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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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13 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

LOL, Ramses almost set the house on fire while he was monologuing to the camera about game. He also asked if he should put water on the oil-caused fire.

These people should probably have the oil taken away for the night. 

Funny story: I read this last night and then decided to throw something in the oven for a late night snack. Only I didn't know that earlier that day, the husband had dropped something in there and gotten cheese on the heating element. He had waited for it to cool before cleaning it but it slipped his mind. So three minutes into pre-heating the oven, my kitchen was filled with smoke, smelled like a barbecue, and I thought I had burnt the place down. At least the HGs didn't have to stand under their smoke alarm with a tea towel, waving it frantically for fifteen minutes while the smoke cleared out.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:



I'm telling you, Raven is fucking iconic.

Has she ever done this before? I mean, the stitches are what - four days old? Five? She's showered since then. But all of a sudden, she needs a bag around her foot? And I noticed the limp made a reappearance. She's fucking shameless. And I just laugh when I see this shit now. I can't even be that annoyed. I keep waiting to see how she's going to top herself and she has yet to disappoint.

44 minutes ago, dewelar said:

Just because we don't say something in every post we make doesn't mean we don't, at least to the extent that we can. Also, just because we might sympathize with one portion of who she is doesn't mean we should judge the negative behavior in which she engages less harshly. This is a game show, not a telethon.

Thank you for saying so eloquently what would have taken me five paragraphs and fifteen f-bombs. 

Edited by Callaphera
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The example of Frankie from The Real World someone else used a while back is where I'm at with Raven. Frankie had a terrible lot in life. She was almost certainly going to die at far too young of an age, and that's precisely what happened to her. But she was still annoying, so I don't think there's much of a purpose in pretending otherwise. You can have a shitty lot in life and have all of our sympathy for your tragic circumstances and still be a pain in the ass.

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4 hours ago, himela said:

Having had 2 major surgeries, I totally respect and feel sorry for Raven having gone through all these things. I mean, people don't know what it means to be in hospital for weeks and waiting for doctors to announce you what is going on with you... I understand she can be annoying but we should at least sympathise with her for having gone through things we can't even imagine at such a young age. It's not fun and games, this is real life. Being in hospital while other people your age live their lives sucks. Have some respect please.

LOL - Not a chance. While I can sympathize with her condition, it is she who has chosen to be on this show and she who has chosen to make such an issue of her condition, using it as a sympathy-getting game piece. She has used her condition to position herself as someone who deserves to win because of it. That and the way she has attempted to use her barely injured foot to draw attention away from Christmas' very serious  injury to herself, her come-and-go convenient limp, she has earned every bit of game related scorn that I can heap on her.

If a Player uses some part of their being as gameplay they offer that part of their being, whether race, religion (Dom), medical condition or whatever, up for discussion and yes even scorn. People may tread lightly when Dom claims her potential eviction is because of race, but only because it's a very sensitive issue However,  they don't seem to hesitate to ridicule her religion. It's all fair game if you have chosen to put yourself in the game. 

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2 hours ago, ifoundit said:

Christmas does talk a lot about her in jury, so that doesn't help her cause of not wanting to use her injury as an excuse.  She's also more a liability since she really can't compete and no one can afford to just carry someone along.  Also, is she exempt from being a HN?

I don't see her anymore as a liability then someone like a Victoria who literally had no idea what was going on in the game most of the time and couldn't win a competition to save her life. Yeah, Christmas might not be able to compete in Physical Competitions- but she has just as much as a chance as anyone else in the Mental Ones. She also can speak a good game. There are some people who are literally just there to take a bed & eat food, they can't figure out strategy to save their life, they can't win competitions and basically offer nothing. I actually think she offers a hell of a lot more then those types Houseguests. 

Christmas said that if she cannot compete in an HOH and they announce that the 4 people will be Have Nots, or whatever it is- she would automatically be one. But so far it's just been volunteers. The only person in the house Exempt is Raven, since she won that Never-not pass. 

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4 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Christmas said that if she cannot compete in an HOH and they announce that the 4 people will be Have Nots, or whatever it is- she would automatically be one. But so far it's just been volunteers. The only person in the house Exempt is Raven, since she won that Never-not pass. 

I don't know if it was the HGs saying it or from Production, but after the last HN pick, someone in the house mentioned that Christmas wasn't a HN because she needed to heal and part of that is good sleep and good food. 

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So....what's with the bounce casting?  I've heard lots of times about people auditioning for The Bachelor, Survivor, or BB and getting offered some other show.  Obviously they're looking to make "stories" and create drama, and your basic Hooters girl who wants to be discovered so auditions for The Bachelor but gets offered Survivor instead reasons TV exposure is TV exposure so she agrees without really thinking it through.  Survivor (or BB) is a very different show from The Bachelor, so she arrives unprepared and rapidly becomes annoying for the viewers and fellow castaways.  

Yeah, the problem with these mainstream network reality shows today is that they've all gone through rigorous market research and focus groups and the networks have decided on a set "cast of characters" they think viewers most enjoy watching. That's why we get the exact same type of people every. damn. season. There's always the frat bro, the muscle head, the hayseed, the beardo-weirdo, the sassy queen, the nerdy geek, etc. They are literally looking for certain types to fill roles, like they are casting a play or a movie. Same people every year, different actors playing them. So for example if Cody auditions for Survivor they tell him "the role of military alpha male has already been taken but that role happens to be open over on Big Brother" he winds up there instead. Problem is, he's more familiar with Survivor than BB and thinks both games are played the same.

And every season, viewers ask "how can he/she do that? Haven't they ever watched this show? Why did they audition for this show if they've never watched it before?" Well, a lot of them didn't audition for that particular show.

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4 hours ago, cocobeans said:

In addition to my 'day' job, I run volunteer fire & rescue, you would be amazed at how many adults don't know basic fire safety!

The grease fire lesson came up in one of my Bobbsey Twins books, so for that reason alone I've been kept from disaster as an adult. 

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

It might be the Den of Temptation, since voting ended early this morning.

No need to count the votes when Production will just choose whoever they want? I kid, I kid.


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Well that's convenient to have it right before eviction day!

For some reason I thought they were doing it Friday.... 


makes sense though because i thought i heard someone talk about it

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2 hours ago, wings707 said:

She is hoping to be discovered.  She has said as much twice, that I have heard.  I am not quite sure exactly what she has in mind but it would involve her motivational speaking "talent," 

Wow, people really are delusional about themselves. If her "talk show" was her idea of an audition, I think she just needs to get comfy with her day job.  Also, she really needs to lose that fake ass plastered on smile (or, as you put it, the passive aggressive clown smile. Snerk!) that she used to wear before her self-induced isolation.

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Even though I'm way behind, again, I want to comment on Paul's comments. Reading about his "blackface" comment, which is still floating around the web, it looks to me like there are two main discussions. The first is that he is completely out of line (or worse) and the second is that people are making a big deal out of nothing. The thing is, I don't think they are talking about the same comments.

When Paul first starts telling people his plan, he is standing there wearing black tights and says he is going to make himself look like a snake with the black tights and then he is going to paint himself in "blackface" (now, I didn't rewatch the scene to get the exact phrase because my computer has decided to not play the sound loud enough to hear it well over the air conditioner, and it's frustrating me). He specifically says the word "blackface." More people walk in and that time he says he is going to wear a "black mask." The people saying it is being turned into something huge seem to keep pointing out he said he was going to wear a "black mask" and some people think it is going to be with black tights. 

The people who are arguing about "blackface" being completely inappropriate are discussing his use of the word "blackface" which is painting your face black to pass. He does clearly say he is turning himself into a snake, but the other HGs are trying to point out to him that the way he is doing it is not going to come across well, and he should try another color. He either doesn't get it or doesn't care, and I lean toward doesn't care for the reason stated in the next paragraph.

Paul thinks cunt should be used more and then people won't be so uptight about it, but jumped on Josh for saying the word retard. In Paul's world, if he agrees with it there is no problem, but if he doesn't, it's offensive and the person using it is clueless. Personally, I don't think he is a racist, but basically, he's just a narcissistic ass. 

Regarding Raven, by reading a lot of the comments here and on Reddit (I'm just now reading Sucks), there are a lot of us who have been in her position, and that is partially why we have a problem with her and her comments about her illness. I couldn't even count the number of days I have spent in hospitals for my gastrointestinal illness, but have probably logged over thirty this year already, and it started at age twelve. To me, Raven exaggerating and flat out lying certainly isn't bringing positive attention to her (our) illness, but instead is giving out false facts that people are looking up and makes it sound not as bad as it is, and some of us are already treated like we are making a big deal out of a stomach ache, and typically, that we are just anorexic. One of Raven's comments in Dom's "talk show" was about people thinking she was anorexic at first, too, so she also suffered from the disbelief and downplay by others, including physicians. At this moment, I'm in a GI flare, which will likely set off my Multiple Sclerosis, so it is bothering me a lot more, and I have absolutely no respect for her. That may change when I'm feeling better, but probably not by much.

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I just read a rumor on another site. Let me stress that this is a RUMOR, but it makes me enraged just thinking about it. 

Anyway the rumor is that- either during the show tomorrow or afterwards- which they will show right before the Battle Back Episode on Friday- Julie will have all the HG line up and the first person to hit the Buzzer- will get guaranteed safety until Final 9- and obviously the hitting of the buzzer will trigger the Battle Back. Hence why Julie said last week that the HG's will be able to decide if there will be a returning player or not, obviously someone will hit that button- they aren't stupid. But I will scream with rage if Paul get it, it's just unbelievable bullcrap if he wins this. 

If this is true, the winners of the 3 Temptations shouldn't be able to win. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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@SiobhanJW that would enrage me if it happens, regardless of who wins safety. Though I have lost track of how many jerks are in the house at this point so maybe final 9 isn't that far away. Heh.

Though I bet if a not-Paul person won it, Paul would be first in line to bitch about unfairness.

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3 minutes ago, Michichick said:

@SiobhanJW that would enrage me if it happens, regardless of who wins safety. Though I have lost track of how many jerks are in the house at this point so maybe final 9 isn't that far away. Heh.

Though I bet if a not-Paul person won it, Paul would be first in line to bitch about unfairness.

At least, they would stop talking about "jury". That's all they care about. No one cares about winning. Have any of these people watched this show before? There all talking about jury since it's summer camp for unemployed people. I'm getting really annoyed with this cast. That said, it wouldn't shock me that this twist could happen but I'm not sure about the Final 9 part. They needed something dramatic before the show ends but before the live feeds ends and the Battle Back starts. Now, I'm getting enraged. LOL!!!

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I feel like the "just want to make jury" thing is their way of trying to look/seem non-threatening. And I'm sure for the first part of the game, most of them DO just want to make jury. Then once they make jury, they want to try to get to final 4. And if they make final 4, then they would say they just want to make final 2. No one is going to come out and say they want to win, but really, I'm sure they all do! 

The final 9 prize wouldn't bother me too much EXCEPT if Paul won. Or Raven. Everyone else, I don't care if they are guaranteed to make it to final 9.

But if Paul wins it ... after ALL of his other "help" he's received so far. Grrrrr. That would be super irritating. :( 

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If the Den of Temptation is happening now... I think the consequence is the returning player.  Which then makes Julie's comment of 'having the choice' being true.  Although we all know they don't have a choice... 

But I'm very curious as to what the battle back comp will be.  Sometimes it's a crap shoot and sometimes they were included in the endurance comp. Which obviously isn't happening this week.

Just now, ByaNose said:

I do wonder if the Battle Back winner will get a one week bye? Doesn't the Battle Back winner usually go right out the door the following week?

Sometimes but not always.  I always kinda wish they got a freebie week.  

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If they explain it right, since it would surely mean Cody comes back, Jessica may break the lightspeed barrier smacking her button, so it might be a moot point. I don't know if they could come right out and say the names of the people who got temptations (I don't think Kevin's told more than one person), but I suppose they could say something like "anyone who has already taken a temptation is ineligible, and your button press won't count." But I can't have nice things, so I'm sure it will go to Paul somehow. (If the rumor is true, that is.)

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It doesn't seem like this is the best place for this, but it could be considered a spoiler and it doesn't fit anywhere else, either. Maybe I should have made a Raven thread?

Raven's mom is threatening to sue people who speak poorly of her. Someone tweeted some of the comments from Facebook. For those of you who don't "do" Twitter, click on the following photo and then click again on the photo on Twitter's page, and the screencaps will get large enough to read. There will be an arrow to the side to get to the next screencap, the first tweet has two and if you scroll down, there is another tweet with additional screencaps.

ETA: I haven't confirmed this is the mom on Facebook, because I hate Facebook as much as Paul. 

Edited by Christina
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6 minutes ago, Christina said:

It doesn't seem like this is the best place for this, but it could be considered a spoiler and it doesn't fit anywhere else, either. Maybe I should have made a Raven thread?

Raven's mom is threatening to sue people who speak poorly of her. Someone tweeted some of the comments from Facebook. For those of you who don't "do" Twitter, click on the following photo and then click again on the photo on Twitter's page, and the screencaps will get large enough to read. There will be an arrow to the side to get to the next screencap, the first tweet has two and if you scroll down, there is another tweet with additional screencaps.

ETA: I haven't confirmed this is the mom on Facebook, because I hate Facebook as much as Paul. 

I'm not an Internet detective but I play one on TV.

The name matches up. The FB post that's in the screen shot doesn't seem to be on that FB page (anymore or if it existed before). 

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I can't watch the feeds, but I wonder who got it.

How do Jess, Dom, and Kevin look? They're the most likely to have gotten it (along with Alex).

Also, yes, I have finally given in and allowed myself to call her Jess. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I can't watch the feeds, but I wonder who got it.

How do Jess, Dom, and Kevin look? They're the most likely to have gotten it (along with Alex).

Also, yes, I have finally given in and allowed myself to call her Jess. 

More importantly, how does Miss "I know I'm gonna get it, because I'm dyin', y'all" Raven look?

My feed access is also temporarily interrupted. Of course it would happen at a moment like this.

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Dom is keeping to herself in the wave room - painting her nails. Camera is not on her.

Kevin is being Kevin.... Jess is with the group in the kitchen but also doing her nails.  

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Just now, Callaphera said:

My feed access is also temporarily interrupted. Of course it would happen at a moment like this.

I think we might have the same feed access.

Anyway, people are speculating that it's either Jess or Kevin, but people are leaning toward Jess because of the zoomed in cameras. According to Reddit, Dom looks too sulky to have gotten it.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

More importantly, how does Miss "I know I'm gonna get it, because I'm dyin', y'all" Raven look?

My feed access is also temporarily interrupted. Of course it would happen at a moment like this.

Raven is saying she didn't get it.  But I doubt she would openly admit it if she did in front of certain people.  I don't think she got it though.

Some of them think Jessica got it because they say she's acting entirely too happy considering she's on the block. 

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Some of them think Jessica got it because they say she's acting entirely too happy considering she's on the block. 

If it is her....calm down, Jess. You don't want Paul getting you evicted instead! 

I do want it to be her and I do want her to not use it this week so when Cody comes back, she has protection for at least one week for the both of them. Long enough for Cody to come to his senses and get Paul out.

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3 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

I don't see her anymore as a liability then someone like a Victoria who literally had no idea what was going on in the game most of the time and couldn't win a competition to save her life.

Victoria won the competition that mattered most.  Against a crow.  That tried to snatched her away as a baby.     Now that's winning a competition to save her life. 

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IF jess did get it.. i hope she doesn't use it because she's not going home.


HAHA Jason and Alex are up in HOH and Jason says "so what are you going to do with the temptation you just got?" Alex says "I didn't get it, but nice try!" 

Jason is now telling Alex that we were only given options of who to vote for... we didn't get to for for just anyone.

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Jason was asked about eating a chip.  (when did he eat a chip?)

He was scared that he was going to be put on slop for another week. 

Sounds like nothing happened. 

Jason wants to get rid of Elena, Jessica and Christmas. They are driving him crazy.

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

Jason was asked about eating a chip.  (when did he eat a chip?)

He was scared that he was going to be put on slop for another week. 

Sounds like nothing happened. 

Jason eats a chip, fears the wrath of the Production God.

Matt has diet Coke and cheese slices on his slop for a week, not a whisper.

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

If it is her....calm down, Jess. You don't want Paul getting you evicted instead! 

I do want it to be her and I do want her to not use it this week so when Cody comes back, she has protection for at least one week for the both of them. Long enough for Cody to come to his senses and get Paul out.

Jess has been happy because she knows Dom is going so no one could tell by her behavior.   I hope she got it for the same reason. 

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53 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I do wonder if the Battle Back winner will get a one week bye? Doesn't the Battle Back winner usually go right out the door the following week?

Depends.  Frequently the Battle Back comp is merged with the HoH comp to the point the returning HG could conceivably become HoH.  Doesn't appear to be the case this season, though. 

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Depends.  Frequently the Battle Back comp is merged with the HoH comp to the point the returning HG could conceivably become HoH.  Doesn't appear to be the case this season, though. 

Last year it wasn't part of the HOH comp, they competed one on one against each other and that's how Victor came back.  But yes, in the past it has been part of HOH - and that's how Judd returned one season.

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Refresh my memory- how did Victor come back??

I think it's been about 50/50 crap shoot comp and combined with the HOH endurance wall. Once it was the wall but they had to catch balls also. 

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Refresh my memory- how did Victor come back??

Glenn, Josea, Victor, Bronte, and Tiffany were all evicted like usual.  Glenn went up against Josea and lost, so Josea then went up against Vic.  Vic beat Josea, and advanced to go head to head with Bronte.  Vic won again and advanced to go up against Tiffany, and won that, thus being the last man standing to re enter the house. 

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Jessica talking to mark- she says Christmas made her nervous about the vote.  Christmas told her that there were 24 hours left and anything could change. 

Jessica took this to mean that she might not be safe.  Mark says as of right now he's voting Dom.  Elena walks in.  She says she is voting to evict Dom. Jessica doesnt' want to be blindsided.  Says she just wants to know so she can say her goodbyes. 

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3 minutes ago, Slider said:

Glenn, Josea, Victor, Bronte, and Tiffany were all evicted like usual.  Glenn went up against Josea and lost, so Josea then went up against Vic.  Vic beat Josea, and advanced to go head to head with Bronte.  Vic won again and advanced to go up against Tiffany, and won that, thus being the last man standing to re enter the house. 

But then he also re-entered the house AGAIN during an actual jury buyback. He got evicted three different times. 

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4 minutes ago, Slider said:

Glenn, Josea, Victor, Bronte, and Tiffany were all evicted like usual.  Glenn went up against Josea and lost, so Josea then went up against Vic.  Vic beat Josea, and advanced to go head to head with Bronte.  Vic won again and advanced to go up against Tiffany, and won that, thus being the last man standing to re enter the house. 

ohhh yea, i forgot that was a like a tournament style!

Paul thinks Jessica got it.  Jason agrees.

Paul thinks Jessica got it because she asked to talk to Mark.  HA! they didn't even talk about the temptation.

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