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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Kevin probably has the hex, from the way he is acting, which is normal Kevin.   He does not seem to care who has it.  hmmmm 

Just now, gunderda said:

Paul says since it's not cross confirmed he's not going to do anything. 



Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

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2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Paul says since it's not cross confirmed he's not going to do anything. 



Heh. Chicken. 

Because I can't watch the feeds right now, what exactly was he trying to cross confirm? Something about a vote? Reddit's not entirely clear.

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

Paul says since it's not cross confirmed he's not going to do anything. 



LOL... nice try, Alex.  Dom was right that Paul has minions, though.  I mean, Paul orders Christmas to pump Jessica for information and without hesitation she goes and does it.  What the hell!  Think and play for yourself, Christmas.  Paul is gonna throw you under the bus the second you become a threat to his game.

Just now, wings707 said:

Kevin probably has the hex, from the way he is acting, which is normal Kevin.   He does not seem to care who has it.  hmmmm 

I also expect that he won the hex.  He's very popular with feedsters and he gets a lot of TV time in every episode so I bet he's popular with the show-only voters too.  There's a zero percent chance that the hex is used this week if he did in fact win it.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Because I can't watch the feeds right now, what exactly was he trying to cross confirm? Something about a vote? Reddit's not entirely clear.

Based on what Paul said earlier, I think he was trying to use Christmas to see if Jessica would repeat to her what she had allegedly told Alex about Paul being scared of Cody coming back.  Paul was pissed that Jessica supposedly said it.  But she didn't say anything like that to Christmas so Paul is not going to call her out.  He said that maybe Alex and Jason misunderstood whatever it was that Jessica said.

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Is my tv playing tricks on me or did raven finally borrow someone's makeup?  It looks way better 

3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Heh. Chicken. 

Because I can't watch the feeds right now, what exactly was he trying to cross confirm? Something about a vote? Reddit's not entirely clear.

That Paul knew Cody would be backed and wanted to team up with him when that happened. And something about how she's dropped everyone's name about something else 

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7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Kevin probably has the hex, from the way he is acting, which is normal Kevin.   He does not seem to care who has it.  hmmmm 

Depends. Is he strategically taking off pieces of clothing? Because that's his tell. Poker must be interesting with him. No matter what game you're playing, it turns into strip poker when he gets a good hand.

5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Heh. Chicken. 

Speaking of, Raven got a taste of her own medicine today. She poured Honey Nut Cheerios on the top of the island counter and ate them from there. On the same spot where Matt had been opening a package of chicken not that long ago (and I didn't remember seeing him wipe it up). Salmonella: It's What's For Dinner.

I'm also assuming that her sudden cereal craving is because it's the only thing Matt will eat. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Kevin probably has the hex, from the way he is acting, which is normal Kevin.   He does not seem to care who has it.  hmmmm 

I wouldn't think he would waste any time telling Paul he had it, though.

Edited by vb68
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16 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Heh. Chicken. 

Because I can't watch the feeds right now, what exactly was he trying to cross confirm? Something about a vote? Reddit's not entirely clear.

That Jessica really did say what Alex reported.    Paul is afraid of Cody coming back. 

Edited by wings707
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2 minutes ago, gunderda said:
10 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Delete the tab and start over.  

I'm watching on my tv though my Amazon stick thing :(  it says it's having technical difficulties 

Mine was just doing that too. So I went out to the home screen and logged back in to the CBS app and it's working now.

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2 minutes ago, flipflopdiva said:

Mine was just doing that too. So I went out to the home screen and logged back in to the CBS app and it's working now.

I gave my router a little restart. We're all good now :D 

My Roku on the other hand does not like live feeds. It freezes and my roku restarts itself. 

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Why is Alex talking about someone grabbing her vagina? And she seems serious cuz her and Jason are going st it about how she can't retaliate because of the contract and Alex says yes she can, she can defend herself cuz that would be sexual harassment. 

And Paul working out in boxer briefs is weird and awkward. 

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Alex to Jason:  "The fact that we now know Raven is trustworthy, we don't want to spread that around.  We don't want everyone to try to buddy up with her."  If Raven gets HOH and Alex gets booted that week, it will be poetic justice. 

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Who is going to be Dom's guest? Maybe that will make BBAD less dull. I skim through that in the morning and it seems like all they do is play pool or eat.

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Kevin probably has the hex, from the way he is acting, which is normal Kevin.   He does not seem to care who has it.  hmmmm 

That actually is a good point. And honestly Kevin was who I initially thought would get it since he's very popular.

49 minutes ago, gunderda said:

My Roku on the other hand does not like live feeds. It freezes and my roku restarts itself. 

This happens to me, too. It's so irritating. I'm glad to hear someone else is having the problem though. I thought maybe it was just my roku. I might contact CBS about it.

Someone elsewhere was saying that if Dom has the HH and this eviction is canceled then Paul might be safe again next week because he was safe for 3 evictions. So watch that be what happens lol.

Can they please be nommed together soon?

How is he so full of himself lol?

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I love their workout sessions. Paul is schooling everyone one what to do and Christmas is a goddamned professional athlete. I love how she indulges Paul in letting him run the show but occasionally corrects their form. I wasn't a big fan of Christmas coming into the show because I knew who she was from CrossFit and fitness circles. She's turned out to be pretty cool and I admire her patience in putting up with these fools.

Raven becomes more amusing every day. Please someone make a full-season montage of her limping/not limping. She's getting her stitches out in the DR. I can't WAIT to hear her war stories!

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20 minutes ago, Lambie said:


Raven becomes more amusing every day. Please someone make a full-season montage of her limping/not limping. She's getting her stitches out in the DR. I can't WAIT to hear her war stories!

Her foot will hurt more when they are taken out, just watch.  

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Paul came over to Dominique a little while ago because she was crying.  He said he didn't want her to feel like she had to be secluded.  She told him that she wasn't secluding herself but rather the house was isolating her. Then he started trashing her to Jason, Alex, and Kevin saying that this was the 3rd time she was rude to him and that the house is not isolating her.  Gee Paul, maybe she doesn't want to be hissed at anytime she's around you.  Elena and Paul were talking about her earlier.  Paul was trying to justify his dickish behavior towards her.  Elena admitted that she enjoys being a dick when she knows she's right and she knows she's right in this situation.  Paul was encouraging her to do something shitty.  So far today I don't think it's happened.  Now he's trashing her to Elena and Mark trying to make it seem like he's such a great, caring person who came to Dominique out of genuine concern.

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OMG, y'all, Matt is like the most aggressive caveman and he like grabs Raven by the back of the neck and kisses her so hard that it's squee worthy! And he's sooo handsome, y'all. I mean, when she saw him at the casting call, she was all, "Mmmhmm, that one is all mine." And OMG OMG they're like totally going to find a cure for her disease when they get out of the house because he said so because he's just soooo sweet, y'all. I mean, she has two, count them, two terminal diseases, y'all, she doesn't have time to fuck around and even though he said he didn't want to be in a showmance, OMG, he's like so totally into her! *squeal*

Gag me.

Edited by Callaphera
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Paul is citing the fact that Dominique told him "well thanks for checking on me" as proof that she was rude to him.  I'm really curious what in Paul's mind could she have said to him that he wouldn't say she was being rude.  The fact that Paul is now telling this story a 3rd time just tells me he's 1) trying to keep the target on her back and 2) trying to make himself seem like he's a compassionate guy.  Paul keeps emphasizing that he told Dominique that him coming to her wasn't game related but that it was out of genuine concern for her.  I'm no Dominique fan but if I were in her shoes I'd have a real hard time trusting anything Paul says at this point. 

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Paul is citing the fact that Dominique told him "well thanks for checking on me" as proof that she was rude to him.  I'm really curious what in Paul's mind could she have said to him that he wouldn't say she was being rude.  The fact that Paul is now telling this story a 3rd time just tells me he's 1) trying to keep the target on her back and 2) trying to make himself seem like he's a compassionate guy.  Paul keeps emphasizing that he told Dominique that him coming to her wasn't game related but that it was out of genuine concern for her.  I'm no Dominique fan but if I were in her shoes I'd have a real hard time trusting anything Paul says at this point. 

I watched that scene and she was snide.  Ok that is allowed when you know damn well he was not sincere.  I want to say Paul should have just let that go.  But I am glad he didn't.  The more he flaps his gums the sooner they will get fed up and want him out.  It is bound to happen.  Right?   Don't rain on my parade, just say yes, of course.  

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10 minutes ago, zorak said:

Paul is citing the fact that Dominique told him "well thanks for checking on me" as proof that she was rude to him.  I'm really curious what in Paul's mind could she have said to him that he wouldn't say she was being rude.  The fact that Paul is now telling this story a 3rd time just tells me he's 1) trying to keep the target on her back and 2) trying to make himself seem like he's a compassionate guy.  Paul keeps emphasizing that he told Dominique that him coming to her wasn't game related but that it was out of genuine concern for her.  I'm no Dominique fan but if I were in her shoes I'd have a real hard time trusting anything Paul says at this point. 

Its always Paul's rules. If he tells you, this is not game related but genuine concern, damn it, you are suppose to forgive and forget all.  Just like he does. You can all see how he separates game from non game.  He may be playing the game and he may very well be a good player but I don't like him in the game at all. Not my type of player.

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Paul's just annoying as hell. Everyone should just self evict and let the puppet master have the game. I hate AG for bringing him back.

Jess doesn't trust anyone, she's alone and knows it. The only person she's slightly opened up to about Cody was Elena so she was never going to open up to Christmas. 

I do think she's got it and is the BB11 Jeff with this temptation like he was with the Coup D'Eta.  If it was any of Paul's minions they would have blabbed to him.  

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This cast overwhelmingly weird & annoying. Between their voices & talking like 12 year olds it too much this season. Yes, I'm looking at you Raven, Kevin, Christmas & Ramses. I'll give Ramses a pass since he is in fact 12 years old compared to the rest of the cast.

Edited by ByaNose
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I just looked at her bio, Raven is 23.  I met my husband at 24 and was married for 40 years.  She alarms me.  

I am watching BBAD in bed with my iPad, nothing is happening, did Dom cancel her show?  

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Josh is full of shit but I'm cracking up at him prancing around the HOH room, acting out to Alex and Jason exactly what he's going to do if he gets HOH. 

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My only solace regarding Paul is that this time last summer, we thought that Paulie had it in the bag (which clearly did not happen).  It would be hilarious to see Paul think he's playing the Nicole game but actually playing the Paulie game.

Actually, I  could see this happening.  Paul's fatal flaw last summer was his poor jury management.  If these early evictees are any indication (plus the fact that Paul has not made the connection between the way he spoke to Michelle and Natalie to him losing the overall game), Paul hasn't improved much in this area.  Hopefully, we will see Paul get a Paulie-style comeuppance in the near future.

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12 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

My only solace regarding Paul is that this time last summer, we thought that Paulie had it in the bag (which clearly did not happen).  It would be hilarious to see Paul think he's playing the Nicole game but actually playing the Paulie game.


Please please please please please.

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Nicole was never this demonstrative. She basically spent the first ten weeks in bed with Corey.

Paul's major flaw in the game is he has a one track mind. It's what lead him to take Nicole to F2 instead of the sure win vs James. He hated James for a long time and thought he didn't deserve it. He never even considered taking James. 

Edited by Cutty
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9 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Paul's major flaw in the game is he has a one track mind. It's what lead him to take Nicole to F2 instead of the sure win vs James. He hated James for a long time and thought he didn't deserve it. He never even considered taking James. 

Well and he's about as subtle as a Mack truck.

If someone would just stand back and observe, he's the second coming of Andy zipping from conversation to conversation. And a more aggressive Andy to boot.

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14 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Nicole was never this demonstrative. She basically spent the first ten weeks in bed with Corey.


Wait.  What?  Nicole got out of bed after 10 weeks?  Damn, I missed that.  

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LMAO!  Raven is my BEC and she is sitting at the kitchen counter, actually eating crackers in an annoying way!   So perfect!

Edited by wings707
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Funny thing earlier. Alex and Jason were talking about the shomances .  Alex said she didn't think Elena was all that into Mark.  Jason agreed she was not his type. He likes an athletic body. Alex says Elena has that.  Jason said, he is into a different kind of athletic body.   Lol!  

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I love to hear about Kevin's life.  Sounds like Mafia stuff.  Fascinating.  I really love the guy.  That can change, of course.  I think and hope he got the hex, he will use I'd wisely, hunch.  He is smart and knows more about BB than he lets on.  I feel certain he fakes being in the dark about much.  And I feel certain he has Paul's number.  He can read a room.  Slick.  Thumbs up.  

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I watched a video on FB from Raven's mother last week.  It had inaccurate facts.  Long post short, she read as a grifter to me.  A few pages back we heard she was suing production  for negative whatever.  Not important.  That is probably rumor so I am not giving it weight.  The  video she posted was enough to make me think Raven's behavior is calculated to win and not the product of her sick and spoiled childhood. Mom has a go fund me page and I believe that was talked about before she entered the house.  

Her antics to get attention for her condition are lame, really.    But is it for attention because she was a coddled child?  INah, not buying it.  Grifters. 

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6 hours ago, wings707 said:

Funny thing earlier. Alex and Jason were talking about the shomances .  Alex said she didn't think Elena was all that into Mark.  Jason agreed she was not his type. He likes an athletic body. Alex says Elena has that.  Jason said, he is into a different kind of athletic body.   Lol!  

Maybe he's like Alex Rodriguez, who's really into super muscular women (while he "dates" famous women who don't look like that in public, it's the muscular women he ends up with privately). 

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Birdfeeder Reality TV update: Squirrel Paul is sitting at the birdfeeder as we speak, scooping up the seed. Either he or Squirrel Cody, and Chipmunk Ramses, have been rampaging in my flower box, knocking the petunias over. I sprayed that stinky repellant on the flower box, hoping it will keep them out.  Oops, something spooked Paul and he ran away. I wish repellant or spooking would get rid of human Paul on the show. (Squirrel Paul was spooked by a lady walking her dog.)

Squirrel Cody was hanging out below chattering his teeth threateningly at Paul. Finally Cody dashed up the pole and jumped on Paul and Paul fell off the birdfeeder. I hope this is a prediction by psychic squirrels.

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