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S10.E22: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

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I always thought Burke was an overbearing, controlling douche – so pretty much like all of Shonda’s dreamboats – and his relationships with Cristina was toxic, but it was good to see him. Kind of made me remember the good old days. And they do have good chemistry. Really weird to see him married with children, though. Man this show is going to suffer without Sandra Oh/Cristina.


I may have erased most of Private Practice from my mind, but wasn’t Derek’s sister named – and always called – Amelia, not Amy?



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I liked this episode a lot more than the majority of this season's installments. Nothing really irked me (a rarity), and I was pleased to see Burke not only return, but also be treated with reverence by the writers. They gave him what he wanted and didn't make him unlikable, and I was also pleased that they didn't try to force a romantic reconciliation. However, the way the story turned out truly surprised me --  with him offering her HIS position instead of just a spot working with/for him -- and I'm not quite sure what to make of all of it. Shonda's full circle for Cristina is having her become Burke's successor? Okay. May post more later...

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It wasn't too bad. I was so afraid when I watched the trailers that somehow Christina was getting a Harper Avery equilavent something- so glad they didn't do that! And Richards indignation towards Catherine is well deserved and I was happy to see that he stood up for his hospital. I think taking it out on Jackson was a misstep- I believe Jackson will be on Richards side. He has always put the needs of the hospital above the board, in spite of the other doctors being completely clueless about real world business.

I was very happy to see Jackson and April working it out. I like them together.

Glad to see Amy. She was whacko bugs in Private Practice until the last season, then became a pretty good character.

The Bailey thing will blow up in her face, and Stephanie will get the backlash for not reporting it I'm afraid.

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I *loved* this episode. Maybe because ABC was smart enough to air Burke's departure right before it, with George and Izzie and Straight Callie, and Ava/Rebecca and young! Richard... It made me nostalgic and when Burke showed up all married and happy and offering Cristina exactly what she needed from a man for the first time ever? Fantastic.


April and Jackson, nor the resident gang, annoyed me either. Must be the nostalgia!

Pleeeeeaaase let Callie and Arizona have a child and call him/her 'hashtag'!!!

(The team shouldn't boast about conjoined twins surgeries. We've seen two before, and one didn't involve our doctors as their plane crashed and no surgeons at the other hospital even missed them for the entire surgery, so how skilled or essential are these doctors?)

Edited by maraleia
corrected minor spelling mistakes
  • Love 3

I will admit I was a litte mad at Burke for having a wife and kids because the chemistry between IW/SO is still just amazing.  I'm not going to get my hopes up before the finale that Christina gets her HEA - in her case though it's a Hospital Ever After - Shonda can still Henry Blake her (yep - I'm old!)


Christina should take Shane with her to Zurich.  Just because I don't hate him as much as I do the rest of the interns. 


I like Amelia, can we get rid of HoboJo and put her and Alex together?  That would piss Derek off and be kind of fun. 


Oh Bailey - you know this is going to bite you in the ass, right?  Eh - let Stephanie take the fall and get fired for it so we can have that clean slate.


Hey ABC, the problem with showing an episode of Season 3 before this one tonight was not a good one.  All I kept thinking was even though 3 was the beginning of the downward slope for me and this show, it was still a million times better than what we get now (minus the obvious Burke/Yang of tonight).


And just because...Addison!!

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I loved the Burke stuff...it felt like the writers really respected the history of that character, which I didn't expect. Everything from bringing her coffee, evolving from those first coffees they brought each other after they got together, before anyone knew...so great.


I am usually angry with the 80's covers, but Like A Virgin was the perfect choice! It did what it was supposed to do (I assume) it made me remember the scene with Lexie and Cristina singing in the morgue after Burke left. Perfect, perfect choice.


Interesting to me that Shonda seems to think taking over for Burke is "full circle" for Cristina. I'd buy it...if they don't do something stupid to screw it up in the finale.




Hey ABC, the problem with showing an episode of Season 3 before this one tonight was not a good one.  All I kep thinking was even though 3 was the beginning of the downward slope for me and this show, it was still a million times better than what we get now (minus the obvious Burke/Yang of tonight).

And just because...Addison!!

This makes me glad I didn't watch live...but this episode did make me want to dive into the early seasons on Netflix....

  • Love 3

I liked it. For me it made perfect sense. Christina & Burke's entire relationship was a series of push/pulls. I never expected a romantic reunion. Yang's first love is medicine. It's why she and Hunt won't ever truly work out. Her leaving for her true love feels real to the character. That said, I was happy to see Christina finally have her say about how Burke left her. Sandra Oh was fantastic as always. I will truly miss her.

  • Love 5

Excellent episode. I really, really enjoyed it. I wasn't happy about Burke coming back, but Shonda Rhimes was right. It was needed.

Oh.... Richard was right, too. I'm having trouble investing in that bit though, because to me the answer seems so obvious... use blind judging. It happens all the time. You simply read the proposals/research/what have you with no names attached and vote solely on the work. As long as that happens and their are witnesses in place to ensure it happens, it should be no problem for a doctor who works in a Foundation owned hospital to win. The judging team would be separate from the nominating team and would not be affiliated with the Foundation. 


Oh.... Richard was right, too. I'm having trouble investing in that bit though, because to me the answer seems so obvious... use blind judging. It happens all the time. You simply read the proposals/research/what have you with no names attached and vote solely on the work. As long as that happens and their are witnesses in place to ensure it happens, it should be no problem for a doctor who works in a Foundation owned hospital to win. The judging team would be separate from the nominating team and would not be affiliated with the Foundation. 

This^ and they separate the Foundation from the board so that no Foundation members are part of the hospital board. This means (I think) that Avery has to either resign from the board or resign from the Foundation. Since the Foundation is his family's legacy he needs to give up his seat on the board. Either way the 2 entities need to be separate.

I'm with those that thought it was great.  That was THE way to begin sending Christina off with everything she could have dreamed of. 


Also very glad that April and Jackson seem to be working it out.  I like them together.  Happy couples for a change!


It was nice seeing Alex so happy & enthusiastic about his new job.  I'd like to see more, but they need to be careful about introducing new characters involved in his practice.  Jo can take a hike.


I think Arizona & Callie are going to name their baby "Tiny", as in Arizona's favorite term "Tiny Human".....*LOL*

  • Love 1

This was a good one. I remember disliking Burke years ago, but he was like a breath of fresh air here. I totally want Cristina to go out being completely awesome, printing hearts and eating delicious chocolates, so let's not screw up her goodbye with some horrible finale disaster, ok?

Turns out that I think April and Jackson are kind of adorable, because their talk in the chapel made me all smiley. Who knew.

Callie and Arizona being happily excited about their potential child makes me nervous, this can only end badly. Also I kind of hate this mini storyline for them. Two doctors with a history of not easy pregnancies would not be all silly giggly when there is not even a baby yet.

I'm not sold on Ameila yet (I quit Private Practice before her time there) but I can get behind her taking over Derek's research with Callie.

Like a Virgin - love!

Edited by Wonderflonium
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I think they handled Burke's return perfectly.  The chemistry is still there, but he's grown up and moved on, and Christina has as well.  Unlike most people, I love Owen, but she's going to leave him behind.  So sad but medicine is her one true love.  I'm betting she will take Shane with her (as they've mentioned he's leaving the show.)


WTH didn't Jo ask someone for help when she screwed up!?  Calling Alex doesn't count!  I did like seeing him being happy and successful.  He deserves it!


Bailey, Bailey, Bailey.  I know why you did it, but you are so screwed!

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Ever since they started reporting that Sandra was leaving, I was hoping that Preston would be a part of her end-game, in a good way.  I'm really glad they brought them back in contact, since he's always been her "Unfinished Business".  I'm satisfied, as long as they don't screw it up with some crappy added drama.  Taking Shane with her is a really good idea. 


Agree that the anticipation of "Tiny" for Callie & Arizona could be problematic.  Didn't April comment on them naming a baby they didn't even have?  

Of course, they could have problems concieving, then somehow find an adoptable baby in Africa that's somehow related to Zola.  


I also fear for Bailey in her subterfuge.  NOT good doing that without the parents consent.  it's going to bite somebody in the ass.  


I never liked Burke back in the olden days and this episode did not change my mind. He always came off as condescending and arrogant to me and he did again tonight. When Cristina said the "secret making of plans and shuttling [her] around [his] schedule was manipulative," all Burke said was, "I'm sorry you see it that way." Ugh, the classic non-apology. And she wasn't wrong about that either. He had someone else book her talk so she wouldn't know he was behind it. He had his staff put another plane ticket on hold for her so she would stay longer.


Even though yes, he is offering her a really amazing opportunity, he deliberately did not make it clear to her from the very beginning that he wanted her to replace him so he could go to Italy. Every time she said, "You want me to work here?" he had an opportunity to be honest and say, "No, I want you to take my position," but instead he kept that information to himself like the passive aggressive asshole that he's always seemed to be. The only thing I liked about this storyline is that eventually it became clear that this was not intended to lead to a Burke/Cristina romantic reunion. Wait, I thought of one more thing! I liked that both Burke and Cristina acknowledged that they could not work together.


I loved Meredith's voicemail pep talk reminding Cristina that Burke's mama took her eyebrows.


The other thing I hated was the doctors saying that Cristina not winning the Harper Avery could affect the hospital's research funding because NIH gives money to people who win awards. You know who else they give money to? People doing research, regardless of whether they have won awards. I know several PIs who have received multimillion dollar grants without the benefit of having a string of awards on their resumes. NIH isn't going to see Cristina as a Harper Avery loser who is therefore unworthy to receive their money. They are going to see her as one of only a handful of nominees for a prestigious award who is doing innovative research and is likely to win other awards in the future.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 6

I think I liked the interaction between Burke and Christina, I am not really sure since I could not understand anything he was saying since he mumbled so badly...and I am not talking about the medical jargon. He was stiffer than ever, although I did like his confession that his passion for her was all consuming, but I still have a hunch it was because he was in love with her mind and ambition and talents, none of which changed.


This is stolen from TWOP because I did not think of it myself..but should have-which was Twin A and which was Twin B-Meredith or Christina?

This episode, while better than so many recently, featured all of the Shonda standards.  We had the purposefully obtuse conversation.  Burke doesn't tell Christina he's leaving until after she says she cannot work for him again.  The whole is this personal or professional game plays out for a long time.  We also had the over the top comparisons.  We get love of my life and losing the award was like losing a baby.  While with the love of his life (who, let's face it, even though he didn't say the words "completes" him) he still would not be able to hold back his passion for Christina (in a Shonda world, everybody cheats).  And somehow all of these world class surgeons (at least Derek has been described as such on multiple occasions) do not seem to keep up with the progress in their fields and know what is being worked on elsewhere.  If Burke is so exceptional, Christina would know where he is and what he's doing.  


Also, while I know several doctors who have moved in the last few years to be near their elderly parents, they all worked in internal medicine or family practice.  They were not cutting edge surgeons building their careers.  (They also found the cost of running a practice in San Francisco prohibitive).  Dr. Muffyn has moved several times to further his career.  And he always knows what so going on in the field.  Our fine Seattle surgeons are too busy fretting over their interpersonal issues that they rarely remember they're surgeons.  Couldn't Burke's wife have wanted to move because she had an opportunity in Milan and, since she had made sacrifices to support his career, he was now going to sacrifice to support her career?  Christina is not the only woman for whom career is important.  And women can value both family and career and still be successful.  

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I am usually not one to notice bad CGI, but this was so terrible that even I noticed it! So, so fake. 


During their discussion outside the institute, Burke admitted to following Cristina's career and then said "what, you haven't followed mine?" and she didn't answer, leading us to believe that she had. And yet, she had NO IDEA he would be there? Nope.


I love Amelia. I loved her on Private Practice and I love the idea of her taking Cristina's "place". 


I always think of the younger generation as "the interns", but I think they're residents now? Either way, I hate them all. They need to go away. 


I've always been a fan of April and Jackson and their storyline has so many possibilities, but I fear it will be glossed over for more screen time for the remaining interns.

  • Love 1

I Stop watching Grey's when Burke left. Had to watch this episode. Because as much as Grey's was supposed to be the Derek and Meredith show. It became the Yang and Burke show when they were on screen together. Christina let a man show his respect, admiration and love for you in a non sexual way. Guys are capable of that.

  • Love 2
FROM TWOP: (Regarding Burke being gone for 7 years:) Would he even know that his 'guy' (George) was hit by a bus or that Cristina was married, divorced, had an abortion, dealt with two bouts of PTSD and became a bartender until she caught a fish?  


Thank you. 

I realized watching last night what a special SPECIAL show Grey's Anatomy once was.  Seeing Burktina together just MAGNIFIED how far out of control the writing is. 

I am actually considering the Finale, when Cristina leaves, as MY series finale.  It's been going on far too long, and what was once something amazing, is now a joke.

Edited by Meow25

Thank you. 

I realized watching last night what a special SPECIAL show Grey's Anatomy once was.  Seeing Burktina together just MAGNIFIED how far out of control the writing is. 

I am actually considering the Finale, when Cristina leaves, as MY series finale.  It's been going on far too long, and what was once something amazing, is now a joke.

And I caught about the last half of the Season 3 finale just before, and as I was watching scenes, I was like "Dead. Dead. Gone. Where has Joe the bartender been? Dead. Cancer didn't kill her, but she left anyway."


I haven't seen Isaiah in anything since he was on GA last but I don't remember his speech being so difficult to understand. Also, I didn't remember Burke being THAT condescending, at least, not to Cristina (not often, anyway). I'm gonna choose to believe he was overcompensating to keep his distance, since he knew he would fall for her again if they worked together. I loved that scene where he said, "are you done yet?" and she said, "no" with that long pause... so glad she got her licks in, since he had the upper hand the whole time. Oh, Sandra, I will miss you SO much. The coffee callback was everything I didn't know I needed, and I was a little sad that Burke was married with kids... turns out I still like Burke/Cristina, who knew. But they wrapped up their story nicely, and it seems Cristina will get everything she deserves... if Shonda doesn't pull some shit (I know... I know).


The parents of that isolated kid have to be the stupidest people ever... you think your son just magically got better? That your kid is one of the 1% of people who recovered with no treatment? And Bailey being all jittery and proud of herself... ugh. Yeah, she's right to avoid them, she apparently has no poker face anymore. So, will something go wrong with the kid or will her behavior tip them off? Because she will be found out.


I would love if they "cleaned" house and got rid of all the interns... I don't like any of them. Stephanie's a snot, Jo is nasty and clearly has anger issues (I didn't miss Alex's "you're escalating" comment, and no, that wasn't cute), Ross is just all over the place, and Leah is an emotional wreck who I still can't believe actually got away with that vindictive claim she made against Callie. The only thing I will say is that I did sympathize with Jo when Arizona waltzed in to complain about her requested procedure not being done... if you have the time to stroll in and bitch about it, you have the time to do it yourself. Clearly Jo was in the middle of some serious shit, which you didn't pretend to give a crap about. Ugh, bye.


I'm glad Jackson and April are attempting to sort it out but I really hope she intends to meet him halfway, too. If he goes to church with them every Sunday, his consolation prize shouldn't just be pancakes... he should be able to teach their kids his beliefs (or lack thereof) as well. Unless she's worried her kids will choose his way, and then she'll have to pity them. As for Jackson and the hospital board turning against him, I'm over it. So glad April spoke up and told Richard to back off. I'm surprised Jackson hasn't completely snapped yet. Yelling at Jackson accomplishes very little; they need to discuss how to restructure things so there isn't bias. And perhaps they could bring in a third party or put together a committee from the foundation to approve things the hospital wants to do, rather than making Jackson the middle man.

Edited by omgsowicked


I'm glad Jackson and April are attempting to sort it out but I really hope she intends to meet him halfway, too. If he goes to church with them every Sunday, his consolation prize shouldn't just be pancakes... he should be able to teach their kids his beliefs (or lack thereof) as well.


That kind of grated for me, too.  It's great that he's willing to make a compromise but I hope she will, too.  From a writing standpoint I kind of dug it though because I've seen mixed faith couples go through what I'd call pendulum swings of overcompensation until they finally find a middle ground that works for them.  I'll call this the first swing, I guess.  I can only imagine it would be more challenging when the mix is atheist to "just a hair shy of fundy Christian".  Truly I can't even see how that would work (atheist and believer, sure but April is a teeny bit extreme).  But I love their chemistry so I'm rolling with it. 

  • Love 1

Agree with everyone who's mentioned how it defies credulity that Christina wouldn't have known where Burke was and what he was doing (even if just professionally.) So no matter whose name was on her invite, she'd have understood where it came from. Too bad that in an otherwise not bad episode, this plot glitch stood out like an MI.

I didn't see anything except the last few minutes of the Season 3 ep, but wow I teared up at seeing George and Lexie. And others have mentioned the presence of Addison. So do miss those years. Do people know Addison is on "Fargo" - FX on Tuesday eves?

I'm glad Jackson and April are attempting to sort it out but I really hope she intends to meet him halfway, too. If he goes to church with them every Sunday, his consolation prize shouldn't just be pancakes... he should be able to teach their kids his beliefs (or lack thereof) as well.


I agree completely. Somehow, though, I can't imagine April being okay with Jackson teaching their kids there is no God. He has to respect her beliefs, but I wonder just how far that goes when it's reversed.

I can't imagine April being okay with Jackson teaching their kids there is no God. He has to respect her beliefs, but I wonder just how far that goes when it's reversed.

Because you can't teach both at the same time to small children, one person does need to compromise on this. Imagine one parent telling an excited three year old that Santa is coming with tons of presents and his magical reindeer and eating cookies that you put out for him, and then the other parent saying, "Of course, that is all baloney. There is no Santa, and we buy all the presents and eat the cookie. Reindeers don't fly either. Trust in logic and science, son".

A healthy compromise means that in this case, Jackson and April raise the child as a christian until the child is old enough to make his/her own decisions. You don't need to teach both points of view from birth. That way leads to distrust and confusion towards one or both parents.

  • Love 3

I agree with you that teaching religious faith and lack of it is confusing to children, but I strongly, strongly disagree with "A healthy compromise means that in this case, Jackson and April raise the child as a christian until the child is old enough to make his/her own decisions."


That's not a compromise at all - that's April getting her way and their children's thinking being wired in a certain way that is very hard to break out of for most people.


"Trust in logic and science, son".


I kind of hope two doctors (or anyone, really) would teach their child this.

Edited by CleoCaesar
  • Love 3
I kind of hope two doctors (or anyone, really) would teach their child this.

Yes. So would I, but not at the expense of the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and Santa, nor in the case of Jesus, if that is important to one of the parents. A child raised to accept logic and reasoning, and encouraged to think, research and ask questions should be trusted by their parents to find their own beliefs in life.

Anyway, in this case Jackson seems to be okay with the compromise.


Edited by Erratic
  • Love 1


Because you can't teach both at the same time to small children, one person does need to compromise on this.


SUre you can.  It's challenging but there's people out there that do it.  The successful couples I know frame in terms of what they believe not "what is" and usually expose their kids to other faiths, as well. 


Jackson:  "I believe in a wholly natural universe with rules governed by what we know so far of science.  I don't believe in any supernatural phenomena."


April: "And I believe in the Christian god who I think loves me very much and is my best friend outside your dad." 


Both:  "And other people believe in Allah, Jovah, the Great Spirit, etc."


Or whatever.  In any case, totally doable. 

  • Love 3

That kind of grated for me, too.  It's great that he's willing to make a compromise but I hope she will, too.  From a writing standpoint I kind of dug it though because I've seen mixed faith couples go through what I'd call pendulum swings of overcompensation until they finally find a middle ground that works for them.  I'll call this the first swing, I guess.  I can only imagine it would be more challenging when the mix is atheist to "just a hair shy of fundy Christian".  Truly I can't even see how that would work (atheist and believer, sure but April is a teeny bit extreme).  But I love their chemistry so I'm rolling with it. 

I'm a Christian.  I've seen all "degrees" of Christianity, and I can tell you that April is NOwhere near being fundamentalist.  Not even close.  I don't particularly like April, but I'd say from watching the show that I'm about on the same "Christian level" as April Kepner.  Trust me, she (and I) are considerd liberal "red letter" Christians.  In fact, if you're interested, do a google on Tony Campolo/red letter Christian.  

I think they write her as whiny and....emotional which makes her seem more conflicted than I think she is.  IMO.  


I kind of hope two doctors (or anyone, really) would teach their child this.


Many, most, doctors belive in a higher power.  Also, being a Christian doesn't mean you are a Ken Ham type literalist.  Most of us believe that science and God can and do co-exist.  

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I can see that.  And yeah, I have hard core Bible belt relatives so to be sure I was exaggerating to sort of make a point.  You're right she's nowhere near fundie.  To me she comes off a touch more extreme than a lot of Christians I'm friends with but I think you're likely right that it's the writing that makes her seem that way more than the beliefs they've clarified (I can only think of sex before marriage and abortion as views of hers they've touched on).


But for some reason I keep rooting for her and Jackson anyway.

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I can admit it, I was a big Burke/Yang shipper back in the day. I was sad when IW pretty much shot himself in the foot and he left. 


Man oh man to IW and SO still have it. Their chemistry was so intense and layered. Say what you will about IW and they are most likely true, but he is also a fantastic actor who has a tremendous presence. He always brought an intensity and gravita to the show and when he left, the show was never able to replicate it. Watching him and SO share the screen again was a real treat. 


This is an exit worthy of Cristina Yang and I am all for it, but a part of me feels like its all too easy...she's just a fellow for crying out loud, and now she;s gonna be running an international hospital? BUT, this isn't enough to get my panties in a twist about it and having watched her her these last ten years, watching her go out on top is gonna be so gratifying. 


I root for April and Jackson so watching their scenes made me happy. Their religious differences are always gonna come up and I'm sure they are gonna have to make compromises again and again. We haven't been shown how serious Jackson's atheism is but we have been shown how serious April feels about hers, and if the levels of both are what I am sensing, then I don't think accepting church and attending, and allowing his children to attend is all that much of a hardship for Jackson. It was a huge gesture on his part and I think April sees that, and by the smile she gave him, I think she appreciates that. Their scene in the chapel was probably the sweetest scene they have shared. 


Another scene I liked of theirs was in when they were having lunch. You can tell tensions are still high and they are both having very mixed feelings about her pregnancy, but they are at least talking, and better yet, communicating. When April was going off about the OB, Jackson called her out on her behavior and it forced April to shut up, take a step breath and realize what she was doing. It showed I think how Jackson really does know her and how to navigate her behaviors and isn't afraid to step up to her but without being hurtful about it. It may be a weird scene to like but I dug it, lol.


And April is no fundy. If she were...she wouldn't be a doctor in a metropolitan hospital. Being pro life and wanting to wait till marriage for sex does not a fun die make. April is a very emotional person and gets written as hysterical at times, but her christian beliefs are fairly liberal in my opinion. 


Bailey is gonna get bit in the butt hard! But man the bubble boy mom annoys me to no end! And how smug and dumb are they...yeah, your boy with ZERO t-cells magically grew them out of thin air and just made himself better. Puh-leese! Now Bailey should have known freaking better but she let her ego get in the way. She's jealous of her subordinates who have surpassed her career wise and wanted to have the same kind of success they have. She used to have a moral code about these things but maybe she's seen how losing it has worked for others, I dunno. 


All in all it was a good episode. 10B has been a much better half of the season then 10a in terms of cohesiveness. May not feel the same as the early seasons, but its better then season 9 and 10a in my opinion. 

  • Love 4

Having watched the show since season 1, I was actually excited for tonight's episode due to Burke's appearance. I think that he & Christina still have a lot of chemistry, but I am glad that they didn't try to put them back together that way. They've moved on and to me, it seems like a perfect way to tie up Sandra Oh's time on the show.

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