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Steve and Justin's Story Pt 1 LIVE CHAT

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He was previously thrown out of the Rhode Island hospital. He knows exactly what he's doing. It's a sick, manipulative game but he's met his match.  I don't think Dad will be a bit surprised to get the call.  

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Throwing pee around, tormenting nurses, abusing pain meds. He is out, thank god! Love Dr. Now telling him they will drop him at a homeles shelter. Disgusting human being.

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I don't know.... I have too much compassion for the homeless to hope he gets sent to a shelter. Just kick him to the curb. Maybe THAT'S what the golf cart scene is about. Get him to the property line and PUSH.... ooppsies... he fell. BYE! 

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2 minutes ago, Lucelu said:

They are kicking him out. Good. Floor Party is happening after security escorts him out!

Head of hospital administration over intercom: "Steven ASSanti has left the building. Party in the staff lounge will commence immediately! Open bar and "medical" marijuana will be provided. Woohoo!!! That is all."

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Poor nurse sounded so frustrated and tired because Steven obviously spilled his urine on purpose. I feel like all her frustrations and anger just came out as tears. 

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Dr. Now was doing one of the "talk to the camera" bits and is interrupted by Steven's call button.  I burst out laughing.


Dr. Now gives him his warning lecture.  Then he comes back to lay some smackdown on Steven.  No holds barred....  Just a basic "Steven you're being an asshole, so get out."  I stood up and gave Dr. Now a round of applause.  I loved that Dr. Now went so far as to suggest he go to a homeless shelter. 



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Dad asks Dr. Now how soon he needs to get to Houston... you KNOW the response that went through Dr. Now's head was "uhhh like... last week". 

A psych eval??? Ya think? Sweet baby Jesus. I'll say it again. Heavy sedation and a pillow over the face.

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2 minutes ago, Suzy123 said:

Poor nurse sounded so frustrated and tired because Steven obviously spilled his urine on purpose. I feel like all her frustrations and anger just came out as tears. 

I could hear her voice quivering.  She was obviously trying very hard not to cry on camera.  Poor woman.

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Dad chuckling when Dr Now suggested Steven was on a food strike is everything. Hes trying to act sick enough to stay in the hospital and Dr. is having none of it.

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1 minute ago, Anchorabu said:

Mom:  "Sure turn away your help! Keep going the way you are, you can tell us what Jesus looks like!"

That's great! Kiss your mother for me.

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2 minutes ago, Anchorabu said:

Mom:  "Sure turn away your help! Keep going the way you are, you can tell us what Jesus looks like!"

I'm not thinking he's going to run into Jesus the way he's acting.  He's going further south than Houston.

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2 minutes ago, Anchorabu said:

Mom:  "Sure turn away your help! Keep going the way you are, you can tell us what Jesus looks like!"

OMG! Keep 'em coming Mom!

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15 minutes ago, aliya said:

I come from a family of 5 girls. There is such a different dynamic with guys and their fathers.  If my stepfather had said, "Don't be a jerk." we would have all broken out in tears.

Really? My dad called me a jerk on a regular basis. Mainly because I kinda was a little shit. But it made me the tough as nails take no shit gal that I am today.

Good on Dr. Now for protecting his staff. I always appreciate a boss that backs his people up. You dont get to be an asshole to the staff.

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GO DR. NOW!!!!  

I was hoping Dr. Now wasn't going to bend.  

I think that nurse was ready to pour what was left of the urine over him.  I "accidentally" would have.


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