, is this a Paul issue or a veteran issue? Would people be just as pissed off if James was brought back as the fan favorite veteran player instead of Paul? Can it be both? I'd dislike James in there just as much as I dislike Paul. But then I'm not a big James fan to begin with. 1 Link to comment
Rachel RSL July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 24 minutes ago, The Companion said: I would really have liked to see how this group played out without Paul trying to dominate every last second of camera time. I think it would have been a clear case of the showmance alliance simply picking off the others all season, which holds absolutely no interest to me whatsoever. I'd much rather have that crap broken up early in the season. 1 Link to comment
HurricaneVal July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 If it hadn't turned into "us against the world" with Cody and Jessica, I rather think their Jody showmance would have fizzled fairly soon. He was already showing signs of distraction, he had that crush on Alex. Remember when he called Jessica "Alex" while canoodling in the HoH bed, and then covered himself by acting like he was just starting a sentence with her name? 2 Link to comment
Nashville July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 4 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said: If it hadn't turned into "us against the world" with Cody and Jessica, I rather think their Jody showmance would have fizzled fairly soon. He was already showing signs of distraction, he had that crush on Alex. Remember when he called Jessica "Alex" while canoodling in the HoH bed, and then covered himself by acting like he was just starting a sentence with her name? I reckon when you talk to nobody else - or they won't talk to you - it does help your focus a mite. :> Link to comment
iMonrey July 13, 2017 Share July 13, 2017 Quote I'm not watching the feeds, just checking in here, because it is every camera on Paul all the time. BBAD, all Paul. This episode, all Paul. He annoyed me last time, but this time I'm finding him unbearable, in part because there is no relief from him and in part because I don't think they are even trying to make it look like a legitimate competition, and I have no faith that he will ever be evicted, because AG will not let it happen. Same. I turn on BBAD for about 20 minutes then get sick of it. But then, this episode was Paul-centric too. You could rationalize that by saying it's because he's HoH but it's been Paul-centric ever since he walked in the front door. Everyone else - with the exception of Cody and Jessica - is like a recurring character you see once in awhile. Link to comment
Gemma Violet July 14, 2017 Share July 14, 2017 Quote Paul legitimately tried to argue that someone who was not gunning for him but may not have complied 100% with his instructions might be more of a threat than someone who is trying to get them out. As I think was mentioned above, there's no doubt in my mind that the producers told Paul to say that to add some drama to the show. 1 Link to comment
mojoween July 14, 2017 Share July 14, 2017 I like Paul and find his DR's amusing. His *pause* "who DOES that?!" about Ramses walking in the room and then back out cracked me up. A little Ramses goes a looooong way. I'm no Alex fan but "I'm not that kind of Asian" made me laugh. Kevin is also not my fave but I like his willingness to go along as Paul's muscle in order to keep his game safe. And then randomly ask Ramses if he looked old while Ramses was trying to make a point. 2 Link to comment
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