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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion


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Paul is reaffirming to Kevin that Kevin is still voting out Ramses.  He also is telling Kevin that if there's a double eviction and Kevin wins HOH, Kevin needs to put up Mark and Elena.  If one of them wins veto, they put Cody up and vote Cody out.  He also told Kevin that Kevin is going to need to start winning some stuff and then he can lay low again.

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3 hours ago, wings707 said:

Mark is the only one I heard who wants to win HOH, everyone else plans to throw it.  I thought Christmas would go for it, but I am not sure.  

Paul thinks HOH is going to be an A/B question and answer comp.  He is devising a way to signal each other to insure both A and B are covered in the event the question is difficult.   Josh has been counting apples, oh what I would give to see him win it.

Please tell me that production will not allow them to blatantly cheat.  But what am I saying, Paul does what he wants to, and he's protected at all costs.  Why not just give him the HOH to save time?  I can just see his minions throwing themselves on the sword to give Paul HOH. 

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1 minute ago, Jeanne222 said:

So what's going to happen when Jessica's trust in Paul all blows up tonight when her pal Ramses goes home and Josh is sitting there looking her in the face for another week?  If it's a double eviction she and Cody will only be safe for one of them unless they win HOH.  Oh what tangled webs we weave!

You mean tomorrow right? 

I'm just checking because a little bit about Paul was ramping everyone up about what the curse could be for Jessica's temptation and he kept saying how someone might go home tonight. 

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I've barely been watching because I just don't like these people, BBAD is almost always on Paul and he is my BEC, even when it's not, everyone is whispering so I can't hear them, but can hear them chomping their food, scraping their plates and am tired of looking at naked people. Seriously, put on clothes. I know TPTB want them naked so that will never change. Then, I read about the towel, and I'm glad I didn't watch.

Raven has completely worn thin for me. I have caught both Paul and Cody asking her trick questions and she answers consistently each time, because, I think, she truly believes she has two terminal illnesses. Then, she says something like her epidural was put in backwards so she was awake during surgery and it is so clearly a lie and I have to wonder if she is dumb enough to believe it if her mother convinced her it happened, and as dumb as I think she is, I don't think so. When Paul pointed out that her mother has the same diseases and has lived for decades and asked why she was going to die soon, it looked to me like she had never thought about it like that and so she didn't know how to answer. Maybe her time in the Big Brother House will start cluing her in to the fact that she isn't at death's door and separation from her mother will be good for her, but I'm tired of her being there and want her gone. 

I had an online friend who was a nurse. She worked at some major hospitals in her area before becoming frustrated with the doctors and administration and considering leaving the profession. Instead, she transferred to a major research hospital for children's issues (read into that; yes that one). She loved the work the hospital was doing and most of the doctors but it was the parents who got to her. Their children were sick and that was hard on all of them, but for some, they insisted they knew more than the doctors and nurses, demanded treatments that wouldn't work for their child, and many were downright verbally abusive.

She was again burning out and cut her hours back, began working  part time doing something else, but eventually had to leave altogether because as taxing as treating sick and dying children was, some of the parents were making her hate society. I told her she should get a part time job at a department store or fast food joint and she probably wouldn't find the parents that terrible, but she told me about how some of them turned their child's illness into a part of them, used it for attention and for fund raising only to use that money to buy expensive crap, and at the same time, were not following doctor's treatment orders. They had children going home and the parents stealing the medications for their use or to sell, and they couldn't prove it unless the home health aides caught them, which was also problematic because the law required them to leave meds with the parents and not only disburse by RN unless they could prove something, and many acted like they were affected much worse than their very ill children.

Raven's mom fits Munchausen's according to my internet psychology degree, but that is not the only reason she could be making Raven think she is sicker than she is, she could just be a terrible person in general. Or both. The two aren't mutually exclusive. My current vote is both, and I'd really like Raven to go before she can make any more money off her appearance. I'd rather watch Dominique on her terrible religious talk show then to see Raven making the rounds where she misstates our illness for her mother's financial gain. Unless it is an episode on some show where she is told everything she is saying is wrong, like Dr. Phil, and I haven't watched that show in months. Maybe, just maybe, she doesn't know she's not dying yet.

  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, gunderda said:

You mean tomorrow right? 

I'm just checking because a little bit about Paul was ramping everyone up about what the curse could be for Jessica's temptation and he kept saying how someone might go home tonight. 

Yes I'm all mixed up.  Tonight it the POV.  The long goodbye ends...maybe...tomorrow night.  Thanks.

13 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Honestly- if I was Jess and Cody was on the block and I wasn't- I'm sorry but I wouldn't use that Halting Hex for him. I would save it just for me. 

You know I never thought of that strategy.   Jess is a much better player and that would keep her in the game longer and I think she was gaining some momentum while Cody was gone.  Good thinking!

1 hour ago, zorak said:

Paul is reaffirming to Kevin that Kevin is still voting out Ramses.  He also is telling Kevin that if there's a double eviction and Kevin wins HOH, Kevin needs to put up Mark and Elena.  If one of them wins veto, they put Cody up and vote Cody out.  He also told Kevin that Kevin is going to need to start winning some stuff and then he can lay low again.

Sorry but I don't think Kevin is taking orders from Paul.  He'll nod and say ok but watch and see him fall, stumble second or third.  What a bunch of idiots.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, zorak said:

Paul is reaffirming to Kevin that Kevin is still voting out Ramses.  He also is telling Kevin that if there's a double eviction and Kevin wins HOH, Kevin needs to put up Mark and Elena.  If one of them wins veto, they put Cody up and vote Cody out.  He also told Kevin that Kevin is going to need to start winning some stuff and then he can lay low again.


I hope Kevin wins HOH, noms Mark/Elena, and then wins veto for himself and uses it to backdoor Paul.  Seriously, who does Paul think he is?!  He's playing way too hard and too blatant to win this game.  I couldn't stand Derrick either, but at least Derrick had finesse.  Derrick would talk to his minions and guide them into doing what he wanted so that they thought it was their idea.  Paul just flat out orders these people around.  And they're doing it!  (For now).  Paul says things like: "Hey, Christmas, go find out if Jess was telling the truth".  "Hey, Josh, go isolate yourself all week and act sad like you're going home".  "Hey, Kevin, vote out Ramses and let me dictate your noms should you win HOH next week".  The house, in unison: "Yes, master!!!".  So gross and frustrating to watch.


18 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Twitter.  Julie is reveals her picks for the winner on James Cordon tionight.  I am curious.  

If Mrs. Moonves says anyone other than Paul I'd be shocked.  IMO, though Paul is the frontrunner for now, I don't think he has it all wrapped up.  I think several of these people are smart enough to be playing him.  Specifically, I have hopes that Jason and Kevin are smart enough to play for themselves when the time comes.  I think Elena will turn on him if Paul blindsides her tomorrow and she definitely won't be down with Paul mandating that her and Mark get nommed next week when that happens.  He's going to go far because he has some stupidly loyal minions (Alex, Josh, Maven) but he's not a shoo-in yet. 

Edited by me5671
  • Love 5
5 hours ago, zorak said:

After Matt folded the towel and left it on the counter top, the camera zoomed in on the towel.  And as Matt was walking back to the bedroom, the camera zoomed in right on Raven's smiling face on the memory wall.  The camera guys know what's up but I doubt anything will be done about the nasty towel situation.

I love when the camera guys get cute! 

55 minutes ago, zorak said:

Does anyone know the origin of Raven's stupid gypsy accent?  It makes me want to punch something every time I hear it.  And she's not the only one who does it either.  But she is the only one who refers to herself as "Gypsy".  Did she come up with it or did someone anoint her as the gypsy?  And why????

I know Matt calls her gypsy. Alex was also calling her gypsy today. I think Matt started it, but I don't actually know.

8 minutes ago, me5671 said:

I think Elena will turn on him if Paul blindsides her tomorrow and she definitely won't be down with Paul mandating that her and Mark get nommed next week when that happens.  He's going to go far because he has some stupidly loyal minions (Alex, Josh, Maven) but he's not a shoo-in yet. 

I hope you're right about Elena, but I wonder about her. I think she's almost as firmly up Paul's ass as Alex is and I fear that she won't even care about him lying to her for a week. And if he gets her nommed she'll probably thank him for it lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Mark to Cody: If you want to do any crazy shit next week, as long as it doesn't involve Elena or Paul, I got your back.

I just. Like. There's no hope.

Same, Jessica.

Also, they haven't been on lockdown for very long. Like they weren't even on it this morning. So it's definitely a questions comp.



LMAO! Also, yes, I agree.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, me5671 said:

If Mrs. Moonves says anyone other than Paul I'd be shocked.

Julie is smart, I doubt she thinks Paul will win.  She will say more than just give names.  I can hear her say, if things keep going the way they are, Paul could win but she won't think it possible.  


SKB  ? BB19‏ @BBSARAHKAYB  7m7 minutes ago


Paul: I have tons of friends that are girls Kev: Fuck you Paul. That friendship shit. That's enough.

LOL!!!  Love you Kevin. 

  • Love 4
15 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Julie is smart, I doubt she thinks Paul will win.  She will say more than just give names.  I can hear her say, if things keep going the way they are, Paul could win but she won't think it possible.  

Julie doesn't really know what happens on the show besides the scripts she reads for her hosting duties and the big events that make mainstream media. It's not like she sits at home in her sweats, noshing on a bowl of leftover cheeseburger mac Hamburger Helper, glued to her computer and obsessively watching the feeds.

Not that I know what that's like, either. Not at all.

ETA: I survived. Sorry for those that were hoping they were bequeathed my popcorn stash. 

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 9
Just now, Callaphera said:

Julie doesn't really know what happens on the show besides the scripts she reads for her hosting duties and the big events that make mainstream media. It's not like she sits at home in her sweats, noshing on a bowl of leftover cheeseburger mac Hamburger Helper, glued to her computer and obsessively watching the feeds.

Not that I know what that's like, either. Not at all.

It used to be that way but in the past several+ seasons she has been much more in tune.   She has staff who keep her informed and they have been doing a much better job in recent years.  

Just now, Skycatcher said:

My hat is off to you guys watching the feeds. After about 20 minutes of BBAD I can feel my brain shriveling. I just can't take any more than that. No matter how many glasses of wine I drink these people blow out my threshold for blatant stupidity at about that mark. 

Years of conditioning. Lots of booze. A snark outlet. All those things come in handy. 

I was bred for this. 

  • Love 13
4 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

My hat is off to you guys watching the feeds. After about 20 minutes of BBAD I can feel my brain shriveling. I just can't take any more than that. No matter how many glasses of wine I drink these people blow out my threshold for blatant stupidity at about that mark. 

I have them on in the back ground as I do chores and paper work etc.   I could not sit planted in front of them.  I watch BBAD in bed and fall asleep before the timer turns the TV off 60 mins in.  


Second, if they show how excessive she is with regard to discussing her condition they could be seen in a light of holding her up for ridicule which could motivate her mother to initiate a lawsuit. 

If this show was capable of being sued for "holding someone up to ridicule" CBS would have gone bankrupt years ago. I don't think anyone has a legal leg to stand on if they try to sue any reality show for "making someone look bad." That's pretty much what they're for.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Julie doesn't really know what happens on the show besides the scripts she reads for her hosting duties and the big events that make mainstream media. It's not like she sits at home in her sweats, noshing on a bowl of leftover cheeseburger mac Hamburger Helper, glued to her computer and obsessively watching the feeds.

Not that I know what that's like, either. Not at all.

ETA: I survived. Sorry for those that were hoping they were bequeathed my popcorn stash. 

Last year I went to a taping, it was Victors 1st Eviction. Anyway- Julie came on stage about 20 minutes prior to going Live. She was standing around getting fitted for her Microphone and they had her move around the stage for shot angles etc. Anyway, the Audience Hype guy was conversing with her and she was asking us questions and talking to us about what she thought- what she had seen this week etc- and she was mentioning stuff that was on the Feeds- that didn't even end up in the episode. I'm not saying she's watching the feeds- haha- but to me she was a lot more in tune then I thought she was. She knew what she was talking about and had some pretty well thought out opinions. Prior to that, I literally just thought she showed up, bullshitted her way through the show and then was fed stuff when she did her interviews. But after that interaction that changed my tune, I'm not saying she isn't told things. But she was definitely more aware of what was going on then I really thought she was.  But obviously she isn't anything close to what Arisa Cox is like- she live tweets with the fans while watching the feeds for Canada and US, her commentary is awesome. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Now Jessica is talking to Elena and Christmas about her concern that Jason and Alex are somehow trying to flip the vote.  Christmas is playing dumb of course.  Elena is totally out of the loop and is insisting that Paul, Raven, and Matt are all voting out Josh.

How are you that dumb to think that Alex & Jason are the ones doing this? It's PAUL!!! 

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, SiobhanJW said:

How are you that dumb to think that Alex & Jason are the ones doing this? It's PAUL!!! 

I know!  She said that Jason had told her that he was going to vote out Josh unless Alex changed her mind and told him not to or something like that.  I'm sure her Alex hatred is fueling this suspicion.  But she did mention that Paul seemed a little wishy washy in her conversation with him this morning about who he was voting out.  But she still probably thinks Alex is somehow behind it.  I'm sure Christmas is going to go running to Paul the first chance she gets to tell Paul about all of this.

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Jessica kills me with her stupidity.  She keeps going on and on about how Ramses deserves to be there and Josh doesn't and she won't think it's fair if Ramses goes home and loses out on this game.  She says she really wants Ramses to stay in this game.  If that's true, why would it make sense to keep him on the block the way that she did?  So dumb.

Now she's telling Cody that she knew she should have used the veto and how she told him this was going to happen.  He asked her who she thinks is behind it.  Jessica is spot on right now.  She says it's Paul and it wouldn't shock her if he's keeping Elena in the dark about all of this.  Bingo!

Jessica wants to drag Paul in there by his fucking beard and kick him in the face.  I hope this leads to some amazing drama tonight and tomorrow.  Jessica says there's a good chance Ramses is going home tomorrow.

Oh Kevin.  Jessica just asked him point blank if he's for sure voting Josh out.  He says yes. 

Edited by zorak
  • Love 4

Cody wants to corner Jason about his vote.  Jessica says he'll lie about it.  Cody feels like Jason's diarrhea mouth will eventually lead to him spilling the truth.

Now Cody is telling her to not stress out about it.  He says people are going to vote the way they're going to vote and they're just going to have to wait and see how it plays out and then deal with it.

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1 minute ago, Michichick said:

Ugh. I don't want Kevin to get on Paul's radar for telling Jessica about the vote. But I want Jessica to let Paul and his minions know she isn't blindsided.

I think Kevin may have inadvertently screwed himself by telling her.  If Paul finds out, that could be bad news for Kevin.  But even if Paul doesn't find out, she told Cody that Kevin was playing both sides of the house so he's definitely on her radar now even though I think he thought he was doing himself a favor with her by telling her about Ramses.

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Oh, how sweet.  Raven keeps all the hate in her heart pent up and only lets it out to Matt, or so she says.  She has been really trashing Elena and Mark to him. 

I really wish that Mark and Elena could hear some of the things she's said about them.  She and Matt obviously want Mark and Elena gone but I don't think Mark and Elena feel the same.  But maybe if they knew what was being said it would get the ball rolling on Matt and Raven being evicted.

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Cody is cornering Alex and telling her she owes him because he threw away his game for her.  He wants her to promise that she's voting out Josh.  She will not promise him anything.  She just tells him what she says she already told Jessica, which is that she doesn't like Josh or Ramses and she's not sure who she's going to vote out.

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