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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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3 hours ago, Fishy said:

Thanks for the info.  I've been out of touch and was wondering what the heck the repeats were all about.

And if i recall the schedule right, yeah out for 3 weeks, back live for 1-2 weeks, then another 2-3 weeks of more repeats, rinse, lather, repeat the cycle through the end of summer at least.

2 hours ago, Tammee said:

GRRRRRRRRR!  Im getting so tired of this.  I get this paragraph all typed out and then for some reason it doesnt post it. (Watch it not post this lol). But it wipes out everything and boots me back to the front page. No wonder i never post.  Has that happened to anyone?

Please post please post please post

I've had something like that happen to me but if you go back to the thread you were posting on there is an option (where you type your comment) that says "restore previous content?" and my comment that disappeared, comes back. Don't know if that will work for you. 


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17 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I've had something like that happen to me but if you go back to the thread you were posting on there is an option (where you type your comment) that says "restore previous content?" and my comment that disappeared, comes back. Don't know if that will work for you. 


Oh thats fantastic!  I will try that next time.  Thanks for the tip

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Not going to address that Wendy looks like she just rolled out of bed and is strolling the streets of NY in her nightgown/robe while under the mind control of Dracula.   I'm more interested in all those things hanging off of her bag.  Why clutter up a nice bag with what looks like toys:  some fuzzy white hairy thing, a mini tennis ball, is that a black plastic horse?  Then there's things hanging on the other side that we can't even see.  Looks like the bag of a teenager. 


Whoa - I haven't seen any pictures of her son except when he was a pudgy toddler.  He's pretty decent.

Edited by patty1h
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Randomly surfing today and I happened to click on Media Takeout and they had this same pic of Wendy and Kevin Jr. as above, along with a little article.  OMG, the "people" on that site are 1000% more brutal than anyone here has ever been.  The comments are so ghetto and demeaning - it's equally cringe-worthy and hilarious.   It seems like every commenter there thinks they're trying out for the local urban comedy club - who can be more savage/funny.  There are all kinds of insinuations at both of them, like Kevin looking like he had breast augmentation, that he looks gay, that Wendy looks like she's being escorted back to Bellevue (an infamous NY psychiatric facility). 

In the name of science, here's the link.  If you dare to visit, I advise you that the "n" word flows freely and people are HARSH!

Edited by patty1h
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On June 16, 2018 at 7:31 AM, Apprentice79 said:

R. Kelly's ex wife, has gone public with her own history of abuse at the hands of R. Kelly. I wonder how Wendy is going to spin it and blame his wife for his depravity. She cannot accuse her of  setting him up for money and material gain.  It is too bad that she is on hiatus.

I'm glad she's on hiatus and that Drea chose to tell her story on another show. Wendy would've sat on that stage boo-hooing with her one minute then defending that pervert the next. 

On June 17, 2018 at 8:31 PM, patty1h said:

Randomly surfing today and I happened to click on Media Takeout and they had this same pic of Wendy and Kevin Jr. as above, along with a little article.  OMG, the "people" on that site are 1000% more brutal than anyone here has ever been.  The comments are so ghetto and demeaning - it's equally cringe-worthy and hilarious.   It seems like every commenter there thinks they're trying out for the local urban comedy club - who can be more savage/funny.  There are all kinds of insinuations at both of them, like Kevin looking like he had breast augmentation, that he looks gay, that Wendy looks like she's being escorted back to Bellevue (an infamous NY psychiatric facility). 

In the name of science, here's the link.  If you dare to visit, I advise you that the "n" word flows freely and people are HARSH!

I'm all for Wendy getting a taste of her own medicine but DAMN! And her son (who has really grown up) should be off-limits. He doesn't have squat to do with his mother's mess. 

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6 minutes ago, rmcrae said:

I'm all for Wendy getting a taste of her own medicine but DAMN! And her son (who has really grown up) should be off-limits. He doesn't have squat to do with his mother's mess. 

People are just vicious online. We are snarky on here, but, we are never cruel.. Celebrity's family members should be off-limits. Common decency is no more.  I wonder if it ever really existed, in the first place.

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8 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

People are just vicious online. We are snarky on here, but, we are never cruel.. Celebrity's family members should be off-limits. Common decency is no more.  I wonder if it ever really existed, in the first place.

Manners are not a learned (taught) skill anymore but shade and criticism are. 

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On 6/17/2018 at 8:51 AM, patty1h said:

Not going to address that Wendy looks like she just rolled out of bed and is strolling the streets of NY in her nightgown/robe while under the mind control of Dracula.   I'm more interested in all those things hanging off of her bag.  Why clutter up a nice bag with what looks like toys:  some fuzzy white hairy thing, a mini tennis ball, is that a black plastic horse?  Then there's things hanging on the other side that we can't even see.  Looks like the bag of a teenager. 


Whoa - I haven't seen any pictures of her son except when he was a pudgy toddler.  He's pretty decent.

He looks REALLY angry!

On 6/2/2018 at 12:57 PM, Jaded said:

I found review pages for the show's audience experience on TripAdvisor and Yelp. Not sure if these have been mentioned before.

@Jaded - I looked at both links - thank you.  On the first one there is a comment by some guy who took his wife to the show and it is hysterical.  Seems his wife and her sisters were supposed to go another time but the sisters were very late and they weren't allowed in.  He finally took her and he expected Sean Combs to hand out bottles of booze and was so disappointed they didn't get goodies.  Maybe he was thinking of Oprah.


I just checked the Zap2it TV schedule and they have a NEW show for 7/02/18.  I'm in NY and usually get the show live here at 10AM.  Because the local Fox affiliate that runs Wendy is also showing the FIFA soccer playoffs, they pushed WW to 12noon in order to air the live games.  It doesn't say that WW is LIVE though.  Maybe she will tape at the regular time and the pre-recorded shows will be sent out to the channels that syndicate WW.  Check your local listing, Wendy watchers!

I'm interested to see how she addresses this R. Kelly controversy.

Edited by patty1h
more info
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2 minutes ago, patty1h said:

I just checked the Zap2it TV schedule and they have a NEW show for 7/02/18.  Instead of the usual 10AM airing, the show will be on at 12 Noon because the local Fox station is still running the FIFA  games live and some of them are early in the day here in the US.

Thanks for letting me know. I may have a change in my shows schedule so I’ll check it in the am. 

Thanks for the link. For some reason my DVR didn't pick up the show today. What the heck was she crying about when she walked out on stage? She immediately started in with the QTips. Then she had to tell us she and Kev had such a busy great 3 weeks off together. She said they were like teenagers again! Ok Wendy, keep living that lie.  

Is it really that big of a deal that Drake got some chick pregnant? I could care less. 

Wendy defending Joe Jackson really got to me. I agree with Bette Midler. Bastard was a monster. Beat the hell out of Michael all the time, belittling him, telling him he was ugly and showed not one ounce of love or kindness to him his entire childhood. His entire life, for that matter. Michael was nothing but a money making machine for Joe. I never liked mama Jackson either because she did nothing to stop the abuse of her kids.  I'm so disappointed in Wendy's view on him. I don't know if I'm up for watching her anymore. 

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On 7/1/2018 at 5:15 AM, artisto said:

Wendy might be cracking under pressure when she has lately been called out on her opinions and defending a$$holes like R Kelly, Joe Jackson etc. Her job used to fun and non opinionated but she's going to be held accountable for her stuoidity. Just STFU Wendy and stick to the snark...I don't care about your political and personal beliefs. Just stick to funny witty remarks about fashion, bad choices in spouses, etc.

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Thanks for the link. For some reason my DVR didn't pick up the show today. What the heck was she crying about when she walked out on stage? She immediately started in with the QTips. Then she had to tell us she and Kev had such a busy great 3 weeks off together. She said they were like teenagers again! Ok Wendy, keep living that lie.  

Is it really that big of a deal that Drake got some chick pregnant? I could care less. 

Wendy defending Joe Jackson really got to me. I agree with Bette Midler. Bastard was a monster. Beat the hell out of Michael all the time, belittling him, telling him he was ugly and showed not one ounce of love or kindness to him his entire childhood. His entire life, for that matter. Michael was nothing but a money making machine for Joe. I never liked mama Jackson either because she did nothing to stop the abuse of her kids.  I'm so disappointed in Wendy's view on him. I don't know if I'm up for watching her anymore. 

To be fair, I am sure Mama Jackson was also broken down psychologically, by Joe Jackson. He ruled that family with an iron fist.  I don't know if he ever abused her as well. Victims of abuse are often bonded to their abusers and the psychological hold is very deep.  Not to mention, in those days, certain subjects were not spoken out loud ,when it comes to issues between married couples.  Plus, it was even worst in the Black community.  

Women in general, did not have any power to fight back against their husbands. They had all the power.  It used to be legal for a husband to rape his own wife. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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Saw a story today that 19 year old Sofia Ritchie is supposedly moving in with Scott Disick.   Regular viewers have heard many times how much Wendy dislikes this pair and how she rants about Scott, the age difference and that Scott was married w/children, so she will probably be spitting venom like a snake if/when she addresses this on HT in the next few days.  I don't care either way about these people but it amuses me that WW gets so bent out of shape about this but she was so willing to forgive R. Kelly's shenanigans.

Edited by patty1h
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4 hours ago, patty1h said:

Wendy dislikes this pair and how she rants about Scott, the age difference and that Scott was married w/children, so she will probably be spitting venom like a snake if/when she addresses this on HT in the next few days. 

It amuses me that Scott's ex, Kourtney, is dating a guy 14 years younger than herself and Kourtney has the same 3 kid but that's ok with hypocrite Wendy. 

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10 hours ago, Tammee said:

I know Im so sick of it (sorry fans). My station has been playing it at like 2 or 3am and also BHER airs it at 5pm MST

Yeah. Non stop FIFA being aired here this week. I have no idea WTF FIFA is but I'm glad it's over. And I'll bet everyone else is too.

Edited by chenoa333
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God. what was with Wendy during the beginning of the show?  She came out and then got teary as the audience was cheering for her and said something about "private thoughts".  Then, she's laughing with some off-camera person about something that happened yesterday, which turned into her saying something generic about the co-hosts.  She does a few HT stories and then she sips some tea out of her cup, which set her off giggling again.  Is she drunk?  I don't know if this show is live or taped yesterday afternoon, so maybe she had some alcohol with lunch.   

EDIT:  I re-watched the first segment; maybe she wasn't getting teary at the beginning - she was trying not laugh?

Edited by patty1h
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17 minutes ago, DrivingSideways said:

Nicole Byer cracks me up - I loved her on today's show.  I can see how she would really annoy people though, she's kind of theatrical.  Wendy kind of didn't know what to do with her.  Nicole is way more clever and funny than Wendy could ever dream to be.

She was also smart enough to watch her tongue when it came to the size thing and “getting her dates in”. She had self esteem to spare, but a bit of diva too. 

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I think I might need to go crawl back in an ancient cave because I have no f'n idea who most of Wendy's "celebrity" hot topic subjects are.  Whoever the f they are, I find them really boring. Every hot topics episode is about somebody getting somebody else pregnant for the nth time and I just don't have any more f's to give about "baby mamas" and " baby daddys" and Instagram bootie pics, facebook booby pics, baby daddy/mama drama. What happened to the good old days when "celebs" overdosed and lived life on the edge? (I don't consider "living life on the edge" as having multiple partners with various fathers/mothers.) 

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4 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I think I might need to go crawl back in an ancient cave because I have no f'n idea who most of Wendy's "celebrity" hot topic subjects are.  Whoever the f they are, I find them really boring. Every hot topics episode is about somebody getting somebody else pregnant for the nth time and I just don't have any more f's to give about "baby mamas" and " baby daddys" and Instagram bootie pics, facebook booby pics, baby daddy/mama drama. What happened to the good old days when "celebs" overdosed and lived life on the edge? (I don't consider "living life on the edge" as having multiple partners with various fathers/mothers.) 

This whole post cracked me the hell up but I highlighted the portions that tickled me the most.  Yeah Wendy's hot topics are super boring.  I've always wondered if she's trying to ride a fine line between the celebrities her new daytime audience wants to hear about (Aniston, Kardashians) and the type of celebs she might have talked about back in the day on her radio show (rappers, video vixens).  But yeah... Braxtons, Blac Chyna, Remy Ma... nobody cares, Wendy.

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Wendy was way over the line with her comments about virgins, smoking and drinking.   She doesn't trust people who've never had sex, or a drink or cigarette?   How totally stupid is she?  How do those things make you untrustworthy?   Why wouldn't you trust a person who chooses not to smoke or drink?   Personally, I'd rather date a guy who's still a virgin than some guy who cats around, sleeping with woman after woman and has 10 kids with 10 different women. 

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12 hours ago, rmcrae said:

Who did Wendy say Bieber kicked when he was on her show back in the day?

One of Wendy's staffers on the show backstage. Then she proceeds to say that she likes Beiber, is pulling for him and hopes his marriage works out. Nice of her to stand behind her employee that was treated like crap by him. 

WTH was Wendy talking about when she said it's normal to walk down the street and get punched in the face in NYC? Ummmmm no, Wendy, it is not. That does not normally happen. She has got to be high. That comment made no sense at all. And the giggling and pausing as if it was so funny. I'm surprised the NYC tourism industry isn't going after her for that!! Great way to get people to want to come visit NYC. 

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I can't take her opinions on anything and today she went in on racism.  We all know racism is shitty. 

She got all emotional and teary when talking about the racism encountered by one of the hosts on The View.   She started talking about herself and I muted the rest of her speech because I could see another "lesson" coming and I have already lost most of my respect for WW due to her conflicting opinions.  Examples:  a few months ago, she got highly upset about some young white kid who went online and said something about being a slave to get a girl to date him.  Wendy went on a rant about that -  how he should know better and how racism blah blah blah.   Around the same time, she blasted this chick who used the N word during a Kendrick Lamar concert and how that word should NEVER be used by anyone.   But then, during HT, Wendy puts up the tweets of rappers who are beefing with each other and they have the N word flying left and right and WW doesn't say boo about that.  Like last week, she had some tweets from 50 Cent talking about some other rap fool with the N word appearing several times and Wendy read them with no censure in her voice.   At least be consistent when you wag your finger and try to teach a lesson or don't bother.  

Edited by patty1h
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Oh. My. God. More FIFA this week. Does this fucking FIFA ever end? Who the fuck is watching all this soccer in the middle of the day in America? Jesus God.  

They did show Wendy yesterday and she does seem to be a bit high with her giggling and being super amused with herself. (Too bad the audience isn't also amused.) She doesn't seem stoned really, so maybe she is on psych meds that are lifting her mood or something. She made a point to tell us she went on a date with Kevin and her folks and they saw the Whitney movie. Um, didn't she just say the previous episode that she was not going to see this movie cuz she thought the best Whitney movie was the one on Lifetime and she already knew the real Whitney from Being Bobby Brown and so if she watched it at all she would be waiting until this movie was on TV. I mean she went on for like 10 minutes telling us why she would not be going to see the movie! crazy-smiley-emoticon.gif

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On 7/10/2018 at 10:46 AM, TVbitch said:

Oh. My. God. More FIFA this week. Does this fucking FIFA ever end? Who the fuck is watching all this soccer in the middle of the day in America? Jesus God.  

They did show Wendy yesterday and she does seem to be a bit high with her giggling and being super amused with herself. (Too bad the audience isn't also amused.) She doesn't seem stoned really, so maybe she is on psych meds that are lifting her mood or something. She made a point to tell us she went on a date with Kevin and her folks and they saw the Whitney movie. Um, didn't she just say the previous episode that she was not going to see this movie cuz she thought the best Whitney movie was the one on Lifetime and she already knew the real Whitney from Being Bobby Brown and so if she watched it at all she would be waiting until this movie was on TV. I mean she went on for like 10 minutes telling us why she would not be going to see the movie! crazy-smiley-emoticon.gif

^^^^ I'm suffering the same misfortune! FIFA all day. I wonder if WW knows that her minions in Southern California are being forced to change channels due to FIFA. Love her or hate her, WW is what I watch weekdays at 11 a.m. PST.

So please fellow PT Wendy watchers (who are not getting FIFA all morning) fill us in on this weeks shows! Thanks!

And just a side note TVBITCH, I LOVE your term "FUCKING FIFA!"!

Edited by chenoa333
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