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S04.E14: The Skinny

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I'm ticked off that I missed most of this last night.  Oh well.....I'll catch up.  Is it On Demand?  The part that I did see, looked so staged.  OMG.  Everybody who watches reality tv show reunions knows that people have to get upset, angry, walk off, etc.  So funny......

That bruise looking thing on Buddy's eye seems to still be there. Hmmm....did they address that last night?  Or Buddy's health?  

I cringed when Whit was talking about losing her parents and how she never wants them to go away.  OMG.  Whit must realize that SHE'S in more danger than her parents based on her size alone!  She should get her priorities straight.  Her parents are worried about her and her mortality. That's extra stress for them.  Her getting healthy would help them.  I wish she could see it that way.   

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I don't see why we need to be attacking Jiya or her educational ambitions. We honeslty don't know enough about her to be making assumptions. We do know she was hired by tlc to be this seasons villian and she simply played that role. At least she has drive and ambition. That is way more than we can say for Whitney. She doesn't even have an actual job other than the tv show and has no plans to do so. 

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4 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

So excuse me if I don't exactly think Jiya is PhD material.  If she were, she'd have more important things on her mind than acting like a ratchet bitch on this stupid show.

I just want to say that you win the boards today for that. It's perfect.

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15 minutes ago, AmyB said:

I don't see why we need to be attacking Jiya or her educational ambitions. We honeslty don't know enough about her to be making assumptions. We do know she was hired by tlc to be this seasons villian and she simply played that role. At least she has drive and ambition. That is way more than we can say for Whitney. She doesn't even have an actual job other than the tv show and has no plans to do so. 

I agree with you, however, when someone appears on a reality TV show playing the villain it kind of becomes open season on them.

Personally I could care less about Jiya's career aspirations or what degree(s) she's getting from what schools. It's her superior attitude I didn't like. I also think her 'dancing' (which is a loose term obviously) is just plain skanky.

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Well, I think it's acceptable to consider having a tv show as your primary job.  I mean, what employer is going to allow you to take off work, to film your reality tv show?  And is it really worth it?  Based on her capability, it's unlikely that Whit would be able to make even a fraction of what TLC pays her.(Radio show hosts don't make much money at all, based on everything that I have heard and read for years.)  THEREFORE, I think it's very smart to put as much effort and energy as possible into the TLC gig.

  TLC likely pays her much more than she would get in a regular 9:00-5:00 job.  PLUS, with Whit's size.......man, I can't imagine how she has the energy to move around much.  With her weight, stress on her joints, pressure and pain in her feet! OMG.  How do you get out of bed everyday?  I would bet that many people her size are on disability.  I'm not saying that they should be, but, how can someone that size do much in the workforce?  They can't stand on their feet.  They likely can't walk much.  They likely can't sit for long periods of time.  Carrying that body weight must really render them so slow that they can't compete in the job market. Who would hire her, unless it's for the reality show.  I bet that job with the Grasshoppers was very low wage.  I'm NOT defending Whit or anyone else, just pointing out some realities of being super morbidly obese and the financial struggles it might bring. 

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10 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

If she were, she'd have more important things on her mind than acting like a ratchet bitch on this stupid show.


I mean she did get her small business national exposure for free along with what I am sure was plenty of local exposure. Would I want to come off looking like she did? No but I'm guessing her business got plenty of good exposure out of the deal.

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Yeah, the quickie grad degrees from outlet mall collegws are popular among coaches who want to be school administrators,  and don't have the academic ability.  It used to make me very angry when these idiots were making 3x my teacher's salary. 

I hold 2 Master's degrees from 2 accredited state universities, and I stated a Ph. D. program in Adult Edu ation, before I moved to another state when hubbue was relocated. Did not pursue the doctoral program because I didn't want to be a professor.  I liked teaching kids, so I went for the second M. A. In special education. 

Jiya can tout her degree, but she's just going to be a legend in her own mind.  

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12 hours ago, leighroda said:

I lol'd when Whitney was saying she was hoping to hang out a couple times and then maybe share a kiss by the 3rd time, maybe I'm old fashioned, but what ever happened to letting things happen when they happen, is it normal to plan things out like that? I have my general boundaries when it comes to dating, but nothing is a hard and fast rule where I expect to hold hands by the second hangout/date, or kiss by the third, but maybe I'm weird.

No, this totally speaks to her immaturity and lack of comfort in her personal social and professional life.

She is what, 33 or 34? Come on, you are way too old for this high school relationship bullshit. It's just all of Whit's desperation for a relationship and a feeling like it has to be accelerated because of her ticking clock. On one hand I kind of get it, I'm Whit's age, my siblings are younger than me and married with kids, same with most of the people I went to high school and college with and I get there is a little bit of pressure to conform but once you hit your thirties you kind of just need to relax and let things happen, you probably are not going to have the fairytale romance like you might in your early twenties and that isn't a bad thing. If you are in your thirties you should be dating people in their thirties or forties IMO. Ones that have their lives together and are happy and fulfilled being single and see if your lives merge together because once you are that age you really aren't going to change much as a person, you will in your twenties though.

Edited by John M
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15 hours ago, tdanaher said:

I'm just going to leave this here...


I'm overweight at 225 but OMG y'all, her upper arms are bigger than my thighs.  

I also have PCOS (recently diagnosed) and with medication, I've lost almost 60 pounds without exercise.  Is she sure she has PCOS or is it just an excuse?

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15 hours ago, DanaMB said:

OMG, what adult says "jelly?"

On another note, Buddy has issues and I don't think he's dating that girl any more. I'd think if he were, she would have gone out after him.


15 hours ago, AmyB said:

I had to fast forward through the pregnancy crap cuz it still pisses me the fuck off esp with me being pregnant now but struggling prior.  I tweeted to her that if you didn't want to string people along you should never done the facebook live post cuz that was low, cruel and solely for the show.

And now roy, poor roy, I feel so bad for him having to go through this crap with Twit.  He talks about it on the radio show and seems really really annoyed with it. 

and twit is now bisexual. or heteroflexible, so fucking dumb.

I love Maney! He's line got in! yay! Yeah Twit is a slut.  She is sooo starved for attention that she will go after whatever gives her the slightest bit of attention.

And now onto Jiya. Oh the dance battle that won't die.  I am over it basically.  Omg Jiya runs two business and is going for her PhD. wow I love her!

Luby is definitely late on his rent. Now he gets mad a storms off. He looks even worse.  I saw a video he posted a few days ago and he looks even worse than when this was filmed in March. Run Heather Run!

And the Fitness Marshall stuff ugh.  She doesn't go on tour with him, we know this. 

Well glad this train wreck is over. They start filming next month.  Interested to see if the radio station will be featured again.  I kind of hope not just cuz they seemed to be very annoyed with the camera crews after awhile.  


15 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

Don't you just know Whitney chose that black shiny get-up because she thought she'd be able to fool her facebook followers.  "Whitney, you look so svelte"  "Whitney, thirty pounds more and you'll be at goal"  "You're such an inspiration to me Whitney...I don't want to tie my shoes, hell, wear shoes,  I want to split my pants, smell dirty kitty litter and sweaty armpits...yup, I want a big fat fabulous life....sign me up".

And yes, for what it's worth I believe Whitney has packed on at least forty more pounds. 

She can crow all she wants about her fabulous life but if I were Glenn and Babs I would be seriously concerned about their daughters' health.  Her heart is encased in a solid mound of fat.  They can deny all they want but anyone can see she's in very bad health. 

I don't understand her parents at all.  Do they really need the money that much?  Color me baffled.

I think they're just enabling her.  I've always been curious as to whether their enabling created her, or they caved to her demands for enabling.

13 hours ago, Kid said:

I like Jiya's attitude and I like the fact that she appears to be driven to accomplish things.  No  playing the victim, that one.

Why do they sit Whitney off by herself.  It just highlights the fact that she fills half of a loveseat.

I felt sorry for Roy.   I hope he got paid well.

No matter what you think of Jiya, she owns her own business so almost certainly isn't lazy.

12 hours ago, auntjess said:

They didn't quiz Buddy on the rent like that, it's none of their business.  And Whit did throw him under the bus.

Personally, I think if you agree to become the supporting character on a reality show filmed in your home, that sort of thing is up for discussion.  

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35 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Well, I think it's acceptable to consider having a tv show as your primary job.  I mean, what employer is going to allow you to take off work, to film your reality tv show?  And is it really worth it?  Based on her capability, it's unlikely that Whit would be able to make even a fraction of what TLC pays her.(Radio show hosts don't make much money at all, based on everything that I have heard and read for years.)  THEREFORE, I think it's very smart to put as much effort and energy as possible into the TLC gig.

I thought I read somewhere around here that she was a theater major? At her size, especially, that has to be a difficult one to work with to make a living. If that's the case, then I can understand why this TLC gig looks like a good deal to her (& the people who know her). But personally I don't feel it's worth it & she should've focused on her health & a steady, less 'dynamic', career/job. She'll probably have a lot of personal recovery to do once this train derails.

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25 minutes ago, cdp73 said:

I also have PCOS (recently diagnosed) and with medication, I've lost almost 60 pounds without exercise.  Is she sure she has PCOS or is it just an excuse?

Both, haha ;) She definitely could lose weight if she wanted to. She just...doesn't want to, I guess. She would rather complain that society hates fat women. I wish I could ask her if society hates all fat women, or just mostly Whitney.

BTW congrats on your weight loss! That is amazing! (See, Whitney, it can be done!)

Edited to add: allow me to translate "heteroflexible": "I will kiss anything that will kiss me, especially if it will get me attention, whether positive or negative. Example: making out with my cats. I have kissed women before, which is totally shocking and revolutionary despite the fact that there are many straight women who have even had SEX with women before, and didn't bother coming up with a fancy name for it besides 'I was drunk and curious.' And didn't exploit the hot lesbo-style sex for attention or ratings, for some reason."

Edited by ClareWalks
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8 hours ago, Honey said:
16 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Whit's comment to Jiya: "I came in here and did not perform well." Seems to be a pattern. 

I've broken many toes. Always able to function and even run through it; just another Whit excuse to avoid "not performing well".

I hate defending her, sorry, but I've broken a toe, and you do not "run" on that shit.  Hell, I could barely even walk on my heel for a month.  It's some painful crap.

However, she only "sprained" her toe on the show. She says she broke it on the cruise, but there was never anything done about it. (The photos from the cruise don't show her in any sort of boot or splint. The cruise occurred before filming. If it had even been still slightly painful, it would have become a big deal on the show, if for no other reason than to promote her next cruise.

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A broken toe is the kind of injury that can either be a bit bothersome or EXTREMELY bothersome. My husband broke his big toe (at least we think he did, he never bothered to go for treatment because he is a big stupid MAN, haha - he may have torn a tendon or ligament), and he continued triathlon and marathon training on it for years afterward. He occasionally complained that it hurt, but otherwise the only real issue was that he could not flex it. It took a very long time to regain the ability to flex that toe, and the toenail on it is still dead as hell, but he has been able to maintain a very active lifestyle despite the injury.

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37 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Both, haha ;) She definitely could lose weight if she wanted to. She just...doesn't want to, I guess. She would rather complain that society hates fat women. I wish I could ask her if society hates all fat women, or just mostly Whitney.

Whitney's main problem in life is that she externalizes everything so that it's everybody else's fault. Todd, Buddy, Roy, all of her issues with them this season are interpreted by her as something wrong with THEM. She doesn't take a second to think about how she might need to change her attitude or behaviors.

Whether society hates fat women or not doesn't matter when the fact is that your own body hates your fat when you're Whitney's size. Heart disease isn't going to get better just because society starts to love fat women. Whitney needs to deal with that first. Her mom's stroke should have put some fear into her. I was kinda surprised at how casually they treated Babs saying she felt like a 6 on scale of 1 to 10. That says to me that she's not feeling very good. Maybe they're not comfortable addressing it on TV, but I would personally feel very anxious about my mom's health if she had a stroke then months later still felt like a 6. That's not really a good sign for the future. Once health issues start hitting elderly people, it seems to me like they progress quickly and it's not long until the end. I hope Babs lives a lot longer, though.

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Just now, M.F. Luder said:

Whether society hates fat women or not doesn't matter when the fact is that your own body hates your fat when you're Whitney's size.

Exactly this. Whitney focuses on her appearance so she doesn't have to focus on her actual health, which if the talk about her parents' mortality is any indication, probably terrifies her.

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28 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

She definitely could lose weight if she wanted to. She just...doesn't want to, I guess. She would rather complain that society hates fat women. I wish I could ask her if society hates all fat women, or just mostly Whitney.

Ha! Of course she could. As even she loves to point out, there was a time (when she was working out with Will the first time) that she lost 100 lbs.  So all the "PCOS keeps me fat" lamentation is contradicted by her own bragging about this. But her story around this weight loss is that she only accomplished it by setting an unsafe goal for herself. She wanted to lose over a hundred pounds in a few months, and she mostly succeeded, but only by restricting her eating in unsafe ways that Will was not aware of. (I think smoking heavily probably figured into this as well.) Then she promptly gained all the weight back, plus some. It seems the minute she stopped restricting her eating, her appetite exploded and her calorie intake went up accordingly. So again, not so much "PCOS keeps me fat" as "I have no idea how to eat healthy foods in reasonable portions to facilitate safe and consistent weight loss.")

Now her excuse is that she cannot bear to have her food intake restricted in any way. She believes that any stated restriction or rule (even ones that don't actually restrict her eating, but are aimed solely at making her aware of her unhealthy eating habits, like Will asking her to take pictures of the food she eats) will immediately send her spiraling down to the obsessive and scary behavior that drove her last significant weight loss. She apparently thinks that would be more dangerous to her health than continuing her current atrocious eating habits.

And no one can tell her she's wrong. No one can tell her there are ways to manage her food intake without triggering whatever reaction she claims to fear. It takes support and counseling, but she has access to all that. She is NOT hearing it. Because the truth is, she's addicted to junk food, she doesn't want to stop, she doesn't want to hear there are ways to bring her weight down in a mentally healthy way, she doesn't want to know when she's making poor food choices, she doesn't want to learn what a normal portion is, she WILL NOT STOP EATING WHATEVER SHE WANTS WHENEVER SHE WANTS.  Period, the end, tantrum in full bloom, don't you dare say anything different you hater!

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15 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

immediately send her spiraling down to the obsessive and scary behavior that drove her last significant weight loss. She apparently thinks that would be more dangerous to her health than continuing her current atrocious eating habits.

Yep, and she needs to face the fact that, once you get as heavy as she is, you are actually better off with a compulsive exercise habit or strict diet than you are with a "eat everything" habit, health-wise. I can see, if she were maybe 30 lb overweight, that it might be healthier for her to accept herself as-is, but she has over 200 extra pounds on her. Sorry, Whitney, but you are getting to "I could die any moment" levels of fat percentage.

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7 hours ago, Stephanie1216 said:

This so called reunion is like Sister Wives, they don't ask any tough questions.

They did to Buddy.

7 hours ago, Stephanie1216 said:

No one jump on me but is Mattie a transgender?

Yes, it was mentioned on at least one of the shows.

3 hours ago, RubyRena17 said:

Her poor parents seemed sad, befuddled and embarrassed. 

Glenn does, not sure that Babs is.

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I'm disappointed in the reunion for 2 reasons. First we didn't really learn anything new. Second it was still all about Whitney. If her Mom's stroke was so life changing and her mom is still feeling a 6, then Whitney should have spent more time on being an advocate for stroke awareness. So they spent 2 minutes literally on Babs. Why not tell the viewers the warning signs, what to do, preventative information? Whitney obviously has fans. It seemed like Roy, Jiya and all her couch friends complained about fans bullying them and sticking up for Whitney. Why doesn't Whitney use her influence for something other then whining about her problems.

Im torn about another season. I sure like to watch and read the forums but I think Whitney needs to get her life started like her dad said. Glenn didn't say much during the reunion, but his few words like, I want her to be settle in a career or get a life started with a long term partner. her parents paid for her to go to college and have supported her for more then 10 years after and she has found "it" yet, whether that it is marriage and family, a career , or even her health. I think her losing the show might force her to have to open a real dance class to the public 5 days a week 9-5 or start an everyday radio career and that sort of regular everyday activity and busier schedule  would probably help the weight loss and less night eating because she might be tired and sleep from actual work.

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Just FYI, (no offense to OP),  the correct terminology is transgender. Not "a transgender" or "transgendered". So, yes Mattie is transgender and most trans people without the benefit of lots of money for feminizing surgery would probably look more like Mattie and less like Caitlyn (although personally not a fan of the work Caitlyn has had done). Mattie also has male pattern baldness, so when her wig slipped off at BGDC, it was a sight to see. My mind immediately went to what that would look like if it happened during sex. Lol. I too wish she and all people who have a tooth missing in the smile line would get it replaced. But most people have little to no dental insurance.  I have 3 implants, and even with insurance they were very expensive. 

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5 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

or get a life started with a long term partner.

Well contrary to Whit's belief she can't browbeat someone into being a long term partner now is a super morbidly obese woman who can't tie her own shoes or regularly shower that lives with two roommates in her 30s with general personality problems such a fabulous catch.

Finding a long term partner is all well and good except someone else has to agree to it and I have feel like her options begin and end with chubby chasers or desperate famewhores.

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1 hour ago, silverspoons said:

If her Mom's stroke was so life changing and her mom is still feeling a 6, then Whitney should have spent more time on being an advocate for stroke awareness. So they spent 2 minutes literally on Babs. Why not tell the viewers the warning signs, what to do, preventative information?

I think Babs would prefer to keep her medical issues to herself. If she attempted to advocate for stroke education and prevention, it would bring up things such as what Babs could/should have done to better care for herself (justified or not). We already know Whitney's fans can be mean spirited (which is normal for this type of show due to the fake drama they intentionally create). Babs may prefer to not subject herself to that scrutiny. I don't blame her if that's her preference.

Moreover, this is the "fat fabulous life" of Whitney, not the "here's how to be more healthy" show. The instant Whit even begins to talk about Babs' health, she will be required to face her own health issues. Talking about Buddy's finances is much more Whitney's speed.

Edited by Complexity
to correct autocorrection
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18 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Would someone  please tell me what set him off? I got a phone call at that time and had to mute the T.V.

If you mean Buddy, I really don't know. The questions he was being asked weren't any more intrusive than those asked of others on the show. I really didn't understand his level of anger to the point of leaving the building. It made no sense to me.

18 hours ago, aliya said:

I admit to occupying what few brain cells I have left on other stuff during the show. I missed the jelly reference. Surely it's OK to call strawberry jelly, jelly (tho strawberry preserves are better)? Was someone talking about something besides the sweet, wiggly, jewel-like food we all know and love?

I think Whitney thinks saying dumb shit like that makes her seem young and hip.

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2 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

If you mean Buddy, I really don't know. The questions he was being asked weren't any more intrusive than those asked of others on the show. I really didn't understand his level of anger to the point of leaving the building. It made no sense to me.

My guess is that Buddy feels like a loser, so when he thinks the show is highlighting one of his loser-like qualities, it hits a raw nerve. And he's emotionally immature so he resorts to passive aggressive behavior like doing the "talk to the hand" gesture and walking away to sulk. 

When Whitney comforted her dad by saying "I'm not Todd level gay", I was offended on his behalf. There are a lot of instances in which I think Whitney treats Todd with casual disrespect, but he doesn't seem to mind it most of the time. Using him as an example as someone who is really super gay and then reassuring your dad that at least you're not at THAT level seems like a really disrespectful thing to do for no reason, and right in front of his face. Bet she wouldn't like it if she and Donna were chatting with someone and Donna said "I'm a bit chubby, but I'm not Whitney level fat".

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5 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

If you mean Buddy, I really don't know. The questions he was being asked weren't any more intrusive than those asked of others on the show. I really didn't understand his level of anger to the point of leaving the building. It made no sense to me.

I didn't watch the whole show, but I think he had a problem with the fact that (he says) he offered to pay her the rent multiple times, and she'd say, "Just give me the money later."  And when the specific scene was shot about her demanding he sign a lease, he had written her out a check right then and there for whatever he owed her, and they didn't show that on camera.  They really made him look like a deadbeat.  He was trying to get Twitney to confirm that he was paid up on his rent when The Skinny was being filmed, but she sat there with a dumb(er than usual) look on her face, hinting he wasn't paid up.

Don't know the truth of that specific issue, but I wouldn't want to be Twit's friend.  She doesn't show an iota of loyalty to them.  She seems to be out looking for buses under which to throw them.

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2 minutes ago, M.F. Luder said:

When Whitney comforted her dad by saying "I'm not Todd level gay", I was offended on his behalf. There are a lot of instances in which I think Whitney treats Todd with casual disrespect, but he doesn't seem to mind it most of the time. Using him as an example as someone who is really super gay and then reassuring your dad that at least you're not at THAT level seems like a really disrespectful thing to do for no reason, and right in front of his face.

I haven't seen the episode yet but yeah, that is incredibly offensive. I get the impression that Whit thinks she is somehow part of the LGBT community and that gives her license to be insensitive.

No, Todd isn't any gayer than any other gay man or lesbian and fuck you for suggesting that he is and that it is somehow less desirable because he has more flamboyant mannerisms.

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2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:


BTW congrats on your weight loss! That is amazing! (See, Whitney, it can be done!)

Edited to add: allow me to translate "heteroflexible": "I will kiss anything that will kiss me, especially if it will get me attention, whether positive or negative. Example: making out with my cats. I have kissed women before, which is totally shocking and revolutionary despite the fact that there are many straight women who have even had SEX with women before, and didn't bother coming up with a fancy name for it besides 'I was drunk and curious.' And didn't exploit the hot lesbo-style sex for attention or ratings, for some reason."

Not to mention LUGs.

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I agree about the Todd statement, I was just coming to mention that because I had forgotten. Everyone has different views when it comes to being gay, so while I think it's sad Glenn views it as negative, I understand he came from a different time/culture and is allowed his opinion, and I weirdly respect him for being willing to voice his view even if it's not the popular one. Whitney on the other hand champions herself as some sort of activist but let's her true colors show by making statements like "I'm not gay like Todd" like it's a negative thing. It also reinforces that the date with Amanda was a storyline and nothing more. 

I have mixed feelings on the higher education thing. I got my nursing degree from a school that is similar to strayer and the other ones mentioned. I have my reasons, but none were the coursework for a traditional university would have been too hard. It's a long story and complicated situation, but basically I had tried for years to go back to school to be a RN (I was a medical asst before) but my job would not allow me to cut down to part time because I was hired as full time and nursing school is full time there is no part time option. I finally packed up and moved to another state to live with my sister so I could afford to not work more than part time and go to school. Since I had moved from out of state I would have had to pay out of state tuition, and had been waitlisted for the schools in the area. When the idea popped up to go to the school I wound up at I initially rejected it, honestly for the reasons being shown here, I was afraid my degree would be seen as "less than" by others regardless of the work I put in. After another round of waitlisting I decided to bite the bullet and go to a trade school. At the end of the day I would be an RN and the school I got it from wouldn't matter as much, but I didn't want to be put off for another semester/year depending on the school. I am disappointed that I am not proud of the school I got my degree from, but at the end of the day I have the degree and that's what matters as far as jobs are concerned. All that being said I do thing a doctorate is a little different, I'm not sure I'd be as willing to sacrifice for that, but it's not my decision.

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Most of what I came here to say has been touched on by others already.  Buddy looks absolutely awful, like one of the aliens from Men in Black trying to squeeze into a body that's too small for them. He and Heather didn't even acknowledge each other during the show. I get the feeling that relationship is done but they just don't want to say it. If not, run, Heather, run! If Buddy chases you, it'll be good for his health. 

I wish they would have had Wil on the show. Of course, then Twit might actually have to address her weight. 

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46 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

If you mean Buddy, I really don't know. The questions he was being asked weren't any more intrusive than those asked of others on the show. I really didn't understand his level of anger to the point of leaving the building. It made no sense to me.

That whole Buddy scene was nothing more than fake drama. Buddy was trying to act.

ETA: I'm not saying there isn't something going on between Buddy and Whitney regarding the rent, but that Buddy's on camera "temper tantrum" was faked for the cameras.

Edited by Complexity
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26 minutes ago, Dot said:

Not to mention LUGs.

Those too! Yeah, Whitney of course comes up with "heteroflexible" but what she really means is "bi-curious." She will kiss women and go on the occasional date, but clearly she doesn't have any actual romantic interest in women, since she said she will end up with a man (GOD WILLING. Although my God would never do that to any man).

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26 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I agree about the Todd statement, I was just coming to mention that because I had forgotten. Everyone has different views when it comes to being gay, so while I think it's sad Glenn views it as negative, I understand he came from a different time/culture and is allowed his opinion, and I weirdly respect him for being willing to voice his view even if it's not the popular one. Whitney on the other hand champions herself as some sort of activist but let's her true colors show by making statements like "I'm not gay like Todd" like it's a negative thing. It also reinforces that the date with Amanda was a storyline and nothing more. 

I have mixed feelings on the higher education thing. I got my nursing degree from a school that is similar to strayer and the other ones mentioned. I have my reasons, but none were the coursework for a traditional university would have been too hard. It's a long story and complicated situation, but basically I had tried for years to go back to school to be a RN (I was a medical asst before) but my job would not allow me to cut down to part time because I was hired as full time and nursing school is full time there is no part time option. I finally packed up and moved to another state to live with my sister so I could afford to not work more than part time and go to school. Since I had moved from out of state I would have had to pay out of state tuition, and had been waitlisted for the schools in the area. When the idea popped up to go to the school I wound up at I initially rejected it, honestly for the reasons being shown here, I was afraid my degree would be seen as "less than" by others regardless of the work I put in. After another round of waitlisting I decided to bite the bullet and go to a trade school. At the end of the day I would be an RN and the school I got it from wouldn't matter as much, but I didn't want to be put off for another semester/year depending on the school. I am disappointed that I am not proud of the school I got my degree from, but at the end of the day I have the degree and that's what matters as far as jobs are concerned. All that being said I do thing a doctorate is a little different, I'm not sure I'd be as willing to sacrifice for that, but it's not my decision.

I admire your persistence. And your choice of a career so much more giving than most.

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28 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I agree about the Todd statement, I was just coming to mention that because I had forgotten. Everyone has different views when it comes to being gay, so while I think it's sad Glenn views it as negative, I understand he came from a different time/culture and is allowed his opinion, and I weirdly respect him for being willing to voice his view even if it's not the popular one. Whitney on the other hand champions herself as some sort of activist but let's her true colors show by making statements like "I'm not gay like Todd" like it's a negative thing. It also reinforces that the date with Amanda was a storyline and nothing more. 

I have mixed feelings on the higher education thing. I got my nursing degree from a school that is similar to strayer and the other ones mentioned. I have my reasons, but none were the coursework for a traditional university would have been too hard. It's a long story and complicated situation, but basically I had tried for years to go back to school to be a RN (I was a medical asst before) but my job would not allow me to cut down to part time because I was hired as full time and nursing school is full time there is no part time option. I finally packed up and moved to another state to live with my sister so I could afford to not work more than part time and go to school. Since I had moved from out of state I would have had to pay out of state tuition, and had been waitlisted for the schools in the area. When the idea popped up to go to the school I wound up at I initially rejected it, honestly for the reasons being shown here, I was afraid my degree would be seen as "less than" by others regardless of the work I put in. After another round of waitlisting I decided to bite the bullet and go to a trade school. At the end of the day I would be an RN and the school I got it from wouldn't matter as much, but I didn't want to be put off for another semester/year depending on the school. I am disappointed that I am not proud of the school I got my degree from, but at the end of the day I have the degree and that's what matters as far as jobs are concerned. All that being said I do thing a doctorate is a little different, I'm not sure I'd be as willing to sacrifice for that, but it's not my decision.

I'm assuming that to be an RN you had at least some hands on training either at a hospital or in a classroom. Being a nurse is no joke and I have no doubt you wouldn't be out there working if you couldn't cut the mustard academically. My issue is with the phone it in, totally for profit, never attend a class or lab in person, fully online, never even see a professor, diploma farms. I perhaps should have been a bit more clear about that. I have nothing against tech schools, trade schools, what have you. It's really the for-profit online only tv schools where you never even see a classroom degrees that people claim and make me feel like my own degrees are somehow diminished. 

I thought Whitney had lost weight but she really looks bigger :/ and is definitely getting the butt wings. 

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16 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Those too! Yeah, Whitney of course comes up with "heteroflexible" but what she really means is "bi-curious." She will kiss women and go on the occasional date, but clearly she doesn't have any actual romantic interest in women, since she said she will end up with a man (GOD WILLING. Although my God would never do that to any man).

Actually, Twit is hetero-desperate.

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11 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Those too! Yeah, Whitney of course comes up with "heteroflexible" but what she really means is "bi-curious." She will kiss women and go on the occasional date, but clearly she doesn't have any actual romantic interest in women, since she said she will end up with a man (GOD WILLING. Although my God would never do that to any man).

Heteroflexible is a real thing but come on, she went on one fake date with a staged kiss, that means NOTHING more than a Katy Perry song.

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29 minutes ago, Complexity said:

That whole Buddy scene was nothing more than fake drama. Buddy was trying to act.

ETA: I'm not saying there isn't something going on between Buddy and Whitney regarding the rent, but that Buddy's on camera "temper tantrum" was faked for the cameras.

I don't know. I think we're too quick to blame things on "the producers" or other phony constructs. While there's plenty of phoniness on this show, I don't know that I would credit Buddy with being so good an actor as to pull  off that little tantrum and make it seem that genuine.

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2 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

I don't know. I think we're too quick to blame things on "the producers" or other phony constructs. While there's plenty of phoniness on this show, I don't know that I would credit Buddy with being so good an actor as to pull  off that little tantrum and make it seem that genuine.

I guess I saw it differently. I didn't see his tantrum as good acting. It looked poorly done and unbelievable to me. Of course, I have no way of knowing for sure.

If it was real, then his behavior made him out to be a bigger looser than he feared the show was doing.

Edited by Complexity
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1 hour ago, M.F. Luder said:

When Whitney comforted her dad by saying "I'm not Todd level gay", I was offended on his behalf. There are a lot of instances in which I think Whitney treats Todd with casual disrespect, but he doesn't seem to mind it most of the time.

It's amazing what one will put up with for a reality show paycheck. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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From Wikipedia: 

Heteroflexibility is a form of a sexual orientation or situational sexual behavior characterized by minimal homosexual activity in an otherwise primarily heterosexual orientation that is considered to distinguish it from bisexuality. It has been characterized as "mostly straight".

LOL I love the phrase "situational sexual behavior," that basically sounds like Whitney in a nutshell.

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5 hours ago, AmyB said:

I don't see why we need to be attacking Jiya or her educational ambitions. We honeslty don't know enough about her to be making assumptions. We do know she was hired by tlc to be this seasons villian and she simply playedI that role. At least she has drive and ambition. That is way more than we can say for Whitney. She doesn't even have an actual job other than the tv show and has no plans to do so. 

I may not be a fan of the online schools but I totally respect Jiya's ambitions more than Whitney's. Hell, at least she's being proactive in doing something and seems to work her butt off (literally, with all the twerking). 

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I appreciated that Jiya came up with a reason to apologize to Whitney, and that it was because Jiya felt bad that Whitney didn't feel accomplished in her class, that she wants everyone who takes her class to feel like they did good for themselves. That was a really professional thing to say, as a fitness class instructor, and to take responsibility for Whitney's [broke ass] not feeling like she did her best in the workout. I will also say the ONE TIME I respected Whitney this season was when Whitney said "no, that was on me, I was ashamed that I didn't dance better."

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43 minutes ago, scoopski potata said:

I'm assuming that to be an RN you had at least some hands on training either at a hospital or in a classroom. Being a nurse is no joke and I have no doubt you wouldn't be out there working if you couldn't cut the mustard academically. My issue is with the phone it in, totally for profit, never attend a class or lab in person, fully online, never even see a professor, diploma farms. I perhaps should have been a bit more clear about that. I have nothing against tech schools, trade schools, what have you. It's really the for-profit online only tv schools where you never even see a classroom degrees that people claim and make me feel like my own degrees are somehow diminished. 

I thought Whitney had lost weight but she really looks bigger :/ and is definitely getting the butt wings. 

You have a point that I don't think I made well earlier. I have no issue with trade schools, technical skills, online classes from accredited universities, etc. There are many predatory schools out there however, and they're getting worse. They don't require real work but they offer "degrees" for VERY real money. Graduates are finding that most jobs won't accept their credentials from these diploma farms. The government has been cracking down on them for awhile but there's still quite a few out there. THOSE are the ones I have a problem with. Not only do they not have real classrooms, but the teachers don't have to be certified or hold degrees in the fields they teach and it's all for profit. I have no idea if Jiya is involved in this kind of school or not. What I do appreciate about Jiya, though, is that she is out there working it and puts her money where her mouth is. And on the reunion show I thought she came across as poised, gracious, and well-spoken. I wish the Whitney fans would understand that she was most likely playing a role and quit the hate bashing and doing what might be irreparable damage to her business. 

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5 hours ago, John M said:


I mean she did get her small business national exposure for free along with what I am sure was plenty of local exposure. Would I want to come off looking like she did? No but I'm guessing her business got plenty of good exposure out of the deal.

OK, if you think acting like a ratchet bitch on national TV is fine if it means she can support her business and I presume her education since we now know she must have tuition bills to pay too.  I don't happen to think those means are justified by those ends.  She could have done it in better ways without coming off as crude and classless, especially if she supposedly has all that education.  And what kind of example is she setting for the kids she had dancing with her in the dance battle?  That it's OK to act like a ratchet bitch on a smarmy reality show and engage in tacky/classless synchronized twerking as long as it's for a "worthy" goal?  Just Ugh.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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I'm not defending her behavior on the show, but it does seem like Jiya is running a legitimate dance school when it comes to the kids. She posts on facebook about them winning titles at dance competitions performing routines that you would likely deem to have more class than twerking. The dance battle with Whitney was likely just a fun opportunity for them to be on tv, and something they could probably do with no practice time needed. 

Whitney acts like a delusional bitch on national TV and also comes off as crude and classless, so I don't really have too much contempt for Jiya playing her ratchet counterpart. It's the nature of the show. You can't come on and be calm and professional. That's what Will does and he's been relegated to a supporting character whose role is to pump up Whitney's ego every time she has some mediocre accomplishment. 

If Jiya was allowed to speak more and drop her tough girl act, I think she would actually have something insightful to say. She gave a hint at that in this episode where she said Whitney plays the victim and she thinks too many big women want to be rewarded for doing unremarkable things (I don't remember exactly what she said). I think this is a great criticism for Whitney's whole attitude and it would be interesting to hear a little debate about this. Instead, the show wants to know if Jiya is willing to do a rematch. I've said it before, but Whitney's life and ambitions always seem more appropriate for a 13 year old. A dance battle is really something she cares about???

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59 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

From Wikipedia: 

Heteroflexibility is a form of a sexual orientation or situational sexual behavior characterized by minimal homosexual activity in an otherwise primarily heterosexual orientation that is considered to distinguish it from bisexuality. It has been characterized as "mostly straight".

LOL I love the phrase "situational sexual behavior," that basically sounds like Whitney in a nutshell.

You mean, I assume, that every situatuon Twit finds herself in is an excuse to behave sexually.

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