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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion


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7 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Whether another HG chooses to cede Paul additional control over their eviction vote is, of course, their own personal choice - no matter how stupid it may be.

I mean yea that's what I'm saying. Everyone is going to just vote how Paul decides no matter how much they might talk about going another way, therefore Paul controls who goes this week. Just like every other week.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

They get $8000 in jury. That's not worth it when you consider how much is taken out for taxes. That's probably why we don't see more professionals on the show. They make a lot more money working their everyday job so BB is not worth it. 

About once a year I lament that they don't pay more money to the hamsters.  It would be interesting to see what caliber of contestant they'd get with a $1 million grand prize and larger prizes for the runner-ups.  

  • Love 9

So, Jessica out that there might be a plan to save her, Christmas is in on it, and she sabotages it and outs Christmas by letting Elena know? She says not gonna campaign the next few days.

I can't believe I've been forced to root for Jessica/Cody. I mean, definitely let Elena know on your way out, but at least make a little effort to try and stay - especially when you hear that some HGs are interested in the possibility. But, no, they've basically given up every time things don't go their way. Actually talk to other HGs? Actually try (in something other than competitions)? That's crazy talk! Jessica and Cody are above that!

ETA: Raven/someone else is going to be on the block! It's not just between Jessica/Elena.

Edited by mooses
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3 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

If Jess or Elena isn't viable, then why not vote out Raven? Everyone seems to universally dislike her. 

I'd love to see this happen, but no one will even entertain it yet I don't think. Kevin/Jason might, but they'd be too afraid to mention it. Which is a shame because that might be something that could actually happen. I could maybe see people going against Paul to get Raven out tbh just because everyone but Matt and Paul is over her.

But I'm like 99% sure Jessica will go this week.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Strange how every time Paul is in the DR the minions come up with different plans.  I wonder how long they are keeping him in there.  I bet he dies a thousand deaths to be out of command for that little while.

Who do you think Paul has the most loyalty to?  Elena and her boobs,  Josh and his pots and pans or Alex who he lassoed in the first day?  Not Kevin or Christmas and of course not the three romances.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'd love to see this happen, but no one will even entertain it yet I don't think. Kevin/Jason might, but they'd be too afraid to mention it. Which is a shame because that might be something that could actually happen. I could maybe see people going against Paul to get Raven out tbh just because everyone but Matt and Paul is over her.

But I'm like 99% sure Jessica will go this week.

Yes, Jessica will go and they will not put up Raven because how do you evict the star of the telethon? 

1 minute ago, Jeanne222 said:

Strange how every time Paul is in the DR the minions come up with different plans.  I wonder how long they are keeping him in there.  I bet he dies a thousand deaths to be out of command for that little while.

Who do you think Paul has the most loyalty to?  Elena and her boobs,  Josh and his pots and pans or Alex who he lassoed in the first day?  Not Kevin or Christmas and of course not the three romances.

Paul is most loyal to Paul. 

  • Love 6

The problem with Christmas' game is she thinks she can pull a Paul and people won't talk about her whispers. She doesn't have enough loyalty or trust throughout the House to be able to pull that off. I think that if she didn't break her foot, she would have had a lot more influence (but also be a bigger target) because she'd have more to offer as an ally. As she is, though, Josh is the only one that would pick her over Paul.

  • Love 3

Elena asked Mark who he would put up if he got the next HOH.  He said Cody.  Then she wanted to know who it would be after that.  He said Josh.  Then Mark started going on about how it easily could have been just Mark and Elena on the block, how Josh chose to put them up even though Paul volunteered to go up (even though Mark doesn't know that Paul didn't really volunteer), and how Josh wanted him to not use the veto.

Edited by zorak
  • Love 1

Paul is talking to the camera.  He says he's been keeping his eye on Matt. 

He thinks Matt's been laying low and throwing competitions.

Paul says he's pretty tied in with Alex, Jason, Christmas, Josh, and Kevin.

He thinks it's only a matter of time before someone will start taking shots at Christmas.  He says it's pretty cool that he hasn't ended up on the block and wants to try to go the whole season without being on the block.

It is clear from Josh and Christmas HOH chat this afternoon that getting out Elena is in Christmas' best interest. Not even Josh'. Josh is hellbent on not doing what the "house" wants. He's also had it with Paul. Which makes us all happy

However, getting Elena out benefits no one. Especially Alex, Josh and Jason. Jessica is coming hardcore for Alex and Josh. Jason would be collateral damage.

I am just so glad that Christmas and Josh are at the point of verbally voicing out their dislike of Paul's game. However, this week is not the time to go against him IMO

  • Love 2

Paul says all the new players want to tiptoe around everything and don't want to get blood on their hands so Paul has had to push these moves forward.  He says it's exhausting.

He says some true colors are starting to show.  He says Raven has a temper and an attitude and it's starting to come out.  He's also throwing Christmas and Elena's name out as other examples.

  • Love 1

Paul is trying to convince Elena that he can't win if he's in final 2.  Elena says she doesn't think so. 

He says he's not going to go around telling people to take him to the end because he can't win.  But then he said he hopes people realize it on their own and will take him to the end.

Paul claims he came to terms with not being able to win as soon as he got in the house.  Elena says, "Crazier things have happened."

Christmas is talking to Alex.  She says she wants to know why nobody is pushing this point for Mark to not use the veto on himself.  Little does she know, Matt, Paul, and Raven talked earlier today about having zero intentions of trying to convince Mark to not use it.  In Raven and Matt's case they will try to use it as ammo against Mark if they win the next HOH.  Right before the camera cut to fish Christmas told Alex that Raven is going up in place of Mark but she's not supposed to tell anyone.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, zorak said:

Raven:  "You have to think about why I'm so mature.  I didn't have a childhood." etc., etc.

Raven:  "I don't know how long I have left on Earth.  I'm not going to waste my time on stupid things."  I guess stupid things doesn't include going on Big Brother.

That is not stupid, per se.  Her behavior has been far worse than many who have preceded her.  Strong statement and I stand by it.  She and her mother are cons.  

  • Love 3

A few minutes ago Elena floated the possibility of people voting to evict her instead of Jessica because if they leave Jessica in they know Jessica will still be a target.  Paul told her that was dumb to even think that.  He says Jessica and Cody are a power duo, nobody would ever want to leave them in the house, and nobody has even thought about it.

Fun! The Haunted House competition!! Glad to know who already won it. Watching Josh - beginning to see why it took them 10 hours or so to do it. Ha, I wish they would have shown more of Raven's.  No wonder Jessica came in last. Woman up, Jess! Kevin: "Hold these glasses" to the demon. Gosh, my live feed keeps on freezing up!  Noting the pseudo-military drum roll in the background of Cody's time in the HH. Paul is sure messing this up. Probably trying to since he's in no danger.

I liked the upside down head.

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8 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I wish they showed more Kevin on the show, but I notice he seems a little shy in the DR, so maybe they don't have as much to work with?

I think this could sharply affect his chances for getting 25k as America's Favorite Player. It would be much more likely if it was just voted on by, say, CBS All Access subscribers.

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 2
Just now, TimWil said:

I think this could sharply affect his chances for getting 25k as America's Favorite Player. It would be much more likely if it was just voted on by, say, CBS All Access subscribers.

Well, more game left to play! If he stays under the radar for a bit, he could even have a shot at winning the Big Lasagna.   

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, zorak said:

Paul is trying to convince Elena that he can't win if he's in final 2.  Elena says she doesn't think so. 

He says he's not going to go around telling people to take him to the end because he can't win.  But then he said he hopes people realize it on their own and will take him to the end.

Paul claims he came to terms with not being able to win as soon as he got in the house.  Elena says, "Crazier things have happened."

Paul's full of it! Cody, please take him out somehow

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Boston Rob used the same strategy. His minions believed it.

It's a popular sole vet pitch. "YOU'RE the only one I'm REALLY with. Don't tell the others." It only works BECAUSE they're solo returning vets. For instance, if Jeff was the only returning vet in BB13, he would have RULED that house. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

They get $8000 in jury. That's not worth it when you consider how much is taken out for taxes. That's probably why we don't see more professionals on the show. They make a lot more money working their everyday job so BB is not worth it. 

Maybe they all have low incomes like I do, being self employed, and then suddenly 8K sans taxes IS A LOT. (Here in the Mississippi Delta a little goes a long way.)

  • Love 3

Josh talking about Paul (paraphrased): if you're only thinking about your game and not respecting mine then that's not team effort.

Christmas:  "It's very likely that Paul is working with every single person in this house.  And I don't give a shit as long as he has my back."  But how can he have anyone's back except his own if he's working with everyone?

Edited by zorak
  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Josh talking about Paul (paraphrased): if you're only thinking about your game and not respecting mine then that's not team effort.

And then he reiterates that he has Paul's back 110%. Sigh.

Christmas talking about how Paul's with every one and controlling everything and then Christmas says, "I don't care as long as he has my back." I could scream. These people are so fucking stupid.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 11
Just now, peachmangosteen said:

And then he reiterates that he has Paul's back 110%. Sigh.

But in the same breath he also said, "but this isn't the Paul game."  I can only hope that means Josh will support Paul but that Josh will try to get Elena out this week because that's what he wants.  I'm not that lucky so none of this will probably come to fruition.

  • Love 1

Josh plans to flip Paul on Thursday morning.


3 minutes ago, zorak said:

I can only hope that means Josh will support Paul but that Josh will try to get Elena out this week because that's what he wants.  I'm not that lucky so none of this will probably come to fruition.

I think he will try to get Elena out, but he'll get nowhere because Paul won't allow it and everyone in the house will fall in line with him, including Christmas.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 8

Christmas says that if they vote Jess out that Josh needs to try to leverage this with Paul and tell him that this shows Josh has his back because he got Jess out even though he wanted Elena out.  Christmas says they can cause chaos later. 

Christmas says Paul will question Josh over why they didn't get out a strong player (Jess) when they had the opportunity if Josh decides he wants Elena out and makes it happen.

I love this.BB19 starter kit.https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DGli-rYXUAAS8RI.jpg:large

1 minute ago, gunderda said:

Christmas basically told josh to vote out someone over personal reasons (jessica and Cody) vs getting out a strong player (Elena) and I think she knew that sounded ridiculous because she paused after saying Elena was a strong player. 

Christmas is getting on my nerves. Miss Paul 2.0!! 

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