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Social Media: What's Up With Her?

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2 hours ago, Passing Strange said:

So that's what it is! I had the same reaction you did and couldn't figure out what the item was. Thank you.

I don't think it's a hand truck. I think what you're seeing is the frame of their baby's stroller. The bed part (basket? I know very little about babies) is behind  Ryan. 

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5 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Oh, of course!  I can't believe that in this day and age I didn't immediately assume there'd be a stroller for the couple's baby in every proposal photo.

Well, since you said you had no idea who the guy is, I immediately assumed you didn't realize they had a baby (to whom he referred when he said "MADDOX and I....", implying that the baby was with them.)

7 minutes ago, stoppro said:

Head chub rub applicator. I almost forgot.

Oh God, besides Todd, I’ve blocked out any other chub rub needs! God only knows what might have been asked for considering what she post and is shown on the show.   You know I used to think Buddy was a freeloader but he earned every damn penny he ever made off Whitney and then some.

Since Buddy seems to post his podcast , does/did anybody ever listen to it regularly?  If so did he ever say or post about what he majored in during his recent college years? I only heard one episode and he mentioned being in college but that was about it.

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47 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I don't follow her on insta. What does she say?

I’m not exactly sure it was on another message board… apparently there’s a video of a French guy (not Blur) dancing and a lady says, “what are you doing?”and the guy says, “I thought you liked French guys.” and the lady says, “No, thank you.” 🤷🏻‍♀️ At least I think that’s the gist.  Maybe the show is coming back on soon and they’re trying to build up excitement.  I really can’t remember when it went off or when it’s due back.

Edited by Irate Panda
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9 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

I’m not exactly sure it was on another message board… apparently there’s a video of a French guy (not Blur) dancing and a lady says, “what are you doing?”and the guy says, “I thought you liked French guys.” and the lady says, “No, thank you.” 🤷🏻‍♀️ At least I think that’s the gist.  Maybe the show is coming back on soon and they’re trying to build up excitement.  I really can’t remember when it went off or when it’s due back.

That was just...odd. you're probably right,  just something to whip the faithful into a frenzy. 

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12 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

Wasn't the story that she met LeBlur while he was her French tutor? She's currently shilling the app Babbel and saying it's the best way to learn a language - and how she is learning French. Ok....

She was too busy sexually harassing  LeBlur to learn anything. 

ETA: She's so enthralled with BABBEL (not Babel, Shitney) that she can't be bothered to spell the name of the product  correctly. 

Edited by Colleenna
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IG story that’s currently up on Whitney’s page is titled “Assumptions”  I’m paraphrasing some of the assumptions and answers

  • You are still with the Frenchman-Yes
  • You are learning about Islam-Yes
  • You’re done with MBFFL? No
  • You don’t like skinny dudes- Doesn’t really have a type except generally likes darker hair and skin
  • You are back with Lennie No, she’s in a relationship, she and Lennie just reconnected and she’s glad
  • You think losing weight will make you lose your show- No people love watching a weight loss story
  • You lost weight -Lost 70 pounds a while ago
  • You live alone- Her assistant lives with her
  • Henchi lives with her- Yes
  • Babs doesn’t know how great the world thinks she is- She doesn’t but Whitney wishes Babs did
  • She’s and introvert-Yes
  • You walk around the house naked- Almost always
  • You are secretly in love with Buddy -Lord..incorrect, but she loves him.
  • You’ve never dated interracially - Incorrect…she dated a black guy and a Korean guy
  • You’re generally a clean and tidy person at home-  Yes

Thats all I can remember….it’s not word-for-word but I think I got the gist of what she said. Pardon any errors and not remembering the other questions 

Edited by Irate Panda
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On 2/3/2022 at 7:10 AM, Irate Panda said:

IG story that’s currently up on Whitney’s page is titled “Assumptions”  I’m paraphrasing some of the assumptions and answers

  • You are still with the Frenchman-Yes
  • You are learning about Islam-Yes
  • You’re done with MBFFL? No
  • You don’t like skinny dudes- Doesn’t really have a type except generally likes darker hair and skin
  • You are back with Lennie No, she’s in a relationship, she and Lennie just reconnected and she’s glad
  • You think losing weight will make you lose your show- No people love watching a weight loss story
  • You lost weight -Lost 70 pounds a while ago
  • You live alone- Her assistant lives with her
  • Henchi lives with her- Yes
  • Babs doesn’t know how great the world thinks she is- She doesn’t but Whitney wishes Babs did
  • She’s and introvert-Yes
  • You walk around the house naked- Almost always
  • You are secretly in love with Buddy -Lord..incorrect, but she loves him.
  • You’ve never dated interracially - Incorrect…she dated a black guy and a Korean guy
  • You’re generally a clean and tidy person at home-  Yes

Thats all I can remember….it’s not word-for-word but I think I got the gist of what she said. Pardon any errors and not remembering the other questions 

She’s learning about Islam—what, like she tried on Judaism for Avi? 🙄 Why does this woman treat religions like fashion accessories? Whitney would never take it seriously—once this relationship is done, the interest in Islam will be also. 

Besides, she’d have to do many things not in her nature—covering up and being more modest being the first shocker for her. She may have a problem with Ramadan (what, not eat ALL DAY every day for a month?). And then there’s halal foods—Whitney wouldn’t be able to dove just whatever into her pie-hole anymore. 

If she’s lost 70 lbs, however, good for her. She gets props for that. I just don’t trust she’ll take Islam seriously, ever. 

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2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

If she’s lost 70 lbs, however, good for her. She gets props for that. I just don’t trust she’ll take Islam seriously, ever. 

Well she said 'a while ago' that could me last year or 15 years ago. So who knows. It's impossible to tell from photos since she manipulates them. 

And yea - no chance she would take Islam seriously. 

Maybe 'learning about Islam' is learning to deal with LeBlur saying 'well I can't visit you or be physically intimate with you because of my faith' so he doesn't have to say 'uh - I got my paycheck and the season is over. Why are you still stalking me'. 

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5 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

Well she said 'a while ago' that could me last year or 15 years ago. So who knows. It's impossible to tell from photos since she manipulates them. 

And yea - no chance she would take Islam seriously. 

Maybe 'learning about Islam' is learning to deal with LeBlur saying 'well I can't visit you or be physically intimate with you because of my faith' so he doesn't have to say 'uh - I got my paycheck and the season is over. Why are you still stalking me'. 

I think she said it was maybe 3 or 5 years ago but I couldn’t remember and as you said it’s hard to tell because a lot of her photos seem edited to me.

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On 1/20/2022 at 11:10 PM, Colleenna said:

Well, since you said you had no idea who the guy is, I immediately assumed you didn't realize they had a baby (to whom he referred when he said "MADDOX and I....", implying that the baby was with them.)

Back in my day, it was, "First comes love (not fornication), Then comes marriage, THEN comes Ryan with a baby carriage!".


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22 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

Well she said 'a while ago' that could me last year or 15 years ago. So who knows. It's impossible to tell from photos since she manipulates them. 

And yea - no chance she would take Islam seriously. 

Maybe 'learning about Islam' is learning to deal with LeBlur saying 'well I can't visit you or be physically intimate with you because of my faith' so he doesn't have to say 'uh - I got my paycheck and the season is over. Why are you still stalking me'. 

Clearly Whitney and I have different ideas about what “a while ago” means. To me, it means within the last several months. I should have known given her response was so vague.  Somehow, I still have hope that she pulls her shit together before she winds up on My 600 lb Life or some such situation. 

Nope, she wouldn’t be able to handle it. She can’t stay committed to anything longer than a few weeks. I can just imagine, after 2 Arabic language lessons, Whitney thinking she’s fluent. I took Arabic in college after studying both Akkadian and Hebrew (similar in roots and structure) and it was challenging even for me. 

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30 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

Clearly Whitney and I have different ideas about what “a while ago” means. To me, it means within the last several months. I should have known given her response was so vague.  Somehow, I still have hope that she pulls her shit together before she winds up on My 600 lb Life or some such situation. 

Nope, she wouldn’t be able to handle it. She can’t stay committed to anything longer than a few weeks. I can just imagine, after 2 Arabic language lessons, Whitney thinking she’s fluent. I took Arabic in college after studying both Akkadian and Hebrew (similar in roots and structure) and it was challenging even for me. 

A “while ago” was my fault…I was paraphrasing because I didn’t remember how long she said.  I think she said it was either 3 or 5 years ago. Although it’s always hard for me to know whether she lost any significant weight because her photos seem edited.

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4 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

A “while ago” was my fault…I was paraphrasing because I didn’t remember how long she said.  I think she said it was either 3 or 5 years ago. Although it’s always hard for me to know whether she lost any significant weight because her photos seem edited.

Oh no worries! Yeah, I shoulda known better than to have high hopes she did, well, ANYTHING that requires effort. 🤣

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5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Eh - there have always been children born out of wedlock; society just shames them a little less than they used to.

It's a LOT more common than it was, even just a couple of decades ago.  And way more common than the sixties and seventies.  We can continue the discussion in small talk,  if you like. Your choice. 

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11 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

Can someone who can see Whitney's IG please look at her story and tell me what the heck she's doing to her lips? It's a video so I can't take a screen shot. It looks like she's rubbing her lips with the opposite side of a toothbrush. 

I think she is using either salt or sugar to exfoliate her lips.

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3 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

For those of you who aren’t fortunate enough to have the shirtless Glenn beach pic hanging over your bed, Whitney was gracious enough to post it again for Glenn’s 76th birthday along with a text from Dadwee about panties. Can’t she just say “Happy Birthday Dad”  like a regular person. 



I'm praying really hard that his message about  "panties " was a typo .....

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5 hours ago, Colleenna said:

I'm praying really hard that his message about  "panties " was a typo .....

I really don’t know what it’s about, it’s probably something with a rather boring or less weird response like you offered like autocorrect but I think it’s weird Whitney seems to throw her parents into “sexually charged” (for lack of a better term) scenarios. Like the “suck it” conversation on the show.  I just think it’s odd, even if the show is pushing it which I’m not sure they are.

 I do think Whitney “cares” about her parents although I think it’s often in relation to how she sees them as an extension of herself instead of separate people, but I think it’s odd how she posts about them. Especially about Glenn, Babs I can write off to we’ve seen her say some questionable double entendres on the show, but Glen seems to say things that are turned into something  cringeworthy by Whitney (like the suck it conversation).  It just seems like weird boundary issues.  Then again half of what she is posting leaves me wondering “WTF?” Like the waiting for the Postmates guy post where she’s in a leotard with half her ass out.  It just makes zero sense to me why she thinks it’s great to post something like that. BTW so it’s clear I’m size 4 it would be weird for me to post something like that too, so it’s not a she can’t wear that because she’s fat.  I really wonder why or how she chooses what to have on SM because most of her posts that aren’t outright shills come off as weird or cringeworthy.  

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5 hours ago, Colleenna said:

Verrrrry interesting.  She had an IG post (NOT a "story," which lasts only 24 hours) shilling vibrators. The post has since been removed.  

Wonder why? 

Maybe the vibrator company found she was generating too much negative publicity and pulled the sponsorship?  I have yet to hear anyone say “Well, if it’s good enough for ol’ Quitney, it’s good enough for me!  I’m gonna get me one of those!”

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19 hours ago, Colleenna said:

Verrrrry interesting.  She had an IG post (NOT a "story," which lasts only 24 hours) shilling vibrators. The post has since been removed.  

Wonder why? 

I was wondering that too. She hasn't completely separated from the company because there is still a link to it on the IG page, but the post is gone. 

But do you know what link is NOT on her IG.... one for nobsactive. I checked and the app is still available but she isn't even bothering with a link on her IG page and I can't remember the last time she posted about it. I wonder if the subscribers are even getting new content.

Edited by 3girlsforus
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2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

But do you know what link is NOT on her IG.... one for nobsactive. I checked and the app is still available but she isn't even bothering with a link on her IG page and I can't remember the last time she posted about it. I wonder if the subscribers are even getting new content.

Another business venture dying from lack of work ethic or interest?  I’m not on Instagram but does Jess publicize it on her IG?

3 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

She's on Twitter promoting a new venture.  It's called NoBarriersLeadership.  WTF is this about?  It looks like it's some kind of course you pay for and Twit is the instructor. I took some screenshots. 


Screenshot 2022-02-23 at 09-00-28 No Barriers Leadership.png

Screenshot 2022-02-23 at 09-00-47 No Barriers Leadership.png


Screenshot 2022-02-23 at 09-01-01 No Barriers Leadership.png

The expression 'what the actual f$#@%' was built for stuff like this. 

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