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S05.E13: Steven and Justin's Story, Part 1

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I'm not so mad at Steven any more.  Yes he's a horrible piece of human garbage, but there are a lot of those.  I just kind of accept that fact and try to stay away from them.

I am the most mad at TLC for giving him yet more publicity so that they can get more ratings.  This used to be a show about helping people.

It kind of reminds me of the infamous Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church.  At least once per year they'd pull some odious stunt and all the news outlets would be like "OMFG look at these guys!  Aren't they awful?"  I was always like "Yes, and they've been awful for decades.  Stop talking about it.  People like this won't be shamed into changing because you don't like them!"

I guess I'm part of the problem by talking about it here.  But... well...  Part 2 will air on Wednesday.  Then maybe discussion of it will continue for, maybe 2 weeks tops?  Every now and then someone will come here after seeing it on a rerun and necropost to this thread.  But by May 1st Steven Assanti will fade back into obscurity once more, his horribleness inflicted only on a select few unfortunate enough to be in his orbit.

  • Love 7
31 minutes ago, Michael Stabosz said:

I'm not so mad at Steven any more.  Yes he's a horrible piece of human garbage, but there are a lot of those.  I just kind of accept that fact and try to stay away from them.

I am the most mad at TLC for giving him yet more publicity so that they can get more ratings.  This used to be a show about helping people.

It kind of reminds me of the infamous Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church.  At least once per year they'd pull some odious stunt and all the news outlets would be like "OMFG look at these guys!  Aren't they awful?"  I was always like "Yes, and they've been awful for decades.  Stop talking about it.  People like this won't be shamed into changing because you don't like them!"

I guess I'm part of the problem by talking about it here.  But... well...  Part 2 will air on Wednesday.  Then maybe discussion of it will continue for, maybe 2 weeks tops?  Every now and then someone will come here after seeing it on a rerun and necropost to this thread.  But by May 1st Steven Assanti will fade back into obscurity once more, his horribleness inflicted only on a select few unfortunate enough to be in his orbit.

This. But as we all know, TLC is famous for starting out being somewhat decent and then going down the Dr. Phil route--I guess they think the audience became bored with yet another weight loss success. I'm not liking the direction this show is going and if this is what the viewing public really wants, well then count me out (I've dealt with a few Stevens in real life, I don't need to see them in my off time). And as someone mentioned a while back, we can tell them how we feel with our record buttons. 

After part 2 if there are any more Stevens or James Ks, I'm done with this show. 

Edited by TurtlePower
  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Velisity said:

I just got to add one more thing before I go to bed. This guy has no intentions on losing weight and anything he does on TLC's 600lb life is going to be just another game to him. He has been on Dr. Phil, this reality TV show "House of hate". He was given a chance to be on "biggest loser", he has audition tapes for many, many shows to help him lose weight and all he has done is use them to get drugs. His father is in on it it seems like and doesn't care and the whole act his brother was doing wasn't REAL. He has a youtube channel dedicated to his brother. This whole thing is a huge scam. From him wanting help, to his brother and his father. There is a youtube video of his mother giving him a birthday cake, she is very thin and everything else. His entire life is a huge lie except one thing; his weight and he's going to die.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcvEs5InjFQ (Brother's youtube video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPVVhRj0zIg (Him and some girl... this one is very weird)

Just do a google search for Fatboygetdown and you'll see all the lies for yourself.

Interesting observations, especially about the brother. I found him to be a loser.  I thought the dad was on drugs as well.  

I didn't watch the videos, though. I'm sure they are fascinating.

1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

This. But as we all know, TLC is famous for starting out being somewhat decent and then going down the Dr. Phil route--I guess they think the audience became bored with yet another weight loss success. I'm not liking the direction this show is going and if this is what the viewing public really wants, well then count me out (I've dealt with a few Stevens in real life, I don't need to see them in my off time). And as someone mentioned a while back, we can tell them how we feel with our record buttons.

I knew TLC had a lot of trashy reality shows.  Just watching the commercials during this show makes that obvious.  But I always thought they started out trashy, not started out decent then become trashy. 


After part 2 if there are any more Stevens or James Ks, I'm done with this show. 

Me too.  Next week's show seems like it's going to be a followup on two previous patients who were successful.  I think next week, at least, will be okay.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, wings707 said:

Do you have links?

No, I just did a Google search.  You will see a picture of S. on his hospital bed with a woman leaning over and they're hugging.  That's the one.  What broke my heart, based on what we believe we know, is that he looks happy.  But we believe their troubles began with her leaving them.  Sad.  

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Velisity said:

I just got to add one more thing before I go to bed. This guy has no intentions on losing weight and anything he does on TLC's 600lb life is going to be just another game to him. He has been on Dr. Phil, this reality TV show "House of hate". He was given a chance to be on "biggest loser", he has audition tapes for many, many shows to help him lose weight and all he has done is use them to get drugs. His father is in on it it seems like and doesn't care and the whole act his brother was doing wasn't REAL. He has a youtube channel dedicated to his brother. This whole thing is a huge scam. From him wanting help, to his brother and his father. There is a youtube video of his mother giving him a birthday cake, she is very thin and everything else. His entire life is a huge lie except one thing; his weight and he's going to die.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcvEs5InjFQ (Brother's youtube video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPVVhRj0zIg (Him and some girl... this one is very weird)

Just do a google search for Fatboygetdown and you'll see all the lies for yourself.

if this is all a scam, then I've been played.  Especially if mom is in on it.  800 green mold-infested pounds is still a crappy way to go through life, but if he is choosing it and it is not part of mental illness (though, seriously, how can it NOT be mental illness?)- then I suppose that's that.   However, if it is all a scam, then they deserve Academy Awards.  

  • Love 5

Since watching this train wreck last week I have been trying to figure out who this Steven person reminds me of and it would come to the front of my mind then slip away.

My husband insisted that it had to have been someone I encountered when I did grad work in a mental facility.  That wasn't it.  It came to me late last night.

Robert Chambers.  The Preppy murderer.  Specifically the video of him twisting the Barbie doll's neck. 

He (sans 500 or so pounds) and Robert Chambers could be brothers more than Steven and Justin.  I tried to find the video of him twisting the doll's neck and stating "oops...I killed her"  then laughing about the death of Jennifer Levin.   I am not sure the video is still online (Jennifer's parents may have requested for it to be removed) but there are articles about it. 

For those of you not familiar with the Jennifer Levin murder the details can be found.  I am at work now and cannot pull up the information.

Steven's pie video is as creepy as the Robert Chambers Barbie doll video.

I am not going to watch this week.  I don't need those vibes in my life.

One thing i have learned from watching reality TV  and reading biographies etc. is that people give you bits and pieces of their backstory and you never get the full picture. I'm sure that some things happened to Steven and Justin in their past but I cannot excuse their current state. Its not totally their fault that they are the way that they are but at the age of 27 and 33  they need to start taking some responsibility for their situation

It seems as though Stevens mother has gotten the "Villain Edit" but as reprehensible as she is I put a lot of blame on the father. Firstly because he is dumb enough to go on TV and associate himself with this train wreck. It is he who has apparently never gotten his children the psychological evaluations that they needed long ago and he who has from their teen years onward provided a home and environment with no structure where they were not pushed or encouraged to do anything with their lives.  Where they could drop out of school, not get jobs and eat everything not tied down including $700 a month  just on pizza for Steven alone. Both of those boys are basically stuck in pre adolescence. All they do is eat, sleep drink and play with their toys.

Neither of them have any intention of loosing weight. Steven is basically doing anything he can so that he can stay in a hospital environment and get waited on hand and foot. He is getting his food. doesn't even have to bathe himself and he can go on  his tablet and watch TV all day. When he wants to get high he goes to the emergency room and complains about his leg which is festering with Lymphedema and infections. Did you see the grin on his face when the nurses were bathing him??

 Justin is living the life at home.  With no Steven to bother him he can eat as much as he wants and play with his toy cars. I assume that this will continue until they waste their fathers retirement income and perhaps looses his house because of their inability to stop eating. Then they will start relying on the taxpayers if they haven't already.  I watched part of the regular episode and the supersized version and not once did Steven or Justin say even one complete sentence regarding why they wanted to loose weight. Usually patients on the show have a reason for why they want to loose weight. These guys gave no reason why they wanted to loose weight.  

Im not going to play amateur psychologist and label Steven as a narcissist psychopath or sociopath but I know he is something that needs to be treated. Perhaps society is better off with an 800lb Steven?? If Steven was normal sized and mobile in his untreated state then he could perhaps damage more people than he has already. At least now he is bedbound and cannot hurt anyone. If Steven does break the law and comes under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice system he would surely loose weight and get clean then. There would be strict monitoring of his food and no one sneaking him pizza and no pills. Anyway well see in part 2 what happens. Hopefully this show will go back to helping people who sincerely want to change and not wasting time on people who don't want to change.

Someone up thread mentioned something about DR, Now not having privileges at certain hospitals in the City of Houston any more. I'm wondering if perhaps it is because they don't want him to film in their hospital.  I'm guessing that could be an issue for some hospitals.

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If Steven does break the law and comes under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice system he would surely loose weight and get clean then. There would be strict monitoring of his food and no one sneaking him pizza and no pills. Anyway well see in part 2 what happens. Hopefully this show will go back to helping people who sincerely want to change and not wasting time on people who don't want to change.

Not necessarily.  Paul Mason had a severe food addiction to the point where he was eventually caught stealing to support it, then sent to prison for a year.  He managed to get even fatter in prison.  The basic prison food isn't that high in quality or volume, but there's a lot of junk food in the commissary.

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I watched Part 1 but don't think I'm going to bother watching Part 2. We all know Steven has no intention of sticking to any type of diet so there can't be a good ending to his sad story. Plus I'm not going to give this fame junkie the satisfaction of getting any TV ratings points from me. So he can smear himself with pie, throw urine and inhale pizza without me. 

  • Love 1
On March 30, 2017 at 10:00 AM, Hockeymom said:

 I was more upset with the dad than anything.  As others have said, I think there was way more to this story than we got to hear.

Steven Jr. is a master manipulator. His story of childhood trauma seemed well rehearsed for maximum drama. He was so smug. "Let me tell you about my childhood. It was terrible." Like he was about to drop some juicy gossip. Boo Hoo, get the tissues. Do you know how many kids have been through way worse? Sometimes you are just a jackass and it's not mommy's fault. All these guys blame their mothers, but why do dads get a pass?

Mom drank too much so the parents divorced. Wonderdad sends the kids to live with her. He knows she has a problem. He knows she's out every night, but does nothing until finally she bails and he's forced to step in.

What dirt does Steven Jr. have on Steven Sr.? He's always threatening dire consequences if dad doesn't pony up that pizza. And dad jumps! When dad told Justin that what he does for Steven was none of his business, I had an aha moment. Sounds like some fishy blackmail scheme going on.

And dad just lets Steven terrorize Justin? That wall banging and yelling would last about five minutes for me. Dad could have shut this down at any point but chose not to. Steven Jr. runs that house and their lives. My question is why?

The father said that he was about to go to jail after getting into a physical altercation with Steven but Steven said he would not press charges after the dad was blackmailed into buying Steven a pizza. Steven threatened to call the police and lie and say his dad hit him if he didn't buy him a pizza.

39 minutes ago, denmark vesey said:

The father said that he was about to go to jail after getting into a physical altercation with Steven but Steven said he would not press charges after the dad was blackmailed into buying Steven a pizza. Steven threatened to call the police and lie and say his dad hit him if he didn't buy him a pizza.

Yes, I remember that. I had the impression it happened years ago. However, Steven threatened his dad throughout the filming - even when he was miles away in another state! What could he possibly have his dad arrested for? Not answering the phone? I heard him say several times there would be dire consequences if dad didn't continually stop for food on the way to Texas. There has to be a reason why they all live in fear of his threats.

Steven Jr. was also threatening nurses in the hospital that he was calling the police if they didn't come immediately to change his bed pan. GOOD! call the police. PLEASE, get the authorities involved. Men and women who risk their lives on a daily basis won't have much patience for an entitled fame whore. One who chooses to shit the bed rather than walk a few feet to the bathroom. One who has the ability to care for himself, but chooses to play head games with everyone instead. After a few false alarms, the police will see Jr. for what he is. A liar and a manipulator. If he continues to waste police time and resources being a telephone terrorist, he may find himself on the business end of an arrest warrant.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Velisity said:

I just got to add one more thing before I go to bed. This guy has no intentions on losing weight and anything he does on TLC's 600lb life is going to be just another game to him. He has been on Dr. Phil, this reality TV show "House of hate". He was given a chance to be on "biggest loser", he has audition tapes for many, many shows to help him lose weight and all he has done is use them to get drugs. His father is in on it it seems like and doesn't care and the whole act his brother was doing wasn't REAL. He has a youtube channel dedicated to his brother. This whole thing is a huge scam. From him wanting help, to his brother and his father. There is a youtube video of his mother giving him a birthday cake, she is very thin and everything else. His entire life is a huge lie except one thing; his weight and he's going to die.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcvEs5InjFQ (Brother's youtube video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPVVhRj0zIg (Him and some girl... this one is very weird)

Just do a google search for Fatboygetdown and you'll see all the lies for yourself.

We have actually already been talking about his You Tube videos and his stints on Dr. Phil. Those came up several pages back. If you want to read what other people thought if these things, you might want to go back through the pages and check out the other posts.

While I agree that he is an addict, I do not believe that it accounts for all of his behavior-or even half. I believe he is a narcissitic, sociopathic fame ho that also just happens to have a drug problem.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, bubbly said:

I've honestly never heard of tylenol for a broken bone or for post major surgical pain- at least not immediately.  I know the ER's/hospitals in my state will administer short term meds to ease pain until you make an appointment with your regular doctor or one they recommend.  I'm cringing in horror imagining how bad you must have felt :0  I had natural childbirth twice but the pain from my c section had me popping Lortab every four hours for a little over a week and you'd have had to pry them from my cold dead hands. It's hard to gage tone on the net - so please know I'm not saying this to be snarky- but bless y'alls hearts that must have been unpleasant.

I had never heard of it either. It is a "new " thing. My  9 year old broke his arm and ruptured his spleen from a tree climbing accident and HE was sent home with Ibuprofen. I raised holy hell until he got something else. My state actually just passed a bill stating that doctors and surgeons must try non-narcotics first, even post op. It is actually getting dangerously ridiculous. Proper pain management is integral to the healing process. It is one of the reasons our house is on the market and we are moving.

I blame this on people like Steven. And the way he waggled his eyebrows in glee to Princess at the end? He isn't just an addict-he gets actual joy from manipulation.

  • Love 6

For the first time, I am not going to watch this week's show. I really feel like I've been duped and lied to, as much as Dr. Now was. I can't believe Steven and Justin though we didn't really see much of Justin. I watched the youtube videos of "John" (wonder why he used to go by that name. middle name or alter ego maybe?). If the show continues on this way, as others have said, I'm going to have to stop watching. It's very disappointing and discouraging. It's one thing to show a person who became 600 lbs due to depression and anxiety but quite another when the participant appears to be a sociopath and drug addict. If Dr. Now cares about his show's future, they would not have aired this segment.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Hockeymom said:


Steven Jr. was also threatening nurses in the hospital that he was calling the police if they didn't come immediately to change his bed pan. GOOD! call the police. PLEASE, get the authorities involved. Men and women who risk their lives on a daily basis won't have much patience for an entitled fame whore. One who chooses to shit the bed rather than walk a few feet to the bathroom. One who has the ability to care for himself, but chooses to play head games with everyone instead. After a few false alarms, the police will see Jr. for what he is. A liar and a manipulator. If he continues to waste police time and resources being a telephone terrorist, he may find himself on the business end of an arrest warrant.

Your post brings up a question about what a patient can/cannot get away with Hockeymom. Steven can stand and walk. He's not only all over the internet shaking his booty, he actually walked around in the hospital. Why was he allowed from the beginning to request/demand bed baths and also allowed to piss and shit his bed, then harass and yell profanities at the nursing staff for not responding quickly enough to clean him? It seemed as though he was thrown out for his rude and nasty behavior towards hospital staff not for wasting staff time attending to his hygiene when he could clearly do it himself.

More TLC manufactured drama?

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, CarolMK said:

For the first time, I am not going to watch this week's show. I really feel like I've been duped and lied to, as much as Dr. Now was. I can't believe Steven and Justin though we didn't really see much of Justin. I watched the youtube videos of "John" (wonder why he used to go by that name. middle name or alter ego maybe?). If the show continues on this way, as others have said, I'm going to have to stop watching. It's very disappointing and discouraging. It's one thing to show a person who became 600 lbs due to depression and anxiety but quite another when the participant appears to be a sociopath and drug addict. If Dr. Now cares about his show's future, they would not have aired this segment.

I feel this way too.  Except I'm going to watch, disgusted as I am.  I think I like this forum too much. Ha!

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Trees said:

I feel this way too.  Except I'm going to watch, disgusted as I am.  I think I like this forum too much. Ha!

Join the club! The ONLY reason I watch most of these shows is so that I can get on here and snark with you all. The only "reality" shows I actually enjoy watching are the crime ones, like DISAPPEARED. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, mamadrama said:

Join the club! The ONLY reason I watch most of these shows is so that I can get on here and snark with you all. The only "reality" shows I actually enjoy watching are the crime ones, like DISAPPEARED. 

I love crime shows but I hate the re-enactments. I won't watch the ones with those - except they all do now.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Trees said:

I love crime shows but I hate the re-enactments. I won't watch the ones with those - except they all do now.

I know what you mean. I was approached by a reality show several times over the years but it was a reenactment type show. I kept saying "no" because I didn't want to watch someone else reenacting my life. I finally caved in last year. 

I keep waiting to see someone on SNL to reenact Steven's episode. Now THAT would be funny!

5 hours ago, Michael Stabosz said:

Part 2 feels like having a root canal scheduled.  It's going to be painful and I'm not looking forward to it.

We could perhaps create a drinking game for us while we live post? Of course, no matter what the rules are, I am sure we'll all be drunk before the first commercial break. 

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I know what you mean. I was approached by a reality show several times over the years but it was a reenactment type show. I kept saying "no" because I didn't want to watch someone else reenacting my life. I finally caved in last year. 

I keep waiting to see someone on SNL to reenact Steven's episode. Now THAT would be funny!

We could perhaps create a drinking game for us while we live post? Of course, no matter what the rules are, I am sure we'll all be drunk before the first commercial break. 

I heavily second the drinking game idea. I don't think I'll make it through the episode if I have to be sober.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Your post brings up a question about what a patient can/cannot get away with Hockeymom. Steven can stand and walk. He's not only all over the internet shaking his booty, he actually walked around in the hospital. Why was he allowed from the beginning to request/demand bed baths and also allowed to piss and shit his bed, then harass and yell profanities at the nursing staff for not responding quickly enough to clean him? It seemed as though he was thrown out for his rude and nasty behavior towards hospital staff not for wasting staff time attending to his hygiene when he could clearly do it himself.

I am in NO WAY sticking up for the big boy, but I thought I saw a "Fall Precautions" sign somewhere during the show. If he was on fall precautions I'm guessing he wasn't allowed to get up and walk around by himself. I was in the hospital a few years back, since I had a cardiac arrest, had been in a coma and was on all sorts of blood pressure drugs, the likely hood of me getting dizzy and falling by getting up was pretty high so I was on fall precautions. That meant that (once the catheter was out) if I had to go to the bathroom I had to call for the nurse and she would help and/or observe me when I walked to the bathroom.

Steven walked pretty good when he went to go bully his brother in the other room. I guess it's a question of priorities on his part: go bully the brother ok! Go to the bathroom by himself, nah, let the nurses do the work.

  • Love 6
34 minutes ago, chickenella said:

I am in NO WAY sticking up for the big boy, but I thought I saw a "Fall Precautions" sign somewhere during the show. If he was on fall precautions I'm guessing he wasn't allowed to get up and walk around by himself. I was in the hospital a few years back, since I had a cardiac arrest, had been in a coma and was on all sorts of blood pressure drugs, the likely hood of me getting dizzy and falling by getting up was pretty high so I was on fall precautions. That meant that (once the catheter was out) if I had to go to the bathroom I had to call for the nurse and she would help and/or observe me when I walked to the bathroom.

Steven walked pretty good when he went to go bully his brother in the other room. I guess it's a question of priorities on his part: go bully the brother ok! Go to the bathroom by himself, nah, let the nurses do the work.

Thanks chickenella. I don't remember seeing that sign but I guess I will have the chance on Wednesday since I assume the first episode will be shown again before Part 2.

I was also hospitalized years ago with some kind of severe infection; still never exactly diagnosed even with a boatload of tests. Anyway, one of the many symptoms I had, including extreme weakness, dehydration, nausea, and diarrhea, was massive swelling in my legs. I literally couldn't walk and had to receive bed baths. Even then, since I could still use my hands and arms, I would insist on doing as much as I could for myself; just felt so weird for me to lay there and be bathed like an infant. I may have had a Fall Precaution sign too but I don't remember.

I guess they didn't want to take the chance of him falling and having to haul him up off the floor as well as the possible liability issues. You just know this creep would love to make some easy money with a lawsuit! Also weird that he seemed to enjoy being bathed just a little too much, as many here have observed.

I hope you had a successful recovery and feeling much better.

Edited by DC Gal in VA
To correct grammar.
  • Love 1
On 3/31/2017 at 1:16 PM, Cherrio said:

I am only half kidding here because at this point I do not think any conventional treatment would help Steven.

Find a place way out in the country where Steven cannot hospital shop or order pizza delivery.

Has to do chores before breakfast. No chores done, no breakfast.

Aerobic activity:   Steven runs/walks in back of a tractor with a pizza dangling from a hook.  If he completes the run, he gets a light lunch of a piece of turkey cut to look like a slice of pizza.

Work.  Has to work at anything he is told to do and all money goes to paying off debts.  A full 8 hour day is required.

Stevens father is not allowed any contact.

Dinner:   More turkey cut into little pepperoni shapes. Salad, no dressing.

Desert consists of writing letters of apology to hundreds of people.

Shower: outside hose down until he can act like a human being.

Bed: Stall with hay until he pays in full for debt on rental bed.

No phones, no media devices, no nuthin.

Repeat daily until 550 lbs. are lost and kept off for a full year.



9 hours ago, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

He was a fall risk. Look for the yellow wristband that says so on rewatch. I didn't think they allowed you to walk when you are on Dilaudid. If he was in so much pain to need meds why should he be demanding a walk?

I was on dilaudid when I was in the hospital after my vertical sleeve gastrectomy and I walked the halls a lot (I also had a fall risk band on) I was hooked up to it and could push a button for more every 10 minutes or so. Good stuff!! Haha 

Maybe I was allowed to leave my room anytime I wanted to walk because my husband was with me and I wasn't as large as Steven (under 300lbs). 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Your post brings up a question about what a patient can/cannot get away with Hockeymom. Steven can stand and walk. He's not only all over the internet shaking his booty, he actually walked around in the hospital. Why was he allowed from the beginning to request/demand bed baths and also allowed to piss and shit his bed, then harass and yell profanities at the nursing staff for not responding quickly enough to clean him? It seemed as though he was thrown out for his rude and nasty behavior towards hospital staff not for wasting staff time attending to his hygiene when he could clearly do it himself.

More TLC manufactured drama?

Yes exactly!

I understand why he's a fall risk. Especially with him, the hospital needs to cover its ass in case of a lawsuit. I think my problem, is that I'm trying to make sense out of this nonsense. Steven uses the "Fall Risk" assessment when its to his advantage, and ignores it when it is not. All of it, really. He's like a giant puppeteer.

Even if he is a fall risk, I think it means he needs assistance if he were to get out of bed, not that he is forbidden from doing so. He wasn't laying on the call button when he wanted to go torment his brother. Amazingly, he just got up and made it happen. When he wanted to hop from hospital to hospital on his drug seeking excursions, he made that happen as well. Amazingly, he didn't need an entire team. When he wants something, Steven is agreeable, cooperative, and mobile.

I think when Steven is in Diva mode, he just looks for any opportunity to throw a tantrum.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Pestilentia said:

I thought the dad was on drugs as well.

Ooooohh, I wonder if Steven is getting drugs for his dad? Not that Jr. doesn't have a problem, but, as others have said, if he took all the drugs he's been scamming, he'd already be dead. We know there were at least one hundred pills missing in one day. Multiply that by 20 or so hospitals... I bet there's a little family business happening on the side.

Maybe dad sells what Steven scores. That could be the scheme and the blackmail leverage. It could also account for Sr. snapping at Justin that what he does for Steven is none of his business.

No need for risky Craig's list or meeting strangers. Just hand off to pops, he deposits the cash, and the pizza keeps coming!

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, Hockeymom said:

Yes exactly!

I understand why he's a fall risk. Especially with him, the hospital needs to cover its ass in case of a lawsuit. I think my problem, is that I'm trying to make sense out of this nonsense. Steven uses the "Fall Risk" assessment when its to his advantage, and ignores it when it is not. All of it, really. He's like a giant puppeteer.

Even if he is a fall risk, I think it means he needs assistance if he were to get out of bed, not that he is forbidden from doing so. He wasn't laying on the call button when he wanted to go torment his brother. Amazingly, he just got up and made it happen. When he wanted to hop from hospital to hospital on his drug seeking excursions, he made that happen as well. Amazingly, he didn't need an entire team. When he wants something, Steven is agreeable, cooperative, and mobile.

I think when Steven is in Diva mode, he just looks for any opportunity to throw a tantrum.

Yes, yes, yes to ALL of this Hockeymom

The (Evil) Force is strong with this one.

Now, has anyone come up with an appropriate drinking game for tomorrow night? I'm actually looking forward to Part 2 with equal parts dread and anticipation.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, mamadrama said:

We could perhaps create a drinking game for us while we live post? Of course, no matter what the rules are, I am sure we'll all be drunk before the first commercial break. 

I'm too old to multi task! I can watch, post, or drink. Not all three at the same time. I'll just take a drink every time I see Steven's mossy legs or bare ass, pass out, and talk to everyone in the morning!

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1 hour ago, Pestilentia said:

That's the only explanation that makes any sense.

The psychology of enablers would make a far more interesting show- I simply cannot wrap my head around them.

I think it's simple.  People want the people they love to be happy and hate to see them suffer.  Even if suffering is the best thing for them in the circumstances.


Except for Steven Sr.  He honestly seems to hate Steven's guts.  I still can't figure out why he's buying the stupid pizzas.

Edited by Michael Stabosz
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40 minutes ago, Michael Stabosz said:

I think it's simple.  People want the people they love to be happy and hate to see them suffer.  Even if suffering is the best thing for them in the circumstances.

I think its far more complex.   I think enablers have a pathology of their own and it could be for various reasons. They need to be needed, they want the person they are enabling to stay put or it puts them in a position of center of attention.   There are always the chubby chasers too.

I think we have seen many examples of this over the years.

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