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Check Up with Dr. Drew Season 6B (Part 1)

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Matt will never leave Amber because he's never had it so good and easy. And he can play her like a fiddle. Just tell her she looks pretty.


I think Mack got Ryan to the alter so fast because she wants to be a "Teen Mom", too. This was her ticket to be like Kristina, Jeremy, Miranda, Javi and Cole. They all get their air time. She's young enough to have watched Maci skyrocket in popularity, so what better way than to somehow latch on to Ryan and get that "golden ticket"? I mean they are from the same place, right? I wonder if when she was pregnant if she tried contacting MTV to be on one of the other TM shows.


Side note...what could we call it similar to the Housewives show where they "earn that orange, apple, etc"?

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

@ghoulina You posted no one got Ryan help. He did go to rehab in 2012. And no one can put Ryan into rehab. They can do an intervention and stop the enabling, which none of them did including Maci, but that is the extent of what their responsibility is. The onus is on Ryan to realize he needs help. He has never hit his rock bottom because of all the enablers around him. Any specialist will tell you that you cannot force one to get help.

I agree with all that. I don't know the circumstances of why he went to rehab the first time. All I was trying to say was, Mackenzie is acting like it's all Maci's fault that Rhine has been "humiliated" on national TV, but Maci isn't forcing him to go on this show. 

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1 hour ago, Bblack3 said:

I think Mack got Ryan to the alter so fast because she wants to be a "Teen Mom", too. This was her ticket to be like Kristina, Jeremy, Miranda, Javi and Cole. They all get their air time. She's young enough to have watched Maci skyrocket in popularity, so what better way than to somehow latch on to Ryan and get that "golden ticket"? I mean they are from the same place, right? I wonder if when she was pregnant if she tried contacting MTV to be on one of the other TM shows.

The world has officially gone to hell when Teen Mom is a career aspiration. SAD! 

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33 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

The world has officially gone to hell when Teen Mom is a career aspiration. SAD! 

I find this whole thing fascinating. The show has been on for so long that now the people joining the show are kids that grew up watching it. It really HAS become a career aspiration. Maci, Ryan, Amber, et al are basically celebrities to some of these people. Mac probably didn't care that Ryan was a junkie-in her circles it would be like hooking up with Tom Cruise (in many different ways). She probably figured she could deal with the crazy, as long as it got her some screen time and a ticket to the MTV movie awards. 

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Yeah, that's one of the reasons they kinda scaled back on 16 and pregnant, people were purposely getting pregnant to have a shot at the show... really scary that those same kids are our countries future.

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21 hours ago, ArtTypeGirl said:


PS: so Mac and his mom and dad that he lived with had no knowledge of any drug use but we will hold Maci to a higher standard that she had to have known? Makes no sense. She barely sees him, she doesn't live with him and drug addicts are pretty good at not coming around when they're high. 

THIS!!! so much THIS!!!!  Mackenzie's outrage of Maci not saying anything is ridiculous.  How could you live with him and not see something?? Being in huge freaking DENIAL.  That's how.  And that's no fault but Mackenzie and Ryan's parents.  Honestly Maci was between a rock and hard place with that whole thing.  

18 hours ago, gotta watch said:

Now I think we know why Jenn was crying so hard at the wedding. Sure it's partly "the most important people aren't here," but mainly I bet she had talked to one of the producers and they told her about Ryan driving while higher than a kite to his wedding. I don't have a lot of sympathy for her, but I bet she was scared by that, as well as mortified that it was going to air for the whole world to see. She's tried so hard to keep Ryan's problems secret...

Supposedly they hadn't seen that footage yet.  Which I kind of believe.  I think we would have seen footage from outside of the vehicle if they were behind them and they usually have walkie talkies if they're in a separate vehicle. 

5 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

It was Ryan's choice to be on the show. What should Maci have done, not addressed it at all? She can't win.

Exactly, let's just let the 1000000 lb elephant stay in the room every time Ryan is shown on the tv.  My nephews have a mother that is a drug addict and I for one am HAPPY that Maci let this be her story line.  It's about freaking time.  If Mackenzie didn't know there was a problem after almost getting herself killed in that car ride then she's a freaking dumbass.  I know she's young but c'mon!!!  Maybe ryan shouldn't do drugs and then he wouldn't be embarrassed. 

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Ryan embarrased his oen self with that drive.  It still makes me furious!  He looks dead when he goes unconcious or whatever you call it.  

Mac storming off is stupid.  If it's out in real life, and you are pissed and leave, that's one thing.  But to storm off stage, like a baby, and then come back, just looks dumb to me. 

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It's such bullshit when Drew stated that the producers did not know Ryan drove while impaired. As we learned last season when Chelsea let the gender slip by accident during a moment she thought they weren't listening - they are always listening and watching!

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7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I agree with all that. I don't know the circumstances of why he went to rehab the first time. All I was trying to say was, Mackenzie is acting like it's all Maci's fault that Rhine has been "humiliated" on national TV, but Maci isn't forcing him to go on this show. 

I think we all agree that Maci is not at fault for Ryan's addiction and she forces no one to be on this show. No one here has posted Maci is at fault for either of those two matters.

What has been posted is the hypocrisy and sanctimonious attitude Maci spews. I posted this on the Maci thread. I will post it here as well. This is what Maci said in an interview about the whole Farrah is coming back brouhaha:  http://womanista.com/news/2017/05/30/teen-moms-maci-bookout-speaks-out-about-farrah-abrahams-parentin/


"If we're watching one scene and he's in the front yard throwing baseball and then five seconds later they are in a strip club, to me that's just not appropriate," she said. "The show is going to air on Mondays and that's going to be happening and then he has to wake up and go to school the next day with six and seven-year-olds in Kindergarten that just watched all of that happen. So it's difficult for me because I feel like my ability to make the right choices as a parent was kind of taken away from me when they decided to bring her back."

Even though Bookout doesn't agree with some of Abraham's behavior, the mother of three says that she wouldn't reject befriending someone like Abraham just because of her decisions.

"I've said it in every interview today, and I think the best way to really get my point across is that, you know, my very best friend could be a stripper and do porn as long as she treats me and my family right and she's a good person," Bookout said. "I don't care what she does, she is still going to be my best friend. But that doesn't mean I'm going to involve what her choice of career is with my six-year-old son or that I'm going to expose any of that to him."

I take issue with her statement her ability to make the right choices was taken from her when MTV brought Farrah back. Wrong. Maci had more options available to her, they were just not the options she wanted to make.

Maci states Bentley and his classmates watch the show. I suppose drug abuse which includes driving while under the influence (Cate and Ryan), mental abuse, and domestic violence is suitable for first graders? Farrah was working at a legit job. Maci didn't raise a stink about downing all those Bud Lites on camera or her own adventures in strip club land during her bachelorette party where she was all over that dude.

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Not liking this Mackenzie girl...at all...the "letter", her sanctimonious 'tude...by the way...where did she and Ryan meet? And why would a single mom want to even be with a guy who has no job, has an obvious drug problem (please...she HAD to have noticed this) and does nothing all day but get high and hang with his parents. Hmmmm...guess she smelled the scent of $$$ and fame from theTeen Mom franchise and wanted in on it. I give this marriage less than a year,

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4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

It's such bullshit when Drew stated that the producers did not know Ryan drove while impaired. As we learned last season when Chelsea let the gender slip by accident during a moment she thought they weren't listening - they are always listening and watching!

They were filming BEFORE the car ride, right? And they didn't notice anything weird about Ryan's slurred speech, him stumbling around muttering about a "haircut", etc? Right, Jan. 

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17 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Do you all know if that cartoon image that is shown in-between scenes flipping and turning the teen mom book is Maci? The cartoon person is wearing clothes that I could picture Maci wearing and freckly, reddish looking legs and super skinny and converse shoes. LOL. The things I think about and I hope you all get what I mean. The girl has the scene to the next clip inside of a cartoon book and it's the person flipping the next page. UGH, I'm not making any sense. I need coffee. I will try and get a screenshot. BRB.




15 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

That's funny ... I've always thought that looked like Maci's hands and nails. 

Whenever they play that transition clip, I imagine it to be Maci flipping the pages. Same body and style.

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There is no winner with Maci and Mackenzie.  

Mackenzie is an idiot.  Let's just clear that up now.  She's lived with Ryan, she married Ryan, if she couldn't see that Ryan was an addict, that's on her. I don't blame her for the letter because I also have to write things down to get my thoughts straight, but not knowing that "your man" is an addict when he can't keep his eyes open is on you. 

That being said, Maci is a sanctimonious jerk.  Maci has known for years that Ryan is an addict but she's demanded alone time for him and Bentley, she's put that kid in the car with him knowing about his issues, and she used it as her storyline for this season so that she could play the martyr.  The phone calls, the tears to anyone who would listen, the counselors, "I'll be his strength"...that was all for Maci and Maci's ego.  Not Ryan or Bentley's well-being.  She can laugh at Mackenzie's letter all she wants but I believe that was her defense mechanism because she's not used to being called out.

My issue isn't who is at fault or who should have done what. I just think it's gross that Maci took this storyline and ran with it through a river of crocodile tears.   She used it for her personal gain in order to portray a certain character on this reality show.  In my book, that's exploitation.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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On 7/5/2017 at 6:15 AM, ghoulina said:

He really had nothing negative to say about Amber either. I'm so over him. 


This bothered me SO badly. He acted like it wasn't her fault that that terrifying drive happened, because she didn't know the signs. Oh give me a fucking break. I'm also not convinced that MTV wasn't watching that live. 


I think the storm off was planned. Hasn't just about every Teen Mom walked off the stage at some point? She's just trying to cement her role on reality TV. 


Personally, even though he attended rehab before, I DON'T think his drug problem was that bad 5 years ago. Just from watching the show. Something has always been "off" with him, but he's taken it to a whole other level. I think he was probably messing around with pills back then, but at this stage - I think he's putting a needle in his arm. I've never seen him act like he's acting this season, and it's terrifying. I'm not excusing Maci; I think she could have done better to try and protect her son. But I also think it's possible she really didn't know how far it had gone, since she's not around him all the time like Mack and his parents. Hell, she often just dropped Bentley off with THEM. It's even possible that Jenn tried to gloss over it and tell Maci he was doing just fine.

My problem is, Maci admitted to Dr. Drew that Ryan had quickly relapsed soon after that rehab stint in 2012. 

What more did she need to have happen in order to make a decision about Bentley, especially since after Ryan was at his worst and yet, Maci was still adamant about wanting to co-parent with him and not his parents? 

The moment she found out he relapsed in 2012, that was the time to have gone to court to establish drug-testing. A pill problem is a drug problem. 

Maci knew about Ryan driving under the influence in May. We are now in July. Nothing has been confirmed she has gone to court. What is she waiting for? 

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1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

My problem is, Maci admitted to Dr. Drew that Ryan had quickly relapsed soon after that rehab stint in 2012. 

What more did she need to have happen in order to make a decision about Bentley, especially since after Ryan was at his worst and yet, Maci was still adamant about wanting to co-parent with him and not his parents? 

The moment she found out he relapsed in 2012, that was the time to have gone to court to establish drug-testing. A pill problem is a drug problem. 

Maci knew about Ryan driving under the influence in May. We are now in July. Nothing has been confirmed she has gone to court. What is she waiting for? 

This is curious to me. So, Ryan had a bad enough problem in 2012 to be shipped off to rehab, which evidently didn't take. And this has only recently come up in 2017? It does seem like things have come to a head in the last 12 months with the cat killing, disownment from Larry, Ryan's increasingly bizarre behavior- but what was going on from 2013-2016?

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6 minutes ago, Tatum said:

This is curious to me. So, Ryan had a bad enough problem in 2012 to be shipped off to rehab, which evidently didn't take. And this has only recently come up in 2017? It does seem like things have come to a head in the last 12 months with the cat killing, disownment from Larry, Ryan's increasingly bizarre behavior- but what was going on from 2013-2016?

Bolded part mine. Yes, apparently a pill problem was so bad that he entered rehab. That in a nutshell. It wasn't as if Ryan was dabbling in taking pills and Maci was just not aware of how bad it really was. It was bad. So bad he entered rehab. That is the red flag! What more would one need in order to know there is a problem? And there was at least one or two scenes where Maci allowed Bentley to be driven in a car by his dad post 2012 even though Maci admitted Ryan relapsed soon after. Then, as you pointed out, we had the cat killings. Is that not a major red flag? You can only imagine what shit was happening between 2012 and now that we are not privy to. The cameras are only around two weeks per season. Mackenzie gets her head ripped off for allowing Ryan to drive (rightly so), and Maci deserves the same for not putting her child's welfare first and foremost. 

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7 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Instead of filming Mackenzie looking for a dress, they should have filmed Ryan going for his haircut.  

They very well might have, but left it on the cutting room floor. Anything to make sure they didn't look complicit. I don't trust MTV as far as I can throw them. 

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1 hour ago, Tatum said:

It does seem like things have come to a head in the last 12 months with the cat killing, disownment from Larry, Ryan's increasingly bizarre behavior- but what was going on from 2013-2016?

Don't forget the allen wrenches!

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4 hours ago, poopchute said:

Don't forget the allen wrenches!

You know, I have a set of allen wrenches in my storage room. It is a set of 22 wrenches that I paid $15 from the hardware store. That works out to be 68 cents for each wrench. Ryan must have taken and sold the more expensive tools long ago and all that was left were the wrenches. 

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52 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

You know, I have a set of allen wrenches in my storage room. It is a set of 22 wrenches that I paid $15 from the hardware store. That works out to be 68 cents for each wrench. Ryan must have taken and sold the more expensive tools long ago and all that was left were the wrenches. 

You and Mack have some mad math skills ! ?

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Finally watched the Maci/Mac clip. Pretty laughable, for all the reasons mentioned. I'm no fan of Maci, but for Mac to accuse her of "exploitation" when she married a guy who was obviously under the influence during the wedding- well, that takes some pretty serious balls.  Is Maci a liar, a hypocrite, and all around annoying? No doubt, but Mac has no rooms to throw stones. None.

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We were out of town so I just watched this on the dvr last night.  As usual, I'm just in disbelief at the distorted perceptions of reality these people have.

Mackenzie's stomping off the stage brought her angle into focus.   It takes a huge ego to be an ancillary (I'm being generous w the definition of ancillary here) participant of this show to "walk off" the reunion stage.  She is on par with Matt and Debz OG's weird doctor.  A super fan who made it into the inner circle of this weirdness.

I see why Mackenzie wrote that open letter, but good grief!  (I won't even get into her doing the math on the days, hours, minutes and seconds bullshit.)  They are *all* exploiting Ryan.   Yeah, Ryan is exploiting himself to an extent but he isn't sober and hasn't been for a long time.   Since he has gone to rehab, he may stay sober and gain clarity then want out of this filming fiasco.  I still say it wasn't Maci's business to be talking about on camera.  Calling counselors and acting as if she has some influence over Ryan was absurd.   They have come to a point where he politely tolerates her (maybe the drugs gave him better coping abilities with her) but that is it.  St. Maci's "I will be his strength" still makes me lol.   She needs to clean up her own life before trying to manage someone else's.

Amber is delusional.  No other word for it.  Crying and sobbing over how much she is "helping" people on social media is the textbook delusions of grandeur.  And then trying to act like Farrah is the crazy one for not wanting to be on stage with her!  Really??

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On ‎7‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 3:59 PM, GreatKazu said:

Thank Maci for what, exactly?

Not sure what Mac should be thanking Maci for.

As for Bentley, Maci did allow Ryan to drive Bentley around. She even allowed Bentley to be in Ryan's car knowing Ryan wasn't putting him in a car seat. Maci is just as guilty for putting her son in harm's way just as Mac was for not keeping Ryan from driving. Maci is not innocent in all of this. Ryan entered rehab 5 years ago. Maci has allowed Bentley to be in a car driven by Ryan. Not sure that qualifies Maci as being someone who tried her best. Her best would have been to put the kabosh on any visitations to the Edward's home and cut off Ryan.

Maci is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.  Could you imagine if she tried to warn Mac of Ryan's addiction?  HAHAHAHA!  She'd be public enemy #1.  They'd be crying slander all of the place and everyone would be accusing her of just trying to be a controlling bitch by keeping Bentley away from him (which is a common chorus on these threads.)  But then when she doesn't, then Ryan's addiction is HER fault.  Girl can't win, which is probably why she just rolled her eyes and called Mac's ridiculous little hissy fit out for what it was.   Maci was right: RYAN exploited himself.  No one forced him to sign on to this show season after season.  No one forced him to get high as a kite and DRIVE while being filmed.  No one forced that depressing shit show of a parking lot "wedding."   Mac really showed her ass with that little stunt.

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I'm sorry, I can't bear to watch this show without the fast forward function (when I stream it on demand it won't let me fast forward, and I'll be damned if I junk up our already full DVR with this crap and give my husband any more ammunition to make fun of me), so someone please give me the quick rundown- how was it that Maci officially found out about Ryan? It sounds like someone told her...who would be close enough to Ryan to know this yet also close enough to Maci to tell her, instead of Ryan's parents or fiancee? I am looking for the official party line here, obviously everyone in the situation was well aware, or damn well should have been.

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On ‎7‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 7:01 PM, alexa said:

Let's also remember how Mac handled the one time Maci did talk to her about things. She went running to Ryan and his parents to spill all.  I dont see that she would have done a thing if addiction would have come up but only make fun of Maci again. I just thought that letter sucked given she and Ryan's parents see him so much more. They have responsibility to Bentleys safety as well. 

Exactly.   Had Maci brought up the issue (which she had before, as she mentioned on the show), she would've just been shut down or been accused of stirring up trouble (and probably wanting him back.)  Plus, as DD pointed out (useless as he is, I thought it was good that he at least mentioned this) the addiction specialist advised her not to.  But the whole thing is her fault.  She was in charge of getting Ryan help, not his wife and parents, with whom he actually has strong relationships and with whom he resides.  They had NO IDEA, YA'LL.  NONE.  Even when he was nodding off on the highway and during the wedding.  Nope!  No clue.  How dare Maci not step in and point out what was right in front of their faces (more so than her own)! 

They really do give new meaning to the term "enable."   @Tatum:  "word on the street" is producers told her how bad it was after that scene of Ryan driving.  And she heard from other people.  I think his parents and Mac (OBVIOUSLY) knew and heard too, they're just more about appearances than anything else so they're embarrassed and are looking for someone to blame now that they look stupid on TV.

Edited by lezlers
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1 minute ago, lezlers said:

Exactly.   Had Maci brought up the issue (which she had before, as she mentioned on the show), she would've just been shut down or been accused of stirring up trouble (and probably wanting him back.)  Plus, as DD pointed out (useless as he is, I thought it was good that he at least mentioned this) the addiction specialist advised her not to.  But the whole thing is her fault.  She was in charge of getting Ryan help, not his wife and parents, with whom he actually has strong relationships and with whom he resides.  They had NO IDEA, YA'LL.  NONE.  Even when he was nodding off on the highway and during the wedding.  Nope!  No clue.  How dare Maci not step in and put a stop to this addiction! 

They really do give new meaning to the term "enable."

I would be curious to know how that conversation went. I agree, Maci is not at fault (in this particular case) but I am wondering if "yeah, I've known since November" was maybe not the best response to give to Mac when Mac told Maci about impending rehab. Not because she did anything wrong, but for someone looking for someone else to blame, Maci handed Mac something on a silver platter.

3 minutes ago, lezlers said:

  @Tatum:  "word on the street" is producers told her how bad it was after that scene of Ryan driving.  And she heard from other people.  I think his parents and Mac (OBVIOUSLY) knew and heard too, they're just more about appearances than anything else so they're embarrassed and are looking for someone to blame now that they look stupid on TV.

The scene where Ryan was driving to the wedding? Because that just happened in late May, right?

Who told Maci back in November?

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Ryan's issues aren't Maci's fault because Ryan's issues have nothing to do with Maci.  They broke up years ago.  It wasn't her business to be discussing at all publicly.  It wasn't her job to go tell anybody because it wasn't her business AT ALL.  Maci has her own sobriety issues to deal with before she deals with anyone else's.

Maci isn't "damned if you do, damned if you don't" because it is none of her business.  Period.   She needed a storyline.  She could have refused to discuss Ryan's business on camera, and she certainly didn't need to call counselors (especially considering she did nothing w the counseling they gave her).

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1 hour ago, AirQuotes said:

Ryan's issues aren't Maci's fault because Ryan's issues have nothing to do with Maci.  They broke up years ago.  It wasn't her business to be discussing at all publicly.  It wasn't her job to go tell anybody because it wasn't her business AT ALL.  Maci has her own sobriety issues to deal with before she deals with anyone else's.

Maci isn't "damned if you do, damned if you don't" because it is none of her business.  Period.   She needed a storyline.  She could have refused to discuss Ryan's business on camera, and she certainly didn't need to call counselors (especially considering she did nothing w the counseling they gave her).

Yes, so true. Ryan being an addict doesn't make her responsible for telling anyone other CPS if Bentley was in the car with him, the courts, and her attorney. 

Maci is not damned if she does or doesn't. She is damned for NOT having done what she should have done to protect Bentley. She shouldn't have gone around saying she could save Ryan. Don't go around making such claims that you are the one who can help Ryan, it is you who can get him help because as the specialist told you, that is not her place or business.  

Your ex is caught on camera as he commits a DUI and still to date nothing on your end has been done regarding Bentley and ensuring he is not around people who enable? Who continues to enable Ryan? 

@Tatum Maci admitted on the part one reunion show Ryan entered rehab prior. She didn't say when, but it was in 2012. She knew way before November. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Oh, right I know everyone  knew long before now, I was just curious what the official explanation was when Mack claimed Maci told her she knew in November.

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15 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Yes, so true. Ryan being an addict doesn't make her responsible for telling anyone other CPS if Bentley was in the car with him, the courts, and her attorney. 

Maci is not damned if she does or doesn't. She is damned for NOT having done what she should have done to protect Bentley. She shouldn't have gone around saying she could save Ryan. Don't go around making such claims that you are the one who can help Ryan, it is you who can get him help because as the specialist told you, that is not her place or business.  

Your ex is caught on camera as he commits a DUI and still to date nothing on your end has been done regarding Bentley and ensuring he is not around people who enable? Who continues to enable Ryan? 

@Tatum Maci admitted on the part one reunion show Ryan entered rehab prior. She didn't say when, but it was in 2012. She knew way before November. 

Yes, exactly.  In regards to Bentley she does have say so and control, but other than sitting around flapping her gums about it she didn't do anything.  The steps required to keep Bentley safe don't involve the Edwards at all.

And!  As has already been said, she was bitching about the Larry and Jen being the ones to handle Bentley during Ryan's time.  Maci doesn't make any sense.

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6 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

Yes, exactly.  In regards to Bentley she does have say so and control, but other than sitting around flapping her gums about it she didn't do anything.  The steps required to keep Bentley safe don't involve the Edwards at all.

And!  As has already been said, she was bitching about the Larry and Jen being the ones to handle Bentley during Ryan's time.  Maci doesn't make any sense.

No, she doesn't make sense. She says what is convenient and depending how many Bud Lites she has in her system. 

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Hmm. I'm on the fence with the Maci issue because I do think she's being ridiculous by not bringing this to the attention of CPS but also publicly whining about it, plus the Farrah-related hypocrisy, but I certainly don't blame her for talking about the issues onscreen any more than I blame any of them for being involved with MTV. Aren't we way past "not her business" once they're on a reality show about their interpersonal drama for 9 years and the producers tell them what to talk about and probably select the storyline anyway? She and Ryan have been bitching about each other onscreen for nine years and getting paid for it. Why is his drug use somehow sacred? Should the other addicts on the show have been afforded the same privacy?

Edited by Lm2162
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17 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Hmm. I'm on the fence with the Maci issue because I do think she's being ridiculous by not bringing this to the attention of CPS but also publicly whining about it, plus the Farrah-related hypocrisy, but I certainly don't blame her for talking about the issues onscreen any more than I blame any of them for being involved with MTV. Aren't we way past "not her business" once they're on a reality show about their interpersonal drama for 9 years and the producers tell them what to talk about and probably select the storyline anyway? She and Ryan have been bitching about each other onscreen for nine years and getting paid for it. Why is his drug use somehow sacred? Should the other addicts on the show have been afforded the same privacy?

We are not referring to privacy. Only the fact that it was not Maci's business to tell Mackenzie anything about Ryan. Not sure how that keeps getting twisted. lol 

As for the rest, Maci made it her mission to save Ryan, at least she verbally made claims on camera, not sure she was actually planning to go through with it. But as the therapist on the phone told her, she is not there to support. It is not her business to support. It is not her business to talk to Ryan about his need for rehab. What she was specifically told to do was to tell him and the Edwards she was not going to allow Bentley to be a part of any of their enabling behavior and she would cease visitation to them and to Ryan (via the Edwards since Maci dropped him off with Jen and Larry). She has the legal recourse to do something as the primary parent. Of course, Maci would likely need to discuss that part of Ryan's addiction on the air in order to explain why she was cutting off visitation and now the spotlight is on her private life and marital problems. Although, it is not necessary for Maci to have to discuss Ryan and what she does about Bentley, as we have seen over the seasons how many things are glossed over or not discussed at all. They may end up on the cutting room floor. Somehow, we manage to survive without knowing all the details.  

In the end, it is tiresome to hear someone act so concerned and worried about someone or themselves, they then seek out professional help only to ignore the advice and then continue to bitch and complain. That is the issue at hand with Maci. She goes from one thing to another. She bitches about Ryan, but then she wants to co-parent with him. She claims to be concerned about his drug issue, but she wants to co-parent only with him. She bitches about the Edwards being too controlling and yet, it was her doing since she handed them the job of co-parenting for the past 8 years. She talks out of both sides of her mouth. She seeks advice from a professional and then ignores the advice. 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Yes, so true. Ryan being an addict doesn't make her responsible for telling anyone other CPS if Bentley was in the car with him, the courts, and her attorney. 

Maci is not damned if she does or doesn't. She is damned for NOT having done what she should have done to protect Bentley. She shouldn't have gone around saying she could save Ryan. Don't go around making such claims that you are the one who can help Ryan, it is you who can get him help because as the specialist told you, that is not her place or business.  

Your ex is caught on camera as he commits a DUI and still to date nothing on your end has been done regarding Bentley and ensuring he is not around people who enable? Who continues to enable Ryan? 

@Tatum Maci admitted on the part one reunion show Ryan entered rehab prior. She didn't say when, but it was in 2012. She knew way before November. 

You guys are erecting a bit of a straw man, though.  Mac wasn't telling Maci she should've done something because of Bentley.  She was telling her she should've told HER and his PARENTS who clearly knew about it.  That's what I very clearly said when I claimed she's damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.   Let's not make my argument into something it never was.  I've said numerous times she should've done something regarding Bentley. I don't think anyone here disagrees with that.

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On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 6:15 AM, ghoulina said:

He really had nothing negative to say about Amber either. I'm so over him. 


This bothered me SO badly. He acted like it wasn't her fault that that terrifying drive happened, because she didn't know the signs. Oh give me a fucking break. I'm also not convinced that MTV wasn't watching that live. 


I think the storm off was planned. Hasn't just about every Teen Mom walked off the stage at some point? She's just trying to cement her role on reality TV. 


Personally, even though he attended rehab before, I DON'T think his drug problem was that bad 5 years ago. Just from watching the show. Something has always been "off" with him, but he's taken it to a whole other level. I think he was probably messing around with pills back then, but at this stage - I think he's putting a needle in his arm. I've never seen him act like he's acting this season, and it's terrifying. I'm not excusing Maci; I think she could have done better to try and protect her son. But I also think it's possible she really didn't know how far it had gone, since she's not around him all the time like Mack and his parents. Hell, she often just dropped Bentley off with THEM. It's even possible that Jenn tried to gloss over it and tell Maci he was doing just fine.

Agree with all of this, wholeheartedly.  You can hate Maci and still think Mac was totally out of line.  The two aren't mutually exclusive.  I also don't think just because someone had a brief stint in rehab 5 years ago that automatically means you know they're careening down the highway nodding off on the regular like I'm sure MAC knew. 

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5 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


In the end, it is tiresome to hear someone act so concerned and worried about someone or themselves, they then seek out professional help only to ignore the advice and then continue to bitch and complain. That is the issue at hand with Maci. She goes from one thing to another. She bitches about Ryan, but then she wants to co-parent with him. She claims to be concerned about his drug issue, but she wants to co-parent only with him. She bitches about the Edwards being too controlling and yet, it was her doing since she handed them the job of co-parenting for the past 8 years. She talks out of both sides of her mouth. She seeks advice from a professional and then ignores the advice. 

Yeah, I am torn on this. On the one hand, it's not impossible that Maci is genuinely concerned about Ryan (as far as how it affects Bentley), and truly wanted to help, which is why she called the therapist. I mean, I don't think it's a far stretch that Maci doesn't want to have to tell Bentley his father died from an overdose or is currently in jail after being arrested for driving under the influence, or that, even without these extremes, there is always a chance that Bentley is going to witness something disturbing while on Ryan's time (such as extremely erratic behavior).

On the other hand, Maci tends to act in a certain way that in her estimation, is going to garner her the most attention and praise from fans. So it's also not impossible that the phone call to the therapist and the ongoing hand wringing about Ryan was nothing more than a way to get fans to be like, wow, look at how sweet and responsible Maci is. What an awesome person.

At the end of the day all these people sign their privacy away so it's not like Maci owes it to Ryan to keep quiet about it. But her motives for talking about it may be more in self interest than anything else.



4 minutes ago, lezlers said:

You guys are erecting a bit of a straw man, though.  Mac wasn't telling Maci she should've done something because of Bentley.  She was telling her she should've told HER and his PARENTS who clearly knew about it.  That's what I very clearly said when I claimed she's damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.   Let's not make my argument into something it never was.  I've said numerous times she should've done something regarding Bentley. I don't think anyone here disagrees with that.

I noticed that too about Mac. Her letter didn't mention the potential damage to Bentley at ALL. It was all about how Ryan could've died while Maci sat on this vital piece of information that some outsider shared with her that no one who actually lived with Ryan was able to notice. As if by Maci telling Mac would automatically solve the problem.  So what if you'd been told in November, Mac? What would have been different? Even if you believed Maci, are you going to be able to singlehandedly urge Ryan to either go to rehab or quit drugs on his own?

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26 minutes ago, lezlers said:

You guys are erecting a bit of a straw man, though.  Mac wasn't telling Maci she should've done something because of Bentley.  She was telling her she should've told HER and his PARENTS who clearly knew about it.  That's what I very clearly said when I claimed she's damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.   Let's not make my argument into something it never was.  I've said numerous times she should've done something regarding Bentley. I don't think anyone here disagrees with that.

Yeah, I was pretty disturbed by that. Her letter didn't even mention Bentley, much less her own child. It was all about her and his parents, who are all adults who fully knew about the addiction.

Anyway the whole thing is going in circles now so whatever, but all I'm saying is that I don't see a convincing argument about why she should have kept quiet about the drug use onscreen. That's not the tenor of this show and it takes away its entire point, which is producer- driven drama. I'm pretty sure the 'stars' don't even choose their storylines and that addiction specialist was 100% handpicked by MTV for scheduled, likely semi or fully scripted conversations so the network could rewrite their enabling and broadcasting of addiction as a PSA, so it all seems pretty moot to me. Calling CPS or going to court is a separate issue and no one has said she isn't irresponsible for failing to do that. 

Edited by Lm2162
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22 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Yeah, I am torn on this. On the one hand, it's not impossible that Maci is genuinely concerned about Ryan (as far as how it affects Bentley), and truly wanted to help, which is why she called the therapist. I mean, I don't think it's a far stretch that Maci doesn't want to have to tell Bentley his father died from an overdose or is currently in jail after being arrested for driving under the influence, or that, even without these extremes, there is always a chance that Bentley is going to witness something disturbing while on Ryan's time (such as extremely erratic behavior).

On the other hand, Maci tends to act in a certain way that in her estimation, is going to garner her the most attention and praise from fans. So it's also not impossible that the phone call to the therapist and the ongoing hand wringing about Ryan was nothing more than a way to get fans to be like, wow, look at how sweet and responsible Maci is. What an awesome person.

At the end of the day all these people sign their privacy away so it's not like Maci owes it to Ryan to keep quiet about it. But her motives for talking about it may be more in self interest than anything else.



I noticed that too about Mac. Her letter didn't mention the potential damage to Bentley at ALL. It was all about how Ryan could've died while Maci sat on this vital piece of information that some outsider shared with her that no one who actually lived with Ryan was able to notice. As if by Maci telling Mac would automatically solve the problem.  So what if you'd been told in November, Mac? What would have been different? Even if you believed Maci, are you going to be able to singlehandedly urge Ryan to either go to rehab or quit drugs on his own?

THANK YOU.  I was starting to think I was going crazy here.  When I originally said Maci was damned if she does damned if she doesn't, it was in regards to Mac's insistence that she should've told HER.  There's no way anything positive or productive would've come from that conversation.  That was all I meant with that comment.   Of COURSE she should've done something about Bentley.  Who would argue otherwise?  I'm failing to understand how that means she wasn't damned if she did and damned if she didn't with the issue of her telling Mac he had a problem.   Was some of Maci's concern manufactured for a storyline?  Probably.  Was Maci exploiting Ryan's issue for the show?  Maybe a little, yeah.  Does any of that justify Mac's ridiculous argument that Maci should've told her she was concerned because Mac had zero idea Ryan had a problem so the whole thing is her fault?  Hell no, not even a tiny bit.  That was the only point I was trying to make.

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Yeah I think there are three different arguments floating around regarding Maci- if she should have been more proactive before now in shielding Bentley from Ryan, if she should have not discussed Ryan on camera (regardless of her motives for doing so, even if she was just genuinely distraught over it and wanted to talk), and finally, if she should have said something to Mackenzie back in November.

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1 minute ago, Tatum said:

Yeah I think there are three different arguments floating around regarding Maci- if she should have been more proactive before now in shielding Bentley from Ryan, if she should have not discussed Ryan on camera (regardless of her motives for doing so, even if she was just genuinely distraught over it and wanted to talk), and finally, if she should have said something to Mackenzie back in November.

Yes, they're all getting conflated. 

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Found the text of Mackenzies letter


You told me to my face, merely days after I had informed you of Ryan seeking help, that you had known about his problem since November. That was 186 days, 4,464 hours, and 267,840 minutes that he could’ve died, and still, you said nothing. You let everyone know that you feared for his life, while concurrently exploiting Ryan and his addiction on the show.

I had only known about it for two days before Ryan was walking into treatment. You preach about hating complacency and enabling. Because you turned your head to the problem, that makes you the enabler, not everyone else that it’s blamed on. This is not reality television; this is actual reality.

Instead of solving the problem, or doing what you could to make an effort to solve it, you decided to humiliate Ryan, humiliate myself and his entire family, but more importantly, you’ve humiliated our children for years to come

Helping Ryan doesn’t mean talking about all of his problems on national television, it means being supportive, not kicking someone when they’re down, and respecting the privacy that we all so graciously deserve.

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16 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, I was pretty disturbed by that. Her letter didn't even mention Bentley, much less her own child. It was all about her and his parents, who are all adults who fully knew about the addiction.


Yeah, if anyone was Team Mac after her ridiculous tweets over the last few months, that probably was the killshot right there.

Maci, your silence could have had a detrimental impact on ME, based on my great love affair with a guy who's been high our entire year long relationship. Who cares about what the impact could have been on his 8 year old son.

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1 minute ago, Tatum said:


Maci, your silence could have had a detrimental impact on ME, based on my great love affair with a guy who's been high our entire year long relationship. Who cares about what the impact could have been on his 8 year old son.

"Your statements on MTV have interfered with the sanctity of our aquarium parking lot opiate induced marriage."

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 It sounds like someone told her...who would be close enough to Ryan to know this yet also close enough to Maci to tell her, instead of Ryan's parents or fiancee? I am looking for the official party line here, obviously everyone in the situation was well aware, or damn well should have been.

I think it was either Kerthy or Keelie. Just kidding, I have no idea, I just wanted to use those names in the same sentence. Maybe it was her friend from the old school days...Boo!! 

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