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So Annie was going to cheat on her GED? Wasn't she going to go for EMT training after that? You gonna cheat there, too? With people's lives on the line? Ugh. She's THE WORST.

Ruby's daughter invited the kidney couple (heh) to dinner by herself, so I don't blame Ruby or Stan for that part of it. But once the prayers started and they were laying on the guilt in a big thick layer, I hoped Ruby and/or Stan would put a stop to it. Though asking for a car did seem to wake Ruby up. (As a Wisconsinite, I did love the references to Madison and Kenosha. Someone on the writing staff can properly read a map!)

How stupid are the women to think the hit man (hey, Andrew McCarthy! Lookin' good!) would take out an elementary school? I just can't with this show a lot of the time. 

This show has been two steps forward, one step back (or the other way around) for way too long. 

Ruby is the only thing keeping me watching. I love Retta so much.

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So many things to bitch about....but my #1 is that Rio is sill above ground. Just.Kill. Him.Already. Or end the show with a fantastic explosion that blow ps up the printer, the nail polish, the paper, the 3 Stoogettes AND Rio. Enough already. Please do not renew this POS show (unless the new season is following the 2 quirky agents and Andrew McCarthy....those 3 I would watch).

Can someone explain why Stan and Ruby bought Kidney Kouple a Kar?  So what if they were scammers?  Did they know about Ruby’s illegal side job? Was there a hint of blackmail that I missed (aside from the emotional blackmail of “having a daughter sleeping safe in her bed”)? Ruby must’ve know they were grifters after Kidney Mom asked for the car, so she shouldn’t felt like she owed the a car as a trade off for their kid’s kidney.  If it was a good deed to help Ruby and Stan “be good people” again, how does giving grifters a new car bought with counterfeit cash wash the sins away?  

And there was NOOOOO reason that therapist should’ve come back into the picture.  He wasn’t there in a doctor-patient capacity.  Especially after moving from Annie’s apt to a BAR.  All the very lame flirting?  Annie and her Dr. Make Me Feel Good aren’t some tragic romantic couple we are all rooting for.  Their relationship is not a sweeping saga like “Tristan and Isolde”.   It isn’t even anywhere as compelling as Sam and Diane from Cheers, for fuck sake.  Ben seems like a pretty savvy kid.  He should pack his bags and hightail it to his dad’s house and live a normal life.  Send Mother’s Day, Birthday and Christmas cards and leave that chaos behind.

Does Dean know Beth intends to use his new spa business to launder money?  Hasn’t she done that before? Do the writers of this shitshow think they can keep recycling “plots” and no one will catch on?  This isn’t nearly as clever or charismatic as “Groundhog Day”.  It doesn’t have the longevity of M*A*S*H where viewers may have forgotten what happened in S2 so a continuity error in S9 won’t stick out like a sore thumb. So stop repeating the same storylines over and over and over.



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Can someone explain why Stan and Ruby bought Kidney Kouple a Kar?  So what if they were scammers?  Did they know about Ruby’s illegal side job? Was there a hint of blackmail that I missed (aside from the emotional blackmail of “having a daughter sleeping safe in her bed”)? Ruby must’ve know they were grifters after Kidney Mom asked for the car, so she shouldn’t felt like she owed the a car as a trade off for their kid’s kidney.  If it was a good deed to help Ruby and Stan “be good people” again, how does giving grifters a new car bought with counterfeit cash wash the sins away?  

Yeah, I was having a big problem with the way Ruby and Stan were dealing with that couple. It's one thing to agree to say grace but buying them a car? Oh hail nah. Do they know the couple even really needs a car? Or that any of their sad sack story was true (besides losing their child, that is). I get that Ruby and Stan should feel grateful but there's a reason it's illegal to sell body parts in this country. Essentially that's what that couple is doing, except they're doing it after the fact. It's terrible that they lost their kid but the kid would be still be dead whether they had donated her kidney or not.


And there was NOOOOO reason that therapist should’ve come back into the picture.

No kidding. That guy is nine kinds of unethical, not to mention immoral for continuing to lead Annie on when he knows how vulnerable she is. What's his end game here, to position Annie to be his sidepiece after he gets married?

So was this the last episode before production stopped? I can't really see them killing off Rio unless Manny wants to leave the show. I can see Beth and the hitman starting a little affair if Andrew McCarthy wants to stick around for a while. (And if the show doesn't get cancelled, which has to be a good possibility IMO.)

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Andrew McCarthy was the only good thing about this episode. Here's someone who is actually smart about his crime of choice, Beth should pay attention.

Annie is so selfish and lazy, she expects to cheat her way into everything. Poor Ben deserves so much better than the shitty set of parents he's got. 

I don't understand why the quirky detectives were spending the day in a hotel room. Weren't they local already?

I got Mary Pat vibes from the grifter wife. She already indirectly got Ruby into trouble by asking her to buy a car in cash (Ruby didn't have to comply though, so that's on her), but I don't think we've seen the last of her.

Edited by chocolatine
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2 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

Can someone explain why Stan and Ruby bought Kidney Kouple a Kar?  So what if they were scammers?  Did they know about Ruby’s illegal side job? Was there a hint of blackmail that I missed (aside from the emotional blackmail of “having a daughter sleeping safe in her bed”)? Ruby must’ve know they were grifters after Kidney Mom asked for the car, so she shouldn’t felt like she owed the a car as a trade off for their kid’s kidney.  If it was a good deed to help Ruby and Stan “be good people” again, how does giving grifters a new car bought with counterfeit cash wash the sins away?  

I think it's a mistake as well, because what's to stop them from coming back and asking for more and more each time?  When will it end?

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31 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yeah, I was having a big problem with the way Ruby and Stan were dealing with that couple. It's one thing to agree to say grace but buying them a car? Oh hail nah. Do they know the couple even really needs a car? Or that any of their sad sack story was true (besides losing their child, that is). I get that Ruby and Stan should feel grateful but there's a reason it's illegal to sell body parts in this country. Essentially that's what that couple is doing, except they're doing it after the fact. It's terrible that they lost their kid but the kid would be still be dead whether they had donated her kidney or not.

I think it was supposed to show that Ruby and Stan's moral compasses are so out of whack because of their guilt that they couldn't even see that what the couple was doing was also really wrong, but Ruby and Stan did not murder their daughter and steal her kidney. (If they're even who they say they are.) It was frustrating to watch, especially since it was also a plot point that put the new agents onto Ruby.

17 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I don't understand why the quirky detectives were spending the day in a hotel room. Weren't they local already?

This confused me as well. Things like this make it clear that the writers do not talk enough in the writer's room or remember or pay attention to the details of one another's episodes.

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That episode was horrible. It moved nothing forward except for 2 seconds with the agents toward the end.  The show needs to kill Rio and have Beth deal with the consequences of that - whether that opens up a power vacuum in the criminal world there or something else. Almost anything else except this "Let's kill Rio!" we've been dancing with for a season.

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I don't understand why the quirky detectives were spending the day in a hotel room. Weren't they local already?

I think they're supposed to be going undercover once they get a solid lead on one of the good girls. If so, they can't be trailed back to their office or their own homes. They might have to explain why they live in a hotel though.

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26 minutes ago, LaMatadita said:

that they couldn't even see that what the couple was doing was also really wrong,

I think Stan and Ruby absolutely know what the kidney couple is doing is wrong, but Stan and Ruby's guilt is so strong they can't put a stop to it. Helping this couple alleviates some of the shame they have. 

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

It's terrible that they lost their kid but the kid would be still be dead whether they had donated her kidney or not.

I wouldn't be surprised if they're not grifting on every family that got an organ from their daughter.

Please kill off Rio. Please let this be the last season. I'm barely holding on (for closure) for the season finale next week.


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Phew, glad I'm not the only person that had no sympathy for the donor couple. It's not the Hills' fault your daughter died, and it was your decision to make her organs available for transplant. If the kidney didn't go to Sara, it would have gone to somebody else. What, are they gonna hit up the kid who got her lungs too? Her liver? Her heart? It's so ghoulish.

I think a more interesting, morally ambiguous approach the writers could have taken would have been Ruby and Stan meeting a couple with a kid who had died waiting for a kidney, and wondering if they had stolen that child's life for Sara instead of getting it "fair and square." This was too black and white.

I find Mae Whitman cute and charming, but the writers have done a good job of making sure none of that comes through in Annie anymore. She had the chance to finally apply herself at something, and she still couldn't carry herself through. I do kind of get what the therapist (and the other dudes that have fallen for her over the seasons) see in her though--some people just like a mess. They want somebody they can fix, they want to be needed. She checks a lot of boxes for certain people, even if I personally can't see the appeal.

Love how this show is still trying to convince me that Rio is ever actually gonna get killed off for real. 

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I do like Andrew McCarthy's character and I still like when they interact with quirky side characters like him. 

I use to enjoy Rio but I agree with others I think they should have killed him off because everything with him this season is just so repetitive and boring.

Annie is the worst. Ben should go live with Nancy and Greg because I feel like living with Annie has to be miserable. What are they doing with her and the therapist? Every time they are together, cringe.

I wish they went a different route with the couple who lost their daughter. Wish they were just good people, that was the end of it and not trying to scam Ruby/Stan. But then I guess then the FBI wouldn't have caught them.

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1 hour ago, helenamonster said:

I find Mae Whitman cute and charming, but the writers have done a good job of making sure none of that comes through in Annie anymore. She had the chance to finally apply herself at something, and she still couldn't carry herself through. I do kind of get what the therapist (and the other dudes that have fallen for her over the seasons) see in her though--some people just like a mess. They want somebody they can fix, they want to be needed. She checks a lot of boxes for certain people, even if I personally can't see the appeal.

Actually, you're right.  About all of this.

I still love Rio :(. I love Manny Montana, he's by far my favourite.  I think that the show made a huge mistake in making this whole season about "Just you wait!  Beth is going to kill Rio!  But!  No she won't!   Haha!  You didn't say 'No take-backsies', so we took it back!"   It pisses off BOTH sides - people who are fans of Rio and people who aren't!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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2 hours ago, Grumpymonkey said:

Ben should go live with Nancy and Greg because I feel like living with Annie has to be miserable.

I thought this at first, too, and then I realized that if Ben lives with Annie, he can pretty much run his life as he pleases. I bet Nancy and Greg have a lot of rules he'd have to follow.

Manny Montana is wasted here. We're treading water with Rio. He threatens Beth, she caves. He threatens Beth, she stands up to him and he's impressed enough to give her her cut. Zzzz. 

This show goes through plot slower than any show I've ever watched.

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7 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Andrew McCarthy was the only good thing about this episode. Here's someone who is actually smart about his crime of choice, Beth should pay attention.

The writers may still have him do something stupid like shoot Rio in a crowded bar. After all, they need to create yet another ridiculous crisis to keep the show going.

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15 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Holy crap.

And wasn't all the shit from Beth's house taken from Rio, and they just never replaced it?  How do they live?  And the kids don't complain or ask questions?

I think they’re making it all up as they go along. Which is a shame as they had so much potential, material to work with 

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I love Manny, but Rio has got to go. He has long since gone past his narrative expiration date, and there really is no way that he and Beth can both keep being alive at this point. One of them has to kill the other one. Just kill Rio and have everyone have to deal with the consequences. 

Ben really should just move in with Nancy and Greg already, at least they try to be responsible parents, even if they make a ton of mistakes, Annie cant even be bothered to try. Ben is a kid, he shouldn't have to spend time parenting his messy fuck up of a mom. She was going to cheat on her test? Really? Ugh, as much as I Mae Whitman, even she cant make me like Annie anymore. 

I do like Andrew McCarthy's hitman character, one of the only things I really like about this show anymore are the quirky side characters that the girls meet in their "lucrative side hustle". 

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So did they really pay the Hitman, a guy who does a crazy level of investigation into people's lives, with fake money. Seems like a poor choice.

Also what the fuck, Annie only has what amounts to a 6th grade education. I know this show is kind of a comedy but even that seems too much. Even Ricky from Trailer Park Boys was able to get his grade 10. How does she even function life if she really has that level of education. That's like not being able to put more than a basic sentence together or not being able to understand basic algebra.

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1 hour ago, Kirkydee said:

In all fairness, if the average adult took that test I'll bet a lot of people would score relatively lower than expected.  

However Annie supposedly studied for months......

Annie studying is the kicker here. We saw her being pretty successful at it. So what happened? Did she study for the wrong test? She she not take practice tests? Did she panic at test time?

I'd probably do pretty badly on the GED today, especially the math section, because not much of what's on there relates to what I do. But if I studied, and for months? I'd pass.

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On 4/29/2020 at 9:47 PM, Kel Varnsen said:

So did they really pay the Hitman, a guy who does a crazy level of investigation into people's lives, with fake money. Seems like a poor choice.

Also what the fuck, Annie only has what amounts to a 6th grade education. I know this show is kind of a comedy but even that seems too much. Even Ricky from Trailer Park Boys was able to get his grade 10. How does she even function life if she really has that level of education. That's like not being able to put more than a basic sentence together or not being able to understand basic algebra.

And a therapist being attracted to someone with a 6th grade education because she's *just* *that* *special* is ridiculous.  What is Annie's backstory?  Why is she so dumb?

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I don't see anything wrong with being attracted to someone who didn't finish high school. I do find it annoying that she would keep pushing herself on a guy in a relationship, even though last year, she was the one who told her ex where to go. She has weak boundaries, but he was the one pushing for them to keep seeing each other. 


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I never said anything was wrong with being attracted to someone who didn't finish HS. A 6th grade education (the equivalent of a 10 or 11 year old) to me is different from somebody who drops out of high school at 16-18.   To me it's kind of ridiculous that this therapist wants to risk *both* his license and his current relationship because the writers paint Annie as just that sexually irresistible.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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3 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I never said anything was wrong with being attracted to someone who didn't finish HS. A 6th grade education (the equivalent of a 10 or 11 year old) to me is different from somebody who drops out of high school at 16-18.   To me it's kind of ridiculous that this therapist wants to risk *both* his license and his current relationship because the writers paint Annie as just that sexually irresistible.

I understand. 

I like Rob Heaps, and the girl who plays his girlfriend (I remember her from three different shows). It's a little too convenient that they aren't having sex, so that he's tempted by Annie.

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I was going to complain about the FBI agent stealing the phone and nothing being admissible in court, and then she says she doesn't need it for court. Heh.

I have made Cheetos lunch more times than I care to admit.

"Why does Annie always have such bad ideas?" I love you, Jane Levy!

Another episode that went basically nowhere.

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I was going to complain about the FBI agent stealing the phone and nothing being admissible in court, and then she says she doesn't need it for court. Heh.

FBI agent is a little off to me. The way she was going through their pictures (there was some cute pics on there!) on the phone came off more creepy and less professional.  I could have been reading the scene wrong though.

I actually didn't mind this episode. It didn't make me annoyed and I was able to easily over look a lot of the stupid. Very lackluster for a finale but I'm good with it.

Stan was getting to me a little with the way he was with Ruby. I get it, I do but she did this for their kid. She doesn't enjoy being a criminal.  I was totally ok with her idea to rob Stan's work. Super happy they came together at the end too. They are my favorites.

I really feel like Annie got the short end of the stick in this episode. But very excited I didn't have to endure any scenes with her and her therapist, I didn't mute or change the channel once with her tonight. I actually liked her.

Beth and Dean still confuse me and I thought her alone scene with Gayle was embarrassing. Guess there was a purpose to all their stuff being stolen and she kind of redeemed herself when she bought the store for less, but not the greatest stuff there.  Though I did like her distracting the armored truck driver.

The season ended on an okay note for me.

Edited by Grumpymonkey
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Hot in Detroit: A D.C. 6 is like a Detroit 9.

"Maybe Paul Blart can save the day." Probably not this show though.

Stan is a flip-flopper. He's tiresome to me.

"Next time empty the clip." Said probably most of the audience.

I'll be amazed if this show is renewed. There's so much that needs to be fixed.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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In addition to the interview Trini posted, there was also one at EW: https://ew.com/tv/good-girls-season-3-finale-season-4/

I must say, neither the episode nor the interviews were quite what I was expecting. Someone on reddit said they had low expectations, but the episode felt like a ray of sunshine after a long dark winter, and that sums up my experience as well. It wasn't big on excitement, but this episode was a lot lighter and seemed to create some subtle shifts in relationships that could lead to some positive growth (except for Annie, who really got nothing in this episode). I was ready to delete the show off my DVR before watching the finale, but after watching it and reading the interviews with Bans and Krebs, I felt a little more willing to watch a S4, which is completely the opposite of how I felt after watching the end of S2 and reading their post-finale interviews then. We shall see if the renewal gods are kind.

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While it's no one's fault the season ended where it did—and this wasn't a bad episode to end on, honestly—the showrunners keep talking about energy, and I think, Where? I've complained before about how slowly the plot moves. The interviews did not give me hope that things will move any faster next season, "momentum" or not. 

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From the sound of those posted articles the show hasn't been renewed and season 4 is being spoken of as a possibility. The showrunners seem to trying to get ahead of the decision via PR. At least they seem to realize they've got their work cut out for them.

I'm hoping they bring in another "big bad" who's more powerful than Rio and isn't in law enforcement. Do a twist on "the enemy of my enemy may or many not be my friend" thing that's working in an interesting way on Westworld. I think they need to get Rio's foot off Beth's neck, IMO, even if it's only for an indefinite period.

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9 hours ago, Grumpymonkey said:

FBI agent is a little off to me. The way she was going through their pictures (there was some cute pics on there!) on the phone came off more creepy and less professional.  I could have been reading the scene wrong though.

I definitely think you were reading the scene correctly!  She was like eyes glazed, not willing to go to sleep, scroll, scroll, scroll.  Like she was envious and a little obsessed with the pictures of the three friends.  

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I didn't like it.  I get it wasn't originally supposed to be the season finale, but if the operation was over and the FBI agents were packing up, why would getting a phone that had absolutely zero evidence and couldn't be used in court change their boss' mind about them staying?  

And why are the girls so deep into this many years now of criminal activity, and none of them can give a non-suspicious answer to what they're celebrating?  Like.... just say you're celebrating Wednesday being the middle of the week or something dumb like that. A new job. Something.  I get they were thrown off, but still.  


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As far as this season goes, and considering they had to rush in the ending, this was actually pretty decent. Maybe the lack of Annie, who has been an increasingly annoying aspect of the show, helped out. This season has been drudging on hitting the same story beats over and over with no sense of urgency, so at least this new agent on their trail is something different. 

The agent seems to be doing this less out of professionalism, and more because she seems jealous of the girls, or just bored of her life and wanting to do something beyond desk work. Her looking at their pics looked less like a law enforcement professional doing research and more of a stalker looking at their new target. She also seems to kind of suck at going undercover, she just comes across as so awkward in her interactions with them so far, I wonder if they will actually figure out who she is pretty quickly, and then have to get her off their trail while she tries to infiltrate their group? 

Oh, nobody calls Beth "honey". 

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1 hour ago, deaja said:

And why are the girls so deep into this many years now of criminal activity, and none of them can give a non-suspicious answer to what they're celebrating?  Like.... just say you're celebrating Wednesday being the middle of the week or something dumb like that. A new job. Something.  I get they were thrown off, but still. 

😄. We had the same thought.  That was a silly scene.  "It's Annie's birthday!"  

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2 hours ago, deaja said:

why would getting a phone that had absolutely zero evidence and couldn't be used in court change their boss' mind about them staying?  

This is how I saw all of that: The agents had some ideas of what was going on, but nothing concrete beyond someone was making and washing counterfeit currency. Then there was the nail polish theft from that salon, and the agent put together that Ruby worked there. So she goes to the salon to get a mani and see Ruby in person and suss things out. She has the opportunity to steal Ruby's phone, and seeing all those pictures of the three women realizes they are probably in it together, so now there's a actual lead they can follow: the women.

This is a lot of work for the audience to have to put together, which speaks to the lack of plot we're getting. More of this and less of Beth and Dean's marriage problems, which aren't going anywhere or getting resolved.

1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

As far as this season goes, and considering they had to rush in the ending, this was actually pretty decent.

They didn't rush anything. This wasn't supposed to be the season finale, but the Covid shutdowns halted filming a finale. I think they had one or two episodes after this one shot, but they couldn't be edited.

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I fell asleep for a scene or two.  I saw Beth go back to the spa store and start a conversation with Gayle.  Gayle said something about if Beth knew what really went on between Gayle and Dean, Beth wouldn’t be trying to help him.  So, I assume Gayle is saying she and Dean had sex, but what else happened?  I think I woke up when Beth and Rio were walking thru an empty building.  Did she get the spa store from Gayle?  Did she confront or ditch Dean?  When I woke up, the FBI stalker was in the park with the ladies.  I don’t bother to DVR this show anymore so if someone can fill in the blanks, I would appreciate it!

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The weirdly obsessive and super unprofessional FBI agent thing is such a waste of screen time. Hopefully with the forced early hiatus and the remaining couple (?) episodes unable to be filmed, the writers will scrap those scripts and inject something more exciting for season 4 - assuming there is a season 4. 

The show has potential, IMO. Loved the first season, but the it has since flopped around and been stagnant. 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

They didn't rush anything. This wasn't supposed to be the season finale, but the Covid shutdowns halted filming a finale. I think they had one or two episodes after this one shot, but they couldn't be edited.

Thats what I meant, that this wasn't supposed to be the finale and they actually had more they wanted to do, but this actually worked out pretty well for a finale. I could kind of tell that it wasn't "supposed" to be a finale, as it was for the most part not super dramatic in ways that a lot of season finales are, but I think it still gave us some closure on the season and set up some stuff for next season. Hopefully next season, if there is one, will be more energetic than this one. 

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On 4/27/2020 at 8:29 PM, dubbel zout said:

I thought this at first, too, and then I realized that if Ben lives with Annie, he can pretty much run his life as he pleases. I bet Nancy and Greg have a lot of rules he'd have to follow.

Ben seems completely miserable in his scenes with Annie though. I know he's a teen and transitioning, which must be really hard on him, but I don't think he's happy with Annie's hand-off parenting. Children need structure and stability to feel safe; Annie doesn't provide that.

On 4/29/2020 at 6:47 PM, Kel Varnsen said:

Also what the fuck, Annie only has what amounts to a 6th grade education. I know this show is kind of a comedy but even that seems too much. Even Ricky from Trailer Park Boys was able to get his grade 10. How does she even function life if she really has that level of education. 

I wouldn't call what Annie does "functioning". 

3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Oh, nobody calls Beth "honey". 

As much as stealing all the inventory was a "boss bitch" move, Ione Skye (who I just realized is named after not one but two Scottish islands) was right that Beth should really be mad at Dean. If he were a good husband, it wouldn't matter if other women tried to seduce him.

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

This is how I saw all of that: The agents had some ideas of what was going on, but nothing concrete beyond someone was making and washing counterfeit currency. Then there was the nail polish theft from that salon, and the agent put together that Ruby worked there. So she goes to the salon to get a mani and see Ruby in person and suss things out. She has the opportunity to steal Ruby's phone, and seeing all those pictures of the three women realizes they are probably in it together, so now there's a actual lead they can follow: the women.

I thought that maybe seeing Beth in the picture is what gave the agent a clue. Turner had been investigating Beth last season for counterfeiting and money laundering and raided her husband's business. If the agent did her research she would have read Turner's file. Of course, this is assuming a level of professionalism that is beyond most characters on this show, so I'm probably wrong.

I know this wasn't a real finale and there are many loose threads, but I wouldn't be mad if the show ends here. 

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15 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I wouldn't call what Annie does "functioning". 

I meant function in sort of the bare minimum sense. She can wake up and dress herself, hold down a job, pay rent/bills/taxes and drive a car. Actually pretty good for a 6th grade education. Even Homer Simpson managed to finish high school as an adult.

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42 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Turner had been investigating Beth last season for counterfeiting and money laundering and raided her husband's business. If the agent did her research she would have read Turner's file.

I thought about this as I was writing, but given that neither agent has said anything about Turner's work, I figured the current agents didn't do their due diligence. There's also the possibility that Turner's files weren't complete on purpose. Maybe he was going to blackmail Beth with them or something. (Meaning, he's keeping his files light on purpose, but he tells Beth is she doesn't do [whatever], the files get written and passed on to his superiors.)

At any rate, I feel like we're putting more thought into this than the writers have.

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