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S13.E23: True Colors

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On 5/9/2017 at 6:00 PM, funnygirl said:

If Stephanie's privileges have been revoked, then why is she even near a patient? Or is it that she can't perform surgery but can continue doing rounds? Either way, if Stephanie gets killed off but Minnick lives to see another day, I will be bothered. 

I wonder that too, why is Stephanie near a patient if her privileges have been revoked? If this is just a ploy to kill Stephanie off, I will be really upset.

It seems like not a lot of people like Minnick. I'm not saying this as a Calzona shipper (I'm not) but her personality is awful. She was way too harsh when it came to Alex and Stephanie, who was trying to save a kid's life in last week's episode. If anyone is to not return for season 14, I want it to be Minnick.

  • Love 8

Eh. I'm still not that into this show.

Also I can't help but laugh at Mr. Shue being the abusing husband. And I knew he was going to be it a while ago when I read spoilers he was guest starring but all the same I chucked for a good amount of time. Also thinking what is alexs grand plan? All the what if scenarios did point out he had no grand idea.  And then it just ends Because Schue was considerate about a taxi cab? I... huh? Uh okay. 

And Owens sister being alive.. not a twist? Didn't half of us know this was going to be the end game once Mer finally realized she likes Riggs? It also pisses me off that we spent so much time on Mer not wanting to hurt Maggie when I would have been fine with Mer just NOT BEING READY to date without adding Maggie into it when they were always going to bring in Owens sister into it.  So stupid. We've been calling this since like the moment we met him, haven't we? At least since the connection and why Owen hated him for as long as he did.

Also damn you show for teasing me with that use of Teddys name. I miss her. She ruled. She was interesting and she reminds me of when I used to like this show. Granted she also conjures up memories of a terrible episode where everyone started singing but all the same, at least I was caring about the stories.

The hookup but really sexual assault plot was the only thing I was interested in: it was an actual twist and I was nervous the whole time during the commercial break when the group found out the guy was an actual rapist and not just a consensual hookup partner. But wow you guys. Scared the whole team for real since I know that the actress playing her is leaving, every commercial break was scary. But also can Minnick be fired now please? Where is Sloan Greys HR department? No but seriously the only part of the episode that got real reactions. And then holy cow Stephaine just lit a man on FIRE!!!! And then walked into it. This show. I can't.

So I guess they really are doing a Jackson Maggie thing.. right? Otherwise all of their scenes together are random. It's gotta be leading somewhere. With this show it has to be. 

Yes, Mers kids get a sighting!!! No milk carton this week for them!  

  • Love 3
Just now, sadie said:

The twist with the sexual assault was good but there was like 10 times Stephanie could have easily overpowered the barely walking rapist so it totally took me out of the moment. And then she's so afraid he's going to set off the fire alarm so her idea is to set him on fire. Ugh. She easily could have just kicked his ass. 

I thought she was going to grab the knife. why she didn't do that, is beyond me. like. grab the knife, slice his throat open. bing bang boom. 

  • Love 23

"Alex Stevens", I guffawed. 

Richard talking to Stephanie as if she's always been some temperamental flight risk is ridiculous seeing as Owen continues to walk the hospital halls sans suspension, and his temper is at a steady 8 on a calm day. 

I can not take Dr. Minnick seriously as having any authority over anyone. What an unnecessary character. 

Meredith already introducing Nathan to her kids? I mean, that's not fast at all. Between them, and Arizona's most unfortunate new relationship, the writers seem to be fast-tracking these pairings. 

Brooke Stadler. It only took a calendar year to get there. 

To the surprise of no one, Megan is alive. The recycled Meredith/Derek/Addison triangle is upon us. 

Contacting Teddy in Germany was a nice bit of continuity, I'll give them that. 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 13
1 minute ago, Daisy said:

I thought she was going to grab the knife. why she didn't do that, is beyond me. like. grab the knife, slice his throat open. bing bang boom. 

This!!! I thought she would grab the knife, cause, you know, she's a surgeon and probably knows eight places to knife someone that would immobilize them. But I guess we needed an explosion so the writers just worked backwards from that idea. Sigh.

  • Love 10

Oh, my damn!  Stephanie setting the guy on fire was enough, but the explosion?  Did not see that coming.  

I'm still down for a Maggie/Jackson hookup.  No shame.

ABC's screwed up feed was so confusing.  I spent most of the episode thinking that we were seeing/hearing the perspective of Owen, or the rapist (before we knew he was a rapist)

Owen's sister is alive?  Gasp!  Such an unpredictable twist!

  • Love 5
Just now, sadie said:

This!!! I thought she would grab the knife, cause, you know, she's a surgeon and probably knows eight places to knife someone that would immobilize them. But I guess we needed an explosion so the writers just worked backwards from that idea. Sigh.

Yah. okay. so the whole Premise is to show that Stephanie is unstable, according to Minnick she's either stone cold, or she's too bonding. This week: too bonding, breaking the rules to have Mr. Rapist see Ms. Rapiee. (Rapee?)

So I think what I would have done - as squidged out as this would be. Mr. Rapist is telling Erin to help set the fire. He starts to panic and going after Erin. Stephanie sees the knife takes a deep breath. Then you fade to black and all you hear is Erin, Mr. Rapist and Stephanie screaming. 

next week - the fallout, and you see that the fire fell on Erin (who needs Surgery), Mr. Rapist dead, (because Stephanie sliced his throat open like a boss), and Stephanie not catatonic. She completely puts it aside, because she needs to help Erin in her surgery. and then go from there (my creative mind just petered out. I'm kinda hungry)

  • Love 2

This was exciting and tense and a good episode overall.  But man, the plot holes they had to create to put Stephanie in Jeopardy and create an explosion lessened the shine a bit.  I could understand her being immobilized when he had a sharp scalpel to her neck.  But there were several times when he was  far away from her with the scalpel on the floor, his back to her.  She could have rushed him or grabbed that steel thingy he had and bashed him on the head with it.  He was debilitated so he was not a full strenght.  Sigh.  I mean, Allison girl stepped on the gas to go down a ravine to escape him.  They could have made Steph a little scrappier.  But PLOT REASONS!!  fire.  I will admit the fire thing was great.  But still.   Other than that smallish fail, this was a great episode.

  • Love 9

Why couldn't have the rapist guy grabbed Minnick?  Let her take the "Stephanie's death" fall......and have Stephanie leave, in disgust, headed for Switzerland and Christina Yang's Most Excellent Hospital?

Anyone care to take a bet on Owen's sister?  She'll be back for _____ number of weeks before she's on staff next year?

I'm in first at six (6) weeks. 

So damned predictable.

Edited by Blonde Gator
  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Yah. okay. so the whole Premise is to show that Stephanie is unstable, according to Minnick she's either stone cold, or she's too bonding. This week: too bonding, breaking the rules to have Mr. Rapist see Ms. Rapiee. (Rapee?)

So I think what I would have done - as squidged out as this would be. Mr. Rapist is telling Erin to help set the fire. He starts to panic and going after Erin. Stephanie sees the knife takes a deep breath. Then you fade to black and all you hear is Erin, Mr. Rapist and Stephanie screaming. 

next week - the fallout, and you see that the fire fell on Erin (who needs Surgery), Mr. Rapist dead, (because Stephanie sliced his throat open like a boss), and Stephanie not catatonic. She completely puts it aside, because she needs to help Erin in her surgery. and then go from there (my creative mind just petered out. I'm kinda hungry)

Your storyline is way better than what they did! I think you should submit your resume to Shonda!

  • Love 1

Little Erin could have taken that rapist down, what with a liver lac that had him ready to bleed out.  Seriously, Stephanie tackles him when he's playing around with setting up the rag and IV stand, he's down for the count.  Then she could have just stomped him a few times.

Other than the "hostage" stupidity, it was a pretty fair episode.  I'm glad to see Owen back with "something to do", and I really am getting fond of Riggs.  I didn't even mind the ever-simpering Amelia this episode. 

  • Love 1

My thoughts on 13x23

Alex: Unless I missed something earlier on in the season like where Jo tells Alex what her real name is and who her husband is or what he does, I found it highly unrealistic that he was able to track him down. What are the odds of him even being in the same city as Jo? Will Jo’s husband make another appearance on the show? What about Jo and her feelings? I am a Jo/Alex shipper and it really frustrates me that they’re dragging this on and need to let Jo speak for herself instead of having Alex track her ex-husband down. But I might be missing something, so feel free to fill me in.

Stephanie: I was on the edge of my seat the entire episode, especially after the guy held her at knife-point. As I said already, I don’t understand why she just didn’t overpower him, with her foot or an elbow. But I guess it’s all in the name of writing Stephanie off, so she can’t be the strong woman she’s been portrayed as for the past five seasons. I’ve never really been a huge fan of Stephanie, but I will be really upset if she dies in the season finale.

Erin: I found her annoying and obnoxious. She served absolutely no purpose for most of the episode other than to be a brat until she came across Stephanie and the patient. Erin is a little psycho in the making and her parents need to keep a closer eye on her. Her only purpose, I guess, was to show the patient the lighter.

Owen: I am not surprised one bit that Megan is still alive, and I felt for Owen this episode. He’s probably thinking about all the horrors she had to endure while still overseas and then he gave up on her. It will certainly be interesting to see him reunited with his sister, and I can only hope Shonda&co. pull it off nicely. Especially since Megan is going to be suffering from even more severe PTSD than Owen did many seasons ago.

Amelia: I really felt for her this episode. Amelia is my favorite character, or the PP Amelia was; I’m not as big a fan of Amelia on Grey’s Anatomy. However, I love Caterina Scorsone, and knows she is committed to playing this character. It’s almost ironic that Amelia finally said “Derek is dead” out loud and then almost immediately afterwards learnt that Owen’s sister is alive. The conflicting emotions were very subtle, but Caterina managed to show it so I knew Amelia was feeling torn. She wants to be happy for Owen, but is feeling a bit jealous herself.

Meredith: She was all right this episode, a first in a really long time. However, I did not like her statement towards the end of the episode when she was talking with Amelia. She basically implied that she was more important to Derek than his sister, and she should be informed first if the Megan scenario was applicable to Derek. She’s been self-centered for a long time and has thrown Amelia under the bus time and time again, and Amelia just stands there and takes it.

Edited by kinnej5
  • Love 8

The plot holes were so big you could drive a ferry through them. Soon as the rapist was missing, there would have been a Code Orange. No: "I can't find Stephanie anywhere." talk. He was already gone and as shown, Steph shouldn't have been anywhere near a patient or anything. She was suspended. Here's the problem with Owen's sister being alive besides we knew it was coming for like... ever. Ok, she was leaving him, Riggs pretty much knew his cheating was going to end his marriage. So yes, alive, but in the end, it changes nothing. He did it, he did it for stupid reasons and now, just sign the damn divorce papers and move on. 

  Minnick is such a joke of a character, she puts Erica Hahn to shame from way back when. How this person could have at any time been what Baily and Katherine would think would turn the intern program around? I mean, she is so stupid and can't act to save her life. Then we go back to Alex and Jo's husband. Ok, we get it, he's a hot shot doctor, award winning and so forth. He isn't some freaking corrupt US senator who has former military people at the snap of his fingers. Plus, in one of Alex's fantasies with him killing Jo. I'm sorry, he would have been screwed. No way he could have hired someone to save his ass if he killed Jo or anyone. Problem with shows like Grey's who hype up characters that are the BIG BAD and then the writing is too stupid. When it was all said and done, it basically makes Jo look really stupid since she lives IN THE SAME CITY where her husband lives! 

  • Love 2

Megan was Nathan's fiance.  Maybe blood kin is considered closer man you're not married to.

I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked that she's alive.  (It was sweet to see Amelia with Owen once she figured out that it wasn't all about her.)

I fell sorry for Edwards but gosh, she was stupid.  Why didn't she knee the guy or try to escape some other way when Ben asked her if she was okay?  Why didn't she protect herself and Erin instead of running towards the obvious explosion?

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, jschoolgirl said:

She is more important! Meredith was Derek's next of kin and the mother of his children. And Amelia seemed amenable to Meredith's reasoning.

And I don't think Meredith was saying Owen wasn't important to Megan, she was just pointing out that Nathan was important too


1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

I fell sorry for Edwards but gosh, she was stupid.  Why didn't she knee the guy or try to escape some other way when Ben asked her if she was okay?  Why didn't she protect herself and Erin instead of running towards the obvious explosion?

Yes, that seemed really dumb to me. I know being held like that must mess with your head, but it seemed like there were several times she could have taken him down without starting a fire.

  • Love 4

It sounds like Owen's sister will be coming back in bad condition; she's been held captive and possibly tortured for 10 years. I think it will be quite a different scenario than Addison showing up. Also, I'm glad that Alex made the right choice and didn't approach Jo's husband. It's a bit odd not having Jo around at all for this storyline. When's the last time she and Alex talked? 

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