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S28.E10: Chaos Is My Friend

Tara Ariano

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UGH. Words cannot begin to express how much I loate Tony. "I've been looking for this Idol for so long".  Umm. Yeah. Since you got the clue like 2 freaking hours ago? PFFT. Tool.



Seriously, I uttered a loud, "what," when he said this because all I could think is "you've been looking for this for like a few hours, maybe a day."


While Tasha is a challenge monster, I think SPencer is playing the best game.



What I am impressed by with Spencer is that he doesn't seem to panic or freak out. He keeps fighting and acknowledges that it may or may not work but he still tries rather than just sit around and accept that he's down in the numbers and there's nothing he can do. I really, really liked the way he played that scene with Tony when the women were in the water. And I liked that he did try to find an Idol (though none exists because Tony seems destined for them all) even after Tony told him the plan to blindside Jefra. 


Which speaking of that, Tony is such an oddball to me. I could not believe when he seemed all offended that Spencer might be trying to find an Idol because according to him "he was doing all this work to keep Spencer in the game". It's like Tony, it's Survivor, nothing is guaranteed. Hell he was getting ready to flip on his alliance again after promising he wouldn't after the LJ blindside. How can he really be offended that Spencer didn't just accept his word as the absolute truth and was trying to find some added security for himself?


Has there always been this many Idols? It seems like there's an "Idol to-do" every episode. We've had what? 3 or 4 Idols played already? Not to mention the Tyler Perry still looming over the game. Having that much immunity really takes away the "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast" credo.



Seriously. As for this latest Idol, my suspicion is that it is basically the Idol Spencer had and the producers for whatever reason put it back in play, after he used it at the last tribal council.


Ok, Kass, so clearly you had your heart broken and your Disney dreams dashed by a college boy or two.  So did every girl you've ever met -- and quite a few boys, too.  Time to pull on your big girl pants and get over it.



She was making no sense in her obnoxious, annoying blabbering. She was trying to say that she knew Spencer would never play the idol for Jeremiah because he's a 21-year old college kid and they're all by nature so selfish. However, the fact was Spencer or Jeremiah was getting votes, there was no guarantee which way it would go. Spencer had no clear reason to believe they knew he had the idol so they would go for Jeremiah. Either way it was a risk and Survivor, as Probst has kept stating the last few tribal councils, is an individual game. So Spencer basically, with no guarantee either way, played his Idol for himself. Can't really fault him for that but honestly, Kass is just an annoying tool.


Spencer has received what I consider to be the winners edit, despite him trying to portray the Survivor genius who looks down on the plebeians



I actually find Spencer's personality coming across as very subdued. Most of his talking heads are usually matter of fact and his basically stating his position in the game and whatever plan he has or hopes to try. Which is also why he doesn't seem to have 10,000 talking heads like Tony for example. I actually haven't found him particularly showy about any of his moves or things that have worked out other than having a big smile everytime he's amazingly managed to survive another tribal council. Tasha and Spencer actually both, amazingly for two people so down in a game about numbers, seem relatively calm. Now it may be the editing and they're leaving out all the freak outs and panicking but from what we've seen, I'm surprised at how calm they both seem while still clearly fighting and not giving up.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Another tribal down, and what do you know - Spencer, Tasha, and Kass are all still in it.  I really think they are going to be the final 3, based on Spencer's "final three right here, we just have to go through two whole tribes to get there" comment way back when.


I would be okay with Kass in the Final 3 only because it means she'll be eviscerated by the jury. I usually hate over-the-top bitter juries, but in her case, I'll make an exception. She's just so smug. She was completely obnoxious in her TH after the auction, saying that she was okay with eating a full meal while Tony had to be the "martyr" for the alliance because she's already done enough. What does she think she's done? She got her panties in a bunch over Sarah and then got played by Trish.


My estimation of Trish's strategic abilities went down a bit during the auction. She genuinely seemed to not understand at all what Tony was doing, repeatedly telling him to bid on something and asking him what he was waiting for. Also, she bid on the hidden item that Kass didn't choose, when it seemed likely that it was going to be either disgusting or just more of what they have back at camp. She's made some good moves in this game, but for the most part she's been passive and, as she admits, gullible. I think she could win if she got to FTC, but I'd be disappointed with that outcome.

I love Way Wes's Power rankings, just had to get that out there.


Was thinking about how a possible Tony/Spencer/Tasha F3 would shake out for jury votes, I have no idea how it would work.


Conversely, the only chance I could see Trish, Woo or Kass winning the million is if they were in the F3 together. Of course, there's no way I can see it happening.


Tasha's playing the most under-radar (to Probst) Immunity Challenge run in memory. Dominant.


That former Beauty tribe got rolled over like a stack of dominoes, didn't it. Guess that proves which 'attribute' isn't the best for winning this game.

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I'd hate to see Tash and Spencer both in a F3 with Tony because I'd be afraid they'd split the vote and Tony would end up winning.  I'm pulling for Tash, but if she doesn't make it I'd prefer Spencer, then Tony over anyone else.


Watching the Ponderosa video Jefra mentions wishing her mom had been there.  That reminded me that we haven't had the loved ones visit yet.  That must be coming up in the next couple of episodes.

Edited by Haleth


Watching the Ponderosa video Jefra mentions wishing her mom had been there.  That reminded me that we haven't had the loved ones visit yet.  That must be coming up in the next couple of episodes.

Excellent point.  I forgot about that.  And those visits include a reward challenge, so depending on who wins, things can get very tipped.  I think in past seasons, the winning duo has been able to pick at least 1 other team of loved ones to join, causing some serious friction in the tribe.  I can't remember details, but I do remember some very aggrieved "losers" retaliating against the "winners". 

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All these immunity idols are killing the game to me. I know Jeff Probst has said "they're not going away. They make the game more interesting" but in my opinion, that's the opposite of what's happening.  I don't find people looking for idols interesting, and it's rare that they create a real blindside it seems. 


I'm really over Tony finding approximately 800 over the course of the season.

I dislike Tony and wouldn't want to spend any time in his company, but I don't loathe him the way I loathe Russell Hantz.  Having said this, there are some striking parallels in their gameplay.


1) They found lots of idols, sometimes with no clue.  While I call shennanigans on Tony choosing a random tree and then digging in the one single spot where the idol happened to be hidden -- guess the production crew had set up around that tree once Tony began idol hunting -- it's a fact that both players ended up with idols just by taking the initiative to look. (And to follow the production crew, I'm guessing.)

2)  Both have giant egos that allow them to be manipulated effortlessly.  "She's talking trash about you!  She says we should vote you out!" and Bam, the designated goat gets another reprieve.

3)  They underestimate the intelligence of the other players as well as the impact that betrayal has on the jury.

4)  They underestimate the importance of likeability in the social game.

5)  And this is only my wish so far:  With luck, Tony, like Hantz, will get to final tribal and brag that he should win because he was smarter than everybody else and made big moves, and then will be stunned to get no votes.

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Tash had nerves of steel during that immunity challenge.  Imagine how panicky you would get listening to Probst blather on and on while you are trying to concentrate.

Yeah, one of my favourite moments was that shot they got of Probst standing right by her ear yelling about how close she was and whether or not she was going to pull it off. I usually don't think about how distracting it would be to have him yell out everything you do (except in the balance tasks, where I'm amazed they don't fall down as soon as he starts talking to them), but that was intense.


I understand why Spenser would be upset with Kass, she blew up his game, but I don't get why she is so upset with him.

I think it's still a hold-over from his blurt-out at TC of "Congratulations you have ZERO chance of winning" (approx.)


And in today's game of Survivor I think it's more like "Outwit, Outplay, Out-Idol, Outlast"

I dislike Tony and wouldn't want to spend any time in his company, but I don't loathe him the way I loathe Russell Hantz.  Having said this, there are some striking parallels in their gameplay.


1) They found lots of idols, sometimes with no clue.  While I call shennanigans on Tony choosing a random tree and then digging in the one single spot where the idol happened to be hidden -- guess the production crew had set up around that tree once Tony began idol hunting -- it's a fact that both players ended up with idols just by taking the initiative to look. (And to follow the production crew, I'm guessing.)

Which Idol did Tony find with no clue?  Was that the Tyler Perry Idol?  Because I think he had one for the other two.

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Seriously. As for this latest Idol, my suspicion is that it is basically the Idol Spencer had and the producers for whatever reason put it back in play, after he used it at the last tribal council.


Isn't that the way it usually works? Someone plays an idol and they rehide it. The only time they don't is when someone is voted out with the idol in their pocket.

Yes that's how it usually works but at some point they stop putting the idols back in play and so it just seemed, especially with a super secret powerful Idol still in play, and only what 3-4 tribal councils left before the Final 3, that it wasn't necessary. And all it did was put way too much power in one player's hand, so close to the end.


I really don't like Tony.  I hate it when an alliance just blindly follow "that one guy", because there always seems to be one- and people don't think for themselves. I know that Tony is playing hard, so some people give him credit for that, but he's just such an asshat!  I also do not understand why people would think that it's SOOOO great to be top 5, when you should be thinking top 2 or 3----- and when 1 person continues to decide who's going home......... RED FLAG! I really would love to see either Spencer or Tash in the final, but I think that the idiots who surround Tony will just hand it to him.  BLAH!


Oh, forgot- add me to the list that is really not liking HII.  If they must have them on the show- then maybe having just one for the whole game would make a bigger impact.

Edited by 3jt

I have to say I am really annoyed about the number of immunity idols in play this season. Perhaps there have always been this many of them, but with the super special idol or whatever it's called, this is just getting ridiculous. I really hate that special idol as well since it will basically nullify any strategy in the episode where it's used. No matter how well a person strategizes... it won't matter. Because Tony can use it after the votes are read. That is too much power and takes away any excitement I should feel whenever someone is talking about voting Tony out. Why should I care? He can use it after the votes are read anyway. A normal idol is powerful enough and doesn't take away any excitement since you won't know until the tribal council whether a person will play it or not. Absolutely worthless new idol (for me as a viewer) and I can only hope it will never be used in any other season.


Other than that I guess it was an okay episode but nothing special.

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and when 1 person continues to decide who's going home......... RED FLAG! I really would love to see either Spencer or Tash in the final, but I think that the idiots who surround Tony will just hand it to him.  BLAH!

Exactly!  Spencer tried to point that out a couple of Tribal's ago, when he basically told the others that he'd vote for Tony at that moment, based on his gameplay.  It was a subtle way of calling them sheep, but none of them seemed to pick up on it.  If he had said "He's leading you around by your noses", it would have made a better point.  But Spencer is a bit more diplomatic than that.

No I'm pretty sure they picked up on exactly what he was saying (well maybe not Jefra and Woo but Kass and Trish definitely). I think they just convinced themselves that one, he's at the bottom so he's desperate and would say anything to swing things his way and two, that once they get to the end, they can truly convince the jury to make them win no matter how many big moves Tony made. Not to mention they were probably thinking, most people would be pissed off at Tony. And those are all fair points but the fact is there have been many seasons where juries have voted for the person who played the hardest no matter how much they disliked that person. I can definitely see Kass delusionally believing that she's a lawyer after all and she could totally sell herself and her game in the final tribal council because she really is that delusional, not to mention all that smug superiority complex she has.

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OMG is it past time to re-do the auction.  Can someone ask Tyler Perry to ask Jeff if they'll just start hiding these advantages ad clues in the other items? Or at least leave them covered?  Let's make that "sit on all your money" thing a bad strategy, and make it more advantageous to bid intelligently.


Sorry to see Jefra go, but mainly for blue-bikini reasons, though she does seem genuinely sweet. Not cut out for Survivor, but she did give the impression she understood the game. Just never quite figured out how to actually play it. If she had turned double agent last week, she'd still be with us.

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I don't have a problem with the number of idols this season. It doesn't feel like any more or less than there usually are, just people are finding and using them frequently. Tony having two idols doesn't make it unfair—anyone could have found them. Tony clearly made idol hunting a priority, and now he's reaping the rewards. It's perfectly fair. I support any player doing whatever they possibly can to win.

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Well, Shamar and Colton, hell even Lindsey of this year showed they "Weren't cut out for Survivor".


I'd give Jefra more credit than that. She may never have found a great masterplan but she "survived" longer than a lot of people.


ETA: I think we've all got 'idol fatigue' since at the beginning of the season there were instantly three of them in play, and now they added the great idol with the new powers... so there have been more than ever and they've now had more power than ever.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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That's not true. In the first few seasons, all idols worked like this season's special idol. I don't want them to go back to that, but I also don't think there being one of them this season is so bad. Again, anyone could have found it. If Jefra or Jeremiah had found it, somehow I don't think anyone would be complaining. But since Tony already has a lot of power in the game, some seem to think it's unfair for him to have it. Well, he earned it. He won the clue and found the idol before anyone else. It's not unfair; anyone could have found it. Tony clearly just wanted it more.


Another thing to keep in mind is that having a bunch of idols doesn't mean you win (a recent example is Malcom). There's still a lot of game to be played after the final four. Let's say Tony uses his idols to get to F4, then also makes it to F3 AND wins the jury vote. Would anyone really think his idols were the reason he won? They certainly helped, but that's because he was good at finding them. There's more to the game than a couple idols.

Edited by samuel
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It was a different game back then, it's evolved... we're in season 28 and idols have become a focus in the game and they have now added back an idol that works unlike any in the current trend of their fetish for idols. I still feel a lot of people have idol fatigue, but that's just an opinion.

It's not unfair; anyone could have found it.

As for your second point I'd appreciate your not attacking me before you read the posts. I wasn't claiming it to be unfair, I even said had you cared to read:


And while I'm pissed about his "Special" Idol, he's blameless for having the other one he is showing around. Everyone could have had a shot at it. Especially Tash can only blame themselves for him having it...

And I said nothing about them earning Tony a win or not... I realize there is "more to the game than a couple of idols" so I'll just take these words you put in my mouth now and move on...

I think this episode will spell the end of the Survivor Auction, though I hope what they do is troll the players by not offering an advantage next season so game-savvy people like Tony and Spencer end up going empty-handed like Tasha.  Nobody bidding is not good TV, no matter whether it means you "don't care about winning the game" if you don't save your money for the advantage.  Nor is this rock nonsense any fun either.


I feel like a fuddy-duddy or something but I'm sick of this season, and not just because Jefra's gone.  I've been a defender of the HII over the years, I like the thing...but I've had enough.  Bringing back the Yul idol is just such a terrible move, and then all these regular idols as well?  It's just much too much.  It's just not Survivor to me right now.  Case in point, we all want to believe it was Jefra's fault she went home, because she didn't flip last episode, but it's not her fault, it literally didn't matter what she did, and the Tyler Perry idol is one of the many reasons.


I thought Tasha was good today and Spencer was awful; but I also thought it doesn't matter what I think because according to the edit Spencer and Tony are the only people there.  I don't hate either of them (like I hate Kass, for example) but I'm not interested in them, either.  Could this be the first season I give up on midstream?  Maybe...


I think I caught a glimpse of a look from Trish as she got up from tribal council that said:

"F#$@ing Tony-- I have been made a fool of one too many times!   -- and in Southie that means you're gonna end up deep in the River Charles- with 1500 big stone idols tied to your legs!"


i think Trish has had it with Tony and we'll see some moves from her.

Edited by Kazootie

samuel: Since I also complained about the special idol I want to add that I see nothing unfair with a person having that idol whether it be Tony or Tash. I just don't like that it takes away the excitement for me as a viewer when people talk about voting out Tony (or Tash if it would have been her). It's just no fun at all with that idol in the game. But no, it's not unfair, I do agree with that, since it is a part of this season. Sadly.

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Agree, when I say I'm not happy about Tony having the Idols it's not a complaint about fairness or Tony specifically having them, but rather that I don't like the way having so many idols in the game and so late in the game + the special idol affects the gameplay.

I might feel differently if you had to solve a challenging riddle or otherwise earn the idol in a difficult way, but just poking around the handful of obvious landmarks is not interesting TV for me.

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I think this episode will spell the end of the Survivor Auction, though I hope what they do is troll the players by not offering an advantage next season so game-savvy people like Tony and Spencer end up going empty-handed like Tasha.


The auction is a staple, I bet it's not going anywhere. But I totally agree that they shuld make people suffer for their presumption. And they should also include more "Bad" auction items, just not in a easily-noticed way.


And if you're going to keep THAT MANY idols in play, at least make the clues even SEMI-difficult. ("Go to the end of the beach. Walk twelve paces and look for the big white tree. Dig at the base" is NOT a satisfying clue.)

I agree that  Trish is done with Tony. The problem is, Trish can't get rid of Tony. Well, we know that, Trish doesn't. Trish will aim for a blindside next week. It will take Woo, Trish, and Kass. She would be stupid to try an include Spenser and Tasha because she should know that if Tony plays the idol and he voted for Spenser or Tasha one of them goes home. Spenser and Tasha will kow that and vote for someone else, like Woo. Trish should know that or Kass should tell her that.


In a regular game, Trish could use the three votes, convince Tony that they really are not upset with him. They understand that Jefra had wanted him out and that Spenser had convinced him that Jefra was still trying to get him out. It's ok, we get it. No worries. Let's get Spenser out since he was the one who planted bad thoughts in your head. We are voting for Spenser because he is a challenge threat. Spenser bad, alliance good. Tony believes them, they vote Tony, his idol isn't played, Tony goes home.


Trish doesn't know that Tony has the special idol. Tony hasn't told anyone he has the idol. The idol he pulled out two tribals ago could have been a fake. Remember, he found one idol so he still had the letter and bag that it came in. He never opened the bag to show that it was a different idol, he simply pulled out the bag and said that he had one. It is easy enough to believe that the others believe Tony had made a fake idol and used the original wrappings of his first idol to camoflague it. Jeremiah in his interviews after being voted out was still saying that Tony had a fake idol even though he just saw the show and knew Tony had the special idol. So I fully believe that no one thinks Tony has the special idol and that Tony has only one idol. So Trish probably thinks they can blindside Tony.


But she can't. And since Spenser and Tasha are smart enough to not vote for Tony because they fear the bounce back vote, Trish is screwed if she tries this next week.


I am not a fan of the special idol. I think it was introduced too late in the game. They should have introduced it when there was time to flush it and everyone should know what the special power is. As it stands, Tony could show the special idol and say that he can play it when he wants and on who he wants and no one would know any different. Much like his giving the clue to Jeremiah and taking it back because that was what he was told to do. Everyone believed that Jeremiah had a clue to the hidden idol on their beach and did not believe him when he said it was a clue to the other beach. If you are going to do something like a special idol everyone should know what it does so that they can deal with it or try and deal with it.

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Yeah, one of my favourite moments was that shot they got of Probst standing right by her ear yelling about how close she was and whether or not she was going to pull it off. I usually don't think about how distracting it would be to have him yell out everything you do (except in the balance tasks, where I'm amazed they don't fall down as soon as he starts talking to them), but that was intense.


I'm amazed that not once in the run of this show, someone's said "Shut up, Probst" during an IC (maybe they did but editors cut it out).

My estimation of Trish's strategic abilities went down a bit during the auction. She genuinely seemed to not understand at all what Tony was doing, repeatedly telling him to bid on something and asking him what he was waiting for.


Or... she knew exactly what Tony was doing and was trying to get him to break his $500, so someone else could get the advantage.



And I said nothing about them earning Tony a win or not... I realize there is "more to the game than a couple of idols" so I'll just take these words you put in my mouth now and move on...


I wasn't responding specifically to you nor "attacking" you in any sense of the word. Just sharing my thoughts. I also don't read every post in the thread.


Anyway, currently I'm thinking there's no way Tony is going to win. I'm rooting for Tasha right now, but I don't think she's going either to win due to her edit. I'd be pretty satisfied if Spencer won, and I think he will. He's not the most likeable person, but I think he's played the best game out of anyone so far, including Tony. He's found an idol, won some challenges, and survived being on one of the worst teams ever. He's kept an initial alliance all the way through the game, which is often a good sign, and while he's a target, he's a target because he's a threat—despite being in the smallest alliance.

Edited by samuel
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I don't mind the idols, but I think having both the regular idol and the special idol in play at the same time is too much. I believe in the earlier seasons, when the regular idol had the same powers as this special idol, there was only one idol and when it was played it was gone. If they are going to have an idol with that kind of power, imo it should be the only idol and a one and done deal. Also, I think idols are more interesting when they don't come into play until after the merge.

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I don't mind the idols but clues to idols or advantages should be hidden in the auction. The piece of paper should be inside a sandwich or wrapped inside a quesadilla or even if something gross is available it should be hidden in that so if the person winds up just throwing it away they throw away their clue as well. That would be a bit more fun to watch.

They should also add a time limit to the idol search. If you can't find the idol within an hour you need to share this clue with one other person. In 2 hours another person gets to see the clue, and so on until everyone is included. Having someone disappear and rummage through the island like a madman will give the other people a bit of a clue that the person that got the clue is looking for an idol, and would be more fun to watch.

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I don't mind the idols but clues to idols or advantages should be hidden in the auction. The piece of paper should be inside a sandwich or wrapped inside a quesadilla or even if something gross is available it should be hidden in that so if the person winds up just throwing it away they throw away their clue as well. That would be a bit more fun to watch.

Ah, AllSpent that kinda ties into what I was just thinking. There should always be at least one "local delicacy" that they would have to eat; I'll never forget James chowing down on that bat soup. And what if the idol itself was at the bottom of the bowl?



They should also add a time limit to the idol search. If you can't find the idol within an hour you need to share this clue with one other person. In 2 hours another person gets to see the clue, and so on until everyone is included. Having someone disappear and rummage through the island like a madman will give the other people a bit of a clue that the person that got the clue is looking for an idol, and would be more fun to watch.

I too would like to see one of those where the clock would be ticking, even on less than an hourly basis, get people scrambling like they were for the idol when Spencer got his.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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