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S05.E07: The In-Laws

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38 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

The hypocrisy of Sheila's reason for leaving Piss' bf off the list was laughable...having met the bf ONLY 10 times...he doesn't make the cut to be invited to your wedding 

Sheila's interaction with Pissy's bf may have been no more than exchanging pleasantries at large gatherings.  Also, we don't know who Pissy wanted uninvited in order to make room for bf.

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Sheila and Piss were good when they talked on the phone with solo Piss planning to be at the wedding.

Daddy may have stuck his nose into the situation and Miss Piss decided to stay home in solidarity with her bf, a stranger in Sheila's book.

Guess only "ONE" stranger allowed at Sheila's wedding ... the groom...plus his whole wedding guest list.

Daddy won't let sleeping dogs lie....

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A&A: Last Name Fake-out.

What's up with the sisters?! Ashley's is a party-planning lamprey, while Sheila's has chosen boyfriend over sister's wedding. Even Prince Harry went alone to Pippa's wedding.

And Sheila Pops ain't the boss of Nate, you know that's right.

Cody and Danielle. He missed the train, all right. Cody misses the quietude of the country, his space. And living in the country, if he'd wanted two dogs, he'd have'em. City Mouse Danielle needs to, and I think will, bail ASAP.

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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So enough about Cody, but what about Danielle?  So she's full of adventure, and nice enough, but I don't see such a great personality there.  She's polite and talks here and there, but no live wire.  She just sort of rolls with the flow.  Now Ashley ... There's a firecracker alright.  I think Ashley & Anthony mesh pretty well.  I still can't figure out Nate & Sheila.

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I'm not seeing where Ashley's sister is interfering or doing anything. She asks questions; don't we all ask the same ones? I do see Anthony showing that he doesn't like her. It's a personality difference that he is justifying with the interference accusations.

Cody turned Danielle off when he rejected her. Now she has to protect herself and that's why he's now unattractive to her. I don't know if you can get that back. Can you?

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Danielle would have liked to pull a Heather, putting a kibosh during the honeymoon...she knew early.

Cody, full of wedding day courage and champagne put the husband move on his wife and she shut it down on their wedding night.

Confused and confidence shaken, Cody becomes passive and non decisive, choosing to follow Danielle like a pup.

Forcing her to become what she didn't want to be...the leader of the marriage.

Her abhorrence to being the guiding force and Cody's reluctance to take the lead has lead them into the weeds.

Danielle is unhappy.

Cody's ego bruised.

If you just turn off the sound and just look at how unhappy they look, their body language out of sync.

The only honest affection is to Dude and Homie.

Other than droning on and on... Cody becoming a husband... Danielle wanting a manly man... they at least have those out of control dogs to talk about and care for.

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26 minutes ago, announcergirl said:

Cody turned Danielle off when he rejected her. Now she has to protect herself and that's why he's now unattractive to her. I don't know if you can get that back. Can you?

I think when he told her that they needed to slow down, it was like dumping ice water on her. I doubt I could recover from that, no matter what the man did afterward. I'd always remember that rejection. 

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38 minutes ago, announcergirl said:

I'm not seeing where Ashley's sister is interfering or doing anything. She asks questions; don't we all ask the same ones? I do see Anthony showing that he doesn't like her. It's a personality difference that he is justifying with the interference accusations.

Ashley has a very close relationship with her sister & that's probably not the issue as much as the sister seems to have a strong influence on her, & I think that is what concerns Anthony. He may also be concerned about her talking 'about everything' with her sister, since he was in a past relationship where intrusive family members got in the way.

Sister also keeps wanting them to move in the same building, so she may have some boundary issues. Anthony doesn't even know them yet, so the wise thing would be for sister to cool it down for now & let those two get to know each other & get used to being married, then maybe they will get closer later on.

38 minutes ago, announcergirl said:

Cody turned Danielle off when he rejected her. Now she has to protect herself and that's why he's now unattractive to her. I don't know if you can get that back. Can you?

Personally, I don't see them bouncing back, but then there's no chemistry there at this point, they're both hurt from each others various rejections, & both are walking on eggshells with the other for different reasons. For whatever talking they are doing, they are not really communicating anything to help the other understand them better.

Instead of dwelling on sex, no sex, who is leading, the relationship, being strangers just married, etc, why not talk about each other's personal interests, the dogs or other animals, work, etc, & go do things each other enjoys so they can actually share something together. They can't expect to change the other person & make him/her fit whatever mold they wanted, but maybe they'd find some common ground which could lead to a connection. But who knows if anything would help at this point...

Edited by gonecrackers
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19 minutes ago, announcergirl said:

I'm not seeing where Ashley's sister is interfering or doing anything. She asks questions; don't we all ask the same ones? I do see Anthony showing that he doesn't like her. It's a personality difference that he is justifying with the interference accusations.

She was sending Ashley articles of shark attacks while they were on their honeymoon and Ashley herself admitted a lot of her fears have to do with her sister. She was already saying she wants them to move next door the morning after the wedding, telling Anthony not to take Ashley away from her and asking Ashley when they can hang out. Literally less than 24 hours of the wedding, and she's still trying to get them to move into the same building. I hope Anthony puts a stop to that ASAP. He said his last relationship went wrong because of too much interference from other people, so I can totally understand why he's concerned. Lauren clearly envisions hanging out with Ashley every day, since she was trying to sell their building by saying their friends or whoever live there as well and they have parties on the patio every night. Every night? Holy codepence! I would not want to be nervous around my house just waiting for that knock on the door and having to think of excuses why I don't want to spend all my free time with my in-laws. I feel anxiety on Anthony's behalf just thinking about it. Keep a healthy distance!

I'm totally with Ashley on the name issue. I don't care if it means a lot to the man, it's still the woman's decision, because it's her name. I don't know if I could change mine either. I've had it for 30 years, so suddenly being called something else feels so foreign. Not to mention all the trouble involved. I think she'll probably end up hyphenating or having her maiden name as a middle name though, if they last.

Cody is hopeless. I can't believe he was complaining about the lack of sex in the previews for next week. Now whose fault is that? She tried showing the green light so many times and he decided to tell her they need to slow down their already sluggish pace. I think all the talk about needing an assertive man is basically code for wanting a man who can make a damn move. Cody needs a written invite and two week's notice. How frustrating for her.

I love dogs but Danielle's would drive me crazy as well. If you're gonna have dogs that size you definitely need to train them. I mean you should train small dogs as well, but at least you don't have to worry about stuff flying off walls and tables and clothes being ruined like you do with bigger dogs who are out of control. Hers make me anxious just watching them on TV. Maybe it's all the cameramen and other strangers making it worse. I can't see how she's managed to live with them in the city otherwise.

I'm also shocked her bestie and Cody's brother are still dating. Isn't he 24? And she looks at least 30, probably older unless she's just addicted to sunbeds. What a strange pairing. Maybe Danielle should've been married to him. Seems like he can make a move at least.

I'm giving Nate the benefit of the doubt right now. He does seem to really like Sheila, so perhaps he's genuinely trying. I liked him stepping in when her father kept going on about the wedding drama. I'm totally in Sheila's corner there. She didn't exclude family if she excluded her sister's boyfriend she barely knows. The sister was still invited, she just didn't show up. Her dad can just pipe down. It was her big day and she could invite whoever she pleases, end of.

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The dogs.  Oh my.  She puts them in a cage in the basement so they don't jump on guests.  Good god.  Dogs have to be socialized and learn how to behave around people for crying out loud.  No wonder they go nuts when let out.  Of course they run around and jump up, they are starved for attention and full of joy having been set free. 

I have worked in dog rescue for many years.  We never place a dog where they are going to be caged, crated or left outside when you are not home (or anytime really).  For this reason I am not fond of Danielle.  If you don't know how to care for an animal, what is wrong with you? 

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

The dogs.  Oh my.  She puts them in a cage in the basement so they don't jump on guests.  Good god.  Dogs have to be socialized and learn how to behave around people for crying out loud.  No wonder they go nuts when let out.  Of course they run around and jump up, they are starved for attention and full of joy having been set free. 

I have worked in dog rescue for many years.  We never place a dog where they are going to be caged, crated or left outside when you are not home (or anytime really).  For this reason I am not fond of Danielle.  If you don't know how to care for an animal, what is wrong with you? 

OMG .. I have been upset since seeing the dogs locked in the basement and didn't know they were in cages also?  I couldn't even look.  She's not too swift.  My daughter has two labs.  When they go out, they leave them in the very large foyer where they can walk around and lay on two huge pillows and 2 bowls of water.  A Huge baby gate circles them and they can see three rooms.  I hope Danielle reads this thread.  Thank you Wings 707.  Shape up Danielle !

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1 minute ago, Gem 10 said:

OMG .. I have been upset since seeing the dogs locked in the basement and didn't know they were in cages also?  I couldn't even look.  She's not too swift.  My daughter has two labs.  When they go out, they leave them in the very large foyer where they can walk around and lay on two huge pillows and 2 bowls of water.  A Huge baby gate circles them and they can see three rooms.  I hope Danielle reads this thread.  Thank you Wings 707.  Shape up Danielle !

Thanks.  I have stories of rescuing dogs who have been caged.  I picked up 3 small terrier mixes from a caged situation.  I took them home with me after a vet visit including nail trimming, bath, worming, ear and anal gland cleaning.  They were pathetic and fearful but ohhh so fucking cute!  They slept with me every night for 3 weeks. and we cuddled, big time.  They liked being on my head!  I had them for 3 weeks teaching them how to be, really.  I took them everywhere to socialize and get them to see the world as loving.  This doesn't take long, dogs are joyful by nature and loving.  Just make the fucking effort!.  Sorry, I digressed.  It is my passion and work.  

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Well God Bless .. You are a good women.  Animal abuse makes me cry.  They are helpless.  Danielle is clueless to a lot of things.  Not one, but two dogs .. Geeze !

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3 hours ago, announcergirl said:

I'm not seeing where Ashley's sister is interfering or doing anything. She asks questions; don't we all ask the same ones? I do see Anthony showing that he doesn't like her. It's a personality difference that he is justifying with the interference accusations.

Cody turned Danielle off when he rejected her. Now she has to protect herself and that's why he's now unattractive to her. I don't know if you can get that back. Can you?

I think he's worried about future behavior. Happy marriage 101, IMO, fights/disagreements/where to live/when to have children=is a private topic between you and your husband. Period. Until it's decided you skip the question-get out of it. It feels like a betrayal when one of the other parties invites someone into your intimate relationship. A sister/family member will remember every slight made to their family member by a spouse-long after the spouses have moved on-not good for a relationship. It's awkward right now-because they don't know each other-but if they're going to be married suddenly every aspect of their lives has to be married-including private convos. 

Cody and Danielle have made not having sex a thing. It will forever be awkward. Not having sex for 16 days of marriage-is nutty. That's longer than people IRL. 

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2 hours ago, MsPH said:

Cody is hopeless. I can't believe he was complaining about the lack of sex in the previews for next week. Now whose fault is that? She tried showing the green light so many times and he decided to tell her they need to slow down their already sluggish pace. I think all the talk about needing an assertive man is basically code for wanting a man who can make a damn move. Cody needs a written invite and two week's notice. How frustrating for her.

I don't see why he has to make the first move. She rejected him and has totally emasculated him-I can't imagine the pressure he's under. Neither of them have, from what I've seen, made an effort to show the other one that they are sexy. If a guy told me, in words and/or actions, that I wasn't a real woman or not feminine-I wouldn;t exactly be ripping my clothes off-it's not sexy to me at least. Makes me want to have private time with B.O.B. haha. It's like "hey, you half-a-man come have sex with me" Those 2 have somehow landed in friend zone that I can;t see them getting out of in 6 weeks. Have any other of the MAFS couples waited this long and then stayed together? 

Edited by NoJustNo
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9 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Well God Bless .. You are a good women.  Animal abuse makes me cry.  They are helpless.  Danielle is clueless to a lot of things.  Not one, but two dogs .. Geeze !

Thank you.  Dogs are resilient and want to love you.  I have many happy and very funny stories.  Dogs are so, so very precious. 

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9 hours ago, NoJustNo said:

I think he's worried about future behavior. Happy marriage 101, IMO, fights/disagreements/where to live/when to have children=is a private topic between you and your husband. Period. Until it's decided you skip the question-get out of it. It feels like a betrayal when one of the other parties invites someone into your intimate relationship. A sister/family member will remember every slight made to their family member by a spouse-long after the spouses have moved on-not good for a relationship. It's awkward right now-because they don't know each other-but if they're going to be married suddenly every aspect of their lives has to be married-including private convos. 

Cody and Danielle have made not having sex a thing. It will forever be awkward. Not having sex for 16 days of marriage-is nutty. That's longer than people IRL. 

16 days of marriage might be, but 16 days of just meeting someone isn't. In fact I think expecting sex within 16 days is the nutty thing.

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9 hours ago, wings707 said:

Thank you.  Dogs are resilient and want to love you.  I have many happy and very funny stories.  Dogs are so, so very precious. 

Please take some of those stories over to the pet thread! 

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9 hours ago, NoJustNo said:

I don't see why he has to make the first move. She rejected him and has totally emasculated him-I can't imagine the pressure he's under. Neither of them have, from what I've seen, made an effort to show the other one that they are sexy. If a guy told me, in words and/or actions, that I wasn't a real woman or not feminine-I wouldn;t exactly be ripping my clothes off-it's not sexy to me at least. Makes me want to have private time with B.O.B. haha. It's like "hey, you half-a-man come have sex with me" Those 2 have somehow landed in friend zone that I can;t see them getting out of in 6 weeks. Have any other of the MAFS couples waited this long and then stayed together? 

Yes, Doug and Jamie from season 1 did not have sex for quite awhile and they are still together. She thought he was hideous at first sight and he grew on her with his patience and personality.

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If Danielle can not handle her two dogs, how can she handle marriage?  

My S/O said he would have trouble having sex with her since she goes on and on about needing a manly man.  Well, it would help if she did not emasculate Cody.  

I have not seen much of his personality but he strikes me as a gentle soul...and he is a better dog person than Danielle!

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In all fairness to Sheila, even though she's not one of my favorites, she said that the bride and groom were only allowed to invite 25 guests each. Some people were going to be left off the list and since she has only know pissy sissy's boyfriend for a short time, he was one of the uninvited.  Sounds to me like pissy sissy is a little jealous of Sheila getting all this attention. 

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It's so weird.  I've started liking Nate.  At first I thought he was a jerk, but the more I watch, the more I think he's an okay guy.  Young, but okay.  I hope he and Sheila make it since they both seem committed to the process and appear to get along pretty well.  I have the most hope for Ashley and Anthony.  I really think they are a great match.  

Danielle and those dogs...I just don't get it.  Were they actually locked in their crates or just roaming around the basement all day using their crates as their beds?  One of my dogs (RIP, Lady) was a shepherd/chow mix and she used to retreat to her crate just to get away from my children.  We never even had to close the crate door.  Now I have two giant dogs (one's a newfie), but they are the laziest dogs in the world.  I could live in a studio apartment and they would be happy to just lie around all day until they have to (1) eat or (2) go to the bathroom.  Anyway, Danielle really needs to get her pups some training because they are really hyper.  I wonder how often she exercises them.

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I previously castigated Sheila for her breakdown on the honeymoon,  but now that I've seen how her father talks to her and how he favors Pissy Sissy, I understand her fear that no one loves her. I suspect that Daddy made a scene at the wedding and that she was still hurting.

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14 hours ago, MsPH said:

I'm also shocked her bestie and Cody's brother are still dating. Isn't he 24? And she looks at least 30, probably older unless she's just addicted to sunbeds. What a strange pairing. Maybe Danielle should've been married to him. Seems like he can make a move at least.

I wonder if Danielle is getting inside intel from the bestie. Seems like revealing embarrassing secrets is something brothers do, like "he was an overweight dweeb. He's a virgin. He's a mama's boy...." Especially if the bestie girlfriend is prodding.

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Other than the fact Cody and Danielle have not had sex, how has he been less than "manly"?  The zipline thing is no big deal.  Many people have a fear of heights.  

I can't figure this out.

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Maybe Anthony has mentally fast-forwarded and pictured Ashley and Sis with babies in a cozy wifey circle, with husbands left to do whatever, how about those Mets? And maybe he would rather be Ashley's Most Significant Other.

Speaking of body language, humble opinion, could Danielle have moved in any closer to the arm of Dr. Pepper's Therapy Couch? This couple is boring. 

IMO, Sheila might be moody, but she is giving it the old college try, considering Instant Bro. So her father's giving her grief about some No-Ring BF's not being on her Guest List was way out of line. 

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17 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Maybe Anthony has mentally fast-forwarded and pictured Ashley and Sis with babies in a cozy wifey circle, with husbands left to do whatever, how about those Mets? And maybe he would rather be Ashley's Most Significant Other.

Speaking of body language, humble opinion, could Danielle have moved in any closer to the arm of Dr. Pepper's Therapy Couch? This couple is boring. 

IMO, Sheila might be moody, but she is giving it the old college try, considering Instant Bro. So her father's giving her grief about some No-Ring BF's not being on her Guest List was way out of line. 

How ABOUT those Mets?  1. Get rid of David Wright .. They got insurance.   Too many injuries.

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Danielle: I don't feel a sexual spark or any sort of sexual chemistry with Cody

also Danielle: WHY WON'T CODY HAVE SEX WITH ME?!?!?!


Ashley's sister is pushy and scary


Sheila's dad is stupid and annoying, I get that he thinks this wedding was a family celebration, and normal weddings are, but this was a tv wedding, and she was limited to invite 25 people. I totally get how when including your closest family members and your own friends, your sister's boyfriend doesn't make the cut. I'm actually almost positive when she included her sister in the invites, she invited the boyfriend as well...until she realized that there was one more very special person to her that would've been number 26, so sisters boyfriend had to go.

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1 hour ago, HZAnita said:

I wonder how often she exercises them.

Surly there must be dog parks in Chicago. Most every major city has them. That would be a good outing for the couple. Taking the dogs to the dog park and letting them get their ya ya's out of their systems. It would provide more peace for them at home. For a couple who think that talking is the answer, how do you when those dogs are making so much noise? 

45 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

how about those Mets?

I believe you mean the Cubs. 

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1 hour ago, Jellybeans said:

Other than the fact Cody and Danielle have not had sex, how has he been less than "manly"?  The zipline thing is no big deal.  Many people have a fear of heights.  

I can't figure this out.

I was thinking the same thing. A hesitation to zipline doesn't make someone a wimp. Not being a thrill seeker doesn't make you not a man.

Danielle seems to overthink things to me. She's still worried about Cody and her dog's behavior...something he's made it clear he doesn't care about and even when he simply decided he didn't feel like going out and sat on the couch... she was saying,"Is it me? Is it something I said? Why is he like this? I don't want to have to be the one to get him out of his comfort zone. This is not what I thought being a wife would be like. Maybe he's not the one or me"

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4 hours ago, announcergirl said:

16 days of marriage might be, but 16 days of just meeting someone isn't. In fact I think expecting sex within 16 days is the nutty thing.

16 days is a long time when you're together 24/7. I don't have an exact formula-but it's more than 16 days. 16 days is def. longer than the average number of dates the average couple has before having sex. I think it's weird to ever "expect" sex. It's not a commodity. After spending that much time together-in a romantic setting-I think the expectation is that the other person would want to have sex with you-and at least have to slow themselves down. Have they even touched really?

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Det. Briscoe-Thought Danielle was going to bend sideways over the couch arm like she was Gumby to get away from touching the Codester...the flexibility from all her yoga is finally useful for something

M@FS should get Cody a sex surrogate...a hired gun to have sex with the Code Man to give him confidence to then perform with Danielle...

I'd watch that....

Edited by humbleopinion
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1 hour ago, Jellybeans said:

Other than the fact Cody and Danielle have not had sex, how has he been less than "manly"?

I think it's a combination of things. 

He hasn't mastered shaving.  He was afraid on the zip line. He pats her. He was very awkward when he rolled over her on the couch to kiss her. His body language is more 17 year old boy than 30 year old man.

Again, he pats her. Ugh!

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2 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

Other than the fact Cody and Danielle have not had sex, how has he been less than "manly"?  The zipline thing is no big deal.  Many people have a fear of heights.  

I can't figure this out.

And o don't recall her saying these things to him, just in her talking heads.

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training dogs, I do it to strangers dogs, heh. Ifind not training your dog to basics is bad for the dog.  But I should not speak, my 16 year old dog still won't stop barking when I command her, that is one thing I can't manage, she leaves a room when i tell her, She goes to her bed when I tell her,  she leaves company alone when I tell her, but barking is a lost cause, I thin it is a breed thing.  but here is the thing, you can't train someone else's dog when they are living with you,. unless the owner is all in, they will untrain the dogs as you go forward.  My brother was notorious for ruining dogs, he almost killed one of my dogs when I left him alone with her for 1/2 hour, he fed the dog salty ham, about 2 pounds of it, of course the dog wants to eat it, but she was sick for days after wards. My niece tried to train her dog but her father always untrained them, her last small dog died at the age of 10 a small dog should not live only 10 years, I think her make the dog love me by over feeding her is what killed that one. 

So you can try Cody, don't wait for permission. But odds are against you with a spoiler in the house. I have to wonder how damaged Danielle is to want spoiled unruly dogs in her house.  She must feel the need for smothering amounts of love. 

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Cody is awkward, but maybe around the right woman he wouldn't be so awkward. Danielle clearly makes him feel 'less than', & his 'manliness' is being called into question on TV, thanks to her. That can't be much of a turn on for him either, or an encouragement to try with her. She's subtly cutting him down, instead of building him up. Maybe he feels like he's beating his head against a wall with her.

I agree he should just go for it with training the dogs. Maybe he could teach her something & she'd respect him more... or not, but at least it'll give him something to do for the next few weeks.

Honestly some of the comments he's made about having made a promise before God & everyone, wanting to take care of his wife & feels his responsibility to support her, however he'd support her working or not working etc, accepting her dogs & loving them despite her lack of training them, are quite 'manly'.

I'm starting to feel less for Danielle because she doesn't seem to want that kind of 'manly'. She wants someone to show her excitement in life, whatever that means. If she wanted someone to travel & have adventures with, then she should've said that. If she wanted some brute who would walk into a room, beat his chest, rip her clothes off & just take her, then she should've stated that. I think Cody is more of a relaxed, homebody type; they're clearly not suited for each other.

Cody needs to get stronger & have a comfort level with being himself, not whatever she wants, & that will definitely be more 'manly' than trying to conform to these rather unclear standards she's contrived.

Whatever is 'manly' to Danielle is something fabricated in her own brain & I doubt anyone will make the cut for her.  For her sake she better be 'womanly' enough for some 'manly man' someday.

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I took my hubby's name because i figure in this patriarchal society, what's a last name?  (Said slightly with a smile) 

Side of the bed... i have a preferred side but try super hard to contradict myself and switch up as much as possible. 

This episode was weird. I felt we didn't get in laws much but rather moving in part 2.

Cody is so awkward.  

Sheila's sister was a shit to not go over get man.  Lame. 

What's her name dying to have a baby gal... has she told him she's on the pill or something because if i was him I'd be wearing a condom no matter what. 

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Suggested earlier that Anthony double bag his groceries... if you get my drift...

Going out on a limb...

Ant/Ash don't make it.

They are in two very different places when it comes to the timing of children.

Ashley would like to have a baby in her arms by their 2nd wedding anniversary, Anthony wants to be married for longer and financially plan for the baby.

Going to see Ash's closeness to her sister taking precedence over Anthony and it will start to affect the newlyweds' relationship.

Anthony will start the slow walk out the door and will not choose to remain married.

Ash won't want to remain married either because...she will reveal that she did the show to make her old bf jealous and they got back together when the filming stopped.

The old bf is family, their 7 year relationship was too hard to just throw away.

Anthony will start dating Angie, Danielle's friend.

All purely speculation...

Edited by humbleopinion
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Editing has a funny slant sometimes. In the beginning we all felt (well maybe just a lot of us) that Ash and Ant were going to make it and (for instance) Nate and Shelia would not. Now we are turning a corner and they're trading places. I've been fooled for too long by the housewives shows and these edits. In a sugary world all would work out and after the last disastrous season you know that they, now more than ever, want the couples to work. Time will tell. 

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3 hours ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

For everyone who misses the written recaps and isn't listening to the podcast: joke's on you guys because you missed out on some fascinating speculation on whether or not Sheila was having her period! Females and their lady problems, am I right???

it was literally just a question - she specifically said she was having cramps...

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8 hours ago, ralph said:

Danielle: I don't feel a sexual spark or any sort of sexual chemistry with Cody

also Danielle: WHY WON'T CODY HAVE SEX WITH ME?!?!?!


Ashley's sister is pushy and scary


Sheila's dad is stupid and annoying, I get that he thinks this wedding was a family celebration, and normal weddings are, but this was a tv wedding, and she was limited to invite 25 people. I totally get how when including your closest family members and your own friends, your sister's boyfriend doesn't make the cut. I'm actually almost positive when she included her sister in the invites, she invited the boyfriend as well...until she realized that there was one more very special person to her that would've been number 26, so sisters boyfriend had to go.

So which is it? Danielle wants sex with him or she doesn't? Its this kind of stuff she says that makes me wonder how many times he has tried and was turned down. Or what else has gone on that made him feel less than so he just "friend zoned" her to keep some distance for himself to not get to hurt in the end. 

I will say that I bet Sheila's sister's boyfriend wasn't even invited to begin with. That there was no +1 on the invite. Sister wanted him there and was told no because the limit. At first was going to go but after she had it simmer a bit she had a tantrum like a kid and decided to just not show up. Either way it happened though I still say Sheila was better off for it. 

5 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Cody is awkward, but maybe around the right woman he wouldn't be so awkward. Danielle clearly makes him feel 'less than', & his 'manliness' is being called into question on TV, thanks to her. That can't be much of a turn on for him either, or an encouragement to try with her. She's subtly cutting him down, instead of building him up. Maybe he feels like he's beating his head against a wall with her.

I agree he should just go for it with training the dogs. Maybe he could teach her something & she'd respect him more... or not, but at least it'll give him something to do for the next few weeks.

Honestly some of the comments he's made about having made a promise before God & everyone, wanting to take care of his wife & feels his responsibility to support her, however he'd support her working or not working etc, accepting her dogs & loving them despite her lack of training them, are quite 'manly'.

I'm starting to feel less for Danielle because she doesn't seem to want that kind of 'manly'. She wants someone to show her excitement in life, whatever that means. If she wanted someone to travel & have adventures with, then she should've said that. If she wanted some brute who would walk into a room, beat his chest, rip her clothes off & just take her, then she should've stated that. I think Cody is more of a relaxed, homebody type; they're clearly not suited for each other.

Cody needs to get stronger & have a comfort level with being himself, not whatever she wants, & that will definitely be more 'manly' than trying to conform to these rather unclear standards she's contrived.

Whatever is 'manly' to Danielle is something fabricated in her own brain & I doubt anyone will make the cut for her.  For her sake she better be 'womanly' enough for some 'manly man' someday.

Agree gonecrackers. He has said thinks that a man would say IMO about how he wants to be with his wife in taking care of her and supporting her. Yet for some reason he is being run through the ringer over not having sex with her. Yet Danielle is saying one minute she wants it then another she isn't really attracted to him. There is to many pieces to their story we are not seeing I think thanks to the edit given. As you said if she wanted those kind of men she should have spoke up and said so. I wish she would say what she considers "manly" at this point. With the going out thing, I can't understand how she feels it was about her really. I was wondering if that is something she does every day or a few times a week or what? I would get tired of it all fast if I had a spouse like that. If I was doing crap all day long (unpacking, filming, etc) I would be to tired to want to do a thing too. There is nothing wrong though with either with being a homebody or wanting to go out a lot. The problem is if this is how they each are the "experts" should have thought about that and not matched them for those reasons alone. 

3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Editing has a funny slant sometimes. In the beginning we all felt (well maybe just a lot of us) that Ash and Ant were going to make it and (for instance) Nate and Shelia would not. Now we are turning a corner and they're trading places. I've been fooled for too long by the housewives shows and these edits. In a sugary world all would work out and after the last disastrous season you know that they, now more than ever, want the couples to work. Time will tell. 

I'm not. I am hoping Ashley and Anthony make it still. I think the baby talk is just nothing but talk and very producer/sister driven. I think they would end up coming together at some point and meet in the middle on when or just throw it all out the window at some point and just go for it. Nate though I still have major side eye going there. I still think there is to much there we are not seeing from editing. I also don't think he is coming off very "real" most of the time. Just as I don't think the times Sheila has had emotional meltdowns on nothing but we got the edit like she was. I am just not seeing it with these 2 still. 

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OK, here's how I see it with Cody and Danielle.  Danielle is obviously older, more experienced and hence right out of the box more intimidating to a younger, relatively inexperienced, unsure of himself Cody.  He's out of his league with her and he knows it so it feels like a lot of pressure to him to be able to live up to pleasing her.  This is not her fault, she is NOT "emasculating him".  He is looking emasculated because he is so out of his depth with her.  You can see him tremble and perspire just being in the situation with her!  It's not anything she's doing, it's just who she represents to him that makes him feel so intimidated! 

She is not expecting him to be any more than an average guy, but instead he is acting like a little boy by wussing out and friend-zoning her so early on.  The way he did it was especially weird and off putting, since it was caught on camera.  This was a complete turn off for her because it felt like a rejection.  I have been in that place and I know EXACTLY how it feels.  A woman in this situation tends to back way off and figures she'd better wait for the guy to make the first move since he's the one with all the anxieties about being with her and she doesn't want to force herself on him and risk further rejection (and cause more intimidation).  That's an awkward situation no woman wants to cause.  And given that giving him that space didn't really help him work up his courage to be physical with her, despite her giving him clear signals that she wanted it, after a while she ended up getting totally turned off to him.  It's only natural - She is protecting her feelings. 

Meanwhile, Cody is thinking to himself "I want to be a man, I want to be able to get over my intimidation and have sex with her", and he feels under so much pressure from her (not her fault, though) and the situation and realizes his time is running out, so he pushes himself to make a move when he's really not ready and it comes out all awkward and wussy-like, which is only a further turn off to already turned-off Danielle.  She also interprets it as him probably moving in on her out of a sense of duty or obligation to the situation of their being married, not because he really wants it, because after all, if he did want it he wouldn't be acting so conflicted and put her in the friend-zone to begin with.  How could she find his advances appealing at all when he's so riddled with anxiety it's painfully obvious that something is just not right there?  God, I feel for her!

In other words, I think Danielle was screwed (actually not screwed, LOL) from the getgo.  The ball was in Cody's court from the moment he friend-zoned her and he dropped it completely.  Then when he tried to get it back he fumbled it so badly it only made things even worse.  I feel sorry for Danielle - This guy has issues she is not responsible for causing - She deserves someone with his act more together.  I especially don't like how he's making things look like he's the one who wants sex, not her, not taking any responsibility for why that eventually happened.  Well, dude, that's just you trying to throw her under the bus so the world doesn't see you for the real wussy you are.  Sorry, a lot of us are not going to fall for that.  Having been there and done that - even to the point of the guy trying to make it look like my fault, I see through him like Saran Wrap.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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On 5/27/2017 at 0:05 AM, NoJustNo said:

I don't see why he has to make the first move. She rejected him and has totally emasculated him-I can't imagine the pressure he's under. Neither of them have, from what I've seen, made an effort to show the other one that they are sexy. If a guy told me, in words and/or actions, that I wasn't a real woman or not feminine-I wouldn;t exactly be ripping my clothes off-it's not sexy to me at least. Makes me want to have private time with B.O.B. haha. It's like "hey, you half-a-man come have sex with me" Those 2 have somehow landed in friend zone that I can;t see them getting out of in 6 weeks. Have any other of the MAFS couples waited this long and then stayed together? 

How did she reject him?  Initially she made it clear to the camera and in her body language with him that she wanted sex, and HE's the one that friend zoned HER before anyone made any move on anyone.  IMO that puts the ball in his court to make a move, not her.  She is right to hang back and let him have his space under those circumstances.  But doing so he runs the risk of turning her off completely, which is eventually what happened.  But I can't blame her for that, Cody has only himself to blame in spite of him later trying to throw Danielle under the bus by not taking any responsibility for how things went down.  He is trying to make it look like she didn't want to be with him when he was the one who put the brakes on that early on, not her!  He has to realize that friend-zoning someone doesn't come without risks.  They have feelings to and he ran the risk of hurting hers and turning her off completely, which I can't blame her for under those circumstances.

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On 5/26/2017 at 9:39 PM, MsPH said:

Cody is hopeless. I can't believe he was complaining about the lack of sex in the previews for next week. Now whose fault is that? She tried showing the green light so many times and he decided to tell her they need to slow down their already sluggish pace. I think all the talk about needing an assertive man is basically code for wanting a man who can make a damn move. Cody needs a written invite and two week's notice. How frustrating for her.

Thank you, this is exactly how I see it and I posted myself about "manly man" being a code word for a guy that can actually make a move last week!

I'm sorry but I can't get on board with thinking that she should have made a move on him, especially after he friend-zoned her - The guy is so obviously intimidated by her that she was wise not to do that - It would have been a disaster for both of them.

And yeah, I can't believe him complaining about the lack of sex when he was the one initially responsible for that - as I said above, I think he's just trying to make it look to the public like it was her fault because in addition to being a wussy, he can't take responsibility for the effects of his non-action.  What a total coward and jerk to do something like that, but I guess one thing usually goes along with the other, so it's not surprising.

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11 hours ago, Swim mom said:

I think it's a combination of things. 

He hasn't mastered shaving.  He was afraid on the zip line. He pats her. He was very awkward when he rolled over her on the couch to kiss her. His body language is more 17 year old boy than 30 year old man.

Again, he pats her. Ugh!

And instead of going in for a hug when greeting each other, he waves. Friend zone right there.

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As to how quickly to have sex, if we count each day of the honeymoon as one date, then we have 12 to 14 dates, right? I was pretty much a prude, but even I have had sex prior to date 15. At one date a week, that's about 4 months. Maybe we should count the honeymoon days as 2 dates, because they are spending all day together, not just a couple of hours, like normal dates. I'm not sure we know what day Cody told Danielle that he wanted to slow down and build a friendship, but it didn't seem like it was the first day. So, they had a few "dates," then he friend zoned her. Most women are at their best on the first dates: makeup, hair, manners, agreeableness. So if he wanted to cool things down at the beginning,  he just wasn't interested. 

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