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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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I knew WW would be checking out of rehab at this point! Lol...ALL BETTER NOW 😁 NOT!

And why is she saying she's " moving on with her son"? He's not HER son, he's THEIR son. Like it or not Wendy, Kevin Jr. Is Kelvin SR's son. You chose to make a child with him and now you must share that child with your "baby daddy". Wendy is learning nothing from her life's lessons. 

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Today's Wendy: She starts out discussing Tiger Woods' Master's win. She lost me went she suggested that he should retire. And buy a yacht. Guess what, Wendy, he bought a yacht years ago. If she knew anything about Tiger, she would know he is driven to compete and win. He is way too young to retire and fart around on a yacht. He is within striking distance of Jack Nicklaus's record of major wins.  Plus, Tiger is not currently "at the top of his game" - that would have been years ago. She sounded ignorant. Her advice stinks.

She mentioned the feud between Cardi B and Nicki Minaj. I was struck by how much alike they looked in the pictures Wendy had up. Cardi was asked if she would EVER collaborate with Nicki, and she just smiled and snickered a bit. I liked her colorful hair, but the lip piercings  - no. But I'm old, so who cares what I think?

She mentioned Icky Vicky Gunvalson, and how she is suing Brooks the Crook. She stumbled around the facts and figures, and spent way too long on this story. I'm not a fan of Vicky's, so I am happy that Brooks scammed her. And I don't believe she has all that much money, like Wendy thinks. Wendy lurves Vicky, is her friend in her mind. So why didn't she mention that Vicky had to go to the emergency room for some sort of surgery recently? Some friend you are, Wendy!!

I started getting annoyed how her hair was sticking to her fake eyelash. But I will say Wendy sounds stronger and much more "with it" now that she is sober. As you all mentioned, she says she is moving out of the sober house soon. I hope she continues to go to meetings daily and checks in with her sober coach. She is going to face some challenging times ahead, moving through the divorce process. And even when it is all over, it can still be challenging, even if it is something you want. She is "moving on" with Lil Kev, but really, she is moving on alone. Lil Kev is starting his own adult life, and shouldn't be spending a whole lot of time with "mommy." And like you guys said, he still has a father. Wendy has to co-parent. 

She is all giddy about the possibility of Kendall Jenner dating some Kennedy guy - says Kris should make it happen. Huh? NO - let it happen on its own, if is to be. I grew up in the Boston area, but my folks were not fans of the Kennedys, so I don't think of them as The World's First Family, or whatever stupid name Wendy had for them. UGH to the "Kardashians" and Kennedys "joining forces." The less the "Kardashians" (Kendall is a Jenner) are in the news, the better.

The rest of the show had a gal on to talk about Coachella - at lest Wendy pronounced it correctly this time - what was with "Coochella?" Mostly about Kyle Richards being "slammed" for being there - she is too old - and how she "clapped back." This stuff is news?? So stupid. And Wendy making judgments about how "old people" shouldn't attend shows like Coachella. I say anyone who wants to buy a ticket should go. Screw Wendy and her ageism. 

She doesn't seem to be wavering on her decision to divorce scumbag Kevin, and I hope she moves on like she seems to be. Her comment about being over diaper days was great. 

I continue to watch mainly to see how Wendy handles things - can't say I learn much "good gossip" from this show. These days, the gossip is already out there, and I have heard most of the stuff Wendy "reports" on a day or two (or more) before she speaks of it. She seems to think the audience is getting the news from her. She will often ask, "Have you heard about this?" and the audience yells, "YES!!"

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My TV service is out, so thanks for the recaps you guys!

Wendy is doing exactly what I predicted. She's gonna turn into Sasha FauxFierce and pretend she has been "in charge" of this whole business all along. She will soak up all the compassion and adoration of others and pretend her life is fabulous (whether it is or not) going forward.

Well played, Wendy. Well played.

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1 hour ago, A housewife really said:

I’m actually speechless. Listened to the whole crazy story. Is Kevin for real? Or for that matter Aveon? 

Do you guys believe this story? If it is true, how ironic? Wendy was always obsessed with down low brothers back on her radio show.  She was always saying how every Black man in the business was secretly gay..  It is how her how you doing phrase came to be.  That was always her code to the listeners when she was accusing somebody  of being gay without  having to say the word gay. It is why 50 cent hates her so much. She has accused him and others of being gay. I never thought it was right of her to out somebody if indeed they were in fact gay before they were ready. 

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1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

My TV service is out, so thanks for the recaps you guys!

Wendy is doing exactly what I predicted. She's gonna turn into Sasha FauxFierce and pretend she has been "in charge" of this whole business all along. She will soak up all the compassion and adoration of others and pretend her life is fabulous (whether it is or not) going forward.

Well played, Wendy. Well played.

Possibly "well played". But definitely NOT believed by most of us. Wendy is kind of easy to read. She has been for a long time. "ALL IS WELL IN HUNTERVILLE!" LOL!

And her comment about her diaper changing days are over.....Big Kev and Sharina aren't changing diapers either. The nanny they hired with Wendy's money is cleaning the poop.

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32 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

And her comment about her diaper changing days are over.....Big Kev and Sharina aren't changing diapers either. The nanny they hired with Wendy's money is cleaning the poop.

All while Busted Kelvin and his ho are out spending her money on fancy dinners, luxury cars, and apartments.  

This divorce is going to last forever.  It'll be at least a year before everything is divided up and spousal support (from Wendy to Kelvin) is finalized.  

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6 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

And why is she saying she's " moving on with her son"?

I thought her son was away at college for the past year. She said many times she and Kelvin were empty nesters after they took him to college last year. Did she lie about that, too. Now in a Page Six article I read today she said he's with her and he's going to school in August. So who's been taking care of baby Kev while she's been in rehab and sober house and Kelvin has been pre-occupied with side peice?

The way she talks about her addictions she makes it sound like she's been drinking and drugging again for a long time, not just the past few months. She contradicts herself constantly which is why I'm gonna believe only half of what the new Wendy says. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

She contradicts herself constantly which is why I'm gonna believe only half of what the new Wendy says

Yeah. She's FOS and until/unless she can face her problems (addiction which never ends, divorcing an abuser, public humiliation etc) she will never heal. 

I know a lot of PT posters think I'm way too hard on Wendy but Wendy will never get better if she keeps hiding from the truth.  

I'm NOT a psychiatrist/therapist/ doctor,  but I keep hoping that WW will learn how to come out of this big pile of shit, deceit, betrayal, embarrassment with dignity and respect. But I dont think she knows how to do that. Bad PR and "friends" in her life? Maybe. The more of the truth that comes out, the deeper Wendy buries her head. 

I dont wish ill will on anyone (except child molesters and animal abusers) 

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Wendy is definitely way more clear eyed.  Shes joking about sexy men and being on the loose.  Even making jokes about men in debt and saying we're not talking about my business lol. 

Still can't stand Wendy but I hope she is free of that loser. 

Her sister visiting is a good sign. 

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6 hours ago, TVbitch said:

My TV service is out, so thanks for the recaps you guys!

Wendy is doing exactly what I predicted. She's gonna turn into Sasha FauxFierce and pretend she has been "in charge" of this whole business all along. She will soak up all the compassion and adoration of others and pretend her life is fabulous (whether it is or not) going forward.

Well played, Wendy. Well played.

3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I thought her son was away at college for the past year. She said many times she and Kelvin were empty nesters after they took him to college last year. Did she lie about that, too. Now in a Page Six article I read today she said he's with her and he's going to school in August. So who's been taking care of baby Kev while she's been in rehab and sober house and Kelvin has been pre-occupied with side peice?

The way she talks about her addictions she makes it sound like she's been drinking and drugging again for a long time, not just the past few months. She contradicts herself constantly which is why I'm gonna believe only half of what the new Wendy says. 

I’m sure Grandma & Grandpa are up from Florida to over see things in Jersey.  A nice headache at their age.

Edited by Gem 10
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13 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I thought her son was away at college for the past year. She said many times she and Kelvin were empty nesters after they took him to college last year. Did she lie about that, too. Now in a Page Six article I read today she said he's with her and he's going to school in August. So who's been taking care of baby Kev while she's been in rehab and sober house and Kelvin has been pre-occupied with side peice?

The way she talks about her addictions she makes it sound like she's been drinking and drugging again for a long time, not just the past few months. She contradicts herself constantly which is why I'm gonna believe only half of what the new Wendy says. 

I don't think she ever stopped drinking.  Too much talk about popping bottles.

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16 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Yeah. She's FOS and until/unless she can face her problems (addiction which never ends, divorcing an abuser, public humiliation etc) she will never heal. 

I know a lot of PT posters think I'm way too hard on Wendy but Wendy will never get better if she keeps hiding from the truth.  

I'm NOT a psychiatrist/therapist/ doctor,  but I keep hoping that WW will learn how to come out of this big pile of shit, deceit, betrayal, embarrassment with dignity and respect. But I dont think she knows how to do that. Bad PR and "friends" in her life? Maybe. The more of the truth that comes out, the deeper Wendy buries her head. 

I dont wish ill will on anyone (except child molesters and animal abusers) 

You’re not too hard.  You tell the truth.

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NJ has some interesting takes on divorce and how a couple splits their assets. I think Wendy went to the rehab and sober house to show a judge that she’s changed. I’m sure Big Kev was trying to use her abuse to get a bigger bit of the pot. To counter this she went to get “help”. You know she is going to use the Sharina stuff and the baby against him. I cringe seeing all of the dosh he is spending on the cars and jewelry for his baby mama because I think he’s trying to spend as much as he can and hide the assets by putting them in Sharina’s name. That way it is a done deal in court. Wendy doesn’t have someone to hide her money with; not that I think that she trusts anyone. 

Please please don’t let the divorce records be sealed. That will be where all the details and juice will be. 

I also hope that Big Kevin got enough of an income from being her manager (10%) and EP of the show so that she doesn’t have to give him much spousal support. IMO he has humiliated her by blatantly parading his side piece. 

Little Kev is 18 so their will be no child support other than college expenses. 

Who will get the dog? That is if they still even have him. Poor animal. Even thinking that he (a BIG dog) lived in a condo with never having room to run makes me sad. 

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Wendy should just report the hot topics.  She should NOT tell people what to do or give them her opinion.  She is not a Doctor or Therapist, therefore is not qualified.  BTW, the hot topics are getting boring.  Who are these people, besides Tiger Woods and Justin Bieber?

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From TMZ:


Wendy Williams' estranged husband will not be an executive producer on the show for long ... production sources tell TMZ.

Our sources say the deal-breaker for Kevin Hunter is not about his duties on the show ... it's about Wendy's mental and physical health. We're told she's doing great now, but our sources say it's apparent Kevin's presence on the set causes her stress. 

Case in point ... a week ago there was a major blowup on the set between Wendy and Kevin. We're told security had to step in between them and Kevin was temporarily removed from the area. And, our sources say there have been several other blowups as well. 

We're told Wendy and Kevin are close to reaching "an accord" whereby he'd step down as executive producer.

As for Kevin -- who allegedly just fathered a baby with his mistress -- he released a statement Tuesday, saying, "I am not proud of my recent actions and take full accountability and apologize to my wife, my family and her amazing fans."  

Kevin goes on to say ... "I am going through a time of self-reflection and am trying to right some wrongs."

Edited by druzy
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18 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

So who's been taking care of baby Kev while she's been in rehab and sober house and Kelvin has been pre-occupied with side peice?

Haha! Good point. Maybe Lil Kev has had the place to himself? Maybe WW was only in sober living on weekdays? A lot of lies and b.s. coming from WW and her publicity people. 

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26 minutes ago, druzy said:

From TMZ:

Hmmm.  Just thinking.  There are two sides to every story.  Let’s be fair here.  What exactly is Kevin Hunters side of this story?  He’s been asking Wendy for a divorce for years, and she was saying no.  Inquiring minds want to know.  “How you doin” Kevin?  We want to know your side, if there is one.

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4 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Hmmm.  Just thinking.  There are two sides to every story.  Let’s be fair here.  What exactly is Kevin Hunters side of this story?  He’s been asking Wendy for a divorce for years, and she was saying no.  Inquiring minds want to know.  “How you doin” Kevin?  We want to know your side, if there is one.

If he's been wanting a divorce from Wendy all he had to do was ass it up to an extreme.  Public scrutiny is the only reason (in MHO) why she's divorcing him now.  If he'd totally moved out and moved on earlier, she would've had to do this earlier.  

I agree there are two sides here but I also think he didn't really want a divorce because it means the cash cow is drying up.  I have no idea about his contracts but his job as EP is gone and soon his job as manager will be dissolved also.  They'd still be living a lie if it were up to him.

Edited by Destiny74
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I love that he too will now be working on his sobriety.  I guess he sees Wendy getting good pr from that. 

I am not saying he isn't working on his sobriety , he might be.  It is interesting that he threw that into the statement. I'm actually surprised he put out a statement. 

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Omg like his recent actions of the past 10 yrs? That article makes me sick. This guy is better off just keeping his mouth shut!

37 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I love that he too will now be working on his sobriety.  I guess he sees Wendy getting good pr from that. 

I am not saying he isn't working on his sobriety , he might be.  It is interesting that he threw that into the statement. I'm actually surprised he put out a statement. 

He's probably just trying to make nice now in the hopes of getting a better settlement. 

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EXCLUSIVE: Wendy Williams' estranged husband Kevin Hunter apologizes in vain as he is FIRED from her show and has been given 48 hours to clear out from their marital home while the $215K Ferrari he bought for his baby mama is towed away

Kevin Hunter, 47, was fired from the show to ensure Wendy's mental and physical health, although the two were planning on working out things amicably, sources told DailyMail.com.


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10 minutes ago, NowVoyager said:

EXCLUSIVE: Wendy Williams' estranged husband Kevin Hunter apologizes in vain as he is FIRED from her show and has been given 48 hours to clear out from their marital home while the $215K Ferrari he bought for his baby mama is towed away

Sweet, sweet justice! I hope Wendy will become stronger and stronger when she realizes how many fans, friends and celebs support her. The truth will set you free, Wendy! Now go get a book deal!

One question, though. Why would the Ferrari get towed? If it's in his or side peice's name they can't tow it. Unless he put it in the corporation name then I guess they can seize it. I hope this whole story is true and this POS ends up eating shit out of his dog's bowl!

Edited by bichonblitz
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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Omg like his recent actions of the past 10 yrs? That article makes me sick. This guy is better off just keeping his mouth shut!

I think they are both hiding things and both nuts.  Who’s not talking .. who’s talking too much now.  A few weeks ago, Wendy said things were good in Huntersville .. then turned around and filed for divorce.  Very weird.  Both of them.  There’s more to this story and a lot of money going around.

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2 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I love that he too will now be working on his sobriety.  I guess he sees Wendy getting good pr from that. 

I am not saying he isn't working on his sobriety , he might be.  It is interesting that he threw that into the statement. I'm actually surprised he put out a statement. 

I’m more worried about the dog she loved so dearly more than him.  Things are coming out bit by bit now. Oh, and don’t forget, we now have Christie Brinkley on the case.  She’s very experienced, lol.

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26 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I’m more worried about the dog she loved so dearly more than him.  Things are coming out bit by bit now. Oh, and don’t forget, we now have Christie Brinkley on the case.  She’s very experienced, lol.

I hope the dog went to a loving family.  Dogs feel the stress of a dysfunctional family.  

Christie Brinkley? I missed her involvement lol. Ok just looked up the connection lol, haven't watched today's show yet. 

Ok, I have to say after reading what CB said to WW. I can honestly say I never thought I would hear anyone talking to WW about her divorce on her show. I just thought she'd stay in the shitty marriage till the show ended.  Good for wendy I hope she is clearer in her thoughts and has decided to truly put her wants first.

Still dont like her but, yeah.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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14 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Omg like his recent actions of the past 10 yrs? That article makes me sick. This guy is better off just keeping his mouth shut!

I agree. Who gives a rat's ass what this POS has to say?! He's a big fat nobody who hitched his wagon to a famous woman. And I'd say the time for apologies has long passed. He is still trying to manipulate Wendy and I sure as hell hope she doesn't fall for it. 

I guess "recent actions" would mean impregnating another woman? Sorry, but no amount of self-refection will make that go away. 

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15 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

we now have Christie Brinkley on the case.  She’s very experienced, lol.

What??!! We know Christie has been married/divorced several times but I missed her involvement in WW current life. Does Christie consider herself a marital counselor?

I find it suspicious that WW just so happened to mention Christie in her hot topics several weeks ago and how CB has never eaten meat or seafood EVER in her entire life "if it has eyes, Christie has never eaten it" and she and Christie have been friends (?) from way back.

Monday's episode was not aired in my neck of the woods due to the funeral of a local fallen police officer. And yesterday, I just couldn't bring myself to watch Wendy. 

But I agree with the other posters who stated that we (Wendy's people!) have no idea what's true (probably almost nothing) and what is lies/embellishment/outright bullshit (probably almost everything)

I still don't like WW and probably never will. As far as the dog is concerned...good luck finding a good home for a 110-ish pound Cane Corso. I doubt we'll ever know what really happened to her dog. She'll lie and say she still has it. 

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I watched the show with Brinkley (first show I've seen in probably 2 years), and I think CB was suggesting that she could offer up some advice on the divorce front, not on the marriage front.

Apparently, CB just recently filed for the dissolution of her fourth (4th) marriage.  I guess that would indeed make her an expert.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

What??!! We know Christie has been married/divorced several times but I missed her involvement in WW current life. Does Christie consider herself a marital counselor?

I find it suspicious that WW just so happened to mention Christie in her hot topics several weeks ago and how CB has never eaten meat or seafood EVER in her entire life "if it has eyes, Christie has never eaten it" and she and Christie have been friends (?) from way back.

Monday's episode was not aired in my neck of the woods due to the funeral of a local fallen police officer. And yesterday, I just couldn't bring myself to watch Wendy. 

But I agree with the other posters who stated that we (Wendy's people!) have no idea what's true (probably almost nothing) and what is lies/embellishment/outright bullshit (probably almost everything)

I still don't like WW and probably never will. As far as the dog is concerned...good luck finding a good home for a 110-ish pound Cane Corso. I doubt we'll ever know what really happened to her dog. She'll lie and say she still has it. 

When conceited Christy was on she mentioned Wendy’s divorce and said “I have a good lawyer .. we’ll talk later”.  

Wendy is slick.  A lot of people, including me, were not watching her show.  Since the Sober House and divorce came out, she has been letting out a few snippets here and there, and people are interested and started watching her show again.  She’s getting her fans back again as the divorce is progressing.  Everyone wants the details she is letting out bit by bit.  That’s how I see it anyhow because I’m watching again to see how she is responding to everything.  So far, she is doing good as we see it.  Big Kev isn’t running her life.  Plus,as of this morning, she has two dates for this weekend, lol.  Bye, Kev.

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Wendy burned Big Kev in the best way on her show today. She didn't even mention his name. She said that she's going to dinner with Charlamagne and a Ball with a bunch of other people that Big Kev hates.

Edited by druzy
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This morning Wendy is bragging about two guys asking her out to dinner - one is the DJ who works at the show as the hype man, and the other is her old partner Charlamange.   After some waffling about how to juggle two dates, Wendy said the compromise was that she is going out with both at the same time.  The audience went wild - the old crow has a date!

I think the DJ is looking for a sugar mama but maybe Charlamange may want to be friends again.

Edited by patty1h
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31 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

She’s getting her fans back again as the divorce is progressing.

IMO....she's only getting back fans who have been cheated on and lied to and trampled on by significant others and are desperate to find someone to commiserate with. Which is pretty much everyone who can't see through WW fakery.

 But her disrespect demeaning comments for many (celebrity) women she's featured on Hot Topics shows me that WW is 100% FOS. I've never heard any women on other national TV shows disrespect and demean women like Wendy does. She berates and belittles women who SHE doesn't find pretty, or their body shape isn't a "P" (gigantic boobs and flat ass). She comments on other womens' choices in husbands and fathers and"oops babies". 

I get it....she's being paid to report the dirt on celebrities. But I don't want to hear WW insincere opinion on these celebrities plights. 

And now her rabid fans are cheering for her cause she FINALLY is allegedly divorcing her cheating husband that she chose to stay with for 18 years. She'd still be with her man if it wasn't for the sidepiece having Kelvin's baby. ALL IS WELL IN HUNTERVILLE! (Queue the close up of gigantic diamond ring on Wendy's finger!) Such nonsense and b.s. Wendy is a despicable human being.


Edited by chenoa333
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I don't think she's getting her fans back - people like her audience members who bob their heads and clap at all the nasty stuff she comes out with have never left and never will.  They blindly are devoted to her for some reason.

I think more people are tuning in right now to see how she handles this divorce and then will stop watching again.  

She is a mean, jealous woman who relishes getting the dirt on people and that is not attractive.

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1 hour ago, patty1h said:

I think the DJ is looking for a sugar mama but maybe Charlamange may want to be friends again.


I love the way you spelled Charlemagne.....CharlaMange!❤Maybe WW can do drag queen shows as Charla Mange!😁

Edited by chenoa333
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My sister interned for Wendy back when she was on the radio with Charlemagne on WBLS.  According to my sister they were great friends and Charlemagne has never had anything bad to say about Wendy.  Charlemagne has never had the same energy for Kelvin Hunter, however.  

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Wendy can’t be too upset.  She ate everything on the table today except the tablecloth, haha.  And then asked to take the rest home.  I can’t eat when I’m upset.  

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What Wendy should do is not talk too much about the divorce right now. She should wait until it's final, and all of their business ties are severed, then write a book about the whole story to earn back some of the money he'll be taking in the financial settlement.

With New Jersey not being a no fault state, will his infidelity play a part in the division of assets and spousal support?

She made it clear in today's show that the no fraternization with the people who work there rule, as well as the estrangement from old friends, was all on Kevin. I like the shade she's throwing. I really thought the book she was holding(The Mister) was going to be a story about a cheating POS, but it's just another trashy sex book by the author of the 50 shades books. Then again, I haven't read it so, depending how the story goes, it could still be another jab at Kevin.

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