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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Wow, Ramses' urse is that he has to be nommed sometime in the next 3 weeks. Like what? And how did Ramses specifically get the curse? Did Paul choose?

Speculation I've seen is split. It was either drawing cards, having to look in a serpent's eyes to see if they were blue or green, or Paul chose. I'm going with number 3. Because of course Paul chose.

Edited by Callaphera
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14 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Somewhere in the world, Frankie Grande is pissed because this was the exact reaction he expected to whatever the fuck disease he had that saved him from being a HN and eating slop. 

 Careful!  Say his name three times and you'll conjure him to appear. Probably as part of a curse

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Just now, brdwygurl said:

 Careful!  Say his name three times and you'll conjure him to appear. Probably as part of a curse

This house deserves him. Not us, they can give us kitties to save the "surprise" but these idiots deserve to be visited by the Curse of Shining Brightly.

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7 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Paul said he is neither a shower nor a grower.  He compared it to an acorn. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 

He was joking!  He said he had 4 inches on a good day and only the tip, like an acorn on his pelvis!  He was making fun of the boys talking about how big they were.  

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm so confused about Raven's illness. It's life threatening?

WebMD link

I don't know. Everything is life threatening on WebMD. But they all seem to think that she's one second away from death's door. Raven does not help matters with her, "When I'm gone, I know..." talk whenever it comes up. If it's that bad, you wouldn't be on Big Brother. 

ETA: I know I'm a cold hearted bitch but I also have no time for sob sympathy stories. We all have shit in our lives. Own it, work with it, move past it. Motivational speaking, Callaphera style.

Edited by Callaphera
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I read up about it when I first heard she had it and it doesn't sound like it's really the death warrant she's making it out to be. I just wonder if she's being purposefully manipulative about it for game reasons or what.

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"I don't like doing my makeup!"

*spends 14 hours out of every day awake in front of the mirror doing her makeup*

Can I seriously be hate watching the entire house in Week 1 of feeds?

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Raven:  I have a friend with CF who is nearing life expectancy.  Bitch, please. 

Christmas:  I have a family member who actually was gang raped.  Fuck you. What's next?  Equating your nomination to being a Jew during the holocaust?

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Raven outed to Christmas that Jessica and Mark are voting to evict her. I hate Cody but I thank him for providing good feeds today. 

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6 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Raven:  I have a friend with CF who is nearing life expectancy.  Bitch, please. 

Christmas:  I have a family member who actually was gang raped.  Fuck you. What's next?  Equating your nomination to being a Jew during the holocaust?

It's Nazi Germany up in this hizz-ouse! 

Expect to hear that by week 3.


Derrick didn't take into account Raven being on her deathbed:

Edited by Callaphera
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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I read up about it when I first heard she had it and it doesn't sound like it's really the death warrant she's making it out to be. I just wonder if she's being purposefully manipulative about it for game reasons or what.

"...important factor is the consistency of food; liquids and low residue foods are encouraged (for example, applesauce should replace whole apples with intact skins)."

Sounds like slop is perfect for her.

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A wild Jillian appears!

And then disappears just as quickly. Because no one cares.

I guess Jillian isn't so brave for flying to Tijuana for weight loss surgery after all, not now that Raven is staring Death in the face. Which really, Jillian, you probably could have saved yourself the money and just drank the water in Tijuana and lost 50 pounds that way.

ETA: Dominique update! She's not in the bathroom in the mirror doing her makeup. Someone must have lit the "in need of motivational speech" Bat signal.

Edited by Callaphera
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Christmas' mistake was attaching herself too much to Paul.

A smarter player would instinctively know he has a huge target on his back. An even more savvy player would know that as a vet, he'd be protected so his closest ally would take the hit

I prefer Jillian go, but I never got into Christmas like I wanted to so whatever 

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I notice that the same two cats are there again.  Is that all there are?  I have not watched them for any length of time but glimpsing twice and seeing the same thing makes me think that is all they have on tape. 

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9 minutes ago, wings707 said:

They aren't letting us hear Ramses talk about the curse.  That irritates me.  We pay to see this mess. 

Because he was talking about being mad at production for not explaining it to him, so he probably didn't even know what it was until Paul pulled out the Amulet of Ass Protection and explained all the details. It sounds like he just knew he was "cursed", not what the "curse" would entail.

Which really? That's bullshit. The curse should have been an automatic nom on Week 4 for whoever got the Amulet. Not "pick a rando in the house for this to happen to".

7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I notice that the same two cats are there again.  Is that all there are?  I have not watched them for any length of time but glimpsing twice and seeing the same thing makes me think that is all they have on tape. 

Yeah, it's the same loop as before. But it's okay because kitties!

Edited by Callaphera
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Shouldn't the consequences for the Necklace of Safety go on the person who wins the necklace? (I know, stupid question.) So production darling Paul is safe for 3 weeks but Ramses gets an automatic nomination? So Paul can basically do or say anything to anybody because 3 weeks is an eternity in this house and HGs have short memories? I know this game isn't fair but it seems they've completely stopped trying to convince us that it is.

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Raven is playing Big Brother to show other people not to give up and to give people hope and to inspire.

I'm not sure if any of you know this, but Raven has a disease, a pacemaker, and is going to die. I mean, no one ever mentions it, not even herself, so it's coming as a big shock to me, lemme tell you.

Fuck off.

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32 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Christmas and Raven, shut up.   They are on BB to inspire and teach.  

 Riiiight, because when I am looking for a role model BB is the first place I look to

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It's interesting, I don't know if it's because I haven't watched as much live feeds as usual because my iPad still sucks, and I've been out of town, or I still have my rose colored glasses on, but I'm really digging these HGs for the most part. Especially now that this nine person alliance is dead in the water, and even the six person couples thing is looking pretty damn shaky.

Right now, I like Keven, Christmas, Alex, Elena, Raven, Matt, Jason, Ramesy and Dom

I'm meh on Jillian, Mark, Jessica

Josh is his own category of BSC

And I dislike Paul and Cody

Pretty damn good ratio for me, although I usually try to start out liking everyone (rose colored glasses and all) and am incredibly stubborn in only disliking someone if I personally see or hear from an accurate source reasons why I shouldn't. So far, so good! And I'm really looking forward to this week with the votes. There is miles of time between now and Thursday. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Wow, Ramses' curse is that he has to be nommed sometime in the next 3 weeks. Like what? And how did Ramses specifically get the curse? Did Paul choose?

Remember, Jillian's initial litany was that Ramses had been "bitten by a snake".  Wondering if he was the next in the Temptation Room after Paul and tripped a booby trap that marked him as Cursed.


59 minutes ago, zibnchy said:

Shouldn't the consequences for the Necklace of Safety go on the person who wins the necklace? (I know, stupid question.) So production darling Paul is safe for 3 weeks but Ramses gets an automatic nomination? So Paul can basically do or say anything to anybody because 3 weeks is an eternity in this house and HGs have short memories? I know this game isn't fair but it seems they've completely stopped trying to convince us that it is.

I think that's supposed to be the Big Twist this season; Consequences can land randomly.  Which isn't necessarily a bad idea so far as new twists go, as it means a successfully Tempted HG could incur enmity where absolutely none existed before.


51 minutes ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

Hey Jillian, you are not entitled to anyone's vote

Jillian has previously demonstrated symptoms of being infected with a terminal case of Deserve-itis.


2 minutes ago, Star Aristille said:

So . . . many . . . jokes . . . to make . . . about that.  But I'll refrain from it.

Liiike, "She definitely could be a Christmas angel, 'cause she's sure as hell acting like she has a tree jammed up her ass now!!!"

Thank you, thank you, I'm here all week.  Be sure to tip your serving staff - they're working hard for YOU.

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I can't get over how hung up Cody is on Alex. Last night around midnight he showed the most emotion I've ever seen. He was joyfully wrestling with Alex with a huge grin on his face. After she walks away - "it's blowing my mind. That chick is Wonder Woman, dude".  The best part is she smacks him around for a minute and just walks away. He stands staring in awe.  

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7 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I can't get over how hung up Cody is on Alex. Last night around midnight he showed the most emotion I've ever seen. He was joyfully wrestling with Alex with a huge grin on his face. After she walks away - "it's blowing my mind. That chick is Wonder Woman, dude".  The best part is she smacks him around for a minute and just walks away. He stands staring in awe.  

I love this!  Very odd, really. 

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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Cody: Also it causes anxiety, heart palpitations, and erections lasting longer than four hours. Please ask your doctor before using HoH-itis.

Gosh, the commercial was playing just as I read this, with those words in the background!

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No one deserves to win and I  don't think Raven thinks that and I would hate to see it handed to her because that is boring.

All that being said... her condition is a fucking bear. I have a friend with it. It is just a monster. And unless there are some big strides the chances of her having grandkids is slim to none.

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Ah, so I managed to catch up on the road to what happened. Now I'll have to rewind and watch some of the fallout. It seems like Christmas MAY stay, but there's also quite a bit of time before Thursday, so it could go either way. I'm going to prepare myself for Christmas' eviction, just in case. What is the consensus on who's going so far? I'm reading that it will be Jillian, but I need to catch myself up.

Also, for the next temptation, I'd totally vote Alex. She is still a backdoor option and Jessica really wants her out so she can have Cody to herself, so we must ensure that Alex gets a chance to play. She may not win veto, but she has a chance and she has a great chance at winning.

It really does seem like Cody likes Alex more than Jessica, so I really want Jessica to lose here. 

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3 hours ago, brdwygurl said:

 Careful!  Say his name three times and you'll conjure him to appear. Probably as part of a curse

Please for all that is good, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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22 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

It seems like Christmas MAY stay, but there's also quite a bit of time before Thursday, so it could go either way. I'm going to prepare myself for Christmas' eviction, just in case. What is the consensus on who's going so far? I'm reading that it will be Jillian, but I need to catch myself up.

Right now, it's Jillian.

Evicting Christmas: Alex, Ramses, Mark, Jessica, and Jason.
Evicting Jillian: Elena, Matt, Raven, Kevin, Paul, Dominique, and Josh.

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16 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Cody declined his HOH letter and photos? Child I can't 

He didn't want to be exposed is my guess.  HGs typically get tearful and mushy and everyone fawns over the pictures and letter.  That does NOT work for this Marine, no sir.   

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It really is too bad that Cody is a heinous person because he is maybe the most fascinating HG they've had in awhile.

50 minutes ago, Machiabelly said:

All that being said... her condition is a fucking bear. I have a friend with it. It is just a monster. And unless there are some big strides the chances of her having grandkids is slim to none.

Why are her chances of having grandkids so slim? 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

It really is too bad that Cody is a heinous person because he is maybe the most fascinating HG they've had in awhile.

Why are her chances of having grandkids so slim? 

I agree, he is unique to this show.

Shorter life span for this condition. 

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3 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Shorter life span for this condition. 

Is it genetic? I feel like I'm missing something because why is it specifically grandkids and not kids of her own? I mean if she has her own kids why does her condition make it so that she won't have grandkids?

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I find him denying his pics and letter interesting, he could also not want information from home like the child out there for the entire house to know about. 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Is it genetic? I feel like I'm missing something because why is it specifically grandkids and not kids her own? I mean if she has her own kids why does her condition make it so that she won't have grandkids?

That was the way the poster chose to say she would not live that long.  I don't know if it hereditary or if she can or should have kids. 

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