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S07.E16: Big Buddha Brawl

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I'm wondering if what Erika thought would upset Tom and warrant an apology is something we haven't seen.  Sometimes I forget that there are hours and hours of interactions that land on the cutting room floor.

The other thing I wondered is if Erika has been carefully and slowly planting hints that Tom is controlling for her own purposes.  He may actually be- heck, he probably is- but is she intentionally and cagily bringing us this knowledge bit by bit?

And the last thing I wonder about Erika is if she is just trying to battle her own PR issues.  She is considered cold and standoffish, so we are served up a trip home that seems to be entirely for the purpose of letting  us know how mean her mom was.  People are condemning her for leaving her son when he was young and we get the Mother of Year meltdown over her son's safety.

I'm not sure what I think about her and her life and antics- she's a tough one to figure out.

  • Love 6

I thought they were contractually required to show up at these various parties. There is no way that Erika would show up at Dorits place if she wasn't required to do so by contract.

When in doubt follow the Money. Dorit wants to suck up to Erika  to ride on her private plane and get the perks of being her friend. Just like Yolanda did last year. Even Pinky wanted to freeload on her check this season by asking for the use of her plane. Which is her husbands plane of course.

Dorit just went about it the wrong way. She thought she was funny and bullet proof because she has Lisa on her side so she could ridicule Erika and get away with it. Not so much.

It is axiomatic that Erika is scared shitless of Tom getting pissed off about stuff on the show. I think Tom doesn't care about the whole Erika Jayne thing. It is just her having fun with her gay posse and not something serious. A lowlife grifter like PK disrespecting her on National Television episode after episode is a different thing. They don't want him to take notice of that. They won't like the result.

  • Love 8
53 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

The reason the Erikas are so concerned with Dorit and PK is of all people on the show, PK and Dorit are the ones most likely to call out the Erika Jayne is a hobby/sham vanity career.  David Foster would not even listen to one of her tapes.  The fact she throws a lot of money behind it and lot of distraction speaks more to her lack of confidence in her talent or even a true market for her music.  Even her big show in Greece was part of a much bigger week long music orgy not a true Madison Garden or Hollywood Bowl type gig.  There was that gig at the Honda dealership that she headlined.    Erika Jayne is terrified of being critiqued and yet she readily agreed with the Dancing with the Stars judges who claimed she was both raunchy and technically deficient in her dance technique.  Andy and all her fans just marvel and drool over the fact she came on stage with a unicorn and somehow that should up the score.  It is the curtain being pulled back from the wizard.

That just made me laugh so hard. :)

Now, onto something else -- Rinna left by eight people at a dinner table suggesting that people were leaving to do cocaine.  Come on now, let's be reasonable for a second.  Who the hell is going to say no to the chance to escape Rinna? Like you'd need a reason to do that. The idea is preposterous. 

  • Love 14
34 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Well, Crazy Eyes does do it in a more subtle, passive-aggressive way...

Well, Ericka showed up at 2 parties Dorit hosted, and Dorit showed up at the one party Ericka hosted. Unless I missed all the scenes that were aired this season of Ericka inviting herself over to Dorit's house? This is a RH show, you kind of are expected to show up for events that the other women host...especially the bigger parties, unless you have a good excuse not to (and it better be a real excuse, unless you want to be like Rinna and get busted for shoe shopping somewhere else)...

Dorit was happy with Ericka until...Ericka demanded she join her? I don't get it.

Why would ignoring another guest make the host feel uncomfortable? As long as you are polite to the other guests, you're under no obligation to engage with those other guests.

What parties has Eden hosted this year?

Xanax smoothie night.

  • Love 6

Rinna left by eight people at a dinner table suggesting that people were leaving to do cocaine

Which, who the hell does that? Lets assume that Rinna is correct, that Dorit, PK, and the rest of the guests were all coked up that night. Why would 8 people all go to the bathroom to do coke at the same time? If Rinna is going to accuse people of something, at least make the story reasonable.


Xanax smoothie night.

That wasn't a party, that was 2 guests hanging out in a kitchen. Plus, Ericka and Kyle were in Greece at the time, what was Ericka supposed to do, fly back to LA, hang out at Eden's, then fly back to Greece? Also, shouldn't Eileen and LVP be held accountable for not attending as well?

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Apologize to Tom. That is some bullshit. Erika was the one who was transgressed against. We no longer have chattel marriage. The fact that Erika believes that PK needs to apologize to Tom suggests some really fucked up things about Erika's marriage and how she views the world. For all of her bluster about being empowered, her fear about being thought of as a whore or a slut tells me that she's really insecure. If anyone should be apologizing to Tom, it should be Erika. She's implied that Tom is owed an apology because another man saw his wife's vulva. If this is the way their marriage works, then Erika is culpable for allowing her parts to be viewed by another man. Her line of thinking is really not right.

Erika needs to apologize to Dorit AND PK.  Sorry, but what 45 year old woman goes around not wearing panties and a short tight dress.

  • Love 6
45 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

OK, that ensemble has way too many elements!

I forgot to mention, what is with Rinna's "tough chick" gestures? The "come at me" fingers and the standing up over people. I feel like she wants everyone to be all, "Ooooh, it's goin' down now! Don't mess with the Rinna!" Or to have everyone get up to restrain her. 

I laughed out loud at a visual of Rinna bobbing and weaving trying to engage in fisticuffs.  Eileen trying to catch her so she can get her out of the scene.  Anyhoo, it was funny in my head.  

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, CarolineN said:

This is just too much fun. I am from Norway and we have no TV show like this. Have not seen the episode yet, but what I read here makes me cheer even more with Dorit. She gets undeserved much crap. She is perhaps not from England, but so what? She seems at least genuine. Should liked to spend a day with both Kyle and Dorit.


Do not like Erika and the monotone of her voice. Why is she so important? Last I checked she had bad songs and attitude .. She is annoying, fake and downright naughty..


LisaR, is she worth mentioning here at all?


Sorry for my bad English, but as mentioned I am from Norway?


Gladly send me a message if there is anything


Please don't ever apologize for conversing in another language even if you make mistakes. It is appreciated and usually your command of the language is far better than the other person's command of yours.

Your English is far, far better than my Norwegian which I don't speak.

  • Love 16
6 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Which, who the hell does that? Lets assume that Rinna is correct, that Dorit, PK, and the rest of the guests were all coked up that night. Why would 8 people all go to the bathroom to do coke at the same time? If Rinna is going to accuse people of something, at least make the story reasonable.

That wasn't a party, that was 2 guests hanging out in a kitchen. Plus, Ericka and Kyle were in Greece at the time, what was Ericka supposed to do, fly back to LA, hang out at Eden's, then fly back to Greece? Also, shouldn't Eileen and LVP be held accountable for not attending as well?

Small steps for Eden-that was probably the most unrelated people she had in her home ever.  Erika kind of did her time with Eden meeting her with Rinna for the first time. 

Erika does not have to go to Dorit's house-ever.  Eileen and Rinna skip parties feigning illness-I am sure Erika could do the same.  LVP didn't attend Rinna's event or BBQ, so there is an option.  This season the only all hands on seem to be Kyle's Game Night and Cake Night and PK's birthday party.   

I am quite certain Rinna has had her last invitation to PK and Dorit's for the reasons you stated about Rinna making an implausible scenario designed to harm the Kemsleys. 

  • Love 5

It was like she was intentionally trying to sound British

Dorit trying to sound British? Bugger off, mate, that is such a bloody dodgy thing to say.


Erika does not have to go to Dorit's house-ever.  Eileen and Rinna skip parties feigning illness-I am sure Erika could do the same. 

But then she'd get called out for feigning excuses the way Eileen and Rinna are called out for it. Or probably be called a snobby bitch for not attending Dorit's events. Damn, Ericka is damned if she does, and damned if she doesn't...


This season the only all hands on seem to be Kyle's Game Night and Cake Night and PK's birthday party.   

And Ericka's party. And Dorit's birthday party. And the Great Gatsby party too.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Which, who the hell does that? Lets assume that Rinna is correct, that Dorit, PK, and the rest of the guests were all coked up that night. Why would 8 people all go to the bathroom to do coke at the same time? If Rinna is going to accuse people of something, at least make the story reasonable.

Special TIL for Rinna: if suddenly a whole bunch of people get up and leave you alone at a table with the one other person no one wants to talk to, they are probably not leaving you to go do cocaine.

  • Love 20
2 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Has anyone watched the Bravo After Hours program hosted by Carrie Keegan? It's a series of very brief supplemental clips that are available in the Network offerings of OnDemand/xfinity. 

The Erikas actually have their own apartment in West Hollywood, which is something that I wouldn't have gleaned from the show itself. 

She calls it the "Pretty Mess Clubhouse." 

Things that make you go "hmmm ..." in the context of her bizarre Abrahamic view of marital dynamics.

The pop ups also note that black leggings are her favorite item of clothing, "underwear optional." 

Wonder if that is where the Glam Squad lives - y'know - when they're not up Erika's butt telling her how fabulous she is.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, Jel said:

Special TIL for Rinna: if suddenly a whole bunch of people get up and leave you alone at a table with the one other person no one wants to talk to, they are probably not leaving you to go do cocaine.

It is almost as if Rinna has experienced it frequently and needs an excuse why others bolt in her presence.

  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Probably tons. You'd never know if they neither confess this nor let anything show.

Um, confession time.  I'm only 44, but I have a particular dress that requires I go commando.  Of course, it goes down to my ankles, so it would take Kyle's splits to show anyone.

I guess when I turn 45, I have to give up the dress.  Too bad. I look fabulous in it. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Jamie Satyr said:

I found more amusement in her clown makeup and big hair! It was over the top for going to dinner! You would think she was performing on stage afterwards! ;-)

I think Mikey and his minions don't know the difference between stage makeup/hair and real life makeup/hair.

I usually like the intricate hairstyles they create - they do amazing things with braiding, etc. - but last night, it looked like she stuck her finger in an electrical socket.  It was intentionally sloppy looking and just looked ridiculous, imo.  I get the whole "messy bun" and "bed-head" looks, but WTF was that 'do last night?

And, her makeup was so over the top for anything but the stage.  The heavy eyeliner, lashes and gold glitter shadow is perfect for a performance where people see her from a distance, but up close looks clownish and garish.  

Plus, when Erika cried getting off the junk boat, she looked nice (I don't think she was actually really crying, though - I think just tears were falling).  At that dinner, she just looked not good.  Maybe that's why Erika never cries in public - because she's an ugly-cryer?  I understand this - I am one, too.

  • Love 4


Um, confession time.  I'm only 44, but I have a particular dress that requires I go commando.  Of course, it goes down to my ankles, so it would take Kyle's splits to show anyone.

I guess when I turn 45, I have to give up the dress.  Too bad. I look fabulous in it. 


Just turned 46, and I do the same as needed--though I'll admit I typically wear tights with most of my super-short stuff (I'm really pale, and also a very lazy leg-shaver). I'll add that short and not tight is probably a worse risk for showing some business accidentally though.


Which makes Erika full of shit, since she proclaimed "We have two planes."

But is it really? While my BF is no old millionaire (or any kind of millionaire), and we're not actually married, I feel like it's no big deal if I say, "We have a PlayStation 4" (just ignore the fact that it is actually his [I know because I gave it to him] and that I want zero to do with it anyway).

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, TattleTeeny said:

Just turned 46, and I do the same as needed--though I'll admit I typically wear tights with most of my super-short stuff (I'm really pale, and also a lazy leg-shaver).

I'm in Texas, so tights are torture.  But, I will admit that I only shave to the point where the dress cuts off.  Probably the reason my mini-skirt phase is over. Too much trouble. 

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, CatMomma said:

Um, confession time.  I'm only 44, but I have a particular dress that requires I go commando.  Of course, it goes down to my ankles, so it would take Kyle's splits to show anyone.

I guess when I turn 45, I have to give up the dress.  Too bad. I look fabulous in it. 

No you don't have to give it up just don't hike it up to your waist in mixed company if you don't want anybody to take a gander at your lily. Apparently you can do that in front of Vinny and Harry. Vinny's balls are in one of Eileen's antique carnival glass jars and Harry only has eyes for Lola. 

  • Love 23

Pantygate was a snooze at the time.  Ridiculous.  And I was glad to move beyond it.  Erika brought it back up and made it a big deal.  She didn't tell her husband when it happened?  Can you imagine any of the other ladies not telling their spouses?  Not going to them for support?  

Erika has absolutely no sense of humor and especially no sense of humor about herself.  A bit of ironic self awareness, perhaps.  A couple of belly laughs with the girls would have gone a long way towards appearing less remote and approachable.

  • Love 19
1 minute ago, ElDosEquis said:

The pellet with the poison's in the flagon with the dragon; the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true.

Just remember that?

El XX, That was only after they broke the chalice from the palace. They switched it up. Remember? Sheesh (rolling eyes).

While thinking about this movie...with all the flashing she's done I'm surprised we haven't seen Erica's birthmark.

  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, CatMomma said:

Um, confession time.  I'm only 44, but I have a particular dress that requires I go commando.  Of course, it goes down to my ankles, so it would take Kyle's splits to show anyone.

I guess when I turn 45, I have to give up the dress.  Too bad. I look fabulous in it. 

Maybe, but when it was pointed out that her pussy was showing, maybe she should have said, "oops sorry about that".  Instead SHE wants an apology. 

  • Love 12

I don't understand the demand for apology to Erika's husband since last night she said on WWHL that Tom didn't even know about it yet.  That makes her just as phony as the rest of her personalities. 
Rinna has jumped the shark just like Vicki on RHOC and her lie about cancer.   They can both go.
What is the difference between Dorit and pantygate and Tamra broadcasting that she saw the dancer's balls when those gals went on their tropical vacation? 

  • Love 9

But is it really? While my BF is no old millionaire, and we're not actually married, I feel like it's no big deal if I say, "We have a PlayStation 4" (just ignore the fact that it is actually his [I know becaus eI gave it to him] and that I want zero to do with it anyway).

But, if a friend then asked to play a game on what they perceived to be your PS4, would you get offended and chastise them for asking about your BF's property?

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Normades said:

I just wonder, what if Dorit had flashed Tom after announcing she was not wearing panties?  Would Tom, who seems to be in need of so many apologies, need an apology in that case or would Dorit?

He's a lawyer he would sue her to within an inch of her life and get custody of Boy George to be Erica's next birthday present to teach that bitch how to sing.

  • Love 15
4 hours ago, Addison de Pitt said:

In any case, someone should pass this useful set of data to the RHBV crew, maybe one of them will have the guts to confront the Erika dragon with the truth (not that that would help, but what the hell, no harm in trying). The data appears on the balance.com (https://www.thebalance.com/how-dangerous-is-a-law-enforcement-career-974538):

@Addison de Pitt - I wish I could like your post a million times.  Thanks for the info.  Spot on on EVERYTHING!!

PS - I love George Sanders!!

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Cassye1021 said:

Maybe, but when it was pointed out that her pussy was showing, maybe she should have said, "oops sorry about that".  Instead SHE wants an apology. 

I've said I agree that she is being ridiculous. If I go commando and accidentally show the goods, I'm not going to freak out if someone saw it.  Just don't think there is a cutoff age for going commando. In fact, Erika's reaction seems like that of a 20 year old, not a seasoned woman in her 40's. Big fucking whoop. 

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, CatMomma said:

I've said I agree that she is being ridiculous. If I go commando and accidentally show the goods, I'm not going to freak out if someone saw it.  Just don't think there is a cutoff age for going commando. In fact, Erika's reaction seems like that of a 20 year old, not a seasoned woman in her 40's. Big fucking whoop. 

I just found Rinna's comment bizarre about Dorit being threatened by Erika's flash.  WTF, RInna?

  • Love 10

Maybe, but when it was pointed out that her pussy was showing, maybe she should have said, "oops sorry about that".  Instead SHE wants an apology. 

While I agree that the apology ship has sailed, I think she wants one for the extensive belaboring of her faux pas, the barely veiled accusations that she did it deliberately, the mockery, and the gossip--all from someone who seems -- well, seemed as of last night -- to really want to be her friend.  

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, Giselle said:

El XX, That was only after they broke the chalice from the palace. They switched it up. Remember? Sheesh (rolling eyes).

While thinking about this movie...with all the flashing she's done I'm surprised we haven't seen Erica's birthmark.

I haven't seen that movie in YEARS!

Now I'll have to find it on disc.

A birthmark or a tat of the Cali Bar Association and the motto "Property of Daddy Warbucks"?

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Except Ericka was covering it (or trying to) with a black napkin once the puss was out of the bag.

After she announced it.  I'm not blaming her, just saying she is making a bigger deal out of it than anyone else (well, other than Eileen and Rinna)

Now, maybe something went on behind the scenes. Maybe Dorit called her the biggest slut that ever slutted. Otherwise, her reaction is completely out of proportion to the incident.

She took a disliking to Dorit from the beginning, which is fine.  She is just using this as an excuse to go after her, rather than simply saying, "Hey, I don't like you."

Before pantygate, Erika was making little digs at Dorit. Nothing major, but she seemed to have a problem with her at the jump.

  • Love 13

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