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S01.E08: In The Game


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I seriously have no idea what is even happening anymore but I can't wait to see what happens next. I was half-expecting Ezra to start smiling at the end after his conversation with FBI dude, because I now assume nothing is what it seems. Ha! But I guess Ezra really is in trouble.

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At first I thought The Doctor was some sort of mob reference. Then he appears to be an actual doctor. Besides his identity, I want to know how they all got into the business of working for this guy and why.

The actress playing Saffron/Maddie/etc. wears a wig, right? The actress in real life has gorgeous curly hair.

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I have never been more excited about having no idea what is going on in my life! Does anyone have a clue?

1 minute ago, dhilde85 said:


The actress playing Saffron/Maddie/etc. wears a wig, right? The actress in real life has gorgeous curly hair.

I thought it was her real hair. I didn't know wigs could look that beautiful!

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I love this show way more than I ever thought it would.  Every episode has entertained me, although now I live in fear that they won't be able to wrap up everything satisfactorily.

Richard is my favorite character and I still want to know why he was a mark. Jules and Ezra had money, it's pretty obvious Richard didn't - he said he  took the money in the point-shaving thing because his mom was sick.  I doubt he became that wealthy as a car salesman.  But as noted above, nothing is what it seems in this show so maybe he's some really smart guy running his own con?

I loved the twist with Patrick bringing in Ezra.  It seems Patrick is not as noble as he once seemed; he appears more concerned with "winning" this case than anything else.  Do we have any idea how much Ezra & Company stole during their capers? It has to be small potatoes compared to what the Doctor has extracted over the years.

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I thought for a while there that Patrick was genuinely falling in love with Saffron but now, it seems it was all business.  Maybe the 'sister' is his real girlfriend? And it's good the scooby gang are no longer under Maddie's spell although it seems touch and go with Ezra there.

I like Richard too and his bonding with Max but he is not rich enough to be a mark. 

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My assumption was that it is all going to be a twist revealed next week that they planned on Ezra getting snatched up and his cooperating will really be feeding the FBI the info that the cons want the FBI to have to steer them into whatever the ultimate plan is.

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It was kind of a letdown to have Maddie tell Patrick she knows he's FBI so quickly.  I know she would tell him, but now it doesn't seem quite as intriguing as it did.  I'm still anxious to see how it all plays out, but Patrick lost all his magic now that he's just your basic FBI jerk.

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I think Patrick and Maddie both still have genuine romantic feelings for each other, and that's going to come into play again down the line.

I also wouldn't be shocked if another mark shows up. Maybe Richard wasn't the first for the team -- the show is full of surprises! And pure fun.

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My assumption was that it is all going to be a twist revealed next week that they planned on Ezra getting snatched up and his cooperating will really be feeding the FBI the info that the cons want the FBI to have to steer them into whatever the ultimate plan is.

I like that idea, and I hope you're right!

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The producers have planned for a second season so I think we will be left up in the air.  They have said nothing will be resolved and yet there will be some sort of conclusion.

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2 minutes ago, Arkay said:

Next week is the finale? I'm so sad! I am just enjoying everything about this show and I hope it gets picked up for next season. 

I think there is one more episode on April 4th and the finale is April 11th.

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I don't really like them all mixed together now. 

I know what you mean. Additionally, I have no idea who is even presumed to be working on which side, or how many sides there are. Same thing happened with Scandal, till I final gave up on it. No twist was meaningful because everything was a twist. I don't feel that way about this show yet and hope I never will! But right at the moment, I confess I'm not sure what the ostensible alliances are. Anybody able to provide some kind of snapshot of where we stand?

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There are for sure some shows I find confusing and can't be bothered to put the time in to figure them out.

For Imposters, it's not that I can't follow the plot or don't remember who everyone is -- it's just that their loyalties and motivations keep shifting. It's actually part of what I like most about it. I'm eager to be surprised!

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I kept forgetting that it looked like Ezra's drunken performance was convincing to the feds; so what do they think of Ezra? That he's NOT involved in Maddie's scheme? So they are going to try to get him to play on their side to get Maddie? Which is probably exactly what Ezra et al want to happen? And what all "materials" did they collect under Max's direction? I remember the handcuffs, which we've already seen. Anyone remember what all they got? I imagine they want to get into Patrick's safe (I guess that was a camera to capture the code?)--- 

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If Patrick is in the FBI he really doesn't have any money, right? So why did Maddie say they would take his money? And why would the Doctor tell them to con a guy who clearly has no back story at all? Is this a twist?

I really like this show and hope it hasn't jumped the shark with an excess of twistiness.

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So love this show!

Still not feeling Jules. The character is written so damn needy to the point of annoying. The actress really isn't that great.

Love Richard and I really enjoyed that scene with Max. There's a part of me that's wondering (hoping?) that Sally is actually alive and will come back as a major bad ass the next season.

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Still not feeling Jules. The character is written so damn needy to the point of annoying. The actress really isn't that great.

I don't like her character or her acting either.   I looked her up on imdb (tv and movie database) to see what she's been in before and I was surprised this is basically her first acting role (she had a bit part in a movie I've never heard of). 

I just don't trust Max at all so it makes me nervous he's getting chummy with Richard, who is my favorite character, despite him saying "burrow." LOL. 

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Yeah, I like Richard, too. 

So as far as we know, Richard, Jules, and Ezra have not betrayed each other and are all still roughly a team. Right? And they believe that Maddie and Max are also working with them. We have no specific evidence that Maddie and Max are playing them--or do we? When Patrick showed Ezra evidence of the short cons he'd pulled with Richard and Jules to fund their trip, does that signify that Maddie gave Patrick that info as part of whatever her deal is with him? And is that why Ezra looked especially disheartened and freaked out after Patrick left the interrogation room? 

Or do we think Maddie, Max, E/R/J are still proceeding with something they worked out--whatever the plan was that included handcuffs and the other purchases they made, Ezra's drunk act, etc.?

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On 3/31/2017 at 7:28 PM, rejnel said:

When Patrick showed Ezra evidence of the short cons he'd pulled with Richard and Jules to fund their trip, does that signify that Maddie gave Patrick that info as part of whatever her deal is with him? And is that why Ezra looked especially disheartened and freaked out after Patrick left the interrogation room? 

I'm assuming that most of what we're seeing is part of the long con. Maddie's still conning Patrick, she's just serving up a simple con facade so he feels like he's got her number while the real con plays out. Ezra's fake drunk freakout was so they'd suspect he was an ex and not a co-conspirator like they originally thought, leading them to investigate him and find out about the small cons he ran to track her down. Almost everything about letting him know she knew he was an agent was an act: "I actually almost fell for you", "You and your sister aren't dummies",  and confirming that Ezra's an ex, she doesn't care if he gets immunity and that Jules is a random girl he picked up is basically a whole bunch of fake praise, vulnerability and misdirection. Patrick's ego has now been stroked enough that he thinks he sees the surface con and the real con.  Outwardly, they work together to stage the wedding, trap the Doctor and she gets her immunity but then she'll try to pull a switcheroo and take the bait money too and he'll outsmart her.  In actuality, she's planted the idea of a desperate, lovelorn Ezra as a tool to be used against her and that'll be Patrick's downfall.

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 I just binge watched three episodes to get caught up.  This show blows me away because I keep getting invested in all of these crazy people.  I go from loathing Max to liking Max.  Maddie keeps me confused.  The Scooby Gang trio of Jules, Richard and Ezra keep me laughing, usually, until one of them gets all ver klempt remembering marriage with Maddie.

The writers are toying with my emotions!

So, I'm wondering about the con with the FBI because of the camera that Richard and Max put in the bedroom.  I assume the camera would have been running when Maddie confessed her three things to Patrick, and Maddie made Patrick promise immunity.  Granted, it was limited immunity that Patrick was giving to Max and to Ezra, but I can't imagine that the FBI would want any of the handcuffed to the bed scene being played out in court.  I'm probably overthinking the con, which is where an amateur like me would only make a great mark and never a grifter.

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I don't mind Jules. I don't understand them getting concerned over Maddie being upset or freaked out, though, considering she stole from them, and used their histories (or those of their families) against them, so they wouldn't contact the authorities. Richard did something, because his mum was really sick, and they punish him for that? It's not like he murdered anyone. 

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On 3/29/2017 at 12:05 PM, shang yiet said:

And it's good the scooby gang are no longer under Maddie's spell although it seems touch and go with Ezra there.

On 3/30/2017 at 10:25 PM, DeeplyShallow said:

Still not feeling Jules. The character is written so damn needy to the point of annoying. The actress really isn't that great.

It seems to me that Jules (the weakest character and actor on the show) is still in love with "Cece".

On 3/30/2017 at 4:10 AM, dleighg said:

And what all "materials" did they collect under Max's direction? I remember the handcuffs, which we've already seen. Anyone remember what all they got?

It looked like they got the materials to make a Mission: Impossible type mask -- Max also had a fake mustache.

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