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Heartaches, Bromances, True Love and Team Arrow: the Relationships Thread

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6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I do remember thinking in 214 how weird it was that he didn't notice how sad or uncomfortable Felicity felt though. Up until that point he'd seemed pretty well attuned to her but suddenly he was all about Sara and Diggle was the only one who could see Felicity was having some trouble adjusting. IDK. The whole thing was strange. That was one of my least fave episodes so I've only seen it once. Maybe I'm misremembering or my impression would be different now. *Shrugs*

I remember Oliver being an ass to Felicity in that ep. Not noticing her feeling left out plus the comment about her clothes. That was also when SA was doing all those interviews saying he wasn't jealous of Barry even though that's what I saw on my screen. I'm okay with Oliver being an ass because he's not perfect, but it was not a good look for him.

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Yeah, I remember the contradictory interviews as well as Kreisberg hinting at more domesticity for Sara and Oliver (which ended up being that chat about moving in together). Oliver was clearly jealous of Barry but I think by the time 213 rolled around they were trying hard to sell the misdirection with Sara and Oliver because they wanted that big "OMG" with Olicity in the season finale. 

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10 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I always blame the weirdness of season 2 on the whole "he was jealous"/"he wasn't jealous" interviews. Didn't we get contradicting interviews about Oliver/Felicity before and after Oliver/Sara happened? 

I wasn't in fandom at the time but apparently as soon as Oliver/Sara happened SA did interviews claiming that he didn't play Oliver jealous of Barry at all, which is dumb because people have eyes, haha. I think the O/S hookup surprised SA and CL (both have said this, IIRC) and they were just trying to sell the story they'd been given. 

7 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I remember Oliver being an ass to Felicity in that ep. Not noticing her feeling left out plus the comment about her clothes. That was also when SA was doing all those interviews saying he wasn't jealous of Barry even though that's what I saw on my screen. I'm okay with Oliver being an ass because he's not perfect, but it was not a good look for him.

Yeah. I really disliked him in that episode (and I didn't like what they did to Felicity either) which is why I only watched it the once, when I first marathoned the show. I just felt it was kinda OOC for him to not notice how left out she felt. He noticed everything about her up until that point. It was weird.

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For the first two seasons, every time Oliver got near a Lance sister, he turned in to a dick towards Felicity and even Diggle.

It wasn't just that Oliver was not noticing Felicity when Sara came, it was that he deliberately shut her out of anything personal right after telling her she'd never lose him as well as those PDAs with Sara in the lair when he knew that Felicity had feelings for him, and then telling her that she'd always be his girl just before suggesting to Sara that they live together.

It went on for multiple episodes and while Felicity's speech to him in the clock tower made up for some of it, it was still too much just to set up their gotcha to Slade.

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31 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

For the first two seasons, every time Oliver got near a Lance sister, he turned in to a dick towards Felicity and even Diggle.

It wasn't just that Oliver was not noticing Felicity when Sara came, it was that he deliberately shut her out of anything personal right after telling her she'd never lose him as well as those PDAs with Sara in the lair when he knew that Felicity had feelings for him, and then telling her that she'd always be his girl just before suggesting to Sara that they live together.

It went on for multiple episodes and while Felicity's speech to him in the clock tower made up for some of it, it was still too much just to set up their gotcha to Slade.

I somewhat agree that they maybe went too far with having Oliver shut her out. But those mid-season episodes were kinda awful on all levels with too much Lance family crap (which we still have, 4 years later OMG kill me) and very little Diggle or Felicity and thus, barely any OTA. It's the same kind of problem they have every year in that they get a shiny new character and it's always at Felicity's and Diggle's expense tbh.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

For the first two seasons, every time Oliver got near a Lance sister, he turned in to a dick towards Felicity and even Diggle.

It wasn't just that Oliver was not noticing Felicity when Sara came, it was that he deliberately shut her out of anything personal right after telling her she'd never lose him as well as those PDAs with Sara in the lair when he knew that Felicity had feelings for him, and then telling her that she'd always be his girl just before suggesting to Sara that they live together.

It went on for multiple episodes and while Felicity's speech to him in the clock tower made up for some of it, it was still too much just to set up their gotcha to Slade.

Yeah, I think they went overboard with the misdirection both in interviews and on the show to the point that a lot of fans got whiplash and went "What?!?! The hell you're talking about?!?!"  I think they kept some scenes deliberately vague — like that hotel scene with Sara — to set up the finale. I mean, that kind of whiplash-inducing storytelling is still happening. I mean, just look at what they did with the 3 newbie assholes.

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Oliver and Laurel were always a mess. At their best, I could buy them having a history that connected them and they bonded over that, but they really brought out the worst in each other. Laurel became even more self riotous and self destructive when she was spending time with Oliver, and Oliver seemed to either revert back to his pre-island dick self, or would get even more broody and self hating than usual. Oliver and Sara could also be like that (although it seemed to be more of a Us Against the World with our darkness thing) when they were together for a bit in Star City, but I feel like when they became friends and she went off to LoT, they evened out and became good as friends and occasional comrades in arms. I've actually really grown to like their friendship the Llast few seasons, and I enjoy when they spend some time together, as they still seem to "get" each other, but are both in a better emotional place now, so they dont influence each others worst qualities. Maybe if Laurel had stuck around, they could have gotten to that place as well. But maybe not. They had tons of time to make Laurel work better as a character, but she just never clicked for me, so neither could her possible romance with Oliver.

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Sara didn't want anything from Oliver other than a good time (pre-island) and a companion/place to hide after the island.  They could become friends because it was always an honest relationship.

Laurel wanted more; she wanted to be Mrs. Oliver Queen and she wanted to set the terms of their relationship while Oliver lied to her trying to live his terms. Later in seasons 3 and 4, Laurel wanted to be treated as Oliver's equal on the Team even thought she didn't have the skills or the experience. To truly have been friends, Laurel would have had to have her own thing independent of Oliver's Team, like Sara having the LoA and later the Waverider.  The closest the show came was the "You catch 'em, I'll cook 'em" in season 3 but then they had her become the Black Canary and join Team Arrow and fight with Oliver about what she wanted vs what he wanted, and the equity friendship was lost.

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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

RIP to all the useless relationships Arrow "tried" to introduce to the show but didn't really care about.


All three of the boyfriends pictured literally did not outlive their usefulness but Ol’ Susie is still kicking around. 

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30 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I still shudder when I see ole tiny hands touching Felicity's shoulders.

Oh it was even worse for a Raylicity shipper! 

If she was going to move on at least don't move on with that!!!! So terrible!

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I still shudder when I see ole tiny hands touching Felicity's shoulders.

That relationship I will never understand. I don't know where it came from, why anyone should have cared any why it was necessary. Scratch that, I know why it was necessary...So that Oliver could kill Felicity's boyfriend. But then again it didn't seem to be such a huge deal going forward. It was the weirdest way to give Felicity some motivation to go dark mainly because nobody could understand why she'd go dark over this guy. 

Also, maybe the show would have  done themselves a big favour if Laurel had already been a vigilante right away. She used all her anger and all her pain to help out the city. Then Oliver would show back up and then the story could have been told differently. They still wouldn't have a lot of chemistry probably but they'd at least be somewhat more equal. 

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She didn't even go dark for tiny hands. They threw in a comment about him dying in 520 that wasn't specific but in 519 they had her say she was going dark to carry Oliver's burden for him. 

Ahh these writers. 

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Man, do I cringe everytime I see tiny hands.  There was no chemistry between these two.  I wouldn't have mind Felicity in another relationship if there was great chemistry but nope, all I got was ewwww!

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Billy was really just a way to create permission for Oliver to date someone else. They wanted their Oliver dates someone who investigates his identity storyline, but they couldn't have him move on for a spell without Felicity moving on first, given he was the one in the wrong in their relationship breakdown. 

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I will forever be bitter they stuck Felicity with tiny hands. I would have preferred if they had her go out with Chase a few times, nothing serious just date casually. Maybe if they would have hired someone attractive for tiny hands, I wouldn't have been so annoyed by him, but every time they kissd I felt like she was kissing a goldfish. I know that sounds super shallow, and I 100% will own up to it lol

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33 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

I will forever be bitter they stuck Felicity with tiny hands. I would have preferred if they had her go out with Chase a few times, nothing serious just date casually

That reminds me of a random conversation I had with someone else who watches the show who complained how Felicity and Chase never had any scenes together . It occurred to me, besides the whole just keeping plots separate thing and for the whole twist of Chase being evil, that, specifically because they had to try to keep the twist a secret, Felicity couldn't interact too much with this character since usually Felicity is a gatekeeper of trust on the show. Whoever she believes in and trust is usually someone we're supposed to trust like Barry, Sara, Ray, Curtis, Billy, etc. and vice versa in not trusting like Isabel, Malcolm, etc. (also reasons why Ray didn't start out as great because in Ray's introductory episode it solidly ends with Felicity angry at him and not trusting him, and arguably characters like Susan since in her introduction they gave Felicity a random pointed line about not liking her, although the show has tried to walk these things back a bunch of times like with Ray and Malcolm to indicate when we're supposed to be ok with them to some extent). Therefore, if Felicity's included in the people who to some extent trusted Chase (which they did but not visually like with Oliver and Diggle), it would have kind of been the similar dissonance they had with Ray but in the other direction. It would have definitely helped with the twist, but in some ways it would have portrayed Felicity as someone who has poor judgement on people or couldn't see something up, which kind of would have gone against who her character was, or at least against their own reasoning of keeping Felicity around on the show in the first place (i.e. after deciding they wanted to keep her needing to either have Felicity join the team or play dumb and not figure out, and they knew Felicity is not dumb).

Just a ramble, I actually agree I would have preferred Chase in the hindsight 20/20 way. 

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Ugh. Thanks everyone, for reminding me that Susan the Snake and Mayo Bread exists. *Shudders*

99% of the time I genuinely forget. ? 

20 minutes ago, way2interested said:

 Therefore, if Felicity's included in the people who to some extent trusted Chase (which they did but not visually like with Oliver and Diggle), it would have kind of been the similar dissonance they had with Ray but in the other direction. It would have definitely helped with the twist, but in some ways it would have portrayed Felicity as someone who has poor judgement on people or couldn't see something up, which kind of would have gone against who her character was, or at least against their own reasoning of keeping Felicity around on the show in the first place (i.e. after deciding they wanted to keep her needing to either have Felicity join the team or play dumb and not figure out, and they knew Felicity is not dumb).

Just a ramble, I actually agree I would have preferred Chase in the hindsight 20/20 way. 

I wish there had been more Felicity/Chase scenes because I feel like he would have known how important Felicity was to Oliver. It's still weird to me how he never went after her in any way, almost like they were trying to downplay Felicity's importance in Oliver's life. IDGI. The fact that he only mentioned her from 517 onwards was an epic fail, IMO.

But if they had had Felicity trust Chase I think they could have explored that her judgment was flawed because she was in a bad place. They had this whole Havenrock fallout potential with Felicity struggling and maybe having PTSD combined with the terrible year she had with her paralysis and everything that happened with Oliver. If they were good writers they really could have tapped into that and had Felicity be like "I can't believe I trusted him, what's wrong with me?" But then that would have been about Felicity and her feelings and issues and yikes, can't have that! ?

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12 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I wish there had been more Felicity/Chase scenes because I feel like he would have known how important Felicity was to Oliver. It's still weird to me how he never went after her in any way, almost like they were trying to downplay Felicity's importance in Oliver's life. IDGI. The fact that he only mentioned her from 517 onwards was an epic fail, IMO.

But if they had had Felicity trust Chase I think they could have explored that her judgment was flawed because she was in a bad place

Oh, I agree, I could just see the reasoning otherwise, like with their hyper-concern with making sure they don't damsel Felicity (even go so far as to make sure the times you could argue she was in danger included a) Oliver being in danger too like 520 or b) literally every other main character being damseled as well). It's not necessarily trying to downplay it, just going too far in the other direction to make sure she and Oliver aren't these people who are constantly wanting to get back together the whole season and that Felicity isn't someone who's hung up on it and again trying to make her judgement not flawed even in a bad place (heck, they even made sure she was basically right in helping Helix from a logistics standpoint, just not in what this could mean for herself standpoint) and continuously making sure she doesn't end up being damseled.

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11 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Oh, I agree, I could just see the reasoning otherwise, like with their hyper-concern with making sure they don't damsel Felicity (even go so far as to make sure the times you could argue she was in danger included a) Oliver being in danger too like 520 or b) literally every other main character being damseled as well). It's not necessarily trying to downplay it, just going too far in the other direction to make sure she and Oliver aren't these people who are constantly wanting to get back together the whole season and that Felicity isn't someone who's hung up on it and again trying to make her judgement not flawed even in a bad place (heck, they even made sure she was basically right in helping Helix from a logistics standpoint, just not in what this could mean for herself standpoint) and continuously making sure she doesn't end up being damseled.

They definitely went way too far in the other direction. IMO S5 needed more "longing" from both O/F, just to show they still loved each other. We didn't need to see it often. But the lack of that combined with Felicity not being part of Chase's plan just didn't really make sense to me.

I actually don't know why her judgment couldn't have been flawed. It would have been the perfect season for it because of everything that had happened to her. Instead they somehow make her in the wrong about the break-up instead which still angers me to this day. I'd rather she have made mistakes about something else. Sigh.

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Susan's existence was maddening because Oliver was such an incredible dumbass where she was concerned, but she was good for a couple of laughs. Like when she had to remind Oliver that they hadn't had sex yet, or when she'd been kidnapped and he found her and he was just like, "Okay the exit is to the right, bye." 


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Susan really was just a prop in the story, to show Playboy!Oliver hadn't completely disappeared and to add some (?) tension to the season as we were supposed to wonder if she was doing to blow his cover.  The problem was that for me, it wasn't tension but frustration that Oliver was such a dumbass, especially since Thea was justifiably against her, and then he asked Felicity to fix it so she keeps Susan keeps her job which made steam come out of my ears.

Billy was relatively innocuous, although I wish the show had given a reason why Felicity was even with him, but Susan just emphasized Oliver's stupidity.

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23 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I actually don't know why her judgment couldn't have been flawed. It would have been the perfect season for it because of everything that had happened to her.

Idk either, I'm just pointing out that it looks like the road they took and maybe they were trying to be consistent.

23 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Instead they somehow make her in the wrong about the break-up instead which still angers me to this day. I'd rather she have made mistakes about something else. Sigh.

They didn't make her solely wrong though. They made her reason for breaking up fine, Oliver and the narrative never said she was wrong and even have the core reason more about , but the not talking out the issues or seeing what the root causes were (which has always been a consistent flaw for Felicity, pushing things and people away once they hurt) was what was wrong. Ironically, her judgment in shutting down the argument was what they deemed wrong, so maybe they didn't want to have her be partially "wrong" 3 times in a row (Wrong in trusting Chase like everyone else, morally wrong in going off with Helix, and then admitting to be wrong for walking away abruptly). It might have been too much.

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11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Billy was relatively innocuous, although I wish the show had given a reason why Felicity was even with him, but Susan just emphasized Oliver's stupidity.

The only reason I could headcanon for why Felicity was with Billy was because she wasn't ready to trust Oliver again and so threw herself into a rebound as distance/distraction. Not ideal but the writers don't think how these things come across.

5 minutes ago, way2interested said:

They didn't make her solely wrong though. They made her reason for breaking up fine, Oliver and the narrative never said she was wrong and even have the core reason more about , but the not talking out the issues or seeing what the root causes were (which has always been a consistent flaw for Felicity, pushing things and people away once they hurt) was what was wrong. Ironically, her judgment in shutting down the argument was what they deemed wrong, so maybe they didn't want to have her be partially "wrong" 3 times in a row (Wrong in trusting Chase like everyone else, morally wrong in going off with Helix, and then admitting to be wrong for walking away abruptly). It might have been too much.

Didn't they? In 520 she basically says "she gets it now" about Oliver lying, doesn't she? I have to admit my memory of that is hazy because I remember feeling rage-y watching it the first time around so I haven't watched that scene since.

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23 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Susan's existence was maddening because Oliver was such an incredible dumbass where she was concerned, but she was good for a couple of laughs. Like when she had to remind Oliver that they hadn't had sex yet, or when she'd been kidnapped and he found her and he was just like, "Okay the exit is to the right, bye." 


I also enjoyed when Felicity was all "Oh noes, Susan has been kidnapped, you must be frantic and worried," and Oliver was all "Hey there, let's forget about Sally and focus on you, Felicity." 

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Just now, Angel12d said:

Didn't they? In 520 she basically says "she gets it now" about Oliver lying, doesn't she? I have to admit my memory of that is hazy because I remember feeling rage-y watching it the first time around so I haven't watched that scene since.

Might be just differences in interpretation. She said "she gets it now" in regards to it after Oliver references what he said in 520 before he passed out (taking the blame by saying he doesn't not trust her but he doesn't trust himself, which is why he never wanted her to be like him through this Helix thing), which was supposed to connect it back to the flashbacks when Oliver referenced they never talked about it and Felicity replied that they can't move forward because she doesn't know why he doesn't trust her. Then it all connected back together and she realizes it was never an issue of him not trusting her (which is what she said to him in 415 and 416) and the "getting it" was in regards of what was actually going on, which she now realizes maybe could have been solved if she wasn't abrupt in walking away.

Sorry to inadvertently bringing the conversation back to it, though, ha.

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10 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Might be just differences in interpretation. She said "she gets it now" in regards to it after Oliver references what he said in 520 before he passed out (taking the blame by saying he doesn't not trust her but he doesn't trust himself, which is why he never wanted her to be like him through this Helix thing), which was supposed to connect it back to the flashbacks when Oliver referenced they never talked about it and Felicity replied that they can't move forward because she doesn't know why he doesn't trust her. Then it all connected back together and she realizes it was never an issue of him not trusting her (which is what she said to him in 415 and 416) and the "getting it" was in regards of what was actually going on, which she now realizes maybe could have been solved if she wasn't abrupt in walking away.

Sorry to inadvertently bringing the conversation back to it, though, ha.

I still feel like that places the blame on her though, in a way. LOL. I think Oliver was wrong to lie (and yet every other character supported his reasons for lying which was annoying) and I actually never blamed Felicity for walking away in that moment? Although the whole "I can magically walk" thing was awful and I do wish she'd come back later to talk about it and that's where they failed her but on the whole, I never thought she was wrong.

But yeah, it's probably a matter of interpretation! IDK. This whole storyline was such a mess it's probably best if we don't talk about it. I'm sorry too! ?

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During the LoT panel at C2E2 yesterday, Brandon Routh said that his wife, Courtney Ford, originally screen-tested for the role of Laurel Lance on Arrow. During the LoT panel at Collective Con a week ago, Courtney also said that she auditioned for Laurel. I wonder if she would've had more chemistry with SA than KC. If so and if she had been cast as Laurel, Arrow might've been a completely different show. It's weird to think about...


(pic source)

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On 4/5/2018 at 11:12 AM, Angel12d said:

The only reason I could headcanon for why Felicity was with Billy was because she wasn't ready to trust Oliver again and so threw herself into a rebound as distance/distraction. Not ideal but the writers don't think how these things come across.

Didn't they? In 520 she basically says "she gets it now" about Oliver lying, doesn't she? I have to admit my memory of that is hazy because I remember feeling rage-y watching it the first time around so I haven't watched that scene since.


I took it as she finally understood why HE felt he had to lie rather than that she agreed that he had to lie, but that she now felt bad for judging him for feeling that way after all the trauma he'd been juggling after getting a tiny taste of how screwed up living that life and trying to get  things done by any means could make you.  So in the end it would have been she not so much that she saw he was right (because hell no) but that since she could understand where it came from, she could trust Oliver now in saying he wouldn't react like that or lie to her like that again because of other ways he'd changed (knock on wood) 

Not a perfect resolution but since the solution to them getting back together was understanding and that then thus restored faith and trust, it was something I could accept and then put in the past.  

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I will forever be sad that they didn't put audio on the "come here baby" line.  

31 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I do like the idea that "baby" comes out when they are both in mortal danger. 

Or in bed ;) 

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1 hour ago, Mary0360 said:

I will forever be sad that they didn't put audio on the "come here baby" line.  

I saw a photo a fan posted the other day of SA writing "I gotcha, honey" on a photo of the 520 salmon ladder scene and I know that fans have claimed Oliver said that but I never could quite hear it and get confirmation (I wish they made the audio clearer on that one, too). Well, until that photo and quote :)

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Had to watched a few S2 clips for research which led to me watching a tonne of Olicity clips (I;m sure you can all relate).

Is it me or did Oliver look like he constantly wanted to jump her bones in S2? There was angrywanttojumpyourbones, smirkingwanttojumpyourbones, Ican'tbeatsladeI'mdepressedwanttojumpyourbones! It was like his default S2 face!

My memory always runs to S3 face (my fav) so I didn't realise how different his S2 face was towards her! I don't know how anyone can think Olicity came out of nowhere! He wasn't all devoted and dorky like S3 onwards but he almost always looked like he wanted to jump her even in totally irrelevant scenes where no one should be jumping anyone! 

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It's not you. for me the pinnacle was always the "I believe you ordered the crate of stolen military weapons Mr. Queen" exchange. Dig being there was probably the thing that stopped him.

tumblr_o3np0r637o1v063mbo2_r1_400.gif tumblr_o3np0r637o1v063mbo4_r1_400.gif

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Haha yes! That's the scene I classify as "Randomwanttojumpyourbones" because there was no bone jumping atmosphere really.

I saw a gif of when she brought him one cup of coffee and he smirked and looked like he totally wanted to jump her! IIRC I think he was quite sad in that scene that's why she brought him coffee!

Interesting acting choice! Makes me wonder if SA has a headcanon for every season! 

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They were turning scenes into moments just off of their chemistry. 

No wonder Oliver and Laurel didn’t stand a chance. They couldn’t manufacture a scene with a tenth of the spark Oliver and Felicity created naturally. 

Can you imagine  the EPS watching the dailies? I bet there was alot of frustration in that first season.

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Just now, Mellowyellow said:

Makes me wonder if SA has a headcanon for every season! 

I vaguely remember an interview or panel or something where he was saying that that scene was originally supposed to be played off quick but then the director pushed it to be a lingering shot of him watching Felicity walk away and it made him wonder if they were ever going to go full throttle on Olicity since the directors liked playing with it too.

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Stephen should take credit too. I've always thought that it was his decision to emphasize Oliver's pained and regretful expression here after he told Felicity he couldn't be with someone he cared about.


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I loved that scene (and even moreso when they introduced Barry in the next few eps).

He was her crime fighting partner and friends. Sure he probably shouldn't have shacked up with the nasty woman who was mean to her but afterwards there was so much GUILT. They really magnified it and he acted like he cheated on her or something and was repenting big time. 


SA should get more credit for his acting! His "You left" in 618 KILLED me! Damnit she left so he was going to go down in a hail of bullets! And then the "how do I know you're real?" He was going to jump in front of them bullets if it wasn't really her standing there still in love with him. *sniffles* WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS??????

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

Is it me or did Oliver look like he constantly wanted to jump her bones in S2? There was angrywanttojumpyourbones, smirkingwanttojumpyourbones, Ican'tbeatsladeI'mdepressedwanttojumpyourbones! It was like his default S2 face!

OMG, all the time. My favorite is in 207 when he comes back to the lair after Moira is acquitted. 

When he tells Digg and Felicity, "I just wanted to check in on you. And you," the look he gives Felicity is so not platonic. 

They were turning scenes into moments just off of their chemistry.

ICAM. I honestly feel like they were willing Olicity into existence by adding all those unscripted looks and touches into their scenes together. And it worked. Bless these angels.

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@KenyaJ didn't he just save her from the Count? That was such a non platonic look, especially after she had been held hostage! Def not the time for bone jumping between friends!

I think that's why they have such a huge following because they cover all facets of a relationship! Those of us who are into devoted/pining/smitten (Meeeeeeee) can chose to focus on S3 Oliver or S4-S6 Oliver with his stupid OMGFelicityyouaretheloooooveofmylife face. Those who like the meaner more intense bad boys can focus on S1, S2 Oliver.  

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9 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

@KenyaJ didn't he just save her from the Count? That was such a non platonic look, especially after she had been held hostage! Def not the time for bone jumping between friends!

Yep! Speaking of not a time for bone jumping between friends . . . "I'm gonna go turn myself over to Slade, but first I'm going to eyefuck you for days."


I caaaaaaaaan't. 

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He was hoping for some "Go off to sacrifice myself" sex but Dig was there! 

Arggh I just looked up the clip and stopped writing my fanfic mid way!!!! You are a bad person for distracting me! And you're channeling the wrong Oliver!!!!!!

Then I watched the clip where he hands his bow to Dig and carries unconscious Felicity. Just because! 

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6 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Arggh I just looked up the clip and stopped writing my fanfic mid way!!!! You are a bad person for distracting me! And you're channeling the wrong Oliver!!!!!!

Sorry, I regret nothing!


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