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S02.E01: After the Winter

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Charley and Davis remain entangled. Ralph Angel tries to find his footing on the family farm. Aunt Violet confronts her feelings for Hollywood. Micah has a dangerous encounter with a police officer. Nova deals with the loss of her relationship with Calvin and later holds a community fundraiser.

New season starts June 20th with a two-night cane-stravangaza!  The Bordelons are back. 

  • Love 4

It's finally back! 

I was hoping Nova and Calvin would work things out, but I guess the police community crucified them.  Since she's having one-night stands with various white men, I guess she's living through transference. 

Charley is a piece of work.  I totally understand moving out of her husband's shadow, but actually committing an illegal act?!  The previews showed her trying to guilt trip Ralph Angel with endangering the business doing solitary acts, but she committed the greatest sin of all.

Ralph Angel still needs to grow up a bit.  He was actually trying to convince his girlfriend that she doesn't need NA.  I'm glad she's mature enough to see they need to take a step back.

The situation with Micah was terrifying.  He was in jail, but he wasn't in the system?  It was a good thing Davis showed up, regardless of what Charley said.

  • Love 9

Honestly, I feel that the show missed out on an intriguing storyline with Nova and Calvin. Granted in real life they probably wouldn't have worked but on the show their storyline was actually the most layered and complicated. And seeing Nova finding herself with different people really isn't that interesting. I am sure she will find a real love at some point, but they should have at least explored and gave her relationship with Calvin onscreen closure.

Also that pairing had a pretty large following, so it will be interesting to see how viewers react when they find out this pairing is probably no longer. In addition to the fact that Greg Vaughan and Rutina had amazing chemistry, which is going to be hard to beat.

  • Love 12

Where's Calvin? I guess they broke up since she's sleeping around and choosing white men, but I thought since she got the phone call about Micah that it was Calvin who tipped her off. 

If there ever was a time for Micah to play the Davis West is my father card, it was when that cop pulled him over. That was so scary, especially with the cop going for his gun before Micah even started looking for the registration. A 16 year old minor, being pulled in and detained without being put in the system better have Davis & Charlie go insane on that cop. 

  • Love 5

Apparently that cop thinks that people drive with their registration gripped in their hands. smh The cops at the jail were no better. Why not let Micah call his parents? He was obviously scared of out his mind, which made it obvious that he was not a criminal. When you get arrested, do the police just leave your car sitting by the road? I thought they would have towed it, but maybe they hadn't gotten to it yet.

I'm glad to see Ralph Angel making some good decisions, but I wanted to punch him in the face when he questioned Darla about going to NA. He is so clueless. They all know she's an addict. They is nothing shameful about going to NA. I see Vi's being nicer to Darla, even if she has to grit her teeth to do it.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, mrsbagnet said:

I'm glad to see Ralph Angel making some good decisions, but I wanted to punch him in the face when he questioned Darla about going to NA. He is so clueless. They all know she's an addict. They is nothing shameful about going to NA. I see Vi's being nicer to Darla, even if she has to grit her teeth to do it.

I was surprised and disappointed by Ralph Angel's comments about NA. I'm sure NA and AA are the reason Darla has pulled herself up so far. Speaking of, Bianca Lawson must reveal her entire beauty regime.

How did Micah get to be 16 and no one gave him "The Talk"? You keep your registration in the visor so you don't have to reach, ALWAYS have your license and ffs roll the window down before he gets out of the car--those fuckers don't mind hitting it until it breaks. I didn't like this scene because of the way it made me feel but also because it seems so unlikely that Micah hadn't gotten "The Talk".  I do love Micah's relationship with Nova.

WRT Nova instead of saying "sleeping around" can we call it what it is? Trying to find one that fits  ;-0 


Edited by Drumpf1737
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Drumpf1737 said:


WRT Nova instead of saying "sleeping around" can we call it what it is? Trying to find one that fits  ;-0 


Exactly! I saw that scene and thought, “Is she doing what I think she’s doing?” LOL!

From Season One, Micah came across as a bit spoiled and out of touch and that scene with the cop proved that. That’s a fail on Charley and Davis not giving Micah the talk especially with Micah living in Louisiana and not Los Angeles: lower the window, turn the radio off, let the cop speak first and always having your license on you and keep registration in the glove compartment.

It’s good Hollywood and Vi are no longer acting like children but it shouldn’t have taken Micah’s situation to start talking again.

Ralph Angel always taking one step forward and two steps back.

I understand Charley criticizing Ralph Angel over the tractor but her words were poor. They both need each other with this farm and need to communicate on what they are doing instead of saying, “Oh, I’ll work the farm but don’t learn the business side of it. Oh, I’ll work the business side of the farm but don’t learn how to work the farm.”

I think seeing Davis at the club with that woman and her situation with Remy is contributing to Charley making bad decisions that will come back on her. i.e. forging Davis’ name. Also her behavior in the police station? Yikes! I get her emotions but it's good Nova and Davis were there to help with the situation. As it was mentioned already on this thread, Charley and Davis can file a complaint against the police at that jail.

Edited by Arcadiasw
  • Love 8

The men on this show are terrible.

Hollywood really is a piece of work. Violet can do much better. He's the reason their relationship is a mess, not Violet.

So can Darla. The mother of your child confides that she's trying not to relapse and all you can do is ridicule her decisions and obsess about if she's gonna leave you? Never change, Ralph Angel.

Remy acting like a petulant child about Charley having unfinished business with her ex, when he knew the deal with them, from the beginning, and continued to chase her anyway? Whatever.

Davis is pathetic but at least he has started to slowly become somewhat self aware.

Edited by Dee
  • Love 5

Aunt Vi, if you want to baby Ralph Angel, then fine, you are the maternal figure for all three of those "kids" since you were their mother's sister. Or was she the father's sister? But stop trying to get them to pat Ralph Angel on the back, if they do it as supportive sisters then great, that's what siblings are for. But it just bugs me for some reason, when she pushes them to pat him on the back and worry about his ego.


I understand Charley criticizing Ralph Angel over the tractor but her words were poor. 

I agree, Charlie does NOT have to be so cut throat with her words. It's like she's trying to rub it in that she's so much smarter and he's dumb, not cool. She can find another less insulting way to get her point across.

And whoever said RA still has some growing up to do, I agree, I was so annoyed with him not getting what Blue's mother was saying about her recovery. I'm glad and I hope he truly heard and understood her when she told him that her illness is a life long illness. You are always an addict, hopefully one becomes a life long recovering addict without relapses but RA needs to get a clue. It's all too much for her and where your average person can handle pressures of the roles of being someone's significant other, a parent, hold down a job, etc...it's all too much for someone like her. She can't just jump back into to all that at once, no way.  I'm glad she took a step back. Loved when she said they need to be focused on being individuals. She can handle that and working on her role as Blue's mother, but she can't handle the added pressures of being his woman/wife, at least not for now.

Nova and Calvin, I'm not sure they're done. Did anyone read that the actor wasn't on the show anymore?  Clearly Nova seems to be trying to work something out by hooking up with a parade of nameless white men night after night who aren't Calvin.

Micah, I can't even talk about this, from the turn off your engine, to how the hell is he going to roll down the window if he doesn't turn the car back on......to Davis having to take pictures with those disgraces to the badge. Oh, NOW you'll look in the holding cell to see if his son is there, whatever. And who the hell allowed him out of the house without all of his license, not that it would of mattered, cause you can do everything right and still end up dead.

Anyway, I'm glad this show is back, the second part comes on tonight.

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 2

Wow, Blue has shot up in height since the first season but it looks like most of his scenes were filmed before he grew noticeably taller. They're probably not going to be able to have him act like the wide-eyed innocent tyke for much longer.

I think Nova seems to be trying too hard to act carefree, like she's trying to convince herself.

And of course Davis's sports celebrity saves the day. Steppin Fetchit act indeed.

Still don't trust Darla and just hope if she does fall off the wagon (or gets pushed off by Ralph Angel) she doesn't hurt Blue.

Do we know for sure Greg Vaughan isn't coming back? He has a shot of Calvin and Nova at the top of his Twitter page and it appears to be a page that's current.

Great season opener. Looks like things are going to get real serious, real fast.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

How did Micah get to be 16 and no one gave him "The Talk"? You keep your registration in the visor so you don't have to reach, ALWAYS have your license and ffs roll the window down before he gets out of the car--those fuckers don't mind hitting it until it breaks. I didn't like this scene because of the way it made me feel but also because it seems so unlikely that Micah hadn't gotten "The Talk".  I do love Micah's relationship with Nova.


9 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

From Season One, Micah came across as a bit spoiled and out of touch and that scene with the cop proved that. That’s a fail on Charley and Davis not giving Micah the talk especially with Micah living in Louisiana and not Los Angeles: lower the window, turn the radio off, let the cop speak first and always having your license on you and keep registration in the glove compartment.

Davis and Charley make me think that they thought their money would insulate them. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Davis West is another Charles Barkley as far as race and money go (especially considering he was over there taking selfies with the officer who flat out lied about Micah's presence in the holding cell). I mean, Davis, especially, had to think that Micah would never have to deal with any police officer in that way given that he gifted his 16 year old a fancy sports car.

It's as though "driving while Black" never occurred to the man. 

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 6
12 hours ago, peridot said:

Ralph Angel still needs to grow up a bit.  He was actually trying to convince his girlfriend that she doesn't need NA.  I'm glad she's mature enough to see they need to take a step back.

At first I was disappointed in RA too when he was talking to Darla.  But then as the scene went on and I was listening to him, I think the was coming from a place of a true lack of understanding and utter  ignorance in how valuable the 12-step programs are to recovering addicts.  I honestly don't feel there was malice or selfishness there but actual real ignorance.  I liken it to how some people see therapy as weakness.  To his credit as she explained it more he seemed to start to get it a little.

I am loving that the show *knock on wood* is showing Darla as someone who is trying to commit to her program and not just some schemer or manipulator.  And Bianca Lawson doe a fabboo job of giving Darla these vulnerabilities that just makes you want to root for her.


12 hours ago, Pelson said:

Honestly, I feel that the show missed out on an intriguing storyline with Nova and Calvin. Granted in real life they probably wouldn't have worked but on the show their storyline was actually the most layered and complicated. And seeing Nova finding herself with different people really isn't that interesting. I am sure she will find a real love at some point, but they should have at least explored and gave her relationship with Calvin onscreen closure.


I don't think we are done with Calvin and Nova by a longshot.  I feel like we are waiting for a shoe to drop.  It feels like they ran way from each other after that terrible scene.  Their real relationship was so brand-spanking new that it could not handle such a devastating blow so early on.  They had no reserves.  So they retreated.  But I am guessing Calvin was the one who told her about Micah.  I am pretty sure the actor has said he's back for season 2.


8 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

How did Micah get to be 16 and no one gave him "The Talk"? You keep your registration in the visor so you don't have to reach, ALWAYS have your license and ffs roll the window down before he gets out of the car--those fuckers don't mind hitting it until it breaks. I didn't like this scene because of the way it made me feel but also because it seems so unlikely that Micah hadn't gotten "The Talk".  I do love Micah's relationship with Nova.

I am guessing that living in LA and being the son of such a high profile celebrity and their money and his private school and their bodyguards etc. etc.  they felt insulated to some degree.  I mean when we first met Charley she was living what she thought was a charmed life.  So I am guessing that she probably thought that could never happen to them.  A lot of black people people still do. unfortunately.  There is this scene in Dear White People where the Dean of the college is 100% convinced that the his son would never be pulled on by the police like another kid at the college was because as he says "I raised him."  So yeah.  Not surprised.

Charley is building a house of cards.  And I want to root for her but man, she makes it so hard.

Nova makes me sad.  But I loved her speech to her friends about measuring their lives by their successes and not just their singledom.  And also about getting down with the swirl. Or even finding a Barry and polishing him into a Barack!  Hee.

Blue just makes me smile, and hey Kendra!!

Edited by DearEvette
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I am guessing that living in LA and being the son of such a high profile celebrity and their money and his private school and their bodyguards etc. etc.  they felt insulated to some degree.  I mean when we first met Charley she was living what she thought was a charmed life.  So I am guessing that she probably thought that could never happen to them.  A lot of black people people still do. unfortunately. 

And Charley says as much during her argument with Nova during the hurricane.

One of her many issues with Micah staying with Nova to attend school, was that Nova lived in the 9th Ward, thus he'd be in harms way; when, as we see with Micah's current situation, her severely misguided assertion couldn't be further from the truth.

3 hours ago, Keepitmoving said:

Aunt Vi, if you want to baby Ralph Angel, then fine, you are the maternal figure for all three of those "kids" since you were their sister's mother. Or was she the father's sister? But stop trying to get them to pat Ralph Angel on the back, if they do it as supportive sisters then great, that's what siblings are for. But it just bugs me for some reason, when she pushes them to pat him on the back and worry about his ego.


I hate that this show has suddenly turned Ralph Angel into Old McDonald for plot purposes.

Ralph Angel constantly made terrible decisions and was horrible to everyone all throughout Season One, now, we're supposed to believe he's some misunderstood soul worth rooting for? That's Tyler Perry levels of fuckery. 

Edited by Dee

At first I was disappointed in RA too when he was talking to Darla.  But then as the scene went on and I was listening to him, I think the was coming from a place of a true lack of understanding and utter  ignorance in how valuable the 12-step programs are to recovering addicts.  I honestly don't feel there was malice or selfishness there but actual real ignorance.  I liken it to how some people see therapy as weakness.  To his credit as she explained it more he seemed to start to get it a little.

I agree it was something he was clearly ignorant about, clearly by the end of their convo. he understood or at least was making an effort to understand. But when the convo. started boy was I annoyed, knowing full well  that he didn't mean any malice, but also feeling like his immaturity was preventing him from stepping out of his everything is about me stance, and truly trying to understand what she was saying. Also, he is coming from a place of having experienced her drug addiction and how it has let Blue and himself down. So that past experience also kept him from truly understanding in that moment how far she's come.  He's understandably always ready for bad news or the other shoe to drop when it comes to her, it's understandable. Hell, his family has felt the same way about him. So in that respect, I get his initial reaction that wherever this conversation is going, it's probably going to be bad.  He couldn't see how hopeful it was that she went to a meeting and is focused on taking steps to make sure that her recovery continues, that she truly does have a good chance of remaining a recovering addict. In the end, I think he was fine knowing that she wasn't trying to disappear on Blue again.

Edited by Keepitmoving
1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

Nova makes me sad.  But I loved her speech to her friends about measuring their lives by their successes and not just their singledom.  And also about getting down with the swirl. Or even finding a Barry and polishing him into a Barack!  Hee.

I was like, OK, Nova. Please stop reading me!

No, but seriously, at what age should a woman (no longer) be willing to polish a Barry into Barack? Because I think Nova is supposed to be mid-30s? Late 30s? And Michelle married Barack when she was in her late 20s.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Mozelle said:

No, but seriously, at what age should a woman (no longer) be willing to polish a Barry into Barack? Because I think Nova is supposed to be mid-30s? Late 30s? And Michelle married Barack when she was in her late 20s.

See, I don't think a woman should be willing to polish/upgrade a dude, ever. He should have his act together and rise to the occasion. I was thinking about that 'polish a Barry into a Barack' thing this morning and I'm like, let's not act as if Obama was some scrub. He had degrees from Columbia and Harvard and was clearly going places. He knew that he had a gem with Michelle and met her standards. That's the way it should be. Because once you start with these pet-project men, you'll end up wasting your time. Next thing you know you'll be listening to "Ring the Alarm" on repeat. 

I held my breath throughout that cop scene with Micah. 

  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

See, I don't think a woman should be willing to polish/upgrade a dude, ever. He should have his act together and rise to the occasion. I was thinking about that 'polish a Barry into a Barack' thing this morning and I'm like, let's not act as if Obama was some scrub. He had degrees from Columbia and Harvard and was clearly going places. He knew that he had a gem with Michelle and met her standards. That's the way it should be. Because once you start with these pet-project men, you'll end up wasting your time. Next thing you know you'll be listening to "Ring the Alarm" on repeat. 

I held my breath throughout that cop scene with Micah. 

Totally agree.

And, you could be wasting your time polishing him off just so the next one can enjoy all the fruits of your labor.  Obama may have been driving a run down car, but he had degrees, goals, direction.  He pursued Michelle because he knew she had her shit together and that they could compliment one another.

  • Love 11
On 6/21/2017 at 1:09 AM, Arcadiasw said:

From Season One, Micah came across as a bit spoiled and out of touch and that scene with the cop proved that. That’s a fail on Charley and Davis not giving Micah the talk especially with Micah living in Louisiana and not Los Angeles: lower the window, turn the radio off, let the cop speak first and always having your license on you and keep registration in the glove compartment.

I understand Charley criticizing Ralph Angel over the tractor but her words were poor. They both need each other with this farm and need to communicate on what they are doing instead of saying, “Oh, I’ll work the farm but don’t learn the business side of it. Oh, I’ll work the business side of the farm but don’t learn how to work the farm.”

The car stop scene just stopped my heart.

Though it wouldn't have helped Micah in this circumstance, I started carrying my registration in my wallet after a friend had her car broken into, and then the thieves broke into her house, because her address was on the registration in the glove compartment. 

I understand Charley's, in many ways I am Charley, but I think by her age she could have learned to choose her words carefully. In regards to the tractor, she could have given Ralph Angel his props, then gone on to say that if and when the tractor broke down again, they should buy a new tractor because x, y, z. While I don't think they need to coddle Ralph Angel, he still made a decent choice with the information he had on hand, and his idea about the soybeans was a good one. Her decision to forge Davis's signature was definitely not.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

In regards to the tractor, she could have given Ralph Angel his props, then gone on to say that if and when the tractor broke down again, they should buy a new tractor because x, y, z. 

The thing with Charley and Ralph Angel is they don't really have a sibling relationship which is a major source of their friction, which is why Nova often functions as an advocate and referee for the both of them imo.

And, it's difficult to fault Charley for her unyielding stance toward Ralph Angel when he constantly screws up, evades responsibility and holds her and Nova in contempt.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Dee said:

The thing with Charley and Ralph Angel is they don't really have a sibling relationship which is a major source of their friction, which is why Nova often functions as an advocate and referee for the both of them imo.

And, it's difficult to fault Charley for her unyielding stance toward Ralph Angel when he constantly screws up, evades responsibility and holds her and Nova in contempt.

Oh, I get that. My suggestion is based on what I've learned about how to deal with people in my sphere of influence so that they don't lose the incentive to keep trying. I was more like Charley, and slip into it still, more than I'd like to remember. Like Charley, I was the most successful sibling (half-sibling, just like the Bordelons), and my brother was a screw up too, though not as bad as Ralph Angel.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, healthnut said:

Calvin's portrayer, Greg Vaughan returned to Days of Our Lives last fall. That's why he was written out. 

But it's my understanding that he's still only a recurring player who can come and go. Whatever, it looks like Nova's getting another suitor and if Calvin is going to show up again the PR people are keeping a tight lid on it.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 1
On 6/20/2017 at 11:13 PM, peridot said:

1. Charley is a piece of work.  I totally understand moving out of her husband's shadow, but actually committing an illegal act?! 

2. The situation with Micah was terrifying.  He was in jail, but he wasn't in the system?  It was a good thing Davis showed up, regardless of what Charley said.

1. Charley, you're still Davis' rep or agent or whatever -- on the business side, you work well together, and he trusts you with that, whatever the problems in your marriage.  So if you need his signature for business reasons, maybe, just maybe, just grit your teeth once in a while and you won't need to commit a felony (which in no way, shape or form is going to come back to bite you, no siree!)

2. That was a great but terrifying scene.  Since Micah didn't have the time to call Nova (which he should have done if he could have), turning off and over the cell phone was a smart move.  He probably didn't have The Talk, but he did everything he could to keep the situation calm.

On 6/21/2017 at 10:14 AM, Keepitmoving said:

not that it would of mattered, cause you can do everything right and still end up dead.

And your murderer go free, in spite of the murder being on f**king video.  (And this was filmed before that offensive verdict.)

  • Love 4

Didn't even know that this was back. Glad, though. Blue is still a doll. I will regret when he starts to grow out of his cuteness. He is just adorable. 

I have a fancy sports car, older now, but top shelf when new. If you have been driving and park and shut the engine off, you can still open the window, or sunroof, UNLESS you open the car door. Once you do that, you can no longer power the window down unless you start it, OR put it in that mode where you are using the battery but not turning the engine on. I mean, it would be a big pain in the ass when you stop for gas, to not be able to open the electric windows unless the car is running. Let's face it, the car is brand new to Mikah and he is a relatively young/new driver. He probably is just not that familiar with the car, or the writers screwed up. Since this show is contemporary, I would think that Mikah would be a little aware of the issues of "driving while black", and all of the terrible police arrests and killings,  but as many have said, he has been living a sheltered lifestyle and maybe has never really thought about it happening to him.  I am surprised that they did not have an attorney with them immediately at the police station. Even if Charley is divorcing Davis, he is still a celebrity and well known. 

  • Love 1
On 6/21/2017 at 5:07 PM, Sheenieb said:

See, I don't think a woman should be willing to polish/upgrade a dude, ever. He should have his act together and rise to the occasion. I was thinking about that 'polish a Barry into a Barack' thing this morning and I'm like, let's not act as if Obama was some scrub. He had degrees from Columbia and Harvard and was clearly going places. He knew that he had a gem with Michelle and met her standards. That's the way it should be. Because once you start with these pet-project men, you'll end up wasting your time. Next thing you know you'll be listening to "Ring the Alarm" on repeat. 

I held my breath throughout that cop scene with Micah. 

I totally agree. I have a friend who has pretty much only dated raggedy men. Either they were broke or they treated her badly, or both. For example, the last two men she dated seriously moved into her house and after she broke up with them, they were basically homeless because they either didn't work at all or didn't have regular income. One of them had two kids; he moved back in with his mother. He was emotionally abusive. Both were over 35. My friend has a career and owns a home and FINALLY took herself off the market and got some therapy to try to figure out why she doesn't go for men who have their shit together. I think she thought it was bougie or something to want a man with a job and a few dollars. I have my shit together; I expect my dude to have his together too. And Barack definitely did - he may not have had a lot of money but he had a BA from Columbia (woot! we share an alma mater) and a JD from Harvard Law and met Michelle working at a big firm. No scrub, indeed. Neither of them are.

BLUE IS SO CUTE. When he was so excited about blueberry pie, I swear my ovaries fluttered.

The scene with Micah and his girlfriend and Charley at lunch was adorable too. When she said there was more he had to get to know and Micah looked all shy, and Charley had this look on her face like "Teen love is too cute," I thought "awwww."

No 16-year-old needs a car that expensive. I have a cousin who is wealthy and self-made and bought a Porsche when he first started making a lot of money. He was pretty young. He got rid of it pretty quickly because he was tired of getting pulled over all the time. I'm glad Micah emerged alive, but what a horrible lesson to learn. (My friend has started versions of "the talk" with her son. He's four. Not about driving, obviously, but about being a Black male in this country and the unique dangers that come with that.)

  • Love 3
On 6/24/2017 at 5:59 PM, Empress1 said:
On 6/21/2017 at 5:07 PM, Sheenieb said:

See, I don't think a woman should be willing to polish/upgrade a dude, ever. He should have his act together and rise to the occasion. I was thinking about that 'polish a Barry into a Barack' thing this morning and I'm like, let's not act as if Obama was some scrub. He had degrees from Columbia and Harvard and was clearly going places. He knew that he had a gem with Michelle and met her standards. That's the way it should be. Because once you start with these pet-project men, you'll end up wasting your time. Next thing you know you'll be listening to "Ring the Alarm" on repeat. 

I held my breath throughout that cop scene with Micah. 

I totally agree. I have a friend who has pretty much only dated raggedy men. Either they were broke or they treated her badly, or both. For example, the last two men she dated seriously moved into her house and after she broke up with them, they were basically homeless because they either didn't work at all or didn't have regular income. One of them had two kids; he moved back in with his mother. He was emotionally abusive. Both were over 35. My friend has a career and owns a home and FINALLY took herself off the market and got some therapy to try to figure out why she doesn't go for men who have their shit together. I think she thought it was bougie or something to want a man with a job and a few dollars. I have my shit together; I expect my dude to have his together too. And Barack definitely did - he may not have had a lot of money but he had a BA from Columbia (woot! we share an alma mater) and a JD from Harvard Law and met Michelle working at a big firm. No scrub, indeed. Neither of them are.

I completely agree as well.  That's  why I get so sick of this 'build a brother up',  'hold a brother down' BS constantly peddled to Black Women.  Listen.  If a man is broke, broke down, or down on his luck, he has no business chasing women. He needs to devote every minute of his time and energy to getting himself together.  For added motivation, no woman should even consider entertaining him until he does better.

Edited by LydiaMoon1
  • Love 7

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