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World Of Dance - General Discussion

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I do want to know how much of the production surrounding a routine comes from the dancers themselves or from Nappytabs/producers.  From some of the thank yous I've seen posted from eliminated dancers, they largely think Nappytabs for helping them with staging and with making their vision come to life.  But I guess my main point is some dancers probably come in with a clear sense of what they want to do and how they want the stage to look and special features and etc. and others need that coaching/propping.  Also it's a pretty easy way for producers to throw in some manipulation where they can.  Dancers that they want to advance will get the top notch effects, stage settings, etc. and those that are expendable won't.  Those are the little ways producers can effect the outcome, though on this show that doesn't have a viewer voting component the way other reality dance competitions do, those sort of subtle manipulations may be less necessary since they can just literally rig the scores if needed.  But I bet the producers can talk some dancers into ideas of more exciting routines/staging than originally planned.  Not accusing one in any particular situation, but I'm sure there are certain dancers that get flagged for special treatment and others that do/don't.

Overall, I was surprised that the average scores in the upper team division were so close (90.7, 91, 91.3, 91.7, 92.3, 92.7). I was also surprised that the junior scores were generally lower (only 3 of them scored above 90). I thought they would give the kids higher scores just to make them feel better.

Upper team division:

Desi Hoppers - I totally enjoyed this routine! It was fun, entertaining, clean, and different from the other groups we see week after week. On top of that, they are so synchronized and they clearly have a sense of humor. I love how they fuse hip hop with Bollywood. They got screwed being so early.

Embodiment - I want to like them more than I do. I love that this is a large group of male dancers, but I felt that they were let down by their choreography. I kept waiting for it to get good and it stayed at the same level the whole time. I agreed with Jennifer about how they need to be really aware of how many people are in the group and how much movement/motion they have going on at once because it can look messy or chaotic when you have that many people on the stage at once and there are different tricks flying every which way. I would have much preferred keeping Desi Hoppers over Embodiment. Sorry, guys.

Connection - This routine seemed so much shorter than the others (even though I know it was the same length). It was pretty clean and the choreography was better than their previous routine.

Poreotics - They definitely get points for that song choice. A Thousand Miles is not in the top 100 songs I would think of for a hip hop routine but they used the song really well. I appreciated their creativity and their sense of humor.

The Ruggeds - Really effective use of costumes. The red stripes plus the red shoes drew attention to their lines which was really smart. But massive FAIL to the guy in the booth who decided to cut away from the awesome move that one of the dancers did so that we could see Ne-Yo's reaction. Seriously, you guys, I don't care what faces or comments the judges make during a routine. LET ME SEE THE DANCING!

S-Rank - Their routine was fine, but I didn't think it was good enough to get them to the next round.

Junior division:

Josh & Taylor - I thought the concept was great for a performance piece, but not for a competition.

Jonas & Ruby - I wasn't crazy about the costumes, particularly the Matrix thing that Jonas was wearing. I could have lived with Ruby's costume if he had been wearing something else. I had to agree with Jennifer when she said that these two come to win every time they perform.

Sean & Kaycee - I'm not a huge fan of this type of contemporary, but Sean is such a talented choreographer for his age that it makes me root for them.

Avery & Marcus - While I totally appreciate that they are giving us ballet without tutus and fairy princesses to make it more accessible, every time I watch one of their routines, I feel like I'm watching a non-ballet routine with pointe shoes thrown in.

Charity & Andres - Apparently my heart is dead and cold because this routine did nothing for me. There were one or two wow moments but the rest was just the same old contemporary routine you'd see at a competition.

Jaxon Willard - My favorite thing about Jaxon is exactly what Ne-Yo said because he makes everything look so effortless, from his flexibility to the height he gets in his leaps. I always remember what Peter Gallagher said in Center Stage: "You make it look like work, Maureen. I need to see the movement, not the effort behind it." Good dancers make you believe that all of those amazing turns and leaps and movements are as easy as walking.

Upper division:

Karen y Ricardo (95+94+96+96=95.3)

Ashley & Zach (84+86+87+90=86.8)

Michael Dameski (100+98+95+98)

Junior team division:

The Lab (100+99+100+99=99.8)

The Rock Company (91+92+91+92=91.5)

Fabulous Sisters (93+92+91+92=92)

Upper team division:

The Ruggeds (92+90+92+92=91.5)

S-Rank (96+93+94+93=94)

Poreotics (85+87+87+88=86.8)

Junior division:

Charity & Andres (93+93+92+94=93)

Jaxon Willard (87+89+87+88=87.8)

Sean & Kaycee (91+92+95+91=92.3)

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

Upper division:

Karen y Ricardo - While their tricks are impressive, my issue is that once you've seen them perform one routine, they all kind of look the same because they do a lot of the same tricks.

Ashley & Zach - Too much of the silks/props. I wanted more dance.

Michael Dameski - He reminds me of Eva Igo in that he can change the music and the costumes every week, but we end up seeing the same stuff. This week, the graphics department did a lot of the work for him. He still had tricks, but his routine would not have has as much of an impact in front of a plain white wall. And can we stop with the ninja stuff in general? It cracks me up/annoys me when the audience goes bonkers over simple tricks. You guys, he did a somersault. You know, that thing you learn to do in elementary school gym. Okay, fine, he did a dive roll which is a slightly fancier somersault, but also something that even elementary school kids can do.

Junior team division:

The Lab - Although this was not the best choreography they've done, they made much better use of their props than Ashley and Zach. From the desks to the backpacks, they used their props wisely and effectively in lots of different ways.

The Rock Company - They were clean but boring. I feel bad not being more complimentary of the kiddie competitors but I can't believe that they're in the divisional finals. I also hate that they start all of their routines with roll offs.

Fabulous Sisters - What I love about this group is that I never know what to expect from them. I also really love that they commit so fully to their characters. They were so much more interesting to watch than the Rock Company so it's disheartening that their scores were so close.

Upper team division:

The Ruggeds - While I appreciate that the production values for this routine were great (this was a great performance piece with the lighting, the costumes, and the story), I wanted more dancing. I felt so bad for the guy who tore his ACL. Fuck, that is scary. Although it's something that you can repair, it has the potential to end a dance career. The looks on all the judges' faces when he told them about his injury was because they all know it. I'm glad that they found a way to incorporate him into the dance without actually dancing (and risking further injury).

S-Rank - My favorite thing about this routine is that they really took their time building the energy of the routine. Starting out slow and grooving and then gradually building to the middle of the routine was great. I loved the trick with one of the dancers walking upside down. So simple but so well executed!

Poreotics - I liked this routine and performance better than S-Rank's. I found their choreography more creative and fun to watch. It was clear that the judges were not going to score them well so I felt bad listening to the comments they got. I was still surprised at how low their scores were though.

Junior division:

Charity & Andres - Another injury? This show isn't nearly as bad as SYTYCD in terms of the number of dancers who get injured in one season, but still. I felt bad for her, but honestly I wouldn't have known from their routine that she had any kind of injury. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise so that they couldn't do as many tricks as usual (I'm not fond of wall to wall tricks).

Jaxon Willard - This wasn't his best choreography, but I didn't think his scores would be THAT low.

Sean & Kaycee - This was better than Charity & Andres' routine, but the judges LOVE C&A. While I agree that Sean and Kaycee are already getting enough work that they don't NEED to win this competition, that's not the point. WOD, SYTYCD, and other dance competitions aren't about who would benefit more from winning (or at least they shouldn't).

  • Love 2

YES!!! So so happy that The Lab won! Overall, they never failed to deliver and entertain, and their routines were always tight, plus...cute kids. I was a little worried and a little disappointed that they went the "We Are the World" route of potential emotional manipulation and wish they went out on a slammin' funky fierce note, but the routine was still tight and great so it's OK, plus Michael Kaminski DIDN'T win, so I'm so happy about that! I don't' know why I was rooting against him so much. He's a great talented dancer, no doubt, but it's just same ol' same ol' angsty fierce contemporary to me. S-Rank - they're good but they do nothing for me (did I mention I'm still bitter about Desi Hoppers being out?). Charity & Andres I always enjoy, and they are super talented and athletic, but as far as I'm concerned, the right group won. Plus, I think that money will mean so much more to them than anyone else. 

  • Love 9

Guess I'm the only one that liked Michael. I haven't been following any of the forums for this show and started out watching in the duals. As a solo dancer I think he had a much more difficult task and I usually don't care to watch the solo dancers. I liked his mix of martial arts and dance and the large themes he went with. Both of his dances last night were great so was hoping he would win. 

I like The Lab too but a bit too much attitude for kids. It becomes off putting. The 2nd dance was horribly cliched IMO. I appreciate the attempt at variety but it didn't even come close to the fun and technical detail of their divisional winning dance. It felt very manipulative and forced. If this was the only episode I watched, I would be very confused as to what the judges are thinking and wouldn't tune in again. Being a large crew and how these reality shows deal out the money, it will probably only be a couple thousand a year for each of them. Not exactly life changing but enough for them to use for college. 

Not a big fan of dance but this show kinda hooked me. It ruined all dance crews that were showing up on AGT. I will now seek this out for when Season 3 comes. 

  • Love 6

Am I the only one who thinks that they shouldn't have shown the scores for the first round? I mean, at least that way each judge doesn't know what the other judges did, and can't adjust their scores accordingly for the second round for who they personally want to win.

I agree with others that if there is another season they should open it up to audience votes.

All that being said, I have enjoyed The Lab throughout the season, but if they are just going on tonight's performances(which they were), I don't think they deserved the win. 

I think either Michael or Charity and Andres should have won, but maybe that's just me.

  • Love 11

I agreed that Michael or Charity and Andres should have won. The Lab's routines were clever and well-choreographed, but they had visible mistakes in Waiting for the World to Change. 

I still don't like Michael Demeski for no logical reason, but he knows how to choreograph a competition routine. I will also acknowledge that he is a very talented dancer, and I liked that both of his routines were very different from each other. I also want his pegboard apparatus to play on. That looked so fun! (and he used it beautifully)

Versatility is also a lot of what I liked about Charity and Andres's routines. There first one was a mode that we haven't seen from them (or at least not since their audition) with some nice, natural ballroom incorporation and great technical dance highlights that fit the song beautifully. Then the second one was a return to battle mode. I thought they were underscored for no reason that I could figure out.

  • Love 3

Of all the assigned music, I thought S-Rank did the most interesting/creative routine. No one expects a hip hop group to wear tuxedos and pretend to be an orchestra. I thought their second routine was fine but not outstanding enough for the finale.

I preferred The Lab's first routine. While I appreciate that they wanted to do something more creative with a message for their second dance, it came off a little too much like a dance recital routine where you have to incorporate a bunch of kids who don't have the same skill set so you break them up into little groups to do different things.

Both Michael Dameski and Charity/Andres are skilled but boring. It's like when you go to a dance competition and by the end of the second hour, you feel like you've seen the same damn thing over and over and the only thing that's changed are the songs and the costumes.

Michael is a smart choreographer in that he knows how to come up with a concept and make it a crowd pleaser (and there really is a trick to that - there are certain things that audiences almost universally love and cheer for, even when they're not the most difficult moves). I also gave him major points for doing a double tour on top of that platform in his second dance. At one performance I did, I was given a tall platform to dance on. It was only about 5' x 5' which sounds big until you try to restrict your movements/your feet to that amount of space and you realize that you're trying to stay in a much smaller area in the center which is closer to 3' x 3' so that you don't accidentally get too close to the edge. After that, I was like NEVER AGAIN.

  • Love 3

I had no horse in the race so I didn't care who won, but I agree with the sentiment that the juges/show/producers go into a show knowing who they want to advance or finish where and score accordingly.  Based on rehearsals, everyone knows how the routines are going and I suspect the favorites are given "help" and coaching where needed.  I know they all get coaching to some degree, but there are little ways to manipulate the desire results.  But even in my short time viewing this show, I've noticed how the scoring often doesn't match up with what is being seen.  I think TPTB already had their top 2 and were told to score accordingly.

Les Twins for the win!

Oh wait ... they weren't in the competition. I was all for Michael winning. While bored with soloist Jaxon doing the same angsty routine every time, Michael changed it up and became a character with each dance. I enjoyed every one of his routines. Each had a different bit of originality to it.

Then The Lab had to do that (inferior IMO) routine about saving the world so I knew Michael was screwed. No one votes against patriotism. If Michael had worn army fatigues and done an anti-terrorism dance, he could have won. But Mad Max against World Peace? No way. Oh well. I hope he gets some Broadway work, or other jobs from this show. He's talented. And not bad to look at, and he presented himself professionally.

Loved seeing Keone and Mari again though. They've always been favs of mine. I need to watch them again to see where Derek fit in.

I did like seeing the judges dance at the beginning though. I have my doubts about Ne-Yo's skillz, and JLo did pretty much of a stripper/booty thing, but Jenna impressed me. I wonder if any of the contestants will be added to Derek's tour, or JLo's act.

  • Love 6
On 9/13/2018 at 2:06 PM, lynxfx said:

Guess I'm the only one that liked Michael. I haven't been following any of the forums for this show and started out watching in the duals. As a solo dancer I think he had a much more difficult task and I usually don't care to watch the solo dancers. I liked his mix of martial arts and dance and the large themes he went with. Both of his dances last night were great so was hoping he would win. 

Nope, not the only one. I loved him. 

I was disappointed in The Lab winning. For me, it would've been: 1) Michael 2) Charity & Andres (though I have to say I freaking love them, too) 3) The Lab 4) S-Rank. I felt like The Lab was good and fun, but worth a million bucks? No way.

  • Love 3
On 9/14/2018 at 8:39 AM, saber5055 said:

Les Twins for the win!

Oh wait ... they weren't in the competition. I was all for Michael winning. While bored with soloist Jaxon doing the same angsty routine every time, Michael changed it up and became a character with each dance. I enjoyed every one of his routines. Each had a different bit of originality to it.

Then The Lab had to do that (inferior IMO) routine about saving the world so I knew Michael was screwed. No one votes against patriotism. If Michael had worn army fatigues and done an anti-terrorism dance, he could have won. But Mad Max against World Peace? No way. Oh well. I hope he gets some Broadway work, or other jobs from this show. He's talented. And not bad to look at, and he presented himself professionally.

Loved seeing Keone and Mari again though. They've always been favs of mine. I need to watch them again to see where Derek fit in.

I did like seeing the judges dance at the beginning though. I have my doubts about Ne-Yo's skillz, and JLo did pretty much of a stripper/booty thing, but Jenna impressed me. I wonder if any of the contestants will be added to Derek's tour, or JLo's act.

The fact that they couldn't just SHOW the judges dancing without all the dumbass slo-mo bits pretty much ruined this for me.  So cheesy and off-putting.  I FF through the great majority of the show and just watch the dancing.  I am okay with The Lab winning, although the world peace song was far from their best, but would have liked Charity and Andres 2nd and Michael 3rd, even though he is very talented and seems like a nice guy. 

  • Love 1

Season 3. Who knew? And who knows the new host? Looking forward to some good dancers.

JLo keeps changing her clothes and hair. It's making me dizzy.

The two teens in the orange sweaters reminded me of the dancers who won Denmark's (or some small country) Got Talent and were on AGT Champions. The judges hated them.

Edited by saber5055

Well, it's a new season & I'm watching the same way I watched previous seasons, FFing through all the backstories & the judges commentary & just watching the dances & scores. 

No idea who the new host is, & I don't think I even saw him with all the FFing.

5 hours ago, saber5055 said:

JLo keeps changing her clothes and hair. It's making me dizzy.

Me too. They clearly had two days for the dancers, one for the kids, & one for the upper & they kept switching back & forth. You would think the judges would have worn the same clothes just for continuity's sake.

Anybody want to takes bets on whether or not Eva Igo shows up again?

  • LOL 1

This week's routines (scores listed are Ne-Yo + Jennifer + Derek = average)

Juniors (1-4 dancers)


Julian & Charlize (87+88+86=87)

Funkanometry (88+87+87=87.3)

Ellie & Ava (95+89+93=92.3)

Lauren Yakima (97+94+96=95.7)

Junior teams (5 or more dancers):


Minibots (85+83+82=83.3) - eliminated

Elektro Crew (87+87+85=86.3)

Crazy 8's (93+95+91=93)

  • Love 1

Thirteen routines and only two were eliminated? It's going to be another loooooong season again!

Junior divison:

Julian and Charlize were fine but I was neutral on the routine. Their actual dancing and performance skills seemed fine so I think they would do better with better choreography.

Funkanometry showed the importance of song selection, choreography, and personality. If you watched parts of that routine with different music and with their faces covered, it wouldn't be nearly impressive. I'm not saying that they're bad dancers either. Rather they're smart performers.

I know some people will just see Eva Igo x 2 with Ellie and Ava but so far I like them more because they bring a maturity to their dance that Eva didn't have (which isn't her fault since she was pretty young).

As soon as I saw Lauren Yakima's name, I knew she must be Amy's sister (SYTYCD). I was surprised this routine got the second highest score of the night since there were some bobbles here and there.

Junior teams:

I agreed with whichever judge said the Minibots from Canada needed to be more synchronized. Their routine was fine, but it's not worth of winning this competition.

Elektro Crew from Arizona had half of a good routine. The first half was great but the choreography really lost steam at the end, like they ran out of ideas. They were pretty synchronized and they were fun to watch, so if they can bring some better routines, they might be able to last.

I knew the judges would love the Crazy 8s - tiny flexible studio competition dancers are their weakness. Aside from the flexibility tricks, there wasn't a whole lot of actual dancing, technique, or performance in this routine.

Upper division:

Jonathan y Jorge from Florida and Peru were so fun to watch, partly because they were clearly having so much fun. I'm glad they auditioned for this show instead of SYTYCD because I dread to imagine Nigel's reaction to two men dancing together. Nowadays he'd say something pandering about how brave it is for them but ten years ago he probably would have straight up told them it was weird and he didn't like it. Now that I think about it, wasn't there a male/male ballroom couple that auditioned in one of the really early of SYTYCD and Nigel was an ass? Anyway, I agreed with Jennifer that they need to up their actual salsa, but their tricks and their performance were good. I continue to hate the camerawork on this show. Let me see their amazing spin sequence instead of cutting to the judges' faces.

What I really liked about Poppin' John was his fluidity. It was so lovely to watch. If he wants to go further in this competition, he needs some dramatic tricks to wow the judges because that's the kind of simpleton scoring they give out. Subtle is lost on them.

I'm not a tap girl, but I enjoyed the D'Angelo Brothers. No surprise that Derek gave them the highest score of the three judges since he's the one with tap experience. But for non-tap people (ahem, J -Lo), they need some flashy tricks if they want to stick around. Notice that the only WOOO they got from her during the routine was for the assisted back flip which isn't even that difficult and isn't even tap specific.

The main problem with Erica & Aidan's routine was that they were trying to do too many things It was this mishmash of partner tricks, contemporary, and hip hop. As soon as they were out of sync in the first few seconds, I knew they would have to have a really amazing routine to redeem themselves.

Upper teams:

I LOVED the Heima from South Korea. They had precision, creativity, musicality, and synchronization. On top of all that, I wanted to see what they would do next. As someone who has watched a lot of dance in my life, a lot of times I lose that "ooh, what are they going to do?" feeling within the first 15 seconds of a routine because so many of them are the same. Once again, I hate the camerawork on this show. When there is a large group, quit zooming in!

I also really liked the Kings from India. Their first big trick didn't translate well because the guy doing the twist was so far back on the stage and it was a low horizontal twist, but all of their other tricks were so fun!

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

As soon as I saw Lauren Yakima's name, I knew she must be Amy's sister (SYTYCD). I was surprised this routine got the second highest score of the night since there were some bobbles here and there.


Good call! And now that you say it, they do look a lot alike! And have similar dance styles. 

10 hours ago, GaT said:

No idea who the new host is, & I don't think I even saw him with all the FFing.

I didn't FF and I never saw him again after his introduction at the beginning. Cushy job!

10 hours ago, GaT said:

You would think the judges would have worn the same clothes just for continuity's sake.

This can be managed by four judges on The Voice. You'd think three judges on this show could handle it.

10 hours ago, GaT said:

Anybody want to takes bets on whether or not Eva Igo shows up again?

I thought she had when the contemporary dancer with the bun on her head danced. She was a twin for Eva and even had on Eva's outfit.

I loved Poppin' John. I could watch him all day. Then the judges let us know what they are really looking for, not "dancing," or even different styles of dance. They want people flying through the air and doing tricks. Some Cirque du Soleil acrobats could win this show easily.

I also didn't like how they ranked on tappers, like that's not "real dance" either given they don't fly or trick. *sigh* Fred Astaire wouldn't even make it through the auditions on this show.

  • Love 1
53 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I loved Poppin' John. I could watch him all day. Then the judges let us know what they are really looking for, not "dancing," or even different styles of dance. They want people flying through the air and doing tricks. Some Cirque du Soleil acrobats could win this show easily.

I also didn't like how they ranked on tappers, like that's not "real dance" either given they don't fly or trick. *sigh* Fred Astaire wouldn't even make it through the auditions on this show.

9 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I knew the judges would love the Crazy 8s - tiny flexible studio competition dancers are their weakness. Aside from the flexibility tricks, there wasn't a whole lot of actual dancing, technique, or performance in this routine.

Both of your comments really resonated with me, and it's one of my big issues with watching dance competitions on TV (as well as in real life). I get that the audience needs to have something to watch, but the preference of tricks over actual dance ability and technique cheapens dance and cheapens the show. It's not that tricks aren't amazing to watch--they are. But when the whole performance becomes about bigger and more amazing (and potentially more career-ending dangerous) to watch, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. And don't get me started about whoever decided that pulling faces was something that we wanted to see in dance. It drove me crazy in Cheer, and it makes me irrationally angry in a dance performance!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I thought she had when the contemporary dancer with the bun on her head danced. She was a twin for Eva and even had on Eva's outfit.

Me too! All those contemporary dancers seem the same to me, & they all seem to rely on that one trick of bringing up their leg as high as possible. I don't know what it's called, but I've seen it referred to as an "HMV"

  • LOL 2
14 hours ago, GaT said:

No idea who the new host is, & I don't think I even saw him with all the FFing.

I knew his face from somewhere so I Googled him. He is one of the hosts of Access Hollywood. Ah ha! That's where I knew him from!

I also FF through all the back stories and judge's comments. Watched only the dancing and the scores. I don't think Scott Evans has started hosting yet. I never saw his face at all during all the FF I did.

I checked Amy Yakima's instagram and sure enough.....Lauren is her sister. Surprised Amy was not mentioned at all.

Edited by luvthepros

I'm new to this show but follow a bunch of dancers on Instagram so I'm familiar with a few of the contestants.  One of the contestants I follow is Charlize.  So I was really surprised to see Charlize paired up with Julian because I don't recall seeing them perform together regularly (unlike Kaycee and Sean).  I think it was evident that they don't regularly work with each other - though I guess they are able bridge part of that gap with their industry experience.

Marinspired from season 2 had a stiffness to their lifts that made them look clumsy. Jonathan y Jorge did not have that issue at all. I did agree with the judges that they do need more between the tricks.

Charlize andJulian May be the first group to react to moving through before the final average was posted. It’s always bothered me in the past that people still look unsure after tnree 80+ scores are up. I realize that could just be editing, but still.

I noticed JLo’s changing outfit, but didn’t realize it was juniors vs. seniors. In the past the clothes have stayed the same for all the auditions and that got boring, so I appreciate the attempt at changing it up. JLo’s “life through necklaces” was kind of funny.

I had no idea this show was back. Stumbled on it by chance. The last two seasons had some advertising at least a couple of weeks prior.

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