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S04.E01: Divide and Conquer

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1 hour ago, mlp said:

I know that.  What I can't picture is how the hikers are filming themselves from the side as they walk along.  They can't be using anything stationary like a tripod because they're on the move.  Maybe they're just holding the camera out at arm's length but it seems like it would be awkward.

Actually, I think that's a contributing factor to folks falling and hurting themselves - heck, even contributed to Mary Kay chopping her hand - performing for the camera instead of paying attention to what they're doing.

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1 hour ago, mlp said:

I know that.  What I can't picture is how the hikers are filming themselves from the side as they walk along.  They can't be using anything stationary like a tripod because they're on the move.  Maybe they're just holding the camera out at arm's length but it seems like it would be awkward.

Selfie stick, I guess. I seem to remember seeing them playing around with something like that when the camera people were teaching them how to set everything up.

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Well, certainly didn't take long to answer my question about compass vs GPS tracker/tags. I would bet nobody could find their partner if the camper was also dropped in the middle of the forest - but being on the beach DOES simplify things a bit. It appears the terrain and dense underbrush was a shock for everyone - hey, whoever recommended the hiker take a machete was right on.

I enjoyed the first episode. Not the first time someone lucked out with an excellent site, but the married couple did this time. One thing I noticed, or maybe should say didn't notice, was nobody showed a fire. Oh, and it looked like Brook took a swig of water straight from her stream. Maybe she had already scouted and found where the water came from, hope so, as that seemed chancy to me. She did have quite the shelter going, though, didn't she? Haven't learned anybody's name yet, even had to look up Brook's bio and she's the one and only woman.

Still waiting to see what gear choices were made, and hope we are told who gets them - hiker vs camp. Watching the Making the Cut and this episode, looked like a few folks ignored past lessons learned. Bow and arrows have reappeared and I believe someone talked about taking paracord. Neither of those proved good choices in the past - no hunting and so much cordage washed up that turned out to be a wasted choice on the Island.

Oh, and speaking of the choices, it looks like there have been changes there - wish I had the old lists. The gear list, both the list everybody is given and what they can choose from, is on the History channel site now  http://preview.history.com/shows/alone/articles/gear-list  I could be wrong, but I don't think what they have is the complete list of stuff everyone gets. IIRC, we had a couple more lists in the past, safety gear, and camera gear which participants dipped into. Included in the lists we don't have, as I remember, everybody got two tarps, with the option to take an additional tarp as one of your ten choices. Sleeping bags, ferro rods, fixed blade knife - those all used to count against the ten choices... oh, and sleeping bag now more closely regulated - no more down or flannel, they have to be synthetic.  Something else that jumped out at me, only one hunting item per team. Uh, does that mean those guys who have bows gave up the tried and proven gill net? Yeah, I know the net hasn't work for everyone,  but no one has shot their bow yet on VI - well, unless you count Sam, he did shoot an arrow, just didn't hit anything.

Edited by SRTouch
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10 minutes ago, SRTouch said:

Something else that jumped out at me, only one hunting item per team.

You know, that's what I thought it said when I posted it a couple of hours ago, but then I went back and read it again as it didn't make much sense, and what it says is: 


*The Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Team.

So I take that to mean that they couldn't choose two gills nets, or two bow and arrow sets...but they could chose more than one hunting item as long as they weren't the same.  ????  Or am I reading this entirely wrong?

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Josh said he's quitting because he can't manage it mentally.  He didn't seem concerned about his ankle, just that it was catalyst for him realizing he couldn't do it.  If he had given himself more time, maybe overnight, he might have changed his mind, but he was obviously freaked out.  I felt a little badly for his brother, who had to keep his cool when being told that Josh tapped out.   He didn't look surprised, maybe has a good poker face or maybe he had an idea that Josh wouldn't make it.

That looks like hiking hell, all that wet....ugh. 

7 minutes ago, MostlyContent said:

Or am I reading this entirely wrong?

Nope, you're reading it right; farther down, where the items are listed, it says Hunting (Note: only 1 item can be chosen between each pair of participants) note that it says for non-hunting items Non-Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Teammate.

So since they specify "teammate" for non-hunting, I think that yes, hunting items are only 1 from the list for the team of two.

It wasn't the "Alone" we've always watched, but I liked the slightly different aspects with the hiking and how-is-my-partner-doing stuff.   I don't think anyone is here to fix themselves, deal with their issues, etc etc.  but so far, so good.

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I may be the only one, but I think Brooke is a ditz.

She drank the water without boiling it. She flippin' freaked out at the wolf who was far away and was more scared of her since he moved on quickly.

She is not striking me as someone who's been living off the grid for a good amount of time. I'm betting that Hubby does a lot for her, and is probably the reason she's on this trip.

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6 minutes ago, raven said:

Nope, you're reading it right; farther down, where the items are listed, it says Hunting (Note: only 1 item can be chosen between each pair of participants)

Thank you!  

So I wonder which it is?  

Is it:


*The Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Team.

or is it:


Hunting (Note: only 1 item can be chosen between each pair of participants)

History channel?  You now have me totally confused.  lol! 

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@MostlyContent I think they say the same thing, but I'm kind of tired so I could be off. LOL.   The second statement would be more accurate to say "1 item chosen BY each pair of participants" but I think that's what they mean.

14 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

She flippin' freaked out at the wolf who was far away and was more scared of her since he moved on quickly.

They're the ones who said they were used to being around big predators I think?  I couldn't decide if she was expressing fear or awe!  Either way it didn't sound like she was used to it, maybe just surprised to see one so soon.

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14 minutes ago, MostlyContent said:

Thank you!  

So I wonder which it is?  

Is it:

or is it:

History channel?  You now have me totally confused.  lol! 

Yeah, seems like two contradictory statements, now that I went back and read the top part - skipped that and went to straight to the list the first time. Course, maybe it's not bad proof reading of their site, but a ploy to get folks like us talking about the show. Definitely got some of us to revisit the site, at the very least. Guess we'll find out when they meet up...

Edited by SRTouch
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You're right, SRTouch.  We'll have to wait and see. 

If they are allowed only one hunting item per team, I'm giving the side eye to any team who chooses a bow and arrow or a sliñgshot over the fishing choices.   They had to have watched this show and seen how that usually works out (or not)!

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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

 Josh would somehow disqualify himself from the Forged By Fire show and be unable to continue in the competition by getting a debilitating paper cut when drying his hands in the restroom...

He probably water-quenches anyway...except for his ankle. He should have tried to stick his foot in the salt water to soothe it.

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23 hours ago, MostlyContent said:

I thought the young brothers from IL wouldn't last long, but I didn't figure a tap-out quite early on the first day.  That was bad luck.  

Although I liked these guys, I told Mr. Chat last week that I had a feeling they wouldn't make it.  I don't know why I felt that way, and sadly, it happened much sooner than I imagined it would.  The real punch in the gut with this format is that you're at the mercy of your partner.  Sigh.  If he could've just hung on until his brother got there, I think he could've helped him make it awhile longer. 

Finding the bear trail for the one guy was both lucky and scary as hell.  I do admire all of these folks for taking on this challenge.  While I pride myself on being somewhat independent and able to handle life's occasional crises, I'd definitely die the first week of trying to do this show!  I do know my limitations.  ;)

I was impressed with the shelter the lady built.  Pretty damn good for a day's work!

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9 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Did anyone notice the long straight log on Brook's beach? It looked as if it had red paint sprayed on one end of it.

Yep, I saw that... telephone pole maybe? 

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I don't know, the new format is still bothering me.  The walking in the woods with the very shaky camera is leaving me dizzy.  I'm going to get vertigo for sure before the season is over, LOL.  It's not enjoyable to watch.  Equally not enjoyable is watching people trudging breathlessly through the thickest woods known to mankind.  Someone's going to have a coronary.  The young man who tapped out was breathing just as heavy as the 48 year old.  It's as bad as jumping through high sand dunes.  Very exhausting.  And again, I'm not finding that enjoyable to watch.  Another hard to watch moment was when the brother of the tap-out guy had to go home when he didn't want to.  The preview where the guy says he's beginning to wonder what the point of all this is made me say "I hear you, brother, me too and I'm not even a half hour in".

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2 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Did anyone notice the long straight log on Brook's beach? It looked as if it had red paint sprayed on one end of it.

It must have escaped from a log boom - cut logs that are headed to sawmills/shipping are marked on one end with spray paint to show they are 'owned' by the logging company. On the East coast of Vancouver Island, there are little tugs that occasionally go around the shoreline, and collect the runaway logs.

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10 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

I'm side eyeing that the lady got dropped off at a flat area with all this convenient dead wood to build a VI mansion that she can stand up in less than a day.

Wish they would show a random drawing of the teams from a hat which teams land in which places...they don't have to reveal to the teams the exact locations but it makes it transparent that the better camps aren't producer rigged.

I noticed that as well. It was a garden of Eden compared to the other spots. I like your idea of a draw, that would keep it fair!

So is everyone liking the two person format better than the single? So far I prefer the single.

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3 hours ago, Interloper said:

So is everyone liking the two person format better than the single? So far I prefer the single.

I prefer the single format.  And I'm with Snarklepuss on the dizzying camera work going on.  I have to read a magazine while Mr. Chat watches, but I look up every once in awhile when they've quit spinning around.  It's like the Blair Witch Project all over again.  I can't watch shows that film that way. 

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5 hours ago, Interloper said:

So is everyone liking the two person format better than the single? So far I prefer the single.

I prefer the single.  I just posted on the things I didn't like about the new format but here are some more - I think they're rushing through some aspects of the show because they have more people to focus on, which I don't like.  Mr. Snarkle said we used to have more of an idea of what each person was doing or was planning on doing and you really got the sense that they were truly alone.  Now all of that is reduced to little video bytes that don't convey the feeling as well.  Plus I don't like having to keep track of all those people.  I feel like they are going to come and go before I really have a chance to get to know them since there are so many more people to keep track of.  And of course I have already complained about the rule that if one team member taps out the other party must as well even if they're doing really well.  What a total waste.

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9 hours ago, Interloper said:

I like your idea of a draw, that would keep it fair!

There is a draw for spots, we saw it in season 2.  Just because it hasn't aired doesn't mean it didn't happen.  I'm an anti-conspiracy theory person by nature, and I'd like to think that producer manipulation (particularly on this show) is kept to a minimum and used judiciously.


4 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

I think they're rushing through some aspects of the show because they have more people to focus on, which I don't like.  Mr. Snarkle said we used to have more of an idea of what each person was doing or was planning on doing and you really got the sense that they were truly alone.  Now all of that is reduced to little video bytes that don't convey the feeling as well.  Plus I don't like having to keep track of all those people

7 teams = 14 people as opposed to the 10 people of previous seasons (now down to 6/12).  However, we saw 8 people in this first episode.  I don't know that we ever saw 8 people in one episode before, but it didn't bother me.  (Although I must admit that until I rewatched the show my first impression was that we had only seen 3 teams, not 4, and I conflated the older brother team with the father-son team.)

While I dislike the changes that have been made, I enjoyed the first episode and I don't feel the need to attack it yet.  I'm still trying to figure out what perceived problems with the original format the team approach is designed to solve.  One problem for sure is the minimalist "I'm going to hunker down and use as few calories as possible" approach we saw last season.  We have, at least initially, some clear goals: the camper must build a shelter and the hike must find his partner.   I think we'll have a better idea of what the new format is like when the teams get together. 

Adding a ferro rod to the basic provided list is a smart move they should have made after the first season.  I noticed that no one even tried to make a fire in this episode, although Brooke collected pitch.  It must be slightly warmer than previous seasons.

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Wow, some of these people are completely unprepared.  They seem surprised by the damp and hills/mountains.  Did any of you Google Vancouver Island before you made the trip??  It's a mountainy, wet place.

I knew the young people wouldn't last long, but first day is just ridiculous.  Why were the two young guys, who were supposed to just make a shelter, wandering around for miles?  One of them injured himself doing so.  You have one job on the first day - make a rudimentary shelter.  Don't wander around like an idiot looking for this magical open flat spot to appear.  It's the wilderness, it's not going to.  You're going to have to clear some brush!  And it looked fairly flat close to the water.  I understand you can't sit right next to the water, but you didn't need to hike miles away from the beach.

Overall, pretty irritated by the episode.  I think a lot of these people will irritate the crap out of me, since they seem pretty stupid and unprepared.

If I was the brother of the guy who wimped tapped out, I would be so pissed off.  He wasn't even the one hiking through all that wilderness.  What a dumbass.

Edited by Canada
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On ‎6‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 7:15 PM, SRTouch said:

Not the first time someone lucked out with an excellent site, but the married couple did this time

I'm curious to see what kind of locations the other pairs ended up with.  Hopefully we'll see the rest of them on the next episode.  

4 hours ago, Canada said:

I knew the young people wouldn't last long, but first day is just ridiculous.  Why were the two young guys, who were supposed to just make a shelter, wandering around for miles?  One of them injured himself doing so.  You have one job on the first day - make a rudimentary shelter.  Don't wander around like an idiot looking for this magical open flat spot to appear.  It's the wilderness, it's not going to.  You're going to have to clear some brush!  And it looked fairly flat close to the water.  I understand you can't sit right next to the water, but you didn't need to hike miles away from the beach.

That's exactly what Mr. Chat I said to each other.  Why didn't he stay put and make a temporary shelter there.  Don't waste all of your energy climbing up a hill and in thick brush.  He said that it took him an hour to hike to where he got injured.   I think that after cutting through that brush for about 15-20 minutes, I would've gone back to the shore. Of course I say that as a Monday morning quarterback!  Maybe he just wanted to get a great spot and have everything in place when his brother got there.   I felt bad to see him get overwhelmed so quickly.  

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She drank the water without boiling it.

I lived on the Island until I was 18, drank the water straight from creeks, streams and lakes, and am about to turn 50 in a couple of months, so it can't be that bad.  I don't know anyone who got sick from drinking the water, but we were pretty good about drinking from fast running streams and avoiding scummy looking stuff.  It's not terribly hard to find running water on the Island.

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I think having a family member with you creates a totally different psychological headspace, eases the burden of decision making, and provides enormous mental support. Sure, it's still tough, and we'll probably get some (for me, unwanted) relationship drama, but I can see that kind of stuff on Amazing Race and some versions of Survivor. I prefer my Alone alone. It was uniquely compelling to see people go deep within themselves and battle their demons and discover what they're made of. Also, they will not be as gut wrenchingly honest with a family member looking on.

If we do have to have teams, we should at least get to be a fly on the wall for the reunion moment after one of them taps. That would be very revealing.   

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Maybe they intentionally dropped the young brothers in a very rough spot just to mess with the young kids lol.

I don't mind if someone wants to pick soap as an item, but is it just one bar of soap?  How long do you think that would last between two people?  Maybe if it was an eight pack of soap...

Part of me thinks they have some super brilliant use for it - like if you mix it with salal, it causes a chemical reaction that creates fire, or something like that.  :)

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2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I think having a family member with you creates a totally different psychological headspace, eases the burden of decision making, and provides enormous mental support. Sure, it's still tough, and we'll probably get some (for me, unwanted) relationship drama, but I can see that kind of stuff on Amazing Race and some versions of Survivor. I prefer my Alone alone. It was uniquely compelling to see people go deep within themselves and battle their demons and discover what they're made of. Also, they will not be as gut wrenchingly honest with a family member looking on.

Yes, thanks, those are more reasons why I prefer the original format.  I don't tune into a show called "alone" to see family members squabble about whether to fish or set traps.  I found the psychological impact of facing life alone in the wilderness for an extended time more interesting.  If I want to see family drama, there are umpteen zillion other shows featuring that.  I don't need to watch this one.  Plus I think it mars the serenity of the experience.

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I don't mind the two person idea as a one-off, but I hope they return to singles next season. If they cluster them into "tribes" and start muttering about voting people off the island, I'm done.

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I rewatched last night to see what I might have missed. The stream Brooke was drinking from had whitish stuff all along the edges of the water. No way would I drink that without boiling first.

The kid who sprained his ankle, he kept complaining he couldn't find a nice flat area to make camp up in the woods. Dude....the place where you were dropped off was very flat. Nice beach area with a lot of dead wood. He was an idiot. I wonder if they feel foolish after bragging about their outdoorsman skills in their video, to leave because doofus wanted to hike away from his drop off spot.

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3 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

The kid who sprained his ankle, he kept complaining he couldn't find a nice flat area to make camp up in the woods. Dude....the place where you were dropped off was very flat. Nice beach area with a lot of dead wood. He was an idiot. I wonder if they feel foolish after bragging about their outdoorsman skills in their video, to leave because doofus wanted to hike away from his drop off spot.

I expect the reason it had lots of dead wood is because the tide reaches that far, at least sometimes, so I doubt the beach was a good choice. (It *might* have worked as a temporary site, though.) I agree, though, what he did was utterly foolish.

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52 minutes ago, rainsmom said:

I expect the reason it had lots of dead wood is because the tide reaches that far, at least sometimes, so I doubt the beach was a good choice. (It *might* have worked as a temporary site, though.) I agree, though, what he did was utterly foolish.

Yeah, I forget sometimes about the high tides - lived here in Oklahoma too long, I guess. Not only just normal tides, but they'll have storm surges to deal with as well when it's stormy out to sea.

Ah, but that's mainly something to worry about long term - the first day should be mainly locating a water source and establishing a temporary base camp above high tide water marks. Heck, even a water source isn't vital with all the rain, a catchment system would work - seem to recall both Sam and Alan caught rainwater during season 1. I'd say, take a day to scout around, find your water and food sources while looking for a good site central to the resources, then worry about a solid shelter against coming storms - cause you know storms will come.

Oh, and use your head, don't sleep with your ration pack as a pillow like what's his name. Ah, the most important survival tool is your brain - so use it. Had to chuckle when the kid realized his mistake, and I bet he doesn't do that again.

Edited by SRTouch
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That's what I meant, LOL, stay put in a nice flat area until you have your brother to help you find more suitable long-term quarters. 

None of these people are impressing me as knowing what to do. Except the married couple, but I'm still waiting to see how long it takes him to get there, and how eager she is to go hunting or fishing while he rests.

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I'm seeing a lot of complaints about the team format, but we haven't even seen any of the contestants together yet.  I'm willing to give it a chance.

One of the guys on the "Alone Time" podcast pointed out that Brook had a "Nicole" type vibe to her, I have to agree.  I wonder how or if her personality will change when she gets around her husband though.

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Well, I rewatched last night also, and one question we were discussing has been answered.  :)  As Jesse (the hiker from Team Bosdell) was walking along, he mentioned that his brother Shannon would be setting up camp and the gill net.  A bit later, he said that he hadn't yet strung his bow.  So they can chose more than one hunting item.   

So far, they are my favorite team.  

I also noticed that Brooke had a big ax, a tarp, and a saw.  Did she also have a pan or something by the creek?  If so, then her oh-so-important bar of soap would round out her 5 items.  

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39 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

She used a old fashioned coffee pot with a spout, holding the lid to drink from the foamy stream...ewww

That's right!  Thanks! 

It's even pictured on the link upthread about the items etc.  

So is that their choice for a pan?  

So her 5 items are a tarp, an ax, a coffee pot pan (lol), a saw, and SOAP.   He'd better get to camp soon, as I guess that means that she has nothing for fishing or hunting.  

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2 hours ago, MostlyContent said:

he mentioned that his brother Shannon would be setting up camp and the gill net.  A bit later, he said that he hadn't yet strung his bow.  So they can chose more than one hunting item.  

I think each team member can pick one item and it can't be the same item as their teammate.  That's how I interpreted it. 

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7 hours ago, SRTouch said:

Oh, and use your head, don't sleep with your ration pack as a pillow like what's his name.

I forgot about that! That was Logan.  It's a bad time to remember you kept your food in your pack when the bear is a couple of yards away.

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15 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

The stream Brooke was drinking from had whitish stuff all along the edges of the water. No way would I drink that without boiling first.

I saw that white stuff in the water, and I could tell if it looked like suds or chunks of ice.  Would it be too warm yet at that time for there to be ice forming in the creeks?

Then again, if it was suds, maybe she's already broken out the soap and used it lol.

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If the 19 year old who tapped out counts as a "trained survival expert," my Girl Scout training apparently makes me a freaking survival genius.

After watching Fowler, Megan, Carleigh, Dave, and Callie last season, it was hard to take him seriously when he was wandering around in the brush an hour away from where he was dropped, right next to the bountiful sea. 

As for preferring single or pair Alone, I'm assuming this is a one-off and I'm willing to give it a chance and enjoy the differences. 

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6 hours ago, simplyme said:

After watching Fowler, Megan, Carleigh, Dave, and Callie last season, it was hard to take him seriously when he was wandering around in the brush an hour away from where he was dropped, right next to the bountiful sea. 

Keep in mind that Fowler built his shelter up a hill, one so steep that he built a hiking rail with rails. The sea is great for food but also for destroying camps. So you want your camp in a location that is not going to be washed away but close enough that you can go fishing.  But yeah, I am not impressed by the brothers. That was a fast tap out. It looks like his ankle was badly sprained, who knows how bad it was and what he might have been able to accomplish with it sprained that badly.

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On 6/16/2017 at 9:49 PM, ChitChat said:

Although I liked these guys, I told Mr. Chat last week that I had a feeling they wouldn't make it.  I don't know why I felt that way, and sadly, it happened much sooner than I imagined it would.  The real punch in the gut with this format is that you're at the mercy of your partner.  Sigh.  If he could've just hung on until his brother got there, I think he could've helped him make it awhile longer. 

Finding the bear trail for the one guy was both lucky and scary as hell.  I do admire all of these folks for taking on this challenge.  While I pride myself on being somewhat independent and able to handle life's occasional crises, I'd definitely die the first week of trying to do this show!  I do know my limitations.  ;)

I was impressed with the shelter the lady built.  Pretty damn good for a day's work!

it's almost like their family dropped them off at the airport only to have to turn right back around and head back to pick them up lol. 

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On 6/17/2017 at 9:15 PM, ChitChat said:

I'm curious to see what kind of locations the other pairs ended up with.  Hopefully we'll see the rest of them on the next episode.  

That's exactly what Mr. Chat I said to each other.  Why didn't he stay put and make a temporary shelter there.  Don't waste all of your energy climbing up a hill and in thick brush.  He said that it took him an hour to hike to where he got injured.   I think that after cutting through that brush for about 15-20 minutes, I would've gone back to the shore. Of course I say that as a Monday morning quarterback!  Maybe he just wanted to get a great spot and have everything in place when his brother got there.   I felt bad to see him get overwhelmed so quickly.  

if I had hiked away from the beach it would have taken me about 15 minutes to decide this is not getting better, definitely wouldn't have taken an hour. I mean what it he sets up camp brother comes along a week later and is like "what the crap, I'm not hiking an hour every day to fish or get water" Now that would have made for an exciting episode, probably break out in an all out fight lol.

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That's exactly what Mr. Chat I said to each other.  Why didn't he stay put and make a temporary shelter there.  Don't waste all of your energy climbing up a hill and in thick brush.  He said that it took him an hour to hike to where he got injured

Actually, right before he fell he said he had been hiking for several hours but thought he was only about an hour from the beach.  Which of course only makes the whole scenario seem even more stupid. 

I was really rooting for these guys because they were from Illinois, but Fox Lake is not exactly need-to-survive territory.  It's basically a far NW suburb of Chicago.

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