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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Jessica talkin about B&B. She's going in for her 3rd episode. 

Jess says her fan base is amazing. Thanks for voting for Cody 

will jokes about Kevin sliding in to get it. Jess says Kevin is wonderful. 

Jess says matt will see raven eating a butt scab and break up with her. Will gets nervous with that answer. 

Jess says it doesn't matter who won or lost. It was good tv. Will asks is she will come back next year. She says if cbs asks she will have a discussion 

Edited by gunderda
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Cameron next 

will says it was unfair he didn't get to play. Says he can say he's pissed.  Cameron agrees. 

Will thinks Cameron should be able to come back. Will campaigns for Cameron to come back

Will actually looks way better than he has in the past few years. He looks way less plastic-y 

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Cameron agrees (with most of us) that, in his DRs, Paul should have just owned up to everything that he did -- even the dirty tactics and lies -- instead of pretending that he "stumbled and fell" his way to Final 2, saying silly things like "Christmas went rogue..."

Edited by TVFan17
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6 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

To be fair, though, I didn't recognize Dr. Will!

He still has that boyish face, slender neck and vibe.  His hair has to be longer.  That cliche of a hair cut he has, does not work for him.  At least he does not have the exaggeration that can happen [very tight sides and longer top].  Go back to allowing your curls to shine.  That will be back in style in about 25 minutes.  He is very attractive but to really see that, grow your hair! 

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2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

He still has that boyish face, slender neck and vibe.  His hair has to be longer.  That cliche of a hair cut he has, does not work for him.  At least he does not have the exaggeration that can happen [very tight sides and longer top].  Go back to allowing your curls to shine.  That will be back in style in about 25 minutes.  He is very attractive but to really see that, grow your hair! 

Fillers and face lifts will do that for you.

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Ramses next 


and my phone autocorrects to Ramses. How weird! 

Will calls him Ramsey lol 

will wants proof of age. 

He's pleased with the finale. But Said it was shocking. 


There are soooooo many people commenting on the live video that Paul should have won lol 

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Once again, thanks to Jeff for ditching CBS and blessing us with Dr. Will for interviews. You may love him or hate him, but I think he's way more charismatic at interviewing. He connects better with his interviewees. Jeff always made me feel awkward.

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46 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Most awkward wrap party incoming? Paul's gonna be sobbing into a Jack and Coke in the corner, Raven's going to rub up against everyone she can so they can feel the pacemaker in her stomach, Matt is going to do through withdrawal from lack of cereal, and Cody, Jessica, Mark, and Elena are going to be partying it up at one table together.

 Paul won't be sobbing.   Steaming, pouting or stomping maybe but not crying.  He clearly was the personification of entitlement and believed he was owed the win.   He will forevermore bitch and moan about how he was robbed, that he had the "stats" to deserve the win (WTF does that even mean), how Alex, Jason, Mark and Elena are bitter pussies who were too weak to get over being outplayed, how Cody is punk ass bitch and how Jessica rigged AFP.  

39 minutes ago, Mierin said:


For those who want to savour the look on Paul's face when the final vote was cast.

 Josh's reaction was begging for a production assistant to swoop in and crown him.

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Just now, wings707 said:

No, he has not had work done.  He is too young for starters, for a man anyway.  He looks good.  

LOL And I'd argue that 70% of his face is plastic or non-organic at this point. The dude's had work done. Many times over the years. Fillers only last for so long.

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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

No, he has not had work done.  He is too young for starters, for a man anyway.  He looks good.  

Uhhhh he most definitely has. In past years it was SUPER obvious.  He looks more natural now 

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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

No, he has not had work done.  He is too young for starters, for a man anyway.  He looks good.  

I'm pretty sure he has had Botox at the very least. I remember vaguely him spouting the joys of Botox at some point or another. I could be wrong.


I think he looks weird.

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Matt said he and Raven will stand the test of time in regard to Will's 3 showmance questions.

So there is nothing more to Matt than what we saw on the show.  That's straight out of his mouth.  What a waste.

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Just now, zorak said:

Matt said he and Raven will stand the test of time in regard to Will's 3 showmance questions.

All that Chalet sauce and coleslaw I just ate is threatening to come back up now. It tasted fine the first time, don't think the second time will be better. 

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11 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Once again, thanks to Jeff for ditching CBS and blessing us with Dr. Will for interviews. You may love him or hate him, but I think he's way more charismatic at interviewing. He connects better with his interviewees. Jeff always made me feel awkward.

He is doing an excellent job!  

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Didn't watch the episode until I had read about it here. Three things:

1) Josh won. Josh. Won. This. Game. I'm speaking as someone who likes to re-read the live feed thread the last week of the show to see how things have changed. Josh. Won.

2) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Paul could not even beat Josh. He sucked at jury management THAT bad. He should go have a few beers with Russel Hantz and just bitch about how people you lied and/or were an ass to should obviously go ahead and vote for you. Obs.

3) Cody winning the $25k just kind of proves how awful and horrible and stupid this whole season was. Sorry, but Cody was pretty awful too. His entire claim to fame was he saw through Paul. And walked across a table, and said "hold that thought" once. And yet I still cheered when he won, even though I think it's stupid (full disclosure, I voted for Mark). 

This season, though. 

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